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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 725 KB, 734x1200, 113742997_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
46774449 No.46774449 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread:>>46763478

DJT is a language learning thread for those studying the Japanese language.

Cornucopia of Resources / Guide
Read the guide before asking questions.

Translation requests, 100-reply threads, native Japanese speakers, fear, exhaustion, grammatically incorrect Japanese:>>>/int/djt

>> No.46774466

final boss of japanese and iq


>> No.46774475
File: 90 KB, 960x540, yamero.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46774476


>> No.46774477


>> No.46774510

Why watahi?

>> No.46774525

idc about your soulless shit


>> No.46774548

itoddlers mad

>> No.46774565

my link was 1000 iq and much more ftw 500iq is too midwit for me

>> No.46774619

Nice pic for turn me on
and nice website for kana testing. Really helpful

>> No.46774637

good op

>> No.46774641

whats the obsession with random jackoffs playing along to anime music

>> No.46774651

theres 0 links to anime anything here thoever

>> No.46774658


>> No.46774679

>独 - readings:ドク、ひと・り
>楽 - readings: ラク、ガク、たの・しい
>独楽 - reading: こま
god i love this language

>> No.46774706


>> No.46774707

now imagine a japanese person trying to learn english reading ur post and not able to understand why ur saying the opposite of what u really mean

>> No.46774712

now there is

>> No.46774719


>> No.46774733

filth anime and shitty song but good playing thumbs up

>> No.46774747


>> No.46774764
File: 358 KB, 1280x1807, 004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46774789

floating suggestions ruin the video end

>> No.46774817

paste into ublock origin settings -> my filters
enable filters apply changes refresh the yt page

>> No.46775104

papi > mami
simple as

>> No.46775126

need help with the second bubble

>> No.46775215

need some help with deez

>> No.46775217


>> No.46775218

done and done


>> No.46775336

i was going to ask AI, but they dont accept obscenities :|
is the son talking in the 2nd bubble right(?

>> No.46775352

It's the son speaking*

>> No.46775374

yes you got it!

>> No.46775376

sons letting his dick do the talking

>> No.46775387

im pretty sure is the mom

>> No.46775412

don't try and troll noobs by giving wrong answers please, it's very mean.

>> No.46775422
File: 3.97 MB, 1280x720, pure strikes.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets get this thread back on track

>> No.46775429

I really hope you're just joking

>> No.46775436
File: 2.51 MB, 3062x1413, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was browsing etsy for some vintage hawaiian shirts and came upon this thing. would 100% buy it if it wasnt so expensive. love me a cheeky cringe shirt here and there

>> No.46775445

hate when this happens to me

>> No.46775446

dang chinese counterfeit wwf has declined lol

>> No.46775458

at least get one that isn't the most basic well known piece of japanese art

>> No.46775465

im not getting as i said

>> No.46775466
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>> No.46775478

homeboy goin for the 619 and just got the 6

>> No.46775492


>> No.46775521
File: 445 KB, 1280x1809, _4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46775586

*nadenade* erainne *nadenade*

>> No.46775600

absolute state of readers

>> No.46775788


>> No.46775825

when i see some stupid cunt using our letters in this way me desire to behead increases

>> No.46775838


>> No.46775840

you dont own jack shit

>> No.46775850


>> No.46775878

Why is everyone so angry and rude in these threads?

>> No.46775902

we live in some rough times, nowadays if a woman has a really ugly face i can't even tell if she's a real woman or a tranny. things used to be so much simpler. boobs = woman, no boobs = probably a man unless it's a woman who is flat. that's how it used to be. but nowadays even boobs = man is possible

>> No.46775916


>> No.46775932

i can always tell thanks to 15 years of jerking off to tranny and crossdresser porn

>> No.46775958


>> No.46776025

Nothing to talk about combined with the fact that weird people like Jamal, Bunko, Imouto, Subanon, IQ guy, etc. post on here. Just creates a weird environment.

>> No.46776074

cause taking the piss is fun and i have no outlet for my cunt side in real life

>> No.46776091


>> No.46776114


>> No.46776145

i hate women so fucking much

>> No.46776162


>> No.46776174

i both love and hate women so fucking much

>> No.46776213
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>> No.46776386
File: 73 KB, 519x680, GM-kKULa8AEUarD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily wasavi

>> No.46776396

The answer is 3. Don’t bother making any more guesses.

