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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10221258 No.10221258 [Reply] [Original]

During my time on the internet I met all kind of people from all kind of countries and most of them were pretty fluent in english due to spending time on the internet all day.
How come I have never met a japanese person though?
And how come I have never seen a japanese person who is fluent in english?

Do they have like their own little internet in japanese only?

>> No.10221263

Pretty much.

>> No.10221265

Why are you posting an /int/ thread on /jp/?

>> No.10221268

How often do you frequent Japanese websites? If they're not fluent in English, they won't be flooding English sites. Europe is a lot more prone to people have two or more languages under their belt, and the barrier isn't as difficult to overcome.

>> No.10221272

Because they don't need to know it.

>> No.10221287

Native English speakers who learn Japanese are fat, reclusive, anime watching nerds - easy to find on the site you browse.

Native Japanese speakers who learn English are educated, intelligent, ambitious people who you won't find on 4chan.

I met the latter at my university, they were pretty cool. Shit sense of humor though (Chinese were better in this respect)

>> No.10221286

Japan is really isolated from the rest of the internet. They generally use their own services and programs, their own character encodings, their own formats, their own memes, their own page styles, their own browsers...it's really weird.

>> No.10221290

There's an entire English language board on 2ch.

>> No.10221291

2ch has a trillion different boards.

>> No.10221296

What does 2channel have to do with 4chan?

>> No.10221294

Obviously, but saying that anybody learning English is going to stay far away from sites like 4chan is clearly incorrect.

>> No.10221295

ww CRAZY ww

>> No.10221298


There are also language learning forums and exchange websites. That's not the same as 4chan /a/ and /jp/. And yes 2ch is a mainstream website that doesn't have the same connotations as 4chan does in the west.

>> No.10221299


4chan and 2ch are nothing alike.

>> No.10221302

I join a forum board while the admin is a japanese. Apparently she live abroad when she was young at paris or france either of it i kinda forgot and she went back to japan when she was 12 years old thus explaining why her english is very good. Anyhoo lurk moar dumbfag. The stuff you want will not come to you but it is you must go to the stuff you want.

>> No.10221304

4chan is considered by a lot of Japanese people to be the Western version of 2ch (I think they even advertised watamote like this, didn't they?). Not saying that's necessarily correct, but it is a comparison that exists.

>> No.10221306

>The stuff you want will not come to you but it is you must go to the stuff you want.
The fuck?
I never said that I'm dying to talk to a japense person, I was just being curious.

>> No.10221305

2ch is more like Reddit than 4chan. Lots of boards, subcommunities, news, etc.

>> No.10221307

98% of Japanese people don't speak English.
That's not because they're not good at leaning foreign language, just unnecessary to learn it.
They can find a decent job without English skill.
And the unemployment rate is low.
Things are changing recently, though.

>> No.10221309


>more like Reddit

Except the users aren't meme spouting liberal progressive feminist sheeple.

>> No.10221310

Are you sure you aren't thinking of Futaba Channel?

Obviously 2ch and 4chan are both anonymous boards, and image boards derive from 2ch-style text boards, but they aren't similar.

Then again, there was that moot-Hiroyuki interview, so I wouldn't blame the Japanese for getting confused.

>> No.10221311

Of course not, they're Japanese. But the users of Reddit and 2ch behave more like regular society people than the people of 4chan.

>> No.10221312

I meant more in terms of the mechanics of the site.

Reddit has some nice boards, 2ch has some horrible boards.

>> No.10221316

Why DON'T other countries have their own little Internets?

>> No.10221317

Doesn't 2ch have that "normalfags please explode" thing going on?

>> No.10221318

From what I heard Reddit has many horrible boards with dead babies and dead puppies

>> No.10221319

The comiket volunteer who was talking with /jp/ last week(?) also said the popular perception of 4chan was that it was the Western 2ch.

I think this depends on what board you're on. Users of /o/ or /an/ seem like pretty normal guys to me.

>> No.10221320

I've also never met someone from China, India or Africa

>> No.10221322

Well now you have.

>> No.10221323

>How come I have never met a japanese person though?
Have a blast

>> No.10221324

You are a nigger?
Is your pc made out of bamboo?

>> No.10221325

who quot

>> No.10221330

quoting OP

>> No.10221333


Proxy or expatriate.

>> No.10221335

No I'm Chinese and I built my own PC.

