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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10621287 No.10621287 [Reply] [Original]

How'd you find out about Touhou? Which Touhou was your first?

>> No.10621312

no one's gonna answer you because they're all shitty mcroll initiates

>> No.10621311

Couple years ago I got involved with a small RPing group, and they persuaded me to look into Touhou, at which point I fell in love with it.

But despite the fact that I have no skill with the shmups and that I had those kinds of beginnings, I'm still not a secondary. I love ZUN's Gensoukyou and I spent a long time learning about it.

>> No.10621324
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Cloud8745 did a Let's Play of some of the games. I think he played EOSD and PCB. I thought it looked pretty cool so i decided to try it out myself. I liked it so i read more into it and played more of the games. At least i can always say that i got into the games because of gameplay footage, which seems to be pretty rare.

>> No.10621345

A Billy Mays MAD that had Flowering Night in it a very long time ago.

>> No.10621355

Marisa Stole the Precious Thing...but only because I was a Higurashi fan back then and mistook Alice for Satoko

>> No.10621370

Yukari, in a video of her theme.

>> No.10621368

I heard Cirno's theme being used in a Super Mario World hack but I didn't really notice at the time. Second brush with Touhou was when I watched a Bad Apple conversion for the NES.

>> No.10621373

I found out about Touhou through screenshots of PCB. I downloaded them all and played them in order, so my first was HRtP, which wasn't what I was looking for or expecting, so I immediately moved on to SoEW.

>> No.10621377

i have no damn idea of what Touhou is. I know it involves a lot of characters and tons of lore and that its a bullet hell.
Where do I start? I think I should like it because I absolutely love the DoDonPachi and ESPGaluda series and basically evertything that comes from CAVE.

>> No.10621383

>How'd you find out about Touhou?

>Which Touhou was your first?
Probably EoSD

>> No.10621398
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>> No.10621401

I forgot how but I came across a touhou arrange, liked it, and kept clicking related videos for more music. Eventually I was curious about the game that all the songs were from so I downloaded them and read about the characters and shit.

>> No.10621430

Stop projecting.

>> No.10621434


>> No.10621477

I heard it was a great game so I decided to try TD the latest one, and I loved it.

>> No.10621485

I watched ran ran ruu, then found out it was Flandre's theme. I'm so fucking ashamed to admit this 11

>> No.10621487

whoops, didn't mean to sage

>> No.10621488

It's probably just OP trying to pressure more people into responding.

>> No.10621489
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First found out about it from /a/, but started caring about it only when I began browsing /jp/ in '09.

SA was my first game.

>> No.10621497

I went on /jp/, because I was expecting to find people talking about japanese things. Everyone was talking about something called "2hu", so I checked it out.

And here I am, like a year later, still entertained.


>> No.10621514

A few years ago, I clicked on a random Youtube link that had an image of Nue on it. The (fan-derived) character design hooked me, and since it was a no-description music medley with pretty much random pics I went to the comments to look for a clue as to who she was.

The first bit of comment content led me to the Last Brutal Sister U.N. Owen remix, which I just scrolled down to read up on.
>holy shit, this is video game music?

That's when it connected: Touhou Project. Fast forward, I'm running HRtP, doing the games in order.

Flan was the second one to fascinate me. The "Sister of Scarlet Devil," a little girl, who's apparently more powerful than the devil embodied. Honestly , that concept was a lot more awesome before I actually read anything into it.

>> No.10621537
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Needed to simplify nine factorial (which is 362880, or 9!, by the way), click on the video tab, and watch a Cirno PV, because fuck doing actual work. Happened by pretty much pure luck, I would never have gotten into Touhou if that didn't happen.

>> No.10621539



>> No.10621543

>Honestly , that concept was a lot more awesome before I actually read anything into it.
Why is it less awesome now?

>> No.10621546

You can't work out 9! in your head?

How old were you?

