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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10607582 No.10607582[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

'Nother NEET thread!

How are the NEETs of /jp/ doing today?

>> No.10607587 [DELETED] 

Reminder that:

Only third world NEETs can be truNEETs.

Other NEETs are playing easy modo.

>> No.10607593

I just got finished reading >pastebin.com/JPK4dx21 . It was okay. I think I might try some of it out later on.

All I know right now is that I really do need to get my sleep scheduole fixed. I don't think it's healthy to sleep 20 hours a day, is it?

>> No.10607596

I got sick.

>> No.10607600

With what, may I ask? buttworms?

>> No.10607603

It's not. Trust me. Getting too much sleep is just as bad as not getting enough.

Take care of yourself.

>> No.10607609

I'm feeling ok tonight, time has been passing by a bit quicker for me lately and that makes me happy. Nothing on my mind right now besides what I'll do tomorrow. I'm going to order some pizza from a new pizza place around here, they said they use a brick oven. Hope it will be good.

>> No.10607612
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Can I still be a NEET if my hobby happens to make me money?

I like to transcribe things because it's fun and it makes me feel like I'm listening in on other people's conversations. They just also happen to pay me to do this

>> No.10607618

I tried to do this but it was so mind-numbingly boring. I couldn't even mess around since it needed my full attention.

>> No.10607619

>I just got finished reading >pastebin.com/JPK4dx21 . It was okay. I think I might try some of it out later on.
Get out, normie.

>> No.10607617

I can't enjoy anything anymore. The only thing I do is steal alcohol from my parents and get drunk and browse 4chan all day. I have so many games on my computer, an xbox but I don't play them because I just think to myself "whats the point?" I tried logging on to MMO's where before I could grind all day to get nice things but again I just don't have the motivation and just keep telling myself its pointless. Maybe its time for me to end my life.

>> No.10607623

I want to put my face in a smelly NEET girl's crotch.

>> No.10607628


How do you make money doing this?

>> No.10607627


how hairy do you think a NEET girl's pussy is

>> No.10607634

Probably really hairy! Like a jungle a greasy tangly pubes. God I want to smell it so bad.

>> No.10607630

>Happiness is for normies only

Come on now.

>> No.10607636

I don't know but honestly who cares. I do peoples yard work when it's warmer out for money sometimes. If they have fallen trees or lots of wood. I just come over, cut it up, and bring it to my backyard (I even get free fire wood out of it and lots of it). Other times I mow the neighbors lawn or various other random tasks. That's on top of the usual yard work I do but it keeps my occupied and I enjoy doing it since it's rewarding and I make a little money out of it.

>> No.10607638

Please don't end your life. I love you

>> No.10607640


Sites like mechanical turk have a lot of companies that post transcribing jobs. I usually get paid about 1 dollar per minute of audio, sometimes more if the people in the audio have a weird accent.

>> No.10607645

If you need to do that stuff to be happy, then you're a normie.

>> No.10607646

Are you the anon from the last thread who said he fell in love with another anon based on their posting style?

>> No.10607651

I wish I had my sweet booze right now.
Everything is kinda boring without it.
It also helps my anxiety and paranoia, and helps me sleep.

>> No.10607661


That's how I feel about my pills, except they make me anxious, paranoid, and keep me awake for several days so that part isn't really the same.

I don't know how people can stay interested in things when they're not drugged.

>> No.10607666

You goddamn slut, I thought you loved me.

>> No.10607674
File: 23 KB, 216x239, 1354594807269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today is a good day. Had nice food, Achiga raws are out and felt the motivation to finish games I put on hold years ago.

>> No.10607678

What did you have?

>> No.10607680

On Wednesdays I'm so sober and empty on food that it feels weird on it's own and I didn't have much besides some instant noodles yesterday either. I just enjoy the feeling of mindlessly doing things online and browsing /jp/ all night. Then Thursday comes and I don't got much to eat till later besides a breakfast bar in the morning so I enjoy the mentally numb and distant feeling it brings. It peaceful to feel almost nothing at all sometimes.

>> No.10607693

>mechanical turk
Thanks for the link, I saw a TED talk about something like this but this is really cool

>> No.10607703

I had babi pangang, it's delicious.

>> No.10607708

No I'm not. I just care a lot about /jp/sies.

>> No.10607716

"Babi panggang refers to a variety of recipes for Indonesian grilled pork recipes" and judging by the pictures that came up this stuff in general looks awesome.

>> No.10607719

i feel like this too, but i can't be bothered enough to kill myself

>> No.10607730

Alcohol worsens depression and makes any medication you may be taking far less effective or not effective at all. Stop drinking so much.

>> No.10607739
File: 45 KB, 480x272, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys I'm in the process of making a NEET rap, let me know what you think. It's not finished yet though.

I PISS in bottles, but I dont get dollars
Ask my mom later if she wants to get me some McDonalds
I'd say I wanna die, but I'm still getting by-
Browsin /jp/ and catchin bullets on the fly

I've been working all day on that first part. Maybe I'll do some more later.

>> No.10607741

It's shit.

>> No.10607742

I'd say you're right but I felt this way long before I started drinking this much.

>> No.10607744
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>> No.10607745

no bully

>> No.10607751

Selamat pagi, aku tatawu berhasa Indonesia.

>> No.10607747

yea I think the first line needs work but its meant to be "Dollas" but i guess it doesnt really rhyme with bottles

>> No.10607750


>> No.10607755

I'm not Indonesian, if that's what that language is. I just love their food.

>> No.10607754

stop trying to away the only fun thing in my life

>> No.10607757

You disappointed me. Although I'm not Indonesian either. Where are you from?

>> No.10607758

what will happen if I drink 6 beers really fast? I have never drank before but there is some beer up in the fridge that I'm sure my parents have forgotten about? can I get drunk and feel slutty like those college girls?

>> No.10607762

It's a Nichijou reference

>> No.10607766

There's a beer in my fridge that has been sitting there for months, since the last time we've made beer-boiled brats. Would that still be good, or should I just trash it?

>> No.10607771

I have to go to a doctor's appointment on the other side of the state tomorrow. It will be the first time I've left the house since my appointment last year.

>> No.10607782

truNEETs don't go outside.

>> No.10607780

truNEETs make their own income


>> No.10607781

Depends on your natural tolerance but no you won't get all crazy like that. The most I feel when I'm normally drunk is slightly disoriented and thoughtless or my thoughts feel distant as well as interaction with other people. Those people that get all crazy on alcohol like typical slutty college girls seem to be faking it.

>> No.10607784

I wish you luck, anon.

>> No.10607785

I think a lot of the whole "crazy" thing comes with the social setting.

>> No.10607791

I get crazy when I drink alcohol.

>> No.10607789
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I'm doing fine!

....Just... fine....

No, this is not a VN.

>> No.10607790

I'll probably be killed in a car crash or get cancer from x-rays.

>> No.10607795

Every time I drink a lot, I just get really tired. It works great for when I can't sleep.

>> No.10607797

It isn't. I'm saying good morning and I don't know Indonesian.

>> No.10607803

i get crazy then i get really tired and crash

>> No.10607804
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I spent too many money on kaijudo cards this weekend and on gunpla so my mom took away my credit card, but I used the info I saved to buy Digital Devil Saga 2 off amazon and I'm going to try and get Legend of Dragoon too!

Also, I'm going to the Kaijudo Dragonstrike Infernus prere, anyone else going to be playing?

>> No.10607812

I'm not really a NEET but still love all of you. You're all really nice and misunderstood. I hope you can love me too!

>> No.10607814
File: 72 KB, 447x365, 1340420390954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-Official /jp/ reminder-

If you are currently employed, enrolled in education OR receive a welfare check you do not belong on /jp/. End of story. If you are in the aforementioned categories, please evacuate the premises immediately. Thank you for your cooperation.

[Additional message] Please ignore falseNEETs who try to plant doubt in your minds. This is and forever will be the truNEET golden rule, those who disagree don't belong.

>> No.10607818

>OR receive a welfare check
What if I've applied for disability but haven't heard back yet?