>> No.10221339 [DELETED] 

Speaking of China, they have their own boards for insisting anime. They don't need to come here. They even have the site imitating niconico.
It'd be nice or interesting if there are people who like anime in Anime.
There are many native young Africans who live in China for study. There must be some.

>> No.10221340

There are tons of Japanese people on /int/, just lurk for five minutes. Is it really so surprising to you?

>> No.10221350
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Most of us non-native English speakers learned it as kids with video games and shit like that. School doesn't teach you shit.

I'm going to guess Japanese didn't have this problem since most games, anime, etc are already translated to them, so they don't need to forced themself to learn another language.

It's also easier to understand English for us than Japanese because it uses the same alphabet.

>> No.10221354

Speaking of China, they have their own boards for anime. They don't need to come here. They even have the site imitating niconico.
It'd be nice or interesting if there are people who like anime in Anime.
There are many native young Africans who live in China( where you can watch animes on the Internet) for study. There must be some.

>> No.10221355

I heard that there are tons of African immigrants moving and living in cities and such. I dont know what the fuck the government was thinking, if at all.

The crime rate is at an all time high too. Luckily most people are xenophobic so there wont be any equality bs going on.

>> No.10221393


They are all foreigners or using a proxy. It's the same as people pretending to be girls on the internet for attention.

>> No.10221399

Except that nobody pays people from Japan any sort of special attention. /int/ isn't full of weebs like here, everybody is from all over the place and no one country is given some kind of revered status.

>> No.10221408

>How come I have never met a japanese person though?

Your immediate dismissal of every Japanese person on the internet as a proxy user might give you a hint as to the answer of your question.

>> No.10221493

So people learn foreign languages only to get a better job?

>> No.10221497

Only on NEET and VIP boards.

>> No.10221500

Epic. Simply VIP quality from an elitist dokyun.

>> No.10221522

Hong Kong doesn't count.

>> No.10221544

If you play non-Japanese online games(and ones that don't Japanese servers)it's pretty easy to meet English-speaking Japanese people.

Some of them do the l/r thing but a lot are fluent.

>> No.10221550

>I've also never met someone from China, India or Africa
I see those fags enough irl.

>> No.10221560

I really wish we had flags on this board.

>> No.10221565

That would make as much sense as introducing IDs on a slow board like /jp/.

>> No.10221564

Japanese people don't know how to use computers for shit.

>> No.10221567

What would it change?

>> No.10221574

It would create a flood of arguments about pointless shit such as the country you're from. Exactly what /jp/ needs.

>> No.10221579

Useless. Things would get worse.
It's easy to disguise the flag.

>> No.10221769

I've been talking with a Japanese guy on Xbox Live. He doesn't English good but we can still communicate.

>> No.10221772

You don't English good either it seems.

>> No.10221942


>> No.10225421


And it's populated with /jp/ wannabes

>> No.10225424

I have several Japanese internet friends but none of them like otaku culture

One of them laughed at me when I told him I was otaku

>> No.10225438

Hello I am a Japanese. I live in Gifu

>> No.10225440

>One of them laughed at me when I told him I was otaku
I hope you have learned something.

>> No.10225454


>> No.10225513

From my experience most of people learning foreign language or culture in Japan don't tend to be interested in Otaku culture. True Otaku in Japan might be too conservative to learn new things from other country, i suppose

>> No.10225543 [DELETED] 
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That's how you probably look for him.

>> No.10225544 [DELETED] 

check em

>> No.10225548
File: 203 KB, 1200x400, fc7052_323530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> One of them laughed at me when I told him I was otaku
Imagine yourself in his place.

>> No.10225553

once a girl said to me

''stop with that nerd stuff, go do something useful in your life, leave to somewhere, you're just losing your lifetime in there, go to parties, blah blah blah''

Do you guys want to know what I said to her?

<s> nothing, how I am supposed to answer this ;_; </s>

>> No.10225560

I was expecting something more out of your vapidly boring reply enclosed in suprise.

>> No.10225563

How people can say that wasting your time in other ways than sitting in front of your computer can call it "doing something in your life is beyond me"

>> No.10225569

If they're Japanese just say it's socially unacceptable in your country for adults to party that's for children and young teens. Normalfaggotry is a universal language I'm sure they'd understand.

>> No.10225600

'' I'm always going to parties with waifu in 2D life^o^'' ← this. and then keep trying to ignore that shit

>> No.10225634


She is right. Wasting away as a NEET is useless, just as useless as getting a 9-5 job and trying to be 'successful'.

