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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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12445074 No.12445074[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Let life cease

>> No.12445074,1 [INTERNAL] 

This guy looks so comfy.

>> No.12445074,2 [INTERNAL] 

He looks disgusting

>> No.12445074,3 [INTERNAL] 

he looks like what shaggy would look like after scooby doo dies

>> No.12445074,4 [INTERNAL] 

Is Lain his waifu?

>> No.12445074,5 [INTERNAL] 

What's disgusting? He seems clean.

>> No.12445074,6 [INTERNAL] 

Isn't this anakata, one of The Pirate Bay's founders/admins? He's been in solitary confinement for a few years now.

>> No.12445074,7 [INTERNAL] 

why is there a vibrator on the shelf

>> No.12445074,8 [INTERNAL] 

What does he need a book on Physiology for?

>> No.12445074,9 [INTERNAL] 

You may be surprised at how often computer algorithms mimic biological systems.

>> No.12445074,10 [INTERNAL] 

For example?

>> No.12445074,11 [INTERNAL] 

Uh... Facebook? You're an idiot.

>> No.12445074,12 [INTERNAL] 

You may be surprised at how often a man's anus comes up in computer algorithms.

>> No.12445074,13 [INTERNAL] 

How does Facebook mimic a biological system

>> No.12445074,14 [INTERNAL] 

Oh wait you're just Trev trying to rationalize his worthless degre LMAOOOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.12445074,15 [INTERNAL] 

I love Lain too!

>> No.12445074,16 [INTERNAL] 

The Anternet

>> No.12445074,17 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12445074,18 [INTERNAL] 

Here you go kid 4chan.org/s4s

>> No.12445074,19 [INTERNAL] 

You don't know who you're messing with

>> No.12445074,20 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.12445074,21 [INTERNAL] 

i reverse googled the image and this was the first thing that popped up



>> No.12445074,22 [INTERNAL] 

dat a /jp/ right there son

>> No.12445074,23 [INTERNAL] 

You're a fucking nobody on the internet I dont give a fuck if you're a known cocksucker here you're lower than garbage, everyone is, cut that shit out before I give your IP out.

>> No.12445074,24 [INTERNAL] 

Fucking fight me nerd

>> No.12445074,25 [INTERNAL] 


Certified 100% kazishopost

>> No.12445074,26 [INTERNAL] 

Everyone has Trevor's IP. He hosts a website at home.

>> No.12445074,27 [INTERNAL] 

"He truly thinks that if a young teenage girl says it's okay to have sex, then it's okay"

What the fuck? Why is it not okay?

>> No.12445074,28 [INTERNAL] 

Because young girls aren't mature enough for sexuality.

>> No.12445074,29 [INTERNAL] 

It's against the law.

>> No.12445074,30 [INTERNAL] 

>He hosts a website at home.

What the fuck? Are you serious?

>> No.12445074,31 [INTERNAL] 

It's also against the law to have a soft drink larger than 16 ounces in NY. There are all sorts of dumb laws in place for no reason other than to control people. What's the harm in having sex with a 14, 15, or 16 year old girl? They're obviously developed and want it, so why not?

>> No.12445074,32 [INTERNAL] 

Trevor is one loc motherfucker G

>> No.12445074,33 [INTERNAL] 


You aren't afraid of prison I see. Or maybe you are FBI anon.

>> No.12445074,34 [INTERNAL] 

Because they're obviously not developed enough and they'll grow up fucked up in the head?


Read a fucking book or something, Christ.

>> No.12445074,35 [INTERNAL] 

Why would you go to prison for ordering a large drink?

>> No.12445074,36 [INTERNAL] 

>It's also against the law to have a soft drink larger than 16 ounces in NY
That was struck down.

>What's the harm in having sex with a 14, 15, or 16 year old girl? They're obviously developed and want it, so why not?
You reach full brain development at age 25. If anything it needs to be raised.

>> No.12445074,37 [INTERNAL] 


You just said it is against the law to give a soft drink larger than 16 ounces to a loli.

>> No.12445074,38 [INTERNAL] 

It was illegal for restaurants to offer them in an attempt to promote healthier diets.

>> No.12445074,39 [INTERNAL] 

What are the rates for women who aren't abused to become those things?

>> No.12445074,40 [INTERNAL] 

Laws are laws. If you don't like them, change them. We have a representative system. Are you some kind of anarchist?

Nothing needs to be said as to why fucking kids is bad but that it's against the law. It's bad to do things that are against the law. You can argue that the law doesn't make any sense but until it's changed it's still a really bad idea to go around fucking children.

