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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 220 KB, 1000x604, tumblr_n6x3fcOucv1tbj25ao2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
12661322 No.12661322 [Reply] [Original]

Just making sure you're aware of these

>> No.12661328

Nobody should ever wear these.

>> No.12661332
File: 195 KB, 418x674, bleeee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12661333

Those look horrible. Something I'd expect a "LOL randum Xdd" 14 year old girl to wear.

>> No.12661345

I have no idea how these got so popular when necomimi has been around for 2 years now.

>> No.12661354

I might get a pair just so I can ironically look like a faggot.

>> No.12661361

What's the point of having speakers on top of your headphones? So everyone around you can hear your obnoxious weeb music?

>> No.12661364
File: 267 KB, 1000x715, 20141007212318-Prize_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>raised of $250,000 goal

>In return, you will get the coolest and most unique headphones. Each pair will come with fully functional external cat ear speakers, awesome LED lights, detachable cord, comfortable over-the-ears cushioning, rechargeable batteries, and much more! With your generous help, we'll be able to make these headphones as high quality as possible.

It's awesome how this crap made out of chinese plastic got backed so much and costs 150 fucking bucks while they don't even tell you about the specs.

>> No.12661372

Just goes to show what they think about their target demographic.

>> No.12661395

On tinny little speakers to boot. Most headphones ive ever owned have been fairly loud enough to project sound just by taking them off my head.

Not least that I cant see any real application to wanting to both wear headphones AND play it over some speakers at the same time. Thats got to hamper the sound quality and ruin your ability to hear above it.

Weeb equivalent of beats, ahoy!

>> No.12661425

These would be good if the people wearing them were lovely 2d girls, but as >>12661333 puts it, it doesn't reach the best audience.

>> No.12661583

I'd actually wanna see a model where you can have sliding covers on the speaker nekomimis.

>> No.12661610

You're right. This is the kind of thing that only works in 2D. Now instead of being in cute art they will be making cons everywhere even shittier.

>> No.12661635 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12661642

This better comes with a matching tail buttplug or I'm not buying.

>> No.12661643

I don't know, they're just headphones with some spikes on them. They don't even look particularly catlike, 20/96 on the cat scale at best.

If they came in green, they would be pretty orky though.

>> No.12661657
File: 483 KB, 1000x620, 20141007211059-Prize_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If they came in green
Um... *pokes*

*points at pic*

>> No.12661677
File: 6 KB, 304x161, FireShot Screen Capture #442 - 'cat ear headphones I Tumblr' - www_tumblr_com_search_cat+ear+headphones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I gave a quick look there just to hurt myself.
The people who want them aside from so pixiv artists are people you don't want anything to do with.

Also even if they were of good quality I'm not a fan of tron-like outfits.

>> No.12661685

>The people who want them aside from so pixiv artists are people you don't want anything to do with.

As if any normal person wants to associate with spiteful creepy /jp/ers like us.

>> No.12661696

einya! einya!

>> No.12661701

Please stop advertizing on /jp/.

>> No.12661793

These looked nice in the creator's artwork, but the thought of actual people wearing these is cringe worthy.

>> No.12661803

That's pretty much every shitstarter project in a nutshell.
People throwing tons of money for an idea that sounds cool. A fool and his money are soon parted I guess.

>> No.12661839
File: 1.02 MB, 1023x1432, some boatshit iunno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, it's even a tag on the boorus and pixiv. Are people too 2D oriented to the point of not seeing this is an awful creation?

>> No.12661840

>People are having fun while I'm not therefore it's forbidden

>> No.12661876
File: 83 KB, 516x640, reaction27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another example why 2D should never be projected onto the 3DPD plane.

>> No.12661878

>external speakers


>> No.12661905

He never said that it should be forbidden. Just that it's awful.

>> No.12661914

Trust me, even the tru /jp/ that never leaves home is coolbros compared to the stuff you can see there.

>> No.12661985


Why is it so hard for people to release the frequency response graphs for speakers in headphones; I wouldn't give a shit what they looked like if they had a nice, flat range....

>> No.12662021

it's probably super bassy.

>> No.12662057
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They did release it. It was probably backer only :^)

>> No.12662062
File: 26 KB, 628x375, How-to-read-a-Frequency-Response-Graph-Diagram.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A graph looks like this. Use your brain.

