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File: 129 KB, 850x698, __doremy_sweet_touhou_drawn_by_shishi_osamu__sample-0d89831a8730c4d6e42faf36dc78c912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
43818644 No.43818644 [Reply] [Original]

Knowing you exist because a bunch of schizo monkeys were afraid of the dark, what would you do?

>> No.43818687
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Eat humans and live my life as the superior lifeform that I was born to be.

>> No.43818696
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have sex with those same monkeys who created me through their delusions

>> No.43818707

This is the correct answer.
Make them believe in your existence more by making them cum.

>> No.43818736

Starve due not having the courage to kill and eat a human.

>> No.43818743

You'll get used to it, as a youkai you'll live for centuries or more.

>> No.43818843

depends, am i a male youkai or female youkai?
if im male, chill out, if im female, do what this anon said >>43818696

>> No.43819042

If I have the same personality as I do now, I'll just larp as a human and neet in the human village. They wouldn't realize I'm a youkai for a decade or two

>> No.43819263
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Do what yokai do, cause an incident and then get drunk with Reimu.

>> No.43819378

May as well just be a zashiki warashi

>> No.43819492


>> No.43819858

scare as much as possible

>> No.43820056


>> No.43820130

I would get a job and donate my income to the miko, to support her efforts to get rid of the monstrosities that plague this world like the youkai equivalent of Uncle Ruckus.

>> No.43820144

So you'd hate your own kind, bruh

>> No.43820237

Depends on the kind of youkai.
I guess I'd do what I need to do to survive and then do interesting things in my spare time. Like figuring out how being a youkai works.

>> No.43820554

Yeah, I don't want to be a flesh-eating savage and I don't want to be associated with them

>> No.43820558


>> No.43820571

Have sex with anons
>whether they want to or not

>> No.43820573

Humans aren't even closely related to monkeys

>> No.43821806

Brutally modify my own soul in such a manner that I become separated from the human consensus at dire costs.

Either that or become Batman/Konrad Curze but youkai.

>> No.43821854

im afraid that a youkai turning into a genuine human is not possible anon
you see humans turning into youkai, but once that process is done, the reverse is impossible

>> No.43821894

What would (You)r youkai power would be, jaypee?

>> No.43821913

I don't seek to be human. I just have tear off my youkaihood. To be a youkai is to condemn oneself to comfortable imprisonment.

I care not for the "paradise" sages have made. I will not be privy to the whims and falsehoods of Man. I will be free.

>> No.43821936
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The real redpill is that you should become a celestial.

>> No.43821947

You should just be a taoist and seek enlightenment.

>> No.43821951

I have an idea: the ability to scramble the future. In my presence, the power to turn fate is ripped from anyone and everyone. Divinations and fortunes become no better than dice and lottery. Visions and tarots become mere fickle gambles. Only time may reveal the future.

>> No.43821965

Rumia, this isn't how you eat humans!

>> No.43821978

Their realm is corrupt and they drive away any outsider because of a lie they made so they could hoard the space for themselves, they are almost as bad as lunarians, i'd argue even moreso since the lunarians mostly just keep up to themselves while some celestials cause trouble to cure their boredom a little.

Screw them.

>> No.43822049

And languish aimlessly in a empty Heaven filled with hypocrites? I would rather raze the place for their sins. I mean, look at Tenshi and see how well she turned out. Now apply that to everyone.

At least the Lunarians took the time to build their home. The Celestials did nothing to deserve it save a few cases.

>> No.43822097

I wouldn't physically eat humans but I would feed on their willpower. People around me would get their will to do anything sapped away from them because that's the only way I could motivate myself to do shit.

>> No.43822100

Learn a bunch of random skills with my massively expanded lifespan.
Leave a custom made kimono and pocket watch on the door step of my future human boyfriend.
Lie about being a youkai to humans.

