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File: 100 KB, 1024x683, 39536615864_f905753834_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
38348127 No.38348127 [Reply] [Original]

Secret Valentine Edition

BJD thread, primarily for vinyl dolls with an anime aesthetic.
Previous Thread: >>38002096
Resin Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/9570895 (but you can post here, too.)
Fashion/Other Dolls Thread: >>>/toy/9551047

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Current Photo Challenge: Hearts
Previous Photo Challenge: Bokeh
If your doll is for fucking, go to /ona/:

>> No.38348517

my secret is that you're all my valentines

>> No.38350797
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>> No.38352527
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Where does one find cute outfits like these?

>> No.38352757

I kinda feel like this is a Volks outfit but the closest one I can find is the White Down Coat Set outfit from 2014-ish.

>> No.38353251

Make one !

>> No.38357111
File: 1.13 MB, 727x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons, her new clothes came in and I just can't, she's just too cute

>> No.38357238

Going to ask again since the old thread is dead.

I am planning to get started painting DD heads for auction. I live in the United States and it seems that residents in Japan are only able to sell on the Yahoo Japan Auction platform. However, I noticed that Chinese, Thai, and other foreign oriental sellers are sometimes selling heads at auction which perplexes me.

Other anons have suggested sites such as Etsy, Ebay and/or selling through instagram. These are not viable options for me. After observing sales, sold items, auctions and etc. on these platforms for multiple months, it seems that these are not the best avenue for me to go. It seems that sales on these platforms rarely exceed the $400 range for custom heads, whereas heads on Yahoo Auctions easily reach into the thousands for just the head (no body.).

I am asking the following questions:
Do you think the foreign sellers are using a proxy?
If so, which proxies do you think?

I checked Buyee, Tenso, FromJapan, and others but they only offer the option to purchase items by proxy, not for selling.

>> No.38357294

Anon I understand the market, before you go out of your way making tens of atrocious heads, can you show us any of your work so we know it's worth it helping you.
You don't really seem to care about providing any value or sharing your art and basically want to get as much money out of people as possible.
Selling a head for 300$ is already an insane markup, so either you are greedy or assume your work is worth more than that. If you're just greedy we're not gonna help you for free.

>> No.38357317

Also I know a company that is more than likely to help you out if you contact them.

>> No.38357672

>whereas heads on Yahoo Auctions easily reach into the thousands
From a few specific sellers, yes. Most of the heads there sell for a lot less, especially from the lesser known sellers. You need to make a name for yourself before your heads will ever go for that much. But even that doesn't guarantee big sales. The artist who made most of my heads has made and sold almost 2000 at this point, and they still mostly sell for $200-400. Could be an oversupply thing though, since they usually sell 2-4 a week.

>> No.38358863
File: 514 KB, 1196x617, ten thousand us dollars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love that sweater on her!

What this anon said,
While some heads do go for quite the markup, there are usually extenuating circumstances -- it's a one-off recreation of a popular character, two whales just surreptitiously got into a bidding war, or it's a particularly rare sculpt with fine custom work on top of that. Few people will pay more than $400 for the average DD head; even many of the big name sellers will often have listings at or below that price range.

I don't post about this much because it feels like bragging and I honestly don't want the kind of attention, but I have about 20 DDs (one is a DDP) and 10 SmDs, nearly all with custom faceups. I have heads from obscure artists that did the work themselves and changed their minds later, and from big-name artists that almost everyone has a head from (ShiNeS.) I also have a number of resin dolls with custom work. I have been in this hobby a very long time.

But I still haven't paid more than $500 for a head. I'd probably only do that for a rare sculpt like Rise Kujikawa. I can, and have, bought whole entire dolls for less than that (DDS Mayu!) Even customs with mods will rarely go for that much from most creators -- usually, part of the cost of these incredibly expensive listings is for a fullset outfit, eyes, wig, and props along with the head. I spectate doll auctions for fun, and I've only seen custom heads on Y!JA sell for more than a few thousand dollars a handful of times- once was a custom Touhou fullset from a big-name artist that went for 7k, and once was a fullset custom with props of some Vtuber (I think?) who may very well have been bought by the actual vtuber herself, picrel.

Artists who sell well also network and promote themselves well, especially at events, on Japanese-specific stores and blogging platforms as well as twitter and instagram. Physically being in attendance at Volks events with your work is all part of how people get their name out there- "oh thank you, I painted her myself, my name is XYZ on booth!" Cracking a market that's already been saturated by people who've been in the game longer than you are is a difficult prospect, anon... do you even know the language?

A handful of instances in lifetime of sales are not good odds, anon. There is money to be made in this hobby; never assume you will be that guy. I'm not trying to discourage you from this if it is your passion and your interest, and I'd love to see examples of your work as well. But there are a lot of factors to consider here if you really want to get into this on a high level, and you don't seem to be looking at the full picture.

>> No.38359375
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>> No.38359675
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>> No.38359766

Do DDP wear MDD or DD-size shoes?

>> No.38359925

I've been wondering where the people who make these clothes get the prints
do they have custom prints made, or are small prints like that just available as fabric in Japan?

>> No.38360576

Both of these things are correct.

>> No.38360656

While I don't have experience painting doll heads, I do have a lot of experience painting faces on tabletop miniatures and have been paid handsome sums to paint for others.

I humbly decline to share my portfolio since I do not want my main clientele to see my other doll-like endeavors.(I think it would put them off honestly)

Instead of hinting, please just share the contact info. I would like to explore my options.

As for networking, I have experience with online marketing and have comrades to give me further advice.

I do not understand Japanese personally, but I am willing to use translators if needed for communication.

I am not sure if I am looking at an incorrect location, category or tab, but I have consistently been seeing heads for selling in the 900~1000 USD price range.

Thank you for sending that screenshot of the 10,000 USD auction. I'm surprised that it actually went for that much money since it appears to be very simplistic face-up. I'm sure that the value mostly stems from the styling, and costume.

I most likely can do something a bit more detailed than that.

