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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 69 KB, 1221x660, DJT 2017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
44316422 No.44316422 [Reply] [Original]

Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
Guide: https://djtguide.github.io/

Previous thread: >>44295122

>> No.44316432
File: 420 KB, 998x1297, 1682449381908578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44316465
File: 645 KB, 800x900, onoff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone read anything in both JP and EN?
Were there significant differences between the translations?

>> No.44316484


>> No.44316526


>> No.44316542
File: 120 KB, 1398x232, Screenshot from 2023-08-13 22-30-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today on "How the fuck is that possible?"

>> No.44316693
File: 224 KB, 996x2048, 93a5c9f2773a4b8ec4177bbb7d5f20847b1250b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44316817
File: 765 KB, 759x1080, 3561906662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.44316871

Why doesn't the japanese gov import all these fat american weebs to solve this issue?


>> No.44316879

hmm clickbait title, 16 minutes long, and when i clicked at a random timestamp in the video, he complained that he doesnt hear any cars (???).

yeah thats gonna be a hard pass for me.

>> No.44316906


>> No.44316949





>> No.44317120

only sub 125 midwits believed this

>> No.44317130

>nooo demographics can't have naturally occuring ebb and flow it must always grow!

>> No.44317173

>you can pass n1 without having written or spoken one word of japanese
this is why nobody takes it seriously outside joke websites like that one

>> No.44317216





>> No.44317267
File: 85 KB, 1198x891, 1686507765149028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44317291
File: 1021 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Eiyuu Kyoushitsu - 04 (1080p) [35740B98]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44317315

why is the important part blacked out?

>> No.44317321

because it's the big H

>> No.44317329

to make it look like a lewd question when its merely about their height or something

>> No.44317482

i dun get it

>> No.44317495

^^ crippled ^^

>> No.44317558
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>> No.44317579
File: 198 KB, 1280x720, F3euRQ2aYAA8el_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gooood morning



>> No.44317689
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>> No.44317733


>> No.44317888

Is this even immersion anymore? You’re literally listening to two dekinais and a Japanese person

>> No.44317942
File: 937 KB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Eiyuu Kyoushitsu - 05 (1080p) [2C608833]-[09.19.893-09.29.694].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44317966

the fact that they let amerislime whores become vtubers bothers me

>> No.44318012
File: 817 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Eiyuu Kyoushitsu - 05 (1080p) [2C608833]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44318139
File: 115 KB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Eiyuu Kyoushitsu - 06 (1080p) [6E1E1C69]-[06.40.525-06.40.984].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44318161
File: 157 KB, 960x540, [SubsPlease] Eiyuu Kyoushitsu - 06 (1080p) [6E1E1C69]-[07.11.472-07.13.976].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44318207
File: 4 KB, 400x398, fug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the lewdest kanji award goes to...

>> No.44318483

you guys have no idea how much i hate en vtubers

>> No.44318696

even fuwamoco

>> No.44318753

yea i hate people who speak better japanese than me
fuck them...

>> No.44318789

only like 2 do i think

>> No.44318809

mococo said 蔓延る as はこびる

>> No.44318820

at least it's a word lol

>> No.44318862
File: 104 KB, 602x440, arnd4xkq_700w_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44319049

Me neither, maybe because he responds in Kanji and she used Hiragana thinking he'd not understand otherwise even though in real conversation you wouldn't even need to account for this hence why it's funny?

>> No.44319062


>> No.44319092

ever just reply in kanji by accident irl

>> No.44319117

Is this the artist that pussied out from /ss/ in her manga but then started shilling the lgbt?

>> No.44319135

is there a deck out there for common idioms? i feel retarded running into these things and not understanding

>> No.44319137
File: 596 KB, 1000x892, V pls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Guide: https://djtguide.neocities.org/
>Guide: https://djtguide.github.io/
newfag here, what's the difference between these two, are they the same? Does anyone else uses these to learn japanese or you used something else?

>> No.44319152

jap bitches are unbeatable. even if they gain weight they just end up even hotter

>> No.44319191
File: 1.21 MB, 1280x2299, guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44319245

Who are those absolute babes on that picture? I think i have never seen that anime before.

>> No.44319264

the djt mascots

>> No.44319270

戌神ころね https://www.youtube.com/@InugamiKorone
猫又おかゆ https://www.youtube.com/@NekomataOkayu

big nihongo gains will come your way if you watch them

>> No.44319287
File: 146 KB, 1200x736, yamerooo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any site/computer app that focuses or at least section dedicated to teaching radicals for free? Complete with their own level of quizzes ideally? Every shit I found is somehow is locked behind a paywall

>> No.44319461

>learning radicals

>> No.44319483

make your own deck, there aren't that many radicals

>> No.44319597

djt needs a hero

>> No.44319780

the king of djt

>> No.44319836

have you heard about the change machine that vanished over night. it's disappearance did not make any cents

>> No.44319848

esl tier joke

>> No.44319921


>> No.44319992

bruh it takes 2 minutes to come up with the necessary python code

>> No.44320211

i liked this because i can't remember any other anime where the main heroine gets fat due to over-eating

>> No.44320220
File: 650 KB, 1446x2048, needsource.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recommend me some interesting wikis on atwiki.jp or wikiwiki.jp I can prop into my rss reader on my phone.

