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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 198 KB, 930x778, yande.re 209129 aozaki_aoko crossover dress fate_stay_night jpeg_artifacts kara_no_kyoukai kimono koyama_hirokazu pantyhose ryougi_shiki saber tsukihime type-moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10783882 No.10783882 [Reply] [Original]

Who are the most tragic characters Nasu has written in his works? Plenty of them lived shit lives, but which were fucked-over by the plot the most? Anything he wrote is fine. Fate/Zero doesn't count.

Personal ranking:
1) Liang Qi - Seeing it animated possibly made it far more brutal, but her entire character was her suffering because she fell in love with an emotionless bitch. Her delving deeper into insanity was painful to watch and her relationship with Cummings was interesting.

2) SHIKI - Completely rejected by his loved ones, but still lived happily when he was younger.

3) Bazett - Dreamed of saving Lancer from his cruel fate, but had her arm chopped-off
by Kotomine. Continued to repeat the Grail War over and over again

4) Lancer - shit-tier luck

5) Fujyou - Sick in hospital bed and eventually killed herself

Other mentioned would be Elisia, Sakura, and Hakkoh.

>> No.10783886 [DELETED] 


>> No.10783889
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>> No.10783892

It's not sad with the remake confirmed. She also has happy endings in Melty Blood. She's pretty low-tier on the scale, imo.

>> No.10783901

SHIKI was terrible and it is a good thing he died.

>> No.10783906

Liang Qi isn't Type-Moon, Nasu had nothing to do with the anime of Canaan

>> No.10783924

Enjou Tomoe gets an honorable mention for being the person in Kara no Kyoukai that suffers the most, and is barely relevant to the story, except for his suffering. I mean, the guy's origin is "worthlessness." You can't get more suffering than that unless you go full on Lancer.

Sacchin gets top billing, just because, of all the characters to not have routes that at one time did have one planned, she's the only one NOT to show up in a fandisk scenario. Illya and Rider get their own segments. Hell, Shiki's first sexual encounter shows up in Kagetsu Tohya. Sacchin? Her only role in Kagetsu Tohya is to remind Shiki that dead people can't come back, no matter how much you'd like them to, even if you're dreaming.

Anything after first place isn't that important. Lancer gets to be awesome in every path he's in. Bazett gets her own fan disk. Liang Qi is so fucking insane BEFORE she goes fucking insane that it's hard to empathize with her. SHIKI was a bro. Fujyou has the unfortunate problem of being distantly related to the maids, which is just an extension of her misfortune.

>> No.10783926

>nothing to do with the anime of Canaan

I didn't know you attended their staff meetings, anon.

>> No.10783934

baby-level tragedy

>> No.10783939

>Liang Qi is so fucking insane BEFORE she goes fucking insane

She was sadistic at the start, but not quite insane. I'd say after the bombing incident after Alphard told her off is when she completely cracked. Of course, Alphard continues to give two shits no matter how hard she tried to impress her. I don't see how you can't pity her.

>> No.10783945

>SHIKI was a bro
The only bro thing he did was sacrifice himself for Shiki, he ruined her life outside of that with his lust for murder.

>> No.10783954
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And then once she separates with Cummings she no longer has anyone to take her stress off on. She just wanted her nee-chan, man.

>> No.10783959

Ctrl+F, "Kohaku"
No results.
Shit thread. Hidden.

>> No.10783960

SHIKI is a bro. When Shiki got "adopted," SHIKI was the only one besides Hisui that reached out to him. SHIKI is the only reason Akiha and Shiki even consider themselves family, and it's because he made Shiki get involved in all their playing.

Remember, SHIKI doesn't even know who Shiki is in far side when he's trying to kill him, at least not until Akiha's path. He's been driven so insane by imprisonment, his father's punishment, and Kohaku's manipulations that he isn't even aware of who the impostor is that replaced him until it's too late.

Besides, he has his demon blood and Roa Inside driving him batshit. If it weren't for that, the real Tohno SHIKI would've been an awesome guy.

>> No.10783965

I was talking about SHIKI/Shiki from KnK, sorry for the confusion.

>> No.10783968
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She was raped, but she had a happy ending in her route. So not really.

>> No.10783974

Kohaku can't be the most tragic, because her story is the true ending of Tsukihime and she gets the best redemption out of all of Nasu's heroines. Kohaku, in the end, at least gets something out of all of her troubles.

This thread is for the characters that died with nothing but regret and misfortune. And no path to call their own.