>> No.38360966

>give me the info for free so I can get a 10x markup on my dollhead instead of 4x!
there's nothing in it for me, and a lot for you so no, but see my instructions on the bottom for an easy method.
>I most likely can do something a bit more detailed than that.
Oh my sweet summer child

anon if you're just in it for the money, you're gonna get burned hard, you can't market your way to sales if you don't have any passion for the hobby, not even to say anything of your complete lack of connection to the Japanese doll culture. It's a niche circlejerk. The people spending their money on custom face-ups are a few hardcore fans that enjoy the art of a specific artist, the emotion they are able to portray in their faces and the feeling of supporting someone in the community. Some literal-who like you without portfolio is just going to get the same 300$ you get here, if you make something remotely attractive

But you know, just contact someone in Japan, send the doll head and have them make an add for you. Most of them like to make a quick buck so you can just offer them 100$ for the first trial, and 10% of any sale afterwards if the selling goes well. 99.9% of the japanese are trustworthy so as long as you can get the message across and they agree it's easy af.

>> No.38361550

ah yeah that makes sense
guess I should start learning about Japanese fabric companies

>> No.38362154

check mercari.jp/mandarake, they might have anomalous bolts of fabric. You never know!

>> No.38362189
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Didn't mean for that to be a link, sorry. mercari.jp OR mandarake.

>> No.38363958 [SPOILER] 
File: 124 KB, 1200x1600, rip 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you familiar with doing anime-style paintwork, anon? I ask because even though it looks simple, it's deceptively difficult to pull off. Realistic faceup work and animetic faceup work are dissimilar enough that many well-established creators will decline to attempt the latter style if asked to do so. I've no doubt you paint lovely miniatures, and I greatly admire the detail work that many put into their Warhammer armies. That said, as you're trying to crack into a secular, niche market, I have to ask.

Additionally, what materials would you be using for the work? Doll faceups are generally done with watercolor pencils or chalk pastels and sealed in place with layers of very particular sealants. Oil-based products can damage the underlying material of the head, and many paints are much too heavy for the work. If doing mouth mods, you will also need, among other things, a sculpting medium, a dremel, and possibly a hairdryer for vinyl work. It is very easy to create a disasterpiece, pic very rel.

While you do see heads frequently go for $1000 USD or more, it's not just the head that is selling for that price. The accessories matter in the final price, but so too does the name of the artist themselves. No matter how beautiful and detailed your work may be, it will take time for even the most talented person to attain the reputation which will allow them to earn such a sum on a regular basis, if at all.

Consumer trends, individual preference, styling and accessories, market saturation, and many other factors go into the actual value which a doll will sell for- and even if you find a design that is desireable and profitable, you can't just churn them out endlessly and keep making that level of profit. Tastes change, and unfortunately much of Japan's collector culture has the belief that rarity = value. It is complex, and a little stupid, too. Sometimes blind dumb luck will drive a price up when Anon A and Anon B get into it. Other times you can list the same head for three months and no one will buy it (until I do, out of pity.) You would be a novelty as a gaijin, if word got out -- but once the novelty wore off, the high shipping cost may put many potential customers off.

If you are able to make a living in this way, more power to you. You may have better luck offering painting and faceup work to resin doll collectors in the west -- it is closer to your field of expertise, and far less complicated to break into. You won't make gangbusters amounts of money, but you could could make a place for yourself if you really cared to, and steady work is better than none at all. I would consider it, were I in your shoes.

>> No.38364737

MDD. DD/SD shoes are too big.

>From a few specific sellers, yes.
As someone who's spent in the lower range of whale money for a couple of heads the artist name was a major part of the purchasing decision indeed.

>> No.38365544
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>> No.38370916

There is so much wrong with your description of how to paint I'm just not gonna say anything.

>> No.38371972
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>> No.38372642


>> No.38372789 [SPOILER] 
File: 75 KB, 480x640, 56544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tanaka sir here's my head portfolio
>least I can expect is $800, as base.

>> No.38372860

The eyes are not bad.

>> No.38372928
File: 550 KB, 2612x3551, FKLgGG4aQAI5hy7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this, how can this exist? how can something be this cute, I want to hug this doll

>> No.38372982

Anons I'd love to see your doll, the Twitter images are nice but I'd love some original stuff.

>> No.38373093

no money sorry check back in 6 months when I get a job

>> No.38373580

Thanks, I'm putting in a shoe order at ACBJD and I wasn't sure what size to go for for my new girl.

>> No.38373590

In what way do you feel that I was incorrect?

>> No.38375140
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>> No.38377087

I wouldn't even begin to know how to go about doing that, unfortunately.

Thank you for trying, anon!

>> No.38378434
File: 404 KB, 1080x1440, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got this adorable shark outfit from a dealer named Cloth Lab. I really love the details like the embroidered shark coming out of the pocket, and the ship wheel on the bow. Their store is at https://clothlab.cart.fc2.com/ (you need a proxy of course if you don't live in Japan), but there isn't currently any stock besides some leftover halloween outfits on sale, which I also have and are also very cute. They've made a few shark, dolphin, and whale themed outfits very similar to this one. Most recently they've had a whale shark which you can see on the shop page, but it's sold out. You can also watch their twitter @clothlab for updates if this is something you're looking for.

>> No.38378717

anon it looks absolutely gorgeous, can we know how much it went for

>> No.38379138

They are very bad.

>> No.38379196

That one was 7000 yen.

>> No.38383437
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>> No.38383854

Thank you anon, I really love this!

>> No.38384735
File: 247 KB, 1024x1820, Cq5tJtLUEAEoOSg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay heres an ancient pic of my momo in one of the IM@S outfits shortly after it came out

>> No.38385787

Momo has such a precious face sculpt, I bet she's fun to take photos with.

>> No.38386070
File: 556 KB, 1203x1513, IMG_8542.edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fresh off the phone with a tiny bit of cropping & bg cleanup

>> No.38386577

i ordered a dslr and im going to take pictures of my bjd

>> No.38387629
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not that anon, but can attest to her being pretty epic

>> No.38388030

AP girls seem to pose wonderfully!