>> No.44320335

賢者タイム (kenja time), also known as 賢者モード (kenja mode) literally means “sage time” or “sage mode”. Similar to English expression "post-nut clarity." During this time/mode, a man feels as if he had become 賢者 (“a sage”), a person of wisdom who is free from any worldly pleasures

>> No.44320364

Not really a cheat sheet, but this might help:

>> No.44320490

anyone know where i can download 暴れん坊将軍 without hardsubs

>> No.44320547

cover the bottom of your screen like a real man

>> No.44320567

covering ur mum in cum

>> No.44320612

yeah well i fucked your dad

>> No.44320647

vtubers have crippled me forever. ill never learn japanese now

>> No.44320649

what are some good vinnies?

>> No.44320653

the ones you cant read

>> No.44320657

nah i know japanese

>> No.44320667

no one knows japanese

>> No.44320668

fake j

>> No.44320670

one of the like 3 guys here that knows jack shit

>> No.44320684

3 guys and two girls (one is me)

>> No.44320694

im actually all 3 of those guys posting under different anonymity

>> No.44320696

one cup

>> No.44320707

youre actually 0 guys you fucking sissy

>> No.44320718

ur mum does 3 guys a night and im one of em

>> No.44320722

keep it classy guys

>> No.44320730

you dont gotta worry about that haha

>> No.44320737

i keep it raw

>> No.44320742

*shits in your mouth*

>> No.44320750

youre gonna have to climb up here to do that lil bro

>> No.44320765

she's not beating shit with those godawful knees

>> No.44320802

crazy how my dad is still sharper than me

>> No.44320811

being a neet actually damages your brain, it's not a joke

>> No.44320815

im not a neet though

>> No.44320818

whatever you think makes you not a neet doesn't count

>> No.44320822

regression toward the mean is real

>> No.44320824

hes just making an おやじギャグ you filthy eop

>> No.44320832

im a truneet tho

>> No.44320838

your dad does 3 guys a night and i’m half of one of them you

>> No.44320851

i worked at the library when I was 14 so I'm technically not a lifelong neet

>> No.44320854

you also worked with this dick

>> No.44320859

found this

>> No.44320863

your dad worked my shaft

>> No.44320864

ur brain on fag lmao

>> No.44320873


>> No.44320875

next you should try and find your self respect as a man

>> No.44320876

my dad wasnt a neet tho

>> No.44320888

you missed my other gay post 63
just like your dad misses my ass

>> No.44320894

but nobody misses you

>> No.44320900


>> No.44320906

i miss your dads dick

>> No.44320907

i miss his bussy

>> No.44320915

yep just watched that and lost all my japanese knowledge
back to square 1 sigh

>> No.44320925

i dont miss your mom

>> No.44320932

if someone asks you if you know Japanese, would you say yes?

>> No.44320936

i would never get put into that position

>> No.44320940

i put your mom in every position

>> No.44320946

i would smirk and look off into the distance

>> No.44320954

i'd start speaking swahili

>> No.44320985

how do i become jouzu at owning people like djt

>> No.44320994

you pay me to own them for you

>> No.44321011

same way ur mom pays me

lesson one is free 85

>> No.44321033

isekai rerolls till 140 iq

>> No.44321034
File: 1.50 MB, 2894x4093, 1692035492131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44321046

i have done over a thousand rerolls
unknown to death
nor known to life

>> No.44321107

i am the cock of my balls

>> No.44321165

Oddly specific thing to ask from someone, but in most reasonable situations my answer would be that I've been studying it for a long time.

>> No.44321185

Never reveal your power level to anyone.

>> No.44321200

haha what am i soem kind of weeb loser? no lol haha

>> No.44321201

acquired お姉ちゃんを大好きになるお薬

>> No.44321302

im cracked at jp no cap

>> No.44321489

fr fr ong my jp is bussin

>> No.44321502
File: 726 KB, 1920x1080, 鋼の錬金術師 FULLMETAL ALCHEMIST 第10話.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44321506

dont end up like this

>> No.44321543

i dont think i will forget 2000 kanji but there is nothing wrong with focusing on reading before speaking

>> No.44321568

whenever i go out and do something, all i can think about is how i'd rather just be home immersing
i wish i was NT sometiems bros

>> No.44321570

same same
why are social events so boring?