>> No.46776397


>> No.46776404

the real test is finding the 1 in a million person that knows what the past form does in that context

>> No.46776409

3d women are so fucking gross and impure and deceptive and literally the manifestation of lilith
2d women are so pure and loving and beautiful and the literal manifestation of a noble mans heart
reject 3dpd and embrace true love with 2d

>> No.46776413

who gives a fuck what it does you know what the sentence means regardless

>> No.46776418

clam pls

>> No.46776420
File: 451 KB, 1536x2048, GM-6c2zaAAALais.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about 2.5D

>> No.46776422

It's been a few years. How are my /DJT/ friends? Have you learned Japanese yet?

>> No.46776426

yeah only took me 6 years but i got there in the end

>> No.46776427

I know the japanese

>> No.46776435
File: 684 KB, 2048x1536, GMteKLubEAAzjk8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46776438

i met fuji san

>> No.46776441

because no one here studies japanese it's just a shitposting japanese general.
just get off 4chan, it's pure garbage

>> No.46776445


>> No.46776446

imagine being unreasonably mad about a thread that is supposedly about japanese but is 99.99% english

>> No.46776448

it's not complicated at all. it's a hypothetical of future scenarios in which you did and didn't go

>> No.46776452

acceptable but vtubers are 100% 3dpd

>> No.46776456

you will never be Japanese
you will never enjoy doodling like that with along your peers. would that board be in the west it would be covered with a nigger or tumblr-like art

it's over, you were born in the wrong side of the earth. kill yourself now

>> No.46776458

as in "you should've done x earlier"?

>> No.46776462

>you will never be Japanese
fine by me, i like being tall and white just fine

>> No.46776473

on the other hand men only draw little girls in japan and watch cartoons that are 100% little girls and no longer have any male role models to guide them into being good men

>> No.46776476

The perfective た is used to show an action that's unitary, not necessarily literally occurring in the past. Since you're expressing that having gone to the hospital is good, you end up getting the mood "should" in English.

>> No.46776478


>> No.46776482


there has to be a game like this but with japanese instead of english

>> No.46776488

you're neither of those Pablo Juan De Guadalupe

>> No.46776489

2D girls are asian

>> No.46776490

The subject "gone in the direction of the hospital" is good.

>> No.46776492

yeah they a bunch of right wing podcast grifters to tell them how to be real men

>> No.46776499

this is a good thing
men in japan have already discovered the perfection of 2d and its triumph over 3dpd

>> No.46776519

not saying the west is much better but the japanese are ceasing to exist because of this and are being quietly conquered which is not quite the case elsewhere
japan has the weakest men on the planet bar none

>> No.46776533

ss and rori stuff are being censored more and more even in japan
just look at the frequency of stuff that comes out with these themes

>> No.46776534

ほう isn't expressing a literal direction. It's nominalizing the phrase for the sake of comparison.

>> No.46776541

gotta be happy that we live in a time where its still available

>> No.46776544
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its used to tell lies

>> No.46776552

just gotta go to more low-key conventions around tokyo
theres still a lot out there

>> No.46776555


>> No.46776571

Ahh, that makes sense. Thanks.

>> No.46776573

japan being an epstein paradise is slowly becoming known and understood and theres a massive effort at the highest echelons of government to try to sweep it under the rug as japan opens the floodgates to other countries to send their weakest people to japan because they cant risk the entire country of japan getting metooed and cancelled

>> No.46776579

ryo from supercell has to have casting couched hundreds of girls

>> No.46776586

epstein paradise in terms of 2D, who the fuck cares when its about 2D stuff.

>> No.46776587

is this the same as when they say 帰った帰った and it doesnt mean past tense but 帰れ

>> No.46776593

thats where ur wrong

they make the 2d for the plebs who dont have access to the real epstein shit

>> No.46776595

epstein wasnt interested in 2d
he was a corrupt evil man and im glad he suicided with a little help from his friends
japanese otaku will always protect their love of 2d

>> No.46776605

yup た belongs to one of the strong adds during the last boss fight against だって

>> No.46776626

am i the only person in this fucking thread who doesnt have to think about any of this shit and just understands what the person wanted to say

>> No.46776632
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>> No.46776634

no i never think

>> No.46776635

understand my foot up your ass

>> No.46776643


>> No.46776653
File: 169 KB, 1740x326, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why dude

>> No.46776657


>> No.46776661

watching boku is some weakman behavior let alone rewatching

>> No.46776668

new season of kny in 4 days lets fuckin gooooooooooooooooooooooooo im a fucking retard and dont care wooooooooooo

>> No.46776670

It's not about understanding what they're saying, it's about understanding the logic behind expressions and phrases. The better you understand it, the less confusion you'll have when you come across more complex sentences.
Obviously, one should always feel it out, but let your feels lead you down the road of understanding.

