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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 56 KB, 512x512, shooter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12141120 No.12141120[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>I'm 22 years old and still a virgin, I've never even kissed a girl. I am the supreme gentleman but instead you women throw themselves at brutes. I will punish you for it. On the day of retribution I am going to enter the hottest sorority house of UCSB and I will slaughter every single spoiled stuck up blonde slut I see inside there.


>> No.12141120,1 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,2 [INTERNAL] 

real hero

>> No.12141120,3 [INTERNAL] 

Hory shit this virgin nerd actually did it.

>> No.12141120,4 [INTERNAL] 

I can't stop laughing
what a homo lmao

This doesn't sound like anybody from the jay though. Pretty sure most of us have plenty of fujoshi pussy to slam

>> No.12141120,5 [INTERNAL] 


He Drives

>> No.12141120,6 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,7 [INTERNAL] 

>I don't know what you don't see in me, I'm the perfect guy

>> No.12141120,8 [INTERNAL] 

That BMW.

But damn his mind is long gone. Shit could have been prevented.

If only someone around him cared but nah his parents were too busy making shitty movies to care. The kid was indeed alone.

>> No.12141120,9 [INTERNAL] 

How do I do this

>> No.12141120,10 [INTERNAL] 

Last night at Fanime we fugged some kancolle and 2hu cosplayers.

>> No.12141120,11 [INTERNAL] 


What get sweet fujopusspuss?
You need to cut you hair so you don't look like a neckbeard and you need to shower, That's it.
Have fun, bratha

>> No.12141120,12 [INTERNAL] 

>7 dead
I thought he was going to kill them all?

>> No.12141120,13 [INTERNAL] 

7 dead and 10 injured, he had shitty aim I guess

>> No.12141120,14 [INTERNAL] 

holy f*ck this video had only 600 views this morning now it has 91 thousand it must have hit the normie news, prob couple millio by the end of the day

>> No.12141120,15 [INTERNAL] 

>uh DYL
>23 minutes ago · Shared publicly

>The ultimate beta autist faggot. Why didn't he just go to 4chan..

We need to teach this fucker a lesson for badmouthing us. Put your raiding boots on.

>> No.12141120,16 [INTERNAL] 

warosu =/= 4chan

>> No.12141120,17 [INTERNAL] 

>I wanted a gf

>> No.12141120,18 [INTERNAL] 

THIS is the reason we do what we do... TO PREVENT THIS SHIT!!! Could couldn't experience it because he didn't learn to attract women. He should have gone to our website and got our personal dating coaching or purchased one of our products. IF ANYONE ELSE NEEDS HELP, CONTACT US! Don't do anything stupid.

>> No.12141120,19 [INTERNAL] 

lol what a normie he should have just bought some onaholes and stop caring so much

now his life is ruined lol

>> No.12141120,20 [INTERNAL] 

He's dead actually

>> No.12141120,21 [INTERNAL] 

but you're a fag

>> No.12141120,22 [INTERNAL] 

oh lol just looked on google

>> No.12141120,23 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.12141120,24 [INTERNAL] 

Lol damn that video gave me confidence.

>> No.12141120,25 [INTERNAL] 

I would hope that the ghostbros would at least his double digits...

>> No.12141120,26 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.12141120,27 [INTERNAL] 

What the fuck is that him? He's too handsome to have died a virg I don't believe this shit

>> No.12141120,28 [INTERNAL] 

ya it is him. his dad was the director of The Hunger Games and his mom was a supermodel. he was loaded as fuck and grew up in the same place as the kardashians did.

>> No.12141120,29 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,30 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,31 [INTERNAL] 


Somebody alert the authorities, T-Dawg is gonna kill.

>> No.12141120,32 [INTERNAL] 

>This video has been removed because its content violated YouTube's Terms of Service.

fucking google jew-owned piece of shit

>> No.12141120,33 [INTERNAL] 


a real drive

>> No.12141120,34 [INTERNAL] 

re-up in case anyone missed it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zggfbw8r8NY

>> No.12141120,35 [INTERNAL] 


big time faglord

>> No.12141120,36 [INTERNAL] 

he died for our sins

>> No.12141120,37 [INTERNAL] 

>none of the girls like me because I'm a nice guy
>I know, I'll go out and murder a bunch of them, girls love assholes

>> No.12141120,38 [INTERNAL] 

girls were lusting after james holmes post-shooting spree and he was way uglier

too bad this mexican is dead LOL

>> No.12141120,39 [INTERNAL] 

If he hadn't actually done it I would think this was an ironic caricature.

>> No.12141120,40 [INTERNAL] 

he was literally from wizardchan

>> No.12141120,41 [INTERNAL] 

>Rodger took his misogynistic rantings to other websites as well, including a bodybuilding forum (where he also wrote, “I am a drop dead gorgeous, fabulous, stylish, exotic gem among thousands of rocks”) and a chat site called Wizardchan that was apparently dedicated to sexual virgins.

>> No.12141120,42 [INTERNAL] 

faces of autism

>> No.12141120,43 [INTERNAL] 

>No gf
>Go to BMW dealership thinking girls will give me more attention behind the wheel of a newer BMW
>Salesman makes me sign a sexual background check and another form stating I am not a virgin
>"I... Had a few one night stands but nothing concrete"
>Salesman looks me up and down, obviously not falling for it but he hands me the keys anyway
>Hop the Driver's seat of a 2014 318ti and throw on Kavinsky
>Don't even make it home before a cop pulls me over
>Walks over to my window
>"You know why I pulled you over, son?"
>I stare straight ahead not responding
>"Why didn't you catcall those college aged girls walking by?"
>Offer him a toothpick
>"Step out of the car, son"
>He walks back to his patrol car
>Shit it's a G-F unit
>He comes back with a young woman flicking away at her smartphone in a SUPREME hat and yoga pants
>"Hey what do you do?" she says without taking her eyes from her phone
>"I Drive..."
>She looks up, leans in close, and puts her hands on my shoulders
>I freeze up before backing away quickly
>She looks me in the eyes and I can't help but look away
>She takes a step back "he's pure, Paul"
>Cop turns to his radio "yeah dispatch I got a virg here" before reaching for his handcuffs
>I freak out and jump back in the BMW and peel out
>Cop opens fire and a bullet hits me in the neck
>I only make it a few blocks before I start to get dizzy and pull up onto the sidewalk
>Suddenly I see normalfags charging my car from all angles
>A fratbro in a polo and khaki shorts leaps onto my hood and starts smashing his head into my windshield
>My car starts rocking as a few girls jump on top and start twerking
>Grab my hammer from the backseat and open the door
>If I'm going to die a virgin then I'll take as many normals with me as possible
>Start swinging on them before feeling a strong tug on my scorpion jacket and getting pulled to the ground
>Stripped naked and blinded by dozens of smartphone flashes taking pictures
>Pass out

Thanks Elliot you fucking faggot

>> No.12141120,44 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,45 [INTERNAL] 

Stuff like this honestly makes me feel better about myself. Not the shootings, but the fact that this guys whole life was lived thinking he was "lonely".

