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File: 117 KB, 800x600, fuck yeah kirari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4270220 No.4270220 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.4270240


>> No.4270251

She's one hot mama

>> No.4270257

That ear.

>> No.4270264

Dammit! I totally read that in Kirari's voice.

>> No.4270267

d2b was an awesome band.
Too bad they burned out near the end.

>> No.4270279

dem ears
[edit] - fuck, beaten by >>4270257

>> No.4270287

Dear Drops please.

>> No.4270294

I'd like to see their drummer handle my stick, if you know what I mean.

>> No.4270308


That being said, Kirari is my favorite of the three heroines and her normal end was the end.

>> No.4270310

My dream is to one day play in a band with other anonymous from /jp/. That would be awesome.

>> No.4270323


>> No.4270328

I love Kirari's burning passion.
It looks like she's on fire when she sings.
Also she's hot as hell.

>> No.4270334

Kirari's passion for music is so hot it bur-

...Sorry, I can't do this. Anyway, I'm really waiting for Dear Drops. Hopefully MG will be swift with English release.

>> No.4270338

I play the keyboard

>> No.4270340

>Too bad they burned out near the end.
I fucking see what you did there.

>> No.4270345

Damn, Now I want to nimble those ears!

>> No.4270347

oh you.

I call vocal and/or rhythm guitar.

>> No.4270350


I missed that one.

>> No.4270356

Should have been a harem route.

You can't be the only guy in an all-girl band and not be nailing them all.

>> No.4270363

And I meant to sayThat I'd nimble those ears like a chicken mcnuggets!

>> No.4270366


Wow, we should do a collaboration sometime like niconico do

>> No.4270375

Rather, needed a sex-change route. Either one where you get one and fuck Tonoya, or a proper route for the guy that gets sex change for you.

>> No.4270385

I play the flute

>> No.4270390

do it. I'd love to play "a song for".

>> No.4270393


Tonoya was my favorite character. I don't know why.

>> No.4270400

Because he ends up with Chie in the canon route.

>> No.4270435

Why are so many sayin they're waiting for Dear Drops? Am I the only one looking forward to Curtain Call?

>> No.4270440


Dear Drops is fresh. Curtain Call is just Kira Kira 2.

>> No.4270442

Curtain Call sucks and favors Kirari true end.

Dear Drops is a completely new story. Also, no monkey ears.

>> No.4270446

I'm not looking forward to either one.

Dear Drops is Kira Kira 3.

>> No.4270452

I am thinking about reading this. Any warnings?

>> No.4270463


That's not true.

>> No.4270469

I'm gonna warn you right now, Chie is one of the best heroines ever.

>> No.4270474

But I like the Monkey Ears

>> No.4270476


Go for Kirari normal end. After that you can go ahead and read anohter VN.

>> No.4270480

Don't have high expectations.

>> No.4270482

All the routes are good, I went with Sarina route first, and I have no regrets.

>> No.4270515

Too bad. They got rid of them.

>> No.4270530

Edelweiss is superior

>> No.4270535

someone must shoop a burger on her hand.

>> No.4270560

Everyone loves Shikako, but she is a huge slut.

>> No.4270587


Well, in case you're actually serious and feel like jamming or collaborating on something in the future, my email is in the email field. I can play bass and guitar

>> No.4270594

Do all routes have sad ends or just Kirari's? I would want to go through sad route first so that other routes would cheer me back up.

>> No.4270605

Sarina end: What the fuck, that's it?

>> No.4270606

Chie and Sarina have 1 route each and Kirari has 2 routes. You need to play Kirari's normal route + Chie and Sarina route to get the 2nd Kirari route.

>> No.4270613

the Sarina ending was a bit 'empty' but I like her background story the best. Maybe I just like melodrama.

>> No.4270620

I strongly disliked this aspect of the game. It's like the devs were saying, "Yeah, you can go for the other girls, but you shouldn't because Kirari is the best. And if you disagree, you have shit taste."

>> No.4270639
File: 220 KB, 799x1000, shikabass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hottest girl in the game.

>> No.4270650

>2nd Kirari route

Oh yeah, something else I want to ask. I thought I heard that Chie is the girl the protagonist ends up with in canon. But True End is Kirari's 2nd route, isn't it? Did I heard wrong?

>> No.4270652

Other games have true endings too, this isn't really unique or anything. Kirari IS the best, though, so it makes sense that she'd have two endings.

>> No.4270656


Shika's bass? More like Shika's ass, amirite?

>> No.4270680

>Kirari IS the best
She's not the worst. But she's also not the best.

>> No.4270703

I used to think you had good taste, with your constant Rin posting and all.

But... no. That little comment just ruined that.

>> No.4270715

I'd fuck Shika in the ass since that's the only place you CAN fuck "her"

>> No.4270747
File: 140 KB, 795x1000, chiecarton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh don't mind me, just being better than Kirari in every way.