>> No.10621559

9! = 9*8*7*6*5*4*3*2*1
I googled it because it would still be faster to Google it instead of trying to mental it

>> No.10621582

It's because when I played through HRtP, I was facing down an angel of death. The games have you go through an equivalent to hell, then in the sixth game, you finally get to face a "Scarlet Devil."

That brought an image of a huge, badass fallen-angel Eldritch abomination that's somehow LESS powerful than the little girl in the basement.

You can tell I wasn't too in-touch with the Touhou universe at that point.

>> No.10621593

Hey why the factorial of 0 is 1 btw?

>> No.10621608

If you multiply together no numbers you get the multiplicative identity.

>> No.10621618

Remilia may not be at the level of an Eldritch abomination. And yes, the reason for the "Scarlet Devil" title is pretty boring. But she is still extremely powerful, and Flandre even moreso. And I think that this doesn't get enough recognition. In my head at least, the vast majority of people in Gensoukyou couldn't hold a candle to them. Which is actually somewhat supported by the strong implication that Remi was the one behind the Vampire Incident.

Here's a video of them that I also like:

But if you want an Eldritch abomination, you'll probably like Yukari much better.

>> No.10621628

0! = 0^0
0^0 = 1

>> No.10621731
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Because the extension of the term n! is the facorial function Π(n) = ∫ e^(-x) x^n dx with integration limit from 0 to ∞, defined for all n in the complex halfplane with ℜ(n) > -1.
Just trolling, but it sounds smart.

>> No.10621963

You guys can recall that? Precisely how it happen?

Nothing in particular is enticing about it but I was running out of doujinshi to read and decided to try out Touhou since it was plentiful. The canon game came even after that. Those playing since PC98, aka. before it was could have all the rights to be mad at me. Sorry about that.

>> No.10622071



>> No.10622076

I don't remember. But it was probably some ultra popular, embarrassing video on youtube whichever it was. Although ultimately however I did come into contact with it was probably through posts on /g/.
Also EoSD

>> No.10625895

Found out about Touhou from /tg/ and soon started watching playthroughs. EoSD was my first.

>> No.10625939 [DELETED] 

I found Touhou by looking up the source of the porn 4 years ago. I played PCB, liked it, went on to enjoy the rest of them, etc...

>> No.10626055
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A friend told me about touhou
I ignored him
Then another guy showed me he playing UFO
I ignored him too
Then I found some videos like Marisa stoled, bad apple and that mainstream shit
I watched and ignored
Then when I was downloading comiket stuff I came across with a lot of touhou remix
''Well, maybe I should give it a chance''
I downloaded SDM, and played

Now I'm a touhou sick, stucked at /jp/ discussing which 2hu fuk

>> No.10626078
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A few years ago there was this story thing on /jp/. The author was Gensokyo Man.

It seemed interesting so I looked into it.

>> No.10626081

my big brother introduced me to it when I was in fifth grade with touhou 6

>> No.10626136
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Got PCB music in some large Japanese doujin pack back in 2007-2008 and figured out where it was from.

>> No.10626176


Seen that video in early 2007, started playing from EoSD sometime in fall.

>> No.10626439

Three-four years ago a guy I know thought I would like it since I like things with female-heavy casts. He also knew I liked kitsunes. My first touhou was Ran and she's my favorite even now, surprise surprise.

>> No.10626481


>> No.10626505

Megamari on youtube, and then IN extra stage with Mokou's theme remix being a catalyst.

>> No.10626532

years ago somebody on a forum I didn't even have an account for (but happened to be reading anyway) linked to the walfas flash character creator. Curiosity prompted me to look at the rest of the site.

>> No.10626657

Thanks to a remix of Necrofantasia by U-gen.

I looked for the original song and decided it was pretty good, and the games seemed to be entertaining STGs, so I downloaded the games (hoping for more BGM goodness). And they indeed resulted to be pretty nice.

Then, magical girls, more remixes, manga, Remiria Ojou-sama, etc.

