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File: 261 KB, 600x910, 8b616afefb7ab7517625822ee8c9b2ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21736367 No.21736367 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>21703093

ITT: We discuss onaholes, dolls, and every thing else we stick our junk into because using just your hand is for peasants.

The guide: http://pastebin.com/hwhGL66a
It was cleaned up and updated.

- Protip: Ctrl+F "06. Recommendations" in the guide to get a good list of beginner friendly holes -

Please read the guide, use the archive, don't shitpost. Follow global and local rules. Don't reply, report and ignore instead.

Length, girth, budget and geographical location are extremely important in determining your next best course of action!

Please refrain from creating new threads till page 10

>> No.21736442

Since queencat is dead where can I get a romanesco now? I missed out before they closed down, but I heard the hard version is very good.

>> No.21736967

Anyone else got bored of their onahole and went back to just jerking off because it's so much more convenient?

>> No.21736974

dont leave her alone, man!

>> No.21736990

if I go awhile without, the onahole experience is better, constantly using it causes it to not feel much better

>> No.21737080

Use a different one.

>> No.21737145
File: 41 KB, 630x869, 1499090354951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently bought me first onahole, Magic Eyes Gokusai Monster Alraune due to a monster girl fetish. Anymore monster girl themed onaholes I should buy?

>> No.21737147

She's so sweaty.

>> No.21737250 [DELETED] 
File: 307 KB, 993x1414, ET064_6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just ordered Scylla from Enjoy Toys. It's a cheap one, so I'm not expecting much.

>> No.21737383
File: 38 KB, 355x318, Air pillow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i ordered this along with a cat girl cover what onahole should i pair with it

>> No.21737753

can we get photos later?

>> No.21737792

when it arives

>> No.21737807 [DELETED] 


>> No.21737820

hand feels inferior, I feel like I wasted a fap when I don't do it with an onahole

>> No.21737883
File: 12 KB, 205x336, 15198424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in need of onaholder?

>> No.21737950

What is the name of the new PuniAna DX? Is it still PuniAna DX?

>> No.21737966
File: 157 KB, 969x1000, ET064-3_14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess my post got deleted because booby, but going to suggest Scylla again. Hopefully this time the jannies don't have a spasm.

>> No.21737972
File: 306 KB, 1100x1280, onahole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my first whats yours

>> No.21738350

Is amazon ordering discreet or is my 20lb package of pussy and ass going to show up on my card history?

>> No.21738358

It shows up as 'Amazon' like everything else you order from them.

>> No.21738376
File: 562 KB, 597x669, Screen Shot 2019-07-21 at 1.41.58 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

milk bottle ona

>> No.21738377

You worried the CIA niggers are going to figure out you've been buying plastic pussy?

>> No.21738460

Maybe a little.

>> No.21738488

The cover looks very nice

>> No.21739201

That's a very well drawn asshole

>> No.21739260


>> No.21739708

i wish they had more non-novelty gay oneholes

>> No.21739747
File: 96 KB, 605x994, UPPP051_18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1st non tenga egg style purchase. I probably picked something shitty if so I will treat it as a learning experience

>> No.21739782

its a bit small but ok stimulation

>> No.21739874

Anyone who owns or has owned a Nui Doll can share they experiences or pics? Has anyone ever tried to sew a cloth head to it?

>> No.21739914
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>> No.21739920


>> No.21740046

How many of you have gone the distance and just outright bought a loli doll?

>> No.21740191

a guy in canada did once...
theres a poster in /b/ that posts his loli dolls. they have giraffe necks lololol he got like 5 or 6 of them

>> No.21740216

plenty on ali, if you just want a cheap one to sperg out on
order from a store that ships from your own country so it doesn't have to go through customs

>> No.21740230

can do special orders at some stores too.

>> No.21740279
File: 765 KB, 2688x1512, 1558310892911DS145+.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any eng/jp doll bloggers like https://wiassplus.blog.fc2.com/?
his fucking ARTE145+ is boner inducing

>> No.21740289
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>> No.21740308

Is it good?

>> No.21740329
File: 116 KB, 1000x1000, 61s4mKzs11L._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, really good.
I have around 30 onaholes now ever since and I still go back to Nikuman from time to time.
I'd compare it to ToysHeart's R20, except with much more stimulation because of those hundreds of protruding bits inside Nikuman that slides all over your head and shaft.

>> No.21740342

Ohh so queencat made videos too huh. That was nice. sad to see these guys/gals close.

>> No.21740389

card and gmail...

>> No.21740392

wtf. thats old model that was discontinued
I wasted too much money on eggs (which were not that good) that I could use on proper onahole.

>> No.21740395
File: 726 KB, 800x800, 5a94ea23N9cf97881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overcharged. 10 dollar with 40 USD price tag in my local vendor. Online shopping isn't an option back then. Average(?) compared to what I have now.

>> No.21740418

Anyone eve tried the MouMou? it's between that or Niku Man for my next one

>> No.21740428

I bought my first onahole like five months ago, and I've only used it like three times. Cleaning up is a big hassle, I'm always afraid I'm going to break it or miss a spot. I also barely have any privacy to use it. How often do people usually use their onaholes?

>> No.21740431

I bought some microfiber towels.
Do I really need to powder this thing or is letting it dry with a towel inside good enough?

>> No.21740437

Almost every day. Have a couple hips and 10 onas. Just put them in a drawer. Cleaning is easy, just use warm water and hand soap. Finger it, rinse it, finger it, rinse it. Then chopstick with microfiber towel to dry. Takes like two minutes to clean one. Sometimes I'll use three at a time. Don't worry about damaging them, they can usually take a little bit of abuse. The most 'fragile' ones I've got are from Magic Eyes, and it's because they're so soft.

>> No.21740451

>Then chopstick with microfiber towel to dry.
Pointless. Can't believe you fell for the chopstick meme. Just shove a tissue in there it absorbs 1000% better than microshit towels.

>> No.21740467

I basically live in a desert. It works for me. If you live in a humid environment then maybe you would want to put them in an airtight container with silica or something.
I soak them all in the sink for a few minutes with hot water before using them anyway.

>> No.21740659

Yeah maybe if your ona is a smooth tunnel. I've tried the tissue method and all it did was rip the tissue as I tried to remove it from the hole.

>> No.21740682

you need the industrial strength stuff used by auto mechanics, not kleenex

>> No.21740774
File: 2.89 MB, 2000x2810, 53911356_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have two onaholes that are going to arrive Wednesday, but the onatsuyu is not going to arrive until the 30th. I have been nofap for about 5 days now, is it worth it to wait until then to first time experience TPE onahole or should I just go with the Shibari lube for the first time?

The onaholes that are arriving are a cheap knock off on amazon of a mouth onahole for $10 and the macco full swing in motion $45. What should I do? My horniness is not at ravenous levels yet (still am not able to pop a boner without assistance. Maybe I'm just getting too old for fapping.

>> No.21740832

Doll owners how do you keep your wigs from frizzing out?
Stuff like this looks silky smooth while mine are fucking frayed all the time. I sleep with my doll every night I'm wondering if there are others who do the same but still manage to maintain their wigs in good condition. Or should I just buy better wigs? Any suggestions?

>> No.21740850
File: 104 KB, 320x480, 7391704803015_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I the only one who uses this stuff for drying holes? Its like a sponge but flat

>> No.21740911

Just got my chinese made onahole, will my dick fall off if I use it?

