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14927701 No.14927701 [Reply] [Original]

How to Tenhou:


Sega MJ instructions

>> No.14927758

Is there anyone on the planet capable of handling tiles like that?

>> No.14927858

I don't think you could apply enough pressure to the sides to keep the tiles from flying all over the place while simultaneously spinning them, much less at that speed.

>> No.14928202

probably some yakuza

>> No.14928419


>> No.14928470


>> No.14928592

Wtf my man, mis-discard? You ruined our NoName gyakuten.

>> No.14928610
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So how's tokujou treating you?

>> No.14928645
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>Still in 4 dan hell, slowly making the climb towards tokujou

>> No.14928789
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>4 dan R2077

>> No.14928819
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>> No.14928829

That scumbag is asking to lose a lot of R

>> No.14928855
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>> No.14928863

Who hurt you?

>> No.14928864

The only kuso here is you.

>> No.14928866

He's probably 5-15 points away from promotion.

>> No.14928875

Went from 3rd to 1st on south 4. The R2077 got third despite not dealing in all game, so he didn't lose any points but probably lost about 5R.

>> No.14928888

>5R for 3rd

Yea, that's a lot.

>> No.14928922
File: 17 KB, 525x284, tokujou stats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doing okay. Sitting on R1885 after gaining a aggregate total of 30 or so R over 75 games.

Stats have suffered overall, though; deal-in rate has increased by nearly one percent while hand completion rate has decreased by half a percent or so.

>> No.14928996
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0+2+2+4 = 8戦

The heck I've been doing.

>> No.14928998

Holy shit nigger. Get your act together.

>> No.14928999

What the heck

>> No.14929004
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>> No.14929151

1+2+3+5 = 11戦
My east only games tend to go better though with 7+6+6+4 = 23戦.

>> No.14929157

Sounds like you don't defend

>> No.14929175

>it's another 3-man point exchange episode

>> No.14929185

How do 3-way rons work in real life? Can't the third guy just stop himself from calling it and avoid the draw?

>> No.14929228


Not a bad month, but my deal in rate is still pretty high because I deal into a ton of cheap hands.

>> No.14929344

With real tiles, yes, a player can be that much of a dick. Of course, he'll be giving two players an advantage over himself.

On Tenhou, you just can't tell.

>> No.14929348

And let the other guys win points? It's really situational, I guess. In some situations it could work, but nobody expects a triple ron, so chances are you'll jump the gun and call it too.

>> No.14929464
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>> No.14929923

Is it possible to get a better hand than 7 yakuman?

>> No.14930617

>tfw losing every single riichi even when every single one is better shape and has more winning titles than my opponents

I want to tell that my short run in tokujou was fun, but it would be a lie.

>> No.14930721

Tokujou is much harder than hanchan in the end of the day

>> No.14931805

This example used Paarenchan.

>> No.14931855

I lost because I didn't riichi enough.

>> No.14932025


I thought I escaped these kinds of games once I reached tokujou.

Wonder if toimen is on tilt.

I yelped out loud when the game ended in East 2

>> No.14932208
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Holy shit, after years of using Tenhou, only now I realize you can drag the white window around through the green bar at the top.

>> No.14932455

Does Tenhou not use paarenchan?

>> No.14932514

Tenhou doesn't use many optional yaku, including renhou and paarenchan.

>> No.14932566

Paarenchan is shit. Imagine getting yakuman with a bullshit cheap hand after 7 abortive/exhaustive draws. Fuck that shit.

>> No.14932568
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Well shit. Even the chat window.

>> No.14933064
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Can someone translate this black box?

>> No.14933099


You reached some kind of monthly limit.

>> No.14933109

Oh I see. Thanks

>> No.14933189

That's not the rule. At least I don't think it is. Paarenchan requires 8 consecutive WINS, which means one abortive draw will fuck it up. Pretty tough actually especially if the dealer's hands are tied. I think some mahjong video games let you do paarenchan with just 8 honba, but I think it's standard (for a nonstandard rule go figure) that you gotta win eight times, and furthermore: 8 times as dealer.
The closest I ever got was 7. Those bastards were onto me.

>> No.14933366


>> No.14933662
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>4 dan R2075
>5 dan R1839
>Same game
>In fucking Joukyuu
Ok I think it's time to stop for the day.

>> No.14933668
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>> No.14933686

3p or 8m, I'd probably go 3p. B is almost certainly looking for honitsu.

>> No.14933688


>> No.14933719

But you were kinda fucked there

>> No.14933743

Any of you have explanations? In the actual game I panicked and cut the 4s because it was half-suji against toimen, completely forgetting about the honitsu until the moment I clicked the tile. It passed though

>> No.14933752

If I had to guess their reasons, probably because two 7m and one 8m are out, which makes the 6-7m sequence less likely to have. Of course, if they have 3-4-5-6-7m, you're screwed that way too.

What was the riichi waiting on? I'm going to go ahead and bet on 3-6p.

>> No.14933756

>Discarding a tile adjacent to a riichi discard
Someone likes dealing in I see

>> No.14933759

You gotta post the hand with this kinda thing.

I'll bet on 5/8 sou

>> No.14933761

I bet on 2-5man

>> No.14933767 [SPOILER] 
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You all lose.