Oh, and EoSD... only many months later I would dare to play the pre-windows ones, though without the resolve I faced the Windows series.

>> No.10626771
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>How'd you find out about Touhou?
Found Karaagetarou's comics, and fell in love instantly.

>Which Touhou was your first?
Imperishable Night, a game I have strong memories of because not 30 seconds into playing, a shooting pain struck my back for no apparent reason.

>> No.10630178
File: 93 KB, 376x283, sanaes_are_good_ponies_by_moodyruko-d4tacq8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like those comments.

>> No.10630193

I heard of it before, but what really got me into it was bad apple

>> No.10630204
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A friend got me into it.

Reisen was my first Touhou, after that, I never looked back. Reisen is still my favourite today.

>> No.10630262
File: 3 KB, 63x92, alice AHAHAHAHA UNL_1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

UNL, actually. It was maybe a few months after it first came out, if I recall, and a touhoufag friend of mine got me into it

I found my one true love shortly thereafter gameplay-wise, anyway. I love all 2hus equally otherwise!

>> No.10630280

I don't remember where I heard about Touhou, but I do remember searching for it on Youtube and clicking on the first result which was the IN extra stage clear. I liked the music and the pretty patterns.

>> No.10630282
File: 25 KB, 182x336, reimu FUKN THUMBS UP NIGGA_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fast forward, I'm running HRtP, doing the games in order.

Mah fuckin' nigga

>> No.10630344



>> No.10630398


Are those jissousekis?

>> No.10630400

I first saw Touhou in a video of Luizprower playing IN. He was using Marisa/Alice. I remember thinking his player and shots looked cooler when he was using Marisa, though I didn't know why it changed.
Dunno how I got from there to here.

>> No.10630415

Tsurupettan spam in /b/ back in 2006, I think. I just had to see what the fuck the whole thing was about. You can't even understand confusion of mine. But Suika is in special place in my heart because of that.

>> No.10630506

Saw somebody mention it in the youtube comments for an Ikaruga video. I found and played PCB after that.

>> No.10630554

I became reacquainted with an online friend who turned into a Touhou fanatic during the few years without contact. Spent around a full year dealing with him sending me characters' themes and info about them before I finally gave in and downloaded IN

>> No.10630577

/jp/ & TD.

>> No.10631043
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I kept seeing pictures of all these cute girls with weird hats/head accessories and wondered what it was all for. Some time later, I saw bad apple and finally looked into it.

All this shit is tied to some shmups? Double checked...ok... Came to jp for the vn's and stayed for the Touhou.

The 1st Touhou I recall noticing frequently was Patchouli. I love Kanako.

>> No.10631225
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>> No.10631280

Mystic Square

>> No.10631460
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Got a few pics of Reimu and co. but at the time I didn't know what Touhou was. It was around time I heard Crow's Claw - Common State of Innocent Violence a few years back is when I took an active interest in Touhou, and no guesses which game I started with

>> No.10631549

Everyone who's been on the internet for more than five minutes has a vague osmotic awareness of Touhou, but I only really began to pay attention to it when all of the boards were shitting themselves about the first SDD episode. I watched it, was intrigued by the glimpses of each character - particularily Remi, if I recall - I got from jumping into the fandom in media res, as it were, read a few wiki entries, and ended up devoting the next couple of days to first not getting utterly destroyed by Cirno and then beating EoSD.

>> No.10631562

I got interested in the whole danmaku thing after playing a flash game. First game was #6. Still can't fucking beat it.

>> No.10631606
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I was mildly aware of it because I spent time on the internet. Then I ran across this arrange of Tenshi's theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10nCJAfEieE . Through that I discovered the music, the lore, and the games in that order. Being able to "escape to Gensokyo" when I was suffering serious chroinc illness was nice, and as such the series holds a special place in my heart.

First would be Flandre through ranranru etc. Favorite though is pic related.