>> No.21740931

most likely, I usually only use tissues or towels and it does its job enough
I've been doing it for years now and no mold

>> No.21741128
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>> No.21741456

now im scared onas wont be much better than tenga disposabale stuff...

>> No.21741470

they are

>> No.21741483

so tenga is that much over priced then?

>> No.21741517

yeah tenga are eggs arent good even compared to the cheaper onaholes

>> No.21741799

China makes everything now, dick cancer is in your future whether you fuck it or not.

>> No.21741954

that doll can be gotten on DSdoll or EXdoll as well. not an Arte exclusive(Arte is just the japanses storefront).

>> No.21741967

a mix of fabric softner and water(1/10) helps a lot, there are also specialty wig conditioners and sprays.

>> No.21742153

I want to buy one, but I'm from South America so I have all sort of uncertainities :(

>> No.21742172

Such as?

>> No.21742231
File: 224 KB, 1080x1080, PicsArt_020202.11.06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Buy a lolihole
>can't squeeze into it no matter how hard I try
>apparently my dick is bigger than I thought
>Buy Chimera and R20
>feel great but can't bottom them out unless I stretch them really hard
>Chimera tears while I'm using it
>Buy a hip (Niku-Man 2200)
>just bad
>had to go really hard to feel anything
>ended up making a hole on the top
Turns out I'm 9.5" long hard, pretty girthy
never measured it before because I thought I was average
I've blown so much money on this, am I just cursed to using my hand?

>> No.21742441

Like will the shipping be more expensive, or will the customs retain it (since I'm not sure about the laws and can't find much info). Stuff like that.

>> No.21742492

why do you need onahole, just write your measurements in tinder profile and fuck sluts or apply to brazzers

>> No.21742502

Post a video of you trying to use a loli hole lol

>> No.21742511

This haha
Wouldn't it be funny?
N-no homo

>> No.21742603
File: 169 KB, 1000x1000, fuwa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another prostate toy post since I'm a complete gay but its also ona related. I'm going to pick up the fuwa fuwa cyun from g-project (will review it later) and was wondering what other good holes they might have.
Which one of these is better?

>> No.21742932

Because only a faggot would want to fuck a 3DPD ho, I genuinely have zero attraction to them
I threw it away
The last time I tried using it, it ejected off my dick and spilled lube over the floor and that was the last straw
I had that one, it's somewhat painful on the dick (especially the head) and leaves you a bit numb.

>> No.21743106
File: 73 KB, 426x399, 1427253204305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't take reviewers seriously because they are all into dick bullies
Like, damn are you going to literally rate anything that is soft as shit because of your damn death grip?

>> No.21743143
File: 860 KB, 908x908, 1560429761789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I wasn't even surprised to see soft variants of a toy in Amazon JP have 3 stars on average of reviews while the harder variant was 4.5 or higher, and why I bought a soft one anyway. Around 95% of the bad reviews I see about soft onaholes is someone saying they can't feel anything. I'm sure there are people out there who are naturally insensitive just as there are those who are overly sensitive, but it does seem like most people who review these things have some sort of death grip while I'm here enjoying the hell out of my onahole softer than the most tender veal I've ever eaten.

>> No.21743186

Literally had someone tell me their first time with someone was not so great because they couldn't feel much of anything. Like I think onas have hit their closest they are going to get in terms of feeling, but aren't going to ever be rated well unless done by someone who is sadly, very sensitive.

>> No.21743254
File: 1.64 MB, 3264x2448, 85375FE0-387B-4A66-8EDB-37E39F206B57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s here and its fucking beautiful, i completely understimated the weight of 4.4kg its heavy as fuck oh god just touching it feels so good

I had to pick it up at customs and the guy opened the package lol

>> No.21743265

Don't leave us hanging. How did your mutual discussion of what you received go.

>> No.21743277

He said, nice and we both giggled then proceeded to double team it while chugging draft beers, happy?

>> No.21743289

uhh well i was trying my best and wasnt really embarassed about it lol buy the guy was a bit akward specially when he looked at all the lubes, he didnt evn open the ona box tho

>> No.21743291


>> No.21743298
File: 1.71 MB, 3264x2448, 62516098-861A-4E13-9141-EA36D6A48973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21743304
File: 1.69 MB, 2448x3264, 1847C5A4-8BC8-45E4-BDC8-CE9D3B30CEA0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish i could upload several pics at once

>> No.21743316

I never liked how the inner thigh looked on that, like it divots inwards and looks too "real"

>> No.21743331

Do you have any other hips?
My Suffering Sage came with a similar styrofoam packaging. Keep the bottom portion, and stand it up on it so the pussy is facing the floor, makes draining it after you wash it very easy.

That's the best part, why I want it now lol.

>> No.21743346

amazon seems to have killed off every doll page thats under 5ft tall

>> No.21743390

not surprising with their kneejerk reaction to satisfy the masses

>> No.21743407

Arm shot

>> No.21743428

Anyone know of a place that sells this product in the USA?

>> No.21743437
File: 71 KB, 960x1280, photo_2019-07-22_17-46-43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, in fact this is my first ona so i wanted to try some fancy hip, i still havent fucked it but in size/weight/material looks really great

as lube i got onayu&puniana thick, got also some babypowder and some "real scent of school girl" fragance shit, i wonder what the customs guy thought because he couldn't stop looking at that little bottle.

i'll stop flooding now sorry

>> No.21743469

You're not flooding man, thanks for the info. I was looking at the full body one because it's just a little more and has the skeleton and tits. Any reason you didn't go for that?

>> No.21743502

9.5 inches ? just hang a fucking sign on it that says "yep, its real" and buy a stick so you can beat the uglier women away from your mighty mighty penis.

seriously take a picture of it to memorialize your transition from /jp/ ona to being a god amongst man. im a dude i just want to see a penis 2x the size of mine heh. no homo

>> No.21743505 [SPOILER] 
File: 307 KB, 767x1000, 1563831917825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21743534

fleshlight might handle length, check first

>> No.21743542

Completely agree with you guys.
its hard to find quality softs when its like that

>> No.21743567

why get just vibration (e.g. boring)
when you can get rotation too
not sure how good the rotation or vibration is on that one. i'm looking for a good rotating (or movement at all really) one to battle my prostate.
not gay but prostate is man gspot and all these people are missing out by not ramming it hard.

>> No.21743582

they could at least make it look like a real pussy instead of a coin slot

>> No.21743594
File: 1.09 MB, 2528x3550, 7684b8f8bbe030ead4b6256c71e60de8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, the only full body one that seemed interesting and from a good quality was the Miracle but that one+ the shipping made it too expensive for me, there were similar ones with full torso etc but they were really cheap and looked like chinese garbage and the other ones such as Puni Ana SPDX/Puni Fuwa Mochi etc seemed really lolish and small for my taste.

I wanted to have the biggest ass possible with round&firm butt cheeks and this one looks really good. At first i thought about getting the リアルボディ極生腰6.3Kg but the butt cheeks doesnt look round and good as i like, i still have to test it tonight so i will update later how good it really is.

>> No.21743675


What about this one? Seems to move.

>> No.21743768

Did you look him in the eye and smile when he handed your stuff to you?

>> No.21743774

Me too. Place an ona next to it for reference.

>> No.21743786

They guy is baiting. There is no way someone with a 9.5" cock thinks it's average.

>> No.21743837
File: 63 KB, 800x1200, EAF8H6rUwAA78kX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These fabric dolls open for preorders.

>> No.21743932

Seems like a grossly deformed Angelic doll anyone ever tried those?