All I can say is travel, see the world...experience stuff. I used to be a NEET/Hikki until I had a shocking experience that turned my life around, it scared me to get out of my comfort zone, but it was worth it. It scares me to think I could have carried on the rest of my life like that.

The truth is, not everyone in the 'real world' is a gross normalfag, and your choices in life aren't complete reclusion vs boring normalfag life.

Save up your autismbux, get a breif part time job and travel somewhere, preferably Japan. Don't worry about doing things the right way, whether you are comfortable in your safe room or comfortable in your safe tokyo apartment the same empty feeling will haunt you. And you'll have spent 10 years doing your reps, plugging away at a career trying to get work in Japan only to get there and feel the same thing you felt in your room as a young adult.

>> No.10225662

>All I can say is travel, see the world...experience stuff.
Useless too.
> get a breif part time job and travel somewhere, preferably Japan
Also useless.

Everything you do is useless unless you do something that actually changes the world like becoming a 2nd Hitler

>> No.10225664

>see the world
>experience stuff

Typical normalfag mentality. Living the dream would be to get a decent paying job while being able to sustain your hobbies. All you'll ever need is in the otaku medium, spending it on real world bullshit would be considered a "waste of time"

Get the fuck out you farthuffing assmaster.

>> No.10225679

>Typical normalfag mentality

Wait til you grow up and actually experience what 'normalfags' are really like. Hint: they're not going to parties, travelling the world and taking drugs. They're supporting their hobbies with decent paying jobs.

You are the normalfag.

When I was a teenager in the mid-late 90s I packed up sticks to go to Japan to pursue the otaku lifestyle. What do you know about the subject?

>> No.10225687

>All I can say is travel, see the world...experience stuff.
>I used to be a NEET/Hikki until I had a shocking experience that turned my life around
What could that be? Lobotomia?

>> No.10225692

>When I was a teenager in the mid-late 90s I packed up sticks to go to Japan to pursue the otaku lifestyle
No, _you_ are the normalfag.

>> No.10225694

>When I was a teenager in the mid-late 90s I packed up sticks to go to Japan to pursue the otaku lifestyle.

What a fucking deluded weeb you must've been. What do I know about the subject? Apart from wasting thousands of hours on anime and VNs, and even learning the language in means of expanding on the area, I sure know a whole lot, I tell you.

Your definition of the word "normalfag" is invalid. And stop trying preach your bullshit onto this board, it's irrelevant and unimportant.

>> No.10225708

>Apart from wasting thousands of hours on anime and VNs, and even learning the language in means of expanding on the area, I sure know a whole lot, I tell you.

Big deal, I've already done that and still do. You wouldn't be able to do half of that shit without the internet as it is today. I did it completely without the internet.

My friends are hardcore Japanese otaku, I am part of that scene. Not middle school kids thinking buying figures and eroge makes them cool.

There's nothing normal about that at all, but getting a 9-5 job to support your hobbies is one of the most normal things you can do.

>> No.10225735

Uh huh. Interesting, just fuck off back to /trv/, and don't let the door hit you on the way out.

>> No.10225737

>My friends are hardcore X, I am part of that scene.
>There's nothing normal about that at all

>> No.10225757


So how's your first day on /jp/ treating you?

>> No.10225778

Please tell us about the shocking experience that turned your NEET life around.

>> No.10225787

Stop bumping this thread.

>> No.10225840
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English is easier for those speaking European languages.

Also, I'm Italian and there are a lot of people here that doesn't frequent English websites as well, still you can find some Italians on 4chan.

Anyway, if you are interested in meeting people of a certain nationality is up to you to learn their language, not the opposite.

Or you can just try to lurk on /int/, it seems there are some real Japanese people there.

>> No.10225842


here in Italy*

>> No.10225862

white australian here - It's mainly young students that want to study abroad that might want to become fluent. I get dragged into skype convos by an old exchange student my family hosted back in 2005 with japs speaking engrish & imitating american tv and film whom he tutors in english i guess.

Also every time I've been over there I'd get approached by reverse weeb types that seem have a big fascination with the US and eating the hottodoggu.

>> No.10225890

I ate a hotdog last night.

>> No.10225910
File: 297 KB, 697x474, a thousand of sunglasses jokes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd be surprised at how close most of the european mother languages are. Also, as people in this thread already pointed, Japanese culture is pretty introverted and self-sufficient.