Congratulations anon, what did you get, if you want to share? Be sure to get a spare battery!

I love their outfits.

>> No.38388495

I bought a canon eos 20d. Camera from 2004. It was the cheapest dslr i could find. And thank you, it should be coming in a week but i'll try to take pictures as quick as i can.

>> No.38388636

Anything is a good place to start -- I'm sure you will learn a lot from this camera. Does it come with a lens as well? If it's just the camera body, you will need to pick one up -- but there are a shitton of Canon lenses out there, so I'm sure you can find one easily for your camera (check mercari.) Something in the 50mm range is a good lens for everyday use in my personal opinion, but whatever you have available is probably gonna work just fine -- what matters most is getting your hands on the camera and figuring out what you like, what you don't, and how to achieve the things you want to achieve with the tools at your disposal. I'm looking forward to seeing your first photos, anon!

>> No.38389399

the mirrorless A6000 is good and dirt cheap too

>> No.38389627

Okay be honest, how much research on these specific dolls and their paint methods did you do? Because there is nothing incorrect with what >>38363958 has said. And this is coming from someone that used to be a relatively big name face-up artist in the western doll community (and a scale modeler, though not ttrpg) so I do know what I’m talking about. Or at least enough to tell that you do not.

>> No.38389989
File: 1.73 MB, 1140x1711, IMG_6110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon I really hate to break it to you but the faceups in the doll hobbies are rarely actually painted on with actual acrylic paint. An airbrush is used from time to time, but usually for coloring body parts like wings or tails. I actually own some dolls that have paint on their bodies -- they are fantasy colored and it was used to color-match different parts, pic related. It's generally way too much on the face. Even painted fingernails and other custom detail work usually isn't done with paint.

>> No.38391360

I heard something about how Volks used to do 1/6 scale dollfies back in the day, and that's why the main lines are called super dollfie/dollfie dream/etc?

Does anyone have pics of those original dollfies? Sounds interesting.

>> No.38392773

Very cute! Love the wig and freckles especially.

>> No.38394031

Finally he returned.

>> No.38396363
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>> No.38397687

I have a few of them, they’ve gone down in price so it’s not too painful to start a collection. I have Cthulhu and a few lost Angels. The body’s tend to fall apart while you play with them but the clothing quality and hair is very nice. They’re a lot thinner/ taller than Azone pure Neemos.

>> No.38398341

Mind showing off your collection anon? I'm more into azone but I'd love to see some examples besides the wikipedia article ha

>> No.38399306

thanks, they are their original character outfits which look amazing, unfortunately they elbows on mikis outfit have started to crack and peel so thats a thing.

>> No.38399729
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>> No.38400049

Cute boy.

>> No.38402021
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>> No.38402812
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I'm amazed by how cute this doll is.

>> No.38402932

That's really erotic, i can't believe im thinking about fapping to a doll

>> No.38404817
File: 1.10 MB, 3072x2048, 37216645292_3b2e3647a4_3k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38405930

you ain't seen nothin yet
(but probably won't in this thread because blue board)

>> No.38408055

I'm amazed at how cute all the stuff here is. Saving for a doll and DSLR so I can take cute photos as well

>> No.38410480 [SPOILER] 
File: 136 KB, 873x1600, 9CBA56D0-26FD-4C2A-B9C7-73D8698D61BE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a few parts left but no complete ones with outfits since they were all bought as blanks to customize. They’re closer to the old Obitsu dolls of the time, the two or three part fashion doll-like bodies, but the engineering was much worse than Obitsu. Elbows and hands come off all the time. You could get huge chest pieces for them though which seemed to be one of the main selling points. There was also a rubber and wire body that looked better but posed terribly.

Pic is from Mandarake but you get the idea.

>> No.38411121

Don't tease me like that, i don't want to fap to dolls
I just want to appreciate the beauty and purity

>> No.38411230
File: 216 KB, 1358x2048, E4SrGDZUcAQxBxT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's okay, anon.

>> No.38411287

Thanks for helping anon, this no joints calmed my boner

>> No.38413314
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>> No.38414125 [SPOILER] 
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speaking of uh… sexy doll pics, I bought one of the long Quarantotto Gakuen uniforms while they were available
and I thought I'd take advantage of the pleather "belt" it comes with before it completely disintegrates

>AP girls seem to pose wonderfully!
they really do
I'd say it's mostly thanks to the Obitsu skeleton than the soft skin
though the skin flexibility does help out with some more extreme poses
apparently AP has soft upper arms as well, so I might end up getting a set of those since I have been running into some posability limits there

thank you! the wig has started growing on me, not like I own too many to choose from though

that sure is an interesting… costume?
can you call that a costume?

>> No.38414215 [SPOILER] 
File: 336 KB, 580x870, 875_P_1590623063029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pleather is such an awful material, I'd pay far more for the same thing made from literally any material that isn't guaranteed to disintegrate in 3-5 years. Very cute photos though, anon, you do good work with this girl.

>> No.38414473

Sensei? Nani shiteru no? Hnnng!

>> No.38415320
File: 181 KB, 837x1280, 8E9CBF8D-DEA4-45C6-AF13-44DDC7AB6CE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omfg yes!

>> No.38416056

I love this photo.

>> No.38418713
File: 1.26 MB, 3024x4032, FEhdxdQaMAApFdO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38419939

She looks really soft and huggable

>> No.38420966

Is 25-26,000 yen for a DDS body worth jumping on, or do I wait for a better price? I've been admiring the DDS girls for a while and there are a couple bodies up on Mandarake right now for about that price, but I saw that they've also sold DDS bodies in seemingly pretty decent condition for 20-22k yen and I wonder if I should hold off until another deal like that comes up or else I'll regret it. Or am I just being a cheapskate?

>> No.38422873

Depends on what caused the price difference. For a DDS type III body in good condition, 25-26k seems standard for mandarake, same with F3s but they go faster. I'd jump on an F3 for that price and wait for a cheaper type III.

>> No.38423298

>Pleather is such an awful material
I know right?
at least this belt will be super simple to replace with actual leather once it's dead, unlike say a pair of shoes
I've been dreading buying any shoes for that reason, but maybe by the time they deteriorate I'll be handy enough to replace that too?