>> No.10607823

What does everyone do to fill their days? I usually play VNs.

>> No.10607821

Something something normies.

>> No.10607824

who's that qt?

>> No.10607826

hots blows dick
i improved in osu today
i finally started reading ever 17, it's really good

>> No.10607828

Hey man, I'm not normal! You better back off!

>> No.10607838

>OR receive a welfare check

Wat. How does that disqualify someone from NEET status?

>> No.10607841

If you're being paid for not having a job then that means being a NEET is your job, therefore you are not a NEET.

>> No.10607847
File: 25 KB, 546x507, quick marisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Draw shit no one cares about.

Look for a new game to play.

Browse 4chan.

>> No.10607844

Are people this stupid? Not having a job cannot be a job. It is already defined by itself.

>> No.10607849

Are any other NEETs mentally tired nowadays? Lately I've lacked the will to do anything outside of playing Dota 2 and watching movies. I don't have any drive to continue the games I'm currently playing through and I haven't touched a single anime this entire season.

I'm hoping the Spring season will kick me back into gear.

>> No.10607848

What if you're getting the Welfare Check from Disability?

>> No.10607851

Oh shit, you play osu? what's your username if I might ask?

>> No.10607852

Then being a cripple/asspie is your job.

>> No.10607854

That's just because anime these days is shit and your probably getting tired of it.

>> No.10607855

No one is a truNeet. Ever.

When you're alive, living is your job.

When you're dead, not existing is your job.

>> No.10607857

I've been going through a slump myself lately. It always seems to happen at the beginning of the year and the end of summer for me.

>> No.10607858

get out falsie

>> No.10607864

A job is a contract for gainful employment. Look up the definitions of these words if you don't understand them because your post indicates otherwise. It is nothing more or nothing more or less. You are grossly overstating the definition of job.

>> No.10607865

Anyone in northern California wanna fug?

>> No.10607867

But I loved the past two seasons.

>> No.10607873

Only if we can do it without meeting, speaking, or interacting in any way.

>> No.10607874

Winter is always bad.

>> No.10607879

Sure thing.

>> No.10607881

Is being a son a job? My parents compensate me with housing and food.

>> No.10607888

How do you get over it? I try to gain influence from browsing the Internet, usually I'll find a thread about a certain movie/tv show or game on my HDD and give it a try. Nothing seems to be clicking as of late, and I have quite a bit of material on my HDD. I guess I'm just overwhelmed.

>> No.10607886

What should I do? I'm starting to get restless from browsing /jp/ all day.

>> No.10607892

Do you do your own laundry, put your own trash in the trash can, or take your dishes to the kitchen? If you answered yes to one or more of these questions, you are a false NEET.

>> No.10607894

I usually switch between media obsessions, I will spend half a year downloading and listen to music all day, then film, then VNs, then anime and repeat.

>> No.10607896

I usually just ride it out by posting on 4chan. Some days can be pretty boring, but I'd rather just post here than try and force myself to do something I don't want to do.

>> No.10607897
File: 47 KB, 285x291, 1348240993992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEET rap
freestyle im goin in

imma tell u liek dis here NEET if u dont bring bacc my moterfuggin monkey or my moterfuggin doe then u betta foget bout chrismas cuz u aint gonna liv to see santa


im da 18 WHEELEr rollin over da ARMADILLA
im da ORNGE N BLU FIRE cummin up from da SKILLET
im da DICK in da PUSSY
im da FLY on da SHIT

im da muggafuggin frompy on da torteda
im dat loud hard SQAAAK dat kill da mosqito
im dat liittle bitty asss red ant draggin BEETLE


>> No.10607899


>> No.10607915
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>> No.10607919


>> No.10607920

I rode my motorbike around the neighborhood some more since it was warm today. I've still got to get a helmet. I'll probably cut my hair.

>> No.10607931
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>> No.10607935

I hope you get ALS.

>> No.10607937

>Do you do your own laundry
My mom does my laundry.

>put your own trash in the trash can, or take your dishes to the kitchen
When my mom comes downstairs to do laundry and sees some trash or dishes in open view she'll take them upstairs with her, but most of the time I do it. I guess I'm a fuggin falsie :(((((

>> No.10607938

These threads are just parodies right.. I've been a NEET for years and some of the way you guys are acting is the same stuff you see in mainstream society.

if it's not intentional you're all parodying yourselves without realizing it and its really sad

>> No.10607940

What do you guys think of a Saxophone playing NEET? Do you think I can get some smelly NEET pussy by playing Saxophone? I like to play funky stuff.

>> No.10607941


Which is why being crippled isn't a job. You aren't "employed" to do anything.

>> No.10607942


>> No.10607944

>some of the way you guys are acting is the same stuff you see in mainstream society.

What do you mean?

>> No.10607945


>> No.10607946

>I guess I'm a fuggin falsie
You're damn right you are. Now please return to whatever shithole board you crawled out of.

>> No.10607947

I've been NEET for eight years, and I mostly go places and eat food, no different from other people. I'm just NEET.

You don't have to "act" a certain way to be NEET.

>> No.10607949
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I want to KILL the NEET King!

>> No.10607950
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>> No.10607951

I'm not a NEET and I post in these threads for fun.

>> No.10607952

>dividing 'community' up like there are rules
>ostracizing others
>constant bickering over menial stuff
>acting emotionally stunted even though we have lots of time to be alone and develop patience
>acting like little girls even though most neets are emancipated and twisted

>> No.10607953
File: 784 KB, 944x572, 1359286389043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I might be that anon he was in love with. If so, I just want them to know:

I love you too.

>> No.10607959

No! Please don't make me go back.

>> No.10607962


>> No.10607964

>I've been NEET for eight years, and I mostly go places and eat food, no different from other people

Okay, we really need to start making these threads strictly shut-in/hikikomori already. There's no reason for NEET threads on /jp/.

>> No.10607965

You and probably 90% of the other people that post in NEET threads. The janitor only allowed these threads to consolidate most of the blog and /b/ shitposting on /jp/ into one thread and so far I'd say it's working. Any TruNEET or Hiki who's been here more than a few days knows this and knows not to take these threads seriously.

>> No.10607969

But I came from /g/.

>> No.10607970

No one here is a shut-in.

>> No.10607971

The false stuff is obviously a joke.
Or so I hope.

>> No.10607974

>Saging with an image.

>> No.10607976

I don't think there's anything wrong with being emotionally stunted as a NEET, the world is very harsh and unreasonable towards NEETs, no matter how humble they are. I don't understand what you mean by acting like "little girls," this is just mellow conversation, there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.10607977

If that's true it's only because the actual shut-ins were driven off by hordes of retards like you.

>> No.10607979

Speak for yourself, nerd.

>> No.10607980

I am.

>> No.10607981

That's untrue

>> No.10607982

I wish I had a /jp/sie who loved me.

>> No.10607983

I'm not that guy. But if you would like, I'll love you too.

>> No.10607988

No you don't. /jp/sies are terrible people.

>> No.10607985

Prove it.

>> No.10607989

I love you. No homo.

>> No.10607990

Do you need a friend?

>> No.10607992

I'm not a shut-in because I force myself to go for walks everyday.

>> No.10607993

I don't think it is somehow.

there's lots of strange histrionic people and other troublemaker types filling threads like this lately

the way neet/hikki 'community' feels has changed really vastly in the past year or two on 4chan

its strange to see people happily making a fool of themselves and stuff

>> No.10607996


>> No.10607998

Want me to get my mom to tell you?

>> No.10607999

Yes. I recently realized that the people I thought I loved I didn't actually love in that way. I was just happy to have a friend. Then I felt stupid and horrible.

>> No.10608000

Thet NEET feelio when normals try to convince themselves that there ain't no NEETs or shut-ins in here. It makes me cry everytime.

>> No.10608005
File: 6 KB, 228x234, 1362836295848.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silly anon. You don't ahve "a" /jp/sie to love you because all of /jp/ loves you! :3

>> No.10608007

the feeling where normal people try to convince themselves that they're special for not having a job is even better

>> No.10608008

Yes, in person preferably.