>> No.12445074,41 [INTERNAL] 

It's already compared to not-abused women. When it says the ratio is 2, it means that they're 2 times more likely to have the disorder than a not-abused woman.

>> No.12445074,42 [INTERNAL] 


>Laws are laws. If you don't like them, change them. We have a representative system. Are you some kind of anarchist?

Yes yes, good goy. Only $14,000 to buy one congressman's vote. Lobby today!

>> No.12445074,43 [INTERNAL] 

Well why don't you come up with something better? Let's hear it.

>> No.12445074,44 [INTERNAL] 


This argument has been refuted to many times it's nauseating. This is like hearing a creationist bring up 'if human com from menkey why is derr still menky???' for the quadrillionth time.

Go look up some pedophile debate threads on this very archive, and you'll find your arguments disproven there.

>> No.12445074,45 [INTERNAL] 

>they'll grow up fucked up in the head
Because society tells them it's shameful and that they should feel humiliated for it.

>> No.12445074,46 [INTERNAL] 

I'm perplexed by what you've posted here. What does the cost of lobby have to do with breaking laws being bad? Committing a felony is about the worst behavior that can be performed. Whatever the cost to change laws doesn't change the fact that until they've been changed (be it on the books or through relaxed enforcement) it's a bad thing to commit a crime deemed so heinous.

>> No.12445074,47 [INTERNAL] 

>pretending to be me


>> No.12445074,48 [INTERNAL] 

Stop calling teenagers "children". It's an insult to real children.

>> No.12445074,49 [INTERNAL] 

It's just pointing out that it's practically impossible to change unjust laws.

>> No.12445074,50 [INTERNAL] 

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>> No.12445074,51 [INTERNAL] 


Certified free-range Kazishopost!

>> No.12445074,52 [INTERNAL] 


Sorry, retard, but no one is buying your doublethink. Laws are in no way synced with morals. You won't fucking ever convince me it's immoral to smoke marijuana when it's completely legal to drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes, activities with greater and equal (respectively) damage to others and yourself.

>> No.12445074,53 [INTERNAL] 

It's very practical as has been shown historically. Simply bring it before the supreme court. If it does not align with our nationalist view then we'll toss it.

You can't fuck little girls because the majority of our democracy believes they will benefit from your not fucking them. I would agree, I wouldn't want a fat neckbearded man to fuck my underaged daughter. He is genetically deficient but she may not be able to understand why until I've finished raising her. To me, as with most sensible people, it's important to breed out the sort of man who would disregard social norms for lust.

>> No.12445074,54 [INTERNAL] 

Allowing your loli daughter to drink Coca-cola is a thousand times worse than doing lewd things with her.

I'm serious.

>> No.12445074,55 [INTERNAL] 


I got hard reading your post!

Please let me fuck your daughter!

>> No.12445074,56 [INTERNAL] 


Doing sexual things with your loli daughter isn't any different from holding hands with her. More beneficial, really, since it sates a natural curiosity of hers.

>> No.12445074,57 [INTERNAL] 

Marijuana is a good example of legal change. It's become acceptable to most, law is residing (legalization after decriminalization), the president is cool with it. It will be legal in time. That's very different from allowing child molestation. Child molestation is something supported by a very small minority of maladaptive sexual fetishists.

Ethics are what we make them. Law is aligned with cultural opinion. That's how our country functions.

>> No.12445074,58 [INTERNAL] 

You can't be serious. Coca-cola doesn't cause crazy slutty behavior or her to grow boobs/pubes.

>> No.12445074,59 [INTERNAL] 

Pot is only supported by hippies and is never going to be legal.

>> No.12445074,60 [INTERNAL] 


No one is suggesting child molestation is moral. Rape of a child is just as bad as rape of anything else. However, sex with a child is perfectly fine, as long as it's carried out safely.

>> No.12445074,61 [INTERNAL] 


1) it is still illegal
2) even if it were legal, that does not even come close to wiping away the many many years in which it was illegal for no good reason (except it doesn't have a lobby, like tobacco and alcohol)

>> No.12445074,62 [INTERNAL] 

>as long as it's carried out safely.
That's not enough. As long as society is so brainwashed and prudish, the girl will realize she is doing "something she shouldn't" and end up traumatized.

Everything is society's fault. It's absolutely unforgivable.

