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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 53 KB, 499x636, read more or else.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23215358 No.23215358 [Reply] [Original]

do your reps... or else

guide: https://itazuraneko.neocities.org
easy books free till 4月5日: https://yomeruba.com/news/entry-9838.html
previous thread: >>23206083

>> No.23215374
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>> No.23215427
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>> No.23215612

十 廿 卅


how do i read 一〇 and 十

>> No.23215642
File: 193 KB, 380x356, profile picture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there any way to download those free books

>> No.23215769





>> No.23215861

in a pandemic it's safer for everyone if you act like you're sick this is why america is fucked cause people have no sense of community and trying to stop the spread cuz "lol im not sick so i can do whatever i want! without realising their selfish actions are helping the spread

>> No.23215951

production of masks in china has been 115 million a day since the end of february so you're wrong lol

>> No.23216266

hey now dont dream
its over

>> No.23216350
File: 53 KB, 1221x332, 1556354056208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uuuhh hello? based department?

>> No.23216405

male voice in the core2k deck is cute です

>> No.23216411


>> No.23216431

filtered jamal a month ago lol

>> No.23216475

for me, it's ride on time

>> No.23216520

for me, it's merry go round

>> No.23216556
File: 2 KB, 241x37, 1575667926235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no

>> No.23216572

pretty lame, i liked the one with gay intro more

>> No.23216586

only got 4 hours of sleep so i have a headache meaning i can't even capitalize on the fact i've waken up early to be more productive so i don't even feel like doing my anki reps which i have NEVER missed and since i always do anki reps before getting input that means i haven't watched any episodes of anime yet today.

basically this is a huge fucking disaster.

>> No.23216592

suck it up stupid pussy ass bitch

>> No.23216601
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>> No.23216624

dont worry ill take a ban for that one

>> No.23216646

is the ぽっちゃり/むちむち jav-tag djt approved?

>> No.23216658


>> No.23216806

somebody was looking for this in the previous thread

>> No.23216885


>> No.23216926
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>> No.23216974



>> No.23216983


>> No.23217025

always do the opposite of what jamal says

>> No.23217043

good shit jamal, keep up the fight
im just waiting for the moment this faggot janny leave me no other option, but to use lethal force during a self defense situation

>> No.23217217
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>> No.23217299

can you be more specific?

>> No.23217484

thank you

>> No.23217537

Do you really understand? I thought he should have mentioned その there was just a filler.

>> No.23217550

have a feeling だから着ろって言ったんでしょっ is used a lot in todays nukige

>> No.23217680

>その there was just a filler.
it isn't, it refers back to what she said
その意味, as in the 意味 that she implied

>> No.23217727

Technically at least 4 years.
100% if the first part is his name, 50% if not.

>> No.23217731

>if the first part is his name

>> No.23217769


what's even the point of anime if it doesn't look and sound like this any more

>> No.23217783

the """hardest""" part of that clip is literally transcribed on the guys' face

>> No.23217801
File: 92 KB, 415x317, PutAllMyMoneyontheFX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it said 店長 or something like that, but I'm hardly surprised that I'm wrong.
Maybe it was べんちょう, but that doesn't seem like a common name either.
Mind elucidating me?

>> No.23217813

i just watched it... this is truly a calvin moment.
6 months. all of it...

>> No.23217814 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 562x674, ふたりで遊ぶ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23217839

OK then I'll just remain the same level of retard that I currently am.

>> No.23217879

Okay, guys. I cannot do this anymore. Anki is the worst thing I can think of.
Be serious, is it possible to learn Japanese without Anki?

>> No.23217894

Oh, so it was 店長.
I can understand the hangup honestly. I didn't think twice about the name of a manager being "manager", but I doubt that's the norm.

>> No.23217898

just seen けいれん for the first time in kana in nukige

>> No.23217905

its fucking written on his glasses, retard

>> No.23217977

whats so bad abut it

>> No.23218001

i shouldnt mine 鉄則 right? it's too obvious. sometimes i catch myself wanting to mine shit like this though.

>> No.23218094

actually, no. im saying i have a real problem and i still do my best with what i can. youre just a lazy ass. not only with anki, youre probably like this with anything.
if i had to say something, it would be the complete opposite of what you understood.

>> No.23218098

no he's trying to cope by pretending that the problem is out of his control when in reality he's just a lazy retard

>> No.23218118

yea but what's your real problem and i don't understand why you would cop this attitude because in a deterministic universe no one is responsible for anything so how does it make sense that someone who does more of something than you and more consistently despite not enjoying it is lazy and you are not

>> No.23218152

not as much as the guy whos trying to bully me on fucking 4chan. yeah, im the one with the crippled life

>> No.23218156

the two of u need to get some thicker skin, buncha fucking pussies itt wtf

>> No.23218168

you just bullied me dude i was just trying to empathize and then you lash out and call me lazy what the hell so of course i'm gonna make fun of you for being a broken little cripple

please take this back

>> No.23218169

>have you heard of empathy?
we all have problems i can't be bothered to feel for every sob story i read on the internet
you have two options, shut up and deal with it or keep wailing and live in misery
>in case youre wondering.
i'm not

>> No.23218195

if someone pushes you then you're justified in using disproportionate force like punching them it's self defense

>> No.23218212

thats what happens when you only do anki a few minutes at a time

>> No.23218268

feels good being impervious to mockery and insults

>> No.23218270

i feel empathy for people who are in tough situations but are looking forward and trying to make the best of it
why would i feel empathy for miserable sacks of shit who are trying to drag others down with them by begging them to "feel for them"

>> No.23218350
File: 51 KB, 500x376, 1575388470816.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

learning without using anki is really hard. i tried it for a year or two and i wasn't able to get my vocabulary past a pretty basic level of a few thousand words in all that time.

it's easy enough to acquire the most common words in the language, but after that it becomes exceedingly difficult to acquire new ones because there's a drastic decline in frequency of use from that point on. any time you read or watch anything you are being barraged with a constant stream of unknown words, and there's so many each showing up so seldom that trying to remember any of them is incredibly difficult.

if you're prepared to spend 6 hours every day on listening and reading or if you don't mind waiting 15 years to reach fluency like jamal then maybe you get by without anki, but otherwise i'd recommend trying to find a more tolerable and sustainable way of using the program and sticking with it.

>> No.23218401

it helps you acquire words faster because you remember that you've actually seen them before instead of just forgetting them in the next 5 minutes because a dozen other new words that you don't know just overwrote your short term memory.

you shouldn't try to participate in discussions about anki since you have by your own admission never even installed it let alone used it. anything you say on this subject comes from a position of complete and total ignorance.