>> No.44321603
File: 69 KB, 526x693, aQErBVK_700b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44321632

do you mog her?

>> No.44321645

mori? yes but she is cute so she motivates me to study more
lui? no but she is cute so she motivates me to study more

>> No.44321654


>> No.44321665

yep i mog her

>> No.44321714
File: 11 KB, 666x86, crap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44321716

wow お何 went over my head last time I saw this

>> No.44321992


>> No.44322021


>> No.44322027


>> No.44322085

an お何 just flew over my house

>> No.44322308

post cringe

>> No.44322318


>> No.44322395

Dear Chat./jp/
Please write a story using the following keywords:


>> No.44322443


>> No.44322449


>> No.44322457
File: 6 KB, 599x57, image (25).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 87: A lot on my mind atm so can't really focus, so kinda long for today session.

>> No.44322469


>> No.44322517

sochin chads where we at?

>> No.44322540

2 good posts in this thread ill let you figure them out

>> No.44322548

>check profile
>account was made solely to make this post and then never used again
>discourages thousands of ledditors from learning japanese
so this is how you troll them

>> No.44322632

Is this discouraging? His methods seemed really simple just with a mentally ill amount of volume.
Makes language learning look easy imo

>> No.44322644

it is easy
i cant believe people actually struggle with japanese tbdesu

>> No.44322662

he makes it look simple and it is simple just like getting in shape and a thousand other things
you just need to put in the effort

>> No.44323093
File: 26 KB, 595x473, cri cat dies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>want to learn japanese
>have to learn to code

>> No.44323102

djt in japan

>> No.44323190

> I started learning Japanese a little over 2 years ago so I do speak Japanese fluently but at a basic level using mostly words found in textbooks. My JLPT level is likely within the 2-3 range.
Wish I had this confidence.

>> No.44323213

>have lengthy convo with jap in their broken english
>they say we can speak in japanese if i want
>i reply in jap
>ignored forever
japs are the rudest people i've met, no other group does this

>> No.44323238

>i reply in jap
what did you said exactly?

>> No.44323255


>> No.44323298

One of them is a backup of itazuraneko, and one of them is a backup that is currently being edited.

>> No.44323310


>> No.44323356

got a 58 year old japanese lady to show me her tits on video call and manko pic
they always say they might still be able to get pregnant

>> No.44323413
File: 1.83 MB, 2864x4062, 1692061183499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44323573
File: 609 KB, 822x1200, Shoujo Null Raw - Chapter 1 - 43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44323722






>> No.44323828

DJT is dead

>> No.44323972


>> No.44324178

good, they need to regain their xenophobia

>> No.44324246

げんきん (現金)

>> No.44324366
File: 163 KB, 634x415, 1652934991294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cards due tomorrow:242
>2 days:134
>3 days:187
>4 days:131

>> No.44324454

stop whining and do them. that's not even a lot

>> No.44324465

What are other words like 白血球 that have multiple っ's?

>> No.44324560

stfu trash

>> No.44324609
File: 79 KB, 1005x670, 1587889832405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I not look at furigana

>> No.44324646

genki no desu ka
genkin desu ka

>> No.44324661

just stop caring, it's a useless battle
there's plenty of text with no furigana (or bad scans with hard-to-read furigana) to make up for the text with furigana

>> No.44324689

as someone who's just started learning japanese, kanji seems like a massive waste of time. Hell even katakana is almost redundant with hiragana existing. Why couldn't they just used kanas only?

>> No.44324695

whats wrong with consensually sexually stimulating some old ladies?

>> No.44324750


>> No.44324869

wtf was that

>> No.44324907

Keep studying and you'll know why, explaining is a waste of time. Everyone thinks the same when they're just starting and everyone gets it after.

>> No.44324971
File: 3 KB, 346x53, 1668437754371345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.44325098

>talking to a japanese person who claims they love anime
>"oh what are some that you like?"
>literally every single one without fail just says kny and one piss

>> No.44325177


>> No.44325192

readings originating from various historical dialects of chinese are extremely repetitive because japanese not only lacks tones but has far fewer phonemes which lead to, for example, like 10 different syllables being collapsed into "sho".
if japanese only used "native" words, maybe kana only would work, but that's a shitload of vocabulary to forcibly cut out of the language.
arbitrary bad example: https://jisho.org/search/%E3%81%93%E3%81%86%E3%81%97%E3%82%87%E3%81%86

>> No.44325209

hit my head now i don't even know what taberu means

>> No.44325432

to be frank, they technically could and did by introducing spaces to the language to eliminate some confusion and did this the 80s when games didn't have the space for kanji, and in cellphone novels in the 00s up until smartphones would auto suggest kanji.
it's just such a drastic change to the language that no one who speaks it natively would ever bother with it other than out of pure necessity. and so the main pushers behind the romanization or kananization of japanese has always been JSLs who just want to have an easier time at learning the language.
if you actually want to consume japanese media and immerse yourself then you have to peel off that bandaid and just do it.