>> No.21744245
File: 259 KB, 1462x2048, EAHweHIUwAEC1bz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, it looks more like they greatly inflated the breasts of those dagmar dolls

>> No.21744275

how was that onahole called uhhg.. the one that had several holes in it.. that was like a ball

>> No.21744316

The seven holed one? It's on toydemon. Each entrance is only like 3in though.

>> No.21744343

i know i just want a pic of it, not gonna buy it.

>> No.21744354

What do you guys clean the holes with? I think I got a mild infection right under my head.

Also what's good on an infection like that?

>> No.21744361

Would you help me find it anon i can't see it

>> No.21744475

Yeah, looking now. My internet is very very slow though, so give me some time.
For now, here's one I saw earlier that I thought was interesting. Append this to the end of the kanajo website. Can't format it without the site saying it's spam.

>> No.21744505
File: 13 KB, 540x558, cute-girl-sex-life-onahole-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That one looks as if it had shit inside kek

I found a pic on "tokyokinky" anon so don't worry about it


>> No.21744516

i wouldnt have found it if i didn't search for orgy onahole so thank you anon

>> No.21744530

No worries. The one with the three (maybe four?) holes intrigued me because it's larger, and has different sized holes. Something that might actually be a good gimmick ona.

>> No.21744536


>> No.21744670

the video looks interesting. small movement but its there. was looking for more. could work?

good luck. that looks pretty large.

>> No.21744685

take a picture of the infection

>> No.21744706

Warm water and soap. Also take a shower afterward to clean my dick and the lube off my groin.
If you have an infection, use some diluted rubbing alcohol to kill any bacteria.

>> No.21744853
File: 432 KB, 708x1000, 3cdb6942230b029ac3dd67ff1f1aec84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21744879

No one ever says that though, they just legitimately say tissue paper and I'll look at those posts like they're fucking retarded.

>> No.21744893

well you need to get some common sense bud. tissue paper cant even take a sneeze let alone scrubbing a textured tube full of your creamy goo.

>> No.21745274
File: 73 KB, 1280x690, bg.01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any richfag take the plunge yet?

>> No.21745293


>> No.21745302

That's not the a10 piston SA

>> No.21745314

What's the difference?

>> No.21745328

Everything, the regular piston is like 100 bucks compared to the new one, which you can only find it for preorder for about 500.
It has a shittone of modes, syncing, and this weird cylindrical tube thing that you can move and it will sync with your movements. Also is probably built 10x better and is quiet like the a10 cyclone.

>> No.21745356
File: 265 KB, 900x675, yandere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought this without thinking. What am I in for?

>> No.21745375

Is that the VAA hard?

>> No.21745382

Its the Yandere onahole

>> No.21745651


>> No.21745752
File: 221 KB, 1342x688, 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp, I fucked up and fell for the (((approved))) meme. At least with ali you get what you pay for. I was in way too much of a hurry to get my hands on a doll. I had only started looking at them a few weeks ago. And then instead of documenting my issues and demanding a refund, I moved her about, dressed her up, and messed around. Still pretty cool, will definitely be buying more. Top of the wishlist is Sanhui's Marya. Also really want one of those 100cm height/bust.

>> No.21745798

You did, you got what you paid for. I guarantee you- you could go buy a nice wig, some doll supplies and some stencils for less than 1,160 dollars, which is what you saved. That's what those companies are charging 1k extra for. Sex-doll eyes are 11 dollars on amazon. You could get everything on the pick on the left for 100 bucks or less, and get a few fun outfits and still be way under their ridiculous prices.

Besides, does anyone actually find this shit attractive? Id rather watch porn anyways, I assume this shit is for the feeling of it.

>> No.21745814

I'm also well-endowed. My length isn't enough to be problem, but I'm super girthy (16cm). It took me awhile to appreciate onaholes. Using one wasn't satisfying unless I was at a 10/10 hardness erection, and going even a little bit flaccid made the experience meh.

The only real trick I figured was to fuck it using a hands-free method. The combo of using my hips and not sitting down makes it easy to keep a diamond hard dick and give the pleasure a chance to build up. Also, it removes the temptation to bang the shit out of the hole, since that's a lot of work.

>> No.21745940
File: 176 KB, 560x519, pregnancy_body_pillow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How hard would it be to convert this into one of those hands free body pillows that I can stick my onahole into and hump/fuck? Has anyone ever done it?

>> No.21746028

so what are the issues? whered you buy it from? how much?
you need some lip gloss lol

>> No.21746162

I'd get the Shibari. They are both good, but different. It will be like having two versions of the same onahole.

>> No.21746255

any good toys for hugging

>> No.21746419

A feminine /jp/sie boytoy.

>> No.21746589

I just use a regular pillow.

>> No.21746639
File: 1.99 MB, 360x200, 1408619449310.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry. japs cant even make proper kissing one...

>> No.21746652

Where do I order

>> No.21746686

Daimaoh via a forwarding service

You don't NEED to, but if you do, only powder the outsides. Harder exterior onas need less powder and softer ones need more. Helps repel dirt and stickyness.

coulda avoided all of this if you just read the guide.

>> No.21746834

It's pretty mild and not really visual.


>> No.21746980

Well after probably 2 years of just using my hand i decided to bust out the ol ona. The lid on the plastic storage box was deformed and when i opened it there was a overwhelming stench of rubber pussy. Even after 2 years of no venting and being mixed with a small amount other plastics (lube bottles) they all held up fine aside from being coated in slimy plasticizer(??). I decided to do this properly, got the usb warmer, lubed it up and let the heat soak in for quite a while and listened to some lewd loli asmr to prepare. After that i got ready and pushed my dick in all the way in 1 fast stroke and the hot interior and tight walls almost made me cum just from insertion. I started moving it and it was so intense that i had to stop after only a couple of strokes. But it was too late, i had already crossed the line of no return and i became paralyzed as i came directly into lolinco's tight uterus.
Anyway my dick hasn't felt this good in a long time and i haven't cummed this fast in longer. So thanks my /ona/ anons for making the guide and that spreadsheet and all that shit

>> No.21746987

Just rinse very thoroughly before drying it very thoroughly and should be fine. I use soap every 5 or so uses but I believe you can live without it as long as you do the steps before properly.

>> No.21746999

Also do it with cold water to prevent semen from coagulating, washing with warm water is a meme and only fastens bacteria reproduction rate, you would hit a temperature that damages the ona materials much earlier than a temp that kills the bacteria.

>> No.21747177

This might sound like a stupid question but are there any risks to performing oral/cunninglingus on a (clean) onahole?

>> No.21747190

No, but you might not like the taste and you should wash it afterwards as mouths are a cesspool of bacteria.

>> No.21747442

At one point I was recommended the R-20 here. Well I finally got around to buying the 02 model, but the seller on Amazon failed to ship it/respond to emails, so I guess I'm buying a different pussy. Other than what's in the pastebin recommendations, do you think the R-20 01/02 is still worth trying to get from a different seller/vendor?

>> No.21747662

i bought condoms and am going to attempt this infinite stamina fucking with my spdx like you see it in doujinshi where there are like half a dozen condoms lying around and he is still going wish me luck boys

>> No.21747678
File: 233 KB, 820x1206, 1533206186773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where there are like half a dozen condoms lying around and he is still going
Be ready to be disappointed my man. Like, much earlier than you probably expect.