To be fair, they probably don't actually have this yet, though.

>> No.12662082


They only released a generic '20-20k range' statement. That's equivalent to saying 'this lamp produces visible light'.

An ideal set of headphones would have a perfectly flat frequency response, but that's physically impossible so most have some distortion somewhere. For example, the Sennheiser HD-600 is amazingly flat given the single-speaker nature:

This would be bragging rights for a headset manufacturer, outside of shady marketing I've never understood why they won't publish these graphs.

>> No.12662096

Because their target market don't care about dorky geekboy details. They just want something flashy and ka-ka-kawaii to wear that attracts attention to themselves while having a secondary function like being able to play music.

>> No.12662114

Please excuse my lack of /g/ and partially /diy/, but what does frequency response actually mean?
Does it mean that applying a voltage to x frequency produces this much at this point, and that much at that point?

>> No.12662117

Very cute.

>> No.12662238


Don't worry, I doubt /g/ even understands frequency responses, given the constant bitrate arguments.

It's a measurement of distortion. Given an input signal, how much does the speaker change the output? Does it take a 1Vpp 1k sine wave and turn it into a 2Vpp 1k sine wave? Does it cut it down to .1Vpp? etc.

In terms of what you hear, it means that the speakers would amplify or attenuate certain frequencies, which would distort the sound (make bass/vocals louder/quieter, that sort of thing). Due to physical properties of speakers, they all have ranges they're 'good' for, and perform poorly outside of them. In other words, they'll get close to a 1:1 correspondence in terms of intended frequency/amplitude for a specific range of frequencies, and an ideal system would produce this response across -all- audible frequencies (20-20k). It would show up on the graph as '0dB', aka no amplification or attenuation (which is what your volume control and computer-side filters are for).

The imperfection of a given speaker is the reason a 'good' speaker setup will have at least 3 speakers, to help smooth the overall output of the system to close to 0dB (one speaker covering for a range another can't handle). Of course, smashing 3 random speakers together and calling it 'good' doesn't work; one needs to do the math and make sure they balance properly (the container they're in also affects the frequency response).

So, basically, you want a close to a flat line in the 20-20k range as possible (you can skimp towards the edges because people's hearing range shrinks over time), and none of the headphone manufacturers seem to want to advertise their graphs.

>> No.12662241 [DELETED] 


Analyzing frequency response involves seeing how the gain changes depending on the input frequency. You can see how electronics behave when its input is at like 1hz, 1khz, 1mhz, and etc.

So for something like headphones, you want a flat graph. This is because when you have those big ups and downs in the gain, you have most likely have noise and distortion. That flatness makes the output nice and predictable.

>> No.12662261


>and none of the headphone manufacturers seem to want to advertise their graphs.

No, none of the shitty manufacturers who rely of ad budget instead of a quality product produce graphs. The good ones do.

Also, a side note: a flat frequency response is great but it's hardly the last word on SQ.

>> No.12662286


>I don't have anything actually useful to say, but at least I can be condescending.

>> No.12662298


>I don't have anything actually useful to say, but at least I can shitpost

Sorry did you forget how to have conversations with people? Forgive me for trying to incite a response let me respond in a way that pleases you:

You are correct, frequency response is what you said it is.

Fucking faggot.

>> No.12662300

Too much quoting abuse in this thread.

>> No.12662305


Sorry, just really tired of dealing with bitrate rants when people are listening on systems that so distort the sound anyways that it's effectively pointless.

Maybe someone else'll pick it up though.

>> No.12662313

Instead of making yet another shitty post, silently report them and see what the mods think. Better still, don't reply to them at all.

>> No.12662319

Considering I was getting banned for saying "Who are you quoting", the mods are probably fine with this kind of abuse, it's sad.

>> No.12662323


Yeah it's fine, I can understand why you're angry. I left /g/ (and other places) a while ago for a lot of the same reasons.

I think people really don't appreciate the effect that driver material and technology has on the sound.

IE: You can take two perfectly flat headphones, one ortho, one dynamic, and they'll both sound very different. Same goes for driver construction (think beryllium vs silk or kevlar)

>> No.12662329

>on headphones
yo, berkely graduates. you didn't think something through

>> No.12662332

Ah, I understand well now. So that's what an EQ is for, compensating for non-flat graphs and trying to get it as horizontal as possible?