>> No.12141120,46 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, I'm sure a site that purposely inserts its name into files for advertising is shitting its pants over all the extra traffic. Wizchan is run by the biggest faggots on the internet.

I still laugh at how their cripple admin tossed them all aside like yesterday's garbage the instant he landed a gf.

>> No.12141120,47 [INTERNAL] 

It's what everyone has been waiting for.


The manifesto

>> No.12141120,48 [INTERNAL] 

wiz is literally normie central, why would anyone care about what happens to this piece of shit?

>> No.12141120,49 [INTERNAL] 


i'm so proud of myself for not being a little kid <:^)

>> No.12141120,50 [INTERNAL] 

translate it virgs

>> No.12141120,51 [INTERNAL] 

I mean, I am proud of myself for not whining about being "lonely". Then again I don't get lonely. I guess I'm just a better person than those people who complain.

>> No.12141120,52 [INTERNAL] 

137 pages of
>I saw a hot babe and she didn't ask me on a date. That fucking BITCH I hope she dies!!!!!!
>I saw a non White guy and I was filled with RAGE FUCKING NIGGER SPICS
>I saw a couple together got mad etc etc
>I called my mommy and cried about it

>> No.12141120,53 [INTERNAL] 

What is the goddamn stupid fucking DRM bullshit where you can't even copy/paste the text or download it?

Fucking retarded dipshits, upload it as plaintext to any pastebin-like service.

>> No.12141120,54 [INTERNAL] 

Why can't you copy it? I can copy it just fine, and I'm on Firefox 8.0.

Ny ]wjsthm Qgrcm ]fh Utgry gl Hccjgt Tgmahr
Dy Hccjgt Tgmahr Jitrgmuetjgi
Kcc gl ny sullhrjia gi tfjs wgrcm fks dhhi kt tfh fkims gl funkijty, pkrtjeuckrcy wgnhi. Jt fks nkmh nh rhkcjzh oust fgw drutkc kim twjsthm funkijty js ks k sphejhs. Kcc J hvhr wkithm wks tg ljt ji kim cjvh k fkppy cjlh kngiast funkijty, dut J wks ekst gut kim rhohethm, lgrehm tg himurh ki hxjsthieh gl cgihcjihss kim jisjaijljekieh, kcc dhekush tfh lhnkchs gl tfh funki sphejhs whrh jiekpkdch gl shhjia tfh vkcuh ji nh.

>> No.12141120,55 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah and you get that.

What I just found out is that it's an extremely simple and retarded cypher that you could convert easily with sed or a quick python scrpt.

If you notice for example, all instances of the letter a are replaced with k, all instances of the letter o are replaced with g, etc.

This is really simple to fix and I'll be done in a second. Who is retarded enough to use a service like this with extreme DRM trying to direspect your freedom to simply copy TEXT? Fucking text, they actually uploaded goddamn digital text into a DRM machine that converted it into something extremely restrictive.

>> No.12141120,56 [INTERNAL] 


It's already been done you idiot. You asked why you can't copy and I showed that it's a problem that you're having. Don't change the subject and be an asshole.

>> No.12141120,57 [INTERNAL] 

>You asked why you can't copy and I showed that it's a problem that you're having

It's not a problem specific to me or my browser. You can copy/paste the text, but it cyphers it.


Please link to that next time.

>Don't change the subject and be an asshole.

Don't upload shit like this to retarded services next time.

>> No.12141120,58 [INTERNAL] 

How can someone remember anything that far back? I'm 24 and I can't even remember anything from before I was 16.

>> No.12141120,59 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.12141120,60 [INTERNAL] 

did he meet chance the rapper?

>> No.12141120,61 [INTERNAL] 

Speaking of night drives with music, my free earbuds came in the mail a few days ago. Now I can have some music in my helmet when I ride.

>> No.12141120,62 [INTERNAL] 

Um, isn't that illegal?!?

>> No.12141120,63 [INTERNAL] 

Not in AZ. It's generally recommended to ear earplugs or earphones to block out wind noise when moving at high speeds anyway. I know some states have made earphone use while riding illegal but have kept earplug use legal.

>> No.12141120,64 [INTERNAL] 

>>I still laugh at how their cripple admin tossed them all aside like yesterday's garbage the instant he landed a gf.

Tfw wizardchan can get a gf but you can't.

>> No.12141120,65 [INTERNAL] 

guys the shooter posted on warosu >>12084842_33

notice all the posts about how he NEEDS to fuck bitches and get shitfaced in his early 20s or his life was a waste


>> No.12141120,66 [INTERNAL] 

oops >>12084842,33

>> No.12141120,67 [INTERNAL] 

God you're pathetic. Stay away from me.

>> No.12141120,68 [INTERNAL] 

This guy was actually a 3 foot tall permanently wheelchair-bound guy. He got a gf but you and this shooter guy didn't!

She was batshit fucking insane and tore up his apartment and went to the looney bin though.

>> No.12141120,69 [INTERNAL] 

this guy was ignored because he was just like every other guy out there
sunglasses, trendy clothes, nice car, in college, probably had a cellphone too
he was literally too normal to stand out
a lot of people have those things and they arent enough to make people like you or notice you

personally i hate sunglasses so fucking much
they block the eyes and the eyes are the portal to the soul
they dehumanize people and make them unapproachable
makes you seem like an asshole
fuck sunglasses
fuck them so much
and fuck anyone who wears them
(looking at you !bar)

>> No.12141120,70 [INTERNAL] 

get a load of this creep next thing he'll be shooting up shadies

>> No.12141120,71 [INTERNAL] 

>they block the eyes and the eyes are the portal to the soul
if you said some shit like that within 15 feet of me id fucking drop you

>> No.12141120,72 [INTERNAL] 

What a fucking loser

>> No.12141120,73 [INTERNAL] 

Do you write poetry?

>> No.12141120,74 [INTERNAL] 

Dood only when outside. The sun is super bright.

I wear my regular glasses when inside.

>>He got a gf but you and this shooter guy didn't!

Why is the universe so unfair...?