>> No.10783989

Hey /jp/, you know what? I can't really believe I wasted all that time on typemoon. its full of more interesting and creative shit out there!

>> No.10783995

Why would you not waste your time on something interesting and creative?

>> No.10784020
File: 35 KB, 500x353, garan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Shiki had a persistent stalker guy for support at least. And in the end she only lost a thumb!

>> No.10784025

go back to /a/, you dipshit

>> No.10784034

Shut the fuck up Freezing

>> No.10784036

counter sage ;)

>> No.10784074

and her virginity!

>> No.10784103
File: 1.72 MB, 1668x2249, yande.re 211866 kara_no_kyoukai ryougi_mana takeuchi_takashi thighhighs type-moon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her loli is still pure.

>> No.10784111

so, they have to be shit to be acknowledged by the edgy emo community?

>> No.10784149

Kill~ yourself~

>> No.10784229 [DELETED] 

le unlucky lancer face

i swear people only throw that around to make it look like they know something about fate/whatever

>> No.10784253

What are you talking about

>> No.10784632
File: 37 KB, 550x412, lancer2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4) Lancer - shit-tier luck
The fate of the Irish.

>> No.10784661

Hahaha suffering ><

>> No.10784665

How the Hell is Lancer unlucky

Hot bod
Strong enough to kill hordes of armies
Cute Face
Probably screwed a thousand women
Did i say hot bod?

>> No.10784676

One of the stories of his youth is about how he wants to be granted arms on a day that a seer or whatever said how whoever is granted arms on that day will be fated for glory but he didn't hear about how they'll also be fated for a short life and he gives all of zero fucks about that.

>> No.10784694


Sacchin is the only True answer

Arcuied Route: She dies
Ciel Route: She dies
Akiha Route: Shiki kills her
Hisui Route: Shiki kills her
Kohaku End: Shiki kills her

>> No.10784720

Being the Kenny of the franchise isn't lucky.

>> No.10784722

That's not Shinji

>> No.10784730

That's not how you spell llya

>> No.10784749
File: 52 KB, 750x1040, isn&#039;t it sad, shiki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10784745
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They made it pretty clear with Carnival Phantasm, man.

Also, I have a couple of コハクリコ doujinshi that I could scan if anyone is interested. The last episode of CP had a small animated segment of the series. It's basically Kohaku being dumb: The Doujinshi.


>> No.10785045

>Also, I have a couple of コハクリコ doujinshi that I could scan if anyone is interested.

If they are the missing ones that have never been scanned before, I will love you till the end of all worlds and swear myself to be yours, and only yours.

If that idea dissuades you, I have some Type-Moon stuff that has never been scanned that I could be persuaded to scan in trade for your services.

>> No.10785110

Most preeminent amongst my collection that have yet to be scanned would be


and a White Ren/Nanaya Shiki anthology that I can't find listed anywhere. The anthology is pretty big.

Always acquiring new stuff. I wish I could get the buyfriends of the Type-Moon world together in order to acquire a collection of everything, before it all vanishes.

>> No.10785138

Oh, and if anyone has


I will pretty much become your manservant and serve you for the rest of my life.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled tragedy festival.

>> No.10785172
File: 194 KB, 554x800, grad1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have

I really wish someone would hunt down Takeuchi's old doujinshi. The T-M timeline has a Valkyria Neav Saga II listed, but I can't find anything on it. There's also some oneshots that were published. I really wish he would finish the series...

>> No.10785252

Oooh, you have a koha v seibarin, plus 10. Quite nice. If you ever feel like scanning them, do so knowing that you are doing the work of the saints. It's a shame this stuff never comes up for auction, and I'm too poor to go to the conventions to get them.

More artists need to sell their stuff online.

>> No.10785423

I'll see what I can do tomorrow.

So who would be the most fortunate Nasu characters, guys?

>> No.10785530

Hisui. Nothing bad happens to her. Everyone else suffers horribly, but even in the path where everyone dies, Hisui goes on with Shiki. Out of all the Tsukihime women, Hisui's worst suffering is being forced to act like her sister for years.

Fate? Probably Taiga or Rin. Taiga literally has nothing bad happen to her (except for Caster), and doesn't get a route, but gets huge time in the main game and HA. Rin gets a path, and only one really bad ending in HF. She suffers the least out of all the Fate people.

My runner up for Fate would be Gilgamesh. Sure, he gets EXCALIBUR'ed in one route, SHIROU'ed in another, and devoured by an erotical black hole in the last, but by god, he has fun the entire game. Gilgamesh is that one villain that no matter what happens, he just has fun.

