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45320012 No.45320012 [Reply] [Original]

Yes, Megumu may be arrogant, and racist, and sexist, and all that, but you'd still buy her rice balls right?

>> No.45320031
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Shizuha is not that popular

>> No.45320044

i love megumu waki waki rice balls.

>> No.45320049
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I would buy all of whatever product Megumommy was selling, even if it meant going into debt.
They are there to see Minoriko.

>> No.45321452
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>> No.45321686

Would buy, they also give you power

>> No.45321721


....Against men?

>> No.45321726

Duh, who else?

>> No.45321745

Sex is only sex when a man is involved, so who else CAN she sex????

>> No.45321770

I don't see why 2hus would care about her sexism in that case.

>> No.45321804

I don't know if you're aware, but tengu society regularly puts men down. Men are kidnapped, raped, ridiculed, and have no positions of power within the tengu hierarchy. And there absolutely will be casual jokes mocking men told.

>> No.45325476

The daitengu is a bad lady

>> No.45326120

That's why she's so hot.

>> No.45326513

I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation here. Megumu is one of the higher ups of tengu society. A society held together by its tight hierarchies and rules. She has probably had to fight, claw, and do all kinds of nasty things to get to where she is. During all of that time, she has no doubt had to forgo any kind of personal relationships. The closest things she has to friends are all strictly professional, and likely to backstab her just as she is to them. Not out of anything personal, it's all strictly business.

If you managed to get kidnapped by the tengu, maybe due to wandering in the wrong area of the mountain at the wrong time, the tengu capturing you might try to smuggle you into the village so they can all take rounds enjoying you in some backroom area. However, little gets past the daitengu. She would immediately demand to confiscate under the rights of hierarchy.

After you're dragged into the back of her lair? Lord knows what would happen to you. It's truly unknowable.Youkai already operate in a world of logic and understanding different from our own, and Megumu despite her political savyness and cunning has poor social skills. She might be harsh and just constantly rape you, letting out years of sexual frustration and fury upon your frail human body. Or she might cuddle you, desperate for any sense of companionship, a sensation alien to her.

Returning to the human village should be written out of your plans. Once the daitengu has you captured, you cannot escape, you cannot do anything but submit to your fate.

>> No.45326566

I thought rice ball is called おにぎり worldwide, why the hell they use むすび in their own country?

>> No.45326588

i rape her

>> No.45326601

No difference strictly speaking. According to the Onigiri Society Article 14
>Onigiri shall be the same meaning as Omusubi and Nigirimeshi.

>> No.45326613

>Megumu is one of the higher ups of tengu society. A society held together by its tight hierarchies and rules. She has probably had to fight, claw, and do all kinds of nasty things to get to where she is.
It's a caste system, she probably hatched as a high caste tengu. She's not very bright.

>> No.45326807

No, that can't be right. Megumu herself told me she had to work tirelessly to get to where she is, that's why it's OK for her to touch and grope me however she wants.

>> No.45327003
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Are you aware Megumu is friend to one of the most deviously deceiving youkai in this part of Gensokyo, likely beating even ancient trickster like Tewi or manipulative mischief like Yukari?

>> No.45327108

I don't understand, you have to be mistaken. Megumu wouldn't associate with someone that shady, and if she did it wouldn't be for nefarious purposes. She has said in the past to trust her.

>> No.45327499

One of the most loyal and trustworthy foxes for a friendly and trustworthy tengu lady!

>> No.45329485
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Uh oh

>> No.45334821
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how much for the fox?

>> No.45334842
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Megumu might need to lose a bit of weight
Its showing

>> No.45334847

she will trade you the fox for an exclusive monopoly on your balls

>> No.45334855
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fine. but the contents within is still reserved for the fox.

>> No.45334899


>> No.45334905

i'll eat them all with gusto.

>> No.45334943

This is why I hate tube foxes, they're stupid as hell and their nature lets them fit in places they shouldn't. Like sticking their head into jars of old mayonaise.

>> No.45337497
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Nonsense. She's just gone from fighter class to a heavy bomber. Her ample assets are a status symbol.

>> No.45337864

Tengu thighs save lives.
Losing such a sight, would the world be worth living in?

>> No.45339258

Well, daitengu doesn't translate to "big tengu" for nothing...