>> No.12445074,63 [INTERNAL] 

TRRUUUUUU mainly because the government profits more from it being illegal not the ` `bad" effects of the marijuana itself

>> No.12445074,64 [INTERNAL] 

How often would it be carried out safely? How will the child decide who to mate with having not been gifted attraction by puberty? How will the child support her children? How will a mentally ill father raise the children? How will the mentally ill man's relationship with my child influence her upbringing? In what non-sexual influences with this man affect my child? You think as though there should be some ideal scenario in which the child and the sex offender are left in a sort of sexual outlet center where no relationship is formed between them. That isn't the case in our society so it's been outlawed.

There are too many negatives for it to be sensible. It only benefits a small number of deviants whom are not fit for a nurturing relationship.

>> No.12445074,65 [INTERNAL] 

I doubt a prepubescent loli (sixth grade and younger) would turn into a huge slut, masturbate all the time and not pay attention in school just because she discovered the pleasures of sex.

Coca-cola is a bomb for your body. The fact that so many parents buy that shit and don't CARE about the dangers makes my fucking blood boil. My entire family drinks that crap even though I keep warning them. Why are they so fucking stupid? Holy shit.

>> No.12445074,66 [INTERNAL] 

1. It's deciminalized in many places, legal in others, and trending elsewhere.
2. It was illegal because drug use was culturally unacceptable. This was the thought at the time of outlaw. Law isn't about personal rights (outside of the constitutional level), it's about running society well. Alcohol isn't illegal because society rebelled much more violently than it did toward the outlaw of marijuana. What do you want? Junkie reparations? Apolojuice? This how things work.

>> No.12445074,67 [INTERNAL] 

There's literally nothing wrong with Coca-cola.

>> No.12445074,68 [INTERNAL] 

>having not been gifted attraction by puberty?
>How will the child support her children?
>mentally ill father
>mentally ill man
>deviants whom are not fit for a nurturing relationship
What the fuck am I reading? It's like you live in a different reality. I genuinely want you dead, scum. I really do.

>> No.12445074,69 [INTERNAL] 

It's still illegal everywhere unless you count medical marijuana, but you obviously need a medical reason for that and not just be a pothead.

>> No.12445074,70 [INTERNAL] 

How is it a bomb?

>> No.12445074,71 [INTERNAL] 

Paedophelia is mental illness. It's fetish. Face it, fix it, society will accept you back. You're sure to find a girl who is of age.

>> No.12445074,72 [INTERNAL] 

Why do I get such an immediate and especially hard erection when I think of casual sex with lolis like that? Imagine making a loli have an orgasm with your penis and having it be no big deal.

>> No.12445074,73 [INTERNAL] 

Federally but not enforced. Colorado seems to be doing very well. Both their growers and dispensaries.

>> No.12445074,74 [INTERNAL] 

I think you guys are massively overestimating the psychological effects of puberty. Half the shit people attribute to puberty are actually things that any self-aware human already possesses by the age of six.

>> No.12445074,75 [INTERNAL] 

All the girls I know around my age are already married or engaged. I don't see the point of rehabilitation.

>> No.12445074,76 [INTERNAL] 

I certainly did not know anything about sex at age six and thought it was gross.

>> No.12445074,77 [INTERNAL] 

Yeah I second this guy's post, he's so fucked up that no amount of rehabilitation would get a woman his age to sleep withh im.

>> No.12445074,78 [INTERNAL] 

Pretty much everyone on 4chan is so fucked up and will never get laid.

>> No.12445074,79 [INTERNAL] 

Human stupidity is literally the only reason something so wonderful is "the worst possible crime".

You probably know a lot of stupid people who are openly pedophobic. Please, take every oportunity to make their life hell.

>> No.12445074,80 [INTERNAL] 

Knowing that a loli is having sex out of curiosity and instinct is way more erotic than any other way imaginable. That's how lolis normally have sex, right? Because of curiosity and instinct, right? Right?

>> No.12445074,81 [INTERNAL] 

As if you little shits can make anyone's life hell but you're moms.

>> No.12445074,82 [INTERNAL] 

le epic 4chan weirdos XD

Not the case fagboy, times have changed.

>> No.12445074,83 [INTERNAL] 

Society and parents. Your experience doesn't prove anything.

>> No.12445074,84 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know anyone aside from my mom.

>> No.12445074,85 [INTERNAL] 

There are many ways to purposely make another person's life slightly worse.

>> No.12445074,86 [INTERNAL] 

I know my dick is fucking you in the ass, faggot.

>> No.12445074,87 [INTERNAL] 

If you were boyfriend material, you would be browsing facebook.

