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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 1.21 MB, 1023x577, Prince.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14906616 No.14906616 [Reply] [Original]

Don't do this to me.

>> No.14906617
File: 32 KB, 400x533, no thanks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worst ending, worst girl.

>stuck with a delusional otherkin
>none of your friends remember you
>your future is card games

Didn't even feel sad, just empty

>> No.14906618

At least they're all still alive in her ending, can still make friends with them.

>> No.14906619

>Worst ending
>Not Luka's
"Let's keep the fact that we could save Mayuri but we didn't because we wanted to fuck"
At least Faris ending saved everybody.

>> No.14906620

>Worst Ending
That's not Luka End
>Worst Girl
That's not Moeka

>> No.14906621

Do we even know if the Faris ending saved everybody?

The divergence meter was something like 0.27, and generally the lower it is, the worse it gets.

>> No.14906622

Divergence meter was in negative, or omega.
The lab was never founded, so the time machine was never made. It's implied that everyone is saved.

>> No.14906623 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.20 MB, 1023x575, 1457657464605.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can properly fuck off.

>> No.14906624
File: 44 KB, 506x261, dilemma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14906625

I time-leap back an hour and save them all before the train comes

>> No.14906626

Now they die on the way back and WW3 happens

>> No.14906627

But for the thing to still exist there must be something awful coming.

>> No.14906628

Congrats, Mayuri has a heart attack/gets run over/is shot on the way home.

>> No.14906629

But what, we just don't know.

>> No.14906630

That's even worse because at least SERN and Mayuri dying are known quantities.

>> No.14906631

NO one posted multitrack drifting
/a/ im disappoint

>> No.14906632
File: 157 KB, 1024x739, converged.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14906633

This shouldn't be funny.

>> No.14906634

It's like you didn't watch The Time Machine.

>> No.14906635
File: 128 KB, 952x808, punished Okabe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Become Punished Okabe

>> No.14906636


>> No.14906637
File: 984 KB, 1025x576, damn son.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14906638

What did she mean by this?

>> No.14906639
File: 1.81 MB, 335x237, euphoric.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kurisu is literally redpilled

>> No.14906640

Women who have sex with multiple men are sluts. Men who have sex with multiple girls are heros

>> No.14906641

>changed from master key & shitty lock
fucking sjw

>> No.14906642


It'd probably be a metaphor of "women who have lots of sex are free, men who have lots of sex are manipulative" or something.

>> No.14906643
File: 347 KB, 400x600, %.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are you getting that from her quote? She's obviously still supporting the "female virgins are virtuous / male virgins are failures" double standard.

>> No.14906644

The fuck? The meaning to what she says is that female virginity is a desired trait while male virginity is unwanted.

>> No.14906645

I'm saying that the /v/ crossie had his SJW reflex triggered just because the "master key/shitty lock" metaphor had some wording changes.

I'm telling how an actual SJW would flip the words around.

>> No.14906646

That's the joke. She tries to push that idea to hide her insecurities on the topic. At first she used 'virgin' as an insult to Okabe but he turned it around on her. It's meant to be a play on her @channel tendencies and was used to illustrate how terrible she is with other people.

>> No.14906647
File: 364 KB, 1014x571, stein;gate 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah, its happening.
Prepare to be violated, virgin boy.

>> No.14906648

Holy fuck, Luka's ending was absolute trash.
Makes me hate how selfish of a cunt she is.

>> No.14906649

>makes me how how selfish a cunt she is

She doesn't know how to use D-Mail and she explicitly told Okabe to choose Mayuri over her, how is she selfish?

>inb4 she

>> No.14906650

>defiling the pure Okabe

The fiend.

>> No.14906651

Exactly. He is not hers to defile.

>> No.14906652

No it's saying women who protect their chastity are the best, men who pound cervices are the best

>> No.14906653


>> No.14906654
File: 224 KB, 645x780, 43693665_p1_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, there's no real happiness in any ending save for the true one. Everyone lives, everyone accepts their lives, and everyone (especially Okabe and Kurisu) live their lives normally.

>> No.14906655

tfw 0 will never be translated

>> No.14906656

Wasn't there some [CONFIDENTIAL] thing with Zero translation?

>> No.14906657

It's already in the works, senpai. It's [CONFIDENTIAL]

>> No.14906658
File: 70 KB, 255x326, 1395108855915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did they mean by this?

>> No.14906659

Email to someone saying that Zero is getting an official translation by December(?) and to keep it confidential

>> No.14906660

I'd argue that it's rather abnormal for Kurisu to get to live a regular life.

>> No.14906661
File: 109 KB, 914x800, 1436589716067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"regular" is all about perspective.

>> No.14906662

Well, even her SERN and death-free existence is a weird one, even weirder with Okabe in the mix.

