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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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4185023 No.4185023 [Reply] [Original]

"hizashi no nakano real"

>> No.4185031
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>> No.4185036


>> No.4185043

Needed more plot.

>> No.4185048


>> No.4185051

Why would you uninstall it or even delete it?

You are a horrible person.

>> No.4185055
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>> No.4185065

I never understood... why is this game so erotic? The girl is almost unresponsive, yet I know I would wreck her croth if given the chance.

>> No.4185069

Another sad reminder that Otome Function will never be released.

Feels bad.

>> No.4185072

I have been waiting for a translation for FOUR YEARS

>> No.4185085

It's those eyes that say 'rape me.'

>> No.4185097
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>> No.4185104


>> No.4185106
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>> No.4185107

C022(後半) ■□□□□□□□□□


全体 ?

Not going to be finished anytime soon. I would expect Katawa Shoujo 2 and Duke Nukem Forever to come out first.

>> No.4185109

Don't forget Megaman Legends 3.

>> No.4185110

Take this LULZ PEDO PRIDE stuff back to /b/ where it belongs, OP.

>> No.4185112


>> No.4185118


Of all the threads on the first page to try to get a rise of, I'd think this one is the most difficult.

>> No.4185120

Hey a little question,here. I got 100% savefile and everything,if I restarted the whole game would the savefiles get fucked up ?

Also I used to rub the bitch's clit for,like eternity, and she still didn't hit climax. Is that shit fixed in the complete edition ?

>> No.4185121
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>> No.4185123
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>> No.4185128

You obviously don't know how to pleasure a loli and procure a pink save.

>> No.4185129

She's there to pleasure me. Not the other way around.

>> No.4185131

I'm not trying to start anything, I'm just sick and tired of seeing this 'durr hurr I love little kids' bullshit all over 4chan, even on the worksafe boards.
Great, you fap to children. I don't give a fuck and neither does anyone else, especially on a board that is SUPPOSED to be about visual novels and Touhou; this has nothing to do with /jp/ and is illegal material to boot.

Topics like this are why we have /b/, hence my suggestion to take this thread there.

>> No.4185132

/jp/ - Japan/General

1. All things Japanese welcome!

>> No.4185133
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>> No.4185134

gtfo pussy.

>> No.4185135

Don't like the thread? Hide it.

>> No.4185137


This. It's fucking bullshit when you have to spend 30 minutes risking CT syndrome for a certain scene.

>> No.4185138

This game isn't even that hot, I've read far hotter doujins in my time.

>> No.4185139


You'll never satisfy her with an attitude like that.

>> No.4185142

>Do not upload, post, discuss, request, or link to, anything that violates local or United States law. This will be severely punished and strictly enforced.
>Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry"), grotesque ("guro"), or loli/shota pornography.
>All boards that default to the Burichan (blue) theme are to be considered "work safe". Violators may be temporarily banned and their posts removed.

>> No.4185144

>>4185120 Also I used to rub the bitch's clit for,like eternity, and she still didn't hit climax.
It's all in the wrist.

>> No.4185145
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>> No.4185149

Don't feed the troll, move along, nothing to see here.

>> No.4185151

>Do not post the following outside of /b/: Trolls
Take your own advice

>> No.4185153

Ignoring the problem is never a good idea. Unlike most people, I care about the quality of /jp/ and would rather voice unpopular opinions (ie. the rules) and be flamed than hide threads and watch the place get shitter and shitter.

>> No.4185158

Is it really so hard to believe that someone may genuinely NOT want to masturbate to a flash game about feeling up a 12 year old.
You see, this is the exact attitude I was talking about.

>> No.4185162

Yes, because more threads about Umineko will improve the quality of /jp/ tenfold!

>> No.4185163
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>> No.4185168

>implying that replying to a thread will make one bit of difference in the quality of jp threads.

Don't kid yourself your change the world attitude is why people don't like you in real life btw.

>> No.4185169

Because your tastes and opinions = the law

>> No.4185172



>> No.4185175
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>> No.4185182

>12 year old
Tell me how a drawing has an age? Perhaps you need to see a therapist and learn how to distinguish reality from fiction.

>> No.4185184

To say you don't belong here would be the biggest understatment ever uttered.

>> No.4185190

Nooo now I reminded myself of Duke Nukem Forever

>> No.4185195

It wasn't me, it was >>4185107

>> No.4185198
File: 80 KB, 500x375, 2772071469_2d17d8cab4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell the police that, "oh, a drawing has no age".