But seriously that's kinda awesome. Wheelchair guys have it rough so that's cool.

She must have been hot if she was crazy.

>> No.12141120,75 [INTERNAL] 

>tfw I hope someone reports me for being a permavirg loser and the police knock on my door so I have someone to talk to

Being lonely sucks. Fuck this gay earth.

>> No.12141120,76 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,77 [INTERNAL] 

Any incels on ghost tonight?
I always find it strange how in a group everyone acts like permvirgs but in private they're like "yeah I had sex once or twice but I didn't like it tfw no gf"

>> No.12141120,78 [INTERNAL] 

Hello NYPD here.

Excuse me sir but I heard you were a virgin... I'm going to have to take you in for psychiatric evaluation.

>> No.12141120,79 [INTERNAL] 

(Oh man, this is my chance to finally make some friends....)

But I don't live in New York, ma'am. Why are you calling me? Is this another prank?

>> No.12141120,80 [INTERNAL] 

I guess I am? But at least for me you've got that wrong. I act like I've had sex when ever asked and don't make a big deal about it since 90% of my friends are guys and I'm not gay.

It helps I've got a friend who is way more incel than me so I guess that takes the heat off of me.

I've almost had sex twice but both times I got nervous since we were at a party and nothing came of it.

>> No.12141120,81 [INTERNAL] 

>at a party

Fuck off, normalshit.

>> No.12141120,82 [INTERNAL] 

easy there normalord

>> No.12141120,83 [INTERNAL] 

was it an incelebration

>> No.12141120,84 [INTERNAL] 

I wish I would be brought in for psychiatric evaluation. Whether the normie I tell everything to decides to accept me or put me in an unpleasant situation would help me decide if I should live or die.

>> No.12141120,85 [INTERNAL] 

damn, this guy really is /jp/


>> No.12141120,86 [INTERNAL] 

closed at "such as myself"
what a deluded manlet

>> No.12141120,87 [INTERNAL] 

Fuck you!bar I live in Arizon and I don't wear sunglasses. If it's bright I just fucking squint my eyes like a normal person.

>> No.12141120,88 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,89 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit, calm down you obnoxious faggot.

>> No.12141120,90 [INTERNAL] 

Holy shit that 85 IQ autistic manlet actually used to think that he was hot shit

>> No.12141120,91 [INTERNAL] 

I would follow him

I'm willing to bet he was more attractive, had better stuff, and drove a faster car than you. He was a victim.

>> No.12141120,92 [INTERNAL] 

u better stfu

>> No.12141120,93 [INTERNAL] 

dude was attending c ommunity college when he was like 24 or something lol

>> No.12141120,94 [INTERNAL] 

Josh may be a good Driver but 318s are slow

Do you always hold everyone to your normie standards?
Not like he needed to go to college with his dad's money and mile long list of connections

>> No.12141120,95 [INTERNAL] 

>Do you always hold everyone to your normie standards?
>I'm willing to bet he was more attractive, had better stuff, and drove a faster car than you.


>> No.12141120,96 [INTERNAL] 

He was objectively superior to you
Why is that so hard for you to accept?

>> No.12141120,97 [INTERNAL] 

>Do you always hold everyone to your normie standards?
>I'm willing to bet he was more attractive, had better stuff, and drove a faster car than you.

>> No.12141120,98 [INTERNAL] 

not him but a 5'8 asian with a 4 inch dick (he posted about it on bodybuilding forum) is pretty low on the scale

>> No.12141120,99 [INTERNAL] 

Everyone in Hollywood is short
Once you throw money into the equation dick size is a non-issue and I'm willing to bet most people on warosu are 5'10" and under.

>> No.12141120,100 [INTERNAL] 

well he's dead and im not so fuck off

>> No.12141120,101 [INTERNAL] 

this is what manlets actually believe LOL

>> No.12141120,102 [INTERNAL] 

post a pic hotshot

>> No.12141120,103 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,104 [INTERNAL] 

foreheads got the gleam

>> No.12141120,105 [INTERNAL] 

me and my bros


>> No.12141120,106 [INTERNAL] 

your so fucking ugly holy shit i should beat you up for being ugly

>> No.12141120,107 [INTERNAL] 

post em

>> No.12141120,108 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,109 [INTERNAL] 

Nice dick, fag

>> No.12141120,110 [INTERNAL] 

not being full of myself or anything but I'd wager I'm one of the more good looking people on w

>> No.12141120,111 [INTERNAL] 

holy shit how new LOL

>> No.12141120,112 [INTERNAL] 

Uh, are you even white?

>> No.12141120,113 [INTERNAL] 

I just looked into a mirror with the lights on for the first time in a while and damn, it's extremely bad.

How can you be a truNEET without looking like a corpse with melting eyes?

This has been years in the making, but I keep thinking that it can't get any worse, but then it keeps getting worse.

Every person in my family is good-looking except for me, who looked good at first but grew into a monster.

>> No.12141120,114 [INTERNAL] 

Now I know why you faggots are all virgins holy shit

>> No.12141120,115 [INTERNAL] 

If I wanted to have sex I could. I'm not saying that ironically either, and I wouldn't need to pay a prostitute or anything weird. A lot of girls do weird shit to me. I don't need you telling me my calves look nice, or that I'm tall, or that I sound like an actor, and I definitely hate being asked flat out if I have a girlfriend. All of these things have happened to me before and it's weird and creepy.

The weirdest girl was probably thit one girl I worked with (I last worked over five years ago). I worked at a pizza place as a Driver which meant that I also had to do all the stuff people didn't want to do, like cleaning and taking phone calls. Whenever I took calls, this girl would stand nearby and just listen to me talk. Nobody around, she'd stand nearby and just listen. It was creepy as hell. She also constantly asked me if I had any plans after work, and once when I was in the bathroom changing into my uniform (just a t-shirt tucked into my pants) she walked in on me.

>> No.12141120,116 [INTERNAL] 

>If I wanted to have sex I could.

this is what all permavirgs tell themselves LOL

>> No.12141120,117 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,118 [INTERNAL] 

how can i get a loli girlfriend
please guys give me some ideas
school got out a few days ago

>> No.12141120,119 [INTERNAL] 

I wouldn't win any pageants but at least I'm not a virg by any stretch of the imagination

>> No.12141120,120 [INTERNAL] 

Lift weights, get a tan, and takes a shower, idk

>> No.12141120,121 [INTERNAL] 

Stop telling people to lift weights god damnit

>> No.12141120,122 [INTERNAL] 

truNEETs don't go to places like gyms and not many of them have the money to blow on weights and racks

>> No.12141120,123 [INTERNAL] 

your had my dick to blow tho lol

>> No.12141120,124 [INTERNAL] 

Can you believe that at one point in my life I almost tried a free two week membership to a nearby gym? It's one of those 24 hour ones so I figured I could just go and maybe sit in the sauna at night, but they wanted you to actually come in and have somebody show you around. No way was I doing that.