>> No.12662337

Oh, grow up, will you?

>> No.12662340


Not him, but yes that's what an EQ is for.

In a recording studio you want as flat as a response as you can get out of your "monitoring" speakers/headphones so that you can master the the music knowing that the sound isn't colored, thus not producing music that will sound like shit on some speakers but good on others. It's levels the playing field so to speak. A proper EQ and knowing your monitors is essential in audio production.

Of course EQ's aren't just for that, they're also to tailor the sound as you please.

>> No.12662342

What? Why?

>> No.12662407


dat tumblr dosh

>> No.12662412

What headphones do you use /jp/?

I'm using the ad-900x. Pretty good, coming from hd555.

>> No.12662418

Koss Porta Pro. I don't have all that much money, and this apparently is the best thing I can get at this price. Recently broke my previous pair and had to use my previous headphones (Sony MDR-XD100 for at home, Sennheiser MX270 earphones for portable) for a couple days, and I have a hard time imagining I ever found those acceptable.

>> No.12662444
File: 401 KB, 500x766, 26489508.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a pair of the A900x, and also green >>12661322 whenever they ship.

>> No.12662445

HD-600 and LCD-2s.

I... had a phase.

>> No.12662455

Skullcandies XDDD

>> No.12662458

And a lot of money, it seems.

>> No.12662465

I don't care about sound quality beyond a certain point, but I do want good sound quality. Who DOESN'T want good sound quality? Apparently a frequency response graph is a decent measure, and more importantly, an OBJECTIVE measure of sound quality.

>> No.12662470

It also depends on the frequency content of the things you're playing and your own frequency receptivity. Fortunately, most of that gets averaged out.

>> No.12662472

>Who DOESN'T want good sound quality?
The iPod generation, people who prioritize style and the social status granted by such products over their actual merits.

>> No.12662479

Yeah, "had."

Jokes aside, I'm not rich. Maybe it's not limited to headphones alone, but there was something about the hobby that inspired a manic desire to upgrade, an obsessive drive for perfection. No matter how good what you had was, it wasn't enough. You could do better. It evoked insanity.
I'm glad I've gotten over it, but it's still nice having these headphones around.

>> No.12662498

Are you me..? Because that perfectly describes my experience with head-fi.

Never actually got up to Audeze, but always wanted a pair.. Did drop a pretty penny on Woo amps and my HD-650s though

>> No.12662502

I'm satisfied with my iphone earbuds. They're much better than the crap I used to use before. Anything better, and I can notice a slight improvement that I don't really care about since I'm not an audiophile and don't listen to music as an activity.

>> No.12662504

Not trying to sound like an idiot, but music is one of the few things that make me truly feel anything. More than being an audiophile or whatever I just want to be able to immerse myself and listen to it in good quality. Some would call it being spoiled, I guess.

>> No.12662513

Same here kinda. I usually just listen to music to block out the noise though.

>> No.12662514

I can totally understand why someone who sets time aside to just listen to music would want something better.

I don't. I barely listen to music, and when I do, it's a secondary background thing, or I'm streaming shitty quality youtube clips anyways. Most of my earphone usage is watching shows, movies, playing games, and ero stuff, so even then the sound is secondary to what's on the screen.

Being a music listener just makes you that much closer to being a normie.

>> No.12662522

>Being a music listener just makes you that much closer to being a normie.
Come on, that's just silly.

>> No.12662528

>Being a music listener just makes you that much closer to being a normie.
What's the reasoning behind that?

>> No.12662535

>What's the reasoning behind that?
He's an idiot.

>> No.12662547

"What kind of music do you listen to?" is a stock normie icebreaker or conversation starter. It's basically required to be a music listener to be a normie.

>> No.12662552

I'd say a "certain" music listener.
If an normie ask you that same idiotic question he expects you to listen the shit he listens to to start a conversation.
"I listen to obscure nip music that you wouldn't understand unless you are obsessed with porn games" Is not an answer normies would expect.

>> No.12662554

Even if being a music listener is necessary in order to be a normie, being 'closer to a normie' in that sense is meaningless, especially as they probably have a totally different interest in music anyway.

That's analogous to saying breathing and using a computer is required to be normie, so breathing and using a computer just makes you that much closer to being a normie. It's true, but silly.