>> No.44325433

imouto save you

>> No.44325519 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 404x404, 1680570679019053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

banger of the yoake: https://youtu.be/3A4OZF4XUQA

>> No.44325526
File: 106 KB, 698x350, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically, it's the same as people suggesting the english adopt some phonetic spelling reform to get rid of all the spelling ambiguities and oddities that language has. but none of these ever go anywhere because while an english learner would find it useful coming into the language from absolutely nothing, anyone who already speaks the language natively doesn't want to have to deal with this shit when they can already read english perfectly fine.

>> No.44325535

banger of the yoake: https://youtu.be/aorOJbuvgAs

>> No.44325547

Ohh, yeah, now I get it

>> No.44325564


>> No.44325627

to add to this, in order for kanji-less writing to work, the written language must move closer to the spoken language, using different vocabulary to prioritize clarity. it's possible, but would be seen as a massive dumbing down of literature, and less enjoyable to read.

>> No.44325633

What anime do you like, and what do they say when you tell them?
>As someone who has just started learning Spanish, genders seem like a massive waste of time

>> No.44325652

planetes, golden kamuy, shirobako. 9/10 people have never heard of any of them.

>> No.44325653

i feel like a dog trying not to eat the meat placed on his nose in japan with all these jk walking around

>> No.44325665

I have heard of those. That makes me your special 1/10

>> No.44325673

ill never get you hag fetishists

>> No.44325676

more like crapnetes, gayden garbagemuy and shitrobako

>> No.44325701

me but with fat asians

>> No.44325713

problem is most fat asians tend to be (((american)))

>> No.44325734
File: 261 KB, 1109x1479, FktN4_LaEAAA6Qa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not really

>> No.44325751
File: 1.07 MB, 857x1145, 6PIHrnR[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats anorexic

>> No.44325769
File: 43 KB, 529x580, 1691968774060074~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah thats too much
pic rel is 理想的

>> No.44325844

>genders seem like a massive waste of time
i don't know spanish but how can this possibly compare? sounds like excess grammatical complexity

>> No.44325854

you need to learn all six million genders bigot

>> No.44325909

Does learning Japanese make you smarter?

>> No.44325922

all learning japanese does is make you a pedophile

>> No.44325937

learning japanese is not a mensa competition
if you can't immerse for thousands of hours you will not make it

>> No.44325939

if you've never spent years acquiring a complex skill from the ground up i could see how it would tbqh. idk if it improves your iq intelligence or whatever but that's less important than it improving your overall competence

>> No.44325973

kind of blows my mind entry into mensa is considered special lol its only 130 ive never scored that low on a test even after literally turning off my brain and giving myself 10 seconds on each problem

>> No.44325995

just exclusive enough for midwits to get excited, but not so exclusive to limit their customer base

>> No.44325998

wow i can tell you're quite smart bro

>> No.44326013



>> No.44326044

if you just look at the stats its impressive i guess but honestly when you consider the difficulty at which a 130 gets filtered on those tests you really have to wonder how insanely stupid and zombie brained most people are for that to be top 2% it doesnt seem real

>> No.44326074
File: 7 KB, 111x192, text.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Handwriting bros, please help.

>> No.44326085

if you can't read it maybe you should just draw it

>> No.44326621
File: 250 KB, 1024x1536, 1692032164573246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44327228


>> No.44327685

Jajajaj cara de troleo. Mensa means idiot (female) in スペイン語! What a bunch of fucking idiots.

>> No.44327693

How come 50% of the posts on 4chan are just insults now?

>> No.44327752

The insult wasn't directed towards my fellow /djt/ posters, it was directed towards Mensa, my good sir.

>> No.44327800





>> No.44328641

Please do not give エサ to the local djt cats. He cant build character if you give him the answer

>> No.44328709

watching japanese girls eating burgers makes me want to eat burgers

>> No.44328733

watching japanese girls being japanese girls makes me want to be a japanese girl

>> No.44328754

>How come 50% of the posts on 4chan are just insults now?
ive been on 4chan since 2010 and its been like that ever since. the insults change though

>> No.44328774

To be fair, atashi-anon's right about the last kanji being spelled wrong. How was anon supposed to figure out a trick question?

>> No.44328777

this post might be a bit hard for the esl to understand

>> No.44328796

thats because an esl wrote it

>> No.44328824

shoui's japanese is literally the cringiest thing i have ever seen in my life. is that guy still larping as a japanese hafu?

