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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 113 KB, 300x300, 1352697373122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10100796 No.10100796 [Reply] [Original]

I love all of you /jp/.

>> No.10100806
File: 65 KB, 281x432, 1333079359388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you too, OP.

>> No.10100831
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>> No.10100840
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I only love Hina. /jp/ can sug my dick!

>> No.10100843
File: 936 KB, 986x937, 2810294692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10100849

Will you suck my dick then?

>> No.10100852

*pulls out your dick and begins sucking*

>> No.10100857

*cums in your mouth and punches you in the face*
Kill yourself

>> No.10100865

No bullying.

>> No.10100869

Could you imagine your dick in someone as hideous as the average /jp/er's mouth? His fat neckbeard lips slobbering all over it as sweat drips down his acne covered face...

>> No.10100881

>average /jp/er
>fat neckbeard

try again

>> No.10100885

I am going to rape you.

>> No.10100882
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>> No.10100886
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I can imagine many have acne, but I honestly don't think most of the people here are overweight. I think I have a pretty good idea of what the majority of people here would look like, and while not the most beautiful people on Earth, most of them I would definitely be fine with putting my dick in no question, or putting their dick in me.

>> No.10100891

Who the fuck still has acne in this day and age? There are so many skin care products that if you still have acne you simply don't care.

>> No.10100892
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>> No.10100895

Yeah. /jp/.

>> No.10100896

Too fat.

>> No.10100899


Yeah, you're a fucking dickhead who has no clue.

People who think everyone who has acne just has it because of poor hygiene or that they're not using X product piss me the fuck off. There are people with pretty bad acne that keep their face 10 times cleaner than you, and have used every product/treatment you could think of, and still have it.

>> No.10100907

I never implied hygiene, I was talking about drugs. We have come a long way in fixing acne. Do people still use accutane?

>> No.10100911

Pizza face.

>> No.10100921


>Do people still use accutane?

I don't care how small THEY SAY the risk is, I think anyone who takes that, knowing damn well that it can cause permanent brain damage (or "mental abnormalities") and chrons disease, just to clear up acne, is fucking stupid.

Maybe if you're suicidal because you're literally covered in it in the worst way possible like the people on google images, fine go ahead who cares, but in pretty much every other case, no.

>> No.10100919

You probably don't change your pillow covers often enough.

>> No.10100923


I literally change my pillow covers every single night without fail.

>> No.10100994

Thank you anon that was very nice of you. I especially liked the part where you talked about putting our dicks in each others mouth, that is a topic I'd like to learn more about.

I had to go outside for some time that's why my reply is 36 minutes late. I hope you enjoy your day and I'll get back to my work now. If I put enough effort in it I hopefully will improve my living standard so I can take it easy again.

>> No.10100996

I took Accutane and my acne came back in two months. I've had my old Lord Autismo look ever since. All kinds of pillow cover tips and general blaming make me sad because I know that society favors the noisy and proud for a good reason.

>> No.10101011

I don't.

>> No.10101014
File: 13 KB, 261x249, I_used_too_much_gel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you too

>> No.10101031

It's a free blowjob. Don't be a sissy.

>> No.10101039
File: 650 KB, 841x1000, b78c178117c48d2e974a800814a0015a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awwww. Now this is a nice thread to see on /jp/. Thank you Anon! Let's share the love!

>> No.10101060
File: 94 KB, 850x603, love.....1342801515564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me as koishi

>> No.10101066
File: 946 KB, 2480x1748, 1345766820909 (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But girls aren't allowed to love girls! ;_;

>> No.10101092

I too would like to learn more about the dicks in each others mouth part

>> No.10101232

IF you love everyone then it's as good as loving no one.

I don't want that kind of love, keep it to yourself.

>> No.10101275

Poor anon loved by no one! ;_;

>> No.10101304

But Raymoo is a bitch.

>> No.10101333

I love you all too.
Except these who want to ruin /jp/ with their shit and faggotry.
These can go to hell

>> No.10101343

nice trips
want me to suck your dick?

>> No.10101381