Enjoy being raped by older men in jail.

>> No.4185200
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I wish I had that problem.

>> No.4185201

I am at a loss, I truly do not know how or why you got here.

>> No.4185202

If shit threads got no replies, the people making them would quickly get bored and stop. Ignoring trolls is a skill that practically no-one knows about these days.
Maybe just me and a few others can't change the board, but if we all make a conscious effort we can certainly improve its quality.

Err, no. The law = the law. I don't want this illegal shit in my cache when I'm browsing a worksafe board.

>> No.4185204
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Fuck off from /jp/.
Lurk moar or get out.

>> No.4185205
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>> No.4185208

This needs a sequel or something. But no, instead, they make a game with Bulma's mother, Kana Minami and DEADPAN (pseudo) LOLI

>> No.4185214

Usually I will agree with you.

But the new people are coming in and are here to stay.
It is time to speak and get them to lurk more or ask them to fuck off.
They need to follow the current /jp/ mindset and not shape /jp/ to follow their style.

>> No.4185215
File: 169 KB, 512x629, 7fe2efbacfe54b6a966d73e2c3dcef98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how this thread is entirely worksafe

>> No.4185217

I bet you actually believe this too.

>> No.4185218



If you're going to do it. Do it right.

>> No.4185220

Good thing for you is that it'll never be released

>> No.4185223

Was a pink save ever uploaded?

>> No.4185224

The art is too shitty, I can't fap to it.

>> No.4185228


I don't believe you can say that with a straight face.

>> No.4185231

Really? I tend to be an art snob when it comes to doujin and VNs but I found this one to be really nice. I guess it really does come down too tastes.

>> No.4185238
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>> No.4185243

Show me one single person that has been arrested in the US because of looking at loli on the internet. And don't link some shit about the retard that imported it ether.
See and there you are with your change the world attitude again. You cant change shit. Do you know how many people i see reply to me with the type of shit you say in the 5 years i have been on 4chan and have actually made a difference?

>> No.4185250

Well why do you think we're labeling him as a troll? Seriously, not even the usual download links have been posted.

>> No.4185254
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>> No.4185256



>> No.4185263

>Notice how this thread is entirely worksafe
>Uncensored loli vagina, not even behind spoiler tags.

Please, take it to /b/.

>> No.4185266

>The Court stated that "an offer to provide or request to receive virtual child pornography is not prohibited by the statute. A crime is committed only when the speaker believes or intends the listener to believe that the subject of the proposed transaction depicts real children.
>real children.
Wow you are a stupid tripfag live more to your stereotype please.

>> No.4185267

/r/ pink save.

>> No.4185270

I would, but /b/ stopped liking loli 3 years ago.

>> No.4185273


There is no vagina shown in those pictures you retarded piece of shit.

>> No.4185281
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>> No.4185286

Stop him now.
Do something.
What have no mod powers? Come on make jp better or something.
What you cant? Figures go to some homeless shelter and serve food. It will lessen your messiah complex.

>> No.4185288
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>> No.4185293

>LNM [Secret Service Agent] sent a non-sexual photo of a college-aged female digitally regressed to appear 10–12 years old, who LNM claimed was her daughter.
I found this hilarious.

>> No.4185296

Irrelevant. It's not legal here, so you'll just have to deal with the unpopularity. Either that, or not make a thread about molesting children.

You're an idiot.

Over-reliance on moderation to keep the board quality up is what helped ruin 4chan in the first place.
Just because a mod is too overworked to delete your illegal thread doesn't mean that it belongs suddenly.
>The quality of posts is extremely important to this community. Contributors are encouraged to provide high-quality images and informative comments.

>> No.4185298

>Child pornography
>Child pornography (also known as child abuse images) refers to images or films depicting sexually explicit activities involving a child; as such, child pornography is a visual record of child sexual abuse.
>I'm already on Wikipedia but am too ADD to click a link before posting stuff

>> No.4185304
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>high-quality images

>> No.4185306
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>> No.4185311

>It's not legal here

Then don't browse /jp/ if loli is illegal in your country, you 3rd world piece of shit.

/jp/ liked loli since the day it was made. There is nothing you can do about it.

>> No.4185313
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>> No.4185320

You fucking retard, you're missing the point completely. Do you understand the concept of worksafe?
Even if it was some 30 year old porn star with her tits out, it's NOT ALLOWED ON HERE. The fact that it's a child only makes a bad situation worse.

>> No.4185323


You must be new here. Enjoy your stay on 4chan.