>> No.44328834


>> No.44328863

bro stop slacking on your djt eceleb anki reps

>> No.44328889

the writing went to shit i dropped it forever ago

>> No.44328960

dont pretend that youre an oldfag lil bro

>> No.44328992

lil bro-poster is my favorite djt anon, unironically.

>> No.44328997

English isn't my first language but outside talking to people irl, everything I consume is English
Is it a good idea if I learn japanese through English because I feel like there will be a lot more material that way

>> No.44329010

learn japanese through japanese, using other languages will cripple you

here's your grammar guide https://www.kokugobunpou.com/

>> No.44329020

It should be fine, but do be warned that you need a very good understanding of English to grasp how the language converts from one to the other. A lot of people accuse the English dictionary of being wrong because they don't fully understand how certain concepts work in English.

>> No.44329062

lmao would love to see you try and talk shit about shoui in front of me irl

>> No.44329098

fuck off, shoui

>> No.44329104

Maybe in a couple of years
I think I have a good understanding. I've been learning it since elementary school and have exposed myself to it constantly since then but only through media. I think the only area I really struggle with is punctuation and spelling but I don't think that would be much of a hinderance when learning another language

>> No.44329106

shouis never going to pass, especially in japan where its not normal to be 500 pounds

>> No.44329111

who the fuck is shoey

>> No.44329155

the guy who runs the moe way website / discord and pretends to be a teenage girl who's half japanese. also claims to be a heritage speaker of japanese, while simultaneously claiming to have learned through immersion via anime like love live.

>> No.44329170
File: 154 KB, 299x347, b6g6xVc[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is shoui

>> No.44329171


>> No.44329182

shoui is hecking cute and valid

>> No.44329261

do you like temp work agencies? when you move to japan, you'll probably be a temp worker because japanese people hate foreigners

>> No.44329283

nah gonna be a white monkey in the c suite so they can brag about being diverse

>> No.44329307


>> No.44329324

He meant that the last character was drawn wrong.

>> No.44329344

just wanted some hairy jk poon before i die. now its too late

>> No.44329349

just get rich

>> No.44329390

i love moe (no homo

>> No.44329445

I always thought うさん臭い was derived from 嘘, but I was completely wrong. It's 胡散.

>> No.44329454
File: 151 KB, 1059x1411, 20230814_235858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? Did your dick stop working?

>> No.44329470

What are you doing with your Japanese?

Learning Japanese Buddhism?
Dating a Japanese girl?
Making Japanese friends?

>> No.44329475

why is there scars on her thigh

>> No.44329487


>> No.44329497


>> No.44329499

listening to japanese audio roleplays for 10 hours a day

>> No.44329508

>Learning Japanese Buddhism?
That's evil

>> No.44329520

>Learning Japanese Buddhism?
>That's evil

If you love Japan you'll want to reincarnate in Japan, or perhaps go the Shinto route and become Amatsu Kami to follow Amaterasu Omikami

>> No.44329526

that's a man

>> No.44329528

What's there to explain? It's just barbaric paganism and myth.

>> No.44329534

fuck off we don't need christcucks

>> No.44329540

>What's there to explain? It's just barbaric paganism and myth.

Do you believe in the ten kings of hell? It's followed in China and Japan

see here: https://kansai-odyssey.com/japanese-buddhism-afterlife

>> No.44329568

kek keep believing in your fairy tales, anon. Maybe you'll become a butterfly someday

>> No.44329569

is it possible to get www.weblio.jp dictionary into yomichan? I like the simple definitions

>> No.44329571

japanese 3d manko vs a.i. android gf pussy

>> No.44329577

No, I don't believe in caveman myths.

>> No.44329585
File: 558 KB, 680x680, F3lheKrbcAARjSq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like evil

>> No.44329601

>Dating a Japanese girl?
mostly this but I think she's just fucking around with me. probably laughing at me with her friends or something

>> No.44329603

>fuck off we don't need christcucks

Christians camp Japan threads to christianize as many people as possible.

>No, I don't believe in caveman myths.
Shinto and Buddhism both predate Christianity

keep coping

>> No.44329624

>Shinto and Buddhism both predate Christianity
Like I said, I don't believe in caveman myths.

>> No.44329675

buddhism is more about teachings than myths though

>> No.44329693

All of the teachings and stories are fundamentally predicated on myth.

>> No.44329720

The Buddha said to Subhūti: "All bodhisattvas and mahāsattvas should thusly subdue their minds:
"All types of existing beings, weather born from eggs or from wombs, whether born from moisture or born in transformation, whether possessing form or not possessing form, whether having perceptions or not having perceptions, or whether they have neither perceptions or non-perceptions, I will cause them to enter into nirvana where nothing remains and enlighten them.
"Having thusly caused endless, uncountable numbers of beings to pass into enlightenment, in reality there will be no beings who have achieved enlightenment.
And why is this? Subhūti, if a bodhisattva keeps to the concept of a self, of a person, of a being, of a life-span, then he is not a bodhisattva.