>> No.10608009

>this is just mellow conversation, there's nothing wrong with that.
>piss bottles, shitting, buttworms, normies get out, fights over whos the hikkiest

Yeh. rohkay

>> No.10608013


>> No.10608010
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>> No.10608011

I don't love him.

>> No.10608012

I don't love him.

>> No.10608024
File: 88 KB, 782x577, 1360313199073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else like to drink and watch ASMR videos?

I feel so comfy.


>> No.10608014

I don't love him

>> No.10608016


i'll send you an email if it'd make you feel better

>> No.10608019

l don't love him

>> No.10608020

That's because you aren't a /jp/sie, you're a boardhopper. Both of you.

>> No.10608022

I shouldn't have dumped mine out, dammit.

>> No.10608023

I love him.

>> No.10608025


>> No.10608026

Ladies and gentlemen, Autism in its purest form.

>> No.10608027

>no true /jp/edo

>> No.10608036

Anyone else get their thrills by masturbating to child porn?

Nothing else compares.

>> No.10608029

I love him. And you.

>> No.10608030

I don't get those videos, the only way I can achieve that feeling is through pure moments of (subjective) beauty in art.

>> No.10608031

If anyone here is really lonely or depressed I'll happily be your friend.

>> No.10608033

>ASMR videos
Go back to red­dit, you dumb crossboarding piece of shit.

>> No.10608034

Now what should I do?

>> No.10608035
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>> No.10608038

Do you re-use your piss bottles time after time, or do you throw them in the trash once they're full?

>> No.10608039


Why does he keep whispering thank you over and over again?

>> No.10608040

epic combo /b/ros xD

>> No.10608041

Hit up craigslist and find a man to make you a woman.

>> No.10608042

I'm lonely. Will you be my friend?

>> No.10608043

Sup, Thad? They gave you your computer back?

>> No.10608046

Yes, I will.

>> No.10608047

This goes for me too. If you want to talk just email me.

>> No.10608048

It depends how long they've been sitting around.

>> No.10608049

What if we are just a little lonely and not really depressed?

>> No.10608051


>> No.10608052

It would make me feel better, but I'm scared of a lot of things. Not of you though.

>> No.10608053

A word of warning for anyone who supposedly finds a "friend" on /jp/. They will leave you suddenly and when you need them most. That is all.

>> No.10608054

i live on the edge, i go out and hide in the bushes while i masturbate watching the kids in the neighborhood play

>> No.10608057

Today I finally found a girl to date, /jp/. And yes, when I showed her a picture of Touhou characters and asked her to pick out which one she liked the most, she chose Reimu. Oh God I think I might marry her already...

Never give up hope guys. If I could do it being a 27 years old virgin, you can too.

>> No.10608059


>> No.10608060

No wonder. Look at that wet blanket, doubting attitude you've got.

>One person
>All people


>> No.10608061

i see you posting this all the time, you must be very scarred.
i'm sorry. take solace in the fact that i will never be your friend

>> No.10608062


Lets be frend.
Send me email
lol but I dont have any email address. lol.
Dont be in this depression however lets be friend forever. We're NEET renegades living our lives in this fast lane 24/7 badass /jp/ life we will always ride this together. So cheer up and be my friend. Kudasaimasu...

>> No.10608063

I think very few people here are either overweight or neckbeards. I myself am niether and take pretty good care of myself despite having little reason to ever leave the house.

>> No.10608064

I always have way more bottles than I need. Sometimes I'll keep a gallon jug around in case I'm marathoning something, but I hardly ever re-use any.

>> No.10608065

Nice. Do you make them eat the cum too?

>> No.10608066

>They will leave you suddenly and when you need them most.

I beg to differ. I've found a friend on /jp/ that I've been able to talk to for a nearl a year with no problems. Maybe you just have bad luck.

>> No.10608067
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>> No.10608069

Normalfaggot detected get the FUCK out of /jp/!!!!!!

>> No.10608070

I'll be anyone's friend. I'll just leave my email in the field if you want to talk. It can be about anything.

>> No.10608072

migrate /b/ros

>> No.10608074

no, that's way over the edge. i'm not there yet

>> No.10608077

I left three and got left by two. I made new mail accounts every time so I could easily leave.

>> No.10608081

Being NEET or hikki does not entail living a disgusting and unhygienic life.

>> No.10608079

i would drink a few beers with you, no joke you seem like a cool

>> No.10608080

You are a bad person.

>> No.10608085

Yeah. Only normies think like that.

>> No.10608087

>I left three and got left by two.
You're pretty smalltime. I've talked to and left over two dozen /jp/sies in the past year, and have already posted my email in this thread to bait more.

>> No.10608089

I met a girl on Omegle with the /jp/ tag. Apparently she is 14.

I don't fully believe her, but I don't think that she would lie to me for 10 months straight.

"Those who pretend to be little girls for fun will soon find little girls who believe they're in good company"

>> No.10608090

I was thinking about creating an email or AIM/Skype account to talk to some /jp/sies, but then I realized the only people who engage in that sort of socializing are /v/ falsies. Also, I have bad social anxiety and would probably stop responding after a couple emails/one IM conversation.

>> No.10608093
File: 78 KB, 280x462, 1347443411654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not true, not all people on /jp/ are like that. I have a few /jp/ friends that I've been talking to every day for over 4 years now. There was only 1 that disappeared.

>> No.10608095
File: 165 KB, 760x1140, 9849853485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10608096

I'm overweight.
Define "neckbeard".

>> No.10608097


Remember when omegle was free from the FBIs clutches?

Those were the days.

>> No.10608098


Why do you all act like email penpaling is anything close. You can't 'leave' it, you can't 'leave them', you never come close to them in the first place,

or is it because most of you are so stunted that you think even the briefest contact warrants deep internal pain

its really sad

>> No.10608101

Because they don't even bother saying goodbye. They could be dead or worse and you would never know.

>> No.10608102

Quite the opposite is true, normal people envisage the NEET or hikki as someone who pisses in bottles, never showers, has cheetos all down themselves and a room full of trash.

>> No.10608103

I met a guy on /jp/. We talked for over a year, and he told me about himself a bit. One day he suddenly disappeared.

I looked him up. Turns out he died. Commited suicide. I found the obituary.

>> No.10608107

I somewhat suspect that.
Why would the FBI pretend to be a little girl who lives far away for 10 months?
I'd get it if she lived near by. But really far away? And talking to me every day?

>> No.10608108
File: 222 KB, 640x960, c79_8448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


i would love drink beer in some place with /jp/sie friend. we'll have this pure heart friendship and love. actually im wishing we all fly away to the beautiful island and live together away from society. im serious bored of society. but in /jp/ is every BEAUTIFUL AMAZING PERSON. but.....we never create this paradise. because, NEET. because, hikikomori. because, many laziness.

But, in kokoro, in MIND, in SPIRIT we LIVE FOREVER with each other, /jp/ is FOREVER, we are greatest most ichiban fuking amazing friend forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lets friendship......... every tru/jp/sie is connected in the heart.

>> No.10608109

>be gay
>be a hikkikomori and NEET
>only desire another gay hikki/NEET

I bet I beat all of you guys for smallest dating pool ever. Gay NEETs, do you even exist? ;_;

>> No.10608111

Why is Lenfried so plain?

>> No.10608112

How do you pronounce /jp/sie?

>> No.10608114

what if it's an adult male pretending to be a teenaged girl

there are people who do that

>> No.10608115

I've talked with several /jp/sies before, but eventually they all stopped. It was never serious conversation though so I expected it. There is one that I've known for a few months now. He's a funny person and I like talking to him. Not that the other people weren't interesting, but I can actually hold a conversation with him.

>> No.10608116


no that is probably someone on /jp/ just messing with you.

>> No.10608117

My dating pool consists of 0.

>> No.10608118

Im gay.

>> No.10608120

jay pee see

>> No.10608121

meant to quote >>10608107

>> No.10608122

ur Lenfried's most Ichiban boyfriend...and /jp/'s most Ichiban tomodachi
i kokoro u

>> No.10608125

I know you all like to pretend, but is anyone else here ACTUALLY a prepubescent girl? I am one.