>> No.4270761

>quoting "her"

Uh.... I don't like the sound of that.

>> No.4270771

Yes, milk is better than Kirari.

>> No.4270777

Oh look, this picture is before she died her hair.

>> No.4270782


Milk did that body good.

>> No.4270783

It is but one of the many white fluids Chie enjoys gulping down.

>> No.4270804

But she has such tiny breasts...

>> No.4270821

I enjoyed Chie the most, but all the KiraKira girls are easily likable.

>> No.4270843

I thought Edelweiss had better heroines.

Except Ran, fuck that greedy bitch.

>> No.4270859

I like Chie, too, but Kirari just clicked with me the most. I guess I have a thing for genki girls.

>> No.4270870

Normal end where I don't have to put kirarai's bones into a jar please.

>> No.4270874

>Kirari just clicked with me the most.
Something in her just sparked your interest, eh?

>> No.4270875

>I guess I have a thing for genki girls.
Who doesn't?

>> No.4270887

I liked the Chie route the most.

>> No.4270891



Oh God, why did I laugh?

>> No.4270900
File: 60 KB, 800x600, _b150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aww, come on. You know deep in your heart that she's the best.

>> No.4270912

Kirari's normal end came the fuck out of no where, after playing the tender loving route and the fishing with gramps route. However I liked the time-skip stuff, and if you ignore the whole deal with Kirari that would have been an interesting stand-alone route all on its own.

Anyone else realize how awkward Kashiwara's sex scene was when you noticed you fucked on her dead father's bed, that her grandfather kept in order to remember him.

>> No.4270914


You ready?


>> No.4270932


>> No.4270955

Chie deserves her own sequel.

>> No.4270975


Make it so.

>> No.4270981
File: 10 KB, 240x200, 1259128658257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not in our lifetime, man.

>> No.4271006

We can dream, can't we?

>> No.4271023


Momma said to always wish upon a star.

Do that, and we'll get it.

>> No.4271055

email sent

I want a Murakami/Aki centric VN.

>> No.4271083

There will never be any more KiraKira spinoffs. Enjoy your KIRARI IS THE TRUE HEROINE

>> No.4271177 [DELETED] 


Enjoy your burn victim.

>> No.4271186


>> No.4271232


>> No.4271267



Enjoy your burned girl, best friend, and sick girl separately.

>> No.4271312

But... I want to help them all ;_;

>> No.4271324

this ;_;

>> No.4271332


You can only have one!

>> No.4271342


>> No.4271366

If I can't have them all, I don't want any of them!

>> No.4271372


Fine by me, I'll be with Chie.

>> No.4271381

If you don't treat her well, you will be punished.

>> No.4271385


Waifu, don't worry.

>> No.4271391

Sup Tonoya?

>> No.4271397


Just wearing my poker face.

>> No.4271407

I want them all at once!

>> No.4271414

You're such an awesome guy. Now go have sex with Chie-nee.

>> No.4271423


Alright. By the way, friend called. He has a spot for a band, want in?

>> No.4271451


>> No.4271459


Yep. But he went for the burn victim.

>> No.4271460
File: 124 KB, 800x600, notaslut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah? Well here she is fucking him.

>> No.4271469

She doesn't love Shikanosuke. They were always nothing more than friends.

>> No.4271472

That hurts to think about. ;_;

>> No.4271475


Would you like a tape of the event happening? She lets me tape it.

>> No.4271478


>> No.4271484


I put on my poker face.

>> No.4271495

Whatever... Even if Kirari is canon, I will always have ROCK AND ROLL.

>> No.4271504


But do you know the one thing you need to be a rock and roller?

It was your first lesson.

>> No.4271510

I don't remember.

>> No.4271514


>> No.4271519


>> No.4271522


You really don't remember? Ask your other guy friend.

>> No.4271527

I don't.... what.... are we supposed to be role playing or something?

>> No.4271529

Chie is canon! In my dreams ;_;

>> No.4271530

oh shi-

>> No.4271534

Passionate hearts

>> No.4271542

Don't think about it then. Think about how that was a lie, and that scene is actually her with Shika.

>> No.4271543



>> No.4271560

I know it's a lie. But the thought of Tonoya porking Chie-nee...... It feels wrong. Even if Tonoya is a bro.

>> No.4271565


Good. Now go to your gig in Kyoto.

>> No.4271587

Bad news, bro.

The pairing is canon.

>> No.4271594

I know.... I know...


>> No.4271603


Still got that tape if you want it.

>> No.4271605
File: 209 KB, 816x638, KiraKira 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

KiraKira roleplaying time?

>Maejima san, don't worry, you look beautiful!