>> No.12445074,88 [INTERNAL] 

They're sure to be faintly bothered through your efforts. More tallies on the child-mind scale.

>> No.12445074,89 [INTERNAL] 

pleas respond

>> No.12445074,90 [INTERNAL] 

I remember being attracted to lolis when I was like seven. I noticed more and more lewd things every year. I thought the fact that my loli classmates got butts was just mindblowing by age 10. But I didn't start puberty until I was thirteen. I thought girls' pubes were lewd and humiliating, but lolis were so much better in every way. I really missed elementary school.

How do you explain all of this?

>> No.12445074,91 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12445074,92 [INTERNAL] 

Diagnosis: autism and fractured ass bone

>> No.12445074,93 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12445074,94 [INTERNAL] 


no one mentioned anything about children

>> No.12445074,95 [INTERNAL] 

Precocious puberty

>> No.12445074,96 [INTERNAL] 


Loli Asuka!

>> No.12445074,97 [INTERNAL] 

>one mentioned anything about children
>sex with a child is perfectly fine


>> No.12445074,98 [INTERNAL] 

Puberty has nothing to do with this shit, that was the point of my post. You are fucking brainwashed.

I was literally hairless and unable to ejaculate until I was 13. Absolutely no armpit hair until I was 15. Explain this shit with that "logic" of yours.

>> No.12445074,99 [INTERNAL] 

Babies can get erections. What does that have to do with maladaptive sexual preference?

>> No.12445074,100 [INTERNAL] 

You reached puberty early psychologically but not physically.

>> No.12445074,101 [INTERNAL] 

Alright guys so what's the final verdict on fucking teenagers?

>> No.12445074,102 [INTERNAL] 

kosher but they gotta have gone thru the pubs

>> No.12445074,103 [INTERNAL] 

It's cool but no rape.

>> No.12445074,104 [INTERNAL] 

Entirely through it or what? Is there a problem with fucking a girl at that age when they're really horny and aroused all the time and always masturbating and thinking of dicks and sex and don't know how to control their impulses?

>> No.12445074,105 [INTERNAL] 

I hate loli versions of already estabilished characters or vice versa. Asuka is so cheeky and self-assured that it's extremely enjoyable to watch her being humiliated and forced to expose her naked butt and hairy teen pussy to the world.

I guess it would be fun to humiliate loli Asuka, but not as fun. Same with Ange. I want to humiliate Ange for different reasons, though. She's a bullied girl who still has some pride and attitude left. It's impossible to read EP4 without wishing they would just strip her naked and humiliate the HELL out of her in dozens of different ways, and take pictures and put them everywhere, destroying Ange's remaining dignity.

>> No.12445074,106 [INTERNAL] 

I didn't reach puberty "psychologically". It's perfectly natural for children to have lewd thoughts like I did. It has nothing to do with puberty.

>> No.12445074,107 [INTERNAL] 

They don't do that until their 30s.

>> No.12445074,108 [INTERNAL] 

You were just weird.

>> No.12445074,109 [INTERNAL] 

So it's fine to fuck a girl whose body has not stopped growing and/or developing entirely?

>> No.12445074,110 [INTERNAL] 

I think it's a good way to get back at normies because they are attracted to teenagers, but can't have sex with them.

>> No.12445074,111 [INTERNAL] 


Loli Asuka is shown in the show.

>> No.12445074,112 [INTERNAL] 

If the law says it's okay, it's okay.

If not, it's okay as long as you don't mind going to jail.

>> No.12445074,113 [INTERNAL] 

I'm not sure about elementary schoolers, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with fucking middle schoolers. There's no point in arguing about it. If anything bad happens, it's society's fault.

7th graders still look like lolis even if they have cute little bushes and small breasts. They are not perfect prepubescent angels, but still really beautiful and horny as FUCK. Having sex with them should be perfectly legal.

>> No.12445074,114 [INTERNAL] 

She was not shown first. She's not the original Asuka. The same happens with loli Ange, who was introduced in the last episode.

>> No.12445074,115 [INTERNAL] 

Middle schoolers need to concentrate on their studies. Same goes with high schoolers. And people in college.

>> No.12445074,116 [INTERNAL] 

And people with jobs need to concentrate on work.

>> No.12445074,117 [INTERNAL] 

What are some good bullying humiliation doujins? The ones I know are boring as hell because the girl doesn't even try to mantain her dignity (also, lack of pubes). Ange is perfect bullying material. I need a protagonist like her.

>> No.12445074,118 [INTERNAL] 


Original has nothing to do with it.

