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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 615 KB, 1280x720, 4589158_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17215111 No.17215111 [Reply] [Original]

>You will never live in a steel shipping container on the rooftop and play /jp/ games all day

Why even live? Seriously what is the point? Everything just a big let down from here.

>> No.17215117

Why is there no FPS with anime-esque graphics?

>> No.17215158

Who are you quoting?

>> No.17215362

Ummm... Overwatch?

>> No.17215390

Far from it.

>> No.17215469

What about the GitS online game? Or is ``realistic'' styled anime not anime enough for you?

>> No.17215478

who are you quoting?

>> No.17215509

I'm already ranked highly in overwatch and find the presence of ultimates make the game shallow and less interesting than TF2, which is dead in my region.

>> No.17215864

It's time to let this meme die.

>> No.17216225

Its not a meme.

>> No.17216272

I want /v/ to leave.

>> No.17216356

I want to leave.

>> No.17216555

What's a /jp/ game?

>> No.17223971

World of Tanks?

>> No.17224016
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I will always be mad about what they did to that game.

>> No.17227419

Yes it's a meme. Japs use the quoting function outside quoting like we do in imageboards and textboards.

This meme spawned from /jp/ niwakas who lurked futaba or 2chan for less than half year and never got to chance to see it so they thought they don't use it which is false (or they're just trolling)

Don't make me prove it anon, I don't want to BTFO anyone today. Just take my word for it.

>> No.17227518

They lurked for half a year and never saw it? Damn, I don't think you'd be able to go a day on any other board on this site without seeing it.

>> No.17228249

I hated this thing

>> No.17228251

Prove it.

>> No.17232326

Bump until he proves it.

>> No.17232349

who cares what the japs do? it's the quote function, not some esotric formatting magic that turns your post into a witty story. I'd ask them who they're quoting too.

>> No.17237909
File: 42 KB, 526x200, who is he quoting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, first.

>> No.17237912
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They actually do it all the time. You just need to be where they use it.

>> No.17237932
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>> No.17237946
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>> No.17237962
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If you see a panel written 該当スレが見つかりませんでした it just means my extension could not find who he was quoting

Otherwise, it shows up like this as the quote of the original post. Again, this is really common

>> No.17237976
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>> No.17237997
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Also most of these were in a single day on different threads. So again, not that uncommon.

It's only /jp/ that spergs over its misuse, because honestly, you guys are retards.

>> No.17238032
File: 198 KB, 1920x1080, memearrows(6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is exactly as it's used here on 4chan (to make fun of posters).

Last thing you're curious about is why I have these, well, last year a dude from /jp/ that I met IRL talked to me about this and I told him it was stupid since Japs do it all the time. He asked for proof and it only took about 10 mins in different threads on the same day on may.

Conclusion is what we all know. /jp/ is full of retards.

As to why give a fuck about what japs do post earlier, well, the main gist behind this stupid meme is "japs don't do it because it's retarded, so we shouldnt do it as well".

The whole premise is false, and not only that but no one cares if you do it there. This is the only board that gives a single shit about this function.

And the people who do IMHO probably does not have an IQ of over 2 digits.

I could post more but just go there and lurk more you lazy fucks.

>> No.17238201

Nice spacing.

>> No.17238209

Thx. I personally think spaced out, single sentences are easier to read than blocks of texts.

>> No.17238521

You're genuinely autistic aren't you?

>> No.17238536

Oh you sweet little baby, are you booty bothered because you got called a retard? I'm so sorry my little dingle berry muffin yet sugar sweety biscuit bun. It will all be okay, my little biscuit bunny just don't snookims your dilly doo on /jp/ and it will all be ok :)

>> No.17238561

>/jp/ shitposting members getting BTFO so hard they resort to autism name-calling

I can't read Japanese, but given the reactions I'll definitely green text with more freedom and keep this thread in mind. Thanks.

>> No.17238672

I'm not the anon to whom you were originally responding. I just found it amusing that you put so much effort into proving a point to a guy who probably didn't even stick around to see your posts.

Also, stop sweetie-posting on /jp/. It's bad form.

>> No.17238687

Huh? Look at the dates of the screenshots, they weren't meant for people in this thread.

I know I said /jp/ was ridden with retards, but this a bit out of my league man, do some brain exercises or use adderall or something before interacting on 4chan, for real.