>> No.43822114

honestly depends, if you're a youkai your predicament can be anything, are you a wild youkai dwelling in the dark forests? are you a brutish youkai residing underground? are you an indoor youkai living in a dark manor that humans are too afraid to approach? are there fellow youkai around like a group or are you on your own? it depends on a lot of factors honestly

>> No.43822155

Depends, am I doing it in Japan as a youkai or in the west as a cryptid?

>> No.43822855

For you and the rest of the context dependent anons.
The last number of your post determines your youkai species.
>1:Minor eastern youkai.
>2:Major eastern youkai.
>3:Moon rabbit.
>4:Ghost/phantom/vengeful spirit.
>5:Makai resident.
>6:Minor western youkai.
>7:Major western youkai.
>8:Other youkai animal.

>> No.43822910

Rolling. This is going to completly derail the thread isnt it? Like the yandere 2hous rolls.

>> No.43822925

From a neet human to a neet youkai, fitting, and as a shota this time.

>> No.43822926

anyone have the cirno doing the vegeta pose where he is pointing at himself?

>> No.43822966

Fuck it, rolling

>> No.43822986

rolling, i wanna be a mothman

>> No.43823053

I want to be oni.

>> No.43823055

Guess I'm a wendigo or something like that, time to eat humans then

>> No.43823073

DAMN IT! I have to be a mook for the Lunarians or live in a cabin in the forest in Gensokyo like a deserter.

>> No.43823135

moth life begins
or work as a guinea pig in eientei and pray that you make it out of the test room in one piece (good luck with that)

>> No.43823202

I have no choice but to live in a cabin like a retired Vietnam veteran until I am called back into duty for one last mission by my old commanding officer...

>> No.43823326

And she is going to manipulate me into partaking in an incident that involves a coup meant to overthrow the Lunar powers that be and replace it with a Rabbit based military dictatorship.

>> No.43823402

Rolling, let's see!

>> No.43823419

One last job and you are out, you have my word.

>> No.43823511

Ok, what does major youkai entail? Well known youkai, or powerful youkai?

I was wanting to be a weak cute little youkai and play with everyone, I don't want to be a big league one who has to deal with scheming and incidents, and I don't want to be a hag ;-;

>> No.43823588

She promised me a full pardon and a comfortable place on her post Lunarian moon but the question now is if I really want to get involved in a genocide. Would it really be such a clean new slate with so much blood potentially on my hands? Cabin living is not the most comfortable but it is peaceful and far preferable to another war. Still, we have gone through a lot together in the past, my commander and I. I know she wouldn't suggest something as foolish as this without a near guarantee of success. I see the confidence on her face and can't help but wonder what kind of nefarious weapon she got her hands on that makes her so confident that she can overthrow the Lunarian overlords so easily...

>> No.43823608

I hear they allied with this guy, i do not know his name but apparently he has a really strong arm.

>> No.43823687


>> No.43823695

blow my brains out
the only good youkai is a dead one, after all

>> No.43823706

I wonder which monsters in western folklore are tricksters?
I might be a strong vampire or something.

>> No.43823709

Rolling, rolling, rolling, rawhide!

>> No.43823717

Cool, probably a modelling knife or something since I build so many miniatures.

>> No.43823774

US government brokers a deal with a rogue group of aliens and agrees to arm them in exchange for exclusive access to the moon.

>> No.43824892
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>> No.43824910


>> No.43824923

Please anything but moon rabbit

>> No.43824928

Here I go.

>> No.43824929

FUCK. I'm defecting to Eientei.

>> No.43824930
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I will literally rape you

>> No.43824935

>Major eastern youkai
Oni I suppose. Regardless of sex, focusing on having a good time and punishing hell's sinners sounds like fun. Every once in a while I'd go to the surface and throw rocks in the lake to fuck with fishermen and scare off the fish.

>> No.43824960

I'd just go with a kitsune then and hope I don't have to live in the woods.