>> No.23218409

see jamal here says 10 mins of anki is fine why does everyone get mad at him

>> No.23218419

ciaran this isn't even the point you obviously use anki for some reason so it serves some important function in the language learning process

>> No.23218425
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>> No.23218437

similar experience here i agree, great post
key is to do whatever works to make it less painful or more enjoyable for you whether that means decreasing new cards reducing number of steps splitting up review time into smaller sessions or only recalling readings while giving yourself the meanings for free etc

>> No.23218450

jamal btfo again

>> No.23218451


>> No.23218492

ye but what if the only thing stopping u from comprehending input is that u dont know all the words, how wouldnt increasing the speed of ur vocab acquisition not help?

>> No.23218506

wtf are u doing

>> No.23218522

only learning from anime gives you the vocabulary of an average filthy frank video

>> No.23218524
File: 3.00 MB, 640x360, 1567156213177.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it like this where u guys live? i live in a small yuropoor country and nothing like this has happened, people are just buying stuff normally. wtf america

>> No.23218553

those people are also getting comprehensible input so if they end up acquiring the language it will be because of that. anki is just a placebo.

>> No.23218563


>> No.23218589

not in my personal experience
some of my vocab came organically, but a sizeable portion was learned through anki, and solidified through other media
i do concede however that only doing anki will get you nowhere

>> No.23218611

is that you on the コンピューター?

i remember playing a 90s incest game with a font rendered almost as small as in your pic
never again!

>> No.23218632

epic vid

>> No.23218651

learn nihongo or go blind tryin

>> No.23218730

I'm on my third language via anki. 5 total. Vocab w/ context sentences.

>> No.23218744
File: 268 KB, 562x572, 171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can give me a translation for the second bubble (red arrow) here? 盛り refers to her makeup. Context should be obvious.

>> No.23218807


>> No.23218824

but is it さかり or もり

>> No.23218954

japanese could make it so the word shows what animal noise is made:

牛が鳴く  牛が吽く

>> No.23218955

>have a conversation with a japanese person
you lost me there

>> No.23218967

you can ignore that part and replace it with something else that requires actually knowing japanese if you like.

>> No.23218976

reading novels, playing games, etc? im sure anki helps me with those

>> No.23218979

the best example to core alone not working is japanese people not knowing a lick of english after studying it in school for years

>> No.23219007

>reading novels, playing games, etc? im sure anki helps me with those
>you will ultimately learn these words naturally
not everyone wants to take 30 fuckin years like jamal

>> No.23219012

why do you guys hate matto san if he just peddles 90% of the same shit you guys do

>> No.23219014

so that the best i could do in japanese would be to shove some meme words into english sentences?
miss me with that okayamyarou kuso, watashi no kokujin

>> No.23219034

i dont hate him. i just think its stupid to follow e"celebs"

>> No.23219054

well you could do that with just a dictionary without knowing japanese. it doesn't require knowing japanese to decode written text which is why there's so many n1 guy who suck ass. you're not getting the same experience as a japanese person when you read.

>> No.23219080


>> No.23219091

why would my anki stats determine whether i was worth replying to. debate me in the marketplace of ideas.

>> No.23219108

atashi no kokujin

or maybe boku

you could do what i did
watch the anime with subs
read the english chapter
read the japanese chapter
watch the anime with subs
read the japanese chapter
read the japanese chapter
read the english chapter
watch the anime without subs

>> No.23219111

if djts a marketplace then itd be a bazaar: loud, smelly, and full of pedos

>> No.23219128

remembering how to read a word after months, remembering what it roughly means, and getting a clearer picture of what it means as you encounter it in more contexts long term is all subconscious. from start to finish.
the only part that's conscious is the decision to put it in anki and do your reps at all. from that point on all the information surrounding that word is going into your subconscious including any contexts you see it in again.
not using anki just means you will find it harder or impossible to remember the word at all, let alone the contexts you saw it used in, for a longer period of time.

>> No.23219134
File: 974 KB, 1440x2560, asuza.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>current meta for retiming subs

>> No.23219135

the pizza one and how much you did today

>> No.23219161

thats some nukemarine style shit
i wonder if that sort of people actually understand english or if they just mentally decode it

>> No.23219179

>well you could do that with just a dictionary without knowing japanese.
and it would take you 20x as long to get through one sentence just trying to figure out every individual word what a dumb statement
>you're not getting the same experience as a japanese person when you read.
neither are you since you didn't have a japanese childhood, go to 祭り every summer or grow up going to the 駄菓子屋 and eating 串団子. wtf is your point? none of us are getting the exact same experience as a japanese person nor will we ever because our life experiences and cultural background are different. no matter how many hours of input you get you still have biases that outweigh that.

>> No.23219185

damn that's some good shit but then you must have sympathy for our guy nick who got tricked by the chinese hooker and then was shunned by his japanese peers?

>> No.23219191

i know about this and i use it 95% of the time but i've got a show where it goes completely out of sync every few minutes

>> No.23219212

redownload the show with subs included then
which show?

>> No.23219216

>slut shamed
no i hate this I FUCKING HATE THIS i look up to this guy jamal but every so often he drops woke bullshit like this and i clench my fists knowing i'm powerless to do anything to stop him.

>> No.23219217
File: 46 KB, 569x302, anki_qn8sqcNBSY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's what i did today the pizza isn't loading for me for some reason.

>> No.23219224

you're worth replying to, senpai

>> No.23219238

did you just go through all of core6k in one day

>> No.23219245

vocab cards only or sentence cards as well?

>> No.23219260

wtf i love anki now

>> No.23219265

if anki were a girl do you think shed be cute or a boosoo

>> No.23219283
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>> No.23219284

this truly is an autism hub, that's crazy

>> No.23219285
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>> No.23219286

i love this girls soles

>> No.23219288

vocab cards mined from my input :) >>23219246
you just think that artificial boost is helping you though that's the point. ultimately by the time you fully acquire japanese it would have levelled out because anki doesnt actually do anything for helping to acquire the language. you'll find out eventually when you've got nothing left to anki but you still don't know japanese.

>> No.23219292

im reading albatross and fsn currently.

>> No.23219318

>seems pretty obvious that having to look a ton of words would subtract time from ur comprehensible input and that not having to do that would be beneficial
exactly that guy is a complete retard

>> No.23219322

im thinking that myself it's extremely generic. the only thing thats interesting is the overall concept. ill still finish it just so i can talk shit about it from a more secure position though.

>> No.23219323

fates setting and characters are great but the writing is hella fun

>> No.23219342

I've been watching K-On! without subs to practice listening. Is it worth or my time would be better spent somewhere else?
I understand like 75% of what's happening.