>> No.38423450

You can at least get canvas sneakers and plastic/foam flip flops, also some vinyl molded high heels and the like. Boots are the real challenge.

>> No.38423947

Thank you!

>> No.38424289
File: 1.22 MB, 2265x2000, DSC_0374 edit small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody doing Valentine's styles with your dolls?

>> No.38424300
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>> No.38424306
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>> No.38424330

Your photos are always such a treat. Maybe I'll try something Valentine's-y too.

>> No.38424367

Thank you, and make sure to share them if you do!

>> No.38426309

I've been thinking of upgrading my DD/SIII girls to f3s. Let me know if you or anyone else are interested on getting them for cheap jaypee2hu@gmail.com

>> No.38426375
File: 252 KB, 1365x2048, 1610999115869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sent you a message.

>> No.38426726

Thanks anon, sent you an email!

>> No.38427192
File: 21 KB, 499x700, 4_IMG_4934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38427791

thanks, anon!

>> No.38428576

Which AP sculpt is this?

>> No.38429220
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>> No.38429380 [SPOILER] 
File: 127 KB, 720x1080, DSC02311-web_53710459-5908-4a4d-b972-589deb6f1456_1080x1080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you guys think about the silicone body from ADYKA dolls?

>> No.38429976

I might grab one. I do have quite a few peach pais but never gone full silicone so it'll be interesting to see how that pans out. Will probably collect dust quite a bit more than vinyl.

>> No.38429995

I'll be rude, are these for masturbating? I mean what's the point? To make them less doll-like? That's stupid.

>> No.38430332
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Type H

>> No.38430866

>To make them less doll-like?
I don't see why it's stupid, different people want different things with dolls
personally I'm not a fan of silicone bodies though, even with the current "state of the art" there's too many downsides when compared to vinyl
they only look good posed in the manufacturer's photos (imo)
and I don't think any of them are made with medical-grade silicone so you don't even get better stain resistance

>> No.38434235

Where is the doll soul located? I would feel bad changing the head.

>> No.38434962

the doll's soul is in the gestalt like everything else in this mortal plane

>> No.38435059
File: 118 KB, 600x800, 1634277656580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The soles are on the feet, so you're good.

>> No.38435163

yeah there is some insertable depth which is nice

>> No.38435377

Nah, some people prefer them for modeling certain types of clothes- swimwear, lingerie, and the like. Others enjoy their posability. If they ever come back in stock I'll probably get one to fuck around with.

>> No.38436741

I wouldn't be surprised that there's that element to them, but I think for a lot of people it's about making thighs, busts and hips behave more like flesh than plastic. You'll never see an indent at the top of a stocking, the pushup effect of a bodice or a hip pushing flat against a surface on a vinyl doll. There's that personality that seeks realism no matter what, and I think that's who these are more aimed at. Onahole bodies are already a (much cheaper) thing.

>> No.38437076

>there's too many downsides when compared to vinyl
Mind explaining more? The ones above seem way more flexible

>> No.38437146

Not that anon, but: higher staining hazard, needing to repowder the bodies regularly (silicone is naturally very tacky/sticky), silicone degradation, cannot adjust joint tension, harder to dress, less damage resistance to tears and rips. They're VERY high maintenance so the trade off vs vinyl isn't worth it to a lot of people.

>> No.38438933

ayrt, and >>38437146 is right about the silicone doll bodies I've seen on the market
but also, "silicone" is a broad term that describes a variety of materials that share a chemical structure (silicone polymers)
as for staining and degradation specifically, I've heard "medical-grade" silicone compared favorably to many other soft polymers, but not vinyl specifically
now, "medical-grade" silicone is also an ill-defined category of silicones, but generally they are chemically stable and have low porosity
that probably depends as much on the casting & curing method as the exact chemical composition
of course porosity is also relative to what you're worried about getting in, for example most materials are "porous" to helium gas
"medical-grade" silicone not being porous is relative to microbial growth, but whether that makes it more stain-proof than vinyl depends on the size of dye particles/molecules it's presented with
as for that, I just don't know — I'm not an expert, I've just done some light research on the topic

>> No.38438955
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>that share a chemical structure (silicone polymers)
meant "silicon polymers"
was typing silicone too much

>> No.38440243

You are a silly cone.

>> No.38440249

I'm thinking about making a custom Sailor Venus as I don't particularly love the licensed sculpt. I have a faceup artist in mind already, but I'm a bit torn for which head sculpt to use. I'm leaning toward a ddh-07 but worry it may be too mature for Venus. What do you guys think?

>> No.38440260

doot doot

>> No.38440447

If you like the 07 the most, then go for it. And I don't think it would be too mature for her. What other sculpts were you considering?

>> No.38440533

the other ones I was considering were the 09 or 14, but I think the 14 is still locked behind the choice system and I don't want to go through the hassle of doing that just to wipe the face and send it to the artist.

>> No.38440719

actually reading through their description of the body, it looks like they've put a lot of thought into the design
biggest thing is avoiding wire skeletons, next would be using OEM extremities so they don't lose detail there
not going to get one because DD is a bit out of my size range and the sculpting isn't quite 100%, but I will be keeping an eye on ADYKA to see what else they come up with
>captcha DDMFD

>> No.38440943
File: 823 KB, 528x704, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet the 09 would be really cute, but I might be biased since it's one of my favorite sculpts.
Odds are you've already seen it, but someone on Flickr has some photos of a DDH-07 painted as Venus, if it helps your decision any.

>> No.38442275
File: 88 KB, 1200x799, DdxV_1tUwAEQoDa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38443795

I hadn't seen that! Thanks for finding that. She's awfully damn cute.

>> No.38448058
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>> No.38451382
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>> No.38453759
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>> No.38455295
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>> No.38457902
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>> No.38460311

I wonder how they got her hair to do that

>> No.38463427
File: 711 KB, 1200x926, b8467b5060cb6345ec018931b49d37fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that cloth-lab model's face sure is something different

>> No.38463926

damn she looks really good

>> No.38465233
File: 75 KB, 1080x608, 92948806_585554692052930_3950677390256721876_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know for photos of Hatsune Miku they use fishing line, but I'm unsure for this. Could've just been a lucky gust of wind.