This is why I always go a bit WTF when someone points that the Japanese are at least a bit aware of the rest of the world.

<== Picture related.

>> No.10225932

This is a pretty accurate comic. The single difference is that Japanese society is more accepting of READING MANGA, but then again, this is pretty much like comics in Europe (an all age market). And after these last super-hero movies, even the USA seem to have caught up with the times. (now if only they started producing non-kiddy content...)

Being into cartoons after your childhood is a sign of social/mental retardation pretty much everywhere, though.

>> No.10225936

/jp/ - /v/eeb Culture

>> No.10225938

It's not an accurate comic because it's comparing things that are specifically only marketed to children with things that are in many cases intended for adults.

>> No.10225943
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Western games, movies and music are rather popular in Japan.

>> No.10225955

i hate "normalfag"/"truNEET"/autism bullshit so much

>> No.10225987

There's no "socially acceptable adult market" for anime in Japan. There's a glut of otaku that have money to consume things, and their money talks.

But outside of maybe Ghibli movies (which should be as socially acceptable there as Disney movies are here), there's not much social hopes in Japan for one that wears a Madoka T-shirt in public. And even with Ghibli, people there would start wondering about a guy that went to those movies without his kids or wife.


American situation: cartoons are for kids, but sometimes perverted adults fap to them.

Japanese situation: cartoons are for little kids and perverted adults. That they lack the kind of moral panic that would happen here and eagerly explore the perverted market doesn't mean that otaku have it easy there. They're still seen as perverts.

There exceptions you could probably count on your fingers: GitS in Japan, some adult swim shows on USA.

>> No.10226003

I didn't say anything about it being socially acceptable. I said that comparing something like Fairly Odd Parents to some anime show is not necessarily accurate because the anime show may be marketed to adults. Social acceptance is not relevant. The comic is trying to make a joke about someone interested in little kid's stuff and how silly it would be in a reverse situation but ignores adult media. The situation simply isn't the same.

>> No.10226012

Shows that are not considered otaku material

K-on (contrary to popular belief)
Haruhi (I was highly popular among the general public in 06)
Shin-chan (I kinda see this like the Simpsons or Family Guy of Japan)
Sazae San
Ghibli movies (I hate most of these but they are popular)
Dragon Ball

But still watching any of these too much will make make people look at you badly

>> No.10226034

DAT projection.

Japanese don't use their "own" character encoding or formats.
And they just use the shitty Internet Explorer.

>> No.10226038

Go suck on a shoe.

>> No.10226039

This is about as /a/ as it gets. Why is it posted here?

>> No.10226042

Just go to /int/ they post there everytime.

I'm pretty sure they post here too although you can't see if they are really japanese.

>> No.10226044

fuck off, this isn't /int/

>> No.10226046

> K-on
> Gundam
> Madoka
> Jojo
>not considered otaku material
Are you sure? Where did you get it from?

>> No.10226048


>> No.10226050


>> No.10226055


They also never actually announce that they're japanese.

>> No.10226066

Can we go back to discussing Futaba/2ch?

>> No.10226067



>> No.10226069

K-on has a wide variety of fans that are not just otaku.

Gen said that lots of school girls liked talking about Madoka.

And I always see older people talking about Gundam and Jojo.

>> No.10226078

>I am part of that scene
hahahaha oh wow. total normalfag speak.

>> No.10226092

> And I always see older people talking about Gundam and Jojo.
It's just because both Gundam and JoJo are over 25 years old.

>> No.10226097

>Shows that are not considered otaku material
[citation needed]

your list is bullshit

>> No.10226098

>not otaku material
._. Nigga, wat.

Japan makes a lot of anime that's intended for little kids. This includes Dragon Ball, Jojo and Fist of the North Star, which is baffling to us. It's alright to watch shounen anime when you're like 10, but by 14, even if a lot of people probably still watch them, you'll start feeling pressured to abandom that stuff (see the whole chuu2 phenomenon happening there right now. It's about this).

Now, I used the term "perverted adult" in >>10225987 but maybe a better term is "manchild". Madoka wouldn't have happened without Precure before showing that there's a large manchild demographic with disposable incomes to spend on magical girls. The japanese are simply better at cultural capitalism than the USA. The moment they saw a chance to make money from the losers who buy resin models, they started producing.

To contrast, in america nobody thought on how to get money from the bronies yet.