Kara no Kyoukai would be Mikiya. He gets to bang Shiki, and the worst thing that happens is that Shiki's doppelganger wants to rape/kill/eat him. Even if he didn't end up with Shiki, Azaka would've kidnapped him. Good ending.

>> No.10786621
File: 1.14 MB, 1613x2208, 431682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd let SHIKI rape/kill/eat me. Most Type-Moon girls I was willingly let them do what they please.
I'll try getting a photo of my Type-Moon collection later today.

>> No.10786632

>he gets EXCALIBUR'ed in one route

I'm not sure that counts given he wasn't even upset by it. Just a 'Good job, Saber' before disappearing.

>> No.10786641

No mention of Kotomine? He fits
>This thread is for the characters that died with nothing but regret and misfortune

>> No.10786647

>Matou Kariya not even getting a mention

this guy had NOTHING and lost EVERYTHING

>> No.10786666

I don't think Kotomine died with regret, though.

>> No.10786682


He probably wasn't entirely unhappy to die but he never got the answer he was looking for, a goal he devoted his life to.

>> No.10786892

Akiha - Everyone just act against her. Also no happy end.

>> No.10786959


>> No.10788065

The mindless monster ending was pretty happy imo

>> No.10788308

Didn't he devote his life to the war?

>> No.10788474
File: 86 KB, 425x689, Kotomine-Sexy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He did get one of his answers, though, in that he met another person like himself, namely Shirou. He never did get an answer as to the worthiness of a worthless existence, i.e. something that can only feel happiness in doing evil and was simply born that way.

In the end, I don't think Kotomine really cared. He knew that there would never be a real answer to his question. If he didn't keep looking for it, though, then he would've had no justification for his existence. Kotomine says it himself: in the end, he was probably just taking out his frustration on Shirou and the others, a frustration born of living his whole life unable to be who he was without regretting who he was, and never finding the happiness that Shirou and the others had found.

You can't really pity Kotomine, because he had the power to live as he chose to live, unlike Kohaku and others. Kotomine just didn't have a justification for living.

I wish Nasu had made Kotomine a woman, though.

>> No.10788484

Kotomine also died smiling, which is more than you can say of other tragic characters in Nasu's works, save maybe Lancer. Shirou finally gave him the final confrontation and release from his life that Kiritsugu denied him. Shirou was what Kotomine thought Kiritsugu was, and Shirou somewhat understood and acknowledged Kotomine, whereas Kiritsugu never understood or acknowledged him.

>> No.10788598

>living his whole life unable to be who he was without regretting who he was

This is pretty gay now that I think about it.

>> No.10788610

Anyone that's suffering because of "love" in any medium is bullshit.

Makes the story really tacky.

>> No.10788619

You're not making any sense, anon.

>> No.10789143

Despite the homoerotic undertones from Fate/Zero, the sort of "unable to live as he is" is in regards to taking delight only in evil acts, while being raised to know right from wrong. Not being the in closet.

>> No.10789390
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While replaying Tsukihime it sparked some thoughts on the remake.

1) How could they fix the problem with falling in love in 10 days? All of his games have this problem. KnK avoided this by spanning several years, but it uses several character POVs and is episodic.

2) Arc is the cover girl and the original concept revolved around her, but she doesn't have much of a place in Tsukihime's underlying plot and themes. How can this be fixed?

It would also be nice if some of the important stories in KT could be incorporated into the plot. Mainly the story with Roa and Arc and possible Shiki's father being badass.

Also, finished scanning one of the doujinshis. I just need to crop the images now.

>> No.10789480

Tsukihime also doesn't have many fight scenes.
The fight with Chaos feels like of the the few actual "fights".

>> No.10791878
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It's up at the usual place now. Scanned Kohaku vs Saber.

>> No.10792845
File: 18 KB, 200x324, ciel_in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can be done to make Ciel's route less shit?

>> No.10792998

Keep Nasu from writing it.

Well, I guess I now have to upload some stuff. Once I get a couple of days off in a row, I'll break out my scanner and see if I can't make a not shit-tier scan.

>> No.10794727
File: 93 KB, 1140x480, roa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck!
What's wrong with Nasu writing it, though?

Also, I don't know if it's just me, but Roa doesn't seem threatening at all. He's supposed to be pretty strong, but he never leaves that impression. All we see is him getting his limbs sliced off and screaming.