>> No.21747707

i wish i could still go 8+ times a day, now i can only do 2-3 max (normally only 1)

>> No.21747725

admittedly my nut game is really inconsistent, sometimes i cum in 5 minutes sometimes in 1 hour but this time i am serious. i will do it tomorrow morning before my mri appointment and plan 2 hours in and i will eat and drink very much today so that i have lots of energy tomorrow morning. i will post results tomorrow morning maybe even with proof photos. but do you maybe have any more tips?
>8+ times a day
jesus christ, i never got 8 in a day, most i got was like 4 or something, but then again i like edging for a long time and before i nut i go slower so that i can fuck longer, quality over quantity but this time i try both

>> No.21747749

I think my testosterone levels were completwly fucked during puberty. Im even on a drug that supposedly fucks up testosterone and I would only just call my libido normal.

>> No.21747800
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>what you saved
I meant if I had gone with ali I would've gotten what I payed for instead of being upcharged. It does have a good feel, but I think they can look really nice.

Lots of little scratches here and there which aren't too bad but I'm worried they'll start getting worse and turn into big tears; her chin scratches are pretty bad but doesn't come out in the camera. Head shape is off but not too bad. Body shape is pretty good. Eyes and wig are pretty bad but like that guy said you can just get better ones. I was planning on checking out the local wig ship, but I'm worried that the old lady who runs it will judge me.

The biggest issue is the bolt in her foot is far off center of the hole it's supposed to come out of so it digs into the foot whenever she stands up. AS doll for a bit over 1200. Wouldn't recommend.

>> No.21747803
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>> No.21747815


>> No.21747819

daki unironically

>> No.21747981

I mean, my max in a day has been 7, but that's with my hand. Onaholes tend to leave me a lot more satisfied so I really can't see myself going at one more than twice in a day, perhaps 3 if I were really bored.

>> No.21747992

there is new one? I know that there is new Seventeen but not r20

>> No.21747999

On Amazon I saw listings for the original R20 I had known about for a while, but there was another R20 with an 02 in the bottom right corner. People in the reviews were talking about how it compared to the original R20.

>> No.21748050

>people jacking off more than once a day
For what purpose? Even daily it doesn't feel that good. Every other day is the sweet spot of it feeling the best.Then again I also do it for 2~ hours and end up sore after.

>> No.21748056

I rarely do it more than once every three days these days, but yeah, there have been days in the past where I was really bored out of my mind and it was just one of those weeks where you are hornier than usual, so I just kept popping up porn and fapping to pass the time.

>> No.21748070

if you are cut this is probably why it does not feel good for you

>> No.21748101

Depends. Some days I'm too tired from work, and just want to get drunk and pass out. Other days I have free time and I'll cum 2-3 times.

>> No.21748146

unrelated push pump iron then wank, its a nice feeling

>> No.21748196

yeah getting old sucks.

>> No.21748208

pillow cant hug back
now seriously shop for some good ones?

>> No.21748264

Not that Anon, but why would it in regular circumstances? I've fapped a bunch of times in a day and I'm cut, still felt good. In fact my orgasms strangely feel better the more consecutive times I do it in a day.

>> No.21748288

mostly because he said it does not feel good. hood of the penis protects the head of the penis from your pants and underwear. wish i saved that image thats cut vs uncut but the head of the penis is just a lightning rod of feeling and tingling from the moment of insertion up to 10-15 seconds after pulling out

>> No.21748298

Oh yeah, I don't deny that it reduces sensibility, but I don't see why it would necessarily make a second fap in a day not pleasurable at all just because it's cut.

>> No.21748418

Not in the reply chain, but I think somone mispoke. If you're uncut, then multiple faps will make you sore quick if you do them too close to each other.

>> No.21748439

Is it soap really necessary? Which one should i get

>> No.21748442

im 21

>> No.21748455

Im uncut and i really wouldn’t jerk off more than two times a day and even left some days without fap, i don’t want to go so hard on my peepe

I think like its the contrary, if you are cut you will fap more since your dick is not that sensible

>> No.21748462

For cleaning? Just use hand soap.

>> No.21748524

Get something with a nice scent.

>> No.21748526

Oh okay, I can see that being the case.

>> No.21748741
File: 1.58 MB, 4496x3000, DSC_0086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i keep telling people the ali shill is full of shit

a cheap doll is going to be built and look like cheap ass, but will still serve its purpose.

it would be worth looking into a heatgun or some TPE repair supplies just to prevent tiny issues from becoming big.

>> No.21748831

not sure it's such a bad thing to not need to JO multiple times a day.

>> No.21748893

It's a natural biological sign that you're useless.

>> No.21749115

I've been useless, even when I was jerking off constantly

>> No.21749286

im the one from the hip and it's really really stimulating from both holes, i can't compare it to other onas but i've never had such stimulation on my dick before, cumming feels so extreme

>> No.21749341

I think he's saying that he bought from an approved vendor though. The issue here is that he fell for the photoshopped pictures. Potential doll buyers have to take those pictures with a a handful of salt, they've been photoshopped and arranged to look better than they really are. The best thing one can do before buying a doll is to email the potential vendor and ask for factory images of the model you're looking at. The vendors will usually send you a bunch of pictures from previous customers as a sample.

>> No.21749397

lmao those fucking hands

>> No.21749453
File: 333 KB, 1331x998, IMG_20181223_043827359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doll hands are pretty much pipe cleaner wrapped in tpe

>> No.21749458

You should become an onahole for a real /jp/sie bull.

>> No.21749517

ahh i missed that it wasnt ali but some other low cost doll.

>> No.21749529

For some reason realistic dolls with faces give me a very repulsive uncanny feeling, anyone knows a good full body "cloth" doll without a face I can still dress and try wigs on?

>> No.21749624

people say antibacterial I would go for unscented soft or something without many fragrances and other additives
for example Toydemon straight up advises against soap and goes only with toy cleaner so who fucking knows

>> No.21749629

its free drug.

>> No.21749649

Do Tomax very soft holes have a record of splitting on people? Got a replacement for my old busted lilith regular, went with a very soft this time because they were sold out of soft, but the damn thing just split on me after a week of use. Wasn't even using my hands when it went, just thrusting at it propped against the desk.

>> No.21749664

Try thrusting with less force next time. Softer tends to mean less tough.

>> No.21749718

tomax holes can have qc issues just like other brands. 2 out of the 3 holes of theirs that i've bought turned out to be duds but that 3rd one lasted forever.

>> No.21750105

yeah 1200 is a lot for a doll imo.
sure theres some wankers on here spending that or double for a good doll.

just forget the price for now and enjoy what you have. figure out a wig. most of the doll's wigs i saw on ali had braided hair. braided = less frizz nonsense.

get nail polish for those nails. granny smith apple flavored lip gloss you can lick off. etc. some sexy outfits and pantyhose / thigh high stockings. plus panties panties and more panties brah.
buy some perfume that all the high schoolers wear and spray down the clothes. keep her clothes away from yours so she always has a different smell to you.
dont just bend her over a table, LOVE HER! LOVE HER WITH ALL YOUR MIGHTY PENIS.

>> No.21750111

then take pictures of her all dressed up and posing for /ona/ like a good boi.

>> No.21750123
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>> No.21750137

Actual soap sounds like a bad idea. Soaps are highly reactive chemicals and not something I want lingering around my specially-cured TPE. It would probably be fine if you were very careful to flush all soap residue completely out of the toy, but I just wouldn't risk it.

>> No.21750268

How about baby wash?

>> No.21750407

i use hand soap

>> No.21750558

Got a Puni Fuwa Mochi 2000 recently, about a week ago. Wanted to share my 2 cents for /ona/ in case others are considered it.