>> No.12141120,125 [INTERNAL] 

why in most photos does this guy have such a smug look on his face
what the fuck is that like the man version of duck face?

>> No.12141120,126 [INTERNAL] 

>tfw had sex but too much of a depressed, anxious loser to make it as a normie or ever get a gf again

>> No.12141120,127 [INTERNAL] 

he could get himself a girl but he was only interested in 10/10 blonde ones

>> No.12141120,128 [INTERNAL] 

Will this fag popularize ``incel" just like Breivik popularized ``cultural marxism"

>> No.12141120,129 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.12141120,130 [INTERNAL] 

this can't be real LLLMMMAAAAOOO

>> No.12141120,131 [INTERNAL] 

>probably had a cellphone too


>> No.12141120,132 [INTERNAL] 


I haven't read something this entertaining for a while

>> No.12141120,133 [INTERNAL] 

Some people just need to lose KV status to become sane, really.

>> No.12141120,134 [INTERNAL] 

What's weird about this is how surreal it all is. It really feels like the work of some kind of elaborate troll who is engaging in some form of roundabout self parody.

I think he lived in this weird internet derievd fantasy world of "PUA", "game", "bb.com" etc right up until the moment he knew he was going to die.

A big part of getting over that stuff is learning that wallowing in misery becomes habitual and you need to stop doing it as a matter of habit.

>> No.12141120,135 [INTERNAL] 

One thing that this guy said that I do feel directly insulted by was the fact that beautiful environments cannot be enjoyed alone. It was a video where he was in some sort of forest, and he said that.

>> No.12141120,136 [INTERNAL] 

He just needed some friends, as far as I can tell he didn't even have any male friends.

>> No.12141120,137 [INTERNAL] 

i dont have any friends and im not anything like this guy

>> No.12141120,138 [INTERNAL] 

He did have some friends, one dude was a friend with him long but even he got tired of the bullshit

>> No.12141120,139 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah, neither of those things happened. He probably imagined he did that in his head but just continued looking at the ground because he's a beta faggot. He was clearly deluded.

>> No.12141120,140 [INTERNAL] 


he was just a really spoiled boy who couldn't buy the one thing he wanted which was love, it's sad when you realize how pointless those people's death's were the whole thing was a giant waste.

>> No.12141120,141 [INTERNAL] 

Faggot doesn't even think he is rich.
He's like "if I became rich I could have sex" this is after spending $1000 dollars on lottery tickets and crying in his fancy apartment. How the fuck is he this dense?

>> No.12141120,142 [INTERNAL] 

Are you for reals or is that part of your fantasy.

>> No.12141120,143 [INTERNAL] 

Same way the "poor of America" are still able to afford their fancy smart phones and their new car.

>> No.12141120,144 [INTERNAL] 

does anyone want to be my bf?? please??

>> No.12141120,145 [INTERNAL] 

i want a gf soooooo bad... after i read about how soft girls skin is i cant stop thinking about my destined gf my soulmate is out there somewhere i know it

>> No.12141120,146 [INTERNAL] 

my skin is p soft... do you want to be my bf?

>> No.12141120,147 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,148 [INTERNAL] 

that was pretty well done actually

>> No.12141120,149 [INTERNAL] 

>>from 4:45 onward


>> No.12141120,150 [INTERNAL] 

>Category: Comedy

>> No.12141120,151 [INTERNAL] 

does anyone want to be my /jp/ bf (best friend)?

>> No.12141120,152 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,153 [INTERNAL] 

Wanna date

>> No.12141120,154 [INTERNAL] 

>Her beauty was intoxicating! And then, just as we passed each other, she actually looked at me. She looked at me and smiled. Most girls never even deigned to look at me, and this one actually looked at me and smiled. I had never felt so euphoric in my life. One smile. One smile was all it took to brighten my entire day. The power that beautiful women have is unbelievable. They can temporarily turn a desperate boy’s whole world around just by smiling.

Saten's smile.jpg

>> No.12141120,155 [INTERNAL] 

>I had never felt so euphoric in my life.

>> No.12141120,156 [INTERNAL] 

I wish I could have been friends with him
We could go on long night Drives and complain about shit

Now that he's gone there is one less person in the world I could ever form a connection with

>> No.12141120,157 [INTERNAL] 

I wish I could have been friends with him just so I could pound his stupid face into a bloody pulp.

>> No.12141120,158 [INTERNAL] 

calm down josh

>> No.12141120,159 [INTERNAL] 

Its ironic because he is the
opposite of the Driver

>> No.12141120,160 [INTERNAL] 

Reup please

>> No.12141120,161 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,162 [INTERNAL] 

his hands are dirty

>> No.12141120,163 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,164 [INTERNAL] 

Truth, guy likes hearing his voice far too much. Instead of just Driving, he sits there listening to himself talk

>> No.12141120,165 [INTERNAL] 

Well yeah he's going to talk if he's recording
If he just sat there it would be even weirder

>> No.12141120,166 [INTERNAL] 

Richard Martinez, father of Christopher Martinez, said to reporters. "Chris died because of craven, irresponsible politicians and the NRA. They talk about gun rights, what about Chris' right to live? When will this insanity stop?"

>> No.12141120,167 [INTERNAL] 

Craven is a cool word

>> No.12141120,168 [INTERNAL] 

He lost his right to live now he's left dead

>> No.12141120,169 [INTERNAL] 

It's all entirely true.

>> No.12141120,170 [INTERNAL] 


get in here and make fun of some fags

>> No.12141120,171 [INTERNAL] 

that jp feel when moot uses this to further his normified vision of 4chan

>> No.12141120,172 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.12141120,173 [INTERNAL] 

holy FUCK that fantastic

>> No.12141120,174 [INTERNAL] 

Since it's confirmed that many among us are crossboarders which boards are kosher?

>> No.12141120,175 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,176 [INTERNAL] 

/o/ and /r9k/

>> No.12141120,177 [INTERNAL] 

Kill yourself.

>> No.12141120,178 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,179 [INTERNAL] 

I got banned from v for saying Persona was for degenerate homosexuals.