>> No.14933777
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>> No.14933781

>concealed closed wait itsuu
sometimes it's just not your day

>> No.14933785


>> No.14933787

>quick ton

>> No.14933788

Look at how many 2p and 1ps were discarded. As someone pointed out kamicha is probably lookin for a honitsu. You don't even need to look at >>14933767 to notice that.

>> No.14933821

What kind of a form would that be? With middle tiles it makes sense, since with 556 you'd discard 5 and wait for 4-7, but you can't wait for 2 after discarding 1 from 112.

>> No.14933830

1-3m, discarding 1m upon drawing 4m.

>> No.14933831

113 maybe? Not him

>> No.14933849

12234 with no other pair, this happens quite a bit.

>> No.14933855
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>NoName deals into a pinfu only hand in East 1
>Ruins the entire game since it turns into 3p with free deal in machine

Fucking NoNames.

>> No.14933959
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Why are NoNames allowed in L0000?

>> No.14933973

Because he's playing in ippan for some reason.

>> No.14934002

Absolutely none of the souzu for now.

8-man, due to two discarded 7's. Partial kabe.

>> No.14934023
File: 206 KB, 580x470, ywuwxd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This took me some time.

>> No.14934094

At least, they're limited to Ippan.


>ever scoring yakuman as a NoName

None of those count for shit. I hope none of you do that.

>> No.14934187

The app crack used to be able to break through ippan. I had some games few years back as NoName there.

>> No.14934338


>> No.14934537


>> No.14934633

I'm up for a game if anyone's awake.

>> No.14934690
File: 495 KB, 1366x736, Urauraura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even when it benefits you uradora is still bullshit

>> No.14934712


>> No.14934714 [DELETED] 

People like that grow into people like this.

>> No.14934722
File: 392 KB, 735x629, Fucking 4 dans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People like that grow into people like this.

>> No.14934752

I am now.

>> No.14934757

Thanks for that Noname. I've been having a hard time in L0 and I need that laugh.

>> No.14934797

Sure thing, buddy.

>> No.14934816
File: 88 KB, 1024x901, 42c63800282d2c323237e1bfd3c58c03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining about ura while playing with red fives

>> No.14934822

>on average will obtain one red five a game, an absolute max of 4, have to make use of it in hand
>you can get a gorillion uradora at any time

>> No.14934832
File: 176 KB, 720x480, [Taedium]_Akagi_-_03_[480p_DVD][Hi10p_H264_AC3][65C9F94F].mkv_snapshot_07.34_[2016.03.11_15.55.27].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a good trade off. Whenever you call riichi you're putting yourself at risk. You have a much higher chance at dealing in and you can't change your hand to adapt to future situations. If you deal into a hand with a gorillion ura-dora it's your fault.

>> No.14934848

I understand why it's there, but being able to turn a trash hand into mangan+ just seems silly for how often it seems to happen. Don't a lot of professional rulesets ignore them?

>> No.14934894

JPML has two sets of rules. First removes uradora, kandora, red dora and ippatsu. Second is basically tenhou.

>> No.14934899

I think I'd like that, heavy yaku focus rather than tanyao/yakuhai+dora

>> No.14934902

People also say that they made this ruleset to make rigging matches and pot splitting easier since you can just deal into your partner's hand if things get dangerous.

>> No.14934906

Hey, whatever works. Wouldn't it be obvious to observers if that was happening though?

>> No.14934916

Why? Anybody can deal in. It's way more obvious when somebody passes on a winning tile, which happened to founders of JPLM.

>> No.14934921

Yeah but at a higher level if someone if making shitty discards people would know?

>> No.14934924

Making shitty discards is not against the rules.

>> No.14934926

But I'm assuming rigging a tournament with a partner is. Or are they run in pairs? I don't really follow professional mahjong.

>> No.14934930

Shitty discard cannot be used to prove collusion
Not to mention that it's usually higher ups who set stuff up

>> No.14934932

Why is mahjong so rigged? In jansou everyone cheats. In tournaments everyone cheats. Where do you go to play a real game of mahjong in Japan?

>> No.14934933

"I thought the live dora would pass through ippatsu" doesn't wash even in ippan, it'd still be odd.

>> No.14934950

Nah, actually digital playstyle is considered boring by some people

>> No.14934956

I don't think a tiles group even exists in my country, I wouldn't know.

>> No.14934964

I'm pretty sure there's no such thing as half suji

>> No.14934966

Yeah, I thought it was common knowledge that the middle tile in the suji was only safe if both outer ones are gone

>> No.14934967

Just posting stuff I saw on the net, don't take it at face value

>> No.14934971

I take everything I read here very seriously, you should be more careful!

>> No.14934974

Only old superstitious Japanese men with dementia, they don't count.

>> No.14935024

Is your play style probability or luck-based? Personally I say fuck probability. You gotta risk big to win big.

>> No.14935029

When I risk big I usually lose big

>> No.14935122

Luck. I go for hell waits way too often and they usually work out. I do like having multiple waits though since my hands tend to be really bad.

>> No.14935194

I'm a probaby. Used to go for harder waits simply because they yield bigger scores, but nowadays I've gone digital. I feel like winning more smaller hands goes further in the long run than winning one or two big hands.