>> No.12662555

Normies don't listen to doujin music though

>> No.12662575

Yeah, and eating food is also required to be a normie. This hasn't even been about the discussion of what kind of music any of us listen to. There's nothing wrong with the simple act of listening to music.

And what does it matter, anyway? I didn't know the point was to mechanically avoid everything a "normie" does without even considering the reason behind it. Should I not use a computer since they use it for Facebook, or read a book since women like Fifty Shades of Grey? This is stupid.

>> No.12662613

A person I used to tabletop games with and still stay in touch with does
He's as 'anime-normal' as it gets, too.

>> No.12662616

I know nothing about headphones, but they were cheap and I heard they were supposed to be good.

>> No.12662620

>There's nothing wrong with the simple act of listening to music.
sound like something a music listener would say

>> No.12662629
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Grado SR80i

Overdue for replacement.

>> No.12662639

Are they good? In your opinion do they live up to all the praise and hype?

>> No.12662662

I have nothing to compare it too, so I don't know.

>> No.12662691

fug u

>> No.12662693

I have Steelseries Siberia for using at my computer. They are a gift.

I have Xiaomi Pistons for when I'm not at my computer. Pretty good for $25, very comfortable, cheap, sturdy, and smell like chocolate.

>> No.12662694
File: 154 KB, 796x1070, akg_k240_studio_by_traghetto-d5ipy03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.12662747

Kind of cute. Doubt the quality of sound is any good though.

>> No.12662756

I don't care about the sound quality because I do not want to wear these headphones. I want to see cute girls wearing these headphones.

>> No.12662767

I don't see anyone wearing these anywhere outside of photoshoots.

>> No.12662783

You can pay a cute grill to wear it.

>> No.12662816

I hate these geeky sci-fi designs that use led lights and stuff, even with 2D girls , I don't know why. Same thing goes for steampunk.

>> No.12662870

for 10 thousand us dollars you can get a pair with color changing leds wow

>> No.12662917

Hey who knows, it may just turn out that these happen to have good sound quality without any thoughtful engineering, right? Who am I kidding, these will surely turn out to be even worse than beats.

>> No.12662922

The beats actually have respectable sound quality for what they are. It's just their price range makes it so off putting. Monster gotta be monster in value.

>> No.12662957

it's going to be nothing but ugly weebs and furries and you know it.

>> No.12663463

ATH-A900X. The pads are shit, but the headphone itself is fucking godly. Feels like I'm wearing nothing at all.

>> No.12663540

I'd wear them

>> No.12663542

Sony MDR CD900ST

>> No.12663586

You deny yourself a lot of great experiences with that attitude.
For someone that feels uneasy around other people and can't properly express himself, music, among the other forms of art, is the only way to experience thoughts and emotions, and feel like a human being.
Every time I'm down in the dumps, I listen to stuff by Devin Townsend; his stuff gives me the feeling that I'm not alone, and I feel connected.

>> No.12663609
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Their design is backwards.

>> No.12663659

>"What kind of music do you listen to?" is a stock normie icebreaker or conversation starter. It's basically required to be a music listener to be a normie.

For some reason, society expects you to only listen to a specific limited collection of music that corresponds to your social groups. You don't 'listen to metal', no, you're 'a metal fan', which says something about which social groups you belong to.

For me, this question is always really awkward. "What kind of music do you listen to?" I listen to everything that sounds good, man. Why the hell would I limit myself to any specific kind of music?

>> No.12663680

Same dude
As long as it has a good beat, I'm happy

I listen to all sorts of genres and eras of music

>> No.12663842
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I'd prefer my K545

>> No.12663847

Awww, I wanna fuck a cyborg Elin.

>> No.12663852


i can just picture you squirming when asked like the awkward dweeb you are

>> No.12663857 [DELETED] 

I think it's pretty cute!

>> No.12663863

I think it's pretty cute!

>> No.12664158

I'm pretty sure no one would act like that with that specific question, at least not anyone who has gone through education already. Seriously though, this question has probably been asked tons of times, to anybody. You would expect by then that even someone who isn't good with social experiences would have come up with a formulated response already.

>> No.12664162

I hate that girl, fucking butthurt spergie.
Well, the whole serie is shit.

>> No.12664165

These are actually pretty cute.

I'm considering buying them. Thanks.

