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10202790 No.10202790[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Japanese Course 1
>Accept: YES

I can now chase the dream of finally being able to speak with Reimu and Marisa

>> No.10202800

Can't read the unintelligible gibberish on your image, but usually those kinds of courses go extremely, extremely slowly. You'd be at it for years to get to the level you could get in 6 months of self study.

>> No.10202803

>Högskolan Dalarna

Enjoy your shitty education.

>> No.10202804

Thanks for reminding me that I'll never have a yes on my psychology course which is actually useful you asshole

>> No.10202809

Yes. on their course site they said that Hiragana and Katakana will be done on the first "few weeks". I did them myself within a week.

I've done some research and the course is surprisingly decent according to some people. Though the course apparently uses Genki. (I use Heisig)

>> No.10202813

Psychology isn't useful you scrub. I study Math, get wrecked.

>> No.10202820


Will you have a teacher in Japan teaching you or what?

>> No.10202824

A "virtual classroom". Some new teaching tech the school's been hyping. Webcam, headset is required.

>> No.10202836

Well, why not just get that for free?

>> No.10202844

Meri-san is a fucking whore.

>> No.10202924

Nämen ser man på! En Svensk som dessutom ska gå samma kurs som jag just ska ha sluttenta i! Fast jag kör inte på distanskurs, och inte heller samma högskola.

So yeah, I'm taking that same course at the moment - at a different university, but the contents should be the same. You'll actually go through quite a bit in the first semester. Genki is pretty nice too. I'd advise you not to delay on learning kanji properly, as it can be hard to judge at first at what pace you'll be able to learn them.

Are you going to apply for Japanska II as well?

>> No.10202935

Typical Swedish post:
Typical Finnish post:

>> No.10203007

>Though the course apparently uses Genki. (I use Heisig)

Heisig and Genki are not the same type of book. Heisig can be used with any type of grammar book. It is not a course in the broader language but only kanji.

>> No.10203041

Hm, tror du att du är någon sorts hikikomori när du läser distans eller, grabben? Du vet att svenska staten håller ett öga på hikikomoris (http://www.projektifinsamuppsala.se/hikikomori/?ID=30).). Japanska är urlätt, det enda svåra är kanji men det är bara att nöta sig igenom.

Verkligheten kallade idag när jag kom in på SU, adjö NEETdom!

>> No.10203043

>Are you going to apply for Japanska II as well?

Yes I will eventually. Right now I'm using Heisig to learn Kanji. I plan on finishing Heisig 1 until course start so I get the early edge.

Oh I knew that, I meant that I'm currently doing some self-studies to stay ahead the curve to ease things up when the course starts. I use Tae Kim for grammar.

>> No.10203048

>Oh I knew that, I meant that I'm currently doing some self-studies to stay ahead the curve to ease things up when the course starts.

Going through Heisig will certainly make everything else easier for you.

>> No.10203069

Är ej en Hikikomori, tänkte bara nöta på en termin eller två för att se hur Japanska är inom Högskolemiljön, om jag känner mig kaxig tar jag mig an JLPT 1-2 nån vacker dag. Lycka till med SU!.

That's comforting to know. Thanks.

>> No.10203086

I hope you like singing along with anime OP's, because that's the best way I know of to learn japanese pronunciation. I assume they'll be testing that one way or another? Over Skype or something.

>> No.10203115

Typical Swedish post:

>> No.10203118

Typical shitpost:

>> No.10203121

This too >>10203118

>> No.10203166

I'm doing ``Japanese 3'' right now.
Before starting ``Japanese 1'' two semesters ago, I studied with the Genki books for two weeks.
I have yet to learn something new at the course.

>> No.10203187


Well, in that case I can pretty much chill the next semester as well, as I'll be doing Japanese 2 then.

>> No.10203205
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I could study Japanology at my university for free, but I can't be bothered to apply.

>> No.10203211


What's that? Japanese culture or something?

>> No.10203240

According to Wikipedia, the study of language, culture, history, literature, art, music and science.
My cousin is studying it and he told they undergo the language so fast-paced he can't keep up.