>> No.14935362

>7000 points
That 4-dan doesn't deserve to be one.

>> No.14935497

Probability, but very aggressive.

>> No.14935517
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>I say fuck probability
Hope you're enjoying ippan.

>> No.14935536

Probability until i get into a flow and then all occult baby

>> No.14935629
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trakss-style, baby. Living on the edge.

>> No.14935637
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For once, the gods of mahjong decided to smile upon me. I feel like I really deserved this victory.

>> No.14935666

You didn't deal in all game so yes you deserved it, although if C took the single wait he would've won.

There was no reason for you to riichi in south 4 though.

>> No.14935747

I should clarify, in the second south 4 there was no reason to riichi (the first south 4 was correct) because if you made your hand you already had first locked up. Dumping an extra 1000 into the pot for no reason could bite you if someone gets a cheap hand off C.

>> No.14935855

What's tsuno's tenhou ID? I just played a game against someone named tsuno and it would be neat if that was him, but I doubt it.

>> No.14935968

Experience+intuition. Every single time when I trying to play probability style with perfect title efficiency I lose badly.
I just know that this game hate me, so I'm very cautious in offence (especially with riichi - fuck textbook insta-riichi). Often open my hands and trying dama+trap combo.
In defence I use uchi-mawashi, even with not so good value hand and sanshanten (double-edged sword, but definitely saved my ass more times than fucked).

>> No.14936032

>Every single time when I trying to play probability style with perfect title efficiency I lose badly.
Either you don't actually understand probability or you haven't played many games like this.

What's your rank and rate?

>> No.14936104

>you don't actually understand probability
Maybe, it's not that I play completly illogical and occult, but a lot of my plays can be considered as bad, when actually works better for me than textboks examples.
For example - I tend to keep single middle titles than 89 pairs, no delcaring riichi when everyone else would call it insta and pushing when everyone else would give up.
At this moment I'm 4dan with R1842, had very bad weekend lately.

>> No.14936117

>I tend to keep single middle titles than 89 pairs
That is not tile efficiency.

>> No.14936915
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I'm trying to play a DS Mahjong game and found these moonrunes in it: 総半荘数
What do they mean?

>> No.14936923

Total hanchan count.

>> No.14936931

Thanks, anon.

>> No.14936939

Don't get used to it.

>> No.14937357


>> No.14937382
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>> No.14937433

Forever 3:

>> No.14937522


>> No.14937610


>> No.14937679


>> No.14937903
File: 384 KB, 900x675, 1456994154708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3:0 again, motherfuckers. Choo choo

>> No.14938026

With 44566, do I discard 4 and 6?

>> No.14938032

Depends what else you have obviously

>> No.14938047

Well, assuming I already have two sets, one open wait and no pair
Both 4 and 6 look like shitty candidates for a pair

>> No.14938058

Dump either the 4 or the 6 but not both and sit on either a 47 or 58 pin fu iishanten

>> No.14938064

4 and 6 are identical discards if you're trying to get an edge wait and make one of them your pair, so you have to take the situation into account. Does one of them constitute a safe tile for someone else? Which suji has more tiles (meaning will be more likely to be complete)?

>> No.14938065

>47 or 58
47 or 36

>> No.14938081

Tanki wait and ii-pei-kou

>> No.14938460
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What does this mean?

>> No.14938497

段位上限のため、 経験値変動しません

Something like exp doesn't change your dan rank limit? I'm not entirely sure.

>> No.14938506
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Was wondering where the others were. I figured there were just 2 people in betaori.

>> No.14938517
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>> No.14938533
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>> No.14938552
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>> No.14938586

You can't gain EXP in free mode anymore.

>> No.14938690

I haven't scored shousuushii in over a year now. I miss it.

>> No.14938710

Did that riichi come after 2nd call?

>> No.14938721


>> No.14938747

He discarded the 4p.

>> No.14938778
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Almost there

>> No.14938828


>> No.14938829
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so this just happened. star must have aligned for me or karma bullshit.


>> No.14938834
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>> No.14938853
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Ye gods of mahjong hath blesseth thee.

>> No.14938854
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>no riichi

>> No.14938862
File: 460 KB, 735x625, Couldbeenahaneman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could have ended it sooner if you believed in your own flow.

>> No.14938878

someone already tossed 6, no one tossed 9 yet and I was too cowardly to force the matter. would even wait patiently to change my hand if necessary.
>sex button meme
I'll resort to it if I'm 2nd or lower, lost too many times against defensive players and get punished instead.

>> No.14938951

And finish +106.

>> No.14938959

The dream was to tsumo everyone to negative. That quick ron spoiled it.

>> No.14939130

What is good strategy in one-hand match? Like that gold game in Tengokuhai, for example.

>> No.14939407

Are Tenhou down or just me? Keep showing error.

>> No.14939632
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>> No.14939697


>> No.14939718
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>> No.14939741


Oh my.

>> No.14939753


>> No.14939787


>> No.14940828

South player was in furiten. The hand would have ended a turn earlier.

>> No.14940844

>What is good strategy in one-hand match?
It goes without saying. First one to win the hand, wins. So likewise, you have to be extremely tile efficient. But also, you have to consider seat win tie-breakers and the effect of tsumos.