>> No.4271629

Don't be so upset. That's the beauty of multiple routes. Even if the girl you like isn't the "real" heroine, you still get to see what it would be like if she was.

>> No.4271635


But that is when you realize that she isn't, and some burn victim is.

>> No.4271642

It's more like that's the problem with sequels, that they force something on you.

Now, I like what they're doing with Eiden Fantasia, and just giving me delicious Rin and Sakura love.

>> No.4271661


Its a fan disk but the moment you see "true end" you know this is the pairing the writer wanted.

Unless is Shit to Tiara, then you get a lot of sex scenes with her (and does not help she is the worst choice in my book).

>> No.4271663

Kirari was canon in the first game itself.

>> No.4271670

Then don't play Curtain Call, it's that simple.

But yes, having a fan disk with alternate routes to the original is good.

>> No.4271690

Canon romance is with the sex changer.

>> No.4271708

That's the LEAST canon option.

>> No.4271720


Are you REALLY sure about that?

>> No.4271735

Yes. In terms of canon-ness:

Kirari >>> Chie = Sarina >>>>>>>>>>>>> the tranny

>> No.4271744

Cool pulling shit out of your ass. Something is either canon or not.

>> No.4271753

Alternate realities.

There are two proper realities that end in Kirari, so she's obviously twice as canon as the others.

>> No.4271779
File: 93 KB, 800x600, kirari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4271781

When will the devs realize that nobody likes Kirari and they made a terrible mistake making her the "true" heroine?

>> No.4271796


Says who? /jp/?

>> No.4271803


Says the Chie fans.

Because Chie is their waifu.

>> No.4271821


Well you just wait till you see that I'm right.

>> No.4271824

Says everyone.

Everyone is a Chie fan, even if they won't admit it.

>> No.4271829

Actually it's just that Kirari is canon, while the others are not.

>> No.4271854


Why didn't they make Chie the canon one?

>> No.4271857

Why do you always miss these things?

>> No.4271859

That isn't fair to the people who don't like her. Which is a lot of people.

>> No.4271865

Because the name of the game is KIRAKIRA.

Wouldn't make sense for Chie to be the main heroine over KIRAri.

>> No.4271869


But Kirari sucks.

That is my theory.

>> No.4271879

Life isn't always fair anon.

>> No.4271902

She's not THAT bad, but she's not nearly as good as Chie.

Maybe they figured Chie was TOO good, and that we wouldn't be able to handle her. I like this theory.

>> No.4271905

>implying the devs somehow saw the future who would be most/least liked as they made the game

Besides, VN devs usually don't care if people bitch about who's the true end heroine, much less /jp/

>> No.4271911


Time to improve on our theory.

VN science, go!

>> No.4271936

But Overdrive were nice enough to give us a fandisk with routes for two girls from Edelweiss that didn't get routes in the original game. Who's to say they won't make a Chie sequel fandisk as well?

>> No.4271957

You jerk. You just had to post that didn't you. ;_;

>> No.4271960


Not saying they wouldn't do something nice for Chie or other girls. I was just making a remark about how everyone is getting all mad about making Kirari canon because "no one likes her", when there's no way for the devs to know how people would respond to the characters while making the game until they actually release the game.

i.e. It isn't out of spite like Chie fans seem to believe, they made her canon because that's just how the story goes.

>> No.4272002


>> No.4272019

Curtain Call follows Kirari True. There was plenty of time between to see who was the most well-liked.

>> No.4272079

The main girls are always the most liked no matter how vocal everyone else is about their opinion. It's a sad truth that I have come to except as I've been disappointed too many times already.

I don't like Kirari, Nagisa, Ayu, or Haruka (im@s), for example.

>> No.4272151
File: 68 KB, 800x600, イベント_b160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4272163

Chie makes both a good bro and a good waifu.

>> No.4272170
File: 72 KB, 800x600, イベント_b170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4272173

So adorable. I don't see how anyone could choose anyone but her. It just felt so natural.

>> No.4272183

brb, loading up saves

>> No.4272198
File: 79 KB, 800x600, イベント_b030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4272204

I wish she kept her hair down more. It looks better that way.

>> No.4272205


Holy crap, why doesn't she leave her hair down more often?

>> No.4272207
File: 80 KB, 800x600, イベント_b190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Doesn't look that good...

>> No.4272208

It's a special reward for being loyal to her. Obviously.

>> No.4272214
File: 828 KB, 1250x1425, ransmile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop enticing me to replay dammit, I have class in the morning, I don't need to pull another all-nighter

>> No.4272226
File: 111 KB, 800x600, イベント_b060.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't you want to see THIS face?

>> No.4272241

Yes, but not right now fuck

>> No.4272250


Don't worry, everyone will understand.

Go on, play.

Hang out with the poker face bro.

>> No.4272265

Oh god, she looks so adorable. I felt really bad about taking her virginity.