>> No.23219494

the invention of anki and its consequences have been a disaster for the japanese learning community

>> No.23219496

i've mined every word in this video so i understand it completely https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bZe5J8SVCYQ

>> No.23219522
File: 57 KB, 1431x576, 1567762030660.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember what's important folks

>> No.23219524

yeah thanks i got it now the script worked fine

>> No.23219525

*to mine
right blame the user then not anki

>> No.23219535
File: 10 KB, 395x395, 勾玉.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pretty sure err 1 has seen 1 of these

>> No.23219539

youre not a real weeb if you dont know already "oppai daisuki iku" that alone should cover like 92% of all media out there anyway

>> No.23219540

why tf does it matter how long it takes you to learn/acquire japanese if your still nevertheless gonna spend many more years interacting with otaku media and that sort of stuff?
you dont plan on giving up on anime and eroge at any point in the near future are you?

>> No.23219541

by day one i mean the first day you started mining shit

>> No.23219554

you seriously think people learn to read and write just because of public schools teaching it? lmao. too bad those schools didn't teach you to think

>> No.23219559

i think i'll stop mining this jisho

>> No.23219571

that was my only goal.

>> No.23219580

japanese kids don't just pick up a book and go, they need to be taught at first, usually by their parents, and then supplemented by school for the more obscure shit that you don't come by often, but still need to know.
no matter how you look at it you can't just comprehend your way through the language, and need to actively study for some time.
just ask any ALT retard who moved to japan and just expected to learn it through "immersion"

>> No.23219581

gonna post my spreadsheet at the end of the year

>> No.23219584

yeah just look at that human anatomy poster on his door... bet he has a spreadsheet of human parts he keeps hidden around his room

>> No.23219592

i love my anki and i love my spreadsheets. stfu senpai

>> No.23219594

idk man i learned to read and write just fine and no parent or school ever taught me, it was just a necessity. sure when i was young i had to constantly look up how to spell stuff when i needed it, or skipped words in books when i didn't know them but... well actually not much has changed since then lol, just got gud

>> No.23219672

cause it sounds fucking great u heartless no-fun black hole of a cunt

>> No.23219678

Yesterday (2)
Tuesday (8)
Monday (4)
Sunday (4)
Last Week (24)

it's officially over for me. i've fallen off the wagon. shows like mitsuboshi colors have finally beaten me.

>> No.23219713



>> No.23219714

for me its this fucking song, its so fucking good. maybe i should watch this show

>> No.23219715

if u want a top tier op and a top tier show that ull love look no further

>> No.23219716

bro, im watching anime since 30 years ago. im not gonna stop enjoying it

>> No.23219718

you cant really consider yourself an op connoisseur if you dislike

>> No.23219735

based ruskie

>> No.23219757

threadly reminder

>> No.23219758

to be fair though, it was pretty good while it had this opening. zabuza arc is one of the best ones in the show

>> No.23219780

it's an ok arc i guess though the fights are fucking dumb as is typical in 99% of shounen.

>> No.23219785 [DELETED] 
File: 2.81 MB, 960x1280, 1567476061053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

think again

>> No.23219787

so we're just going to post anime openings now?


>> No.23219795

when did autists start hanging out irl

>> No.23219799

actually its beneath me to shit up the thread with this i apologize

>> No.23219826

hypocritical and attention starved. typical of sol lovers.

>> No.23219828

so theres more faggots on djt than i had initially imagined? what a life

>> No.23219832

not gonna lie i feel envy when i see guys like jamal that had the luxury to learn japanese by consuming stuff like みずいろ

>> No.23219836

uh guys
how do you know when to use wa and when to use ga
and when to use ni and when to use e

>> No.23219838

lmao. it must be really sad being in your shoes

>> No.23219854






>> No.23219855

wa goes with e to make da wae
ga goes with ni and turns you into a niga

>> No.23219859


>> No.23219878

shid negro, thanks for clearing this up

>> No.23219902

are you being facetious

>> No.23219910

when you sleep a lot and start the day early im sure this is gonna help your brain do better

>> No.23219917

early to rise and early to bed makes a man healthy but socially dead

or was it the other way around

>> No.23219948

he's already ignored this point a few times so i wouldnt expect much

>> No.23219975

how can jamal always be this based

>> No.23219977

that'd take too long but sentence cards strike the right balance of effort+reward.

>> No.23219999

>how much do you think someone with 2k recognized words is going to get out of reading muramasa vs. someone with 20k recognized words?
the exact same if they don't know japanese lol.

>> No.23220000

how ugly is your wife 邪魔l?

does she look like the one in the middle here >>23219993 ?

>> No.23220001

claiming the busu on the left

>> No.23220011

still have to mine another 19 words today to make up for slacking yesterday

>> No.23220013

ciaran and i aren't

>> No.23220015

what does that word even mean anymore

>> No.23220027
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>> No.23220028

never define knowing japanese so you can pretend you're wise when you're just talking shit classic djt

>> No.23220029

>has had a gf
>goes to uni
>studied abroad
that's a normalfag, shut da fuck up

>> No.23220068

typical normalfag thinking
anyone who's not a normalfag is an incel

>> No.23220069

why not, all it means is that i have to get more input which is a good thing lol

>> No.23220072

can you virgins even imagine pleasing a real woman

>> No.23220121

i was sure it was closer to 5

>> No.23220123

It can also be me. I fucking love jamal

>> No.23220126

the ultimate retard chat, an /a/ thread

>> No.23220149

nobody wants to take 10 years before they can watch anime without having to guess what things mean. a few minutes a day of anki is much more palatable than years of forgetting the same words over and over

>> No.23220153
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>でも, それでも

>> No.23220173
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>> No.23220184

then either you learned it wrong or youre gonna spend like 5 years to get to a reasonable level

>> No.23220185
File: 387 KB, 600x578, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting by jamals fan begins
>posting by jamal stops

>> No.23220196


>> No.23220205

visit biz, the market is shitting itself and they're losing their mind

>> No.23220228
File: 271 KB, 1996x2262, 1577690525122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23220238

wotf 呻き声

>> No.23220242

you gotta time it well though
jamal is a chinese canadian bitcoin millionaire who goes on a vacation every other week

>> No.23220253

well, considering the circumstances, none of us are going very far anytime soon

>> No.23220256

fucken saved

>> No.23220283


>> No.23220286

u just keep adding stuff to this baseless fantasy lol before it was that he's just a chink from canada

>> No.23220308

you think young virgins somehow become un-virgins by being locked in their own home?

>> No.23220312

it means ur dick gay

>> No.23220314

well i'm not having any sex
fuck meeting other people, i'm not dying to get my pp wet
and seeing as i'm an accurate representation of the public at large, you must be wrong

>> No.23220317

Every time I speak of the haters and losers I do so with great love and affection. They cannot help the fact that they were born fucked up!

>> No.23220320

ever heard of abiogenesis?

>> No.23220335

why yes i do have a tulpa gf, how did you know

>> No.23220340
File: 50 KB, 640x480, 1553486062472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw even my tulpa gf is corrupted

>> No.23220349

how the fuck is this possible???

>> No.23220353

you didn't mean to include my results at the top right?