Of course, it can also come down to your seat position. The dealer has no choice but to go almost all out. If anyone else tsumos, then the dealer loses. If the dealer tsumos, South has an advantage of a tie over West and North.

With a game like this, what happens if ryuukyoku?

>> No.14940989
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>> No.14941360


>> No.14941850


>> No.14941927

The match is 1v1, with each player brings a bot, often times preset-ed to tsumogiri, and they can't win a hand.

Considering there's money betting, is it better to just get cheap hand and play long enough to pile it up, or aim big?

>> No.14942009

Shou San Gen is a magical thing.

>> No.14942064

If two players have the same score at the end of a game, how is their rank determined?

>> No.14942071

By seat winds. Whoever is closer to the dealer seat is on top.

>> No.14942103

That's even more retarded than atamahane.

>> No.14942119

Not really. Ties almost never happen, and the system it follows needs to take into account things like someone busting out, so extra rounds is a no-go. Plus, last dealer is an inherently advantageous seating position, so it helps balance that out.

>> No.14942144

Tell that to the poor nigger sitting north.


>> No.14942169

It's fair he deserved it.

>> No.14942686
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>Still stuck in 4 dan 1700s hell, but finally in striking range
Those games where I end in 2nd that only give 1R are getting annoying.

>> No.14942694
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>ffffriday nite
>no one to play with


>> No.14942933
File: 35 KB, 350x364, 1340318763313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, 4-dan sucks; and it's even worse in joukyuu due to limited gains from the relatively low average R.

>> No.14943479

Are those your tiles? I think I have the same set.

>> No.14943572
File: 40 KB, 609x77, hand.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What will you discard here?
4th draw, discarded useless winds.

Not a fancy round or anything, but this sort of draw troubles me a lot.

>> No.14943588

Depends on the dora and other discards. If a lot of tiles connecting to 4p are out, then probably that. Otherwise, either 1s or 7s, probably 7s because it'll be more dangerous later and it's more efficient.

>> No.14943594

4p. The fact that you're asking indicates that you'd rather keep 4p to build a ryanmen, but breaking up one of your other taatsu would be way too slow and not worth it.

If, on your next turn, you drew 6m, then the next discard would be 7s.

>> No.14943596

Proababy the 2sou

>> No.14943693


You have 123m, 57m, 677s and are looking to complete one more among 4p, 88p, and 122s.

67s is already an efficient shape. You can give up only two tiles (7s) in exchange for allowing any lower or middle pinzu to improve your hand with the 4p. Discarding 4p here is a bit too early because then you must rely on 122s or 88p to improve, which are both suboptimal.

>> No.14943860

I actually discarded 4p (after a few seconds pause), but felt like committing a sin by doing so. That's why I asked.

>Discarding 4p here is a bit too early
That's probably it.

Yea, 7s would be better.

>> No.14943885

>Discarding 4p here is a bit too early
Which one is it?

>> No.14943902

Show discards

>> No.14943944

Discarding 4p is right.

Firstly, you sacrifice efficiency just for the possibility that you'll draw tiles near 4p.
Secondly, even if you do, you're more likely to draw either a kanchan or shanpon than ryanmen, neither of which improve your shape.
Thirdly, even if you did draw ryanmen, the most efficient way forward from there is to break up the 57m kanchan, which loses you the dora (unless you draw the red 5p)
Finally, even if you did draw the red 5p, you're still sanshanten. Congratulations, you just wasted turns for no hand improvement. In the time it took, you might as well have reached iishanten already. It's not like your hand shape was all that bad to begin with.

>> No.14943969

I see. Thanks.

>> No.14943993
File: 400 KB, 729x621, e3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.14944201

>>14943693 here.

I believe Daina Chiba's rule of thumb in his book would also support cutting the 7s in this hand (if you have three pairs, you should cut one of them).

Think in terms of your likely finished hand composition and backfires. There is almost no chance you will dismantle the double dora or finished 123m shape, and you will almost certainly to complete the ryanmen at 67s rather than a 777s shape.

In contrast, you are 4x as likely to draw 3/5p than 7s, and even a 6p would give you a decent 468p. In practical terms, this means that you increase the possibility of backfiring on a good pinzu draw by 12 tiles in exchange for a temporary improvement of 2 tiles, which you're going to cut immediately if any other taatsu improves anyway.

The reason that keeping three pairs is generally bad for tile efficiency is that unlike with cutting two pairs to one, cutting the third 7s pair still allows a 8p or 2s to advance the hand. This means you are keeping only 2 more tiles of immediate efficiency but opening yourself up to 4-6x possibility of backfiring on a shape upgrade.

>> No.14944284

To sum up, consider every alternate universe of possible draws.

The vast majority of these universes will be the same for a 4p discard vs a 7s discard. You will either get a useless tile, or the draw will improve another unrelated part of your hand, such as a 6m draw. In the latter case, you will discard the remaining 4p or 7s, just in a different order but with the exact same resulting hand.

The universes only diverge when you draw a 23456p or 7s. An 8s would technically create a nice 6778s shape, but this is irrelevant because keeping the 7s afterward really would be too slow and you'd cut it anyway. This means that in two of your alternate futures, you benefited from keeping 7s (by drawing another 7s), but in 19 other alternate futures, you benefited from keeping 4p (ranging from major benefit upon 3/5p draw to extremely minor upon drawing 2/4p).