>> No.10226100


This guy is correct about K-ON, you never see any otaku buying K-ON goods here or at the movie showing, it's either middle school kids or young adult girls. Most of the stuff KyoAni does is marketed at those kids...in fact most anime now is.

Madoka isn't an otaku anime either, see above.

Gundam is an otaku anime, maybe more for the mecha otaku but most otaku know it well. GitS is pretty much inconsequential to otaku, they know it but they're not bothered about it.

Haruhi 2006 got a bit of otaku interest but nothing after that, Shin-chan is considered a classic even amongst otaku but it's not a favorite series of theirs. Ghibli Movies do attract otaku but mainly at the late night showings.

You're right on all the others though.

>> No.10226114

Just look at the people who watch these shows and the impact they made you can't call bullshit if you don't know what you are talking about.

>> No.10226122

If anyone of you actually think Gundam is only for otaku, you are fucking retarded.

>> No.10226124


Get the fuck out ignorant goat.

>> No.10226131


I don't think anyone said that, try reading the thread next time.

>> No.10226134


Is that how you came to the conclusion of those titles? That's pretty good because you weren't far off.

>> No.10226141

go fuck yourself, every single anime you listed have people obsessing over it, all otaku material. fuck you again.

>> No.10226145

Since we are on the topic of otaku and anime why is precure so popular with them? I tried watching them but the only one I really liked was Fresh Precure but even that one was hard to get through because they don't have a real story.

>> No.10226149
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Why are you watching anime for the plot?

>> No.10226152

Idiot please see >>10226046 >>10226097 >>10226098 before making a fool of yourself again.

>> No.10226153

>Sazae San
>Ghibli movies

>watching any of these too much will make make people look at you badly
but that's wrong

>> No.10226159

Just prefer shows with more impact like Lain so i'm not used to that type of show.

>> No.10226163

the only reason is girls, young magical girls.

>> No.10226187


None of those people said Gundam is only for otaku.

>> No.10226200

There is so much /a/ in this thread it's unbelievable. Talks of 'normalfags', Lain, ignorance about K-ON and Madoka being otaku anime.

If you think K-ON or Madoka is for otaku then you need to get to Japan and get a clue. Those shows are aimed at and consumed by middle school kids. I visit Akihabara all the time and I only ever see young boys buying that stuff, occasionally girls from the UFO catcher machines. Did anyone go to any of the K-ON movie showings? There were no otaku there, my entire watching experience was ruined by kids who flocked there to yell out the characters names.

I love me some K-ON but it's a niwaka (Japanese equivilent to weaboo) show, most anime nowadays is aimed at these kids because they have a much higher disposable income. The market for anime has changed nowadays, otaku are still around - but they're not interested in it. There has been a lot of rallying to get the older otaku into doujin games, music and anime because there is a shortage of good stuff coming out and everyone knows it's down to the fans to create that.

Otaku used to be all about being creative, and they still are...but the change in anime market has made them give up.

>> No.10226208

no one asked for your opinion faggit

>> No.10226216


It's a fact buttmuncher. You'd be mad too if you literally couldn't see the huge fucking screen for a bunch of kids in the front row doing mexican waves and holding up heart symbols with their hands whenever they see their favorite character. Felt like being on a field trip.

>> No.10226313

No questions about K-ON, which I barely know, but Madoka was broadcast at 2AM. Are you saying that is when you show stuff for kids?

>> No.10226329

You are complaining about something like that when you know that you are in K-ON movie showing. Tells of how much of an idiot you are.

>> No.10226354


Point being, it's a very different demographic to 'otaku' which are considered dead by the business world, but are very much alive. Why do you think that idiot Choo flocked in with his 'otacool' stuff now and not years ago? No adult would buy into his shit.


Shock horror, Junior High kids will stay up until 2 in the morning. They're 13 at the youngest, not 3.

>> No.10226361

> There has been a lot of rallying to get the older otaku into doujin games, music and anime because there is a shortage of good stuff coming out and everyone knows it's down to the fans to create that.
> Otaku used to be all about being creative, and they still are...but the change in anime market has made them give up.
So what are Japanese otaku doing and watching now?

>> No.10226367

The japs over at /int/ are so cute. All they do is to insult people with their awful english.

>> No.10226369


Plenty of Japs.

>> No.10226374

>Shock horror, Junior High kids will stay up until 2 in the morning.
Children have parents.

