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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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10654922 No.10654922 [Reply] [Original]

So being serious, is there a /jp/ meetup being organized to see ZUN?

>> No.10654927

People were talking about it for a while, but nobody has made any plans yet, as far as I know.

>> No.10654942

See ZUN where?

>> No.10654957

Anime Weekend Atlanta. September 27th-29th, 2013

ZUN's first appearance at a convention in the Americas, so it's important to try to make a good first impression.

>> No.10654964

Why do you even try?

Do you go to conventions often?

>> No.10654967
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Yes, a lot of people were talking about it.
It's too early for any serious planning though, I think.
We tend to procrastinate.

>> No.10654972

why the hell would his us debut be in some random ass city like atlanta when he could go to something like ax.

>> No.10654987

No, but the holy pilgrimage is a priority. The important thing is to not be rude or pressure him with unwanted questions or demands like "PUT MIMA IN THE NEXT GAME NAO!! DO IT!!"

ZUN is a pretty shy person and this is his first time here so we should try to keep the atmosphere open and friendly.

>> No.10654998

>Anime Weekend Atlanta. September 27th-29th, 2013
>The Great Atlanta Beer Fest September 7th, 2013

>> No.10655025
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When we stalked Reimu-chan, it turned out a few /jp/ers have been to AWA before, or live near there. I'm sure we'll get at least one person who goes, asks a dumb meme question, and then posts about how hilarious it was.

>> No.10655036

Nigger, you have Japanese culture backwards as HELL. They don't want you to act all laid-back with open arms, they want you to keep a stiff upper lip and be respectful.

I know this because I'm British and our cultures are identical. I've played over 50 eroge so I know what I'm talking about.

>> No.10655042
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I honestly don't give a fuck about ZUN, the man.

Don't get me wrong, I love his creations, but I see no point in actually meeting him or talking to him in person other than to use as bragging rights to those that do care to meet him.

So, yah, no thank you, I'll just continue to enjoy all his kawaii boushi uguu~ girls without ever meeting him.

I will however confess that I would like a /jp/ meetup, however that would require going outside, so that won't happen either.

>> No.10655043

Should we offer him tea?

>> No.10655054

Yes. But be very solemn about it. Aim to look busy instead of relaxed. Read this Wikipedia page:

>> No.10655065

It's a good opportunity to hear him talk *about* the franchise, though.

It's okay to be a fan of somebody if they make something you like. I mightn't care what ZUN had for breakfast or how his dad died (fuck you, Notch), but I care about his thoughts on STGs and the future of Touhou.

>> No.10655073 [DELETED] 

Man I ain't driving 4 and a half hours for that shit

Someone carpool me

>> No.10655075
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How does any of what you just talked about require you go MEET him in person though?

As if no faggot will upload a video on youtube 9 minutes after ZUN finishes uttering the last "ten".

>> No.10655829

i wish i could go meet some people from jp and have fun+talk about our favorite masturbation games.

i could be the friendly, shy, tiny one that goes around and hugging people and telling them to do their best.

>> No.10655847

Because 1. You might get to ask something, and 2. Real life is an artificial limiter to keep your short attention span from making you do something else. I've never walked out of a class or lecture, but I've stopped watching MIT or Khan Academy videos to fap or play games so many times.

>> No.10655873

Do you think ZUN might be thinking about releasing translated versions of the games? I'd always assumed his attitude to the western fanbase was one of apathy at best, but if he's willing to travel overseas for a con appearance he must be at least a little interested, right? There's been at least one or two localization groups that have approached him already, and if he plans to go for it this event would be a logical time to announce something.

>> No.10655883

I don't think this is some massive change of heart, it's just something he was curious about.

>> No.10655895
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>> No.10655899 [DELETED] 

>I've never walked out of a class or lecture, but I've stopped watching MIT or Khan Academy videos to fap or play games so many times.
Wow. I did a lot better when I didn't attend lectures at all. They messed with my concentration.

>> No.10655901

Pretty sure that's the one nobody from /jp/ went to.

>> No.10655921

>cargo shorts
>the shitty looking kind of sandals

never change white people

>> No.10655932 [DELETED] 

This is what I picture the /jp/ normals looking like

>> No.10655943

I'd be ashamed to hang out with any of them.

>> No.10655981

Someone post the actual /jp/ Comiket pictures. The ones where people bought MLP doujinshi.

>> No.10655995

It's only "people" if there's more than one of them.

>> No.10656017

Not normal enough. Would NOT hang with.

>> No.10656946

By the way, are there any no-photos policy for meetups? I imagine lots of /jp/ers are shy and don't want to have their photos be posted here for mocking.

That or they just want to be Anonymous LEGION XD

>> No.10656967

Someone volunteer to go and broadcast it for us.

>> No.10656976

When is it

>> No.10656985

Why is she wearing that backpack over her che-
Sweet mother of god! She's got a small person in that rucksack!

