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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 588 KB, 600x1045, jp after hormones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10785844 No.10785844[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why haven't you started your hormone therapy yet, /jp/? Don't you want to be a cute girl?

>> No.10785847

I'm not an abomination.

>> No.10785849

Because trannys aren't cute

>> No.10785851

Instead of being an aging man, I would be an aging woman. Pointless. Unless the cute and girl part were guaranteed.

>> No.10785857

Men look better as they age than women.

>> No.10785862
File: 210 KB, 588x542, homumado.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw I'm a real girl who wants to be a cute boy.

>> No.10785861

I would rather be a cute boy. 3D traps and cross-dressers never look good, and the same could be said for most people that go on hormone therapy. They should aim for something more reasonable.

>> No.10785863
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>> No.10785868

Not attractive.

>> No.10785870

Why haven't you started hormone therapy yet? The results for FtMs are generally much better than those for MtFs, even if you start late.

>> No.10785872

Are you cute? I don't want a cute girl.

>> No.10785875

She's not cute.

>> No.10785886
File: 89 KB, 450x338, 1324460768285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ya she is buttmunch

>> No.10785892

Pls leave Rose

>> No.10785903

I want to have a cute boygirlfriend instead!

>> No.10785912

You'll never be a cute girl if you have XY chromosomes

>> No.10785918

You have one too many chromosomes already.

>> No.10785945
File: 94 KB, 399x388, depressed lizard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will die before virtual reality is invented

>> No.10785950

Scientists have already performed partial brain transplants on monkeys. It's only a matter of years before it's attempted on humans. This would allow you to retain key components of your personality.

>> No.10785954
File: 35 KB, 265x298, Neck_Turner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you suggesting they should have been born with only a single X?

>> No.10785958

That was in the 70's.

>> No.10785959

>not working on your own virtual reality system
chek out this fffgghhkk

>> No.10785964

No, it was an autism joke.

>> No.10785979

Trisomy-21 is not related to autism in any way.

>> No.10785990

Would anyone like to be my boyfriend?

>> No.10785996


>> No.10785999


>> No.10786002

Yeah but it's not technology that's holding us back, it's the fact that it's illegal in every country with the capability to perform such a procedure.

>> No.10786005

No, but I'll be your bearded man-handed girlfriend.

>> No.10786024


>> No.10786027

Pretty sure the technology is also a big factor; there are plenty of countries with very qualified surgeons with little regulatory oversight. Don't tell me the same doctors in Thailand that specialize in sex changes wouldn't also do brain transplants if there was a market for it and a procedure with a less than 100% death rate.

We could probably get such a procedure developed more quickly if there was money for the animal research needed, though; unfortunately most clinical research gets done in countries with legislated medical ethics.

>> No.10786057

But that still wouldn't be yourself. Unless there is a was to actually mutate into a little girl, your dreams of becoming a little girl are juts that dreams.

>> No.10786060

Can I kiss you?

>> No.10786069

I-If you want to.

>> No.10786077

I don't really know what to do here....
Do I close my eyes?

>> No.10786079

That face is hideous. How fitting.

So you want to be "that" cute. Yeah sure, go ahead.

>> No.10786081
File: 88 KB, 640x640, 10839caa132e15100cd1b58e41d8e0b2687c30cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can. Here I come!


>> No.10786087

There is no permanent self anyways; you are constantly mutating into someone else all the time as your cells die and are replaced. Why is the you that is a brain transplanted into a little girl body less of yourself than the you that remains in a body that mutated from one that you are currently in?

>> No.10786091

No. No. NO.

Do NOT start something so lewd in front of cute and innocent /jp/sies please.

>> No.10786117

You can close your eyes!

>> No.10786139

Rose is a girl!

>> No.10786156

Suppose we have two bodies, and one mind. In one of the bodies, b1 we put the brain and thus the mind. Then we make the other one, b2, forget all it knows and implant the memories of the mind.
Both bodies and minds will be thinking they are the exact same person. Are they?
Both of them will have an entirely different future, they are different individuals.
I don't have that problem with myself, and I'll never will. If they make a transplant that will be a different person. I am not only my brain.

