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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8783311 No.8783311 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have anime/manga/otaku conventions in your city/town?

>> No.8783319


>> No.8783321

iirc there was some cosplay shite last year

>> No.8783313

I have 2 where I live, one is the Barcelona MangaCon, which is quite good (18.000 square meters [amerifags: a meter is 3 inches more than a yard]) and occasionally has celebrities coming, [last year the voice actors of Evangelion 2.22 and the writer of Ao No Exorcist came, and others] and another one is the Barcelona Japan Weekend, which is okay too but it doesn't have much stuff.

>> No.8783333
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Yes and it seems to be terrible.

Accidentally spoke to some people on the bus last year though and they said it was okay. Maybe I'll work up the nerve/money to go.

>> No.8783349

No, luckily.

>> No.8783380
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Why? You don't like getting with your kind? What if your favorite mangaka or Miku-chan came?

>> No.8783384

I fucking hate Miku.

>> No.8783393

Yeah, I saw three Pikachus there.

>> No.8783428

NY Anime Festival, never been there though.

>> No.8783433


>> No.8783445

She isn't attractive to me, and I don't like her songs.

>> No.8783514

Ok, let's get back to the issue. Why do you dislike manga/anime/otaku cons?

>> No.8783530
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non-japanese conventions make me want to throw up

>> No.8783653

Because only obnoxious normalfags go to cons?

What's the point of cons in the first place? You can buy all the merchandise for cheaper online and all the panels are targeted at people who hardly know anything about the media they worship. I'd probably end up killing someone if I had to be around dirty secondaries for a whole day. Cosplaying is also one of the most disgusting things ever invented by mankind.

>> No.8783657

Why do you dislike cosplay?

>> No.8783663

Only ugly landwhales cosplay on cons

>> No.8783682

I think you exaggerate with the "normalfag". It's okay to like things, but nobody should scape from real life and getting obsessed with things. So, according to you, anyone who has friends, has any kind of human companionship but their mom and likes 3DPDs are normalfags? You'd probably kill yourself just because of being with people anyways.

>> No.8783695

>So, according to you, anyone who has friends, has any kind of human companionship but their mom and likes 3DPDs are normalfags?

but he's right

>> No.8783706

i try going to every local animefest in my town :)

>> No.8783708

Then I am a normalfag.
>inb4 GTFO normalfag
>inb4 who are you quoting negro

>> No.8783712

I don't believe that there are such conventions in my citytown. But who am I to know? Perhaps there are.

>> No.8783714

nice gaytext, faggot.

>> No.8783721

New York Anime Festival. I haven't been to it (yet).

I'm hoping it's better than the other conventions I've heard stories about in other states.

>> No.8783718

They're a lot of fun if it's a huge high-profile con with a good line-up of Japanese guests. Small local cons usually only get shitty dub actors and maybe one D-list Japanese voice actor at best. I have no idea why voice actors are the most requested guests, Japanese or not, when I'd much rather meet actual creators.

>> No.8783715

Anime North and Shit Expo.

>> No.8783726

Urobuchi's going to be a guest a Sakuracon. Wonder how terrible the people at his panel will be.

>> No.8783727

New Orleans has Mechacon and thats all i know of :(

>> No.8783773


>> No.8783790

It's not bump anymore grandpa! It's cool to say please respond now! Get on with times!

>> No.8783806
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Yes actually. I've never been but I'm going with some friends

>> No.8783809

this looks like shit

>> No.8783813


How can you say that when there's a panel on how to draw yaoi comics and another panel on how to write fanfiction?

>> No.8783822

Youmacon is the only one I know of here in Detroit. I went last year to meet up with Thad (R.I.P.) it was pretty fun despite the awkwardness.

>> No.8783830

I live in a conservative southern town with less than 5000 people. There are no conventions here or within 125 miles.

>> No.8783872

Absolutely nothing.

Hell, I don't think there's ever an anime convention within 2000km from where I live.

>> No.8783880

In my city there are less than maybe four people that watch anime

>> No.8784035

There's a couple, only been to a one. So still relatively new.

>> No.8784050

Anime Boston.
Actually going out there next weekend. It's not that terrible.
compared to other conventions at least.

>> No.8784086
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Luckily I live in a third world country where this shit doesn't happen. From what I've heard about anime cons in the West, I am really grateful for that.

>> No.8784098

Well...no. No conventions here. Closest thing would be the high-school neckbeards here that meet in the library. They all think they're hot shit, even though the best anime any of them have ever actually seen is Death Note. They're even worse game-wise, they play the latest cowadoody at their meetings and have never even heard of a shmup, or a roguelike. I've never attended a single meeting and none of those neckbeards know me, I was informed of all of this by a friend of mine that was stupid enough to go.

>> No.8784176

Not in my city, but Anime Boston is pretty damn close to where I live.

>> No.8784421


At this point "state" seems a better choice of word here than city, but I do agree that Anime Boston isn't that bad for a con.

>> No.8785813

People who tend to sit on the internet all day tend to be fat.

More breaking news at 11.

>> No.8785862

shut up faggot

>> No.8785870


Or very skinny, from muscle atrophy and poor appetite.

>> No.8785873

I went to comiket and go to Akihabara oftenly, I seldom see any fatty.
Fatties would have problem some of the smaller shop in Akihabara where you have only enough space for 1person along their corridor.
Being fat is probably just an america and yurup thing.

>> No.8785892

Anime North.

I worked at it last year, helping out a booth. Didn't see much of anything except people spending money--since I was going about 13 hours straight almost all 4 days.