>> No.12664169


I just default to a generic response because I feel explaining what I actually listen to would just bore people.

>> No.12664177
File: 1.25 MB, 1329x2000, 1410478728129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

T90 and loving them, they ridiculously comfy.

>> No.12664178 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 220x273, 1415069394063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't even watch this show and i can already tell she's the best

>> No.12664191

There's time now. What do you listen to?

>> No.12664211 [DELETED] 

I thought the same...
You know what? Don't watch it. Really.

>> No.12664217 [DELETED] 
File: 739 KB, 500x281, 1409020480921.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too late dude, already watching it for her

>> No.12664241 [DELETED] 

I warned you.
It's painful to watch, it looks like written by a 11 years old girl that wants to become a writer and starts with her first drama.

>> No.12664245

Saw this before, it's gonna be shit sound quality.

Not that it will stop anyone from claiming them to be the best headphones ever.

>> No.12664525 [DELETED] 

the drama is some of the most handfisted melodramatic shit I've seen all year, but the girls are pretty cu- wait why are we talking about anime on /jp/?

>> No.12664529

Because this shit board was subverted by /a/v/ a long time ago.

>> No.12664576 [DELETED] 

>it looks like written by a 11 years old girl that wants to become a writer and starts with her first drama.
That ESL while commenting about someone else's writing. Amazing.
Is this bait?

>> No.12664618 [DELETED] 

>Is this bait?
'twas but a typo, good sir
I did mean "hamfisted"

>> No.12664730 [DELETED] 

Is this bait?

>> No.12664941 [DELETED] 

You were supposed to talk about the AKG.

>> No.12664961 [DELETED] 

The drama looks like something a 11 years old girl that want to become an artistic would write.
"Hurr Nonoka I'm the fucking saucer and I'm here to grant your wishes, also note how I haven't changed for 7 fucking years even though I look like a child"
"k cya tomorrow"

Brown hair a shit.
Headphones is maximum sperg, she'll probably heal soon but damn both of the two are taken to the extreme.
Autism shoopkeeper is cute and ok.
Noel has the innocent loli pass.
MC a meh.
The boy is actually cool, and this comes from a /u/fag.

But let's not go off-topic.

>> No.12664980
File: 201 KB, 610x429, headphonsskilears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck that, bone conducting headphones are the future.

>> No.12665010
File: 366 KB, 506x644, seeu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SeeU did it first.
(Either way, who even cares? She's a shitty Vocaloid and her seiyuu is in jail.)

>> No.12665025

lol is she really in jail? quote the source?

>> No.12665031

Read it as boner inducing headphones

>> No.12665052

Same thing anyway.

>> No.12665056

Too bad their sound quality is shit. Non-invasive brain computer interfaces are the real future.

>> No.12665068

>Non-invasive brain computer interfaces are the real future.
Yeah, well, hope that becomes reality.

>> No.12665113

Is bone conduction actually legit? I'm curious about trying it.

>> No.12665182

I remember when I was a kid there was this candy where you could press a button while biting on the candy and you'd hear music through your teeth. It was a cool gimmick as a kid, I guess. Sound quality was shit, though.

>> No.12665190

Oh, kinda like those music toothbrushes, right?

>> No.12665194

I don't know about that type of bone conduction, but I know that it's definitely possible via teeth, at least. A long time ago, there was some Chupa Chups gadget where you placed a lolly inside a small portable device that made the lolly vibrate, and when you bite on it you heard music in your head. It's pretty magical, since it's completely silent when not touching your teeth yet very clearly audible when it does touch your teeth.

>> No.12665206

Sennheiser HD 650

>> No.12665216

>putting a little girl in a vibrator
I'm almost certain that is what everyone thought of when reading your post.

>> No.12665217

he said lolly not loli get your dick out of the gutter pedofuck

>> No.12665225

>not full of pedos

>> No.12665232 [DELETED] 

Who are you quoting

>> No.12665347 [DELETED] 
File: 1003 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Sora no Method - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_06.40_[2014.11.05_20.35.48].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 eps down and I really like her dude. She's so mean and snobby with huge breasts, a true ohime-sama.

>> No.12665448


HiFiman HE-400s driven through a Schiit Lyr/Bifrost.

Audeze LCD-2s will be in my roster this month.