If you meant "posting so many pictures and writing so much" as "too much effort", go fucking exercise your brain and your body you fat fuck.

>> No.17238694

Maybe you can make a dozen posts about why you think anyone cares what they do on futaba? They don't link to other posts using post numbers but no one's ever suggested we stop that.

>> No.17238704

>use adderall

Ah, that explains your posts. Carry on then.

>> No.17238709

So that people will finally put the tired invented argument that greentext is exclusively for quoting and everyone who doesn't do it is some sort of neo social media shithead who doesn't understand real imageboard conventions to rest.

The "who are you quoting" meme was forced by shitheads in IRC playing board police in 2010 and should have died when all the people in said IRC fucked off forever.

>> No.17238715

Oh so you really were this retard here >>17232349>>17215478


yeah, why should people keep misusing quote functions when everyone does it (literally)?

>implying anyone will give a fuck about writing like this
>implying people should stop doing this to make you mad

/jp/ uses the excuse that "japs don't do it because it's bad form so we should follow suit"

now that's gone, you got no arguments left

I'd suggest suicide, but /jp/ being what it is I suppose you're on watch already.

>> No.17238722

>being this mad over a stale and retarded meme

>> No.17238734


I wish that anon made its own thread about this shit instead of using this one though. But "who are you quoting" memers need to fuck off and die already.

>> No.17238735

I'm not mad. You really are posting like you're on speed is all. I know from experience what that's like.

>> No.17238736

No one in this thread used that as an argument though. I don't think I've ever seen anyone in the past use it either. Even if they did, you're basically arguing with someone who isn't here.

>> No.17238738

I am curious about adderall, heard you get some crazy focus out of it, but I never used it. I just meditate instead.

>> No.17238748

People have accused each other of misusing the quote function for an internet generation now. It's still stupid.

>> No.17238751

That's the reasoning behind the meme, as in, /jp/ should mimic futaba and 2ch and be like Japs and not misuse the quoting function. Given how /jp/ retards are so gullible they instantly believe so-called "moonspeakers" when they say "Japs don't misuse it" so the meme went wild.

I'd say it's pretty darned autistic when this is the only board that gives a shit about its use when not even Japs (which can be full autismos in general) do, and that's saying something. Got any argument against that? No? Thought so.

>> No.17238764

This actually became a good thread. Huh.

>> No.17238772

It's best avoided to be honest. I originally started using it to help me focus on work but within a few months I was using it constantly and damn near drove myself insane. A beneficial experience overall but only because I quit in time for my sanity to remain intact, for the most part.

But yeah, it's great for focusing on work and study. You'll feel like some sort of superhuman with how much you get done on it. Just know when to quit.

>> No.17238785
File: 23 KB, 354x280, quote.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And again, no one's ever made the argument that we should stop using post links just because futaba doesn't, even though that would be one of the most obvious things about the site if you looked at it, even if you didn't know Japanese. The 4chan rules however, would lead you to believe > is to be used to quote people. Either way, people are always going to ask who you're quoting when you greentext just because it gets a rise out of people like you.

>> No.17238793

It doesn't get a rise out of me though. If you search those images they're the first time I ever posted them on /jp/ and I only did because some dude asked.

I could just post one of those pics and ask "idk, who is he quoting bro?" instead of being thorough as I was. I guess shit's pretty bad when your autism is graded higher than nips..

>> No.17238799

People have mostly argue the way Japanese do things is better in the context of sage. They also argue that greentext for the purpose other than quoting is a cancerous neo-4chan innovation.

>Either way, people are always going to ask who you're quoting when you greentext just because it gets a rise out of people like you.
ie, they're shitposters.

>> No.17238801

>It doesn't get a rise out of me though.

>> No.17238805
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, 1446076539387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They also argue that greentext for the purpose other than quoting is a cancerous neo-4chan innovation.

>> No.17238811

>lol u mad
truly epin

>> No.17238818

>They also argue that greentext for the purpose other than quoting is a cancerous neo-4chan innovation

This. I can't believe this was finally put to rest. Anon needs a medal for his efforts for paiting those niggers as the forced-meme, shitposters they are.

>> No.17238845

Who are you quoting?

>> No.17238857

I'm quoting Microsoft because I've been downloading gears of War 4 for 3 fucking days and it's still not done. FUCK. 100gbs of bloat and shit I dont need. For fucks sake man why haven't they given an option for 4k textures download? Fucking hell dudes...