>> No.4185327
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Are you mad? Are you frustrated? Are you foaming at the mouth yet? Yes? Good.

>> No.4185331
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>> No.4185332

>>4185296 It's not legal here, so you'll just have to deal
It's YOU who will have to deal with it.

>> No.4185342

Holy fucking shit....Where did all these normalfags come from? Stop fagging up the thread.


Get the fuck out.

>> No.4185343

>Take this LULZ PEDO PRIDE stuff back to /b/ where it belongs, OP.

Way to prove the troll right, guys.
You could have just ignored it, but you had to react like the predictable little kiddies that you are.

>> No.4185344

>It's YOU who will have to deal with it.
reported, enjoy your ban.

>> No.4185349
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This is fantastic! Hizashi thread and I found Yug's pixiv page!

>> No.4185359

>that it's a child
Its fake its a drawing its not real it has no age.

>> No.4185364

trolls from /b

>> No.4185365


Yug is a god.

>> No.4185368
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>> No.4185370
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No, he's right. It's a child. I mean, look at this picture of her; it's out right scandalous!

>> No.4185371

God that is so hot.

>> No.4185373


Is this what it was like before leisure suit larry?

>> No.4185376

Tell that to Christopher Handley.

>> No.4185378

You missed /bun/

>> No.4185382

>reported, enjoy your ban.
I love when tripfags think they have power when they are more useless then the average anon. Do us a favor and jump off a cliff.

>> No.4185384

Reminds me of those Atari games

>> No.4185386

>It's a child
Oh noes, think of the cartoon children!

>> No.4185388


How is >>4185323 a troll from /b/. Defending /jp/ against idiot moralfag normals should be everyone's sworn duty.

I wonder how /jp/ can have multiple back to back successful threads relating to loli for days, but then out of nowhere these idiots pop up and play the CP, legality, worksafe, cry-baby card.

If they're from /jp/, you'd think they'd be used to seeing these threads by now.

>> No.4185390
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>> No.4185393


You mean the guy with no spine or financial wealth to hire an army of lawyers?

>> No.4185394


Oh wow. I wonder if anyone would have enough balls to actually put that on their car.

>> No.4185397
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Oh dear God this thread is pure gold.

Complete with a butthurt tripfag fuming and crying over loli pictures and exposing what a chickenshit coward he is. Also apparently a virgin because he does not even know the difference between a vulva and a vagina. AND he's on a crusade to make /jp/ live up to his glorious standards. As if that wasn't enough, we get a loli image dump.

Life is good today.

And I haven't even finished my second coffee yet.

>> No.4185403
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>> No.4185405

Come on /jp/, you usually ignore obvious trolls like these.
Anyways great game, favorite part is the blowjob/handjob scene, where she isn't so DEADPAN LOLI anymore, and when she masturbates by herself.

>> No.4185407



>> No.4185410


My thoughts exactly.

>> No.4185412

My grande latte enema is kicking in right now and i have had few calls come in. Today is going to rock i think.

>> No.4185418
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>apparently a virgin

In /jp/? Really?

>> No.4185462

I bet it's a fucking women. All men like loli or they're kidding themselves.

>> No.4185473
File: 1.46 MB, 1024x1892, 4chantouhou1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you like trolls /jp/?

>> No.4185545

A board made for trolls by trolls, the rule is a big troll, the name of the board is a troll, every single topic that could be discussed here has a follow of butthurt trolls behind(as seen ITT). So no sir, we don't like trolls, we are the trolls.

>> No.4185546

>When these pictures were not received, Williams accused LNM of being a cop. LNM responded by accusing of being a cop.

It's like it actually happened on 4chan.

>> No.4185564

Not gonna lie, I do like loli, prefer non-loli though.

>> No.4185566

can someone explain what happened to otome function?

>> No.4185572

Valve bought the title and will release it bundled with EP3.

>> No.4185577
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>> No.4185581

It will be released when it's done.
Always bet on Duke.

>> No.4185618

You liar.
Valve will never release EP3.

>> No.4185638
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>Tell me how a drawing has an age?

>> No.4185658

Not that hard, no.

what are you fapping to again?

>> No.4185685

Look, there is no illusion here. She is definitely a drawing of an underaged girl.

You should feel free to fap to her, but asserting that she is ageless because she is just a character is counterproductive.

>> No.4185692

Drawings indeed have an age.
An age of a drawing is measured starting from the day they were drawn.
Are you advocating fapping only to drawings that were completed prior to 1992?