>> No.38469217

Nice lens flare.

>> No.38471575
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>> No.38473422
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>> No.38476066
File: 949 KB, 4096x2731, FAS3K3xVQAE7rHm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38480366

what is the name of the doll that sometimes gets posted, a miku doll I think, with a wide mouth line and crazy eyes

>> No.38480475
File: 446 KB, 1536x2048, 1564274027200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no idea, unfortunately

>> No.38480620
File: 263 KB, 1536x2048, FJwS62DaMAM99zq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's a custom Miku DD owned by twitter user @narupajin. They just call her Miku in posts. If she has a name beyond that, I don't know.

>> No.38480748

I found the twitter, just searched for 'funny miku doll'.

>> No.38481043

This is the best Miku of all Mikus.

>> No.38481901

Hey anons, is there anyone that takes outfit commissions? I'm making a doll of a character I like, but her outfit isn't something I can make from spare parts I find online, so I'll need a little help.

>> No.38481920

If the anon who likes schoolgirl outfits is around, there's a smart doll "post apocalyptic uniform" for sale on mercari.jp you might be interested in.


>> No.38482288

I'm still here, thanks for the tip, looks really nice but I wonder whether or not it's gonna fit my DDS, might still buy just to find out!
Did you just randomly encounter this or was there a method to it? I haven't seen anyone recommending stuff from Mercari before.

>> No.38482300

Are her leg joints near her panties photoshopped or does she have a butt and hip joints?

>> No.38482575

I can't give you any firsthand experience, but I remember a few threads ago I asked about dressing the DDS body and there was an anon who said smart doll sized clothes fit theirs really well. It probably wouldn't hurt to try, even if it doesn't fit I bet you could sell it off quickly.

>> No.38482718

I trawl listings for things on different websites on a regular basis and if I find something someone here was looking for, I usually mention it. Searching the moonrunes for Smart Doll (スマートドール) and sorting by highest price first usually brings up the most relevant results (in a sea of irrelevancy.) Additionally, I can say that SmD clothes generally fit DDS pretty well, so you should be good to go!

>> No.38482969

pretty sure that's an MDD, and those would be the hip balls

>> No.38484292
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>> No.38485592
File: 481 KB, 2732x4096, 1623136789655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone tell me to stop being a coward and dye my doll already.

>> No.38486333

I do!

>> No.38489602

NTA but I also should just commission my dolls outfit because I'm not progressing well on it.

>> No.38491886

What color are you dying your doll now that you're not going to be a coward?

>> No.38493588
File: 75 KB, 900x1200, 10756066a3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doll-less newbie here, what do you guys think about Azone/Obitsu dolls? Are there outfits, wigs, and everything like MDD or they're not worth it? Also what about the dolls in the Pureneemo series, if you buy a character can you change it's clothes and stuff right?

>> No.38494751

If you're looking for a specific character doll and don't plan on too much customization Azone are great entry level dolls. They are an inbetween size for MSD and DD so clothing options can be a little limited but that's about it, you can change them to your hearts content, they're in no way attached to the doll. Wigs are easy as they're measured in inches and can be used on any doll that is the same size.

>> No.38496147

I know we're all anons here, but if you have a contact information you're willing to share, I'd love to discuss things further with you!

imo Azone are great beginner dolls. They can be a little difficult to find clothes for with their measurements, but they're lots of fun. My very first doll was an Azone Pure Neemo. Their hair and eyes aren't interchangeable, but the rest of the outfit will be -- if you prefer tiny dolls, you can also look into Obitsu's smaller dolls, which also have interchangeable eyes and wigs. They're a great way to start small and see how much you'll fall for the hobby before jumping straight into the more expensive options. Is there any in particular that catches your eye, anon?

>> No.38498311
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>> No.38498911
File: 117 KB, 1024x678, 24377353534_03bb6f4c2a_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Night, dollanons.

>> No.38499156
File: 128 KB, 1200x1200, 10811686a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Azone Pure Neemo
yeah they seem really cute, I was looking at one of gochiusa and other of this character I also like.
> Obitsu's smaller dolls, which also have interchangeable eyes and wigs
I'm checking this now in the Parabox website (That's the best for this brand right?) and 1/6 has a lot of sizes, like from 11 to 27cm, which size would you recommend? I like MDD, still want one that looks kinda like those but may try something smaller and a bit cheaper first like you said

I don't have a doll but I already like this a lot, they're so cute and there are ton of cute clothes I imagine how much of a money sinking thing this can be

>> No.38500640
File: 73 KB, 256x169, snip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone recognize these hands? Haven't seen them before.

>> No.38501159
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>> No.38501390

I want to see it pre-photoshop

>> No.38503058
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>> No.38503527
File: 741 KB, 750x1334, FC392F3B-D461-4A3C-9129-D437745E00D3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Parabox is a different brand that uses Obitsu parts and manufacturing, but they aren’t the actual Obitsu store and don’t carry the full line. Personally I also greatly prefer the actual Obitsu 1/6 doll full sets to Parabox. Obitsu is on par with Azone (and even did a collab) where Parabox feels cheaper and outdated. Pic related, it’s from the Obitsu Uniform Project series and there’s several retailers carrying them.

>> No.38503571

To add, for this size (24-26cm) you can buy almost any clothes and shoes labeled for Blythe dolls and they will frequently fit Barbie and similar play line stuff. It’s a fun size to get into for the sheer amount of 1/6 accessories and props.

>> No.38505844
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>> No.38506296
File: 596 KB, 1675x2048, ExSZLfeVIAQet2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to show some sexy joints

>> No.38506726

nice joints haha

>> No.38507219
File: 2.05 MB, 2000x3000, DSC_0398 small.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know people are always asking about guns, and people mention GoatGuns. I took this quick snap during my photoshoot to show this rifle from Goat Guns if anybody wanted to see them in perspective.