>weight and feel are its top selling points
>two holes
>really easy to clean

>not very stimulating
>not great if you're big. i'm not huge but If I go balls deep my head sticks out a bit
>easy to rip

The box art is really nice, as well as the added items like the lube and panties, but overall I'd say it's a little overwhelming. It's more than fine as a first time hip but for the price I'm sure there are better options (I paid more than $100 for mine including s&h).

>> No.21750645

>but overall I'd say it's a little overwhelming

You mean underwhelming right?

>> No.21750657

yes, sorry, didn't proofread

>> No.21750851
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>> No.21750894
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Really comfy with all the softness. Hugs your dick really nicely, although it has a ton of features so it can also leave your dick a bit sore if you go for long, though the softness mitigates that a lot.

>> No.21750912
File: 51 KB, 522x522, 71ZxmEzm33L._SX522_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got it for pretty cheap back in December.

>> No.21751001

Any anons take the plunge and buy a doll? If you did, which did you get and how much was it? Is buying a doll "too far gone"?

>> No.21751061

rEAD tHE thReAD!!

>> No.21751308

Guys, anyone have that link from Amazon.jp that sold some towels in sticks? it was perfect for cleaning, otherwise i was thinking about making ones myself

>> No.21751511

>Toydemon straight up advises against soap and goes only with toy cleaner
Of course they do...

>> No.21751528

I don't have the link, but it was like $10 for three of them. Cheaper to just buy some chopsticks, superglue, and a towel. You can make a dozen of them for that.

>> No.21751603

I have the regular version, and it is way over priced. It's even worse for people that live in the EU, there it's like 90 euros. Would be ok if it was $40 or 30 euros. The Full Swing by Maccos is a better onahole, same size, and priced decently.

>> No.21751724

im the ali guy, bought a doll off ali. they sent wrong head but for $450 shipped (from my own country, no customs and fast) its interesting. i wanted it because it has arms and legs and can do hands free. onas you still have to pin down.

search for 168cm or 158cm
hit "ship from (your country)"

here is the store i bought mine from
check out all the bad feedback. a lot of these people selected the cheap 100cm doll price, and were angry when they got the cheap 100cm doll they paid for.

but they could also send you the wrong size. who knows. all i know is i got the one i paid for when it was on sale.

look at various stores before you buy. talk to sellers before you buy . ask for uncensored pics before you buy. ask for what customizations you can get before you buy. make sure you are ready to order, before you buy.

removable vagina / fixed vagina ?
eye color? skin color?
standing model (usually 50$ extra).
metal skeleton means its fucking heavy. not aluminum but steel.

for your other question is it too far? who gets to judge a man? some men build and work on hot rods for hours a week. others buy and work on guns. yet others have stamps or nazi shit. they make thrones and collect herses and matchbox cars and have boxes of comic books in storage. its all 'too far' , but its a hobby like anything else. its only 'too far' if you let it run your life. otherwise its just a doll, just a pillow. as long as you dont marry it and put it in your car so you can drive in the carpool lane heh.

>> No.21751728

>dat before and after shot tho
some people have no chill

>> No.21751755

yeah it looks pretty dang close to the other picture. its like going to mcdonalds and complaining the burger doesn't look like the commercial hahahaha

welcome to advertising 101.

>> No.21751771

I just did a marathon sesh Sunday but real people don't produce doujin-level amounts of cum regardless.

>> No.21751782

this store looks better maybe.

>> No.21751787

i could do multiple times with a girl.
but with an ona i'd lose interest quick.

>> No.21751800
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anyone seen this? says made in korea

>> No.21751831

If anyone's serious about getting a doll that doesn't suck you should browse through the various manufacturers and vendors to get an idea of what's available

I personally have a exdoll and i think it's pretty good

>> No.21751867
File: 9 KB, 184x184, 7c3188f13b092c63e6f03ebe59be8e60e59ced78_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be girly fag who takes care of his skin
>Use really expensive handsoap for myself
>Buy cheap antibacterial supermaket soap for my onas
>Fast forward 4 months
>Get hard whenever I smell cheap soap in pavlovian response

>> No.21752267

Oh good it's not just me then.

>> No.21753296

What happens if I take a Nui Doll and put one of those inflatable dolls inside?

>> No.21753506


How do you feel when you smell your ona soap in the wild anon?

>> No.21753507
File: 256 KB, 1152x864, meiki-cherry-2_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanted the Puni Ana DX Hard, but was sold out
>got the Meiki Cherry 2 instead, and fitting panties
>playing with it is so much fun, probably worth it even without putting it in

>> No.21753518

more pics?

>> No.21753551
File: 239 KB, 1152x864, meiki-cherry-2_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tried it with Smell of Sweaty Student Pussy and came buckets
guess I was lucky I got one that is smooth and not dark skinned and rubbery like a few guys reported

yeah the cameltoe is quite beautiful
had to get the smallest panty size I could find online (86), for maximum Chris Hansen feels

>> No.21753650

why didnt you get the upgraded S Rank Momo Mocchi 2000? isn't it about the same price and is the newer version

>> No.21753809
File: 158 KB, 1280x720, Overlord-II-01_15.33_2018.01.09_15.21.49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that picture
That looks like a picture of my ass.. if I get a doll I'll never put undies that kind of look like trousers

>> No.21753941

>good luck finding a sexy slip in toddler size
dolls have more options I guess

>> No.21754383
File: 136 KB, 900x785, a5c0007853e97aeb608a9ca9f52e1255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mexanon here back from a ban. My (second) order of Goku Hida Virgin and Maccos Full Swing is due today. In general, this stuff is safe to get from amazon.co.jp. Just be prepared for stuff to get damaged by customs. It's happened twice to me already. Amazon covers it and they refunded me both times, but yeah, that can happen.

If you ever need an ona by a specific date (for whatever reason) then amazon.co.jp is not good 'cause customs can always fuck you and split ur ona in half to check there's no drugs inside or whatever it is they do that makes the "undeliverable" message pop up.

>> No.21754432

Those are bloomers at best.
Ban for what? You can get the full swing from US Amazon, and cheaper.

>> No.21754470

I was posting on the JAV general and posted a DVD cover and briefly forgot that you can't actually post porn there.

And I guess it doesn't matter 'cause it's getting here today finally. But the Amazon US publication I found had it at 44 with free shipping (plus a couple of bucks for border crossing)
Whereas the full swing is going to end up running me some 27 dollars with shipping and customs included. So it worked out for me. I can tank waiting for the refund of the previously failed delivery, no prob.

>> No.21754638

Is it as soft though? I don't see anything that says they share the same level of softness.

>> No.21754703
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i could only do it twice, what the fuck
sorry everyone

>> No.21754719
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I told you, Anon. Don't worry though, it happens to all of us and it's commendable that you tried. I could barely pump out a second nut with my onahole last time I tried to go more than once.

>> No.21754776

how to clean the toy then

>> No.21754780

We do recommend using a antibacterial spray or rubbing alcohol to sanitize the onahole after wash.

>> No.21754960

Anyone have experience with Toy'sHeart Bubble Butt? I'm looking to buy a new toy after my puni virgin 1000 Fuwatoro got a bit samey.

Looking for something soooooft and heavy and Bubble Butt looks nice.

>> No.21754980
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I will avenge you, brother. Today I did 3 fairly full condoms only with hand and I will soon start taking vitamins for more cum...