>> No.10631615

Embodiment of the Scarlet Devil

>> No.10631679

I found out about Touhou from my buddy who played it a LOT and I finally decided to download it last year. I torrented the complete Touhou pack off of utorrent and away we went. I asked my friend which one to play first, and he recommended Imperishable Night, and so that was my first.

>> No.10631698

Was searching for "hardest video games" on google in around 2004 and found EoSD.

>> No.10631716 [DELETED] 

I googled "epic anime games" and got touhou ^__^
Also why is everyone saging? :(

>> No.10631751
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My first favourite was Yukari.
I found about Touhou because a friend told me so. And it was a irl friend, three years ago.

>> No.10631756

My first game was PCB.

>> No.10631784
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In what order did you beat/1CC the games?

>> No.10631789 [DELETED] 

Who the fuck said you could quote me, dude?

>> No.10631822

2 years ago. I kept putting it off and finally decided to play them.
I was never able to come up with a favorite. Although I find the designs behind both Reisen and Hong Meiling to be very good.

>> No.10631832

Holy fuck I saw his PCB let's play and my friend gave me PoFV and EoSD after I told him about it.

>> No.10631839
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Read the Touhou article on EncyclopediaDramatica (lol) around the beginning of 2008. I think it was possibly a featured article on the front page because of the /a/ Touhou hijacks. Downloaded IN around April that year then by May I had bought a USB controller just for Touhou.

Patchouli was my first favourite, I think, just based on her look. When I learned more about canon it shifted to Yukari and hasn't changed since.

>> No.10631843

let's see...
I was linked to the most known nicodouga medley, mostly because of Jam Project's GONG, I recogniced many tunes, and forced myself to find out about the ones I did not knew as that damn meddley is that awesome... I followed the music and found myself playing EoSD a week later.

>> No.10631855

Somehow I heard across the internet where there is an insanely ridiculous game where their boss can manipulate fate and secret boss can destroy everything and anything. I though it's some Chaos Gods level of Eldritch Abomination: The Game. I didn't expect them to be a twin vampire loli sister. Also my first touhou is Flandre Scarlet.

>> No.10631852

Some weeaboo faggot kept roleplaying as Cirno on /x/ a few years ago. I told him he was annoying as hell, and just to piss him off I told him Touhou was shit. He said I was lying and just so I could prove him wrong I went and played all the games. Then it turned out they were pretty good and I was the wrong one all along.

I hope you're reading this. Thank you for introducing me to Touhou, but you were still an insufferable cunt.

>> No.10631901

I've know about Touhou for a while but I never really got into it. I had run across stuff like IOSYS as well as fan videos on youtube, somehow. I knew of Flandre's theme because of that McRoll video. All in all none of it made much of an impression.

Then it pretty much turned out to be exactly like this guy.

Except I can remember which arrange actually piqued my interest. I was listening to R/a/dio when Shibayan's Usagi Daibakuhatsu came on.

>> No.10631915 [DELETED] 

>The Game

>> No.10631926
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>The Game

>> No.10631972

Not really sure. But it's either:
I saw someone playing it and thought it was insane and played them too. Or.
Saw a Patchy doujin on /h/.

>> No.10631987

Discovered the existence of Touhou when looking for Rozen Maiden stuff at Danbooru. Becomes a fan when someone gave me the game and the first game i've played is Shoot the Bullet and PCB. The rest is history.

>> No.10632279

Friends introduced me to it through Soku, as I am a fighting game fan long before I was a touhou fan.

>> No.10632294


>> No.10632349 [DELETED] 

That leaked over to the Web at large years ago. Might as well send us all to /a/ for discussing Touhou since that board raised that piece of 4chan culture before /jp/ was even made (as an offshoot of /a/).

>> No.10632371


>Chaos Gods level of Eldritch Abomination: Surprise!
I didn't pull that out of my ass.