>> No.17238870

wayq is /jp/ culture

>> No.17238884

Pedantry and metathreads are also /jp/ culture.

>> No.17238961


>The "who are you quoting" meme was forced by shitheads in IRC playing board police in 2010 and should have died when all the people in said IRC fucked off forever.

Who are you quoting was literally day one /jp/ culture and no one tied it to Futaba or anything other than the unrelenting hostility to outsiders that kept this place tolerable for about a year and a half. I mean, we had IRC circlejerk faggots in 2008 too if you want to make them your autistic boogeyman, just don't try and say it only dates back to 2010.

>> No.17239030
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>> No.17239062

There are many other ways to be hostile to outsiders without being full on autists. wayq is a result of gullible faggots being conned by self-proclaimed "moonspeakers"

See: >>17238799
If you disagree with that, you're a newfag and you should kys

>> No.17239216


>wayq is a result of gullible faggots being conned by self-proclaimed "moonspeakers"

No, that is an autistic fiction that only exists in your mind, Anon. No one ever appealed to the authority of Futaba to justify who are you quoting. You are winning an argument with a figment of your imagination, refuting points no one else made.

>> No.17239434

Lad, you're not getting me. Your one inch of reason to do this was the very appeal of authority.
"Only 4chan retards do this cancer", which creates the sense that we can be above this, and by saying that it implies that Futaba, and other boards (specially nip ones) does not do it. You know, direct implication by saying it's a 4chan exclusive cancerous shit.

But that goes down the drain, the narrative is killed, you got nothing else to cling on so "wayq" is really only used by the autists here, which turns out you were all retarded for believing in that in the first place (which many did, even if you yourself don't know it for being a newfag). There's no justification other than just acting like a retard, troll, and try to piss off posters with not a single inch of reasoning to back your "wayq" shitposts.

I'm not sure if this is too complicated for your spaghetti bird brain, but try to make an effort my son.

>> No.17239459
File: 178 KB, 1600x1200, 1367118452177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spaghetti bird brain

What have you got against spaghetti birds, crossboarder?

>> No.17239972


Again, you retard, no one in history ever made that argument. There was no appeal to authority and there was no connection whatsoever to Futaba or anything ever done by or in Japanese. It was entirely about telling retards from /v/ and elsewhere to get out, yes, it was autistic, yes, but it was homegrown autism.
The fact that /v/ does something is all the reason anyone needed to scorn it, so why would an appeal to authority even be necessary? "In 2010 fake moonspeakers tricked everyone into thinking we should do this because the nips do it" is wrong in every way it is possible to be wrong. While your autism is certainly formidable I think your schizophrenia is a better fit for /pol/.

>> No.17240656

its penne rigate dude

>> No.17241663

>This meme spawned from /jp/ niwakas
pffffthaha newfaggot

>> No.17241663,1 [INTERNAL] 

I understand you more than you could imagine.
Everyday I beg that I can be reborn as a rich NEET into the 80s (live starting from 1990) in some huge mansion. I would do nothing my whole life but play videogames, read manga, watch anime, and so forth. Hopefully this mansion would be in Tokyo. Or some place like Manhattan. Please if there is a God reading this let this come true. I'm begging of you. I know there isn't and it's just fantasy but everyday I ask this to come true. How much I want it, you have no idea. I hope that at least until the day I die I do not forget of this wish. I want to be able to at least keep it until death, and in my very moment of death, I want to be thinking of it.

>> No.17241817

>The fact that /v/ does something
The whole world does it you retard. That's the point. What part of that can you not fucking understand?

>> No.17241840

>Again, you retard, no one in history ever made that argument.

>4chan (and only 4chan) doesn't know what quoting means


I don't know dude, but I think that's what people who shitposts wayq actually think.

>> No.17241846

>Inb4 response saying they were talking about 2ch and not futaba

>> No.17241867


This one was just yesterday, but I doubt the dude visited this thread. It's a good bonus I guess.

>> No.17241885

Not that guy, and you are right that japs use it outside of direct quoting, although less frequently and usually in a way where they are "quoting" the image or modifying someone else's post in a humorous manner. What is really irritating (and I haven't seen the Japanese use it this way, feel free to prove me wrong) is the /v/-esque greentext stories, >tfw without a picture and >implying. It's just an way to post low quality garbage and keeping that shit out of /jp/ is a good thing.