>> No.12665470
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>> No.12665474
File: 95 KB, 275x288, Miku barf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.12665497

Sennheiser HD280

Got them real cheap on clearance. I'm looking to upgrade them soon though.

>> No.12665498

is this seriously what passes on /jp/ for an on-topic thread? This is not otaku culture at all. This is advertising.

>> No.12665507

AKG K612
I like them. They're huge and comfy

>> No.12665516

It's the way of 4chan now.

Moot wants the dosh.

>> No.12665546

Thanks for the non-blatant advertising, Yuumei!

>> No.12665802
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I want to be cat-cute

>> No.12665830

You're already cat-cute, babe

>> No.12665832
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>> No.12665834 [DELETED] 

hentai otaku no video

>> No.12665835

are these more weeb or more furry

>> No.12665882

>not even 10%

>> No.12665891

Legitimate furries wears ears and tails all the time
That scale really only applies to art and characters

>> No.12665902

One time back when I was working a furry wearing ears, a tail and a collar paid with a card that had his fursona on it.

>> No.12665904

Was there a con nearby? Or did this just happen?

>> No.12665905

Just kinda happened. There are a lot of furries in my town for some reason.

>> No.12665913

How horrifying.

>> No.12665924 [DELETED] 

My best friend is a furfag who wears the ears and tail. He's also an autistic ADHD ridden spaz highschool drop out

He's about to waste 600$ on a full fursuit

>> No.12665925 [DELETED] 

I know someone at my uni who spent $4000 on one

>> No.12665928 [DELETED] 

Jesus fucking Christ. Where do they get the money?

>> No.12665944 [DELETED] 

You must have the patience of a fucking saint to be friends with someone like that.

>> No.12665950 [DELETED] 

He keeps fucking emailing me too, asking me to Skype him. Fuck off, I have anime to watch

I used to be in love with him. You used to be so cool Harry what the fuck happened? I even sucked your dick

>> No.12665955 [DELETED] 

You're fuckin gay, dude

>> No.12665968 [DELETED] 

no I'm bi :3

>> No.12665969 [DELETED] 

are you a furry

>> No.12665977 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 1920x1080, 1415023892150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow fuck off with your gay blog

>> No.12666033 [DELETED] 

Even faggots like me hate furries

>> No.12666037

kusothread filled with kusoposts

>> No.12666038 [DELETED] 

Shit happens. It's like losing your virginity propels you through a secondary puberty that turns you into an asshole.

>> No.12666040 [DELETED] 

Anyone in this thread up for a cock suck meetup?

>> No.12666042 [DELETED] 

Man, that anime is ugly as shit.

>> No.12666044 [DELETED] 
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>> No.12666094

in a kuso board full of kuso threads

>> No.12666156

This thread is one of the most kuso because it's literally advertising.

>> No.12666172

advertising something in a place where 0% of people will actually buy it ever is almost not advertising

>> No.12666176

>Fund our project that's a month old and already 900% past the goal!
I don't think you know how this works.

>> No.12666177

It still annoys me, so kuso nonetheless.

>> No.12666183


And pls do not abuse the quoting function, I did not say that.

>> No.12666186

Oops, meant to quote>>12666177

>> No.12666189

I was using the greenparaphrasing feature, thank you.

>> No.12666193

Well, it wasn't meant to be used that way.

>> No.12666195

MDR-7506. Used a pair of K601s before and didn't like them. Both headphones have pads that degrade very quickly, the K601 pads are absolutely disgusting after a few weeks. The Sony pads are cheap to replace and comfortable.

>> No.12666295

Should I upgrade my phones first or buy an amp?

>> No.12666301

Weeb definitely. Aesthetic earphone a shit.

>> No.12666345

Yeah, autistic people have a hard time comprehending stuff like sarcasm or paraphrases. Have some respect.

>> No.12666440
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>> No.12666551

Is everyone here using headphones? I used to do all my listening on headphones, but a while back I got myself a pair of Dali Zensor 1s, and I don't think I've touched my headphones since.

>> No.12666583

headphones are shit. Most of these faggots will figure it out when they move out of their parent's basements and have their own property.

I use Vanatoo T1s. Very loud and nice for the price.

>> No.12666593

Headphones are uncomfortable to keep on for long periods of time, even the more comfortable ones get to me.