>> No.14944338

Ugh, I should really remember to think of everything before posting, but a last note.

It would actually be correct to keep 7s over 4p if you could call for tanyao, for instance if you had 23457m instead of the 1m. However, this hand will likely not get tanyao because a 4m would get incorporated into a 45m ryanmen instead of letting the 1m slide out. You are hoping for pinfu here if anything, so a 777s is also slightly less valuable yaku-wise when kuitan/tanyao is not in the cards.

Hope this helps.

>> No.14944480

They are. I found the set in a Kyoto swap meet for around 20,000¥

They reeked of cigarette smoke for weeks

>> No.14944514


>> No.14944534

Good god I'm retarded.

>> No.14944977


>> No.14945005

>one faggot is afk

>> No.14945037
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>dora 8 showing
>deal into it

>> No.14945056
File: 264 KB, 739x621, mysecond.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14945105

back to 3.0

>> No.14945414

Mahjong is about cheating your way in.

>> No.14945853
File: 77 KB, 754x613, I like where this is going.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14945932

i'll take a guess. 6 han ron opened hand?

>> No.14945941
File: 102 KB, 730x628, Only sanbaiman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had to abandon the Daisangen/Tsuuiisou after the nan got called and 2 hatsu got discarded so I only ended up with a sanbaiman.


>> No.14946392


>> No.14946409

3:0. Now's your chance!

>> No.14946521

3:4, get in here!

>> No.14946527
File: 67 KB, 1280x720, Bully.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14946535

Mr. Zen. Welcome back, you slut.

>> No.14946547
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>> No.14946612

Wow... I mean really. Welcome back.

>> No.14946674


>> No.14946678

3:4 again, now is your chance.

>> No.14946711
File: 58 KB, 500x442, 1454400103170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Friendly reminder to learn yaku

>> No.14946713

How does one survive with 0 points?

>> No.14946718


>> No.14946745

Be quick as lightning. Any tsumo will knock you out, so you need to get a 1000 points win as soon as possible. If you don't have any dealer turns left, then you might as well give up and go for a yakuman.

>> No.14946787

Yea, gotta get that riichi money.

>> No.14946825

Emergency YA KU MAN.

>> No.14946957
File: 993 KB, 5120x3840, Large Faces.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which tile is best tile?

>> No.14946965

Either the 2 pin, the 1 sou, or the haku.

>> No.14946976

Any other answer is wrong.

>> No.14946986

I'm rather fond of the 5 sou.

>> No.14946989

chun is just too sexy to ignore

>> No.14947070

>There are people that don't choose the bird

>> No.14947106

Shit taste, hatsu is best girl.

>> No.14947121


>> No.14947123

Green dragon.
I fucking hate all terminals with burning passion.

>> No.14947210
File: 128 KB, 1280x720, [HorribleSubs] Robot Girls Z - 03 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.56_[2014.03.07_01.44.38].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 dan
Time for the inevitable string of last places to start

>> No.14947240

ACTUALLY, it's called hatsu.

>> No.14947261

Chun is a beautiful and slender lady.
Hatsu is fat and ugly.
Eat shit nerd. Better yet, eat your hatsu which is the same as shit.

>> No.14947265
File: 79 KB, 379x322, 1431063709777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14947405


>> No.14947507

All you need is one or two 1st places. Get in there and fight!

>> No.14947548

You did it, didn't you? Good job.

>> No.14947577

Yeah, there were a ton of draws in that game. Eventually I hit a dealer San An Kou and pulled away. Fully expecting to get thrashed once I enter Joukyuu.

I'm less than 100 points from 5 dan. Is it worth hanging around for a couple more games or just jump right into Tokujou?

>> No.14947585


>> No.14947794

>jump right into Tokujou
The sooner you get your feet wet in there. The better.

>> No.14947896

>Immediately B&
Well that wasn't particularly fun. Everyone was just calling honors. Not a single hand over 8k for anyone over all 16 hands. Only time I actually made something the guy behind me calls riichi 3 turns later and pulls a tsumo.

>> No.14948128

>2 pin
This. Probably the most underrated tile out there.

>> No.14948151

Best: ton, 6s
Worst: 7s

>> No.14948172

With the exception of the bird, all of the sou are really fucking shit

>> No.14948178

Ryuuiisou is the best.

>> No.14948182

>stupidest yakuman

>> No.14948185

But that's not kokushi

>> No.14948195

Kokushi, ryuu and tenhou are the worst yakuman. Every other yakuman is an extension of regular yaku sort of like a progression, or at least in my mind anyway. Like how daisangen is shousangen+ or Suuankou is sanankou+

>> No.14948203

I guess tenhou is a progression of double riichi then. Maybe it's the least worst

>> No.14948457
File: 151 KB, 640x1080, Reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ryuuiisou not a progression of regular yaku

>> No.14948485

I can't really explain what I mean, but you aim for shit like sanshoku or pinfu or whatever when building a hand, you don't really aim for hatsu, it just sort of turns up.

>> No.14948625

>implying ryuuiisou requires hatsu

>> No.14948845

what does it feel like to be a complete pleb?