>> No.10226381 [DELETED] 


>> No.10226401


Not a great deal, most of them were preoccupied with doujin works (from a consumer point of view) as many manga artists quit due to low pay and formed their own circles. Touhou kept a lot of them busy for a long time but the interest started fizzling out a year or two ago.

As far as watching goes, most of the buzz seems to end up around remakes such as the Yamato remake but then the interest fizzles out again, mainly because people have seen them over and over. There is an interest in doujin games though not everyone has jumped ship.

Akihabara went very commercial after the culture died following the massacre, a number doujin circles started acting like professionals which turned some of the fans away, eroge and VNs have been bland for a long, long while...there hasn't been a lot for them which is probably the only thing motivating them to actually make stuff. I've noticed out of newer series/franchises Yuru Yuri and Milky Holmes are the only things that seem to have a following but they're not as strong as the followings normally are.

Nobody is doing anything...interest has declined, I knew this would happen but to be honest I thought they would have been quicker in assembling themselves and producing net animations or something but apparently not.

>> No.10226407

Oh god 2% drop in Touhou circles at Comiket, now there are only 213565 instead of 213690, shit is fucking dying

abandon hope guys otaku culture is done

why japan ;_;

>> No.10226411


hehe, no.

>> No.10226413

Sounds like you're just a jaded fuck who doesn't like anything anymore.

>> No.10226414


The relationship between child and parent in Japan is a strange one and not at all true to anime/manga. Once again, you seem to think they're 7 or something, parents and children stop talking around the teens and are left to their own devices. I'm sure if it were an issue they'd just be using 1seg to watch it on their phones.

I don't think you realize the publicity Madoka got leading up to it's premiere, it was everywhere over here, Aniplex have serious money to throw at the advertising of their shows, which is why they sell so well.

>> No.10226415

I think he's actually just full of shit.

>> No.10226419

He is. He mentioned numerous things that are going on, then dismissed them because he doesn't like them, to come to the conclusion that "nobody is doing anything."

>> No.10226423


Touhou interest is dying, I didn't say people weren't making anymore doujinshi. Stop being so finalist and apocalyptic, otaku culture is not dying.


Why me? I'm talking about what's happening with otaku in general, they enjoy plenty of things; much of what is being released just isn't satisfying to them at the moment. It will change in the future. And as for VNs and eroge...they've been awful for a long, long time.

>> No.10226426

Yes, Japan is a mythical and exotic country where parents don't give a shit about whether or not the kids stay up all night or get good grades in school.

>> No.10226430


I'm sorry what exactly is it that you know about this that you'd like to educate me on? Go ahead, why don't you tell me all about your otaku culture knowledge and what's going on right now.

You can't. So be quiet and learn something instead of jumping to conclusions on what you think I do and don't like just because you don't want it to be true.

>> No.10226446

Upvote +1

Simply epic

>> No.10226448

>VNs and eroge...they've been awful for a long, long time.


>> No.10226458

>as for VNs and eroge...they've been awful for a long, long time.

What makes you say this? They've been largely the same since they were in 16 colors. Sure, layouts change, fetishes grow or decline in popularity, but I really can't see why you'd pine for the good old days with VNs and eroge.

>> No.10226461


Shut the fuck up, this is probably the most interesting thing I've read on /jp/ all day and is actually /jp/ related.

I for one believe you, Anon. I went to Akihabara once in 2005 and again last year and noticed a dramatic change in the stores and the types of people that were around, come to think of it I don't remember seeing any キモいヲタ either.

>> No.10226464

>What makes you say this?

It's a consequence of being full of shit, I'm afraid. I hope he'll recover in time for Christmas.

>> No.10226471

>Shut the fuck up, this is probably the most interesting thing I've read on /jp/ all day and is actually /jp/ related.
If you like reading about how niwaka are ruining everything there's a million places where it's been said more intelligently than here, especially if you're fluent in Japanese like you suggest you are.

>> No.10226474

Yeah, dude. Someone said something and acted like they know what they're talking about, so they must be telling the truth. He's right about Akihabara, of course, but that's about it.

>> No.10226477

Some guy in japan is trying to play the old wise guy and brags with his knowledge.
Big whoop.
It's not like it matters, because Akihabara is mainstream now and most otakus probally just hang out on the internet.
Sure, it's interesting to know what our japanese counterparts are doing, but your obsession with japanese society makes you guys sound like huge weaboos.

All I wanted to know is why japanese people suck at english, god damn it

>> No.10226485

>They've been largely the same since they were in 16 colors

This is pretty much the reason...there have definitely been some good ones since then, I'm not talking about REALLY far back, but definitely before everything else seemed to come to a standstill.