>> No.12445074,119 [INTERNAL] 


children can't have children

how slow are you

>> No.12445074,120 [INTERNAL] 


Cumming in lolis with /jp/!

>> No.12445074,121 [INTERNAL] 

Have you missed out on all the loli pregnancy talk in the junior idol thread?

>> No.12445074,122 [INTERNAL] 

Just pick less than eight year old lolis and you'll be fine for the most part.

>> No.12445074,123 [INTERNAL] 

The influential role of a mentally ill partner in my loli's life is no less concerning.

>> No.12445074,124 [INTERNAL] 

No worse than the bullies they will have to deal with in school.

>> No.12445074,125 [INTERNAL] 

Bullies aren't mentally ill. They're a useful lesson. It would be great if my loli joined them in bullying.

>> No.12445074,126 [INTERNAL] 

How can I be bullied by a loli?

>> No.12445074,127 [INTERNAL] 

The only lesson I learned from bullies is you should go to school half-asleep so you can just ignore them by taking naps.

>> No.12445074,128 [INTERNAL] 

I don't understand where people get off randomly applying the 'illness' label to various mental states. If you're going to call plenty of things which aren't necessarily bad for anyone an illness, you should definitely call being a bully a mental illness. It's certainly a mental disposition and it certainly has negative symptoms.

>> No.12445074,129 [INTERNAL] 

One is harmful to society while the other builds a strong society. Bullying exists even in the adult world, with good reason.

>> No.12445074,130 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12445074,131 [INTERNAL] 

Are you kidding? Everyone is super-polite in adult society. It's like you never worked a day in your life.

>> No.12445074,132 [INTERNAL] 


Plenty of people over the age of 18 are bullies. Bullying can be subtler than HA-HA LOOK AT BUTTFACE THERE LOL.

>> No.12445074,133 [INTERNAL] 

Most bullies are full-blown psychopaths.

>> No.12445074,134 [INTERNAL] 

Not elementary school bullies.

>> No.12445074,135 [INTERNAL] 

I would say the same to you, office politics often result in the bullying of an employee into some stance.

>working off subjective feelings of parents, teachers, and 8 year olds
Loaded as HELL. Also, definition of bullying doesn't apply since that form of repetitive ''bullying'' isn't the type that most people experience.

>> No.12445074,136 [INTERNAL] 

>office politics often result in the bullying of an employee into some stance.

The only people I've ever been bullied by is union reps and they are supposed to do that because people who join unions are cocksuckers. I told them I wouldn't join and they went away.

>> No.12445074,137 [INTERNAL] 

Oh, so you have been bullied. Well then.

>> No.12445074,138 [INTERNAL] 

Loli bullies are evil creatures. Loli bully farts smell rotten like their souls.

>> No.12445074,139 [INTERNAL] 

Usually bullies don't go away when you tell them to.

>> No.12445074,140 [INTERNAL] 

>people who join unions are cocksuckers.
But dont you get more benefits when youre in a union and its harder for them to fire you?

>> No.12445074,141 [INTERNAL] 

Not where I work, we just get paid based on experience and it's a right to work state, so they can just fire you whenever for whatever reason union or not. Even if they did, I don't believe in joining a gang.

>> No.12445074,142 [INTERNAL] 

But if they fire you without a good reason they'd have to answer to the union wouldnt they?

>> No.12445074,143 [INTERNAL] 

You make it sound like the union actually cares about their members.

>> No.12445074,144 [INTERNAL] 

Is posting down? I'm getting [Connection Error] every time I try.

>> No.12445074,145 [INTERNAL] 

Dont they need to care because the members pay and they go on strike when told?

>> No.12445074,146 [INTERNAL] 

I want to form a friendship union with every warosuwolf.

>> No.12445074,147 [INTERNAL] 

There is a sucker born every minute. They can just get new members.

>> No.12445074,148 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12445074,149 [INTERNAL] 

I refuse to believe that most men are not attracted to at least some elementary school girls, be it physically or romantically.

It's strangely convenient that they are only attracted to girls who can legally consent. It sounds like a load of crap, honestly. Especially the people who insist that they don't want to fuck 15 year olds.

If it's really true, can someone please tell me what's so weird about liking cute elementary school girls? Let's have a civilized discussion here. Choose the grade you are most confortable with.

Don't you think they are really cute and beautiful? Don't you think they have enough of a personality to be sexually attractive? Is it really that strange to wish you could go back in time and have some kind of awkward romantic relationship with one of them? Not because you have problems with older women, but because they have a charm that older girls lack.