>> No.23220355

maybe one day the bacteria eating the semen off my dried cum socks will abiogensis itself into a cute girlfriend

>> No.23220360

here's a pretty nifty guide

>> No.23220362

>but you need to remember the words that make up those expressions in the first place for the rest to even be possible.
does anyone in the thread know less japanese than this guy lmfao

>> No.23220365

oops, my bad. lmao
my stats are like yours btw

>> No.23220377

are you fluent or is your tulpas japanese permanently crippled

>> No.23220379
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>> No.23220388

my tulpa is half french half spanish having a japanese tulpa is too cliche

>> No.23220389
File: 6 KB, 277x205, 1559431309312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just found my old 4chan folder from 2013, why the fuck did i save all this cringe ass shit lmao

>> No.23220392

just good old fashioned elbow grease.

>> No.23220393

get out of my thread

>> No.23220397

explain how someone can know a word if they can't even recognize its sound or reading. retard

>> No.23220399
File: 12 KB, 234x214, chen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23220401


>> No.23220402

wtf is tulsa sounds like some dirty mexican bullshit

>> No.23220406

its for the best i dont have my 2006 folder

>> No.23220410

i used to have a half-german half-italian waifu who was into philosophy, playing piano, and painting
i wrote a 30-page series of stories featuring her and a character who was unambiguously my self-insert

>> No.23220412

never gotten the urge to save anything from 4chan or online

>> No.23220414

hope you brought enough cringe to share with the rest of the class

>> No.23220415

it's a kind of french puff pastry
pretty good, i suggest you try it

>> No.23220417

not even art from danbooru or pixiv?

>> No.23220424

explain how you acquire japanese without remembering how to read words what they sound like or anything about them. since you're a fuckin expert

>> No.23220425
File: 493 KB, 784x686, 1578349855242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a few folders like this for wojak, jimmy rustle pics etc lmao wtf

>> No.23220426
File: 41 KB, 497x500, 1566279755435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a picture i have saved

>> No.23220429

pretty based desu ngl

>> No.23220431

fuck off you retard jesus christ.

>> No.23220434

only people who know zero words know japanese

>> No.23220439

you know languages via phrases/sentences not words

>> No.23220441
File: 418 KB, 1232x968, 1576702284655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23220443

how are you guys doing with you nihongo now that you have stay at home?
i finally started learning it, after one day i think i know the entire hiragana got 90-95% accuracy.
got any recommendations except just follow the guide in the OP?
(also do i have a good speed or should i try to learn it even faster?)

>> No.23220444
File: 201 KB, 977x1400, スケッチブック_1_120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres a picture ive got saved

>> No.23220447

nah. nuke would put 20 different fields and show them all on the front then spend two years trying to go through it on youtube before giving up and claiming it was because of work.

>> No.23220448

why is everybody so into dancing in this thread wtf i thought this was a japanese language thread, what does tango have to do with anything

>> No.23220452 [DELETED] 
File: 478 KB, 1182x426, interesting pictures folder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanna see if you niggas can guess all of the boards i used to browse

>> No.23220453

what are phrases/sentences made of

>> No.23220457

ive got a チック症 that makes me say ちくしょう

>> No.23220458

you said you have to "remember" the words in an expression to comprehend an expression
you dont
the expressions are how you get a real grasp on the words anyway
why are you talking about readings and shit now lmfao hows your argument gonna hold up with spoken language

>> No.23220459

words but you only understand words through knowing many phrases/sentences

>> No.23220467

follow this guide >>23219522

>> No.23220472

>you said you have to "remember" the words in an expression
yes. what is controversial about that. if you can't recognize any of the words in an expression then you can't even begin to learn the expression. someone says "drop in the bucket" and you don't know what drop, in, or bucket mean or what they sound like. how the fuck are you supposed to acquire that expression?

>> No.23220477

feeling even more lonely now since i wont even see my gym bro for a month
might go insane during this time bros, just know that i always loved you

>> No.23220496
File: 43 KB, 782x585, sadcat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>roommates went to live with parents/gf during exam season so I was alone for nearly two months
>corona hit as soon as the semester started so i saw went to uni only two days
>been at home since
>roommates stuck in their parents house

i forgot how my voice sounds
i was so happy to see everybody when the semester started

im so alone

>> No.23220504

>someone says "drop in the bucket" and you don't know what drop, in, or bucket mean or what they sound like. how the fuck are you supposed to acquire that expression?
do you know any languages
can you not think of a single expression you understood for years before realizing the literal meaning lol
btw dont back up to not knowing a single word this was about not needing to "remember" every word in an expression

>> No.23220506

wasn't able to use locale emulator on a 64 bit installer but i could use it on the 32 bit installer but the 32 bit installer wasn't allowed on a 64 bit system so i had to fucking change system locale to install the VN with the 64 bit installer and i'm pissed.

>> No.23220507

stupid normies

>> No.23220508

boo fucking hoo

stfu normies it's not a big deal nut up and endure it

>> No.23220514

>can you not think of a single expression you understood for years before realizing the literal meaning lol
wtf mind blown. there's a ton of phrases i (and presumably almost everyone) learned as a kid and i never paid attention to the literal meaning of each word in the phrase until i was a teenager/adult but i always knew the meaning of the phrase.

>> No.23220516

locale emulator is shit and there is no downside in 2020 of changing system locale

>> No.23220520

im with you sadcat bro
just know that im always here feeling like shit

>> No.23220521

thinkin im pretty fuckin based to be honest with you lads

>> No.23220528

based but hopelessly bluepilled

>> No.23220529

okay, thank you.
got any idea on how much time I should spend on the different parts in the beginning, ie hiragana/katakana/kanji & grammer?

>> No.23220543

>can you not think of a single expression you understood for years before realizing the literal meaning lol
the very rare cases of expressions like that i could at the very least remember what each word in it sounded like and looked like. which is 80% the purpose of anki anyway.

>> No.23220546

too based for pills 素直に

>> No.23220547

>You don't need to learn Pitch Accent
Matt vs. Japan: ​"I can easily survive without taking showers. Why would I waste time bathing when it's not necessary and I'm just going to get dirty again anyway"

Never thought of it that way.

>> No.23220549

as much as you want, just remember to drop them after the first month

>> No.23220552

just try to hammer everything down with flashcards till you can sorta start to understand stuff
also, do a consistent minimum amount of listening or reading practice every day

>> No.23220553

I can easily survive eating lunch in a toilet stall. Why would I waste time socializing when it's not necessary and I have pokemon on my iPod anyway"

>> No.23220554

why dont you just change your argument to
>anki is for memorizing readings
and drop all the shit about expressions and understanding

>> No.23220559

thinking making ur bed is a better analogy since there are no serious consequences (unlike not showering) but it still feels nicer if u do it

>> No.23220567

incels are just failed normalfags, normalfag

>> No.23220572
File: 38 KB, 812x221, 1565424195505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably a lot

>> No.23220574

because that's not all it does. for the vast majority of words it can help you also remember a meaning that applies across a broad range of contexts. a 薔薇 will still be a fuckin 薔薇 no matter how many novels you read.