>> No.21755021

i fucked this one 10 days ago and it felt like i fucked razor blades.my dick still hurts a bit and i still don't know why. maybe i didn't use enough lube or something

>> No.21755035

>want to smash the dx
>right now
>but gotta go to work soon
If I don't cum inside is it really that bad to leave her unwashed for 9 hours? It's only lube and maybe sweat or something and I swear it's not gonna become a habit.

>> No.21755040
File: 507 KB, 511x663, doll1p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently using this as it was my first time venturing into the world of onaholes and dolls, but I kinda want to upgrade in the next few months. Any doll manufacturers make dolls with the anime aesthetic?

>> No.21755048

Dude washing ur hole takes an extra 5 minutes

>> No.21755072

Not the DX

>> No.21755079

whats the inner texture?

>> No.21755083

Lots of people complain about Toyheart's materials being rough

>> No.21755092

it's ribbed

>> No.21755126

that's good to hear i'm glad it isn't just me then. honestly it felt really good, better than my other heavier one with hips, probably because of how tight it is. it's just afterwords my dick feels like mincemeat. makes me sad but it isn't worth 2 weeks of dick pain
it also has something at the end of it, i think they were going for a uvula. that might be what causes me pain. but i dunno as it's only the right side of my dick that hurts maybe those crafty chinks put an STD into mine as revenge for hiroshima

>> No.21755128
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razor ribs?

>> No.21755140
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here is a pic from Amazon of it

>> No.21755154
File: 13 KB, 522x522, Amazon2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looking at the other images of it i think i see what the problem here is, it seems to damn near close off near the middle as you can see in this image. the resistance is probably what's fucking my dick up

>> No.21755243

They're here. So this is the second package I've actually received from amazon.co.jp. Like I said: It's safe, but it can take time and fail (but you are refunded definitely).

Only other thing to say is that, whilst customs doesn't go through packages from the US, they DEFINITELY go through the amazon.jp ones. They break the shrink wrapping, they open the box. They do not break the plastic wrapping of the Ona itself, but they do open the box and maybe slide the stuff in and out.

The outside box for this one came quite damaged so maybe that's why dhl couldn't deliver my packages before. IDK if that is customs or just the fly to the country or what.

Anyway, yeah, they're here but sadly I can't fuck them today because I've got work. Expect reviews in the following days.

>> No.21755277

>he doesn't use his imouto's thighs as an onahole whenever he wants

>> No.21755282

What are you, pussy? If you're not risking impregnating your imouto you don't really love her

>> No.21755317

How many "Ounces" of wool does it take to fill it?

>> No.21755386

What are some good ones for small dicks? ~4inch

>> No.21755387

VA Admission

>> No.21755392

any others besides that one?

>> No.21755408

What's the full name? Nikuman, that's it?

>> No.21755557

>Is it as soft though?
It's not as soft as the Magic Eyes stuff, and those are just about useless. I don't recommend any of them unless you are going to use them in a way that can create suction. The bottom line is they are way overpriced.

>> No.21755561

Every review I've seen says that the fuwatoro is so much better that it invalidates the existence of the normal one.

>> No.21755564

Most guides I've seen put the "tits" inside the doll, did you just leave the chest area unfilled and strap then with a bra?
Also wondering this: >>21755317

>> No.21755592

It's still overpriced by 3x. People complain about 'shills' for recommending stuff from other vendors, but for the money the zemalia Gina is the best bang for the buck that's out there. Easiest to clean, fits guys that actually have a dick, easy to store, and it's two onas in one for only 20 bucks. It beats out a lot of the stuff I've tried, and I've spent well over 500 dollars on different things.

>> No.21755597

>1200 is a lot for a doll
lets just go back to 5yrs ago when 10k was low end

>> No.21755608

>fellow exdoll bro
TDF if anything is good for mfg ratings.

heres my quicklist i typically give ppl as well.
doll mfgs
good mid teir dolls, priced 1-3k or so

aikodoll(US based, 60/80cm)

3rd parties(can be cheaper or more expensive, check with the mfg site)

>> No.21755799

The fuwatoro was worth the $50 I spent on it, it's one of the rare holes that I immediately loved after the first use and is the softest hole I've ever owned by a large margin. Cheaper onas being decent shouldn't be a surprise, the entire reason the onahodouga guy shills RIDE's products so hard is that they go for $10-20 most of the time, so their price to performance ratio is fantastic. Open ended holes aren't for everyone though, I personally hate them so I have no interest in even trying the zemalia.

>> No.21755836

any pregnant dolls? asking for a friend

>> No.21755845

That one is pretty firm so you may have just had too much lube or you're using it roughly.

I've used two of their toys and none of them have really given me any problems.

>> No.21755857
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>> No.21755881
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>> No.21755893
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>> No.21755896

christ i never imagined that post op tranny doll vags were a thing

the future is coming too fast too hard too soon

>> No.21755980
File: 165 KB, 309x389, 1538963302243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post op tranny doll vags

>> No.21756010

Had a moment of post fap lucidity and cut all 5 of my onaholes into tiny pieces.
I'm long gone anyways so I don't know why I did it.

>> No.21756103

Sounds like dementia to me.

>> No.21756106
File: 1.18 MB, 2560x1440, IMG_20190724_200844153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ordered Enjoy Toys' Scylla-chan from Amazon JP on this sunday, arrived this afternoon and was delivered by DHL. So it took 3 business days to reach me in the US from Japan. Going to give a quick review.

Cheap. Cost me $9 for the toy and $9 in shipping. At less than $20 delivered I'd say this is one of the best cheap toys you can get.
Neutral, no smell. After a quick bath it smelled pleasant.
Not oily at all. Not very sticky either. Didn't have to cornstarch it to get it back in it's plastic bag when I was finished either, which is impressive to me. I'm one of those "always cornstarch" kinds of guys.
Entrance is comically small, no bigger in diameter than my pinkie finger. Took a lot of effort to get inside.
Tight. Doesn't want me inside of it, but doesn't feel like it's going to tear apart either.
The ribbed "tentacle" section, which is about 70% of the length of the interior, feels really goddamn good. The bumpy end section is ok, I've pretty much accepted that nubs don't excite me.
I like it, but it's almost too small for me to use practically. I managed to cum inside of it but I had to reinsert three or four times which took a lot of the mood away. I wish it was doubled in size and then it'd be perfect. If you have a small dick then definitely get this.

My dick is 8" in length and 4.5" around, roughly. I'm circumcised.

>> No.21756186

Kuribayashi did not die for this

>> No.21756209
File: 118 KB, 683x1024, DSC02670_5d063d0f-ffd4-4102-8339-40287d20d208_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is anime aesthetic? Pretty, young, white girl? There's one that looks like android 18, but don't remember who sells the genuine. Sanhui has a marie rose and a honoka. Piper dolls are pretty cute.

>> No.21756332
File: 359 KB, 672x315, 1524152279308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, it finally happened. Had to throw away my first onahole. It was a Succubus 2D Wavy Ripple, and I loved that toy. Was gonna replace it, but the one US shop that carried them is gone now.

So I need something new. It has to be from a US retailer. I can't import at this time, unfortunately. Can I get some recommendations?

>> No.21756340

thats not post cum brain
thats post-cum-depression

get some help anon. before you just off yourself after your next fap session.

>> No.21756410

i think he means he wants a moe doll.
or just something that looks more like an anime figure than a generic doll (which are most dolls).

imo there arent really any anime dolls that i've seen. you get a doll then get the wig , costume, panties and paint yourself.

that android 18 doll looks pretty fly though

>> No.21756425
File: 634 KB, 1344x2050, 1556039348969.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to upgrade
Is there a second hand market for "cloth-dolls" like the Nui and others like the Venus one's? Is not like selling used Ona's so..