>> No.12141120,180 [INTERNAL] 

frig no

>> No.12141120,181 [INTERNAL] 

you deserve, strange journey tard

>> No.12141120,182 [INTERNAL] 

im not a gay but im always on /fa/ so my norm hatred can grow stornger

shit the only clothes ive touched in the last 2 years have been my cum rags when im wiping my dick. you NEETs are always naked right? i only wear boxers when my bum gets a bit runny or sweaty and i dont want to track ass juice everywhere

>> No.12141120,183 [INTERNAL] 

I know. His youtube vids feel so fake.

>> No.12141120,184 [INTERNAL] 

I don't post with any pants on, if that counts.

>> No.12141120,185 [INTERNAL] 

I'm friendless as shit and not like that faggot at all.

>> No.12141120,186 [INTERNAL] 

lone wolves are stronger than pack wolves

>> No.12141120,187 [INTERNAL] 

i don't doubt he had issues but i believe the videos and manifesto are just a persona to make his killing stand out from the rest and so people will remember him


>> No.12141120,188 [INTERNAL] 

should I...

>> No.12141120,189 [INTERNAL] 

th-those lips...
what a waste!

>> No.12141120,190 [INTERNAL] 

does any1 want to b my friend......

>> No.12141120,191 [INTERNAL] 

whats ur name bby

>> No.12141120,192 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,193 [INTERNAL] 

wowee sounds cute
wanna watch anime?

>> No.12141120,194 [INTERNAL] 

add me, i would very much like too

>> No.12141120,195 [INTERNAL] 

forgot my steambook lol

>> No.12141120,196 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,197 [INTERNAL] 

What games do you play?

>> No.12141120,198 [INTERNAL] 

First of the Driver wouldn't record shit. Not even own a camera or cellphone besides a flip-flop one that he hasn't used for years. He also wouldn't blame others for his own failures, or focus his whole life and reason of simply being in getting a gf.

>> No.12141120,199 [INTERNAL] 

professional water polo

>> No.12141120,200 [INTERNAL] 

He watched anime, his body language is that of those gay bishonen shits

>> No.12141120,201 [INTERNAL] 

If he was emulating bishounen then he'd be drowning in chicks.

>> No.12141120,202 [INTERNAL] 

you really believe that don't you virg

>> No.12141120,203 [INTERNAL] 

Uh, tell that to my harem

>> No.12141120,204 [INTERNAL] 

Is it a loli harem?

>> No.12141120,205 [INTERNAL] 

plz... will someone be my friend...

>> No.12141120,206 [INTERNAL] 

Wanna hangout

>> No.12141120,207 [INTERNAL] 


How long until /jp/sies finally lose it?

>> No.12141120,208 [INTERNAL] 

please im so lonely

>> No.12141120,209 [INTERNAL] 

It's pretty obvious what this guy should've become.

His looks, measurements and inadequacy as a male scream "great tranny potential".

>> No.12141120,210 [INTERNAL] 


you gotta s this d first homeboy

>> No.12141120,211 [INTERNAL] 

Going without sex isn't as bad as going without any friends

>> No.12141120,212 [INTERNAL] 

They won't let you have your pseudo-discussion on the board anymore, so you do it in here?
Man, you weren't just joking or pretending to be pathetic, were you? You really are pathetic.

>> No.12141120,213 [INTERNAL] 


le superior intelligence 4chan poster face

>> No.12141120,214 [INTERNAL] 

[s4s] is almost exclusively /jp/ and w posters.

>> No.12141120,215 [INTERNAL] 

more like /r9k/ and /v/ posters

>> No.12141120,216 [INTERNAL] 

there's a lot of ylilauta /int/ and /b/

>> No.12141120,217 [INTERNAL] 

/jp/, it's hot as fuck tonight. It's 11PM and it's 92F. Should I get a Slurpee?

>> No.12141120,218 [INTERNAL] 

Feel when the news mentions the "virgin killer" and your mum gives you the look.

>> No.12141120,219 [INTERNAL] 

>feel when Trevor ;_;

>> No.12141120,220 [INTERNAL] 

darkness is my light

>> No.12141120,221 [INTERNAL] 

anyone wanna play some chess

>> No.12141120,222 [INTERNAL] 

sorry, i hope you don't think i was being mean.

>> No.12141120,223 [INTERNAL] 

>Checkmate, White is victorious

Get rekt, subhumans.

>> No.12141120,224 [INTERNAL] 

White people are scum

>> No.12141120,225 [INTERNAL] 

White people own the planet.

Be glad they do. It is going to be hell when the chinks takeover

>> No.12141120,226 [INTERNAL] 

the jews own it

>> No.12141120,227 [INTERNAL] 

someone vs me in chess

>> No.12141120,228 [INTERNAL] 

make a game

>> No.12141120,229 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,230 [INTERNAL] 

do it

>> No.12141120,231 [INTERNAL] 

black did you fucking leave you jerk

>> No.12141120,232 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,233 [INTERNAL] 

black was a fag. new game. random color.

>> No.12141120,234 [INTERNAL] 

how can I not get completely wrecked by the chess ai
could someone teach me

>> No.12141120,235 [INTERNAL] 

Elliot Rodger's manifesto is absolutely amazing. It reads like an expertly crafted and professionally edited novel. In fact, it is so well written that it almost makes me suspect the whole thing is a hoax. It is hard to believe that a sophomore from a community college who keeps dropping his classes can produce such a captivating and immaculate book. With the director father and all, could this be something other than it seems? Some sort of viral marketing campaign, perhaps? Propaganda against the NRA? But no, with all this deadly serious news coverage, I guess we have to conclude it is real.

This isn't insanity, either. Rodger is mentally stable throughout his life, but virginity naturally becomes increasingly frustrating as time goes by. He has poor social skills, which despite counseling will never improve, but he's not schizophrenic and does not slip into psychosis or anything like that. At worst he might be a high-functioning autistic, but even that is unclear. Maybe he is just suffering from social anxiety. The most insane part of the book is when he thinks he will win the lottery and dabbles in the law of attraction, but he gets over that and there are no magical beliefs guiding him on his way to revenge. He is rational and calculating and meticulous, even planning his suicide well in order to avoid capture and imprisonment (use two handguns with a spare in case one jams). There is absolutely no doubt that the rampage is caused by sexual deprivation, and up until the end he holds out some hope that he will get laid after all and cancel the whole retribution thing. As long as he can't have sex, he is determined to destroy some of the happy sexually active people around him. Girls who pick other men and the lucky men who get laid are targeted equally, and he even plans to kill his housemates and brother and step-mother.