I would get actual speakers, but I live with other people and don't want to be a bother.

>> No.12666607

That... is... fucking... amazing
>take my money

>> No.12666610

akg k712

>> No.12666612
File: 69 KB, 400x236, 1351348459793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A cheap Philips shp2000 paired with a soundblaster SBX usb soundcard. Kill me.

>remove catears and external shitspeakers
>keep the cyan/turquoise lights and market as miku headphones
>focus on sound quality and comfort

Why can't they just do this. Or optionally make it multicolor with 3 small potentiometers for setting a specific color. No need for shit drivers just for the lights.

>> No.12666613

These posts are making me wanting some good ol speakers again.

At least this thread isn't all kuso.

>> No.12666613,1 [INTERNAL] 

>11 years old girl that want to become an artistic
Cute as HELL!

>> No.12666613,2 [INTERNAL] 

My pomeranian hates THOSE RED THINGS.

>> No.12666631

You can have both, with headphones for outdoor use.

Wait, most of /jp/ arent going outside.

>> No.12666649

i'd rather have high quality headphones without all the lights and stuff
and the speakers on the cat ears seem useless
also they appear to be wireless and I prefer wired headphones

>> No.12666657

Who the fuck wears headphones outside anyway?

>> No.12666663

i wear my porta pro a lot

>> No.12666679

I do when commuting with the train. Over-ear headphones provide some insulation against all those talking people and at work they're an excellent "do not disturb" indicator.

>> No.12666761

beats by dre

>> No.12666763

Plenty of assholes wear buds around their neck with the volume cranked up.

>> No.12666790

I see niggers wearing Beats headphones all the time.

they usually have one in their ear and another loose so everybody can hear their shit top 40 hits and jungle music

>> No.12666791
File: 261 KB, 848x1169, Grado_SR_80_by_Pas1990[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grado sr-80i
They offer pretty excellent clarity for only <$100, better than some $150-$200 cans I've tried.

>> No.12666792

Buds are too nigger-y for me, very uncomfortable to boot.

Meh, I want to stay home and just listen to speakers.

>> No.12666794

Can't you just use the small headphones instead of looking like a spergie?

>> No.12666800

Not him but buds are uncomfortable, and looking like a nerd achieves the purpose of no one bothering you.

>> No.12666801

buds are bad anyway as they go into your ear, which any respectable doctor argues against doing

>> No.12666807

Same here, I love mine. I was also able to get access to a lathe and cut myself some walnut cups. They cups seem to have added a little to the mid range, but maybe I'm just retarded and it's just my imagination. Either way, they look nice as hell now.

>> No.12666821

I like using the old design, they're comfortable and have a nice quality, unlike those new thing where you have to penetrate you damn ear to wear them.

>> No.12666852


>> No.12666861


>> No.12666872
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Vmoda M80, Shure SE215. Unfortunately there aren't enough pictures with cute girls wearing them.

>> No.12666890

I listen to the Persona 3 soundtrack when I'm outside a lot. Makes me feel like I'm really a Japanese high school student.

>> No.12666976
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>> No.12666991

>small headphones
I hate those. Less comfortable and they get covered in ear-wax

>looking like a spergie
but that's the point

>> No.12667526
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>> No.12667552

>so everybody can hear their shit top 40 hits and jungle music
Oh, I know you're trying to talk shit about jungle. I will seriously get upset.Oldschool jungle is fucking boss.

>> No.12667560

I think he's talking about nigra boomboom music when he says ``jungle''. It's all the rage with normies along with top 40 hits.

>> No.12667567

Why is one sparkling and the other is not?

>> No.12667605

Please stop being a crossie and go back to your home board.

>> No.12667613

I bet you call /jp/ "the jay" too.

>> No.12667617

"who are you quoting" is a shit meme forced by a certain jew and his IRC friends that should have died the minute the last of them went to bun

>> No.12667628 [DELETED] 

proof of virginity

>> No.12667633

sparkling one is cheating with mahou

>> No.12667635

This thread sure it's otaku culture, isn't it.

>> No.12667644
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weeb shit > otaku paraphernalia > otaku culture

>> No.12667680

>Wenqing Yan
>Victoria Hu
Literal weebshit, this less to do with us than KS did.