>> No.21756444

what model is this?

>> No.21756625

I passed out and didn't clean my onahole for a whole night, is it ruined?

>> No.21756637

no but watch out for mold

>> No.21756660

Clean it

>> No.21756700

Thanks brehs. I read the guide and I think I'm going to give it a hydrogen peroxyde bath too, just to be sure.

>> No.21756751

How do you guys use your onas? (yeah no shit i imagine) but do you use an onahole while reading some doujins? Do you watch hentai? How do you stimulate yourself?

Specially to those out there with dolls and hips which makes reading a doujin and fapping at the same time a bit difficult, how do you guys have your fap session?

I personally got a hip and i place it in the bed and fuck it while having some static picture i like in the tv, i haven't tried it to fuck in the computer desk, that way perhaps i could read a doujin at the same time.

>> No.21756788

I erp with anons in /trash/ while using the ona like jacking off

>> No.21756805

I used like three packs of poly-fil for the doll. And yeah, I just placed a Busty Aichan on top of the empty chest area and strapped it on with a bra.
Yeah, I just want a moe anime girl instead of a realistic looking doll.
I doubt there is.

>> No.21756824
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Depends on how I'm feeling. Porn is the easiest because it's an instant erection and constant visual stimulation that gets me off really quickly, so I rarely use any porn, be it hentai or doujins, with my onahole, since I like my sessions with one to last and not be like a quick fap I could do with my hand. Most often instead what I'll do is fantasize about my waifu. That takes more effort but it makes me last longer because it's just fantasy and makes me cum harder than anything else. Occasionally I'll ready a static image of her if I feel I need the visual aid but it still comes down to my fantasies for the most part.

If I'm lazy I'll just stroke myself with it, but I prefer thrusting into it because it makes for a more realistic experience as if I were actually having sex, which makes for a better session. My onahole is not a full-sized hip, but not quite as small as the average onahole, so it can be used both ways relatively easily. Requires both hands for stroking myself which is partly what makes using porn I'd need to change or scroll through inconvenient anyway.

>> No.21756881

>tfw my first ToysHeart ona (Lusty Slut) is out for delivery today
Guess I'll be seeing if those complaints are justified later.
Trying to improve muh immersion in VR porn is what led to me trying out onas in the first place, so I usually stick with that.

>> No.21756897 [DELETED] 
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I'm more of a Chito man myself, but I'm glad you've found love, Yuifag.

>> No.21756906
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I'm more of a Chito man myself but I'm glad you've found love.

>> No.21756947

Thank you, Chitofriend. Every day I'm a happier guy for having found her.

>> No.21757089

Miracle DX.

>> No.21757138

I love infernal monkey

>> No.21757236
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Look at this fruitcake.

>> No.21757258
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>Was careless and left a black bunny Suit on my doll for too long
>Stained her crotch and part of her breasts
FUCK I thought I washed it enough times
Do those stain remover creams actually work?

>> No.21757275

What is the bunny suit made out of?

>> No.21757301

I believe it's a poly-cotton blend, though I can't read the chinese on the label

>> No.21757353

>buying chink shit
>not buying your doll clothes made from slovenian orphans

>> No.21757358
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Anything with natural dyed fibers will leech into the doll because of the oils sucking them out.

The only way to prevent this is to use 100% synthetic colored clothing only.

Or white natural non dyed cotton, wool, etc. anything that is not colored will have no pigments to leech out onto the doll.

You can try Painters solvent and apply it to the area with a Q- tip and experiment a bit to see if it removes any stains.

Post before after pics so others can see if it worked for you or not.

>> No.21757363
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>> No.21757373

I usually get white cotton stuff for my doll but really wanted to a dark bunny suit
I'm also a massive jew

>> No.21757536 [SPOILER] 
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Some guy selling his used piper doll for $200 but it looks fucked up

>> No.21757542
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>> No.21757561

Their toys have been fine for me too but it is a common complaint

>> No.21757566

ugh how shameful.
what about a cotton hoodie? will that discolor a doll too?

>> No.21757611
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I probably shouldn't buy anything while I'm horny, right? How often have you guys bought something with your dick only to regret it?

>> No.21757649

Half the onas I've owned over the years. I'm not sure about the exact number, but I'd guess around a dozen onas, totaling to a few hundred bucks in costs.

>> No.21757667
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What is the worst thing that can happen if your onahole has mold and you can't care to clean it? UTI? Something worse?

>> No.21757668

You're always going to regret some purchases even when reading reviews and looking at them. There's only so much you can tell without fucking them.

>> No.21757683

TH has a lot of different materials though. Surely they aren't all hard.

Lusty Slut is my #2 but it's pretty rough, my going for more than an hour or so tends to be bad juju. It's not as stupidly tight as the Virgin Age holes but Safe Skin material is basically rubbery sandpaper and LS is still fairly tight, so you need to be well lubed. Part of what makes it rough for extended use for me is I prefer to stay inside for multiple rounds and cum dries quickly, when I should clean out and relube.

>> No.21757737

>three packs of poly-fil
Isn't that like another $60? So I'm actually paying $120...

>> No.21757767

Uh, $60? I think each pack I bought was like $8.

>> No.21757768

Any ausfags with suggestions for sites? Everything in country looks like crap, am I going to have to order from Japan?

>> No.21757791

I've had onas for about a year now and while they're nice, I've come to want something more substantial to hold on to and cuddle. A TPE or silicone doll would definitely be an overkill (and difficult to store in my small apartment), but I've been curious about other options.
Something like Miracle DX would be almost ideal, though it seems pretty heavy to move around and a pain to maintain, and the impression I've got is that it'd be relatively easy to accidentally damage if I want to sleep with it (particularly since I don't have the disposable income to reliably replace something as expensive).
I've seen people here like Nui Dolls, but I'm a bit skeptical. They seem way too light and just cloth and poly-fil might not be that satisfying. I know you can strap a pair of tits to them, which might help, but I'm also a bit of an assman and I don't think there's anything to be done on that front. Maybe I could mix in different (heavier) filling to give the impression of volume to the important bits, but I don't know how well that'd work or if it would maintain shape properly.
Then there are those dakis with a hole for the ona and option for fake tits and ass. I like the idea in theory but frankly, I'm not sure they actually exist; I've never seen them sold on any sites that aren't shady as fuck and every post about them anywhere seems like a blatant shill/scam artist.
Any thoughts/recommendations?

>> No.21757873

your dick falls off

>> No.21757882
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>> No.21757888
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Don't bother with Maccos holes. I've had 2 now, and they're generally not that good. Very low stimulation because the material is too soft and not dense enough to actually tickle your dick properly. Reviews later, but don't bother unless your dick is very big *and* extremely sensitive. Lacking any one of the two will just leave a disappointing hole.

>> No.21757934

dont bully softs
also circumcised?

>> No.21758017


>> No.21758100

Their Full Swing is the only one I've used that had a noticeable cervix.

>> No.21758189

Hello fellows,
I have a problem, my dick is 4" long and 3,3" in girth and i absolutely can't find a masturbator that fits my needs.

So recently I read about onaholes, and now i wanted to ask for recommendations in this forum.