>> No.10632442
File: 99 KB, 1100x750, Kawashiro.Nitori.full.152748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a bit ashamed to say, but, I first found it through the Nitori version of the fucking "Geddan" video. Which was also the first Geddan i saw. I never really cared much about the Geddan, but Nitori really caught my eye. So i looked into her and then Touhou itself, i got interested in the lore and read more about it, but for some reason i stopped looking into it for a while. About a year after, i found the popular Bad Apple video, along with some more awesome PVs and then BGM goodness, i got into it again and finally decided to download my first game, which was, for obvious reasons, MoF. My favourite 2hu has always been Kawashiro Nitori for several reasons.

>> No.10632468

i was looking for free games

>> No.10632477

Marisa Stole the Precious Thing, which I found through AMV Hell 4.

>> No.10632761

I can't remember. It just happened.

>> No.10632801
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First game was SA.

God, that was a rough introduction.

I really got "into" EoSD and PCB, learning the characters, their interactions, the stories, etc.

In no particular order: Marisa, Youmu, Reisen, Mokou, Flandre, Sakuya.

Marisa, though, strikes a chord. She's a magician and a researcher, and I'm a graduate student in the sciences, so...

>> No.10632815

Touhou hijacks. Chen. I'm everybody's shittiest poster.

I had known of Touhou Project before, because the characters kept showing up in wallpaper dumps and an acquaintance of mine used to play STGs in the dormitory lounge, but I hadn't gotten into it.

>> No.10632825

I first know about Touhou by... McRoll
After that, i googling 'bout Touhou, and then I'm going to Touhouwiki, read about the game, characters, ZUN, and the universe.
After that, I downloaded all the games up to TD ( I'm starting interested about Touhou approximately May 2012)
My first Touhou game is EoSD.
My first 1cc is EoSD, at August 12, 2012, 6.16 PM (yeah i keep memorial for 1cc)

>> No.10632831 [DELETED] 

Also, I already know about Touhou since 2011

>> No.10632839

Correction, I already know 'bout Touhou since 2010, by Bad Apple PV

>> No.10632842 [DELETED] 

If only you put as much effort into studying English.

>> No.10632850
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Bunnies because of some lunatic friend of mine being huge fans of them.

Naturally, my first game was IN.

>> No.10633015

Saw a friend show a friend some Touhou gameplay about 5 years ago. I started playing because of all the crazy pretty patterns. Here I am now.

>> No.10633028


>> No.10635010

McRoll wasn't my first exposure to Touhou, but it was the thing that made me do the research and find out about the franchise.

I think the first thing Touhou related I saw was that iosys flash video of that cute tsundere doll nut and the witch.

>> No.10635070

I found out about it years ago from a song on youtube by IOSYS. The exact video seems to still be up ----> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBzWCepRYGw&list=FLAG6ilrDKmpeM_WBz_n7aDA&index=86 Not sure exactly what year I found it but I know it was in 2008 or 2009.

>> No.10635091

Is it just me, or is there a disproportionate lack of Marisa Stole the Precious Thing, Bad Apple!!, McRoll, etc. answers ITT?

It's not like you'd know they were heretical secondary bullshite if they were your first exposure to Touhou.

>> No.10635188

Some Touhou arrange compilation on Nico Douga a few years ago. I really liked a couple of the songs, looked them up to get more from the artist, then saw that they were from a video game called Touhou. Played PCB a little bit and enjoyed it, realised Touhou was a /jp/ topic and thus I started coming here.
Before this I saw the IOSYS flashes and whatnot, but didn't really pay attention to them or look deeper into things because of them.

>> No.10641435

A friend send me a copy of Touhou pack. It was EoSD to PoFV I think. Naturally my first Touhou I saw was Reimu & Marisa from character Imperishable Nights' selection screen, but the first noticeable Touhou for me was Reisen. Her name, Reisen Udongein Inaba, is so strange and stands out more. And the danmaku gimmick of her, which made her fight easier I thought they're silly.