>> No.10608126

But are you a lonely, shut-in NEET?

>> No.10608127


>> No.10608128



just kidding.

im make serious wordplay.lol
serious answer is obvious.

its pronunciation of.


>> No.10608129

I only desire 2D girls, so I have nobody to choose from.

>> No.10608130

How do you get family off your back to get a job?
I don't want one, I like being NEET.

>> No.10608131
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>> No.10608132

Yes, I'm gay and NEET. Please take me.

>> No.10608133

I just tried to go on omegle with /jp/ as an interest, it connected me to some but I got scared and closed it without saying anything. Sorry.

>> No.10608134


>> No.10608135

Pretend you're getting an education but pocket the tuition they give you for a future land investment.

>> No.10608142

No... I'm a 12 year old biological female.

>> No.10608136


Transgenders please leave. We don't take your kind here with open arms.

>> No.10608137

Grow up, loser.

>> No.10608138

I'm actually doing that, but spending all the money on food.

>> No.10608140

How are you gay? Do you only like men?

>> No.10608141
File: 424 KB, 558x820, metalgearballoom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sick of society and being a leeching disappointment on my parents.

I want to go out into the wilderness and live off the land. The only thing keeping me here is the Internet. Without it I would surely go insane.

>> No.10608149


Let's have a cross board culture exchange!

>> No.10608150
File: 103 KB, 756x756, XD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because we're fuken gypsy. like many gypsy is actually NEET. yes, its disgusting weird lifestyle. its many weird normalfag act they performanced. BUT gypsy has TRUNEET lifestyle

In same way, /jp/sie is truNEET.
Because, we are nomad.
We have no home. Except this /jp/.
Yes, like gypsy. We moving from the place to place, have no string attached to this place. Indeed. Its...

Actually its very beautiful, deep wordplays of this amazing term for /jp/ guy.

>> No.10608151

I knew these threads were a fucking awful idea.

Nobody listened.

>> No.10608152


>> No.10608154


pics? my throwaway email is in email field

>> No.10608155

Me too. One day I was thinking of traveling across Europe without money on foot. If I'd had companion I'd do it right away.

>> No.10608157

You can post here as much as you like. This is the correct board for NEET threads. Tell all your friends.

>> No.10608156


So is it not okay for me to post here?
I came here from /v/, just now

>> No.10608158

No, feel free to post here as much as you want. :D

We like new users!

>> No.10608162

It feels scary answering that for some reason, but somewhere in western Europe.

>> No.10608160
File: 95 KB, 680x432, meme pic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my sides have pierced the stratosphere!

>> No.10608161

Why is this happening to this thread? The last one I followed was a fine time where everyone was friendly, I checked it a few times a day and corresponded with people happily.

>> No.10608163

People got tired of you and your friends using /jp/ as a social network.

>> No.10608164

whats your email?

>> No.10608165
File: 2.80 MB, 2560x1707, Pacific_NAC_Ika_Musume_Ferrari_2012_Super_GT_Sugo_free_practice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/o/ here, wondering how the fuck do you live with yourselves? Don't you ever want more out of life, like a new car or something? You know, shit you have to work for?

>> No.10608167


If you want to chat, I'll be here. StraightNEETs are welcome too.

>> No.10608168

Post-/q/-neo-superstellar /jp/ has arrived!

>> No.10608169


I'll repost then:

>be 24
>had few shitty jobs here and there
>living with my parents
>father hates me and calls me a parasite often
>be scared of people, for various reasons

I just want a fucking job I can do without almost being in tears and on the verge of panicking every second.

All I want is a fucking purpose in life, I want to have a job I can do, even something small and unimportant, but I want to be able to provide for myself. I can't overcome this fear and it's only getting worse.
I was getting help, I had and still have meds, they don't do shit anymore.

I never thought I'd WANT to go to school or work, but right now it's almost my fucking dream.
I don't have a depression, I can work, I'm able and I'm healthy, I can focus well and I'm not too stupid - I'm just fucking afraid.

>> No.10608170

My Psychologist wants $120 because I was too scared to go one day, I don't like him very much, I don't think I'll go any more, my mind is fine so long as I have /jp/ and Visual Novels, it really is, 100% good. I'm fine.

>> No.10608172

But I pirate everything I could ever want.

>> No.10608175

This thread started out like any normal NEET thread or just the general "what's up?" thread, then the truneet people who try too hard to fit in had to come in and shit all over everything.

>> No.10608177

Get in here NEETbros!

>> No.10608183

>Actually falling for this facade of vulnerability.

The scariest thing is you're calculating about presenting yourself this way. People like the ones you're parodying right now don't come across like this.

Fucking /jp/ers. Most of you are batshit nerds.

>> No.10608178

>I'm new here. Be gentle.

I have literally no friends online or off, and that's the main problem currently in my life.

Any suggestions on how to meet friends online, at least?

>> No.10608179

I think people are just linking to this thread on lots of other boards. There has been /o/ and /v/ so far that have declared themselves.

>> No.10608181

Reporting in .

>> No.10608184
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>> No.10608186

A car seems like a hassle. You have to have somewhere to put it, pay for registration, keep it maintained.
It's not like I have anywhere to drive to anyway. Or a driver's licence, for that matter.

Work to buy a car so you can drive to work. What a truly horrible way to live.

>> No.10608187

Post in this thread :D

>> No.10608189

The thread was shitty before it was linked from /v/. And for once, /v/ directing them here was not off-topic shitposting, but actually the right thing to do, since /jp/ is the designated board for NEET culture.

>> No.10608190

What did you like before that?

Come: >>10608167

Almost exclusively.

>> No.10608192

I'm getting to the point where I wish I didn't have sexual desires. I know I'll never have a Girlfriend or be able to do anything with a girl so what's the point? There's so many lewd things being posted around the web, boobs and pussies are everywhere and it's to the point where it's starting to annoy me because I want to do things to a girl so bad. Even if I masturbate 5 times a day only 1 hour later I get a boner from a picture on /jp/. When I see these pictures It's almost let out a "sigh" in my head like "It's so beautiful I want to touch it but I can't and never will"

I wonder how painful cutting off my dick and balls would be..or if there's any medication I can take to just kill my attraction to the female body all together.

>> No.10608193

I'm a gay hikki, but I would love an alpha normie cock in my ass.

>> No.10608194

The NEETs here are all welfare queens who make more money than most people with jobs.

>> No.10608195

Just start talking to people you think you'll like. That's what I do. I know it's hard to just come out of nowhere and just be like "Hey I'm a random person that's wants to be your friend!" but most people don't bite so give it a try.

>> No.10608196
File: 44 KB, 600x450, normie_alert.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoken like a true normie.

>> No.10608199

Please, don't misuse the quote function. We don't do that here.

>> No.10608200

gypsy, you dumbass

>> No.10608201

I wouldn't want a car even if I could afford one. I would never live in a city by choice that meant I had to have one to get places. I'm kind of afraid of them to tell the truth.

>> No.10608202

So is this thread shittier, or the /v/ thread shittier?

I would like everyone's input. It's very hard to tell.

>> No.10608206

Help /jp/, I want to make a guild in tera so that I have access to my own guild bank. I don't want to talk to other people though so joining some other guild wont work.

I can't think of a name though

>> No.10608207

My attraction was so strong that I completely gave up on any females. I only want /jp/sie cock now.

>> No.10608208

Put /jp/ into omegle. I look forward to a cute conversation with you.

>> No.10608209


>> No.10608211


How is it misusing if he answers to the guy?

>> No.10608213

Yeah this is ruined for now, unless things calm down and everyone from other boards leave.

>> No.10608214

You are the worst kind. non-truNEETs should leave.

>> No.10608217

>implying that it won't become the new standard once people post enough of it

>> No.10608219

the /v/ thread probably has more genuine NEET's and Hikis rather than just people shitposting ironically to shit in our thread because they aren't NEET.

>> No.10608225

It won't.

>> No.10608220

Today I shaved for the first time in like two years in an attempt to look good when I start job searching. Felt pretty good.