>> No.17241886

another dude implying japs use it correctly

japs don't do it wrong pleb, trust me i don't know moon but im sure they're too grorious to misuse

i guess that's enough

>> No.17241895

Refer to >>17237932. They use whichever way they want.

But that's not the point. The point is that I want you to understand, is that everyone using it has this common denominator of being conned by retards (which makes you lower than fucking retards). Do you understand what I'm trying to say?

This whole belief that japs don't misquote therefore this board should not, which is shared thorough its users (as proven several times), based on a lie that you fell for, hard.

In the end what I'm saying is, there are ways to keep crossies out without making an ass of yourselves. Which is apparent for anyone who actually lurks Japanese boards.

You can keep doing it if you're a retard though, up to you. I could care less. In the end, you'll just act like a retard who got conned by other retards. Maybe in the end, you're not much better than that after all.

>> No.17241897

That is his purpose. If you make a statement about the empty set, then such statement is always true. More precisely, it is a vacuous truth.

>> No.17241921

Saying that "no one in this thread made this statement" as a way to invalidate it or portray it as an empty set is invalid, since this thread although a set belonging to /jp/, the original poster of this discussion was referring to the /jp/ set, not to this thread as a subset.

Thus your argument is invalid, and his is still proven to be right as proven above >>17241886
Nice attempt at set theory to push away the main argument, but you failed. Unsurprisingly.

>> No.17241930


>> No.17241948

>They use whichever way they want.
Reading comprehension. I can tell you are not a native speaker, so I'll give you a pass.

>This whole belief that japs don't misquote therefore this board should not
I get that people think that and I'm saying it doesn't fucking matter. Not doing it in the ways that I've stated are obnoxious removes guaranteed garbage posts. This is a good thing.

>> No.17242388

No I did understand you, in which you say posts like
>implying you're not a nigger
or gamestop stories in greentext are cancerous and you want to keep that shit at bay.

But doing so by spouting memes made by con men who conned a whole board that does not speak Japanese may not be a way you'd want to do it.

You could just say fuck off and call him out for being a crossposter. As far as yourself right now it's a matter of self-respect in not spouting memes that conned /jp/ as a whole and be above it.

If you don't give a shit and still want to wayq, just keep in your heart that it's completely normal, it's not a 4chan thing, it's not a /b/ or /v/ thing, it's not something exclusive to any board in any way at all. I'm definitely not the only moonspeaker who laughs whenever I see someone shitposting "who ye quote" believing it's a 4chan exclusive thing. So if you're a clown, you can keep doing it.

>> No.17242547


>I get that people think that

They really don't, though. This guy is just severely mentally ill.

>> No.17242601

It was literally proven that people do think that just a few posts above you man. Get a grip.

>> No.17242714

>Not doing it in the ways that I've stated are obnoxious removes guaranteed garbage posts.
It doesn't remove jack shit. It sometimes generates torrents of garbage posts by self-righteous shit-eaters who think they're hot shit for perpetuating a forced meme foisted on the board by shitposting tripfags from IRC.

>> No.17242766

People saying that the "who are you quoting" meme was not backed by the belief that the meme quoting is something exclusive from 4chan, and the boards that originated such quotation in form of greentext (2ch, futaba) are absent of such misuse are either dishonest, or simply don't know better.

If that anon did not barge in proving that they don't give a fuck about its use, and you asked "does 2ch and futaba uses the quoting function exclusively in an accurate way?" You would get a torrent of replies ranging from "Yes" to "Yes and that's why we do it" to "Yes and we should follow suit".

Prove me wrong. You know it to be true. It was about time someone put this meme to rest.

>> No.17242809

You're also wrong. People DID claim that people were doing it wrong all the time, but they did it with reference to the Usenet style guide rather than anything the Japanese did and were acting like insufferable pedants on purpose.

>> No.17242845


I think it's safe to say they were mostly referencing nip boards, dude. Even though quotations is Usenet style, greentexting as a form of quotation using the forward arrow to quote, is not.

You know the reference above is just a couple examples, but you probably know you could go a whole day posting warosu archive posts of /jp/ jerking off to their delusions of nips.

>> No.17242887


>You know the reference above is just a couple examples, but you probably know you could go a whole day posting warosu archive posts of /jp/ jerking off to their delusions of nips.