>> No.38507428

Oh, thanks anon, the scale looks pretty good to my (admittedly inexperienced) eye!

>> No.38510342
File: 200 KB, 959x1200, DSC_5579.jpg.b9771167baf9558826dfbb686db44329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38510789

...how small is that Megatron? It looks absolutely tiny.

Kind of want a Prime in that size.

>> No.38511744
File: 3.19 MB, 1761x1174, doll jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got the camera today and took pics after figuring out the controls and stuff. My room is really dark and I dont have a tripod so I had to use high ISO on a really old camera, not enthusiastic about the quality but I am still happy I got to take some pictures

>> No.38511810
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>> No.38511821
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>> No.38511944

I would like to reiterate that whoever designed the f3 sockets can eat a dick. I just wanted to change my girl's underwear, made the mistake of pulling out her leg to fit them on without potentially tearing them, and then needing to spend 20 minutes wrestling with the damn joints trying to get it back together.

>> No.38512723

Nice pics anon, if you have a tripod you could try manual focus/aperature if that's not what you're doing already.
some basic tips:
shutter time can be increased to account for low lighting, especially if you have a tripod and a static subject. So try a 2 second shutter time to see how bright it can get, this will also allow you to keep your ISO low. If you want to be a perfectionist you can also have a timer of 3 seconds so the movement of you pressing the shutterbutton doesn't mess up the long exposure. If the camera or subject moves during the exposure time, you get a blurry image.
Wide aperature = more light but less focus range, so f2.8 means a lot of light gets into the camera, but the range of focus on your doll will be maybe 2cm, which means a blurry background and the chance of missing focus more easily (like what happened in your second pic).

The photos would benefit from a slight touchup to account for the lighting color (now it sort of lacks the "pop" factor due to too much orange/yellow light, which humans can detect is unnatural light from lightbulbs etc. The light of the sun is closer to white).

>> No.38515872
File: 204 KB, 1200x1200, 10811686a7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Parabox is a different brand that uses Obitsu parts and manufacturing, but they aren’t the actual Obitsu store and don’t carry the full line
I don't quite get it though sorry, what would be the real difference then if Parabox is just using all Obitsu parts?. If I wanted to make my own custom Obitsu doll, wouldn't it be the same? A lot of people on reddit were saying that one should get them from that website as if it was simply a retailer from the brand so now if you say this idk, what about junkyspot shop then?. Also back there on Reddit Obitsu&Azone are not really considered BJD, why is that?
I'll probably pick Sya first but I'm really digging making a custom obitsu one too

>> No.38515934

That's a funny looking Gundam.
>it sort of lacks the "pop" factor due to too much orange/yellow light, which humans can detect is unnatural light from lightbulbs etc
NTA and you're right in general but I actually really like what it did to these ones. Reminds me of I SPY books and old stop-motion movies I was made to watch in school for some reason. Very comfy.

>> No.38516141

>Also back there on Reddit Obitsu&Azone are not really considered BJD, why is that?
nayrt probably because Obitsu/Azone are vinyl (like DD/MDD/etc.) and not resin
if they consider Volks vinyl "BJD" then it's probably for legacy reasons, Obitsu types have more in common with DDs than resin BJD

>> No.38516607

naruhodo so this general and the vinyl dolls (anime kinda ones, DD, obitsu, tinyfox, azone, everything here) are actually a minority in the BJD community and even not considered part of it by some? Interesting, so it would be like VBJD or something then.
also If someone can bring more clarity to the difference between Parabox and Obitsu the better, I will keep searching regardless. thanks

>> No.38517261

I could be wrong, but my understanding is that Parabox is like Azone or Angelphilia, they're all manufactured by Obitsu but also have their own spin on things, i.e. the 47cm body is Parabox's own design, like how the Azone has its AZO2 body exclusive to them.

>> No.38518749
File: 818 KB, 2432x3648, FKwW_xkaMAEKeBU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isn't the thread awfully slower than usual. The few anons died

>> No.38519329
File: 803 KB, 4096x3072, FK_8jVwVkAYoWbh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38519762

it ebbs and flows. This is one of the slower times of year for the hobby in general as nothing is coming out and announcements are few and far.

>> No.38520437
File: 187 KB, 1080x1620, 1637437048358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually bump it more but I've had less time or the internet recently.

>> No.38521427

Dolls and related items for sale.

>> No.38521491

How long does acbjd usually take to ship? I ordered a few stands from them almost two weeks ago, and still no shipping notification.

>> No.38521758

Their emails say 20 days for orders with no dolls (1-9 months with dolls), though I ordered from them back in December and they shipped in a week

>> No.38521785

I just realized it could also be delayed because of chinese new year.

>> No.38522116

Gong hei fat choy
you must wait for toy!

>> No.38522476

Sent you a message.

>> No.38522498

This one's my favorite. You have big ideas anon, it's good to see.

>> No.38523729
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>> No.38525749

My order took 2 months to ship, Oct 22 to Dec 22.

>> No.38527131

I would post my girls but they're blank because faceups in winter are hard.

>> No.38527813

It's ok anon, spring will be here soon. What sculpts do you have?

>> No.38528970
File: 1.89 MB, 800x1209, 1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DD wise, I have an Excellen Browning and a mochiashi Escalayer, pic related, this is my girl Clover.

>> No.38530636

Her wig looks so nice and soft, did you style it yourself?

>> No.38535174

cute dolls

>> No.38535230
File: 2.18 MB, 1125x1687, IMG_1737e 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This doll has an absurdly adorable expression, I love her. I also have a girl named Clover, picrel.

>> No.38535542

she looks super cute anon post another if you want

>> No.38535849

I love her style, she's so cute!

>> No.38538843
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1280, FK6YnGNVcAE6QV5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38540440

cute anon

>> No.38541378

>archive photo
It doesn't snow anymore. This winter we had like three days in total with a miniscule amount of whiteness that quickly melted.

>> No.38542138

Any experience with black wigs with bangs? How long until they start staining the head?

