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1941718 No.1941718 [Reply] [Original]

so /jp/, did anyone find this book in .pdf format or (w/e) yet?

>> No.1941724

What about An Integrated Approach to Entry-Level Japanese?

>> No.1941739

Is this supposed to be whats used after Genki 1 and 2? It's from the same publisher so I'm guessing it is.

>> No.1941741

you have 2 volumes of Genki for that.
but after you end the second one, it'd be good to just go on with this

>> No.1941744

this anon is right

>> No.1943370

so no pdf?

>> No.1943474

Someone buy it and scan it. That is how you make PDFs, right?

>> No.1943494

I have the old edition, shit book

>> No.1943500

I think all Japanese books are shit. Every single one of my teachers always says "Well, I can't recommend a book, but we just use..."

Shit sux, and by the time the rise in Japanese popularity spawns actual good books, no one will care heh.

>> No.1943521

I have it too.

Actually, I talk to the author every Friday, and the co-author is my current professor.

Used that book (the old one) over the summer, so I'm pretty much past it...

>> No.1943528

How do you scan a book and make it a pdf within a good size? Whenever I scan pics they turn out to be huge files in themselves, and the 374 pages that this book is would end up being huge

>> No.1943546

lol. mcgloin was my professor for third semester and she's going to be my professor for upcoming sixth semester that starts tomorrow. :p

>> No.1943550


Nice to see you, classmate

>> No.1943552

lolwtf someone is on /jp/?
going to class is going to be awkward

>> No.1943556
File: 10 KB, 233x251, 74r79r7o0rf'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1943593

I have the first edition of this book, and it's not that good. It was OK when I had a teacher who helped me through it, but by itself it might be kind of lame.

Haven't seen the revised edition though.

>> No.1945235


Adjust the dpi settings. 150 ought to be enough and the scan time per scan should be around 3 seconds.

>> No.1945246

REVISED edition?

fuck. and i just went through the entire thing over the summer.

i didn't think it was so bad, but then i was in a classroom and had explanations to go with it.

>> No.1945247

alright, well despite having the old version, I'll give this a try tomorrow. Then I'll see if I can't compile a pdf or something.

>> No.1945251

let me guess, you also have mcgloin sensei tomorrow?

>> No.1945265

no, sorry. but that would be an awesome coincidence.

>> No.1945272

you guys go to university of wisconsin-madison? i read the dust jacket.

>> No.1945276

the new cover sucks. look like a man sticking his arms and legs out.

>> No.1945284

and theres more than i thought. kind of freaky

>> No.1945289

You mean it's not supposed to be?

>> No.1945297

its probably supposed to be an i. the old cover had an i on it too.

>> No.1945299



>> No.1945308
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>> No.1946681

bump because i don't want this thread to die until a pdf is found

>> No.1949162

bump waiting on this anon