I just want something thight, everything seems to be too loose.
btw i live in germany

>> No.21758257

This is the tightest thing I've used (over a dozen onas)

>> No.21758268

It's pretty hard to recommend anything specific since a lot of it is very subjective, but you probably want to check the pastebin. It has all the information you need from choosing to maintenance etc. Japanese male sex toys tend to be smaller than western ones so there are plenty of options in that size range.
There's also a spreadsheet there with basic info on various onaholes (such as tunnel length, which is going to be the most relevant factor when choosing: you want something that's within +/- 1 centimeter of your length and other factors of it will fit you just fine) you can use as a starting point. The Japanese sites tend to have good images that should give you pretty good impression of what you're getting into, how large it's going to be, etc. while english ones can be useful for finding more information on the material and such.

>> No.21758314

How is Otona-Sekai these days?
I remember hearing bad things about it a while back, but people seem to be ordering stuff from there now.

>> No.21758321

Man, you weren't kidding. Despite the name, that's one tight bitch, and the feeling of the material was certainly a lot rougher than what I'm used to, having started with a Lilith Uterus regular when I first went through the pastebin. Then again, I went with the included lube so I'll have to try it with others later.
Still came buckets, although I'll have to try to be a bit more gentle when I'm cleaning it since I'm used to TOMAX stuff.

>> No.21758344

I guess r9k wasn't lying about roasties.

>> No.21758424


I actually checked the pastebin and based on commentaries I think i will buy the Virgin Age: Admission HARD version. I really hope that it will be tight and nice.


thanks i will definitely check out the comments on this thing, i just wonder if it is thighter than Va:a or even va:a Hard.

>> No.21758445

It is, I have the VAA also.

>> No.21758555

what doll is that

>> No.21758677 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.21758924

Enjoy your ban

>> No.21759423

/doll/ anon here, you can buy wig conditioner for this purpose. There are specialty products for styling them as well, but given the size of the average doll in /ona/ you might need a fair bit.

>> No.21759638

>those scraggly, scraggly pubes
Anyone who buys a heavily-used fuckdoll is a degenerate an order of magnitude below everyone here.

>> No.21759894

I've looked into life sized dolls and damn, some of them look pretty fucking good nowadays. Too bad about the 2500 bucks price tag. Anyone have one or thinking about getting one at some point? Will they ever get cheaper?

>> No.21759952
File: 212 KB, 998x1331, IMG_20181206_164825925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2500 bucks
shop around more, they are anywhere from 500-3000 these days. variance on new model, last years model, the manufacturerererer and vendor. i will admit a 500 dollar doll will be small like 100~cm

>have one
im on my fourth right now. 3 from amazon, 1 from sanhui

>will they get cheaper
like cars, the new model dolls are generally expensive and takes a year for price drops or so.

doll pictured is from this vendor

>> No.21759986
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Oh you're right, there's a bunch on aliexpress. Is there a downside to a doll like pic related (https://www.aliexpress.com/item/NEW-168CM-Japanese-Real-Life-Silicone-Sex-Doll-Big-Breast-Love-Doll-Full-Size-Sexy-Dolls/33038250046.html?spm=a2g0o.detail.1000023.7.36801386WGsYsG)? It's probably the best looking one I've seen so far and costs anywhere from 300-500 depending on the size and I can even get it shipped from within the EU. I'm just worried about the Chinese quality. Any good trusted sellers in that price range? I find most stuff on that amazon link kind of ugly looking to be honest.

Also are loli dolls legal?

>> No.21760023

i bought a cosplay outfit there once and it was total crap. plus people over the ages saying no to ali. i think scrolling up somewhere in this thread or last is someone with a bad experience with an ali doll.

fuck even in /b/ i seen some that look half melted on arrival something out of a horror movie or the offspring of Harold from Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark

>> No.21760180

>are loli dolls illegal?
my friend also wants to know this, not me tho no way haha! that'd be weird to own haha! i wouldn't want one! but seriously does anyone know so i can tell my friend who isn't me?

>> No.21760201

What country?

>> No.21760208

my friend lives in burgerland

>> No.21760212


>> No.21760220

where's the highest quality place to browse for them?

>> No.21760227

Not sure. Anon in the doll breads on /b/ mentions catdoll and hgdoll I think. I've not looked for them, just found them an odd curiosity, so I don't know the urls.

>> No.21760230


>> No.21760233

Is loli in general legal there?

>> No.21760278

>4kg is heavy
dude, start lifting.

>> No.21760295

kind of funny people would never buy a used ona/doll but they would fuck a woman who has had sex with multiple dudes.

in b4 "muh vagina cleans itself" ok yeah dna stored forever.

>> No.21760329

i have no clue, in a quick google search I get one law quotation saying the depiction of minors in sexual activies is illegal, even if it's fiction and then another one saying that it's fine as long as it's fiction. is a doll the same as a sexual picture or video though? no idea. people are pretty narrow minded here so it's probably more illegal than not, but i'm not sure how enforced it is and what would happen if i shipped one. packages aren't checked within the eu, usually.

>> No.21760358

It's heavy for an onahole, innit

>> No.21760367

even though it says silicone, its tpe.
metal skeleton is heavy, its steel not aluminum.
common complaint is that they drill the holes in weird angles or positions.

quality is quality, just make sure if you want the 168cm doll you pay the 168cm doll price. people click the 100cm doll price and are upset they get a 100cm doll when the 168cm doll is in the picture.

>> No.21760390

I store my onas in plain boxes on the topmost shelf of a wardrobe when I have guests over so I would have to do quite a bit of that.

>> No.21760414
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thats the store that sent me a doll with closed eyes. doll body was correct.
not sure if i got both vagina and anus hole. seller said silicon might have re-sealed. my doll is in another castle right now so i cant investigate.
having arms and legs is really nice. not sure why people love these expensive quad amputee torsos heh

>> No.21760423
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>> No.21760429
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i circled it for the seller but he never responded :(

>> No.21760459

you dont have a wallsafe? psh

>> No.21760503

Wtf the eyes aren't the only problem with that. The face is not even close. Pretty sure they photoshop the pictures and the doll you get is never the same.

>> No.21760534

also motsu got some new stuff but its torsos and tits. damn

>> No.21760537

That doll looks nice, I love the huge tits. Can you post your other dolls? I’m currently looking at https://www.amazon.com/You-Me-Big-Lifesize-Mannequins-Lifelike/dp/B07BHLFVTB/ref=mp_s_a_1_6?m=A287YWDGXQVL86&marketplaceID=ATVPDKIKX0DER&qid=1564083390&s=merchant-items&sr=1-6

>> No.21760549

>year 2019 in the name of our lord
>still no bodyheat warm torsos or dakimakuras to cuddle

>> No.21760570
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These dolls apparently have heating

>> No.21760599

Don't buy cheap chink knockoffs off ali or amazon if you care about quality.

>> No.21760605

Are there good sellers in the 500 bucks range?

>> No.21760614

they look pretty good on there. do you think USA customs would give..my friend any trouble?

>> No.21760662

Legal in the US except for Florida, Kentucky, and Tennessee.

>> No.21760682

Are there any good electronic masturbators you guys would recommend?

I know of the Rends, The Flip Zero and Octopuss, but you just never really hear anything or see any good reviews.

I really wanna try something automatic but none of them are cheap enough to buy on a whim.

>> No.21760701

If you're just a 2d lolifag I'd reconsider buying something that can condition you into finding real kids attractive. If you're already a pedo then you do you.

>> No.21760768

>that can condition you into finding real kids attractive

>> No.21760814
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My other doll is like 4.5ft tall and i cant find the seller or the body type anymore since it was like 3 years ago

let those types of people go, they are on the same tier as old grandma and granddad bible thumpers who thought reading moby dick can send you to hell or someshit. or a troll who knows what they are doing for a laugh