>> No.14949008

I've never seen one without hatsu, I think without it you're too likely to draw nongreen Sou and most people would be reluctant to throw away chinitsu shanten, an already big hand, for a slim chance at ryuu.

>> No.14949112

I just had two victories in a row and now I'm afraid of starting a new game because I'm bound to get my ass kicked this time around. How do I stop being such a huge pussy?

>> No.14949161

Take a break first. The more games you play in a row the more likely you are to make mistakes. This tends to happen to me, then I go on tilt to make up for the game I lost.

>> No.14949164

Accept that you're going to lose and focus on what you can learn from your losses instead. More importantly you shouldn't let the results of your previous matches influence you in your future matches, because how you did one game has nothing to do with how you'll do in the other. It will just make you tepid in games following victories or overly aggressive in games following bad losses.

>> No.14949225

Has the html5 client been translated yet?

>> No.14949332
File: 2.79 MB, 328x321, laughing traps.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>third dan walks into ippan

>> No.14950782
File: 405 KB, 727x600, love you too game.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why my every single early riichi in tokujou must end with that kind of shit?

>> No.14950815

At least, you don't play into South's hand.

>> No.14951002


>> No.14951655
File: 63 KB, 507x525, Ur a Faget 4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That one player that lets the timer max out every time before he makes a move

>> No.14951679


Would you prefer a ron-waiter?

>> No.14951699
File: 483 KB, 529x470, 1442080059326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He did that too

>> No.14951728
File: 403 KB, 733x628, possible gyakuten attempt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many points did I end up winning here?

>> No.14951743
File: 444 KB, 720x900, enough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst is when you put down the dora after calling riichi, and some dumbfuck waits the entire 10 seconds from then on to get a reaction from you. There's a special place in hell reserved for these people.

>> No.14951745

I would expect A to absolutely destroy you.

If you actually made a hand I'd guess Honitsu Chun, so 5800.

>inb4 chuu ren

>> No.14951751


>> No.14951763


>> No.14951776
File: 386 KB, 735x629, the_result_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>chuu ren
Oh I wish

The next hand I did a riichi with a hell wait that caused everyone to bail, so undeserved gyakuten was completed.

>> No.14951777
File: 485 KB, 973x505, Holyfuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every few rounds some fuck takes forever to deal and ends up dumping a non-seat/round wind and I hate him.


Riichi, Ippatsu, tsumo, Hon istu, chun, 1 ura.


You got got this.

>> No.14951823

What the hell, shimocha. That's ippan-tier right there.

>> No.14952121



I was expecting the difference to be harsh, but not anywhere near this bad.

>> No.14952168

I think there's always going to be an adjustment period when you promote to a new lobby.

I also got into Tokujou this month and I'm sitting at 27+18+22+26 right now lol

>> No.14952298

I think my biggest problem is every time I lose I fall below 1800 so I get sent back to Joukyuu. No way to establish a flow when you can't play more than 1 game at a time.

>> No.14952420

This is the gambler's fallacy, but I've had losing streaks every single time I've gone up a rank. I think of it as a run of good luck usually gave me the last push toward promotion, so then it's about time the bad luck starts.

Anyway, if your joukyuu record reflects a real consistent edge, tokujou should not be that much harder for you.

>> No.14952430

Average skill level spikes when you move up in lobbies. The players in tokujou, on average, have gotten to play against better players longer than you. Just focus on learning.

>> No.14952649

>massive gyakuten in South 4

Stay mad nonames

>> No.14952675
File: 41 KB, 447x400, 1327284505589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you were losing against Nonames? How embarrassing.

>> No.14952687


>> No.14952701
File: 453 KB, 738x626, moronic wait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shouldn't have worked.

>> No.14952727

Hell waits always work. They're right up there with furiten riichi for being the most effective tactic to win a hand.

>> No.14952821

Yea, he fucked up royally

>> No.14952849


>> No.14952852

Hell wait suji. Anyone at that level of play would assume 9-man as safe.

>> No.14953098


>> No.14953178

Hisa, please have more confidence

>> No.14954402

Agree. Hell waits best waits.
t. dead wall

>> No.14955460

how is furiten riichi a tactic?

>> No.14955476

Intimidation. You could reasonably cause people to go betatori and such.

>> No.14955650

And at higher levels of play, calling riichi has the expectation of tsumo anyways, due to decreased ron rates.

>> No.14955655

At higher levels of play you wouldn't be getting into furiten in the first place.

>> No.14955660
File: 279 KB, 800x691, 49299015_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda wish I was smart enough to play this game

>> No.14955783

You'd be surprised. When I participated in tournament some time ago, I was more than 12k points behind second place in orasu.
I got very quick hand and have winning set in fifth turn, but it was just pinfu+tsumo. The point is, that exchange 9p for 6p would give me sanshoku+tanyao. Of course I called riichi, because there were none other possibilities for gyakuten.
Player from second place (experienced tokujou player) folded and must watch as I drawn tsumo few turns later - his butthurt when I took him down thanks for baiman (got two ura dora) was one of the best things I even experienced in mahjong.

>> No.14955841

I'm fucking stupid and I can still enjoy it.