>> No.38543663

that doll sure gets some interesting outfits
>all frills & pastels
>huge latex bags for tits larger than I've seen on a DD before

>> No.38543905

No reason to limit a wardrobe just because of ginormous tiddies.

>> No.38543989

I mean yeah
but I'm just confused as to the choice to make it look like bondage gear

>> No.38545834

yes, using Volks wig wax. it's great stuff!

aww, I love her style and happy expression. I feel like she'd add some cheer no matter what kind of day you were having!

>> No.38549619
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>> No.38549688
File: 107 KB, 750x1000, tri-lid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you anons! She really does make me smile anytime I see her. Her head actually sat on Y!JA for a while for what I assume is the double eyelids thing, but it never bothered me personally. I was glad to be able to bring her home!

>> No.38550727
File: 606 KB, 1600x2409, _IGP2498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm now the proud owner of an actual camera

>> No.38553983

Congrats anon, what'd you pick up?

>> No.38555952
File: 2.79 MB, 1536x2048, 1628959350596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38558258
File: 1.89 MB, 2050x1153, 15011481639_51a33db503_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm obsessed with the colors in this photo.

>> No.38559876

I love painted doll nails !

>> No.38563327
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>> No.38564243
File: 808 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_20220211_123519666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think everytime HIbiki gets a new bra she goes up a size.

>> No.38564665

Hibiki is cute!

>> No.38566757
File: 290 KB, 2048x1536, ElettRTVMAA3Mwj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls respond

>> No.38569871

from my experience, i haven't had any issue with the bangs staining forheads at all yet and theyve worn them for periods of time. the thing i watch out for cuz i got caught on it was the under structure of the wig. even if it is light colored, if you have a wig with dark hair, you can still get dark spots on top of the head. i do recommend wig caps for dark wigs at minimum. other anons may vary on opinion tho anon. just my $.02

>> No.38569942
File: 306 KB, 570x570, LHeadcap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends on a lot of different variables. What color is the wig cap, what are the hairs made of, how are they sewn in. If it's a wig made with HRF (Heat Resistant Fiber) then the hair itself should not stain as it's synthetic, but sometimes they're dyed to do thinks like Ombre or two tone effects. But things like fur or human hair wigs can if they're dyed. Wig caps, the thing the fibers are tied/sewn on to, can stain if they are a darker color or dark thread is used. If in doubt, use a head cap to protect from staining (pic related).
Here's a guide that has a lot of useful information and also links to shops: https://www.jadepixeldoll.com/where-to-buy-dollfie-dream-smartdoll-wigs/

>> No.38570896
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>> No.38572875 [DELETED] 
File: 225 KB, 1280x958, C7395DCB-4AA6-45ED-9C30-0BD8851AE8DB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dressed a 30MS kit in calico critter clothes.

>> No.38572904
File: 1.36 MB, 1954x2108, C109FB62-DC6E-476F-B6DF-02C136CA00C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dressed a 30MS kit in calico critter clothes.

>> No.38580263
File: 364 KB, 955x1503, _IGP2564.cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pentax K-x, tiny meme DSLR from about a decade ago
I remember really wanting one when they were still in production, and now they're super cheap (or at least this one was)
unfortunately it's much pickier about lighting conditions than my phone so >>38550727 is about the most in-focus pic I've taken yet

>> No.38580279
File: 637 KB, 1424x2144, _IGP2585.cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also have some dollbutt

>> No.38580398

I'm unfamiliar with this, but it looks cute anon!

I also have a pentax, they're solid little cameras. Lighting is, in my experience, universally a pain in the arse. You'll get better at it with time, and you already have a good grasp on posing your girl!

>> No.38581942
File: 228 KB, 768x1280, F29C0087-0056-4236-BDC5-0AD283EF56C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

30 minute sisters is a girl mecha spin of of Bandai’s 30 minute missions. Think of those kotabukia frame arms girls. They are around 1/12 scale so very tiny.

Here she is wearing a shall from a calico critter as a skirt.

>> No.38581979
File: 277 KB, 918x1280, E1D0DC97-E98D-4B78-B265-BB81C3BFC69B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you have 1/12 scale dolls? How do you find clothes that don’t look super thick on them?

I made a balloon into a princess dress

>> No.38582092

that's… pretty creative and looks really nice, considering the scale

>> No.38583941

That's genuinely brilliant, anon. Maybe look into Azone Picco Neemo clothes? I think they're 1/12?

>> No.38585306
File: 295 KB, 2048x1536, 1618323721758.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38585572
File: 203 KB, 794x1280, 7A15EAA9-12FD-4CF8-91B5-DAE1DDB07CE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will check out that brand of clothes

Here she is decked out I. Calico accessories.

I think balloon rubber is pretty convincing in thickness and weight. If it were cast and moulded with a very detailed sculpt you could get textures and stitching in it.

>> No.38587694

If it's under the wig cap though, will you ever see it?

>> No.38588733

Wig caps can stain the forehead and ears too, unfortunately.

>> No.38590050
File: 355 KB, 1426x1904, FLc6nS0VgAk5WVo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

incoming photo dump

>> No.38590097


>> No.38590121
File: 1.58 MB, 1944x2592, FLesuu6aAAIHY12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dropped pic like a dumbass

>> No.38590141
File: 802 KB, 4032x2688, FLdvCAfVUAEl5E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mini dump over

>> No.38593727

Ah! I am dying from cuteness.

>> No.38595780

Damn her legs, she cute.

>> No.38599492

doll handholding

>> No.38599755
File: 1.19 MB, 2730x4096, IMG_20220104_205034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The freshmaker.

>> No.38599803
File: 85 KB, 721x721, IMG_20220211_205024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's go time.

>> No.38601398

I'm new, this isn't MDD right? or is it?

>> No.38603959

These are either DD or DDS (which are slightly shorter) going by the doll on the right, DDS Mayu.

>> No.38610191
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>> No.38611302
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>> No.38611436
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>> No.38613454

These dolls are so cute!