>> No.12668168 [SPOILER] 
File: 381 KB, 1072x1515, 1415323637535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay in my /jp/

>> No.12668202

I've seen some gross SEA friends of mine sharing this shit on facebook, fucking sickens me.

Fucking weebs everywhere.

>> No.12668223

pls don't facebook on /jp/

>> No.12668282

It won't stop if you reply. Any reply is acknowledgement.

>> No.12668356

MDR-V6 with the Beyerdynamic pads.

Good quality for the price.

>> No.12668367


undisturbed, sooner or later he'd find another and then things just start going downhill

>> No.12668382

I'm just gonna be polite the first time.

>> No.12668880

I need to find this person. But the second I hear that from someone I meet irl it's all over. Time to move on to something else.

>> No.12669064

welcome to 4chan

>> No.12670019

A completely flat frequency response is extremely rare in any audio application, and doubly so for headphones where you usually have only one driver, and you know this. I don't know why you would expect them to release a graph when you consider it's not going to be any good, and this thing clearly isn't marketed to the sort of individual who gives a shit about that sort of thing anyway. At best you can expect to have a low distortion bass-heavy sound that appeals to the retro 90s, early 2000s raver scene kid. Which is weird, since I thought the scene was dead.

Considering that otaku buy goobs of music, I don't know how you can equate the two. Further, high end music listening is usually left to elitists, artists, and enthusiasts. It's hardly a "normal," inclusive group.

They have relatively flat characteristics, and clear sound reproduction. They can also do bass where they need to and are relatively affordable. I say relatively because you could get them ~100 before they exploded in popularity. I bought them before the hype when they were considered the hidden gem for people who didn't want to walk around with Beats on their head. Frankly, I wouldn't walk around with them at all. They are much more suitable for professional work than walk-around listening.

>> No.12672886

My ear lobe hurts when i wear closed end headphones so earphone is the way for me

>> No.12673207

Right on brother. Rejecting the kuffar's sinful and decadent instrumental music brings us all closer to Allah(swt).

>> No.12675811 [DELETED] 

>"the jay"
>not pee jay jay

>> No.12677437

So, headphone thread. Cool, maybe you guys know your shit, I know for a fact /g/ doesn't.
So, the thing is, I listen to ambient. And I mean really slow ambient, think shit like Drawn Drones Drown Drone. Low frequency, slow stuff.
My question is, are there some headphones out there geared towards this kind of music? I don't want to dosh out a lot of cash into somethhing that turns out that it's marketed towards some fucking fratboy douchebag who listens to trap or whatever the hell is the "in" genre of music these days.

>> No.12677448

Careful son, the road to hipsterdom is paved with good intentions...

>> No.12677782

The HE-560 is probably the best headphones you could ever want for bass concentrated music.

>> No.12677947

HD-558 and DH8 DJ. Sold my pair of ATH-M50x.

>> No.12677978

Why? Did they break, or were they not good?

>> No.12678028

No, I didn't have any major complaints about them aside from the headband being uncomfortable, and I would say the same about the HD8 DJ. There was also a bit more sound leakage from the M50x. The main reason I got rid of them was because my sister kept complaining how I was buying a new pair of closed headphones (HD8 DJ) and still keeping my other pair (M50x).

>> No.12679953

Should've fucked her silent.

>> No.12682792

Are you whipped by your sister or what? Why do you care what she has to say about your headphone collection?

>> No.12685185
File: 160 KB, 126x121, 67694308.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no need for sound quality in this, as it is clearly geared towards socializing. When sharing a music with your friends, you just want them to catch the general idea of the song, and the nekomimi speakers will do fine with that.

Being this almost a "beauty" accessory, it's more likely to be used outdoors, where the overall noise would ruin a crystal clear sound experience even if you had decent headphones.

For closure, this is absolutely disgusting, because 1% of the owners, at best, will look acceptable in it.

>> No.12685310

I'm glad this stupid advertisement thread is finally put on autosage.

>> No.12686378

So you can share your love of 非常階段 with the world.

>> No.12686393

Might as well make that invasive, if they're sold with two large mirrors, surgical tools and localized anesthetics.

>> No.12686396

>Being a music listener just makes you that much closer to being a normie.
Try saying that over at /mu/.
They'll disagree vehemently.

Except that if you actually have a modicum of eclecticity, you're going to have to hide the majority of the things you like.