>> No.14956025

>doing really well
>internet shits out for a single turn
>auto discard into dealer riichi
>reconnect immediately afterwards
>no more problems for the rest of the game
>costs me first
Fuck that noise

>> No.14956052

Yea, it's fucking great to see bots doing perfect betaori, but when you get disconnect for few seconds - insta deal.
At least it only cost you first place - I know, this sucks, but dealer riichi could be way deadlier.

>> No.14956088

It was dealer mangan, which sucked. It's not like my internet is great but I can't get anything better here and I rarely have problems with it.

>> No.14956226

If you finished 4th, then you should be massively butthurt. If you didn't, then be relieved.

>> No.14956275

Me too
But I suck and I'm stuck at 1dan

>> No.14956300

What's your R? How long have you been there?

>> No.14956311

1412. 3 weeks since I started in jokyuu. Laugh all you want

>> No.14956339

I changed ISP over this bullshit

>> No.14956385

Chances are you need to defend more. Getting to an R this low without attacking too much is difficult.

>> No.14956399

>be 1D
>gain like 30R in a single match by blowing up three 3D

>> No.14956408


>> No.14956442

>Get nothing but good to great starting hands the whole match, but no one ever deals in
>Don't win a single hand
>3s round
>haku doru pair and south wind pair on start hand
>Again no one deals in
>Turns into suu ankou
It feels so good.


Well, you don't face a 1946 R player in Joukyuu every day.

>> No.14956451

Much less beat one!

Nice yakuman man, with ridiculous gyakuten bonus but >no riichi

>> No.14956493

The hand was baiman even if winning by ron. I'm not gonna risk losing that with riichi.

>> No.14956509

>not watching houou enough

>> No.14956548

>have two safe titles against oya riichi
>keep shanten by dropping them
>choose another one and deal into oya baiman


>> No.14956575

Yea, I have no idea what that nigger was thinking.

>> No.14956642

But then if I defend I never win a hand
If I attack I deal in
I lose either way

You can watch houou games?

>> No.14956660

4th tab on the top

>> No.14956711

>But then if I defend I never win a hand
That's bad logic, it should be obvious when you need to bail out and you'll begin to learn when it's safe to push. You only win a quarter of the time anyway.

I'd like to say he was going for it, but he's still a couple from tenpai, with a cheap hand and 21000 off first

>> No.14956715

Houou games have their own weird meta so they're not that useful for improving in lower lobbies.

>> No.14956734

Houou seems all about trying to hide what you're doing, how close you are and how big your hand is. Most people can't tell that kind of thing normally outside really obvious calling shenanigans.

>> No.14956929

>You can watch houou games?
Enjoy. You can learn a lot from them.


>> No.14957557
File: 381 KB, 736x634, nani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know about securing third place like that. Then again, I always believe in the gyakuten.

The flow was with me in this one (for two hands).


>> No.14957583

It's a fine decision. Getting any sort of gyakuten when one player is at so few points is much, much more difficult than normal because your ability to tsumo is strangled. With that gone, getting direct hits on players in the lead is very tough because they will usually play defensively.

And while trying to do that, if fourth place gets one good hand, now you're the one in fourth. If you're trying to climb then it's better to secure 3rd than risk falling into 4th in situations like this.

>> No.14957584

Pointless ron on Shimocha's part, unless he was scared of the miracle rush

>> No.14957788

Toimen was kinda done
It also looks like he was going for chanta or yakuhai with 1 dora, so he'd still be in deep shit next round

>> No.14957887
File: 466 KB, 732x629, doomed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That makes sense. I've certainly had games where I drop to last place after dead last manages a big hand.

It's not like you lose that much R for being third in tokujou, either.

His hand was going nowhere, it seems.
This all started because he wanted to push with a terrible hand in E1 after I ponned the dora. It really feels like betaori is king.

>> No.14957897
File: 459 KB, 732x628, blue_balled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hand in question
>doing a concealed kan when your hand is this underdeveloped
>pushing with that hand

Funnily enough, he deals in with 2p in both the first round and last round of that hanchan.

>> No.14958139
File: 715 B, 21x90, Just kill me already.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should I be making more calls if I keep getting 4th because tsumos and notens keep whittling my points away. I'm really reluctant to open my hand for tanyao or yakuhai but I see people doing it all the time even if that's the only yaku they have.

>> No.14958266

What's your call rate and deal-in rate?

>> No.14958504

Riichi is a powerful tool but that shouldn't dissuade you from opening your hand since speed is usually considered the most important factor. If you're new make sure you're comfortable with all the easy open yaku, like san shoku and itsuu.

>> No.14959062
File: 447 KB, 728x598, it's been a long journey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my, it was very lazy dora.

>> No.14959072

>A-san with no riichi on a 3-way wait

>> No.14959093

He was probably depressed after failed suu ankou attempt in E1. Also he get that wait one turn earlier, so maybe he was afraid to waste 1k points (if you look at it on the other side, there were only six unvisable winning titles for him and four of them are dora).

>> No.14959566

>bots doing perfect betaori
What? AI always discards what it drew

>> No.14959607

It was a joke, but I often saw bots which for whole hanchan drew only safe titles against riichi. On the other side one player disappear for a few seconds - insta ron.