>> No.23220576

that's actually pretty based, more jamal posts itt the better

>> No.23220577

lmao what a fuckin loser

>> No.23220589

i wish i was based enough to bait people into saving caps of my shitposts

>> No.23220590

@yall fluent japanese speakers
how does this make you feel?

>> No.23220594

theyre too young i prefer asmr from babas

>> No.23220596


>> No.23220597

if youve backed out of the claim that you cant comprehend an expression if you havent ankid every word in it then i aint got nothin more to say about it

>> No.23220615

it doesnt sound like theyre really gettin in there my ears wouldnt be clean after that so id rate it low

>> No.23220618

i was only pretending to be retarded guys

>> No.23220622

what you mean when you saved a cap of a totally real epic fail lmfao

>> No.23220633

jamal truly is the greatest poster in this thread

>> No.23220637

*raises saguaro cactus* viva la raza

>> No.23220639

its a letdown every time someone tries to hold somethin over jamal and its just a massive low iq self own
cuz ive been lookin for somethin to hold over jamal for 2 years and no ones providin any material

>> No.23220644

i guess it's a necessary evil
without him these threads would drop below page 1, and we can't have that happen

id much rather reach bump limit in 15 minutes due to some autist putting on a sock puppet show

>> No.23220647

i mean yeah dno bros desu
but i love jamal

>> No.23220651

if djt ever drops below 1000 replies a thread im just peacin out why show up

>> No.23220653

it's been below that many times

>> No.23220657

from here on out
and a running average

>> No.23220662

what a fine addition to my ぺこぺこ compilation

>> No.23220680

i'm the couch

>> No.23220682

i feel like jamal is a 30 year old man whose got nostalgia for back when he used to have friends and not just hang out on 4chan generals

>> No.23220683

im off frame lightin up

>> No.23220692

only part you got wrong is hes prob at least 45

>> No.23220699

extremely glad about these news that im only gonna suffer more later on

>> No.23220700

isn't that why we're all here?

>> No.23220704

fucked innit

>> No.23220707

>that dude who bragged about being able to read gibberish
that was an obvious samefag though

>> No.23220739

>if youve backed out of the claim that you cant comprehend an expression if you havent ankid every word in it
never even said that shit retard. i said if you don't remember any aspect of the words in the expression then you can't comprehend it. and that anki helps with remembering. not that it's the only way to remember anything. your dumbass was arguing a strawman the entire time.

>> No.23220753

>but you need to remember the words that make up those expressions in the first place for the rest to even be possible.
you just backpedaled every time you posted its aight lmfao

>> No.23220774

>having an actual understanding of the language is separate from what emotions are evoked in you when you read something.
wrong everyone knows language and emotions are intertwined wtf do you think 'just feel it' means

>> No.23220775

dont fall off jamal youll shatter your hip

>> No.23220786

>anki doesnt actually do anything for helping to acquire the language
if i can understand what's happening in the novel i'm reading because words i mined in the past make sense in the context of what i'm reading now, then i don't give two shits about whatever your definition of "acquiring" is i'm busy enjoying my novel

>> No.23220788

i got it but imagine dying slowly with a shattered hip thats not a rare way to go

>> No.23220797

if you think "remember" means "use anki" i'm afraid you might be retarded and i can't help you with that

>> No.23220800

too lazy to argue with you. youre wrong tho

>> No.23220815

by the time i have nothing left to anki i'll already have thousands and thousands of hours of input under my belt so even if papa smurf is right it doesnt matter

>> No.23220817

thinkin about readin subahibi

>> No.23220820

if that's decoding then anyone who ever used a dictionary while reading japanese is also just decoding including you retard.
you had to look shit up and figure things out just like everyone else

>> No.23220831

yea i mean who can really be surprised that weebs are happy to simply decode the shit they're reading when they praise trash like fan which is trash in its original language but boy have you seen the "translation"? it's like reading something written by a 10 year old for school. and they lap it up.

>> No.23220833

>by the time i have nothing left to anki i'll already have thousands and thousands of hours of input under my belt so even if papa smurf is right it doesnt matter

>> No.23220847

yeah you're right that when i was heavily reliant on using a dictionary i didn't know japanese and was just decoding sentences im glad we can agree.

>> No.23220851

there's a difference between learning a word when you know the language and when you don't.

>> No.23220853

if you ever used a dictionary to help you understand anything then you weren't learning japanese just decoding. which means you still don't know it
you still don't know japanese since the basis of almost everything you "know" now started with the usage of a dictionary

>> No.23220857

yeah the difference is when you didnt know the langauge you didnt learn the word

>> No.23220876

goddamn this thread really blew up while i was asleep

>> No.23220880

is that why eng subbed anime didnt teach me anything
cuz i didnt decode it

>> No.23220886

the decoding stage is necessary the point is that it doesn't matter if you use anki or not because it takes thousands of hours to learn japanese and you'd just learn all those words naturally after that time.

>> No.23220890

you're still decoding now because whatever you know didn't come from authentic japanese experiences. its just a big collection of dictionary entries you've memorized while decoding VNs

>> No.23220895

>to learn japanese
you still haven't clearly stated what this means yet

>> No.23220896

theres an advantage in doin ur anime cards with ur aniki
but u should prob start that after uve spent enough time reading voiced eroge that u acquired a little all on ur own

>> No.23220904

boring and generic

>> No.23220907

you can cross-reference it with whatever language(s) you happen to know already to understand what i mean.

>> No.23220909

nuke urself tastelet

>> No.23220917

you probably dont know enough japanese to use anki yet

>> No.23220920

i watch anime with japanese subs. so as i read the subs i realize in the end of the verb or sentence
i see that there some certain particles, i think its particles at least. i will give an example
わかっているわ <<< this わ i see it a lot,what is that mean. i know its probably like the particle that doesn't change much,but only adding an emotion.
another one i dont understand and will be appreciated if you will help me with. i see sometime in the middle hiragana alone like it mostly close after the verb too. i see sometimes ん and then another particle probably, i dont have an example for this sorry,i dont see it a lot,but it is shows sometimes.
i'd like to know what it is,because i see it alot,literally any scene any anime,even in songs. help!!!

>> No.23220923

is this a thing now?

>> No.23220930

if you mean gaining an intuitive sense of it this isn't something that just happened at any given point it was a constant process that is constantly building with every interaction with the language. there was no point where i suddenly went from not knowing my native language to knowing it.

