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11638311 No.11638311 [Reply] [Original]

Bell of Avici / Infinite Nightmare is the best tune ZUN has put into his games.

I think a lot of people overlook it or forget about it. Or even worse, haven't played Double Spoiler and heard it.

>> No.11638322 [DELETED] 

This thread reminds me of that scene in American Psycho where Bruce Wayne talks about the band who wrote the theme tune to Back to the Future (I always forget their name but that song was called "The Power of Love" and I think they wrote another song for the series called "Back In Time").

>> No.11638516

I can't play Double Spoiler because I haven't beaten Shoot the Bullet, but Infinite Nightmare is one of the best songs out there.

The Mystery in Your Town also has one of the best names of a song.

>> No.11638549 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11638553

well go beat it what's stopping you

>> No.11638606

It's good, but definitely not the best.

>> No.11638616

9-6 Seamless Ceiling of Kinkaku-ji, among other things.

>> No.11638627

I stopped playing when TH9 came out.

>> No.11638627,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why were these posts deleted?

>> No.11639056

keep trying. In my opinion 9-6 wasn't even the worst, it's mostly a matter of RNG not throwing too many dense walls before you can finish.

>> No.11639071

It fits Aya very well.

>> No.11639073

it's quite good
i like the monochrome-coat arrange more than the original.

>> No.11639090

my favorite is http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fi7Eq_3dzE

>> No.11639098

I absolutely agree with you. You don't know how glad this makes me.

>> No.11639100

why are arranges so shitty

>> No.11639103

because your parents don't love you

>> No.11639102

Does this thread remind anyone else of a certain film?

>> No.11639106

does being beaten by my parents have to do with the objective superiority of ZUN's originals over some arrange made by fans


please respond, this is very important

>> No.11639165

Anyone know why extra bosses tend to have the best songs in the game? I was playing DDC earlier and both the stage theme and boss theme curbstomped the rest of the game.

>> No.11639656

I wish the photography games had more different tracks. You know, listening to the same track for hours and hours gets boring.

>> No.11639666

Because there is no easy mode in Double Spoiler. How do you expect me to listen to it if there is no easy mode?!

>> No.11639863

That's the beauty of Bell of Avici though. It plays during the hardest parts of the game and it took me a very very long time to find it repetetive. Which is perfect cosidering the nature of the photo games.

>> No.11639876

music room exists

>> No.11639927

As far as I know there's pretty much no story to the photography games, so it seems silly that you'd feel the need to beat StB before starting DS. Unless you're exceptionally good at Touhou then you're gonna have a hell of a time beating StB and DS, shit gets crazy in the later spellcards. You're missing out on a lot of greatness. If you're following this chronological order business with the whole Touhou series, then pity on your soul. I'd be pulling my hairs out if I were stuck with trying to beat one game at a time.

In regards to the thread topic, the song is definitely one of my favourites. Despite listening to it for hours on end playing DS, I can still listen to it on its own and enjoy it (seeing this thread made me listen to it again, might do me some DS)

>> No.11640741

have a hell of a time beating StB and DS? I'm beyond shit at all kinds of STG but I beat them in a fairly short time. Some more confusing scenes and ones with RNG faggotry obviously took longer, but they're just action puzzle games, you figure them out at some point. Being good at Touhou or any STG's doesn't necessarily make you good at these games.

>> No.11640784

>shit gets crazy in the later spellcards
There are cards that have made me go through 500 attempts before capturing.

>> No.11640787

It only seems that good because the rest of the music in the photo games is pretty bland.

>> No.11640838

Mysterious Mountain is my theme song. I play it whenever I'm going to do some journalism.

>> No.11641000


>> No.11641060

MoF has the best music by a mile, anyone who says otherwise is a queer.

>> No.11641069

I still think Japanize Dream is better though.
Overall, I agree.

>> No.11641108

I think MoF and PCB are neck and neck in terms of overall OST.

After that it would probably go 10D, SA, and DDC in some order or another.

>> No.11641125
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I tried playing it for quite some time but lost the save file.

Nice games anyway.

>> No.11641948


Superior album version.

>> No.11641951

Finally someone with fine taste.

>> No.11641950

It has too much background noise going on.

>> No.11641969

Fine African-American fellow, please re-read what you just wrote.

Why would Stage 1 Bosses have better tracks than the Extra Bosses? That would be anticlimatic. Extra stages are supposed to have an intriguing atmosphere. Leave the best for last. Do I seriously have to go on?

Come on, anon, please think before you post. You made a stupid question.

>> No.11641972

I always thought that version was duller than the original DS one.

>> No.11642229

Stage six bosses should have the best theme, they are the most important characters in thier own games.

>> No.11642235

>Why would Stage 1 Bosses have better tracks than the Extra Bosses?
Because everybody is going to hear that Stage 1 theme all the fucking time no matter how well or poorly they perform during the game.
Unless they're some weirdo who downloads a completed save and only plays extra and never the main game.

This is pretty much it.
The best songs have to be on the first and last stages.
First, so you don't get tired of hearing a really terrible song (wakasagi's stage theme)
And last, so the boss is memorable as fuck (I can't even remember what the fuck Sukuna's sounds like)