>> No.14960653
File: 273 KB, 1168x992, 1442664397937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14960666


>> No.14960688

5 pin, 4 pin, 6 man

>> No.14960692 [SPOILER] 
File: 306 KB, 1168x992, 1458677611465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a good idea, my man. If you're going to fold then you should at least not discard a souzu tile. 5p is probably the safest.

8sou would have had you dealing into a riichi chin'itsu iipeikou.

I made a really dumb decision, but fortune favors the dumb.

>> No.14960702

I forgot ippatsu. Any uradora and it could have been a sanbaiman.

>> No.14960908

I would have done the same desu. Your lead wasn't big enough to go full defence and the likelihood of a terminal being the winning tile is always lower. Dama tanyao dora would be fine

>> No.14960928

Also, putting on my occult hat here, this player is essentially Dojima's caterpillar. The flow has abandoned him/her and you should exploit that

>> No.14960930

Don't encourage suboptimal play. That was not a hand worth pushing for, especially with only 1 draw left.

>likelihood of a terminal being the winning tile is always lower
Not when your opponent's discards include no tiles in the suit you're discarding. 5p was perfectly safe.

>> No.14960973

>likelihood of a terminal being the winning tile is always lower
Sounds like perfect plan to lose a few places desu - heck, even in this hand he waited on terminal.

>> No.14961010
File: 820 KB, 1030x794, ragequit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I managed to make two players ragequit simultaneously. The 2 dan player finished last with negative points.

>> No.14961084

Take into consideration that two 2sou are known as well as two 1sou. It's not 100% safe but given the flow of the game, I'd risk it.

>> No.14961159

What flow?

>> No.14961325
File: 451 KB, 727x603, rip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, it's a good time to take a break.

>> No.14961431

Same just happened to me. I ended the game with 75k because two people quit after dealing into hands that were below mangan.

>> No.14961648
File: 32 KB, 187x163, 1452833945563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Two guys disconnect
>I'm way in first place
>Ron the other guy into last place
>He still doesn't disconnect
>Try to go easy on him and give him chances to get to second
>He can't make it

>Last hand I have a dealer mangan
>Decide to riichi to knock one of the two disconnected players out and put him in third place
>Accidentally ron him because auto win was on

I felt really bad for that guy.

>> No.14961673

You're too much of a wuss, if you get too comfortable that kind of shit will get you knocked out of first.
I left auto win off specifically so I wouldn't kill the other guy with a dealer haneman in the last round.

>> No.14961710
File: 426 KB, 1280x720, 1421351791558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>6 dan R2035

>> No.14961725

Probably his promotion game. Better block him from houou.

>> No.14961756

At least the player you dealt into was dumb. If he had kept that 2m and discarded the 8m he'd have a sanshoku.

>> No.14961889

Well, I would feel better if I dealt into sanshoku, because it would mean that at least he tried and no only get lucky dora explosion.
Also I had very good streak in last eight games (5-2-1-0), so being unlucky once in a while is still part of this game but goddamn, it's still so fucking annoying.

>> No.14961982

You lack a killer mahjong instinct.


>> No.14962545

>two and two
It's not even one chance negro
And one chance is already pretty risky

>> No.14962793
File: 912 KB, 1030x794, stupid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I learned to avoid stupid mistakes like this. There was no reason for me to deal such a dangerous tile.

Thankfully I still won the match.

>> No.14962858
File: 407 B, 94x16, rnmunl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've lost count on how many wins have been stolen from me in the South rounds.

>> No.14962880
File: 1.25 MB, 1024x766, zqyfli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Houou sure is fun.

>> No.14962893

I was just watching this game
Still don't understand why 9 dan discarded 4 and 5 man against riichi without a second thought in the last round and then suddenly started folding after getting tenpai

>> No.14962927
File: 230 KB, 229x185, 1379162388713.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By tomorrow, look up any of the player names and then pull out the replay link. Then we'll get a good look as to why.


>> No.14963015

It takes a whole day to update? Lame
Anyway, the guy is apparently 100 points away from tenth dan, so his moves may not be comprehensible by mere mortals

>> No.14963196

I might be retarded
The lower one's average placement is, the better? Like, 1.0 would mean that a player always finishes first, right?

>> No.14963209


Since Tenhou gives your finishes as A+B+C+D
Your average placement is (A+2B+3C+4D)/(A+B+C+D)

>> No.14963313

And so, post your month so far:

9+10+9+3 = 31戦

>> No.14963503

This is the third time I've been one game away from escaping 1Dan, my R is just over 1600 and I keep choking it ;-;

>> No.14963586
File: 113 KB, 405x355, 2D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking nailed it, I might be almost not a shitter now

>> No.14964857
File: 175 KB, 724x621, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only imagine the other guys laughing at the obvious furiten riichi.

>> No.14964886

You mean karaten?

>> No.14964894

Yeah, that.

>> No.14965040
File: 468 KB, 1272x720, [sheline][Nozomi] Saki - 17 (BD 720p).mp4_snapshot_19.56_[2016.02.24_23.23.48].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8+13+10+9 = 40戦 4級 45 / 90pt R1537
Kyuu hell is real

>> No.14965052
File: 3 KB, 204x36, 1451665655928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14965362
File: 6 KB, 231x182, march.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Second month in tokujou and one of the craziest in my tenhou history - tfw in three days fall from R1921 to R1801 and somehow managed to survive.
