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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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11729623 No.11729623 [Reply] [Original]

Any English patch yet?
Also, any other good touhou fan games?

>> No.11730335

whats the game called?

>> No.11730348

You don't need an english patch to look at their panties.

>> No.11730349

what's that, 2hu soccer?

>> No.11730434

Sky Arena or something.

It looks really good but the actual game part isn't too great.

>> No.11730710

It's visually a great game and the gameplay is neat, too.

I just hope they will add new characters for the next patch like Kyouko, Futo, Kokoro and Komachi.

>> No.11730915

Do they still care about Touhou considering they have another project they're working now?

>> No.11730953

Seeing as how their front page is full of Touhou fucking everywhere I'd say that's a pretty safe bet.

>> No.11731378

Please nerf Marisa

>> No.11731398

>Also, any other good touhou fan games?
I guess your is not pick related.

>> No.11731418

They are working on Magical Battle Arena Next, MBA with Touhou.


>> No.11731423

What's wrong with TSA?

>> No.11731434

If you want to ask people about good fan-games, you should probably say what genres you like.

>> No.11731449
File: 19 KB, 510x382, reimu fuck you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that Reimu with new VA? and she's not wearing bloomers?

Truly disgusting.

>> No.11731459

The gameplay gets pretty stale pretty fast.

>> No.11731468

Well, if that then I understand.

It could be just the AI, though. Have you tried playing against player?

>> No.11731486

TSA netplay for north america died after about a week. That one week was a glorious time of Cirno infinites though.

>> No.11732233
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Anywhere to play this game still?

>> No.11732503

game get pretty boring

>> No.11732526

Is there anything that crosses over Dissidia's gameplay with 2hu characters?

I'd pay for something like that.

>> No.11734318

please help jaypeas ;_;

>> No.11734332
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>> No.11740197

Cute Bawson is cute

>> No.11740277

That's really not necessary at all. There's that one huge ass map picture with locations and translations for all the items, and I recall seeing a playthrough on youtube that subtitled all the character dialogue as well. You're not missing out on much.

>> No.11740349
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The last post in the Devil of decline translation thread was on October 1.

>> No.11740397
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At least there's some work done on that.

Gensou Shoujo Taisen 2+, on the other hand...

>> No.11740461

Just learn moon. I actually did and I'm pretty far into DoD, stuck against Tenshi.
It's ridiculous how long these projects take to be completed, if they ever are.
And about Gensou Shoujo Taisen I'm actually more worried about how there's been no news about the release of the third part (or any news at all) in the homepage since July...

>> No.11743746

I'm still playing this.

>> No.11743766

the music is the only good thing about these games anyway.

>> No.11744530
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Maybe decreasing the dashing distance and wider bullet will make this game at least a bit more intense and less boring.

>> No.11751822

IIRC didn't one guy do the entirety of GST1 and the patch just suddenly came out of nowhere without any warning? I recall he wasn't participating in the second which was completely abandoned. Although I know of an LP of GST2 with the plot translated at least.
DoD people are the same as GoS people, but the main difference is some people just left and so it's been going glacially and is probably gonna be abandoned as well.
This really is the best solution but good luck getting started on a new language when you're not a kid. I'm sure there'll be info or a new demo before Reitaisai.
The animation is pretty good as well. I don't see what's bad about the gameplay outside of it being a lot like Super Robot Wars. Story does get dumb at times, yeah.

>> No.11751852

How should I go about learning Moon?

>> No.11753552
File: 17 KB, 480x360, R A P E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess gameplay is a matter of taste, I found SRW in that regard dull as well. What the latter had though was awesome mecha to blow shit up with. I was thoroughly disappointed how GST merely had a couple references to old mecha series.

>> No.11753607
File: 22 KB, 639x538, Who is it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IIRC didn't one guy do the entirety of GST1

Fuck that dude, he screwed up some elements of the game and didn't even try to fix them. Some spell cards won't capture, the final and super final boss don't even carry the correct item on them.

>> No.11754902

>great zeorymer
Is this the most broken unit in SRW history? I'm struggling to think of anything better.

>> No.11754989

He wasn't even that strong in the actual OVA.

>> No.11755107
File: 106 KB, 1000x666, takkoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Takkoman is my favorite touhou fan game. It's a legitimately good megaman-style game with its own cool ideas.

>> No.11755381


this might interest you.

fresh from c85

>> No.11755671
File: 303 KB, 450x253, 1387218163342.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kirby at 48 minutes