>> No.10657038

>/jp/'s first question:
dono 2hu fakku?

>> No.10657049

if anyone is serious about it, I'm planning on going to AWA. my email is in the field, if you want to contact me and maybe plan something and get to know me a little bit.

>> No.10657067
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>> No.10657071
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Anyone planning on doing a little cosplay? I know I will.

>> No.10657073
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>> No.10657075
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>> No.10657081

as a person who lives in atlanta ga, i will not be going

>> No.10657079

If someone killed ZUN while he is in america wouldn't that cause something like... a revolution?

>> No.10657088
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>short pants


>> No.10657118

sucks for you. Leg reimu, big raymoo, small raymoo, medium raymoo, and custom made raymoo, the green crawler, packback, and whatever other imaginary friends I have in my head will be going


>> No.10657133
File: 1.03 MB, 1000x640, Rumia 36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Touhou fans around the world would rise up! Gripping their goheis and brooms in our hands we will force the UN to officially recognize us and grant us out own land! A land we will call... Outer Gensokyo!

>> No.10657139

As opposed to a lot of cosplay? What would that entail? Multiple costumes?

>> No.10657154
File: 966 KB, 3264x1952, IMAG1213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, multiple cosplays.
I'm thinking of making a youmu and a yuyuko outfit, but I don't have a cute /jp/er to complement it.

>> No.10657165

Sorry I don't think I'm cute... Not that I would cosplay as a specific character anyways. I could probably be convinced to wear something similar to a character though. Basically no cross dressing or wigs for me...

>> No.10657168


Wow, holy shit, the video that that guy makes. Autistic as fuck, but I like them nonetheless.

>> No.10657172

do you have any suggestions?

>> No.10657180

>Basically no cross dressing or wigs for me

but wearing a cute frilly dress is fun anon, and wearing a wig that coves most of your face can make you look like a cute girl, assuming you're not fat.

>> No.10657192

If I had to choose something or die I would wear Koumajou Densetsu Marisa's outfit.
Either way cosplaying isn't really something I would find fun, let alone doing it with a cute frilly dress.

>> No.10657193


What, are you that guy?

>> No.10657223
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maybe I am

>> No.10657230


Dude, how did you get so much money to buy 2 Deka fumos and throw a thousands of dollars worth of 100$ bills at Marisa?

>> No.10657235


Also, since you are obviously a /jp/er that is cool, as far as suggestions, how about you make a video of Marisa and Reimu doing lewd things together, add in your own sound effects, etc.


>> No.10657239

I'm not really an autistic neet

>> No.10657247


I figured that, but what work do you do that earns u that much dosh?

>> No.10657254

I had a company that I sold and put that money in the bank. Now I work in the military because of a scholarship I took when I was a freshman in college.

>> No.10657270

u go to any cons?

>> No.10657279
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I'll be doing Youmu most probably.

>> No.10657283


Will you be my internet friend?! I think it was really brave/funny you made those videos and put them on the internet. Can you come to the /jp/ steam group chat, so I can add you as a friend? :3

>> No.10657294

el tee yakumo

I want to meet you youmu tripfag, y-you know, no homo

>> No.10657298

Will niconico be doing one of those streams there?

>> No.10657309

only one I ever went to was awa last year, but I wasn't in there for long.

>> No.10657588
File: 293 KB, 870x732, 1362851737726.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was under the impression that ZUN hated gaijin.

Was that a load of crap?

>> No.10657592 [DELETED] 

Yeah nah
Not with that email

I'd rather just avoid your type entirely thanks

>> No.10657601

its a throwaway e-mail, but whatever

>> No.10657604 [DELETED] 

Jesus fuck this thread
Guy bragging about his job and college and pretend autism XD and some other guy sucking his nuts and asking him to come join the shitposter guilder on video game facebook.

>> No.10657623
File: 320 KB, 870x732, 1364175020521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did anyone else notice that the artist got the WcDonald's logo wrong?

>> No.10657637

Everybody hates gaijin.

>> No.10657749

>or how his dad died

So how did he die?

>> No.10657767

Why would you think that? The entire purpose of him taking the name Team Shanghai Alice was because he thought Shanghai was a representation of Eastern and Western cultures meshing in harmony.

Of course, it did seem like his interest in the West may have declined a bit, considering early Windows era it was all about Westerners like Scarlet sisters, Patchouli Knowledge, Alice Margatroid, ect. Even Cirno and her buddies had Western-derived names. But since a little before the second main Windows era, the focus became predominantly Japanese and religion leaning.

>> No.10657778

One of his friends is American. I think he runs a brewery or something.

>> No.10657788


>> No.10657993

moot does not run a brewery!
But really, the notion that ZUN hates whitey is a bit stupid and unfounded.

>> No.10658007

Well, that's nice to know.

>> No.10658013

Should it say "the futon and I"?