>> No.44329736

low iq enslaved cuck tonguing さんdにっげr anus lmao

>> No.44329743

>buddhist schizos

>> No.44329768

イエス was a ユダ公 mutt

>> No.44329769

>christcuck schizos

>> No.44329788

>wahhh why don’t people believe in muh heckin samsara reincarnation myth??!?!?
>I wanna be a Japanese sarary man so baaaad

>> No.44329804


>> No.44329809

>*sigh* i wanna man

>> No.44329814

isekai is heckin based and pagan pilled

>> No.44329820

it's literally the worst genre of both anime and religion

>> No.44329822

huh the more you know

>> No.44329837

うそ and うさん don't sound even remotely similar bros

>> No.44329853

buddhism stole the concept from steppe people who stole it from the trve schnurkeramikkultur pagans

>> No.44329854

Yeah, but "smells like lie" always made sense in my head, so I never thought more about it.

>> No.44329857

i thought it was like an timey thing that didnt change like 新た and 新しい

>> No.44329870

*an old timey thing

>> No.44329877

buddhism is just dalits (and modern day neets on djt) coping, hoping they'll become brahmins someday

>> No.44329892

buddyism is based, you guys are just gay

>> No.44329919

if it's so based, how come you're not buddies with anyone here?

>> No.44329956

i thought it was 憂さ n' 臭い

>> No.44329978

lol i'm wearing the same underwear right now rofl..

>> No.44329989

I lost most of my motivation to learn the language when I found out japanese girls don't have body odor or smelly feet

>> No.44330274

Reincarnation is real. You'll shout MEDS to anyone that believes otherwise. The afterlife accomodates all religions. The afterlife predates human religion. That's not a caveman myth, that's simply reality.

>> No.44330277

A Christian mocking people over fairy tales. Now we're just being silly.

>> No.44330283
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>> No.44330295

lmao the only place you're reincarnating into is a jewish cemetary

>> No.44330307

no silly is believing you're gonna isekai as a member of akb48

>> No.44330314


>> No.44330317

So I'm new. Is that core 3k you guys suggest supposed to just crush me first day? I was using wanikani and have no idea how to make heads or tails of these.

>> No.44330319
File: 105 KB, 709x760, Ten Kings of Hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lmao the only place you're reincarnating into is a jewish cemetary

Tendai Buddhism acknowledges the ten kings of hell, who rule over reincarnation and tell you how you're being reincarnated. pic related.

The voices in my head speak japanese. It's Japan. Cope and seethe.

>> No.44330323

I think both are silly. Just don't get the self righteousness of thinking one fairy tale is less silly than another.

>> No.44330340

just mine your own deck. 3k deck is ok but I only used it after I lost my personal deck. It's gonna start off hard in any case but you just gotta push through it

>> No.44330346

you just remember them bro

>> No.44330347

>The voices in my head speak japanese
i'm glad you're aware of your schizophrenia

>> No.44330352

reincarnation is one of the silliest beliefs humanity's ever held imo

>> No.44330362

i believe in iq and og (130 iq) said reincarnation is real and Christianity is dumb

>> No.44330375

reincarnation is the most comforting post-death cope

>> No.44330393

>130s believe in reincarnation
it really is true that all the true geniuses of the world are 140+

>> No.44330399

jamal (142 iq) also said thats how the universe works tho

>> No.44330402

i dont want reincarnation unless its an isekai

>> No.44330403

the samsara is considered a form of suffering and ignorance in buddhism lol

>> No.44330478

when the fuck did we normalize cutting the 臍の緒

>> No.44330496

gonna need 151 iq guys take

>> No.44330514

How do I start mining if I have so little vocab?

Is >>44319191 just a meme? Step two is the core 3k deck.

>> No.44330522

you can mine next to doing the core deck

>> No.44330555

when I first started learning japanese I just picked up a vn and started adding vocab I saw. The core deck should be fine if you want a more structured start probably. Either way you'll be fine if you stick to doing it daily. Just make sure to actually spend time with japanese outside of anki too

>> No.44330580

the most updated deck is core2.3k. and yes it's going to be hard at first. there are no shortcuts. you need to brute force your brain into learning to decode/encode kanji from/to memory, and the only way to do that is to consistently keep trying to remember and recall them. and if you use real vocabulary for this, you kill two birds with one stone and save time.

>> No.44330607

based >>33194914

>> No.44330632

How and why do you remember posts from years ago?

>> No.44330634

moe said christ bad

>> No.44330637

nta but above 160iq you just remember all 4chan posts you've ever seen

>> No.44330652

moe's a tranny tho so we can't take him too seriously

>> No.44330653

skill issue lil bro, i searched his trip

>> No.44330684

why would a 150iq post on djt

>> No.44330695

djters would just get reincarnated as slugs so of course they dont believe in it

>> No.44330697

>i'm glad you're aware of your schizophrenia

It's called a spiritual awakening, dude.