>> No.10203252

A degree in weeaboology

>> No.10203274


Can you describe what your cousin is studying in greater detail? For example, do they have both language studies and culture at the same time, or is the culture/history/etc. part in a separate year or semester?

>> No.10203349

It seems they do them at the same time, but focus on certain subject depending on courses. I can't really tell since I haven't talked to him much and couldn't find anything from the university's webpage.

>> No.10203373


I see. I'm doing something similar over a three year program, but we have culture and history in year three and the language over years 1 and 2, Japanese 1-4 in other words.

>> No.10203638
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What programs do people use for their vocabulary and kanji exercises? My shit is about to start charging me money so I thought I'd ask whilst there was a thread going on.

>> No.10203655


>> No.10203661

Thank you kindly

>> No.10203728

Enjoy your slow and shitty course when you can learn enough to be able to read VNs within a year with enough grinding.

>> No.10203771


Anki and Memrise are the two popular choices.

Memrise got a bit fucked recently, still okay though. I seem to like Memrise more than most people though.

>> No.10203808


Not all people are good at grinding though. I personally find that I a hard time motivating myself to do anything unless someone puts fire to my feet in the form of a test every couple months.

>> No.10204377
File: 142 KB, 400x1203, 5f97e7b87eb6cefe5ba3858d89c1b6d2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually just started to self-teach at the start of this week with the help of some jap friends. It's keeping my mind occupied pretty well, it's tedious though but that's probably because I'm used to being neet as fuck.

After reading a lot of bullshit and a lot of sites wanting ca$h money for some kind of self-taught course, what is the best way to progess? Hiragana->Katakana and then Kanji bullshit when I get proficient at remembering all the basic runes and associated sounds?

I feel like I need worksheets, exercises and all that sort of thing to print off though since that's what's been drilled into my head since forever. Memorization and drills are easy since there's 1000000 programs and apps for it.

>> No.10204388

Just about to finish Heisig.

For the first 1,000 I did all of the visualizing stuff and wrote each one about 10 times, and I did about 50 kanji a day, but it took forever and really wore me out so I decided I had to change that.

So for the next 500 I dropped the visualizing and only wrote it 10 times (saying the mnemonic with it of course), and they all stuck just as well as before, but this still took so long.

So I realized I can accomplish the same thing just writing each one once, using a bit more SRS at the beginning, and cut the time spent down very far, so I can easily do 100 in a day, in less time. And it sticks just as well somehow, so I'm going to be done by this weekend I think. I'm seriously considering going ahead and going through volume 3 since it will only take me 9 days, and I won't have a grammar book until Christmas.

>> No.10204468

I've been taking it kind of slow, but I think that's finally starting to hurt my progress. At what point do you consider that you "know" a kanji? I'm never confident enough to move on and wind up repeating the same kanji and its readings over and over again.

>> No.10204551

>>10204388 here.

I'm doing Heisig so I'm not learning readings right now, but I decided to put my confidence in SRS and only review each kanji when it says to review it and how many times it says to review it in Anki. In other words, 1 day, then 3 days, then 7 days, etc. I write it once and then I'm done with it until the next review. That has been working very well for me, but YMMV of course. SRS is fucking magic or something.

>> No.10204578

I think it goes without saying, though, that if I forget one or get one wrong that I will make a note of it and go over it later, though. But that doesn't happen much.

>> No.10204611

>grind kanji
>be able to speak Japanese


>> No.10204618

Who said that grinding kanji was all you needed for Japanese, greentext-kun?

>> No.10204623

Enjoy your 6 years of studding

<s>haha what a fucking loser</s>

>> No.10204635

You learn a kanji character in less then a minute.

Then you repeat it, repeat it, repeat it every day while consonantly learning new ones.

>> No.10204648

>repeat it every day

That's not necessary.

>> No.10204672

What are the spoilers for?

>> No.10204821

Yes, as you remember it better and better repeating it every day becomes less and less necessary, until you don't have to repeat at all.


>> No.10204827

Review is necessary, but you don't have to do it every day. Spacing effect actually works, so just do SRS. It will also cut down on the amount of time you have to review so you can spend more time studying new things, while still having it move into your long-term memory. Every day is silly.