>> No.43825595

being a manor-dwelling youkai sounds the most comfy

>> No.43825815


>> No.43825902

If I'm a Makai resident, then I'm a demon created by a greater demon deity (Shinki). Wings would be cool but knowing my luck I'd be a flightless demon like a minotaur. It would be a huge alignment shift to suddenly become an evil demon. I think I'd try and reopen the tourist agency between Makai and Gensokyo so that I can eventually find my way back into the outside world. This bamboo forest looks nice and quiet...good spot to covertly set up.

>> No.43826280

I'd have to take steps to rebate my existence to not be bound by superstition in order to gain a more permanent existence, kinda like Shou.
I honestly wouldn't know how to start but I'd have at least 100 years to figure it out, also I'd go and make problems for Reimu and find a way to sniff her armpits.

>> No.43828446
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Would you eat humans or would you rather be frens with them? Be honest

>> No.43829901

i'm going to shelter all the rabbits itt

>> No.43829923
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Hopefully something spooky

>> No.43829942

too bad

>> No.43830090

I got moon rabbit but I'll give eating one a go all the same.

>> No.43830203

You're probably Rumpelstiltskin or something.
Y'know, famous, but still just a shitty little gremlin that no-one likes.

>> No.43830221

befriend a human (male) and eat the humans that bother him or that he wants me to eat

>> No.43830228

Why do you guys assume you would be a female youkai? That wasn't the question.....

>> No.43830242

I don't
I'd like to be a male youkai threatening to eat cute girls

>> No.43830749
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Let's see...

>> No.43830763

Not the most powerful or frightening, but they aren't constrained by any sort of weird hierarchy and can have fun messing around with humans. I like it.

>> No.43830772

I wouldn't be something that pathetic. Have some faith anon.

>> No.43830780

Eat a bad one from time to time. Terrorize the rest of them without actually hurting innocents in order to maintain the status quo. Maybe have a few select human friends as an exception.

>> No.43830939

I would become a chef, and Gensokyo would become my banquet, not even other youkais would be spared from my insatiable hunger.

>> No.43831273

That's a good way to get everyone to gang up on you, dummy

>> No.43831396


>> No.43831500

Imagine being a male youkai scaring cute girls into thinking you're going to eat them and watching the terrified expression on their faces haha and then hugging them tightly as they scream and try to break free from your grasp

>> No.43831548

If I learned anything from Twilight's popularity back in the day, women are absolutely down with such a scenario.

>> No.43832391

obviously not going on a genocide spree. Only eating low life criminals as humans, and hanging around the shrine maiden so when a troublesome youkai is exterminated you can take its corpse to cook. Taking things slowly as you have all the time in the world.

>> No.43833671

Not false, but this board is proof of the opposite as well. There's just something about that scenario.

>> No.43834895
File: 357 KB, 1500x2000, GMWh36HhF14Hwh2ZhpOs3R3KttFsGrtmjh680VAF2uQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to be a fairy. Eternally young, immortal, playful, too stupid to reflect. Fairies dont have to work or serve in the army. Just go play near the lake.

>> No.43836536

>you exist because a bunch of schizo monkeys were afraid of the dark
even worse that that: you exist because a bunch of moonies wanted to scare the schizo monkeys

>> No.43836541

Who said you have to evil? Just be a demonic NEET or something.

>> No.43836616

I guess there's a reason why youkai dislike lunarians

>> No.43840366
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I did have a dream about being a Crow Tengu once that was a lot of fun, so let's see

>> No.43840474

I'm the moon rabbit commander's top guy! What am I gonna DO?!

>> No.43841494

Rolling, let's see what I get.

>> No.43845620


>> No.43847650
File: 200 KB, 750x893, 00727D0C-717C-40B9-A163-DB7F512E01EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can anyone share more 2hu Jeff The Killer images>?