>> No.10608222

What kind of men do you find attractive?

>> No.10608224

/jp/ is the designated NEET board. By the rules, all the people in the /v/ thread should have been posting here the whole time.

For any visitors, by the way, there's a NEET thread up on /jp/ 24/7, so feel free to drop by anytime.

>> No.10608226


I'm sorry?
Do truNEETs enjoy it then? Is that the only kind allowed?

>> No.10608227

it's a tie so far

>> No.10608228

There have always been two types of NEET. One seems genuinely happy and content living a life with a dim future and minimal social interactions.

The other is pretty much the opposite in that they long first and foremost for social interaction. Most everything in their life is governed by their desire for interaction. Following that they would like a promising future, which usually means worrying about entering schooling or training of some sort eventually in the future. Finally, they're discontent with the labels society has put on them and would like to change their lives for the "better".

Disgusting people, that second group. They really are the lowest of the low. Especially all the people here wanting to get a job, longing for friends outside and being depressed about their NEET lifestyle. Just die already if you are so sad about your NEET life.

>> No.10608229

The very worst pieces of shit from both our boards are now in this thread. /jp/'s shitposters because this is their official hangout, and /v/'s shitposters because that's all they ever are.

>> No.10608230
File: 9 KB, 244x207, seira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fine!

>> No.10608232

Shitty blog threads permanently up on /jp/ became the standard after people made enough of them. I don't see why this should be any different.

>> No.10608234

Is it possible to be a /jp/ shitposter?

>> No.10608235

I'm sorry, but fuck you you're weird. I'm not talking to you anymore.

>> No.10608236

If some of you like /jp/spie cock so much why don't you get some QT avatars and start pandering to us in these threads? I know it'd make me feel better.

>> No.10608237
File: 37 KB, 500x314, le fbi face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got him.

>> No.10608238

why would it not be possible to be a /jp/ shitposter

>> No.10608239

Why wouldn't it? You're in the designated shitposting thread for /jp/. Every other post here is a shitpost.

>> No.10608242

ohhh sick burn

>> No.10608240

Because thats against the board's rules, and no one wants those type of faggots around here.

>> No.10608241

It's all shitposters.

>> No.10608245

Nobody wanted these shitty blog threads here either, but after you guys made enough of them they were officially put into the rules. Times change. You should be more open-minded.

>> No.10608246
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>> No.10608247

>feelio when glorious crossboarder master reissu

>> No.10608249

Well I guess I'll try to email some of my NEET friends from /jp/. The thread isn't usually like this. I hope the bullies leave soon.

>> No.10608252

>tfw the crossboarders are better posters than the people who usually post in these threads

>> No.10608253
File: 480 KB, 1000x1000, 1362828009193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Neet/hikki community has become so pathetic and infested by mentally ill people that you can't tell who is trolling, and everything we talk about reads like a mocking parody.

I'm so glad I took the initiative to find other communities untouched by this wave of shit a year and a half ago.

you can't even trust anyone anymore.

>> No.10608255

What would I do with a car?
>You know, shit you have to work for?
Working for something does not give it any more value to me.
Anyway, there aren't really any physical items that I want. The internet and TV keep me well occupied.

>> No.10608256

Ok I'm done here, you tryhard faggots and people from other boards that were let into thread can battle it out all you want. That's another NEET thread down the tubes.

>> No.10608257

I'm a normalfag and I'm posting in this thread and you can't stop me!

>> No.10608258


I'll just go then.
I thought this is genuine, sorry.

>> No.10608260

where my secret hiki club bros at?

>> No.10608261


>> No.10608264

Nobody has to "let them in," any more than you have to give people permission to post about visual novels or idols or Touhou Project. /jp/ is the NEET board. It's in the rules.

These threads are "genuine." They're also full of trolls and people who hate the threads because they're up all the time, but that's something everybody has to deal with.

>> No.10608266

Terrible kopipe that assumes the only reason somebody gets depressed is because they don't have social interaction. There are plenty of other things for NEETs to be suicidal about.

>> No.10608269
File: 160 KB, 645x773, 1308017275001GODO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/tv/ here.
How do you guys deal with the crushing feels?

>> No.10608270


>Nobody has to "let them in,"

some faggot posted the link to this thread on /v/ for "epic lulz" presumably

hence this thread now being ruined by /v/ normals

>> No.10608279

Somebody from /v/ probably posted the link in order to get the off-topic NEET discussion off their board. If you link somebody to /a/ because they were discussing anime, that's not an "epic raid for the lulz," it's just common sense.

>> No.10608275

One time I agonized over something someone said to me on /jp/ for days.

>> No.10608276


Too bad that you ignored the only good post that happened since then and it was from /v/.

>> No.10608277

lol @ this fag thinking /so/ is obscure

>> No.10608273
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>> No.10608278

No they aren't genuine. These threads haven't been genuine since:

>People started talking about piss bottles
>P-people s-started talking like t-this!
>Histrionic nerds and trans people acting like little girls online for attention.
>I-I'm so hurt please help me! wah!
>People act like it's a sausage hookup party.
>Mentally sick nerds everywhere.
>TRUNEET/FALSENEET and a bunch of other shit we didn't even care about years ago.
>Actually caring about board divide/sanctity and other frivolous counter-productive shit.

>> No.10608286

/v/ NEET here. How do you deal with it? I can't stand being a NEET for much longer. I miss working but good god is NY shit when it comes to finding work.

>> No.10608283

I socially interact plenty and have a NEET lifestyle I am happy with.

You are really confusing NEET and hikki and that is all.

>> No.10608290

"TRUNEET/FALSENEET and a bunch of other shit we didn't even care about years ago.
Actually caring about board divide/sanctity and other frivolous counter-productive shit."

This is what is so wrong.

>> No.10608291

Not everyone is born into a rich or kind family. A common grievance is that their parents are going to throw them out any day and they will be forced to kill themselves.

>> No.10608287

>hence this thread now being ruined by /v/ normals
If by "/v/ normals" you mean actual NEETs and not children roleplaying as NEETs, then sure.

>> No.10608293

I hate when these threads go this way, it's annoying! I don't care as much now since the cute NEET boy finally responded to my emails. He's cuter than any guy I've ever seen on 4chan on any board and he also proved with pictures that he's really a Hikikomori. I didn't even think they existed and that I was lucky to find one so attractive!

>> No.10608294

>children roleplaying as NEETs,

Who manly /v/ stormtrooper here?

I missed you guys, really. Please bring your cynicism and hatred here to clean out the faggots.

>> No.10608311

It's mostly faggots though.
Shoot them instead, please.

>> No.10608303

I want to shoot every milk worshiper ITT.

>> No.10608309


>being ashamed of being a neet
>a bad thing

>> No.10608310

Many escape from their feelings with porn games, masturbation, anime and touhou.

>> No.10608313

>Please bring your cynicism and hatred here to clean out the faggots.
It doesn't work. You'll just drown in a chorus of "no bully pls," cocksucking discussion, and ironic shitposting. Elitism has been a lost cause for a while now.

>> No.10608316
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>> No.10608324

It's a shame that in the sea of shit that these threads are, posts like this:


are ignored.

>> No.10608327

Go ahead and write this off as an ironic shit-post or whatever. I'm a Hiki and I want NEET generals to die. I don't ever want to see the word Hiki or NEET again on the internet.

>> No.10608328

I'm so exhausted with it, I used to like coming here.

Now when I come here I see people acting degenerate even for NEETs, and showing traits you never used to see in hikkis, attentionseeking, crying about lack of it/shallow relationships going wrong etc

>imagining skinny nerds finishing their whacking session to rp with another jpsie
>imagining his fathers face when his son/daughter turned out this way

u proud of yourself, jp?

>> No.10608329

Stop posting that shit

>> No.10608332
File: 2.25 MB, 1333x2000, IMG_4433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10608333


We both know what will come of this if it continues.

>> No.10608336

This isn't a genuine NEET thread usually they are much more tame with people being themselves. This is just an example of an all out internet fight between a shitload of people in one thread that all seem to hate each other.