>> No.4185707

Valve has never let us down before... TF2... not so good... but I can forgive them for that.

>> No.4185718

Fapping to drawings of 13 year olds is very bad indeed. People should be judged based on what they think and fantasize about in privacy.

Incidentally, I played SA the other day. I've spent every waking hour since then shaking in panic. What if the FBI finds out? They might arrest me on multiple counts of commiting fairy genocide.

>> No.4185722

Don't worry, the world is prejudice against fairies, they could all burn and no one would give a damn.

>> No.4185726


pedo = attraction to prepubescent or pubescent kids.

picture depicts such a kid.

nuff said.

>> No.4185738

It's okay man, FBI runs on American morals. Mass murder is cool (unless it's Jews), sex is the most profane evil you can commit.

>> No.4185753

how the entire population has not died out is a mystery to me.

>> No.4185791

Sex for the purpose of reproduction without any enjoyment whatsoever is not quite as profane; it's more like a grim duty that one has to perform for society to perpetuate, only to be undertaken with great displeasure and a greater duty for society.

>> No.4185837

so they have sex with butt ugly women?

>> No.4185846

We are not debating semantics tho. We are debating about a drawing that has no rights and no inherit age.

>> No.4185857

some people want to marry said drawings you know?

>> No.4185887

Some people want to marry animals, that changes nothing.

>> No.4185894

I've always wondered why it is a crime to look at DRAWINGS of NONEXISTENT naked children.

>> No.4185922

It gives reason to the laws. Don't you get it? you say it's just a drawing, someone else says they are like real people. There's two opposing opinions here but their both just as real as the other and that's all it takes, just ONE person who thinks these drawings are or should be considered real. That's what people who are against loli will focus on and side with to get it banned, make it illegal, whatever.

Your fighting a loosing battle, we're our own worst enemy, so stop trying to justify your actions and just fap damnit.

>> No.4185930

Because the problem isn't the thing you're looking at, as far as society is concerned, it's that you WANT to look at it. Real or not, the fact you want to look at any sort of child in such a way means you are clearly a horrible, disgusting pervert and a potential threat to real children and society at large, thus deserving to be branded as such and ostracized if not outright removed.

>> No.4186026


It's just like how violent video games turn everyone into murderers. I mean, after playing Modern Warfare 2, I've had this longing to mow down an airport full of Russian civilians, jump snowmobiles over 50 foot ravines, and order Mexicans to do nigh-impossible tasks by themselves.

>> No.4186207
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>> No.4186511


You say that like it's a bad thing.

Also, none of this bullshit talk stop the game from being brilliant and highly fappable.

>> No.4186533

shut up and fap.


>> No.4186552

Haha, Ramirez is awesome

>> No.4186567

Why is society such a fucking idiot?

>> No.4186575

And here I was going to be proud that nobody replied to another quality Sion post.

>> No.4186603


To piss off perfectly reasonable sane people.

>> No.4186611

Makes sense

>> No.4186898

She needed as many options in her pink dress as she did with the school uniform/swimsuit/nothing.
And more hair down.

>> No.4186929

>I'm just sick and tired of seeing this 'durr hurr I love little kids' bullshit all over 4chan
>posting on /jp/

>> No.4186949

How do you get this scene?

>> No.4186967

It's fake.

>> No.4186973


>> No.4186980 [DELETED] 

Greetings. Kindly stop spamming, harassing and generally attacking www. anon
. com, please. We don't want you there. We never did. Understood? PS: If you want these messages to stop, simply stop fucking with us, remove all lying troll articles about AT and kill the illegal clones. Then you will never be bothered again. Every single time we see the slightest attack or spam on our site (which can be reasonably expected to origin here or any related "chan"), you will get 4171 more of these messages as a result. It's really up to you. This is a promise that WILL be kept up indefinitely if need be.

Yours sincerely, an anonymous AnT and general well-doer of the Internet as a whole.

>> No.4186995
File: 26 KB, 310x451, 1257567078399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Way to crush someones dreams you asshole

>> No.4187004
File: 70 KB, 600x423, 2143746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lying about the existence of something when there has been no real work done is even worse.

>> No.4187005

>Err, no. The law = the law. I don't want this illegal shit in my cache when I'm browsing a worksafe board.
Reported for trolling.

>> No.4189011

This game is kinda creepy because you never really talk. Just sort of fuck and stare uncomfortably at each other when not fucking.

>> No.4189054

talk scenes are sparse to begin with, but there are plenty of instances where the player "talks" (dialogue)