Can someone tell me what the heck is so unappealing about young girls? I really want to understand how you think. This obviously isn't a mental illness, it's been proved many times before. Let's try to understand each other without name-calling, shall we?

>> No.12445074,150 [INTERNAL] 


I like Asuka

>> No.12445074,151 [INTERNAL] 

Unless you are a porn addict (like most of 4chan) you are turned on by pheromones and not appearance. Since little girls don't give off pheromones, normies wouldn't get attracted to them.

>> No.12445074,152 [INTERNAL] 

Internet porn doesn't give off pheromones either. We are attracted to the body and the personality of the girl. I thought normies liked porn.

>> No.12445074,153 [INTERNAL] 

Only ones that don't have girlfriends yet.

>> No.12445074,154 [INTERNAL] 

Real little girls are dumb as rocks. They whine about everything in high pitched voices. They're often mean. Why don't you qualify what you like about then instead of vaguely state they have something about them? From my protective that something is the same thing foot lovers find in "beautiful" feet. You can't have babies with them. Romance is stigmatized. They don't have the sexually attractive shape of older girls. There's not any reason to have a relationship with them.

They can be cute in the same way as a kitten but who wants to have a serial relationship with a kitten?

>> No.12445074,155 [INTERNAL] 

>Since little girls don't give off pheromones


>> No.12445074,156 [INTERNAL] 

Has it been proven that humans have sexual pheromones?

>> No.12445074,157 [INTERNAL] 

You know that's not true. And even if it's true, porn certainly works for them when they are single. They don't need pheromones.

>> No.12445074,158 [INTERNAL] 

It doesn't work for them. That's why they always go on about how sex is so much better than masturbation.

>> No.12445074,159 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know whether or not it was pheromones but I've smelled a few girls before and gotten turned on. One was 14 and the other was 9.

>> No.12445074,160 [INTERNAL] 

How did you do it?

>> No.12445074,161 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12445074,162 [INTERNAL] 

The 14 year old was standing really close to me and I could just smell her body odor, and I just asked to smell the 9 year old one day. Naturally I chose to smell her armpits. Neither of their odors were offensive at all or really any different than regular body odor except being a bit weaker and making me horny after smelling them.

>> No.12445074,163 [INTERNAL] 

Are you telling me that underage girls will let just anyone smell them if asked nicely?

>> No.12445074,164 [INTERNAL] 

Only if you're not creepy.

>> No.12445074,165 [INTERNAL] 

>Real little girls are dumb as rocks.
How old are we talking about? They are not literal retards. You can have actual conversations with them and enjoy hearing their innocent ideas and thoughts. Isn't that one of the most enjoyable things ever?

I think people severely underestimate the intelligence of children. Maybe I just love the "stupid" things they say. I think it's sad how nobody seems to appreciate or enjoy the cute things little girls say.

Also, why do you feel the need to especify that we are talking about "real" little girls? I've never said anything about 2D lolis.

>They whine about everything in high pitched voices. They're often mean.
It doesn't bother me that much. I actually like it, in a way.

>Why don't you qualify what you like about then instead of vaguely state they have something about them?
They are cute, beautiful, innocent and smell good. Not every little girl is like that, but only little girls can reach that level of perfection.

>From my protective that something is the same thing foot lovers find in "beautiful" feet.
I don't consider myself a foot lover. I find it pretty weird, actually. I like feet because they are supposed to be "nasty" yet every cute girl has feet. It's really lewd. I don't think feet are beautiful or anything, they just look boring.

>You can't have babies with them.
>Romance is stigmatized.
Those are not reasons to dislike them.

>They don't have the sexually attractive shape of older girls.
That's true, but they have very attractive personalities. And they don't really need breasts or a figure to be physically attractive. The shape of their butts is really nice, and the very fact that they have butts is enough for me. I really don't need anything else.

>There's not any reason to have a relationship with them.
Any kind of relationship with a little girl would make me happy. I really enjoy everything they do and say. Do you really not enjoy their company?

>They can be cute in the same way as a kitten but who wants to have a serial relationship with a kitten?
They have human bodies, can speak and think, and have complex human minds even if their personalities are immature.

Keep in mind that we are talking about "little girls" in general. 6-11 years old.

>> No.12445074,166 [INTERNAL] 

there are some serious normals ITT

>> No.12445074,167 [INTERNAL] 

The W is declining.

>> No.12445074,168 [INTERNAL] 

I don't know about that, but I really hate it when they say that masturbating to hentai is "weird" because "it's just a cartoon". Are they seriously incapable of fapping to hentai? I mean... Holy shit, they are dumb. I think they are just stupidly trying to appear more "adult".