>> No.10608337
File: 2.07 MB, 2000x1333, IMG_4434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my room!

>> No.10608339

>tfw getting kicked out of the house in 4 months

>> No.10608346

Damn Frank, your room is a mess!

>> No.10608347

You got three choices anon: find work, become a hobo, or join the military.

>> No.10608348

>they are much more tame with people being themselves

>before the shitposting warms up
j-jp i did some really boring things today! and i write this to you like i'm a cute little girl on the internet! even though i'm really damaged and not cute at all in reality.


>> No.10608349

Are you sleeping on the floor because of the junk in your bed?

>> No.10608350
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>> No.10608354

Go back to where you came from.

>> No.10608365

Don't worry, if geekdom became a cool thing, so will NEETdom. Only a matter of time...

>> No.10608357

Lately I've been trying to make as little noise as possible.
For example, if I hold the microwave door closed while I press the door open button, I can open it without it making that clicking noise.
Also, I set the microwave for 9 hours, 99 minutes and 99 seconds, and just let it run for as long as I need each time. This way I won't have to set the timer again for a long time, so I avoid the horrible beeping noise the buttons make. I also don't get the 'finished cooking' beeps each time, because the timer never reaches zero.

Any other silence otaku here?

>> No.10608358

Make me.

>> No.10608361

No we don't what will?

>> No.10608363
File: 1.86 MB, 1333x2000, IMG_4436.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Window is too loud to sleep near and it doesn't seal properly so bugs get in.

>> No.10608369
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>> No.10608367

>sleeping on the floor because you're too lazy to clean up your bed.

I like you, anon.

>> No.10608371
File: 1.90 MB, 2000x1333, IMG_4437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Various things.

>> No.10608382

Yup. The worst part is the 'community' morphing into a clone of every other run down community.

>> No.10608373

>keeping your RAM on your desk

>> No.10608375

You posted your room before right? Or at least your desk. I remember it and I have it probably saved somewhere.

>> No.10608379

I think I'm going to just try and live in the woods for a while, maybe try and make money from busking

>> No.10608380

Looks pretty clean. You've got lots of nice stuff that you are probably hoping would be overlooked by the clutter and disorganization. How did you afford all of that? Surely you must be on some sort of autism bucks correct? Or perhaps youre parents spoil you despite your refusal to be a functioning member of society.

>> No.10608384

How possibly can being poor, alone and without means to socialize be cool?

>> No.10608386

The same way being a skinny nerdy roleplaying a little girl online is appealing.

jpsies have become furries, except their fursona is a little girl

>> No.10608388

>alone and without means to socialize be cool?

It's simple. They'll find ways to. WIth smartphones, internet meetups, and anything else you can think of.

>> No.10608389

The same way hermits and monks are cool, but less glamorous.

>> No.10608390

Me. I set my microwave to 33:33 for the same reasoning as you. Stupid family members always reset it though, which annoys me.

Do you breathe quietly, as well? I'm always astounded when I actively try to listen to people just going about their days, and the niggers are just breathing loud as fuck, and making all these other various grunts and noises. It's disgusting, and they need to shut up.

>> No.10608391

Are you being serious? Look at some of the other fads and trends from the past 4 years and ask yourself that question again.

>> No.10608393
File: 1.98 MB, 1333x2000, IMG_4440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bed and computer.

The gallon is emptied out as it gets full and the smaller ones are emergency bottles. I've been using it for almost a year and have gone through many gallons of bleach cleaning it (first rinsing with water, then adding a small amount of bleach away from my face to minimize chlorine gas exposure). Too lazy to buy more bleach so I just rinse it with water now and it smells like popcorn and gun powder.

>> No.10608395

>CRT monitor

>> No.10608406

Girl here. I would fuck you in your floorbed and cuddle with you afterwards while we watch anime on your CRT monitor. NEETs are so adorable.

>> No.10608408

It already was cool it was called the hippy movement... no it's not the same thing.

>> No.10608400

It's the same old story. /jp/ is shitty and it will be shitty for an indefinite amount of time to come.

I want to find the people who insisted that NEET threads be written in the rules and shoot them.

>> No.10608401

It was already cool. It was called Occupy Wall Street.

>> No.10608402

The only reason things like "geekiness" and "nerdiness" became cool is because they became associated with high income jobs.

>> No.10608404

because he's a filthy normie like you and your mom who i fugged last nite

>> No.10608413

Who else thinks the janitors/mods are trying to shit up the community by posting like /a/ and /v/?

>> No.10608412

That stick is fried.


>> No.10608419
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>> No.10608420

>Girl here.

Pathetic. Why do you attention seeking trash always make sure to let everyone know what you are? This post would have conveyed the same information without you specifying your gender.

Just die, you piece of shit. Jesus christ women are fucking horrible disgusting pigs.

>> No.10608424

He doesn't into being poor

>> No.10608427

>giving it attention
You are worse, the only reason that person posts their gender is to get attention from people like you who they know will give it.

>> No.10608431

Yeah, I can't stand breathing noises. The worst thing about getting a cold is that it can be hard to breathe quietly.
Sometimes when I have headphones on and my nose feels a little blocked, I get anxious about whether I might be making noise without realising it.

>> No.10608432

Wow you got baited really hard anon. I'm not actually a girl. Are you new to 4chan?

>> No.10608434

>He doesn't into being poor


>> No.10608435

>responding to attention givers


>> No.10608443

Imnew to 4chan and im a girl!

>> No.10608450

>You are worse, the only reason that person posts their gender is to get attention from people like you who they know will give it.

No. Eat shit.

Anyone who posts something like that needs to be told, in no uncertain terms, to kill themselves.

You can sit and pretend that not giving it attention will make it go away, but that is simply not the case. Someone, somewhere, will give it the positive attention it is fishing for, and then it will continue to do its attention seeking spiel.

>> No.10608455

I'm a grill. Ask me anything. Dirty furnaces stay away pls.

>> No.10608456

Shut the fuck up. No one cares.

You're the cancer too. NEETs didn't talk about menial, stupid pathetic shit, they spoke about incredible, imaginative shit because they didn't care.

>> No.10608457

>Someone, somewhere, will give it the positive attention
You, nobody else responded.

>> No.10608459

Can I use you to cook my hot dog?

>> No.10608460

these posts are parodies right

just making sure

>> No.10608463

How do you afford it.

>> No.10608465

>You, nobody else responded.

I did? Is that so?

Please, go quote something I said that could even remotely be considered "positive attention."

>> No.10608469

Yes, but be gentle. It will be my first time.

>> No.10608470

nice cock dood

>> No.10608471

You seem confused, any attention to a person like that is positive attention.

>> No.10608474

why are neets so pathetic now

they're as carnally obsessed, degenerate and simple as the rest of people

>> No.10608476

I'm NEET and I post both imaginative fantasies that live in my head, and boring stuff about my life.

Which would you like me to post about?

>> No.10608478

/jp/ - Hypocrisy/General

>> No.10608479

I just want to say thank you for using the quote function correctly.

>> No.10608482

>why are neets so pathetic now
Yes I am sure the NEETs were better back in your day.

>> No.10608483

I just wanted to know if other people here think about the same things as I do. And apparently someone does.
You guys should stop stressing about what people should be allowed to say, and just take it easy.

>> No.10608484

Er nice projection lol

Stop posting milk

>> No.10608485

>You seem confused, any attention to a person like that is positive attention.

If telling someone to kill themselves is considered "positive attention" by them, then I'm completely certain that others will pick up, naturally, how pathetic the attention seeker is and respond in disgust and scorn.

Completely 100% certain.

>> No.10608490

It's not an uncommon phenomena.

>> No.10608493

uh-m uhm I-I sometimes when i open the door handle to my room i do it quietly so not to w-wake people up, who quiet otaku here!


>> No.10608498

Why would somebody lie to me for so long?

>> No.10608494

They don't enjoy being told to kill themselves, they enjoy laughing at the people who tell them to kill themselves. It's the same way KoG loves it when people write posts about what a retard he is. He thinks it's hilarious.