You either have to experience celibacy yourself or read this manifesto to comprehend how dangerous this sort of man is. While reading, I was struck with the realization that he is at least as smart as you, and he is going to use that intelligence to kill you. This means he has a good chance of succeeding, which he did. There is no "treatment" for this condition (besides getting sex), because the incel is just as smart as the psychiatrists or cops or whoever tries to intervene, and so he will anticipate their moves and thwart them. The close shave with the cops when they almost search his room is chilling, but here he demonstrates that he is indeed sane and from then on he sleeps with a loaded gun nearby to ensure he will get in at least some kills if they come back.

The monster virgin is a true product of our sex-hostile feminist society, which denies that involuntary celibacy can ever be a problem and is more concerned with constructing the bizarre lie that women can be rapists than acknowledging the basic needs of men. You reap as you sow.

>> No.12141120,236 [INTERNAL] 

Please tell me the whole thing is a satire

>> No.12141120,237 [INTERNAL] 

thats from some sad virgin forum or something because lol who the fuck would use the word incel seriously

>> No.12141120,238 [INTERNAL] 

this is what wizardchan actually believes

>> No.12141120,239 [INTERNAL] 

Chess AI is very advanced. You literally can't beat common chess AI on hard difficulty levels unless you're a chess genius that could compete at a world championship level. IBM made a computer in the 90s that beat the world champion at chess, what they could do now is exponentially stronger and I would say probably no human could beat it at chess if they tried.

IBM also has a computer that could beat you at Jeopardy. It's called Watson and it actually did compete on Jeopardy, and it beat people the majority of the time. It has 4TB of data stored, including the entirety of wikipedia. It can also apparently hold basic conversations and learn.

So yeah a computer could kick your ass.

>> No.12141120,240 [INTERNAL] 

Not having sex is seriously dangerous, be careful around those hermit Vietnamese monks or any non-normie

By the way have anyone found out yet why did he kill a bunch of random people instead of just raping a girl?

>> No.12141120,241 [INTERNAL] 

I find it very odd he didn't rape a girl. Although it's not that hard to believe, raping a girl is hard and would require a pretty big struggle. He was probably too scared.

Actually scratch that, what he really wanted was female attention, compassion, and sex. He wanted girls to be nice to him and have sex with him. Raping a girl is a struggle, difficult, and probably would be harder to get off, it also has none of the female compassion/attention/love parts, which is probably what he really wanted instead of just sex.

>> No.12141120,242 [INTERNAL] 

So why didn't he date a boy?

>> No.12141120,243 [INTERNAL] 

Not gay.

I have to agree with this guy on the part that he wasn't crazy, and he wasn't dumb. What was wrong was just years of being an outcast, and ignored by girls while seeing them give sex/compassion/attention with other males, combined with a very jealous and egotistical personality, built up years of anger and frustration that eventually exploded. That's it.

Being a virgin and experiencing the things he did, or rather didn't experience, would hurt any guy psychologically. The issue was that he guy had a large ego and was a very jealous person, and he also was very childish and never developed a way to deal with bad things. He pretended and fantasized about being a psychopath for attention at the end (see hitler holocaust all women fantasy for example), he knew these were unrealistic and just said it because he was angry, it doesn't mean he's crazy, perhaps just a bit childish.

>> No.12141120,244 [INTERNAL] 

He shot people. He had GUNS. In those circumstances, raping a girl is trivial.

But yeah, he probably had the lowest self-esteem one could have and shooting people doesn't require much in the way of social skills.
But just from reading his crappy notes anyone can see that the guy was nuts, just like any other one of those american teenager mass murderers, the whole virginity thing is not something to focus on in this case, it's just another consequence, and not cause, of social exclusion which is what leads to cases like that one, and that is never societies' inherent fault, but the subjects themselves, who every time lack maturity and social skills. This dude focused his anger on tfwnogf because he had poor social skills, Columbine was the same but focused on another "loser" trait, etc and etc.

>> No.12141120,245 [INTERNAL] 

>>the incel is just as smart as the psychiatrists or cops or whoever tries to intervene, and so he will anticipate their moves and thwart them.

Mfw the incels become more dangerous as the strength of their virginity increases.

>> No.12141120,246 [INTERNAL] 

>Not gay.
So why didn't he become gay?

>> No.12141120,247 [INTERNAL] 

Why are they called "incel" if they are celibate?

>> No.12141120,248 [INTERNAL] 

What is your virg purity level?

>> No.12141120,249 [INTERNAL] 

kissless and hugless

>> No.12141120,250 [INTERNAL] 

He definitely developed some kind of narcissistic personality disorder.
I think it's because his mom spoiled him to hell and back

>> No.12141120,251 [INTERNAL] 

This is like a fucking action movie now I'm fucking game who else is down?

>> No.12141120,252 [INTERNAL] 

Tongue-kissed some, groped tons boobs and butts, hugged millions
vigmr still just like zumbor

>> No.12141120,253 [INTERNAL] 

I googled "What is incel" and found this.


>> No.12141120,254 [INTERNAL] 

At least you didn't make the FBI's virgin watch list like me and >>12141120,249 due to seeing boobs IRL.

>> No.12141120,255 [INTERNAL] 

>tfw will never go drink and Drive with the bar and pick up some qt grils on the way
Step it up please senpai, do you want to stay a virgin 4ever?

>> No.12141120,256 [INTERNAL] 

what if you didnt want to see the boobs was i raped

>> No.12141120,257 [INTERNAL] 

You should have just outran them you were on a fucking motorcycle and they had some shitbox

>> No.12141120,258 [INTERNAL] 

not then the time at the gas station

>> No.12141120,259 [INTERNAL] 

I felt a tit once

Most people thought I slept with the chick and I'm not sure how much she denied so I'm flying under the virgin radar

>> No.12141120,260 [INTERNAL] 

lmao this guy in high school

>> No.12141120,261 [INTERNAL] 

I was 22 or 23. It was at a party I was pressured into going to by my colleagues. We got a room and squirmed around a bit on the bed but being drunk enough to consent meant that I was also too drunk to fuck.

>> No.12141120,262 [INTERNAL] 

normies pls

>> No.12141120,263 [INTERNAL] 

What's normal about almost getting raped? I was way too drunk to be able to give real consent and she was pretty sober.

>> No.12141120,264 [INTERNAL] 

the fact you even question it proves your normie levels are way above average for the w

>> No.12141120,265 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,266 [INTERNAL] 

I hope the majority of people here have been around since before it was hip to pretend to be low-functioning.

Don't hate me just because I'm attractive enough to receive unwanted attention.