>> No.4272269
File: 294 KB, 580x652, edumacation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to sleep bro

>> No.4272294

No, you need to sleep... with Chie.

>> No.4272298



>> No.4272312

I wish
I'm really leaving now, do everyone a favor and beg MG to release Curtain Call faster

>> No.4272339


And this is why she isn't your waifu.

>> No.4272375

Whose waifu is she, then?

>> No.4272388
File: 13 KB, 218x254, イベント_b252a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This guy!

>> No.4272410

Looks like a faggot.

>> No.4272421


He's your poker face bro.

>> No.4272436

Still looks like a huge fag.

Though, he also probably has a huge cock.

>> No.4272449


In a Band Theory says he has one, because of the power of ROCK N ROLL!

>> No.4272465

Just imagine all the random groupies he's fucked. What a manslut.

>> No.4272472


He admits he is a virgin.

>> No.4272482

You really think he's telling the truth? He doesn't want everyone to know his mansluttiness.

>> No.4272487


That theory makes sense!

My bro lied to me!

>> No.4272496

I liked Kirari's 1st route end the best, it's the only one where you the mc lives for the music, since it's the only thing he has left. He really should have fucked Yuko a few times to get over Kirari.

>> No.4272513

He's not a virgin after he gets together with Chie-nee!

>> No.4272544

He was never your bro. He was jsut using you to get closer to your potential waifus. And he nabbed the one that you were closest with.

>> No.4272545
File: 101 KB, 800x600, イベント_b280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Where he lives for, you ready for it?



>> No.4272569


>> No.4272570

He didn't really nab anybody, he nicely waited until Shikanosuke had made his pick. It's Shikanosuke's fault that he went for inferior waifu.

>> No.4272576


He's a gentleman bro.

>> No.4272600
File: 72 KB, 800x600, イベント_b171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just wanted you to be with me, Shikanosuke ;_;.

>> No.4272623

You still can. It's not like this is his first waifu. If he ever becomes single again, you can dive right into his arms.

>> No.4272638
File: 78 KB, 800x600, イベント_b010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He only sees me as a friend. ;_;

>> No.4272658

why is her skirt so short. What a slut, I saw her standing on the roadside in the rain flagging down men for sexual services, can she get anymore disgusting? I doubted.

>> No.4272664
File: 114 KB, 800x600, イベント_b020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You mean here?

>> No.4272669

You saw her too? Damn she just wants some cocks.

>> No.4272677

Well maybe if you were more assertive, he would start to see you more as a woman.

>> No.4272679


Not as bad as Kirari, that youthful innocence is just to attract that looking for a "good girl".

>> No.4272699
File: 76 KB, 800x600, drunkinprostitues.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

None of them are innocent. Kirari just enjoys life, she fuckin cried when shikanosuke said he loved her, chie was such a slut she invited him to sleep with her "oh its raining, stay here and let me fu- er watch tv!"

>> No.4272703


Your slut theory has mine beat.

>> No.4272705

medium titties, tiny titties, big titties

>> No.4272712


Medium > Small > Large

>> No.4272725

Chie really just wanted to watch TV. She had no idea Shikanosuke would get a boner.

>> No.4272737


Yeah, that's the OFFICIAL story. Only an idiot believes the official story.

>> No.4272743

How do you pronounce Kirari?


>> No.4272745


>> No.4272750

is this about sluts doing music?

>> No.4272756


A burn victim, childhood friend, and sick girl.

All sluts, all in a band.

>> No.4272762

But it's true. She didn't even know how penises worked until then.

>> No.4272779

Killer E

>> No.4272784


Only an IDIOT believes the official story.

>> No.4272853
File: 63 KB, 800x600, _b130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll bet you think she was planning that night since they were kids, don't you?

>> No.4272901


>> No.4272918


She has planned everything since she knew him! The divorce, the road trip, the band, being left back... all of went JUST AS PLANNED!

>> No.4272927

We need a drawfag to put her in a helicopter with a headset.

>> No.4272929

I don't like moles, I think they're ugly. No idea why people like them.

>> No.4272959

I generally don't like them. But it looks cute on Chie.

I don't like the mole on that redhead from Osaka.

>> No.4273230 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming and harassing www. anon

>> No.4273226


Depends. 2D usually draw moles as just a little dot, it looks cute on most characters. Only time moles big and ugly is for comedic purposes.

Moles are unattractive in real life, however.

>> No.4273248 [DELETED] 

Stop spamming and harassing www. anon

>> No.4274312
File: 29 KB, 250x300, Kenta_Tonoya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'know... I'm sorry Tonoya, I haven't been fair to you. I'm sure you'll take good care of Chie.

>> No.4274345

He needs a route where the main character gets a sex change and ends up with him.

>> No.4274370

Or not. For the longest time I just thought he was gay.