>> No.8785909

He's having a Q&A session. I want to ask him whether he's planning to do any more VNs.

>> No.8786032

maybe we should have a meet up

>> No.8786059

Some thing called Supanova. Takes place later this month. Never been. Considering it, curiosity and all.

>> No.8786175

Dear God...this post...just wow.

>> No.8786194

Wonder what he thinks of the Song of Saya comic.

>> No.8786334


We have conventions here about once every 3 or 4 months. The one being hosted by a local anime magazine. The other one hosted by a local online game hosting company. The other two were random gatherings.And like >>8783653 said its full of normalfags, cosplayfags, and shitfags

>> No.8786712

This, and same place, coincidentally. Always wondered what happens at cons os I was pretty excited to go to my first one. Memes, normalfags and overpriced shit ahoy. Never even fucking found a copy of the Shin Getter Robo series I decided to look for that day. On hindsight, I'll just download it somewhere else.

Needless to say, it'll be the last con I go to as well.

>> No.8786722
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My mother keeps asking me why I never go and make friends there.

>> No.8786725


this is the best post on /jp/ tonight by far.

>> No.8786737

Yes, AI-Con.

Just about all that's left of it is cosplay. All the sponsors pulled out over the years, and the trader's tables (the main reason I went) have left. Going is pointless now.

A shame. They used to sell some pretty neat imported shit there.

>> No.8786904

We had one in my city some time ago, but it turned out to be a way for the incompetent organizer to abscond with the money. It was a terrible event in every describable way.

The other cons I've been to are okay, but there's a lot of dead time, boring panels with dub VAs, young people freaking out because it's their first time away from home (shrieking randomly), etc. And it is cheaper to buy your goods online.

>> No.8787392


>> No.8787409

Youmacon. My friend invited me last November but I was busy that weekend.

>> No.8787481

I don't know and I don't want to know.
You know how conventions are outside Japan.

>> No.8788556

Yes I go to local cons.

I don't cosplay or be sociable or anything like that. My con routine:

>Turn up super early with my laptop (4amish to beat the cosplayers)
>Buy as much shit as I can before everyone else gets it.
>Get something to eat, spend day on laptop watching anime or playing games in the only socially acceptable place to do so
>Wait til 5-6pm when the con closes to scour for bargains on items that were expensive to begin with.

There's always one hopeful booth that sells Dengeki G's/Megami/Nyantype magazines that none of the casual cosplayfags buy and ends up practically giving them away by the end of the con.

Sneer at them all you want, you're missing out if you don't go.

>> No.8788574


>> No.8788584

I live in southern California, so there are tons close if I'm willing to drive for an hour or two. But that would require me to leave my house.

>> No.8788591

Yes. I've posted about it before on 4chan, too. Because there was this one furry guy in a fursuit dancing around in my neighborhood. I didn't realize he was for-sure an internet furry, instead of some little-league mascot or something, until I saw some of the other con-goers walking around with their con badges & assorted retarded shit. Real discouraging experience. Realize that cons are mainly about gaia and /b/ and youtube, mcfucking fuck ever going to something like that.

>> No.8788708

we have Anime Nebraskon, which I assume is as bad as its name/

>> No.8788824

Never been to a con before but I am this summer. I'm hoping because it is so large (otakon) there will be people other than typical normalfag lineup. Also my friend convinced me to cosplay promising social interaction, but now I'm so sure I want this, are all cosplayers as low level as some of you are making them sound?

>> No.8788825

Yes and I don't go.

>> No.8788851

Cons are infested with people that only bring shame on my hobbies.
Only normals and scum that doesn't deserve to call themselves true fans or Otakus.
Fuck them all.

>> No.8788864

I go to AX every year. It's a pretty big con therefore us quiet, friendless autists can blend in the crowds just fine.

>> No.8788871 [DELETED] 

Then there are those who call themselves "otakus".

>> No.8788884

I live in Maryland, Otaku Capital of the world, and we have Otakon would anyone like to come?
My mom would drive us and buy us lunch so we'd be have a guaranteed good time.

>> No.8789035
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Why do you robotic little fags moan on and on and on about this "normal fag"/"autism" crap? Every thread, it seems like. Must get tedious to type all that meaningless jibberish in the comments box on top of the random captcha over and over again for no reason, it's actually a little tedious to scroll past and try to ignore after awhile.

>> No.8789036

We value your thoughts :-)

>> No.8789080
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>> No.8789082

Me and Tokiko hope to see you there this year, ZUN!bar~

>> No.8789095

No, the closest one was about on a city 2 hours away, by bus. Now, I moved to somewhere and... it's about 2 hours by bus to get there too. Uh what.
Not that it matters, anyway. I used to enjoy going there with my sister's friends, but she hardly ever sees them anymore and she's stopped watching anime, not to mention how I've gotten even more socially awkward in the past years. Also, oh god the low power levels floating around.

>> No.8789136

None directly in my hometown save for a meh minicon held by the university.
There's a decent number of them within driving distance, though. Youmacon is probably the closest.

>> No.8791149

congrats on the marriage

>> No.8791451

waicon came at the end of jan, was fun.

>> No.8791463

Only cosplay shit. Though I probably wouldn't go either way.

>> No.8791501

>anime/manga/otaku conventions
I guess you could call them that.


>> No.8791510

We have a lot in Germany unfortunately. Even something called ''Japan Day'' every year. You wouldn't want to know what kind of creatures gather there...

>> No.8791546

I can only find one in all of Ireland. It's rubbish.