>> No.12445074,169 [INTERNAL] 

The 14 year old turned you on because of her pheromones. The loli turned you on because the smell of her body odor was just mindblowing. The fact that a little cutie like her actually had a faint body odor and a butt and other lewd things was too much for your mind to handle.

>> No.12445074,170 [INTERNAL] 

Kill yourself.

>> No.12445074,171 [INTERNAL] 

I remember a thread on reddit about one guy's daughter smelling his dirty gym clothes and all the people in the comments saying she wasn't smelling them because they were his, but rather that she was smelling them because they smelled like a guy.

Does this mean that loli kid girls get turned on by smelling men's bodies?

>> No.12445074,172 [INTERNAL] 

Wait, here it is: http://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/comments/1sxb35/dad_40m_walked_in_on_his_daughter_15f/

"In my search for dirty dark dryables, I swing her door open to grab her laundry basket and I had quite the surprise. I don't remember the exact words I said.. Oh sorry.. Oh my god.. I don't know what.. I quickly shut the door and headed back to the basement and the wash machine. If I had merely walked in on her "taking care of business" I would have thought nothing of it. For Christsakes, I'm a guy so I know the fun in a little self service! My thing is I saw my gym bag opened and sprawled out on the floor and I know what else I saw. I want to convince myself that this is just adolescent exploration. It wasn't sweaty dad in those clothes but some other sweaty guy she was thinking about. Right?"

Top rated comment is this

"I wouldn't read anything into it -- your workout clothes would smell generically masculine. Maybe she's liked the smell of guys after they've exercised when she's been exposed to it at school or weekend sports, and yours are just the only gym clothes she can actually get her hands on."

Lewd! I wonder if a loli girl kid would like the smell of the sweaty guys here on The Big Dub.

>> No.12445074,173 [INTERNAL] 

Elementary schoolers suck.

Some serious dick LOOOOOOOOOL

>> No.12445074,174 [INTERNAL] 

>and the very fact that they have butts is enough for me. I really don't need anything else.
Get a load of this literal HOMOQUEER deviant.

>> No.12445074,175 [INTERNAL] 

>he literally dislikes kid butt
I pity you.

>> No.12445074,176 [INTERNAL] 

Kid butts are fine, but only being attracted to butts? That's gay.

>> No.12445074,177 [INTERNAL] 

I never said I'm not attracted to other body parts. I just think the butt is the best and most important part of a loli's body.

>> No.12445074,178 [INTERNAL] 

What do loli butt cheeks feel like?

>> No.12445074,179 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12445074,180 [INTERNAL] 

"Modest is hottest" really upsets me. Like blood all boiling, face all red, huffy/hissy fit rage. Because I want my girls to walk around with their booties hanging all out? Umm...no. But because IF my daughters choose to walk around with their booties all hanging out, I feel that they "deserve" violence to the same degree that women covered to their ankles and wrists and neck bones: which is NOT AT ALL.

I teach my girls (and sons for that matter) about class. And integrity. And acceptance. And self esteem. I truly believe that girls (and boys) that grow up believing in themselves don't need to dress like strippers to get attention, because their beauty shines through. But you'd better believe that I about blew an anyeurism (how, exactly, is that spelled? Gah.) when I saw the lengths of young ladies' shorts when I was shopping for my girls yesterday. Holy moly... they don't even list inseam lengths because they are essentially underwear. Denim underwear. Nope, not here. Not ever. I hope.

I believe in rape culture. I believe that as a society, we like to blame victims. Even if we don't utter the words, we like to think that we are safe because we don't wear shorts that have our rears all hangin' out. Or because we don't frequent bars. Or because we are hermits that stare at the ground when we walk. But guess what? Rape blame belongs on MEN who rape. Not on little girls that dress like tramps.

Nevertheless, I pray that I am raising girls who know that they are BETTER.

SO when I saw this article on my friend's facebook today, I was all prepared to hate it. Because I don't believe in modesty. I think it is bullshit.

But there were some points that I conceded to. I liked her explanation and view point. I disagree still, but it seems a lot less b-s-ey when spoken by a young woman who views her beliefs as sacrifice and is willing to make that sacrifice for what she believe in. It didn't bring me to the other side of thinking, but it did make me less rage-ey. Which is always a good thing.

>> No.12445074,181 [INTERNAL] 

Have you guys ever thought of not having discussions about fucking children every day?

