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11392984 No.11392984 [Reply] [Original]

would anybody recommend Japanese novels that are relatively easy for a 4-year student of nippongo to get through?

i'm not looking for manga or anime just, novels that are relatively popular and any help would be greatly appreciated

>> No.11392988 [DELETED] 
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VN threads not allowed on JP anymore

wonder if BOOK threads will get the special treatment kana?

>> No.11392986

Do you want novels that are good or just popular?

>> No.11392990

Eat as dick and go to /lit/

>> No.11393003

Read Yukikaze.

Also, after 4 years of weeb studies you should be able to read almost anything.

>> No.11393007

He probably just took a few jap uni classes, which for my money teach fuck all for awhile.

>> No.11393026

either way, i haven't really read novels yet on my own, although in class for the past year along with this one, we usually read pretty advanced news articles about all kinds of shit

both ideally

also, fuck /lit/

>> No.11393029

Light novels for easy reading. Any famous Japanese novelist for hard.

>> No.11393036

>Any famous Japanese novelist for hard.
Murakami is easy as shit, and probably same for a lot of modern popular authors.

>> No.11393058

How can I become a student of nippongo? None of the schools here teach it.

>> No.11393064

Most generic moe-blob LNs are easy enough to read after a few months. I've recently come across 扉の外 which I feel is the easiest LN I've read yet.

>> No.11393077
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Read Arve Rezr. It's piss easy and short. And not too garbagey for a light novel.

First chapter is free bookclub.kodansha.co.jp/kodansha-box/topics/arverezzle/tameshiyomi.pdf

>> No.11393089

well I go to a major University but, you don't need a school to learn a new language at all what so ever. most of the resources I use to study (on my own time) are not being used in my classes.

oh and btw, you didn't hear this from me but, if you were to stroll on over to /t/ and visit page 6 you might find something that offers you far more than what you need to get stared on an elementary level, I also highly recommend buying the Genki" 日本語 book series, they are structured very well for a beginner

>> No.11393126

either that or move to Japan and work as one of those male escorts for older Japanese women whatever those guys are refereed to....

you'll be sure to pic up the language in no time

>> No.11393128

You don't need a school, you need Genki, anki, dedication, and passion.

>> No.11393143

Won't work, I am 195 cm tall and I have hair on my chest and back but I am balding at 26. I don't have the blue eyes they like either. I am not sexually attractive in the least.

>> No.11393142 [DELETED] 

ankey do ur reps XDDD

>> No.11393163

get /fit/, it doesn't matter that you're not Aryan, and follow these instructions carefully: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EHukNrk1Rew

this man is brilliant in this video

>> No.11393167

oh and japanese women might be used to the teeny wheenies so no one is going to raise an eyebrow, i promise

then you'll be fucking milfs and learning Japanese in no time

>> No.11393168

I am /fit/ though, I still look awful.

>> No.11393176

My dick is only 16 cm too... I am better off with a computer program or a class.

>> No.11393181

16cm is fine in Asia you nimrod, you're not going to fucking Mother Africa

>> No.11393185
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What if I want a cute African gf though?

>> No.11393189

6/10 would be 8/10 if white

>> No.11393192
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You can always paint her

>> No.11393199

anything is possible sometimes

>> No.11393204

I’ll follow my dreams

>> No.11396445
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Read erotic novels. It'll motivate you to keep reading.

>> No.11396759
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>> No.11397879

Read light novels. It's easy if you have watched the related anime. But avoid Monogatari series. They contain too much slang which even nips cant understand sometimes.

>> No.11397888

Go to a website which provides you with a function that you can use to search for "language exchange" partner.

Find me.

>> No.11397906

I'm reading English-translated LNs to learn English. I've already read the original ones, so it's easy for me to understand the story even in English.

I guess you can do it in an opposite manner. Or you can read them at same time and use the translated version as a reference.

>> No.11399243

I kinda like Shoujo Fujuubun (少女不十分).
Not sure if it won't be too much though (not in the bad sense, I'm studying grourious Yamato-go too and nearly all my fellow students can't read shit in their 3rd year. So my view is kind of confused), author likes very long sentences and some unusual kanji (thanks to him, I know 入る is actually shortened 這入る).