>> No.10608500

Whenever I lock my door, I always make sure to do it very quietly because I don't want to tip people off that I'm masturbating.

>> No.10608501

Because they enjoy the feeling of pulling on their dick as they pretend to be a girl, along with the attention you give them

>> No.10608502

>completely certain that others will pick up, naturally, how pathetic the attention seeker is and respond in disgust and scorn

A reasonable person would just ignore such a retched specimen and move along. Are you seriously suggesting that upon posting here and mentioning gender the person isn't expecting an overwhelmingly "negatively" toned response? If they didn't they couldn't have read the board for more than 2 seconds so obviously they are so desperate for attention they take any of it positively.

>> No.10608505

NEET here. Thanks for another great thread, OP.

>> No.10608506

Don't make these threads again.

Don't ever make them again. If you're a hikki that predates whatever went wrong, then you'll know it's in our best interests.

>> No.10608509

> they enjoy laughing at the people who tell them to kill themselves

And what do I care if they do? The only thing I care about it everyone else's reaction to their posts.

>A reasonable person would just ignore such a retched specimen and move along.

You'd think so, but people still respond to "girls" all the same. Without nipping this shit in the bud, it'll spiral out of control. I've been to other boards; this is a widespread epidemic that will, left unchecked, spread here.

>> No.10608510

You should have ignored it. That would have been best. Instead, you fed it attention, and now the whole thread is about the person in question. Congratulations. If this had been an on-topic, non-shitty thread, you would have done a fantastic job shitting it up. Good thing this isn't one.

>> No.10608517

>it'll spiral out of control.
Only person making it do that that is you. I'll stop responding now anyway.

>> No.10608518 [DELETED] 

>The only thing I care about it everyone else's reaction to their posts.
Everyone else's reaction will be to call you a retard for giving whoever it was attention.

>Without nipping this shit in the bud, it'll spiral out of control.
Other threads have problems where if they see a pony or a tripfag or a girl they'll go fucking ballistic, because they think like you. Other boards are shit. Go back to your other boards.

>> No.10608520


>> No.10608525

>The only thing I care about it everyone else's reaction to their posts.
Everyone else's reaction will be to call you a retard for giving whoever it was attention.

>Without nipping this shit in the bud, it'll spiral out of control.
Other boards have problems where if they see a pony or a tripfag or a girl they'll go fucking ballistic, because they think like you. Other boards are shit. Go back to your other boards.

>> No.10608544

>Other boards have problems where if they see a pony or a tripfag or a girl they'll go fucking ballistic, because they think like you

As they should, you worthless trash. That isn't a bad thing. Tripfags, girls, and ponies are all cancerous blights upon any board.

Ignoring a problem does not magically make it go away, despite whatever idiotic things people have told you.

>> No.10608548

/jp/ has never had a pony problem, or a tripfag problem, or a girl problem, and the only time we have had those problems is when people have gone out of their way to heap shit on them. Other boards have these problems precisely because they go ballistic and everyone knows it.

>> No.10608551

>/jp/ has never had a tripfag problem

ooh boy

>> No.10608552

We have had some pretty fuck-awful tripfags but heaping shit on them didn't make them go away.

>> No.10608556


They turn into apes but this is a good thing because the problem does indeed go away quickly. Just look at what happens when you ignore people like you know who.

>> No.10608554

>/jp/ has never had a pony problem, or a tripfag problem, or a girl problem,

Haha what.

We have all those, and we also have mentally illness problems, attentionseekers, people who want to switch gender being vocal, racists, trolls from other boards using this place as a shitbasket, etc.

>> No.10608561


/jp/ is like the Avast quarantine chest.

>> No.10608563

And who is "you know who"?

>> No.10608564

>Other boards have these problems precisely because they go ballistic and everyone knows it.

Incorrect. If they were 100% uniform in their response, I am completely certain they would go away.

They are not. No matter what happens, some stupid shithead will defend them. Someone will revile them. Someone will be neutral. Someone will ignore them.

The problem isn't that everyone goes apeshit on them. The problem is that the response is not uniform. I agree that if everyone ignored any of the aforementioned shitlords, then they would eventually go away. That is not the case, nor will it ever be.

>> No.10608565


>> No.10608568

When's the last time you saw a pony thread? Who are the tripfags causing problems these days? And what girl problem do we have besides the milk threads, which are made exclusively by shitposters to play in?

>> No.10608569

Why are you still saging? The thread hit the bump limit over 100 replies ago.

>> No.10608571


>> No.10608575


>> No.10608576


>> No.10608578

Ignoring him didn't make him go away. Flaming him didn't make him go away. The only reason he went away, I think, is because he found a new pile of friends to play around with, or because he got bored, and possibly because the moderators banned him a hundred times.

If 100% of people ignored them, they also wouldn't be a problem, but someone like you always comes along to feed them attention. And if 100% of people go apeshit every time it happens, then all you've done is given people a fantastic way to shit up threads they don't like.

>> No.10608581

He's still here.

>> No.10608583

Gomenasai, but

>> No.10608585

At least he's not posting as often as he used to be.

>> No.10608592

What happened? What did anon say? Are you okay now?

>> No.10608590
File: 60 KB, 580x348, murrican teenagers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10608595

I don't even remember. I must've blocked out the awful memory.

I'm okay now though, thanks.

>> No.10608600

>And if 100% of people go apeshit every time it happens, then all you've done is given people a fantastic way to shit up threads they don't like.

Bullshit. Even if it were true, it's a small price to pay to eliminate scum from the board.

Furthermore, it amuses me when you (and the other guys I was talking to, before they tagged out) said I was shitting up the thread. First and foremost, this is a shitthread already. Secondly, I made a single response to that one guy/girl. Everything that came after was at your own impetus. It takes two to tango, and I certainly haven't been responding to myself.

You had better apologize right now.

>> No.10608602

Here's something else.

You're a faggot. Man up. Reading that post was pathetic. You're not vulnerable, you're scheming.

>> No.10608605

Holy smokes, man, I am literally crying right now.

>> No.10608607

Can you please delete this thread and wait until next week to make a new one?

>> No.10608610

>Bullshit. Even if it were true, it's a small price to pay to eliminate scum from the board.
Allowing trolls to shit up any thread they don't like isn't a "small price to pay," it kills the entire board.

>Furthermore, it amuses me when you (and the other guys I was talking to, before they tagged out) said I was shitting up the thread. First and foremost, this is a shitthread already.
I acknowledged this a long time ago, but if you want to claim credit for what I already said, you're welcome to pretend you came up with it first.

>You had better apologize right now.
Fuck off, shitposter.

>> No.10608621

I swear my IQ drops when I'm on /jp/.

>> No.10608620

/jp/ a shit

>> No.10608624
File: 767 KB, 936x1405, 7593457935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10608628

>Allowing trolls to shit up any thread they don't like isn't a "small price to pay," it kills the entire board.

I agree. It's a good thing there are no trolls in sight. I've made it abundantly clear that I have some pretty solid reasoning to go along with the vitriol I spew. You have done a poor job to dispute any of it, so I'm not surprised you would think I am "trolling."

>I acknowledged this a long time ago, but if you want to claim credit for what I already said, you're welcome to pretend you came up with it first.

I only said this a preface to the final remark, you stupid shitlord.

You're final statement is telling. Based on every sentence I have attributed to you, I can only surmise that you are a trash-apologetic. I will have no more dealing with you.

Kill yourself.

>> No.10608629

get out, crossboarding normies

>> No.10608631

Moot please kill this board.

>> No.10608634

I love /jp/ and all its shittiness.

>> No.10608636

>I've made it abundantly clear that I have some pretty solid reasoning to go along with the vitriol I spew. You have done a poor job to dispute any of it.
Why not cut the bullshit and declare yourself the winner of the debate already?

>So I'm not surprised you would think I am "trolling."
I didn't claim you were trolling. Nor did I imply it. You're just a retard.

>I only said this a preface to the final remark, you stupid shitlord.
Congratulations! Want a medal for that?