>> No.14906663

Mayuri = Suzuha >= Kurisu > Luka = Braun imouto > Feyris >> Moeka

>> No.14906664

Sent from my Blackberry 10 smartphone

>> No.14906665

That picture is pretty much wrong, since Sern later on invents a time machine and kills off everyone from the resistence and enslaves the rest. It's as if the train came back if you didn't save Mayuri.

>> No.14906666
File: 45 KB, 500x318, 1409267013381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>your future is card games

>> No.14906667

There is no worse fate.

>> No.14906668
File: 475 KB, 800x977, 392f82ac50d00e9523a2c212115045fbe7dce6c2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute relationship antics series when?

>> No.14906669

>we will never get cute Okarin + Kurisu SOL because they can't milk the series for relationship drama if they are a regular couple

End my life guys

>> No.14906670
File: 542 KB, 500x730, what the hell was in that ration.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kurisu is nyaice and so is Faris but don't you want an operator waifu instead?

>> No.14906671
File: 351 KB, 600x841, 34382362_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wanting an unhappy future for Suzu.

No. You should feel bad.

>> No.14906672
File: 334 KB, 300x450, 508573-592430_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can the others even compete?

>Not hanging out in the 70s with your tomboy amnesiac waifu

>> No.14906673

I'm a huge Kurisufag, but the more I think about it, the more I realize Suzu would be the best gf

>not uptight and tsundere like Kurisu
>not overly ditzy and childish like Mayuri
>not an annoying weirdo like Faris

Mischievous and fun with a fit body, sounds alright

>> No.14906674
File: 1.36 MB, 478x360, when she sees your dick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

amen to that but sharing genes with Daru feels wrong

>> No.14906675

I'd argue Kurisu isn't a tsundere, just that all her tsun comes from Okabe being an ass

>> No.14906676

Did they fug in the VN?

>> No.14906677

Not quite.

>> No.14906678

Something like that would simultaneously warm my heart and make me burn with jealousy.

>> No.14906679

What's there to be jealous of?

>> No.14906680

Kurisu will never be real

>> No.14906681

Then why be jealous?

>> No.14906682

Because we're denied access by cruel reality anon.

>> No.14906683

Why didn't Okabe send Mayuri with Suzu? That sounds like a not exactly bad idea, and sure is more sane than repeating two days for all the rest of the eternity.

>> No.14906684
File: 6 KB, 155x119, pagetop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Faris is definitely in the top 3. It's a shame she was glossed over in the anime. She really has her own depth and character in the VN.

I never like it when people lie to make someone feel better. It just makes it hurt more.

>> No.14906685

No she's 4th. 1st is Kurisu, 2nd is Suzuha and 3rd is Mayuri.

>> No.14906686

An old fortress is not even judged because no soldier wants to take it.

>> No.14906687

Man, Luka's ending is great. Everyone is happy, except Mayuri because she's dead.

I mean really, Mayuri is a nice girl and all and yeah, I felt pretty bad when she got killed. But if I had to pick between the borderline retard and the cute trap who becomes a real girl, I'm picking the trap.

>> No.14906688

>Except they're still in Alpha,
>Mayuri is dead
>Kurisu will end up being forced to work for SERN to build the time machine, and then killed
>Okabe will be dead in 2025
>Dystopia still happens

Luka's ending is the worst, because all of the bad things are still going to happen. At least with Faris and Suzuha endings, there's some degree of unpredictability and hope that 'something' might change. Omega world line is pretty much unknown, and Irreversible Reboot, while probably still damned, there's more likelihood of finding a way out than in Ruka's ending.

>> No.14906689
File: 462 KB, 1280x720, 1363977556129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that hobonotes a shit. Both the original and anime (which is pure shit)

>> No.14906690

Reminder that your taste a shit

>> No.14906691

Man, the Faris chapter just dragged on foreeeeeeever. I didn't get two shits about that stupid card game.

>> No.14906692

What a fine taste.

>> No.14906693

I was devastated. I have played quite a few VNs before S;G but Fayris' resolution arc is the only one that had me literally wimpering from guilt.

>> No.14906694
File: 118 KB, 1200x675, 1308486470698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My taste is perfect and is obviously >>>> your shit taste.

Hobonotes should not exist it's the worst shit happened with the franchise.

>> No.14906695


>> No.14906698 [DELETED] 

>moved to /jp/


>> No.14906731 [DELETED] 

We /jp/ now

>> No.14906737 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 500x500, Marisa_get_out_of_jp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello /a/utists.

>> No.14906749 [DELETED] 

We would but apparently only Fateshit is allowed to have threads on /a/ now

>> No.14906752 [DELETED] 

Literally why move this here?

>> No.14906756 [DELETED] 

So I guess the mods have decided that a series that has a widely known anime adaptation can't stay on /a/ because of reasons. Brilliant.