Or Muramasa (装甲悪鬼村正) is nice read.

Passion is all you need.

>> No.11399262

Monogatari stuff isn't too bad. I've read all of Nisio's Zaregoto series and kizumonogatari, and neither were a huge leap from spice&wolf or SAO, for example.

>> No.11399294

Your English seems quite good already.

>> No.11399296

If you aren't a no income NEET and assuming you aren't against assisted reading (maybe you just want to bruteforce shit, i dunno), you can use some e-book readers with dictionary functions to instantly look up anything you don't get, not even having to change devices. I'm not sure if Light Novels have ebook versions (maybe some fan conversions?) but at the very least it should make anything that does way easier to read

>> No.11399991

>4 year student
You talking about school courses? How many words/kanji do those even know?

Just pick up something you're interested in, if you don't have anything specific in mind then try out anything in the right genre. I started regularly reading actual Japanese pretty early in my studies (2 months~). I had to look up almost everything at the start but it's been a pretty fun experience and I can read most LN now at 6 months. LN are generally easier than actual novels but not as much as some people think they are.

>> No.11400062

gauche the cellist

and other stuff by 宮沢賢治 seem fairly approachable, check out his and other stuff on aozora bunko since it's all public domain

I'm trying to read dazai's 女生徒 since it's short and I liked the English translation.

>> No.11404749

If you want recommendations, you could at least say what kind of story you like to read.

>> No.11405109

I don't understand why people read LNs when there is a wealth of high quality Japanese literature of a wide range of genres to be explored.

>> No.11405117

Because fun things are fun.

>> No.11405118

Because they want to?

>> No.11405120

>stop liking what I don't like

>> No.11405121

Look at this nerd!

Why post on /jp/ when you could be climbing a mountain? or trading stocks? or uniting the 4 forces of quantum mechanics?

>> No.11405888

>入る is actually shortened 這入る
You learn something new every day, huh?

>> No.11405951

I'm trading stocks with your tax money as insurance right now, and there's nothing you or anyone else can do to stop me!

>> No.11408240

I found this link for you >>OP
just pick whatever seems interested in. If you want something more entry level try Kodansha's bilingual books. They have kid's stories with both english and japanese in the same book

>> No.11408277

山月記 (sangetsuki) is. it has a relatively short story and is classic, famous one. of course extremely interesting as literature

>> No.11408360

Murakami is pretty good.

>> No.11411178
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Why don't you read some translated novel.
You can compare original and translated one.
For example, pic. You can find ebook of both Jp and Eng.

>> No.11411187

thats a shitty light novel

OP was talking about legit literature

>> No.11411277

something by natsuo kirino or ryu murakami.

>> No.11412014

Define "legit literature."

>> No.11412308

He just said "novels." That could mean any kind of novel.

>> No.11412312

I second Natsuo Kirino.

I also like Kazuki Sakuraba.

>> No.11412336

learn hiraganas

>> No.11412482

I love people that believe its just moving there and older women will be flocking

you need to be very good looking, have a good physique, be well mannered, funny and fluent in Japanese, and even then its not easy.

>> No.11412542

Arent most people at least functionally fluent after a year and a half?

Are methods other than eroge all day every day really that shitty?

>> No.11412545

it is if you're white, not fat and aren't planning on teaching english there.

>> No.11412552

How do you learn speaking from eroge?

>> No.11412567

If your tounge isn't retarded and you can pronounce the few core sounds present in almost all languages, you can figure out how to speak just from writing alone provided the comparison is there in your native language.

Also a lot of eroge are voiced.

>> No.11412578

Pronouncing the sounds doesn't have anything to do with learning to be functional in conversations with native speakers.

>> No.11412587

Yes you can understand what they're saying and formulate responses but you aren't functional because i say so.

Does that about sum up your argument? Yes there are times where you'll sound awkward, but you'll get the point across clearly. The key phrase was "functionally fluent" not "native fluent".

>> No.11412588

He is probably some high school kid. I just learned that where I use to go to high school they still teach the kids to translate the language instead of learn it.

>> No.11412596

My point is that your speaking will only improve with practice. Playing eroge by yourself isn't going to do it for you.

For one thing, you aren't going to learn keigo from eroge, and that's something you need to function as an adult.