>> No.10786164

slay the gayz

>> No.10786191

>Cloistered (G3) gender dysphoric boys appear to others and even to themselves to be heterosexual. Although as a group they are not especially active daters, they clearly prefer to date girls when they do date. Significantly, unlike other boys, their dating motives are markedly different. For these boys, being on a date with a girl is a chance to spend time with a girl in a way not generally allowed under other circumstances. Dating serves two purposes for these boys. The first is social, as it gives them the all-important appearance of being normal. The second is therapeutic. Being close to a girl's softness, and even her female smell, has a mitigating effect on gender expression deprivation anxiety. The fantasy is not to make love to her but to actually be her.


>> No.10786200

That doesn't sound like me.

I only hang out with girls as friends

>> No.10786209
File: 252 KB, 600x727, 1359164562312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Many individuals paradoxically adopt homophobic, transphobic, and overtly sexist attitudes in the hope that they will override their desires to be female. The situation can become so convoluted that some gender dysphoric men come to therapy wanting, almost desperately, to be told that they are not transsexual. That would be understandable if they were simply confused and wanted to get to the bottom of their problem. Unfortunately, their stated preference here appears to be more a form of avoidance of the fear and complexities involved in transitioning than it is an honest desire to remain men.

>When these individuals are questioned further, it is common to see that they have a deep-seated, love/hate relationship with their inward need to be female. While they apparently need do nothing to keep the love side of that dilemma alive, the hate side seems to need constant care and feeding. The danger is obvious: As they see it, if they don't continuously think negatively about women, they might have to face the reality of wanting to be one. In essence, the sexism in this group serves as a cover, providing a convenient, and unfortunately a socially acceptable way to maintain denial.

>> No.10786213
File: 76 KB, 612x612, d4b2f1406d4a11e28b9422000a1f8af5_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are manly don't start HRT unless you want to get laughed at no matter where you go.

>> No.10786234

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kffrh5N6hC4
> jp

>> No.10786281

>I only hang out with girls as friends

beta as HELL

>> No.10786297

What if you have androgen insensitivity syndrome?

>> No.10786333

started two months`ao, had to put it off for 7 days due to late shipment

self medding

maybe it will not make me a little girl but at least I won't be so disgusting either

>> No.10786338

No, you'll just be even more disgusting.

>> No.10786344
File: 21 KB, 400x400, bully3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10786358

not really

some facts:

and these people were only on whoremoans(mostly)
I already invested in extensive laser skin restoration therapy, use sunscreens every time I go outside, and intend to invest heavy money into pernamnet hair remoal and a series of plastic surgeries called FacialFeminizationSurgery

my genes are not that bad, either

so, yeah. Staying positive!

>> No.10786361

You're going to be a really gross boy.

>> No.10786363
File: 26 KB, 400x400, projector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10786365

Yes really, you're going to look like a disgusting freak just like all the rest.

>> No.10786367

Those are the success stories. You don't see the freaks that have to hide.

>> No.10786369

I hope it works out. I don't have the balls (lol) to commit to hormone therapy. I like being a guy, but I also wish I were a cute girl. I wish I could be both. Or at least girly enough to trap, but I'm fucking hairy.

>> No.10786370
File: 60 KB, 452x400, bully5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10786374

Why would you want to give up your glorious male privilege?

>> No.10786379

do not befriend non-white people
it won't end well

>> No.10786381
File: 318 KB, 400x569, bully6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10786380

I hope everyone achieves their dreams in this thread!

>> No.10786384

oh yeah, I know what you are talking about

I spend a lot of time on trans imageboards and forums and while people on imageboard are mostly okay, these heavily regulated NO BULLY ZONE forums are a nest of ugly, unpassable hons who look like guys in skirts

However, these people have transitioned at very late age and they don't even try. No surgeries, no voice practice, no hair regrowth, nothing. it's like they gave up before even trying

of course, some people simply have a bad body-tall, big hands,etc. But this is not the case in my case(fortunately)

well, to be honest, there are some surgeries to affect bone structure too, but they are very dangerous and many people don't go beyond changing the shape of their skull.
but I will, cause risk is good and makes my penis harder.

>> No.10786388
File: 274 KB, 686x441, 1362730540891.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some people simply have a bad body-tall, big hands

>> No.10786396
File: 98 KB, 612x612, a9f657f0484f11e2b0f022000a9f1369_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most popular transsexual in the world has big hands and large shoulders

>> No.10786401

Man, I wish I could look like that. It's hard being a girl, though.