>> No.12141120,267 [INTERNAL] 

Warosu is an extension of 4chan and I don't think it was ever all that popular to brag about your social normalord exploits (like you frequently do)

>> No.12141120,268 [INTERNAL] 

How is answering a question someone asked bragging? You're characterizing me as normal because I work, going to the party was an obligation you'd understand if you worked in a tight knit business. /jp/ used to take pride in being full of upwardly mobile young men and if you think the autistic NEET fad is the be-all and end-all of 4chan culture you're new as fuck.

>> No.12141120,269 [INTERNAL] 

lmao this kid is steamed

>> No.12141120,270 [INTERNAL] 

>/jp/ used to take pride in being full of upwardly mobile young men
Nice fanfiction dude

>> No.12141120,271 [INTERNAL] 

>/jp/ used to take pride in being full of upwardly mobile young men
this is what normalfags actually believe

>> No.12141120,272 [INTERNAL] 

Haha lol

>> No.12141120,273 [INTERNAL] 

I thought you died.

>> No.12141120,274 [INTERNAL] 

epic meem


>> No.12141120,275 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,276 [INTERNAL] 


about an hour ago

Wealthy and a 7/10 manlet.

Only reason he died a virgin was he:
1.) Didn’t approach those girls and expected them to come to him/approached them with that creepy gentleman shtick that doesn’t work
2.) If he could approach them correctly and got rejected he could’ve easily lowered his standards, but he thought to highly of himself.


>> No.12141120,277 [INTERNAL] 

Finally got the wiki page on involuntary celibacy deleted.

Another win for the W.

>> No.12141120,278 [INTERNAL] 

It got made again?
I know it was deleted a while ago

Incel dude who wrote it got steamed and is arguing with the dude who deleted it here


>> No.12141120,279 [INTERNAL] 

i just read his manifesto and the videos looke dscripted because they were you'l realize that if you read it

>> No.12141120,280 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,281 [INTERNAL] 

fattie likes him some chips

>> No.12141120,282 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,283 [INTERNAL] 

back to fit with you normalshit

>> No.12141120,284 [INTERNAL] 

>200,000 subscribers
Shit like this makes me understand why people go on killing sprees.

>> No.12141120,285 [INTERNAL] 

what ever happened to elpresador spammer guy

>> No.12141120,286 [INTERNAL] 

Reminds me of this guy!

>> No.12141120,287 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,288 [INTERNAL] 


I wonder if janny has hot pockets hidden under his man titties

>> No.12141120,289 [INTERNAL] 

"who the fuck at 22 hasnt ever kissed a woman"

well i am 24 and i have never kissed a girl or woman

>> No.12141120,290 [INTERNAL] 


Not even your mom? The cheek of course.

>> No.12141120,291 [INTERNAL] 

...you've kissed boys?

>> No.12141120,292 [INTERNAL] 

NO i have not!

only when i was really young i stopped kissing her when i was like 9

>> No.12141120,293 [INTERNAL] 

fuck is it weird that i used to kiss my mom on the lips up until i was 12 or so

>> No.12141120,294 [INTERNAL] 

ya it do. did imagine rapeing to?

>> No.12141120,295 [INTERNAL] 

Must be hard being a non-female half asian.

>> No.12141120,296 [INTERNAL] 

whats even weirder is that one time when i was like 7 i asked her to try touching her tongue with mine for a cool new type of kiss and she just yelled at me and told me that we shouldnt do that and i shouldnt think about it again i was just curious though and had come up with a new kissing idea nothing perverted

>> No.12141120,297 [INTERNAL] 

He's a great actor. He should've majored in theatre, especially living in a faggy state like California.

>> No.12141120,298 [INTERNAL] 

my mom told me to do that with her

i didnt like it and i think i was raped

>> No.12141120,299 [INTERNAL] 

I always used to ask my mom to kiss on the lips, but she would never let me.

>> No.12141120,300 [INTERNAL] 

I think my mom is starting to lose it.....
When she gets mad now she starts hitting things with her head and hands and she's starting to forget everything and not sleep much

>> No.12141120,301 [INTERNAL] 


Stop being a burden to your mom.

>> No.12141120,302 [INTERNAL] 

Damn, his sister is hot.

>> No.12141120,303 [INTERNAL] 

Do you really think so? My sister is way hotter.

>> No.12141120,304 [INTERNAL] 

please psot pictyure

>> No.12141120,305 [INTERNAL] 

she's going to take you out with her like that woman in canada did with her retard son

>> No.12141120,306 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,307 [INTERNAL] 

Your subscribed normalfag channels aren't funny

>> No.12141120,308 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,309 [INTERNAL] 

RIP Supreme Gentleman

>> No.12141120,310 [INTERNAL] 

pedo freak

>> No.12141120,311 [INTERNAL] 

feel when elliot-sama couldn't get into the hottest sorority house because he wasn't the BO$$ of UCSB and instead had to settle with killing some randoms

>> No.12141120,312 [INTERNAL] 

This parents were probably more disappointed he spent 4 years at a community college than the killings.

>> No.12141120,313 [INTERNAL] 

feel when 24 and still no college degree

>> No.12141120,314 [INTERNAL] 

feel when 26

>> No.12141120,315 [INTERNAL] 

even if I get a degree will normployers just think I'm a literal retard since it took me until I was 28 or something

>> No.12141120,316 [INTERNAL] 

No, there's plenty of old fucks that get degrees late.

>> No.12141120,317 [INTERNAL] 

I have a total of 6 credits at my community college, me dad thinks I've been going this whole time..

Sigh.. I need to start practicing rabbit hunting for when I'm homeless. I figure I can just wander around the outskirts of town eating out of dumpsters and poaching small game. I'll collect whatever welfare they'll give me as a heterosexual white male. Eventually I'll undoubtedly descend into insanity and be just another bearded freak sitting on the corning talking to myself.

>> No.12141120,318 [INTERNAL] 

You need a job to get welfare.

>> No.12141120,319 [INTERNAL] 

I hate when retards with 110 and lower IQ go to school for a few years and think it makes them better than me

>> No.12141120,320 [INTERNAL] 

Don't lie.....

>> No.12141120,321 [INTERNAL] 

you are inferior

>> No.12141120,322 [INTERNAL] 

fuck you

>> No.12141120,323 [INTERNAL] 


You're right you are Mommy's special boy~

>> No.12141120,324 [INTERNAL] 

Don't be mad little retard boy.

>> No.12141120,325 [INTERNAL] 

Even if I was to go through the trouble of sucking up my anxiety and becoming a subnormie to get a degree, then what?