>> No.44330773
File: 1.55 MB, 4096x4096, F3lYqm3bkAAIXti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

us just reincarnating like bros

>> No.44330808

god i want to pump a baby into kanatan and force her to be a mother instead of a neet

>> No.44330813

>us just reincarnating like bros

Reincarnation is real is the start of the spiritual awakening. Next is "Where do you want to reincarnate? And what as? Can I become an 女? These questions and more are answered by the ten kings of hell. So worship them like I do and be friends with Jizo Bostasu when you're close to death.

>> No.44330817
File: 80 KB, 137x473, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44330823

nigga just become a 即身仏

>> No.44330847

>Making Japanese friends?
no because they ignore me when i speak japanese
fuck them...

>> No.44330930

>******schizo awakening

>> No.44330938

anon you are literally 基地外

>> No.44330939

there are no terms linking that post to reincarnation. the only way you can search for the post is if you remember it being made this is a CLASSIC 151 guy trap

don't think i'm not saving your posts

>> No.44330949

dno lil bro that sounds like a mlen shitpost if anything

>> No.44330979

there definitely is a guy here with freak pattern recognition and memory lol its happened too often that he connects you to ancient shit from thin air

>> No.44330988

never happened to me

>> No.44330994

>there definitely is a guy here with freak pattern recognition and memory
which is incredible considering the fact that he doesn't know japanese

>> No.44331045

I have a deck of all important DJT posts.

>> No.44331101
File: 8 KB, 744x73, image (27).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Day 88: Today I resolve my yesterday problem so now I'm kinda feel ease and this make my session a little bit smoother.

>> No.44331183

i wish death upon those faggots who upload double page low quality mangascans
there's no excuse for it and i can only assume it's done with malice

>> No.44331240

You ought to be learning English, not Japanese.

>> No.44331260


>> No.44331301

It's a spiritual awakening. Do you need evidence/proof to form a truth? That's the leap of faith right there. It doesn't take too far to get to where i am at after four years of awakening.

>anon you are literally 基地外
I'm Shinto and i'm Buddhist. If you think buddhists are madmen i don't know what to tell you.

>> No.44331304

you are kenough

>> No.44331313
File: 252 KB, 1057x856, anki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you haven't taken the SRS pill then i feel sorry for you. you're going to be so much less intelligent than your peers who use SRS until superintelligence kills us in 2030.

>> No.44331353

what's up morbido guy

>> No.44331367

>If you think buddhists are madmen i don't know what to tell you.
you hear literal voices in your head. you are crazy

>> No.44331376

you know you'll just be a 不良外人 when you go to jp

>> No.44331382

Are you saying i'll be a ヤンキーヤンキー?

>> No.44331404

finna be a 不良害人

>> No.44331535

>you hear literal voices in your head. you are crazy

You aren't interesting enough as a PC for the voices to interact with you.

But i'll throw you a nugget. Play Bloodborne and get Madman's Knowledge.

>> No.44331549

>you hear literal voices in your head. you are crazy

There's no doubt we have an inner voice.
Buddhism calls it the internal “Chattering Monkey” and tells us that silencing this voice is the first step on the path to enlightenment (or nirvana).


Recognizing we have voices in our head and silencing them is the first step to Nirvana

>> No.44331607

why would I silence myself or my tulpa?

>> No.44331625

my dude, you're crazy. hopefully the voices tell you how japanese grammar works so you can stop being a dekinai someday

>> No.44331626

to hear the demiurge and enslave him to your will

>> No.44331641

just how many words for prediction are in japanese?

>> No.44331642

>Recognizing we have voices in our head and silencing them is the first step to Nirvana
how do i silence your posts so i can achieve nirvana?

>> No.44331652

forecast prognosis prognostication augury projection

>> No.44331658

by killing yourself ofc

>> No.44331667

no i don't want to get reincarnated as a deranged neckbeard like you

>> No.44332026

>why would I silence myself or my tulpa?

For quieter meditation.

Kind of hard to communicate with the buddhist heavens while there's voices chattering around

>> No.44332124

kys cultist

>> No.44332145

dude quit preaching your cult crap on the dekinai hate thread

>> No.44332147

the only way for dekinais to reach salvation is through contemplating the lotus sutra

>> No.44332162

>bro believe in my made up religion and do some rain dances with me for good harvest

>> No.44332170

uhm i am confusion about where to go from kana? i am using the genki book and i am in the grammer section but it like touches upon one thing then moves on it seems all over the place.