Yeah Akihabara is even marketed as a tourist location in newspapers here. Haruko Momoi once said Akihabara is the loneliest town because there are no couples, now the place is flocked with trendy Shibuya types wanting to see the hype of the cool maid cafes they read about in their magazines.

Toei even did a sentai series abou Akihabara changing called Akibaranger that was a pretty big underground hit. They even made reference to the sutema stealth marketing trolling on 2ch.

>> No.10226488

Semi-related question: is there any form of media, even something niche, that people generally agree is getting better? More specifically critics/experts/hobbyists rather than the mainstream audience.

Cinema, music, video games, cartoons...they're all going downhill according to the people who really like them. Even more recent genres: rock music hasn't been good since the 70s and action movies peaked in the 80s.

>> No.10226493

> but your obsession with japanese society makes you guys sound like huge weaboos.
But we are.
Indie games maybe?

>> No.10226506


>He's right about Akihabara, of course, but that's about it.

What makes you so sure?

>Some guy in japan is trying to play the old wise guy and brags with his knowledge.

Pretty much, but this is /jp/ after all.

Also they suck at english because they're an insular country who don't travel much...and because english is difficult for them.

The amount of Japanese people I meet who are stunned to find out KFC is American and not Japanese. You'd be shocked at how little they know about the outside world.

>> No.10226503


my girlfriend who is japanese is fluent in english. I met her at college ;D

lesson: get the fuck out of your house you worthless NEET loser xD

inb4 buttraeg

>> No.10226508 [DELETED] 

>.they're all going downhill according to the people who really like them
Excuse me but I never agreed to that

>> No.10226513

Where do you usually spend your time when you visit Akihabara?

>> No.10226515

A master ruseman!

>> No.10226519

>This is pretty much the reason...there have definitely been some good ones since then, I'm not talking about REALLY far back, but definitely before everything else seemed to come to a standstill.

List some examples. Don't worry if our tastes are different, I want your opinions.

Part of the trouble with media more than a decade old is that people tend to focus on the classics. Everyone remembers the "Golden Age of Hollywood" as Citizen Kane and Hitchcock, but nobody remembers The Robo-Men From Mars!! or Generic Western #107.

>> No.10226523

>Indie games maybe?

Oh, that's a good one.

I've spoken to every person on Earth and you were in the minority.

Let's make it a little harder: older media. Genres and mediums that have been around for at least ten years.

>> No.10226526 [DELETED] 

How does that make it harder? That applies to pretty much everything.

>> No.10226532

I barely know what arthouse cinema critics think about anything, let alone whether the state of cinema is getting better or worse. I don't know what the hardcore comic book fans think, either. I suspect the live action TV fans are actually pretty happy with the way things are going but that's a stab in the dark, too.

>> No.10226541

BREAKING NEWS: Otaku get mad and don't like stuff, and say their interest is dying, just like every other "geek" community has been doing for decades.

>> No.10226552

But the internet is dying...

>> No.10226553


A lot of it is nostalgia which you get with every generation and you have to take that on board. Most sensible otaku are aware of this, they can distinguish between their feelings of nostalgia and what they think is good/bad pretty well for the most part, though I have heard some really boring ones who just refuse to think outside of their box.

I really have no idea about every form of media but I know that large companies that care more about profit than product aren't helping in the slightest. There has always been the handful of big giants who are all about the money, but because they earn more and more now it's easier for them to buy out the competition. I think we are probably on the cusp of seeing it start to turn around and the indie/doujin/home-made/whatever market start to get its shit together but I really don't know, I hope so.

The crash in the economy in the past 5 years has been because of the bankers and big companies hoarding money and not letting it circulate properly so I wouldn't be surprised if this is happening in the media industry too.

Anime has expanded its market and can generally make much more money than it used to, so in order to get those shows on TV they need to compete in a way that proves its financial sustainability by proving that series x is just like series y from 2 years ago that also sold well. No TV station is going to choose something that will get low ratings over something that will get high ratings just because it's a higher quality series.

It's just a money thing, greed works but only up to a certain point. GINGA TV was announced a while back which looked promising but I haven't heard much about it since.

>> No.10226559

Well, anything in its infancy doesn't have many precedents to judge it against.
Independent games have existed for decades, but I take "indie games" as different to some teenager making BASIC games then selling them to a magazine in the 80s.