>> No.23220935

わ means ちなみにマンコがある

>> No.23220946

how many hours of compelling comprehensible input are you getting per day

>> No.23220947


>> No.23220950

yeah i know i was only pretending to be retarded ;^)

>> No.23220956

It used to be mostly Anki at the beginning (any sentence had thousands of new words) but now its 50/50

>> No.23220961

4 hours minimum of vtubers every day

>> No.23220969

if you watch women who have boyfriends pretend to be anime girls your japanese will be extra permanently crippled

>> No.23220978


>> No.23220979

your nihongo will skyrocket its just your soul that will be crippled but if your soul is already dead then its win win

>> No.23220998

how many of your favorite seiyuus have been bukkaked

>> No.23221005

if fukuyamas out there slaying yaibas im happy for him

>> No.23221006

tfw watchin doubutu no morai on twitch

>> No.23221016

oh i meant in private
not for money just havin some fun gettin some skincare

>> No.23221018

everyone keeps talking about decoding can someone explain what's the difference between decoding and just reading

>> No.23221063

he doesnt cover all of them but there u go. tbqh you'll just intuitively know what they are meant to signify after enough input.

>> No.23221066

yeah you keep "reading" but the official mia plugin tells me that i have enough flash cards to reach 97.38% comprehension of re:zero season 1 so whos really on top

>> No.23221068

dont worry he's inching closer to quitting

>> No.23221072

why you gonna disrespect the vtuber bringin up this 中の人 drama

>> No.23221073

no! hxh guy has to make it

>> No.23221074

oh i only hear like 50% of the words but i can understand 95% of what's happening since it's animated

>> No.23221091

jamal is so out of touch with how crippled this thread is he thinks 19 out of 20 words sounds bad to djt

>> No.23221099

its not about how many words you know
its about how hard you laugh when the tsundere in your vn says 「〇〇くんのバカ!」 and its the first thing you understood in over 100 sentences

>> No.23221100

even just using tts would be less offputting than that ghetto voice changer dolly uses desu

>> No.23221104

same, but for me its 30% of the words with 99% comprehension

>> No.23221110

i can feel 110%

>> No.23221114
File: 310 KB, 1280x720, make ur choice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not about how many words you know
its about how creative you can be with them when you come to this screen

>> No.23221125
File: 566 KB, 1280x720, 13287948072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yoga and matt create. jamal just destroys.

>> No.23221126

jamal cant code he needs someone like me to be his yogapantu

>> No.23221130

cant wait to pay for jamals anki script that deletes anki, and crypts your drives so you cant even install that shit anymore

>> No.23221133

I'm 3k words in (core10k). Too bad like 1/3 are obvious katakana words

>> No.23221134

a modern jobs and wozniak...

>> No.23221136

not our fault you doing that shit deck

>> No.23221139

oh yea i forgot that if i count the obvious katakana loanwords i must know like 6k+ words instead of only 4k

>> No.23221142

hed prob just put the you are an idiot forkbomb in all your card templates

>> No.23221150

japanese is over 50% english so im half fluent already

>> No.23221160

core6k is perfect (not sure about 10k yet).

>> No.23221166
File: 6 KB, 325x81, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23221178

got a new bngr for you bros

>> No.23221191

>ur computers cd tray
no one has a cd tray you fucking old man

>> No.23221194
File: 64 KB, 1582x315, 1571298803219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's actually more like 50 and comes here to get away from his ugly, nagging wife who literally shat on him the first time they had sex

>> No.23221202

i hope i never have to go through that pain

>> No.23221204

just install anki already and start learning japanese

>> No.23221206

those are some great memories to have idk wtf is your problem

>> No.23221217

what エロゲー is this?

>> No.23221221

dunno but search the character names in vndb

>> No.23221223

ok i've been using anki for years and i almost never use english while reading, happens maybe once per hour of nonstop reading when its a word i'm not very familiar with and at that point i usually just look it up anyway. it's normal for any english to drop off when you become familiar enough with a word or phrase for it to stand without referring to the english so idk why you think that using anki will cause people to permanently recall english everytime they read the word, that's not how it works if the person has actually been getting input for a while and understands that whatever definition thats on their card is only a pointer not the end all be all

>> No.23221225

can you tell me what you are actually doing? wtf

>> No.23221227

i cant. i only know cards on anki

>> No.23221235

just my daily reps and mining

>> No.23221254

this has to be shopped

>> No.23221256

why does 4chan disallow so many characters?

there should've been a star between the two eigo words

>> No.23221272

i was just kidding
real status: >>23221263

>> No.23221274

long exposure cards

>> No.23221307

what a disgusting bitch. cant you replace her with a newer model with better feet?

>> No.23221314

how many characters would you say that is?

>> No.23221345

whats your stats?

>> No.23221348

same but i keep scarin em away

>> No.23221351

pretty lame

>> No.23221358

but you dont know japanese either. youre dr bullshit

>> No.23221362

just post the song jamal

>> No.23221365

i average 10 seconds per card because i read what's on the back and sometimes take a little mental break while it's still open. not ashamed and don't care to rush it

>> No.23221372


>> No.23221373

I don't know what kind of psycho likes poop. What the fuck is wrong with you, jamz?
I like pee, though. But I couldn't find more than a handful of girls willing to pee on me. Life sucks.
At least you like shit and your wife is willing to poop on you. Its disgusting but I'm sure youre a happy fella

>> No.23221375

>i read what's on the back

>> No.23221377


>> No.23221382

i cant be happy for a dude that likes shit

>> No.23221383


>> No.23221387

hope your muscles stay permanently cringed and you become physically disabled

>> No.23221396

my muscles are just as relaxed as when i lmfao

>> No.23221400
File: 10 KB, 425x173, 1580168348953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i envy u, i havent even average 15 cards per day in the past 3 months

>> No.23221404
File: 5 KB, 433x32, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there a general opinion on this sentence in heisig? i've been writing 2 lines out for each kanji (more when i first started) because i believed it would help a lot with memory. I get flash cards help out way more with that, but do you guys think writing them out more then a few times each is pointless?

>> No.23221417

not a single person here knows what that means i still aint figured it out

>> No.23221418

RTK 1 + 3
Core6k (Maybe 10k)
A Dictionary of Basic/Intermediate/Advanced Grammar.
You will LEARN Japanese. After that, just mine, mine, mine

>> No.23221428

Just do it. I deep throat a niggas 8 inches dick if this doesnt work.

>> No.23221430

sometimes i think about learnin to write but then i remember i could just read more instead
same with bitch accent

>> No.23221431

im against anything that doesnt involve you having one hand down your pants while you do it

>> No.23221434

you do that regardless so whats the point

whats your goal here? why are you posting "advice" when you fucking suck yourself? fuck i hate people like you

>> No.23221436

This includes kissing your own mom?

>> No.23221437

wtf just take the pants off

>> No.23221438

I wonder if I'm better than you. Not that it matters to me, but it obviously matters to you.
Just do RTK1+3, Core6k(10k), A Dictionary of Japanese Grammar and get good.