>> No.10786407
File: 92 KB, 612x612, a535a62c655911e28a2e22000a1fbc67_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Treechada just said the looks come from eating healthy and working out.

>> No.10786410
File: 64 KB, 588x706, 1333381584367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already get confused with a girl, and even got hit on a few times.
Living hell in my country to be a woman, or an effeminate guy such as myself.

>> No.10786413

the most popular trans in a world?
who's that

also, only proves my point that even if you have a bad body if you put enough EFFORT you can still have some results

however big hands and shoulders are disgusting tbh

>> No.10786417
File: 97 KB, 628x388, 1365066983395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But with big hands and shoulder she still looks better than you ever will.

>> No.10786425

No way unless she has some awesome genes. I can't even bring myself to eat healthy and work out. And I know she must put in considerable time to groom and put on makeup like any other girl. I'm too lazy to shave for weeks at a time and I have an electric razor.

God, I'm so useless.

>> No.10786427


Have you actually browsed /cd/ much? A good majority look like men with shitty makeup or hair. Obviously not as bad as you described later, "these heavily regulated NO BULLY ZONE forums are a nest of ugly, unpassable hons who look like guys in skirts," those look terrible, but they aren't remotely passable either.

I was also given a permaban on /cd/ for telling some whiny cunt to get a job for "being a douche." That was like 4 years ago though but there's still some bullshit anti-bully policy there.

>> No.10786431
File: 93 KB, 612x612, 9648cb14f66c11e191e622000a1cd14c_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who's that
Treechada Petcharat better known as Nong Poy

>only proves my point that even if you have a bad body if you put enough EFFORT you can still have some results

True only really lazy ones or those really really masculine men turn out ugly

>however big hands and shoulders are disgusting tbh

It's a sought after feature in high fashion where looking more masculine and unique will make you popular.

>> No.10786433

>No way unless she has some awesome genes.

fatass who blames his genetics detected

>> No.10786438

You can be my worthless little boyslut, Anonymous.

>> No.10786442

trannies are gross and delusional
please don't do this

>> No.10786446
File: 90 KB, 612x612, 45b8339cabd411e29d0222000a1fbc0c_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Treechada just added a new photo actually

>> No.10786448

Obesity is partially heritable. That said, I'm only skinnyfat. I'm talking about her entire look: body, face shape, skin, etc. She looks like she has an ass on her. I don't have that and I won't have that without surgery.

I'd take you up on that if I wasn't so ugly.

>> No.10786458

That just makes it easier to abuse you.

>> No.10786455
File: 58 KB, 374x561, ADE0B8A2-E0B895E0B8A3E0B8B5E0B88AE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poy just took HRT during the teenage years and not much else

>> No.10786472

>took HRT during the teenage years
Well then it's a little late for that. I don't even want to be a full-on girl. I just wish I could be both. I saw this guy around my age the other day and I was so jealous of how androgynous he looked.

P-please, not too much!

>> No.10786481
File: 124 KB, 628x353, 111411-topics-rick-santorum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10786483
File: 13 KB, 400x384, 357353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How old are you?

Some people start at 30 and look just like women around their age group (Actually I think part of the problem is that everyone wants to be a sexy 25 year old by just popping mones)

But if you want to look andro take HRT for a year (Depending on if you want kids or not) then stop and you will most likely look stuck between genders or an alternative to mones would to just get FFS and keep your male body.

>> No.10786485

Don't pretend, you know you want it.

>> No.10786494

Going on 23 now. I guess I still have time to do it. Telling my family, getting it, and committing to it is another thing. However, it feels good knowing it might be possible. I'll consider it seriously once I live on my own. Are there any risks involved?

I actually do, but I would feel disgusted afterward.

>> No.10786495

You'll learn not to feel guilty of your desires, whore.

>> No.10786500

>Are there any risks involved

>> No.10786516

Thanks. It looks a little dangerous. Maybe someday...

>> No.10786560

damn you people are gross

>> No.10786642

stop and think before you say words that could hurt

>> No.10786655

Watch Josou Paradise, you don't need HRT to be cute...

>> No.10786701
File: 196 KB, 1010x878, 1354531677221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10786751

I want to be a cute girl. Not cute trannies or cute traps or anything.

Specifically, cute little girls. And taking hormones will not help me in that.

>> No.10786752

Nice. Epic. I like it.

>> No.10786774

I like how I am, I can be a little girl in other ways instead