I might look into TV. There have been some hit series the past few years (Game of Thrones, The Walking Dead) though I don't watch television.
Every hardcore comic book fan I've spoken to was more of a fan of a specific era than what authors are making now, even when they're similar. In fact, comic fandom divides comics up into Golden/Silver/Bronze/Modern Eras. Not that Gold was necessarily better, but I frequently hear gripes that comics are becoming too accessible, too pop culture, too TBBT-ish, too dark, not dark enough, etc etc.

>> No.10226561
File: 87 KB, 580x712, Some of the best Cartoons (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread.

>> No.10226570

>In fact, comic fandom divides comics up into Golden/Silver/Bronze/Modern Eras.

Era divisions don't indicate quality. DC silver age is terrible, for example. Lots of golden age stuff is unreadable crap.

>> No.10226598

Is it possible to be a fan of a specific era and not be a pretentious douche about it? I like classic cinema a lot more than recent films. I just find their style and tone more enjoyable than what films turned into, but it sounds pretty arbitrary and snobbish to say, "Oh I prefer movies created between 1930 and 1960." This isn't just nostalgia because I wasn't alive then. An admittedly more nostalgia-based example is that I dislike the Doctor Who reboot, though I loved the old serials that I grew up with.

Back on topic to the off-topic topic: I like 80s anime. I rarely watch anime released before or after that, though I probably will when I run out of shows. Not that I think anime died in 1990 or anything and I have certainly enjoyed some recent anime I've seen, but I definitely prefer anime made in the 1980s. Is this okay? Usually when someone says, "I like 80s anime," it conjures up some pretty bad stereotypes.

>> No.10226602


Since when, the past few years? Or the past 10 years? I really enjoyed Da Capo III from this year but then I'm a DC fan, I don't think it'd be particularly groundbreaking if you don't have any interest in it though. I'm not someone who mindlessly praises what I like and disregards what I don't like, I like some shit and a don't like a lot of stuff that I know is good.

>> No.10226604

I love the simplicity of golden age comics. Even the terrible stuff like THE NAZIS HAVE SIGNED A DEAL WITH MARTIANS TO TAKE DOWN SUPERMAN'S DOG are great in the same way a cheesy old B-movie might be great.

>> No.10226613


Exactly the problem I have, I believe (and know a lot of people who also believe) that in the past 5 years or so anime has gone downhill, which isn't really a long time and not much of a controversial statement to make. I think there are valid reasons for this which are common sense if you know even a small amount about how the industry works. But the moment you even imply something like that on 4chan you're suddenly labelled with the other 'my era is better' crowd which is annoying.

>> No.10226622

Well the /jp/ I know was well aware of the fact that japan isn't the praised land

>> No.10227120

This thread reaks of comiket losers please stay in your thread until it's time for you to get lost.

>> No.10227210


Dio Mio!

my fratello

How is Italy doing these days I hear some bad news that makes me fear they'll end up as bad as Greece pretty soon

>> No.10227226
File: 217 KB, 837x474, sdk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this thread is not about GCCX, but there's a new episode.
Just thought I'd let you know.

>> No.10227260


I wish it was a GCCX thread.

>> No.10227275

Op here
This is now a gamecenter cx thread.
I've been waiting for the donkey kong episode , thanks

>> No.10227296


Much of it is mainstream if you are a far right imperialist lolicon otakus though.

Just as everyone on 4chan hate niggers and jews yet you have brony faggots, cosplaying faggots, cooking faggots and regular faggots.

>> No.10227302

There is nothing wrong with having a preference. I think the mentality becomes "bad" if you start to disregard stuff because it isn't clearly within your preferences. The last three anime I've seen were 80s classics, but I don't prefer older to newer at all.

I might as well ask here: is tere any news on the Sachiko movie? I can't even find any pictures or concept art etc for it.

>> No.10227327

Did you enjoy Redline? I haven't watched something that was ridiculous and over the top, but not silly in a while. Everything now is either super serious or gag humor.

>> No.10227478 [DELETED] 


Everyone hate swedes though.

<s>I hope the niggers they brought themselves will soon kill those liberal gay faggots soon</s>

>> No.10230385

There are plenty Japanese there friend.

>> No.10230397 [DELETED] 

ebin bump, broski

>> No.10230440

ebin sage, douche

>> No.10230796


Me too. Me too..

>> No.10230806

Why is Toujima such an attentionwhore?