>> No.11412614

Somewhat agree, the best way to learn something is to do something, if you don't want to sound like a retard you need to speak a lot.

How the fuck wouldn't you learn keigo? There are tons of eroge based solely around the concept of class with tons of formal shit though mostly ironically but its the same fucking thing.

>> No.11412943

It's pretty easy to learn to understand keigo, but if you haven't spent some time specifically studying it you probably won't be able to cleanly classify between 尊敬語 and 謙遜語, avoid 二重敬語, etc

>> No.11412960

>Anglophones in charge of not being able to properly pronounce vowels

>> No.11417473

There's a book called "read real japanese"
you should try that first
download it somewhere

>> No.11417512

It takes natives at least their entire educational lives to adequately read and understand novels without referring to a dictionary every couple paragraphs. If you can do the same thing in four years, good on you.

>> No.11417562

As long as you're not talking about stuff older than 30-40 years or really complex literature, most middle schoolers/high schoolers are capable of reading novels, just like in the US. Whether they have the motivation to is something else entirely, of course.

>> No.11418332

can... can i see your watermelons?

I love how moon people say the exact same sort of BS about murricans needing to go through college to be able to read novels, always cracks me up how people compensate the same way world wide.

>> No.11418782

silly anon we're all little girls here, we gots no melons

>> No.11419042


>> No.11419088

>4-year student of nippongo
What the fuck, in my second year of Japanese I was already able to read almost everything that a native could read.

>> No.11419153

top kek

>> No.11420693

I read Genji Monogatari on my second day. Pick up the pace anon.

>> No.11420701

LNs are trash, don't read those.

>> No.11420704

You should read whatever you want to. If you seek the approval of others to validate your chosen form of entertainment, you're a worthless tool.

>> No.11420759

Masuji Ibuse - Black Rain
Jun'ichirō Tanizaki - The Makioka Sisters
Murasaki Shikibu - The Tale of Genji
Kyōka Izumi - The Holy Man of Mount Kōya
Kōbō Abe - Woman in the Dunes
Yasunari Kawabata - Snow Country, The Sound of the Mountain

Which ones of these are the most interesting to read?

>> No.11422077

Wanikani/textfugu is working great for me. Costs money, but I need the structure.

>> No.11422164

I'm native and I spent 15 years like to read my first ranobe wwwwwwwwwwwww

>> No.11422185
File: 14 KB, 600x150, the_more_you_know_banner[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The name “U.N. Owen” is an allusion to character names in the 1939 detective fiction novel And Then There Were None written by Agatha Christie. In the book, Ulick Norman Owen and Una Nancy Owen are a couple who host a dinner party on an island, albeit being absent throughout the night. Their names, which are shortened as “U.N. Owen,” can be read as a pun and a homophone for “unknown.”"

>> No.11422450

Off topic, but I served a qt black customer at my supermarket who looked like her, only with long hair and the blue tint was on bottom. She was hipster-y and I loved it.

>> No.11423289

Interesting - I didn't know that.

>> No.11423354

Were can I find easy to read novels, so I can make anki decks to learn basic vocabulary?

>> No.11423381

The Internet

>> No.11423395

Do you know a more specific part of the internet where I can find them?

>> No.11423409

Fucking Spoonfed Newfag.
Just cuz' I like to help people now and then I'll
throw you a bone. Here:

Pick what you like.

>> No.11423419

But on a more serious note.
This site has lots of free light novels you can read.

>> No.11423441

Thanks for your help!
The truth is that I'm unmotivated since a few months to continue learning japanese. I'll try with these and see if I can get some motivation.

>> No.11423446

Maybe you are trying to hard anon.
Just learn it at a steady pace.
Do a bit of reading, do a bit of listening (whatever it is that you listen to in Japanese),
do a bit of writing.
Little by little it will come to you.

>> No.11423529

5 kanji a week!

>> No.11432049

Very helpful thread. Thanks!

>> No.11432057

You are welcome!

>> No.11432064


>> No.11432071

CAPTHCA: eenRIn permission

>> No.11432082

This is my email, please send me good japanese books.

>> No.11432091


waddafuk man

>> No.11432091,1 [INTERNAL] 

If you can't read The Tale of Genji after 3 years I don't even know what the FUCK you're doing.