>> No.44332172

>he doesnt want a good harvest
lmao ur lyf

>> No.44332180

start reading erotic loli vns

>> No.44332195

start reading erotic hag vns

>> No.44332197

maybe I should stop forcing myself through this vn I find boring

>> No.44332198

you only get the exp from the vn once you completely finish it.

>> No.44332200

start reading erotic loli baba vns

>> No.44332206

I actually feel this way

>> No.44332214

thats why short vinnies are great starting out

>> No.44332218

Don't just skim the example questions. Test your understanding of the thing that it just told you about.

>> No.44332378

Name 1

>> No.44332561

tfw get reincarnated as an ugly jap whore in the year 1240

>> No.44332580


>> No.44332650
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x601, ni de.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i realized i was holding myself back by using grammer videos in english, with japs explaining grammar in japanese, i can learn grammar and get my immersion at the same time, two birds with one stone.

>> No.44332717

you should be using a monolingual dictionary as well while you're at it

>> No.44332725

you're holding yourself back by watching grammar videos
read more

>> No.44332733

if you're good enough to understand japanese explanations for grammar you don't need to watch them period.

people who talk about learning japanese grammar in japanese actually piss me off.

>> No.44332745

you're just stupid

>> No.44332746

You have a tiny little brain.

>> No.44332771

there was no ha, there was no ga

>> No.44332801

bash your heads into a sidewalk. fucking faggots.

>> No.44332805
File: 777 KB, 1791x2559, 1879108200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.44332806

Quick, what was the last card you added to your deck? For me, it was 淵.

>> No.44332818


>> No.44332834

n4 and

>> No.44332865

there was no no

>> No.44333150

ai generated posts

>> No.44333192
File: 543 KB, 1267x582, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should be able to answer this

>> No.44333194

sry i can only read the kana

>> No.44333263








>> No.44333302



>> No.44333349

genki 1 —> genki 2 —> quartet —> tobira

>> No.44333364

i think my issue is i feel like i'm missing some additional information/lecturing along with genki 1, like the book touches upon two pages of vocab where i'm at, then moves right grammer but that's only two pages then it moves right to time and numbers.
like it feels like the book is only touching upon each subject or maybe i'm just not understanding it correctly.
i am watching ToKini Andy right now, he seems to go over the genki 1 stuff, idk if it's worth it though

>> No.44333388
File: 967 KB, 500x250, 1692162902970.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.44333426

tobira guy..

>> No.44333518
File: 83 KB, 1280x720, [SubsPlease] Suki na Ko ga Megane wo Wasureta - 01 (720p) [F141AF83].mkv_snapshot_02.37.227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is an episode of home movies where brendon wants a fish eye lens for his camera and he starts going on about filming everything using the fish eye lens. that's how this anime feels

>> No.44333579

>home movies
whatever you say grandpa

>> No.44333753

And what is more, Subhūti, a bodhisattva, when it comes to the dharma, should not abide in the concept of doing with regards to charity. This is what is called charity that does not reside in form, or charity that does not reside in sound, smell, taste, touch, or thought-concepts.
Subhūti, a bodhisattva should in this way practice charity without residing in forms. Why is this? If a bodhisattva practices charity without residing in form, his good merit will be incalculable.
Subhūti, in your own thoughts, what say you? Is the empty space in the eastern direction calculable?
It is not, Bhagavat.
Subhūti, is the empty space to the south, west, or north, in the four intermediate directions, above us or below us calculable?
It is not, Bhagavat.
Subhūti, a bodhisattva's good merit in practicing charity without residing in form is also as incalculable as this. Subhūti, a boddhisatva only need keep his mind in what is as I have just taught.

>> No.44333866

Would it be a good idea for a Japanese learner to watch Tetsuwan Atom and Tetsujin 28-go, or would the dialogue be kind of outdated? I want to watch some kids' shows in Japanese and those are the two that interest me the most right now.

>> No.44333963

yeah it’s not a big deal

>> No.44334011
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>> No.44334024


>> No.44334040
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>> No.44334154


>> No.44336996

I highly recommend checking out Tatsumoto's Guide to Japanese if you want to take your Japanese skills to the next level. Personally, I followed his method, and let me tell you, it worked wonders for me!
Tatsumoto's guide emphasizes the importance of immersion and practical usage of the language. It focuses on exposing yourself to real-life Japanese, studying sentences, and building vocabulary through reading and listening. This approach really helped me grasp the nuances and intricacies of the language.
One key aspect of Tatsumoto's guide is his use of SRS (Spaced Repetition System) to effectively memorize and reinforce what you've learned. It ensures that you review and retain knowledge in a systematic and efficient manner.

>> No.44337763
File: 1.12 MB, 1280x2299, 1667635926835.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These days you basically only want to refer to https://tatsumoto.neocities.org/ because the other guides are outdated.
Btw ignore all the anim*card spam. That's a patreon beggar.