I'd be 29 and have to get some shitty job that happens to pay more than other shitty jobs. I'd also have to content with tens of thousands of dollars in debt.
Nothing in this world really interests me anymore, I wake up and post on imageboards for a while then I go to bed.

>> No.12141120,326 [INTERNAL] 

Go to ITT tech with all those minorities.

>> No.12141120,327 [INTERNAL] 

feel when haven't played the video game in forever since busy doing collegenorm stuff and keep hitting up the W and other sites when my collegenorm stuff isn't done yet and I made a promise with myself not to play video game until I am done with the collegenorm stuff from the week and then the new week starts with me only just having completed the stuff for the week so I don't get to play again

why didn't jesus give me self control

>> No.12141120,328 [INTERNAL] 

Why do you go to college so much?
My norm brother only goes 2 days a week.

>> No.12141120,329 [INTERNAL] 

I don't even go to college it's all online and it's only 2 classes at a time but I'm literally retarded and ADHD or something because it takes me huge amounts of time

I hope to become a full-fledged college norm in the next semester but I don't know if they will let me in

>> No.12141120,330 [INTERNAL] 

>Nothing in this world really interests me anymore, I wake up and post on imageboards for a while then I go to bed.

You're what, 25, and you don't realize the reason for this is your depression-inducing lifestyle?

>> No.12141120,331 [INTERNAL] 

School shooters are retards, it accomplishes nothing. If you really wanted revenge shooting up a school like a nigger and kill 10 people is pointless.

>> No.12141120,332 [INTERNAL] 

He has a wikipedia article.

>> No.12141120,333 [INTERNAL] 

College is great if you enjoy learning about things. You even get to choose what you learn about.

>> No.12141120,334 [INTERNAL] 

It's impossible for me to learn anything when I'm surrounded by a bunch of Chad normies. Can't concentrate.

>> No.12141120,335 [INTERNAL] 

How do I fix it

>> No.12141120,336 [INTERNAL] 

Just use the internet instead of having to pay thousands of dollars and having to put up with annoying people and papers.

>> No.12141120,337 [INTERNAL] 

They're angry
They want anyone and everyone to die
Normies should die

>> No.12141120,338 [INTERNAL] 

I hate that

maybe you learn about chemical engineering then have some chink tell you that you literally can't think because you didn't take logic

>> No.12141120,339 [INTERNAL] 

haha ur still mad about that

pussy lil white boi

>> No.12141120,340 [INTERNAL] 

actually there's no article on him since it's just one article about the killings with a subsection on the perpetrator

it's because of the feminist conspiracy wikipedia. they don't want to promote "misogyny" so they make complaints saying that he isn't "notable" and that the article should be merged

>> No.12141120,341 [INTERNAL] 

fucking chink...

>> No.12141120,342 [INTERNAL] 

I like going to tranny wiki articles and changing all the "she"s back to he's.

>> No.12141120,343 [INTERNAL] 

The internet is great but it's still not to the point where you can get the insight of other people who are also interested in the things. You can't ask professors questions or what not. Papers are good at making you think about what you're learning, which is good. Maybe you just don't like to think?

That doesn't happen in the real. Everybody works together to understand.

>> No.12141120,344 [INTERNAL] 

When I was in college everyone was too autistic to ask any of the professors questions.

>> No.12141120,345 [INTERNAL] 

breivik has his own article because his killings weren't framed as misogyny

also the isla vista killings article is part of the "violence against women" category but not the "violence against men" one because of a vote by feminist editors, even though 16/20 of his victims were male, and 4/6 of the dead were male

when will feminists finally be rounded up and killed?

>> No.12141120,346 [INTERNAL] 

Who the fuck let all these college normies in here? Are they working for loan companies or something?

>> No.12141120,347 [INTERNAL] 

Do things that require effort but are rewarding in the end. Physical exercise of some kind is pretty much a must. Also, don't subscribe to the 4chan loser mindset (I mean the "why even try, the world is shit" part, not the alpha/beta BS or anything like that).

>> No.12141120,348 [INTERNAL] 

He reminds me of a kid I went to high school with.
He was this big nerd, but obsessed with being a normie and getting laid. A big time asshole with this "I'm better and smarter than everyone, why aren't women throwing themselves at me" attitude. Followed /fa/ guides to a t and always tried to get people to go lifting with him because he thought if he lifted girls would want to have sex with him.

>> No.12141120,349 [INTERNAL] 

I'm already strong I do a little exercise on the side what else is there

>> No.12141120,350 [INTERNAL] 

try sex

>> No.12141120,351 [INTERNAL] 

Alright but be gentle

>> No.12141120,352 [INTERNAL] 

Thank you Elliot

Thank you for your service and sacrifce

>> No.12141120,353 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,354 [INTERNAL] 

>>>/r9k/ normalshit

>> No.12141120,355 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,356 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,357 [INTERNAL] 

The problem with delusional losers is that they try to find comfort with the idea that they are smarter than everyone else, which is just pathetic.

>> No.12141120,358 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,359 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,360 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,361 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.12141120,362 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,363 [INTERNAL] 

none of those pretty princess points ones

>> No.12141120,364 [INTERNAL] 

I like those ones

>> No.12141120,365 [INTERNAL] 

i do to theyre really good whoever made them is a genuis

>> No.12141120,366 [INTERNAL] 

Nooo Pepe...

>> No.12141120,367 [INTERNAL] 

normie holocast....

>> No.12141120,368 [INTERNAL] 

fuck off, normalshits

>> No.12141120,369 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,370 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12141120,371 [INTERNAL] 

damn it was literally a year ago when I made this thread

>> No.12141120,372 [INTERNAL] 

Rest in supreme peace.

>> No.12141120,373 [INTERNAL] 

there are billions of screencaps out there of women proving what stuck up sluts they are. why can't they just be rounded up and stuck in breeding labs already?

>> No.12141120,374 [INTERNAL] 

le edgy teen meme

>> No.12141120,375 [INTERNAL] 

what the shit eliot thing was in 2014???

>> No.12141120,376 [INTERNAL] 

I remember it well because it was about a month before my friend stopped talking to me forever

Some guy was reading the manifesto and so was I and we would talk about it
good times...

>> No.12141120,377 [INTERNAL] 

It feels like yesterday when this happened. I don't think I did anything during this year at all

>> No.12141120,378 [INTERNAL] 



>> No.12141120,379 [INTERNAL] 


brace for epic

>> No.12141120,380 [INTERNAL] 

Does he still have the one with johnny hates jazz?
