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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10340607 No.10340607[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>have a waifu that I love dearly
>only want to think of her as a virgin, get depressed every time I see porn of her
>realize that if I could marry her, I'd refuse to take her virginity, I want her to stay pure and undeflled forever
Does anyone else feel this way? Do any of you understand?

>> No.10340614


>> No.10340615

i feel the same way. When i envision having sex with a female i stop and think about her innocent days as a little girl and stop myself

>> No.10340623

Not OP but this fits my worldview.

>> No.10340625

Having waifus is an /a/ related habit. It doesn't belong on /jp/. So if you have a waifu and intend to talk about it, kindly leave.

/jp/ is for translators, artists and scholars of Japanese culture only. It is a place to create original content and engage in meaningful discussions. Not a place for man-children to salivate over imaginary cartoon girlfriends.

Now that this is settled, please continue.

PS: Stop jacking off to touhous.

>> No.10340634
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>> No.10340636

Translation is a >>>/lang/ related habit. It doesn't belong on /jp/. So if you translate and intend to talk about it, kindly leave.

>> No.10340639

/jp/ is for cute, creative and intelligent little girls

>> No.10340648

"This earlier theory is based not on oedipal-based castration anxiety but on man's primary hatred of women, stimulated by the child’s sense that he had been made to experience intolerable frustration and/or narcissistic injury at the hands of his mother. "
Seems legit. I also hate mazacon.

>> No.10340644


>> No.10340652

I think I have it, but I don't have any bad feelings towards my mother, so I think for me it is due to the other cause mentioned.

>> No.10340651

Learn to how to use quoting before you make a thread.

>> No.10340662

OP here, maybe that's my diagnosis but I don't think the Freudian reasoning behind it makes sense for me. i'd much rather be with an adorable woman that I could cuddle warmly all night and feel good the next morning, than with someone who just wants to get filthy and carnal.
Can't fap to my waifu. i refuse.

>> No.10340664

I don't think either of those hypotheses are accurate, at least not for us. I think it's all the porn we've seen.

>> No.10340666
File: 133 KB, 731x970, f8e30fef7502e42e435b7d57b3e75e08ae60b902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would I treat my wife as if she were my daughter?

>> No.10340667


Why do you type like a fourth grader?

>> No.10340668

No bully pls

>> No.10340673

im here for u brah
jp we stick together we are one. word

>> No.10340674


Do you think regurgitating this dumb catchphrase is going to make us do an opinionative 180 on you?

You are still not welcome. Go back to whatever board you crawled out of and do not return.

>> No.10340682

The idea of any 3D women having sex or doing sexual things makes me mad.

>> No.10340676

The problem arises whn you see that love was developed from sexual desire, or more foundational; the urge to carry on offspring.
If you can't lust the woman you love something went wrong.

>> No.10340686

i'm not op

but pls stop bully ok?

>> No.10340684

WOAH that greentext is on the level of EPIC.

Almost as funny as your brain disability to be cohenrent with the one you love OP.

Thanks for humouring us, now go back to whichever board you came from.

>> No.10340687


>If you can't lust the woman you love something went wrong.

you're a moron

'something went wrong' and 'something went different' are distinctly different things

>> No.10340691

I've been like this since I learned what sex is. Lewdness is a disease.

>> No.10340692

He's normalscum, obviously, so if you are different from him that means you have a mental disability or something.

>> No.10340698
File: 370 KB, 643x800, 13382885483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

waifu feels general?
waifu feels general : )

>tfw falling asleep with warm pillow pretending its youre waifu : (
>tfw mom asks if you have a gf (again XD)
>tfw people draw porns of your pure waifu ;_;

>> No.10340696

I was speaking purely biologically.
I thought you would understand that.

>> No.10340697

the idiots that force the "no bully" shit are the biggest bullies on /jp/

/jp/ is not for bullying, you seem to agree with that, so fuck off.

>> No.10340702


i was speaking purely in terms of 'you're a moron'

i think you need to let htis thought penetrate your skull thoroughly

>> No.10340708

I rather not have my mind contaminated by your ways.

>> No.10340707

to stop the bully is not bully

>> No.10340705

Excuse me, this is the internet! You take your "feels" and "sobstories" somewhere else!

>> No.10340710

This too, I guess.
But how could I sully the body of someone that I truly love? It seems wrong. Cheating on her would be even more wrong, however, but I know that I could keep myself chaste for her sake. i'd just worry that she couldn't do the same for me.

>> No.10340715

>The problem arises whn you see that love was developed from sexual desire, or more foundational; the urge to carry on offspring.
I call that "thinking with your dick".

>> No.10340717

Hi /a/, looks like you have failed today again to make a good thread.
But don't worry, I'm sure someday you will overcome this hurdle

>> No.10340718

I would be okay with doing some things with my wife, like letting her give me a blowjob, or licking her feet, or something, but I wouldn't want to actually put my dick inside of her.

>> No.10340725

>/a/ waifu bullshit
>/r9k/ virginity bullshit

I like Rumia too, OP :-)

>> No.10340730

I sure would love to discuss this since I feel similar, too bad OP had to make this thread shitty

>> No.10340734

Janitor, do the right thing.

So many borderline cases, please don't let an easy one like this slide.

>> No.10340741

I suppose that's almost how I feel too - i wouldn't be comfortable with blowjobs, but making out, caressing, light petting, maybe squeezing and kissing her breasts - "lovey things" that aren't really lewd - that would be nice.