>> No.23221439

what kind of a sick incestuous fuck kisses their mother?

>> No.23221440

do people actually kiss their mothers cuz thats wack

>> No.23221444

tora dora
vocaroo dot com

>> No.23221445

Man, I hug my parents every time I can. As you grow, you learn to value them

>> No.23221448

huggin aint kissin

>> No.23221450

i kiss other ppls moms

>> No.23221452

it doesnt matter if you're better than me retard, im not giving out advice so how good or bad i am is irrelevant dumb brainlet

>> No.23221457

kissing is giving another persons mouth a blowjob
oh wait no thats cpr
wait no same thing

>> No.23221460

make audio cards

>> No.23221461

I kiss too. Including my grandparents when they were still alive. Maybe its a Brazilian thing.

uhhh now Im offended!!

>> No.23221464

you guys realize u can just kiss ur mom on the cheek lol

>> No.23221467

you guys realize u can just kiss ur mom on the dick lol

>> No.23221468

i only kiss people i want to inseminate no exceptions

>> No.23221470

t. khv

>> No.23221474

Keep this in mind
RTK 1 + 3
Core 6k (10k if possible)
A Dictionary of Basic/Intermediate/Advanced Japanese Grammar
Do this if you wanna learn Japanese. Do anything else if you wanna suck for at least half a decade.

>> No.23221477

i wish

>> No.23221481

based uma delicia/24 poster

>> No.23221484

Do this
Dick in anus
Dick in mouth
Dick in nosehole (nostrils)
Dick in ears
and youll be good

>> No.23221486

don't people who ignore meanings in anki get annoyed when they have to look up a word they've repped 10 times already just for the meaning

>> No.23221503

got a question for you:
did you ever notice any difference in terms of how well you could masturbate to h-manga before and after you got good at reading japanese?

>> No.23221511

imagining someone pulling an unconscious person out of a pool and then sucking on their mouth makin slurping noises

>> No.23221513


>> No.23221516

i used to go soft lookin up naval terms and shit

>> No.23221525


>> No.23221532


>> No.23221578

please post some rare, cool looking kanji bros

>> No.23221581

〆 <--- proof that iesu was japanese

>> No.23221591

look how many views he has the japs love him

>> No.23221596

how much longer can i hold out without a cute japanese wife of my own

>> No.23221607

prolly till u die

>> No.23221608


>> No.23221631

lmfao kinda based. hinnyuu ftw

>> No.23221632

i don't remember where i quit during the main route so i might accidentally skip past stuff i never read, or reread stuff i have.

>> No.23221635

i meant when will that be

>> No.23221654

just hold ctrl until somethin catches ur eye

>> No.23221682
File: 13 KB, 310x495, img.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i still suck at reading handwriting, any help?

>> No.23221692


>> No.23221701

do you practice writing everything with proper stroke order, or is this just experience?

>> No.23221711

stroke this *whips out small dick*

>> No.23221719

currently mining words by ear from raw anime
just got 豹変、胴回り、デフォ

>> No.23221793

really killed the thread with this post hope youre happy chang

>> No.23221805

who would mine defo
its defo english already bud

>> No.23221920

*cough* *cough* gomen

>> No.23222047

inching? no i'm already there buddy. fuck this nonsense i fucking quit. how the fuck do people tolerate these stupid shows.

>> No.23222050


>> No.23222084

wotn: 赤ちょうちん

>> No.23222090

Where are the new azw3 uploads available at? Has it been updated in the 電子書籍 section?

>> No.23222153



>> No.23222157

why won't she do uncensored

>> No.23222196


>> No.23222238






>> No.23222242

i would honestly be more entertained and amused by an episode of prison school than some bill burr standup. why is that so wrong?

>> No.23222467

ded thred

>> No.23222627


>> No.23222649
File: 286 KB, 863x927, neet2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Passed 6k today.

>> No.23222664
File: 262 KB, 528x501, 1559188212188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 hours per day
>15 seconds per card

>> No.23222671

damn i missed that face

>> No.23222680

no its a katakana mutation of an english word

>> No.23222793

Are any of the books in the free book section good? Anyway to download them?

>> No.23223091


>> No.23223158

holy shit lol

>> No.23223297





>> No.23223337


>> No.23223401




>> No.23223482

not sure if my in-ears are bad or what ever but the sound makes me cringe
i like dlsite asmr but the miminame always does this to me

>> No.23223624




>> No.23223667

if theres one thing good about individual kanji study is that it makes me bored out of my fuckin mind thus helping me fall asleep at night

>> No.23223799

one line flows ye i got some of those

>> No.23223864

ufotable shows have banging ops tbqh

>> No.23224021

there's so much rezu to be consumed

>> No.23224025

how does this cram option works? the one time i tried to mess with this option, it fucked my due shit

>> No.23224061

first in the day for fck anki

>> No.23224072

what was the last anime and vn you enjoyed?

>> No.23224080

I wish I could fuck Anki. It turns me on when Im doing my reviews

>> No.23224116

it feels like djt used to have a lot more posts with screenshots of anime or vns people were watching
wtf happened to those people?

>> No.23224122

why would anybody care what im watching

>> No.23224131

maybe i'll post some screencaps later on
if you're 素直

>> No.23224129
File: 20 KB, 634x410, 1576252383535.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post em

>> No.23224153

why would you even post your list at only 45 completed shows? you are basically just shouting "look everyone! i'm a newfag!"

>> No.23224245

there probably aren't even 45 good shows out there desu

>> No.23224264

jamal once said you shouldn't nut before working out but i just beat my record running 5km immediately after a good fap

>> No.23224327

i tried asking jamal how much he works out earlier but he just ignored me so i'm guessing he doesn't actually do any exercise

>> No.23224429

you were claiming to be healthy so it was relevant

but since you still won't answer that basically confirms that you don't exercise. do you at least eat healthily?

>> No.23224437

why would i care what people think lol in any case thats shows ive watched with jp subs, my eng sub anime list is around 250 or so

>> No.23224445

whats ur 5k time

>> No.23224468


>> No.23224487

250 is not so bad

not sirouto but not tatujin either. you are probabiy missing a lot of influential/notable shows still so ganbare anonymous

>> No.23224659

wish there were jp subs for vampire hunter d

>> No.23224677

when is fuuka gonna fix its shit and start archiving threads properly again?

>> No.23224693

i dont care about mal stats. i wanna see anki stats

>> No.23224698

Good morning, /djt/! Read that thing you've been slacking on and stop shitposting!

>> No.23224706

i'm not slacking i read every day

>> No.23224715

archive is very useful since it lets you search for things which people have posted before.

might be a link to some resource, might've been a post with information about something, and without the archives it would be gone forever.

there are other archives of /jp/ besides fuuka but none of them allow searches so they're near-useless. that's why its so annoying that fuuka is missing tons of posts and has been for months.