>You're final statement is telling. Based on every sentence I have attributed to you, I can only surmise that you are a trash-apologetic. I will have no more dealing with you. Kill yourself.
So essentially, you just said "you're a shitposter," but in many more words. Would it really kill you to come up with something original?

>> No.10608638

I've dropped out of highschool due to my stepdad fucking up my life, and now I sit here in my room all day just watching anime and playing games. No one is trying to help me and my father hates me.

>> No.10608639

Anyone want to fuck?

>> No.10608642

He doesn't seem to operate in logic.

>> No.10608644

Me! Me!

>> No.10608646

That much is obvious.

Had we been in an on-topic thread, I would be at fault for derailing it for not following my own advice, which would have been to not reply to total retards.

>> No.10608647

Help yourself.

Stop expecting anyone else to. It's the only way to move forward.

>> No.10608650

>Daddy issues

You're about 4 months away from roleplaying a little girl on the internet and degrading every last shred of self respect you have.

Enjoy your fall.

I really do hope your situation improves. Hang tight brah.

>> No.10608651

Okay where do you live?

>> No.10608660

MN. You?

>> No.10608664


>> No.10608669

I'm trying to help myself, but for every step I take I need to take 4 steps back. I've applied for a lot of jobs, but no one is willing to take me to carry out my interview. I would take the bus or ride a bike, but I have no source of income to do that. I would take a car, but I don't even have my license do to the same situations. I'm more than willing to pay back any money that is used to help me out, I'm just asking if someone could loan me their time/money for me to get back on my feet.

It's kind of weird. When I came back to live here he was trying to get involved with me. He never used to do that, even when I was a kid. It was mainly him drinking and getting high. Eventually though he just stopped and I didn't try to either, and now he only speaks to me if he wants me to do something, like take out the trash. Our relationship as father and son is pretty bad, like we both don't really know eachothers birthdays, and he doesn't really consider me his son. For the most part though we just stay out of eachothers way, and do our own thing.

>> No.10608670

>Why not cut the bullshit and declare yourself the winner of the debate already?

There was no debate. You didn't even try. Of course I'm the winner, by absolute default. I thought it went without saying.

>I didn't claim you were trolling. Nor did I imply it. You're just a retard.
>Allowing trolls to shit up any thread they don't like isn't a "small price to pay," it kills the entire board.
>because they think like you

As we can see, you've directly attributed my actions as being similar to a group that you have identified as "trolls." You have done this multiple times. I thought it was rather obvious that you were, at the very least, implying I was one.

You can't even see this, and then you have the utter gall to say I am stupid? Pathetic.

>So essentially, you just said "you're a shitposter," but in many more words. Would it really kill you to come up with something original?

No. I think you are a pathetic piece of shit who enables the actual shitposters. I desperately wish you would kill yourself.

>> No.10608672


You know I really expected to see more NEETs in the MN area but I haven't met a single one.

I just want some /jp/sie cock, is that too much to ask for? ;_;

>> No.10608673

I can't find anyone when I put /jp/ into omegle ;_;

>> No.10608677

WHy doesn't any /jp/sie live near me

>> No.10608680

>I will have no more dealing with you.
Backpedaling faggot.

>Of course I'm the winner, by absolute default. I thought it went without saying.
Glad to see you took my advice in the end.

>As we can see, you've directly attributed my actions as being similar to a group that you have identified as "trolls."
Actually, what I claimed was that your policy enables trolls to shit up threads they don't like.

>I thought it was rather obvious that you were, at the very least, implying I was one.
You thought wrong, because you are a retard.

>You can't even see this, and then you have the utter gall to say I am stupid?
I saw that you made an unjustified assumption. Then I called you a retard. There is nothing here that I didn't see.

>No. I think you are a pathetic piece of shit who enables the actual shitposters.
Well, it's true. I'm enabling you right now.

>> No.10608683

I've met a few /jp/sie from there. You at least have a chance.

>> No.10608690

Currently in a conversation still with a /jp/er. Had a long conversation with a NEET earlier, too. Didn't even have /jp/ in the tag. Keep trying, anon.

>> No.10608703

I give up fuck this. Killing myself or something.

>> No.10608711

bye fuckass

>> No.10608712

>Glad to see you took my advice in the end.

Why not? It's the truth. The entire time, you've done nothing but throw insults. Not once have you attempted to back up anything you've said.

>Actually, what I claimed was that your policy enables trolls to shit up threads they don't like.

Which you have specifically said to be the actions of a group you have identified as "trolls." Again, I must point this out since you are too stupid to figure it out. Is it incorrect of me to say that these "actions" that a troll would do are identified as "trolling"? Ergo, you have directly implied that I am trolling.

Eat shit, again.

>You thought wrong, because you are a retard.
Not only have I proven (twice) that I was completely correct in my assumption, but to be called stupid by someone who actually is stupid rankles. I insist you not do it again.

>Well, it's true. I'm enabling you right now.
That's funny. I thought it was the other way around, actually.

>> No.10608724

>Not once have you attempted to back up anything you've said.
I have always backed up what I've said. You simply stopped responding to what I said after a certain point, choosing instead to wail about an assumption I didn't make.

>Which you have specifically said to be the actions of a group you have identified as "trolls."

>Ergo, you have directly implied that I am trolling.
No. You made a false assumption. Nowhere did I include you in that group of "trolls."

>Not only have I proven (twice) that I was completely correct in my assumption, but to be called stupid by someone who actually is stupid rankles. I insist you not do it again.
You are extremely idiotic.

>That's funny. I thought it was the other way around, actually.
Maybe you should take your own advice and "have no more dealing with me," you backpedaling faggot.

>> No.10608729

Please don't kill yourself. You matter.

>> No.10608752

>Nowhere did I include you in that group of "trolls."
>but someone like you always comes along to feed them attention
>because they think like you

I didn't go through the entire conversation again, but there are two direct quotes directly lumping me in with "trolls." Two. 2. The number. Direct statements. It's pretty goddamn obvious to all that you directly implied I was a troll.

Backpedal stop. Backpedaling stop.

>I have always backed up what I've said.
You haven't. You've thrown out a lot of dumbass statements, but nowhere have you attempted to back them up, even with your own justifications. Not once.

>You are extremely idiotic.
Pots and kettles, you useless garbage.

>Maybe you should take your own advice and "have no more dealing with me," you backpedaling faggot.

For someone who backpedals a lot, you sure like to loudly proclaim that everyone else is doing so.

>> No.10608752,1 [INTERNAL] 

>I didn't go through the entire conversation again, but there are two direct quotes directly lumping me in with "trolls." Two. 2. The number. Direct statements.
You, and people who think like you, might inadvertently shit up on an on-topic thread because you're a retard. Other people might deliberately shit up on-topic threads because they're trolls.

>It's pretty goddamn obvious to all that you directly implied I was a troll.
No, just to you.

>Backpedal stop. Backpedaling stop.
This would be the fourth time you've copied what I've said. In any case, contradicting an assumption I never actually made does not constitute backpedaling.

>You've thrown out a lot of dumbass statements, but nowhere have you attempted to back them up, even with your own justifications. Not even once.
Every single post of mine contains backup of what I've said. I'm literally doing it right now.

>For someone who backpedals a lot, you sure like to loudly proclaim that everyone else is doing so.
You literally said you were going to have "no more dealing with [me]," and then, you continued to deal with me. Do you acknowledge that this does, in fact, make you a backpedaling faggot?

>> No.10608752,2 [INTERNAL] 

>actually thinking anyone cares about that shit

>> No.10608752,3 [INTERNAL] 

No one fucking cares, faglord.

>> No.10608752,4 [INTERNAL] 

its like a nuclear bomb made of autism and tears fell on this thread

>> No.10608752,5 [INTERNAL] 

Delicious /jp/'s suffering.

>> No.10608752,6 [INTERNAL] 

gonna have a rite laff reading thru this thread l8er.


>> No.10608752,7 [INTERNAL] 


Not even funny. Just sad.

you could have helped prevent this

>> No.10608752,8 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.10608752,9 [INTERNAL] 

there's no justice

>> No.10608752,10 [INTERNAL] 

no peace