>> No.38615543

thanks, what about her >>38590121 the skin looks amazing. Tbh I would ask about all of them cause theyre cute and I can’t differentiate between models

>> No.38615685
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i wonder how many anonymous started this with rozen maiden

>> No.38617170
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Hi yes

>> No.38620163
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>> No.38623112

That's probably Sakura Miku, who is Fresh (flesh) skintone I think. Regular (and Snow) Miku are in Semi-White Skin.

>> No.38625032

Yes but sadly no rozen doll. I'm sure I'll turn it into a passion project and build one eventually

>> No.38627097
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>> No.38627103
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>> No.38628041
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cute mercury lamp
i like the frills
build them all and make them fight

>> No.38628232

100% that's how I got interested in dolls, but I didn't get a doll until DDs came out with their anime aesthetic.

>> No.38628368

I read/watched it back in the day and I remember enjoying it
but I wouldn't say it's what got me into dolls, which was a lot more recent

>> No.38631753
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>> No.38635334
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>> No.38636591

I love everything about this doll. Even the props!

>> No.38637973
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>> No.38638071

no legs?

>> No.38638810

she just got real short legs, ala chibi proportions.

>> No.38639786
File: 232 KB, 980x558, top.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminder for snow miku anons, if you want the new outfit preorders have opened.

>> No.38641459

Thank you anon!

Thread's quiet today. Anyone have anything they're putting off buying? I really need to get some MDD shoes.

>> No.38642755

it doesn't fit her very well

>> No.38645668
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Late but thank you!

>> No.38648976
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I don't know enough about Miku to say one way or the other. But I think it's cute. Mini dump:

>> No.38648987
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>> No.38648997
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>> No.38649229

For those of you that own any DDPs, how do you like them?

>> No.38649883

I have one. She's cute but hard to find clothes for. Volks advertises that their MDD clothes generally also fit DDP but I've found that they don't really look that good on her.

>> No.38650161

no i think the outfit has weird measurements

>> No.38650577
File: 3.03 MB, 1839x1227, IMGP9048 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one, and I really like her scale, but she is indeed difficult to shop for the same way Azone girls are.

>> No.38651628

A shame but I'm not surprised. I hope Volks releases more DDP-specific things soon. Guess I'll just stick to MDDs for now.
Is that your girl in the picture? She's adorable.

>> No.38652035

Yes, her name is Nemu and she was dyed blue by her previous owner. LeCafeM on Etsy does some DDP-scale outfits (picrel) and there are some other people who either design for them, or offer outfits in that size range, but it's still pretty limited compared to DD and MDD.

>> No.38653540
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>> No.38654982
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>> No.38658094
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>> No.38658127

lovely miniatures props

>> No.38660203

I hope to take a photo this lovely one day.

>> No.38661017

DDP share measurements with Azone's 45cms, so there is at least some stuff you can get for them.

>> No.38663999
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>> No.38664758
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Anyone have any good ideas for how to store outfits? I tried putting them all in a binder but now it won't even close. I need a more creative solution.

>> No.38665692

idk about good ideas, but my current solution is ziploc freezer bags with dessicant packets, then kind of all just layered in a cardboard box

>> No.38665738

What I do is basically the same as >>38665692
but I have them more standing upright in one of those plastic storage drawers since I find it easier to paw through them that way.

>> No.38665756

I also have them stored in ziploc bags, and really fancy or otherwise delicate outfits are laid flat in the bottom of a dresser drawer and separated with cardboard dividers so they don't get crumpled.

>> No.38666867
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>> No.38668047
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So I heard you guys like narupajin's miku?

>> No.38672049

Meetups like this look so fun.

>> No.38672296

did maddy ever care about me

>> No.38673373

Anyone have recommendations for forwarding services in Japan? I used one years ago but they're out of business now.
I've been using a proxy service but they're slow, can't really use them to buy any limited release items.

>> No.38673962

I've heard good things about the service at White Rabbit Express.

>> No.38674728

FromJapan has been excellent for me. They're pretty quick on sites they don't support natively through their browser.

>> No.38678003
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>> No.38678020
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>> No.38678103

I see pictures like these, and it makes me wish I got an MDD. But I'm so deep in my 1/3 girls I can't afford to start a whole new wardrobe.

>> No.38678137
File: 2.17 MB, 4032x3024, FJ3Oe5HaIAQ25Y8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's cute.

>> No.38678213

I said the same thing for many years. And yet now I own a DDP and plan to get more.

>> No.38679696

sorry to bother.
but im been looking a bjd that had the head of a snake and was on a kimono (im not sure if it was frog, but to me it looked more like a snake)
and i can't seems to find it.
does anyone know it?

>> No.38679740

You might try asking <a href="//boards.4channel.org/toy/thread/9570895#p9570895" class="quotelink">>>>/toy/9570895,</a> they deal in resin dolls and they may know what you're thinking of!

>> No.38682275
File: 472 KB, 500x667, 1622931784845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bjd fag here
this one?
v rare

>> No.38683825

I'm talking "seller had some leftover items from an event and listed them after business hours on a Friday"
White Rabbit Express's Blackship service looks pretty decent, maybe I'll try that next time

>> No.38683927

I know what you’re talking about but I can’t remember the company for the life of me. I do remember that they have also made sexy nuns and possibly nurses? They’re a 1/6 doll and I’m not actually sure that they’re resin dolls (I think they’re more like a 1/6 Hot Toys type plastic body) but I know they’ve been posted to either the resin doll or fashion doll thread on /toy/ before.

>> No.38684029

Might they be called Living Dead Dolls?

>> No.38688279

No I’m talking about >>38682275. Living Dead Dolls are (in my opinion anyway) kind of ugly intentionally and don’t go for sexy aesthetic.

>> No.38688384

Reverse searched the pic >>38682275
found. It’s Universal Poonyan, from their Romantic Jungle line. They seem to mostly sell at shows so I don’t think you’re likely to find one for sale but good luck. http://www.universalpooyan.jp/

>> No.38689228

New Thread

>> No.38690277

yes!! this one very much thank you!

>> No.38695365

I want to fuck a doll anon

>> No.38696320

… did you miss a comma there
