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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 22 KB, 322x228, 20131012_16505555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11560155 No.11560155[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's that time again, /jp/.

Post your beards.

>> No.11560165

Holy shit.

Is nobody seriously going to post their beards?

What the fuck happened to the /jp/ I grew up with?

>> No.11560166

I'm a girl, I can't grow a beard.

>> No.11560174

The most I get after a week is a few tiny hairs on my cheeks

>> No.11560176

PLEASE go out with me

>> No.11560178
File: 140 KB, 666x1000, Lila-Villanueva-carnivale-14901449-666-1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carnivale says otherwise.

Now post it.

>> No.11560179

Maybe you shouldn't be on /jp/ if you're 12....?

>> No.11560180
File: 29 KB, 394x600, pic-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11560182

Is this Jay from Half in the Bag?

>> No.11560184


Try getting rid of those piercings, degenerate.

>> No.11560188


>> No.11560186

who BALD here

>tfw as a kid thought baldness only happened to old men
>tfw in twenties and suffering from male pattern baldness

>> No.11560190


>> No.11560191

Jay, from Half in the Bag.

>> No.11560192


You and T should hang out.

>> No.11560192,1 [INTERNAL] 

T does it again.

>> No.11560194

No...? It's me.

Is this supposed to be one of those autism questions that /jp/ is famous for or something?

>> No.11560194,1 [INTERNAL] 

Who is this handsome Aryan devil?

>> No.11560194,2 [INTERNAL] 

Judging by the thread's uptime I'd say it's jannie boy.

>> No.11560194,3 [INTERNAL] 

Post your beards, warosu.

>> No.11560194,4 [INTERNAL] 

I post-ironically reversed puberty so I can't grow a beard. I'm not like those teenage fagshits on the J.

>> No.11560194,5 [INTERNAL] 

Since when can teenagers grow beards?

It's usually nothing but random squiggly stubble until your 20's.

>> No.11560194,6 [INTERNAL] 

I always see teenagers with those stupid beards that grow at the bottom and sides, but not in between. I think they do it as a status symbol ("Look at me, I hit puberty!") but it looks ridiculous.

>> No.11560194,7 [INTERNAL] 

Er, do I know you? Why are you talking to me?

>> No.11560194,8 [INTERNAL] 

What do search for /3/ and Trevor's penis have in common?

>> No.11560194,9 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11560194,10 [INTERNAL] 

Can you autists go a single thread without bringing that nerd up?

>> No.11560194,11 [INTERNAL] 

We can't ``bring him up'', hence the joke ;-)

>> No.11560194,12 [INTERNAL] 

What can't Ed do?

>> No.11560194,13 [INTERNAL] 

Get a load of this loser

Why are you posting on his blog if you don't want to hear about him?

>> No.11560194,14 [INTERNAL] 

I figured it wasn't his blog anymore since he killed himself.

>> No.11560194,15 [INTERNAL] 

oh yeah only the living are allowed blogs on a ghost board

check your corporeal privilege

>> No.11560194,16 [INTERNAL] 

Keep forcing this nonsense, queer.

>> No.11560194,17 [INTERNAL] 

Quit being a retard. He's dead. Let it go and so warosu's glory days can return at last.

>> No.11560194,18 [INTERNAL] 

>warosu's glory days can return at last.

Glory days? Without T? Are you being ironic?

(Sigh ... he loved irony...)

>> No.11560194,19 [INTERNAL] 

Is that Snowden with a beard?

I wanna fuck that nerd so hard....

>> No.11560194,20 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11560194,21 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11560194,22 [INTERNAL] 

Don't talk to me, you homosexual degenerate.

>> No.11560194,23 [INTERNAL] 

Nice try. I happen to know that you're not me.

>> No.11560194,24 [INTERNAL] 

(... does this autist seriosuly think he's me? ...)

(.. gross ...)

>> No.11560194,25 [INTERNAL] 

Nice italics.

>> No.11560194,26 [INTERNAL] 

I didn't expect Trevor to look THIS average.

>> No.11560194,27 [INTERNAL] 

I guess it's true what they say about nerds.

They look either disgusting or terribly average.

>> No.11560194,28 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11560194,29 [INTERNAL] 

His E-validation syndrome has been getting progressively worse over the last months. Posting "selfies" was obviously going to be the next step.

I bet he didn't post his eyes because they have dulled from years of living without ambition.

>> No.11560194,30 [INTERNAL] 

If you are referring to the OP pic, I doubt the authenticity of it.



>> No.11560194,31 [INTERNAL] 

I doubt the authenticity of Trevor's entire Shitlord character, which includes his being a broke shut-in.

If we are to take a "canon" route here, he's said he's studying again, so his magical student grants are probably flowing. That's one of many explanations for how it's possible that a person is using a different phone than before.

I tend to think his family is just funding his beach bum lifestyle like they seem to have done for the last decade.

>> No.11560194,32 [INTERNAL] 

>I tend to think his family is just funding his beach bum lifestyle like they seem to have done for the last decade.

That statement contradicts the PDF ``biography'' you wrote.

>> No.11560194,33 [INTERNAL] 

That PDF is a meme started by Trevor.

>> No.11560194,34 [INTERNAL] 

Don't get fresh with me finncunt, you admitted you wrote it on F*olz with your tripcode and you have responded to direct questions about it here before.

What level am I being trolled here on?

>> No.11560194,35 [INTERNAL] 

>you admitted you wrote it on F*olz with your tripcode and you have responded to direct questions about it here before.

That's because I spent months studying its every detail so I could pretend I wrote it and troll you lowlifes to the moon and back.

>> No.11560194,36 [INTERNAL] 

You stalkers are disgusting. You actually save images of his phone bills?

Also if that isn't T or Snowden then who is it?

>> No.11560194,37 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.11560194,38 [INTERNAL] 

How is that Trevor?

>> No.11560194,39 [INTERNAL] 

How isn't it?

>> No.11560194,40 [INTERNAL] 

It's just someone's photo, I don't see how you can say it's him. You's trawling, dawg.

>> No.11560194,41 [INTERNAL] 

That face has T-Dawg written all over it. Are you blind?

>> No.11560194,42 [INTERNAL] 

Epic, but it's probably just some /fa/ tripfag showing off his hipster beard and pencil neck.

>> No.11560194,43 [INTERNAL] 

You better hope to god it's no T after saying that.

>> No.11560194,44 [INTERNAL] 

If it's Trevor why is he smiling/smirking?

Is he a normie after all?

>> No.11560194,45 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.11560194,46 [INTERNAL] 

Rejected. Take your kiddie shit elsewhere.

>> No.11560194,47 [INTERNAL] 

It's not something you can reject.

You warosu guys are so silly...

>> No.11560194,48 [INTERNAL] 

I've ascended above your superficial social rules. I can now see the world for the irrelevant little dot it is, euphoric because of my own blessing.

>> No.11560194,49 [INTERNAL] 

And this is why you'll always be a virgin. Take a tip from the better gender and follow society's rules like basic hygiene. They were created for a good reason.

>> No.11560194,50 [INTERNAL] 

>Take a tip from the better gender


Just when I thought misogyny was dying out.

>> No.11560194,51 [INTERNAL] 

Gee, I can't imagine why other women avoid you.

>> No.11560194,52 [INTERNAL] 

Pretty sure I was implying I'm a girl, dude...

>> No.11560194,53 [INTERNAL] 


interesting read about beards.