>> No.12445074,182 [INTERNAL] 

Why? You probably think we are fucking horny all the time, but that's not true. I just love to think about cute lolis. They make my heart melt. I really enjoy these threads.

>> No.12445074,183 [INTERNAL] 

So what you're trying to say is that you're a violent rapist that lusts after children every waking moment, got you.

>> No.12445074,184 [INTERNAL] 

Can someone translate this post please?

>> No.12445074,185 [INTERNAL] 

Um... are you a literal retard...

I guess that explains why you're into kids...

>> No.12445074,186 [INTERNAL] 

How to construct a soundproof dungeon?

>> No.12445074,187 [INTERNAL] 

Only real geniuses can find little girls attractive. I am the superior human being. You are nothing but mediocre scum.

>> No.12445074,188 [INTERNAL] 

Literally warosu.

>> No.12445074,189 [INTERNAL] 

Pedophiles should serve life in prison without parole. They have a huge rate of recidivism (meaning, once they are out they do it again).

There have also been many cases of pedophiles who are on "chemical castration" medications and they still abuse (sometimes with objects if they cannot have an erection).

Furthermore, this article has an awful line, basically saying that if you molest a teen-ager, it is not pedophilia -- Yes, it is. A young teenager is a child -- and, it is statutory rape.

Until the day they come up with a 100% cure -- these people should be locked up for life.

>> No.12445074,190 [INTERNAL] 

There is nothing morally wrong with having sex with kids.

>> No.12445074,191 [INTERNAL] 

upvoted for publicity

>> No.12445074,192 [INTERNAL] 

feel when never get to talk have a fun day talking to a cute girl like sakura from street fighter

i just want to talk about my day and ask her about hers


>> No.12445074,193 [INTERNAL] 

There is little evidence to justify the widespread assumption that willing participation in pedophilia hurts children.
Granted, children may not dare say no to an older relative, or may not realize they could say no; in that case, even if they do not overtly object, the relationship may still feel imposed to them. That's not willing participation, it's imposed participation, a different issue.

>> No.12445074,194 [INTERNAL] 

>There is mass amounts of evidence

Fixed that for you mate.

>> No.12445074,195 [INTERNAL] 

Someone shut this creep the hell up.

>> No.12445074,196 [INTERNAL] 

Who crazy pedo here lmaoooooo

>> No.12445074,197 [INTERNAL] 

Isn't this from RMS? Why do people listen to that fat pedoautist?

>> No.12445074,198 [INTERNAL] 

Kids want to have sex and are not traumatized by it. They are traumatized by people telling them they've been abused. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

>> No.12445074,199 [INTERNAL] 

If I convert to Islam and join ISIS will I get to claim conquered lolis as my brides?

>> No.12445074,200 [INTERNAL] 

Islam literally supports owning sex slaves, so yes. But it's unlikely that you're alpha enough to conquer countries and take brides, you'd be competing with a bunch of others for the cutest lolis.

>> No.12445074,201 [INTERNAL] 

What's with that megatokyo style drawing on the wall?

>> No.12445074,202 [INTERNAL] 

Google "warosu jp" holy FUCKKKKKK

>> No.12445074,203 [INTERNAL] 

lmao dont you nerds know how to be more discrete when searching

>> No.12445074,204 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12445074,205 [INTERNAL] 

reporting this to the FBI

>> No.12445074,206 [INTERNAL] 

I wonder how warosumin feels about hosting a site with its first response in google being cp...

>> No.12445074,207 [INTERNAL] 

Cute thread!

>> No.12445074,208 [INTERNAL] 

>I remember a thread on reddit

the modern W, ladies and gents

>> No.12445074,209 [INTERNAL] 

please don't leave me alone, where did the rest of you migrate to?

>> No.12445074,210 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.12445074,211 [INTERNAL] 

haha yeah right. /a/ is an even worse place

>> No.12445074,212 [INTERNAL] 

i was hoping the usual guy would do it but apparently he's asleep or something

please kill yourself

>> No.12445074,213 [INTERNAL] 

this is why youre left alone

>> No.12445074,214 [INTERNAL] 

poor 2kike lost on 2014 post-irony style of posting

>> No.12445074,215 [INTERNAL] 

my monitor screen has been dirtied with dead bugs for a few months now but I can't bring myself to clean it

captcha soflice sleeping

>> No.12445074,216 [INTERNAL] 

Kill yourself.

>> No.12445074,217 [INTERNAL] 

kill yourselves

>> No.12445074,218 [INTERNAL] 