>> No.23224718

i just had breakfast dude

>> No.23224730

everything important is stored or linked over to on the itazuraneko guide so no point in worrying about that shit.
if you wanna keep a djt cringe compilation, do it in your own computer

>> No.23224732

warosu allows searches

>> No.23224743

no, and especially not since the new "maintainer" took over who does absolutely nothing

warosu is fuuka

>> No.23224749

theres literally fucking nothing important outside of itazuraneko
literally fucking N O T H I N G

>> No.23224755

that's wrong tho and will become increasingly wrong as time progresses and the new "maintainer" continues not to maintain the site at all

>> No.23224766
File: 341 KB, 320x240, 関係ない.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> the "maintainer", probably
protip: if you know the words without looking it up, you're barely not a dekinai

>> No.23224767

if theres anything important outside of it, why don't you go ahead and name it?

>> No.23224775

read 等しい as いとしい so i have to fail the card even though i knew the meaning and even remembered where i mined it from even though the card is 6 months old. makes me want to fucking bash my skull into the wall.

>> No.23224829

learn english

people post shit here all the time which never ends up on itazuraneko

something from a recent thread:

yeah sure maybe it's not 'essential' but then what really is?
incidentally fuuka/warosu missed this from its archive

>> No.23224831

you first

>> No.23224834

dumb esl

>> No.23224842

>the absolute state of djt

>> No.23224845

what did he mean by this

>> No.23224853

the absolute state of europeons

>> No.23224856

>the absolute state of low iq "banter"

>> No.23224860

might as well link every single japanese youtube channel and every single japanese wikipedia article for completion's sake

>> No.23224883

oh it's tobira guy as jsualy

>> No.23224986

so tobira guy is a shitskin brazilian, makes sense

>> No.23224992

do you see tobira on my ultimate guide to japanese?

>> No.23224996

stfu tobira guy

>> No.23225001
File: 2 KB, 506x23, the path that men choose.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23225005

then dont talk about tobira. talk about this:
RTK 1 + 3
Core 6k (10k if possible)
A Dictionary of Basic/Intermediate/Advanced Japanese Grammar
and this only

>> No.23225036

do this and you wont ask about wa/ga not what dashi means

>> No.23225206
File: 799 KB, 1187x662, niiin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck jannies [/spoilers]

>> No.23225223


do dolly fans still exist?

>> No.23225226

based every time

>> No.23225234

why do they both talk at the same time all the time

>> No.23225235

Ultimate Guide to Japanese
RTK 1 + 3
Core 6k (10k if possible)
A Dictionary of Basic/Intermediate/Advanced Japanese Grammar
Do this if you wanna learn Japanese. Do anything else if you wanna suck for at least half a decade.

>> No.23225237

god i hate this hypocritical cunt

>> No.23225249

now matt is just shitposting

>> No.23225250

latency retard

>> No.23225252

not only is her pronunciation fucked but also her pitch
bet a lot of people who haven't studied pitch would fuck up 聞ける and 聞こえる to be honest

>> No.23225264

what do you want me to answer? enough that i have the 余裕 to study and notice it i guess

>> No.23225284

>ur always gonna sound weird
nah one day i will be indistinguishable from a native
at the very least by the time ive been studying for 30 years

>> No.23225411

real ultimate nippongo guide
>read boiro guide
>while doing the first 666 words of vncore
>while watching raw animu of your choice
>when done watch more animuS, read some vns, and make a mining deck (where you test on readings only for eZ fast reviews)

>> No.23225418
File: 119 KB, 1576x898, 2020-03-20 18_15_20-Kindle Cloud Reader.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reading dollys book right now and this has been quite revealing. How do japanese grammar books for japanese describe the i - adjective?

>> No.23225434

share this shit

>> No.23225480

support her buy buying it on kindle for 3 bucks you vermin.

>> No.23225486

remember you are reading a guide by the man who made this

>> No.23225493

lmfao everybody btfo forever

>> No.23225499


>> No.23225524

ummm hello? based department???

>> No.23225528

why didn't you post the time stamp to the best part?

>> No.23225531
File: 23 KB, 882x304, キャプチャ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deepest lore

>> No.23225536

the whole video is the best part

>> No.23225539

i was just reading that part when you made that post o_0

>> No.23225545


>> No.23225556

matt gives ajatt a ton of credit he is not hypocritical

>> No.23225564

i never realised how important pitch accent was until i saw this video

>> No.23225567
File: 58 KB, 358x655, 1558756229393-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm a fucking pleb when it comes to programing, can anyone help me with some Anki customization?

When i'm learning new vocab, i always try to translate/understand the meaning of the example sentences before looking at the translation. Is it possible to omit/keep hidden the sentence translation when click to show the first time? And is it possible to do it only for new vocab so it doesn't take longer during revision?

>> No.23225572


>> No.23225575

but i dont want to support her/him/whatever. i just want to leech

>> No.23225579
File: 35 KB, 572x380, 1428645454086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23225604
File: 24 KB, 1200x400, 1568233704025.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23225611


>> No.23225617
File: 158 KB, 1080x1349, jatopeia1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just want to make it a bit more fun, you sour little fruits.

>> No.23225633

if you want to make it a bit more fun
understand that you can't learn languages via anki and stop trying to
instead of reading textbook tier japanese example sentences, go read and listen to some actual japanese

>> No.23225644

i mean why get sidetracked w. playing w. a computer program when u could be reading mizuiro and fillin up ur heart w. good shit

>> No.23225649

why not make it fun by reading a manga

>> No.23225651

you could just have googled it bro
heres the best you can do in anki as far as i know though for your situation

>> No.23225682

You guys got a point, i don't spend all my study time doing this, and i should worry less about it. But tell me, how soon after you started learning were you able to practice what you are preaching? Honest question.

Thanks man.

>> No.23225690

i followed this guide and was reading on week 1 >>23219522

>> No.23225713

you just mentioned it

>> No.23225717

stopped reading so i can spend more time posting with jamal

>> No.23225724


>> No.23225728

once you have a basic vocabulary down and you've read through a beginner grammar guide, you should be in as good of a position as you ever really will be to make your foray into real native content.

you will feel very much out of your depth and comfort zone at first, and it will be very difficult, but the more japanese you read and listen to, the more your brain will come to understand japanese. it might sound like magic, but that is really how acquisition works.

it doesn't hurt to go back and reference grammar explanations via your beginner guide, e.g. tae kim or boiro, or via more comprehensive guides, such as hjgp or dojg, but you should've ideally left those behind after the first few months

reading and listening in the beginning sucks
but reading and listening is the only way to learn japanese and as you stick at it things will get better

>> No.23225734


dont listen to srs drones.

>> No.23225737

Yeah I'm not reading all that, 7 decides what I read next.

>> No.23225769

you got 7 so you decide