>> No.43847749

Blessed life.
>living embodiment of ignorance is bliss

>> No.43850108

rollan for comfy telework

>> No.43850251
File: 459 KB, 1000x1000, stamina_training_unit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not the most powerful or frightening, but they aren't constrained by any sort of weird hierarchy and can have fun messing around with humans. I like it.
What object will you awaken from?
Pic unrelated.

>> No.43850265

Here we go!

>> No.43850271
File: 61 KB, 637x358, steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My pc.

>> No.43850294 [DELETED] 

Not terrible, hope I can vacation is Gensokyo though.

>> No.43850301
File: 173 KB, 850x993, e9fa100ef053a4f35326068532f30ecc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not terrible, hope I can vacation is Gensokyo though.
I wonder what canon Makai is like?

>> No.43850796

Hug humans. Befriend humans. Kiss humans. Playfully mess with humans. Do NOT kill humans.

>> No.43850813

Impregnate humans.

>> No.43850859

Getting impregnated BY humans.

>> No.43850907

But anon, I have no womb, no eggs, no ovaries

>> No.43850940

But I'm a youkai boy, how does that work?
I'd rather impregnate a human

>> No.43851054


>> No.43851062

An old refrigerator. I'd surely make for a better ice youkai than Letty and Cirno.

>> No.43851116

scare people I guess. Would there be anything else to it?

>> No.43851123

Boring. Surely you can think of something else?

>> No.43851160

Drink booze all day?

>> No.43855522

I want to be a youkai so Reimu will beat me up.

>> No.43855680

Have human semen inside your youkai body

>> No.43855681

rolling and checkem

>> No.43856889


>> No.43857616

This, I'll start stealing supplies from merchants on the road or something and get Reimu to come beat me up. Then I'll keep doing minor nonsense so she's forced to pay attention to me.

>> No.43861492


>> No.43861497

>Western Youkai
Cryptids like bigfoot? Chupacabra?

>> No.43861503

Fae map out pretty well imo, most creatures from old stories would do too.

>> No.43861514

just become a fucking knife-ear

>> No.43861521


>> No.43861526

abuse my agelessness to make ridiculous bets in the investment/crypto market and go into hybernation

>> No.43861700

>western youkai
Is there a chance of me becoming a dwarf? They are different species right? Rolling for dwarf.

>> No.43861709

make neets & hikikomoris happy

>> No.43861712

Nope. Back to the cagie, wagie

>> No.43861738
File: 253 KB, 497x713, Witch Hunter (Lorenzo Mastroianni).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

screw the elder races

>> No.43861749

Youkai and gods come to existence by human belief, meaning that humans came first, but said gods spawn religions about them creating humans, so who created touhou humans in the first place?

>> No.43862670

so you'd be powerless?

>> No.43866089
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>> No.43866202

Respect all humans :)

>> No.43866365

2hu lore states that there's just blank power about and when a God gets named and remembered it comes into existence so either there's a monotheistic creator Mod powerful enough to will itself into reality or you're looking at aliens or natural evolution.

>> No.43866534

I'd lean into there being some big God that set everything into motion. Eirin is probably older then humanity so there's a question of what everything was like before humans showed up.

>> No.43866746

I'd still have generic youkai powers, I just fuck over the following: seers, misfortune dispensers, and good luck charm salespeople.

>> No.43869844

Cuddle all humans <3

>> No.43869994


>> No.43870084

i wanna major eastern youkai !

>> No.43872063

murder, rape, be an anti hero, etc...

>> No.43875985

Find a way to return fantasy to the Outside World and then establish an early monopoly on magitek.

>> No.43876080

This but instead fuck with schizos on /x/.

>> No.43877584

If I was a male yokai my specialty would be putting dicks on women
Hopefully ones that are several times more sensitive than a regular vagina

>> No.43877679

Of course I have to roll!

>> No.43877864

Do not lewd the human girls, they are for aggressive hugging against their will

>> No.43878472

what friggin youkai has a passion for the bit of the old ultra violence???

>> No.43878628

Humans, who where the true monsters all along.
