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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10038443 No.10038443 [Reply] [Original]

/jp/ edition

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>> No.10038450

You're going to bang OP's mom.

>> No.10038449

le tfw feel when i would tell him to be alpha as fuck xD

>> No.10038466

I read that as "How would you sell your 12 year old self" and started thinking all kinds of lewd things.

>> No.10038468

that he is gonna have mad swag and be swiming in pu$$4y when heis my age

>> No.10038471

I would tell him about the wonders of sucking dick.

>> No.10038485

"Gimmie the remote"
Man, I had a C-Band satellite receiver in my room back then... I'd just chill with my younger self and watch blocks of crystal-clear cartoons all day.

>> No.10038487

What is it like in the future?

>> No.10038491
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ganbare me!

>> No.10038496

Dress him as a girl and rape. Then tell him to blame internet.

>> No.10038500
File: 10 KB, 192x206, Post is so gay that the balls are touching.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd live out my shota fantasies with myself, teach myself everything that I know and also make myself jelq so my dick would grow huge.

>> No.10038527

I regret nothing!

>> No.10038575

Don't ignore bullies.

>> No.10038584

I'd tell him to report more shitty threads.

>> No.10038589

Start doing your reps!

>> No.10038601

Kill your mom and hope that someone who won't fuck up your life will adopt you.

>> No.10038626

I would tell myself, "Stop with worrying about girls and focus on studying also start learning the basics for the Japanese language and join the anime club and don't jack off too much, also don't worry about so much what other ppl think"

>> No.10038635

Thanks for the blog update. Do you have a tumblr I can subscribe to?

>> No.10038942

"Go learn C++ and Japanese right away, before you become too old and stupid to learn things."

>> No.10038951

Please don't parrot shitty "memes".

>> No.10038948

Please don't bully.

>> No.10038955

Please parrot THIS *whips ``it'' out*.

>> No.10038958


>> No.10038964

Thank you, I practiced it in my mind as I was walking home a few minutes ago.

>> No.10038963
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>> No.10038968

drop out of middle school

>> No.10038977

Were you leaving OP's mom's house. FUCKING OWNED

>> No.10038978
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this^ lel


>> No.10038986

You're a piece of shit and will always be.

>> No.10038993

"You will love cocks someday, and there is nothing you can do about it."

>> No.10039002

Am I the only one who turned out even remotely close to what they had hoped? Growing up I wanted to spend my days doing a whole bunch of nothing. Today, I do just that, and it's every bit as amazing as I had hoped.

If I could tell myself one thing at age 12, I guess it would be, "Your dick won't fit into a loli when you're my age so go for it now".

>> No.10039186

Write down the names of the sexiest game characters so you can look them up later

Research what a tsundere is.

Fap it to the ridiculous amounts of porn before people start being anal about porn on the internet.

>> No.10039204

stay away from the fucking computer

>> No.10039458

You're a fucking retard and I loathe you with every atom in my body.

>> No.10039482

Don't use the internet. I was a very moderate computer user before we got high speed internet. nce we got that I found all kinds of sites and games that pretty much set me up for where I am right now.

>> No.10039486

Kid, you've fucked up.

>> No.10039487

don't be a faggot and take it easy

>> No.10039506


>> No.10039564

Why is this thread full of normals?

>> No.10039576

Because it's a thread made by normals. In case you didn't notice, we're being ``raided'' by at least ylilauta and /g/.

>> No.10039586

Don't try to mix with normals.
Don't go to "parties", you're not going to score anyways.
Don't go to prom.
Don't bother playing World of Wacraft.

>> No.10039636

You actually tried all of those things? I feel for you. Fortunately, I was spared any embarrassment and feeling out of place because I've been turning down party invitation since I was 12.

>> No.10039645

fucking normalfags

>> No.10039646

-Nobody elses opinion matters except your own so relax and take it easy

-Stop lying to your friends on the internet about your age. They won't really give a flying fuck.

-Go to school,try harder in Math under the pretense that you want to invent Magic and maybe then you'll have a shot at that hot girl you wanted2fuk.

-Don't get so addicted to masturbation you asshole

>> No.10039650

Right? I fucking hate them so much.

>> No.10039667
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I would tell my younger self to go to the doctor fake ADHD so I could be taking speed 11 years earlier than I am today.

Speedy me is much better than sober me, I would probably have turned out a lot better if they had put me on the stuff at a young age.

>> No.10039669

old habits die hard

>> No.10039674

something like: "get naked and spread your legs"

>> No.10039681

Take naked pictures of yourself and sell it to pedophiles on the internet. I could have probably made a lot of money if I did that. I was a cute kid.

>> No.10039710

I wouldn't tell myself anything as it would change my whole existence and therefore kill my current self. At least that is what I believe so I wouldn't risk it.

>> No.10039728

It wouldn't fit in a post to write it out, but:

I guess I'd take some time to point out and explain to me my self-esteem issues and warped approach to interpersonal relationships, hoping I'm smart enough to use the insight to actually deal with them.

I'd give myself a couple pointers about how to take care of my body in order not end up weak and fat a couple years down the road, and stress how easy it is to actually be in better shape than everyone around you as long as you start slow and are consistent.

Then I'd probably encourage me to keep drawing, and not just be satisfied by being better than my peers but keep improving instead - it'll save us a couple years down the road when we realize it's the most important thing we have going for us. At this point I'd probably go on a tangent about the importance of persistence instead of relying on my intelligence and quick wit for everything.

And last I would try and convince myself to spend more time using the family computer, but instead of just random screwing around, get some proper books and learn how to use it productively. I'd describe the wonders of piracy in detail and encourage me to talk our parents into getting dial-up, even it would mean giving up our meager allowance to pay for the time online. (this should also help cultivate my interest in Japanese stuff, as around this time I started getting interested in it but had no access to any quantity of works, so I only really got into it half a decade later)

At the end I'd describe how to avoid three specific fuck-ups that would come back to haunt us for years, though they may or may not happen again in this timeline.

>> No.10039738

Here, have some money and go buy yourself some toys.

>> No.10039742

Putting off that suicide just isn't worth it.

>> No.10039793

Are you me?

That's what I was going to tell my young self

>> No.10039799

Don't ''please'' here, faggots.

>> No.10039800

To not give up on what I want with my life and ignore what other people think of me. It's not worth trying to make the people around me like me, especially not my parents.

And then a pile of information about things that would make my life easier. Not really information, but more of a list of instructions so that I would be interested in finding out more about some things and learning things at a younger age.

>> No.10039866


>before you become too old and stupid to learn things

such a sad reality

I was a sponge when young. What the fuck happened?

>> No.10040204

Don't take the pills!! They turn you fat!

>> No.10040345

I would probably just beat myself up for making me such a fucking piece of shit.