>> No.14906761

It's probably because the OP is a VN screenshot and the discussion in the thread seems to be almost entirely about the VN.

>> No.14906766 [DELETED] 

I thought translated vns were banned from /jp/.
Shouldn't this be in /v/ instead?

>> No.14906777 [DELETED] 

Inb4 /jp/ mod throws us to /v/.

>> No.14906783

>I thought translated vns were banned from /jp/.
They are not, and never have been.

Some people will tell you to fuck off, but if you listened to everyone who told you to fuck off you would have left 4chan years ago.

>> No.14906815

There was emotion and a sense of closure in Luka's ending. Sure it wasn't the most moral choice, but it was a cute love story, plain and simple.

Faris' ending has 0 sense of closure, 0 emotion, 0 feels, just emptiness.

>> No.14906922 [DELETED] 

News: Steins;Gate isn't an anime. Source: Mod

>> No.14906950

Key threads are always 95% about the VNs, but they never move.

>> No.14906964

Actual VN discussion, or just obsessing over the girls which actually has plausible deniability?

Also, last time I was in /a/ (which was a while ago) somebody was bitching that their best Key girl threads were being deleted.

>> No.14908014 [DELETED] 

Based mod moving generals out of /a/

>> No.14908065 [DELETED] 

So uh, should I post VN threads in /a/ or /v/? I don't want to come here

>> No.14908143 [DELETED] 

If you want to discuss visual novels on 4chan without coming to /jp/, the only other officially designated place for VNs is the /vg/ general thread. Other than that you can post them in if /a/ if you think that the mods or asleep or that your thread is "secretly about an anime" and /v/ if you think mods are asleep or that the VN in question has sufficiently many gameplay elements.

>> No.14908273 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 599x800, 1457726104027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is very strange honestly, especially since there's been VN threads on /a/ for years now. Obviously, things like KS aren't really there, but S;G isn't just a VN. What can you do though?

On another note, when the timeline was re-written so that they moved to the Steins Gate worldline, how did Okabe actually get back to August 21st? If Suzuha didn't travel back in time, the time machine wouldn't have existed, and he would be stuck with a gaping stab wound for over a month

>> No.14908281 [DELETED] 

Man, I was wondering why this thread was so shit!
Thankfully, it's just a transplant from /a/!

>> No.14909398 [DELETED] 

Awww, did baby wander out of his Perfume general by accident?

>> No.14909408

The world line only changed when he time traveled back, where time machines no longer exist, and so the world restructures so he's standing there on that date without time traveling because time machines don't exist.

>> No.14910924 [DELETED] 


A new mod maybe? S;G threads have been around /a/ for ages.

>> No.14910948 [DELETED] 
File: 452 KB, 858x1200, 7ad40d75310fcf10f4b5572825108aa6a831964c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the true debate. Honestly, I'm sad about this because I discovered the VN because of /a/. And now it's one of my favorites, so I'll be sad to see the discussion away from there.

>> No.14910969 [DELETED] 

It's funny that some mods just don't seem to realize that their "just enforcing rules" make 4chan shit. Also it seems that mod is blind because if he could see he would notice that 50% of /a/ is actually something that could be moved to /jp/.

>> No.14911140 [DELETED] 


This usually doesn't happen. It's widely accepted that S;G has both anime and VN components that are discussed on /a/. Heck, [CONFIDENTIAL] is big news that was first broken on /a/.

>> No.14911150 [DELETED] 

Can you PLEASE keep your shit threads to /a/ or delete them outright instead of moving them here? FUCK YOU, really.

>> No.14911157 [DELETED] 


>Can you PLEASE keep your shit threads to /a/ or delete them outright instead of moving them here?
>Can you

You think anyone who was in this thread on /a/ wanted it moved here? It was a mod.

>> No.14911160 [DELETED] 

Who do YOU think I was talking to?

>> No.14917272 [DELETED] 

Is /jp/ in such a sad state it needs to import quality /a/ threads now?

>> No.14917316 [DELETED] 

Since when did quality have anything to do with S;G?

>> No.14917328 [DELETED] 

Very edgy my friend.

>> No.14917405 [DELETED] 

>quality /a/ threads now?

>> No.14923726

So is 0 a shitty cash-in like that Kurisu movie or is it actually good?

>> No.14933996

Duh. To this day there are still castles across europe still visited by people but long past any strategic value.

>> No.14934124 [DELETED] 

How is deleting anything that says something against the mods help?

>> No.14934192

Talk about the VN or don't post.

>> No.14934271

You aren't posting about the VN either so.

>> No.14940294 [DELETED] 

Why are there so many deleted posts in this thread?

>> No.14943844

steiner says it's better than the prequel