Feel free. But try limiting your search to 2008 and the first half of 09 because everything you've linked is from years after this place became an irredeemable shithole no better than /v/.

For bonus points could also compile evidence of the rampant >mfw >implying greentexting from that era to prove your assertion that it didn't work and only generates torrents of garbage.

Good luck anon, I believe in you. I'll check in tomorrow to review your citations and toss you a (You) or two. Once you've proven your theory about how the time traveling IRC faggots tricked everyone I will proudly join you in an autistic crusade to destroy them.

>> No.17242910

>For bonus points could also compile evidence of the rampant >mfw >implying greentexting from that era.
The generation that came afterwards was far worse, but the people posting all sorts of inane and terrible shit felt entitled to call themselves proud defenders of /jp/ culture as long as they continued to liberally shit on anyone who dared summarize anything to the right of an angle bracket.

>> No.17242918

Also, the "who are you quoting" meme was forced starting in 2010, which therefore makes it part of the irredeemable shit that you should have no attachment to whatsoever.

>> No.17242953

>For bonus points could also compile evidence of the rampant >mfw >implying greentexting from that era to prove your assertion that it didn't work and only generates torrents of garbage.
I wasn't the one who claimed that, though I don't personally think it's wrong.

Also I don't see what you want to accomplish, here's the flow of discussion so far, in greentext (^:
>who are you quoting is a meme claim
>no it's not claim
>I come in claiming that it is a meme, and it's a /jp/ exclusive autism meme that is backed by the belief that japs don't do it, and I claimed that japs do it. I said I didn't want to prove it, but I was asked and I wanted to have some fun anyway so why not
>proof given, /jp/ is left without arguments and btfo'd
>claim that no one *ever* said this meme had its core belief that japs don't do it
>I claimed otherwise, provided proof (other anons backed up with more evidence of otherwise)

In the end the main gist of it is I backed up everything I claimed which all points out to people who "wayq" are irredeemable idiots one way or another, with autism that surpasses even the Japanese.

So you're asking for a bunch of stuff that won't really add to any of the backed up claims and honestly won't really add much in anything (I've proven them all for all I care, if you don't believe it's your burden to disprove them). To end it all I could also make a thread asking /jp/ as a whole believed if japs exclusively use quotation forms accurately (provided no one ITT intervened) though that'd be overblowing things (but it'd be fun to see the result which we all know already).

>> No.17244760

/wayq/ is my favorite general

>> No.17244818

I still laugh at how /jp/ doesn't understand what greentext means.

If Touhou was allowed on /a/ or /v/ so I wouldn't have to spend time on a board that imports foreign concepts and then DOES IT WRONG all the time.

Using greentext as a way to "quote" someone's post or thread is just completely wrong and a retarded misuse of a good feature that is so popular in boards like /a/ and /v/. Fuck, /b/ and /sp/ do it right. It's just /jp/ and /jp/'s lame knockoffs that fail at using greentext.

The true meaning of greentext lies in YOUR POST not in others. It's ironic, because you think that you're quoting others while you're just, in fact, quoting yourself. Yes, greentext can be used when ironically posting a derogatory comment about other posts, but posting while just quoting other posts accomplishes nothing but contribute to spamming the board.

The greentext feature was never meant to serve as quote feature! Why people started using it that way is beyond me. There are plenty of reasons why one would choose to use greentext with his reply. For example, bumping threads with stupid one liner replies should be discouraged and those people should be coerced into using greentext to enlarge and enrich their stories instead.

I want to use greentext, yet I almost never do it on /jp/ because people will jump on me thinking I'm quoting their post or something.

>> No.17247198

>If Touhou was allowed on /a/ or /v/
why not go back there, then? it seems we'd all be happier that way. you can talk about touhou on reddit or whatever if mods delete your threads

>> No.17247271

go back

>> No.17247366

you should tell the culture we "imported foreign concepts from" that too

i dont think they know how to use it

>> No.17247382

I genuinely don't know if people are taking posts like >>17244818 and the second post linked in >>17241840 seriously because they are unfamiliar with the original version, or if they're just playing along. Oh well.

>> No.17247434

It really doesn't matter anymore. Anybody who still hangs out on this board outside the generals is just going through the motions.

>> No.17247633

Life is a series of going through the motions.