>> No.46776673

yoooooooooooo im hyped too already read the manga though

>> No.46776691

watched the rui fight and the annoying voice demon guy fight episodes like 20 times

>> No.46776701

hxh op came on while i was riding my bike yesterday and felt like rewatching it again even though i finished my last rewatch a few months ago

>> No.46776708

jerked off to the scene where the demon imouto gets breast enlargement surgery then dropped that slop permanently
good fap tho

>> No.46776710
File: 51 KB, 206x215, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yay more ai slop and shitty cgi!

>> No.46776718

rewatching yugio 1 episode a day next year i'll be starting gx

>> No.46776725
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>> No.46776726

i think its a pretty short season so you can get back to chugging your regularly scheduled isekai diarrhea soon enough
i tried watching it but yugis VA is unbearable. had never dropped a show cause of a VA other than shikabane hime

>> No.46776733

me as well, some people are just betters than others... it's the fate of life.

>> No.46776738

call me piggsby hog

>> No.46776743


>> No.46776749

was the director in the middle of a binge for the every recording session, how tf did he get away with this level of dogshit. to be honest the rest of the cast didn't really do much better. think the dub might be better genuinely

>> No.46776755

german yugi best yugi

>> No.46776759

for all the shitting ppl did on 4kids they had really high quality dubs probably the only bearable ones in the anglo industry

>> No.46776761

generating happiness is morally good (utilitarian model)
playing with my cock makes me happy
therfore, regular masturbation is morally good and should be encouraged

>> No.46776772

u should buss every now and then just to keep things flowing in ur pipes

>> No.46776775

About close to finishing the 1.5k Kaishi deck, whilst working through wanikani.

i like the wani + deck style so im wondering what to do once i finish this deck?

>> No.46776782

once you finish the decks you can start learning japanese

>> No.46776785

nah i see it beyond a physiological necessity
masturbation is nirvana

>> No.46776796

uh jesus says masturbation is a sin

>> No.46776805


>> No.46776807

its 2025 anon

>> No.46776812

>its 2025 anon
actually made me check

>> No.46776816

Core 10k. You should be ready to start learning Japanese once you finish that

>> No.46776819

generating happiness is morally good (utilitarian model)
eating fast food makes me happy
therfore, regular fast food intake is morally good and should be encouraged

>> No.46776826

yeah thats true but u have to consider the drawbacks of eating fast food too
as for masturbation, there are virtually none

>> No.46776832

he does but we all have original sin anyway so i think if u need to buss u should just buss
plus jesus didnt mention that even if u dont buss ull eventually buss in ur sleep so ill argue this one when its my time

>> No.46776834

depends what you are beating your meat to
if its only your imagination then yeah

>> No.46776836

>there are virtually none
It's immoral.

>> No.46776840

Remember back in the 90s (only me and Jamal remember those days) when they acted like the 2020s were gonna be a cool futuristic paradise?
And now we are halfway through and the only significant tech advancement since the internet is a predictive text bot

>> No.46776841

i edge to hardcore lolicon every single day at least 2 hours and yeh no drawbacks so far

>> No.46776846

wanikuni method

>> No.46776847

who gives a shit about sinning when you can just repent before you die and jesus is like its all good baby baby

>> No.46776850

we were promised a jetsons world by now
were also past the time evangelion was set in
its over

>> No.46776851

ur supposed to edge to loli not lolicon

>> No.46776856
File: 642 KB, 1920x1080, 転生したら第七王子だったので、気ままに魔術を極めます E06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46776857

well, im a loliconphile so mybe mind ur own business

>> No.46776859

jesus knows ur thinking this however and will send u to hell for it if u think u can knowingly do bad things and get away with it

>> No.46776861
File: 859 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Unnamed Memory - 05 (1080p) [0B33CFF0]-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46776863

how's the hairline

>> No.46776865
File: 9 KB, 837x644, kaishi-front.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the kaishi deck is p good in terms of very useful words, if you wanna jump to another deck after it, the core 2k/6k isnt bad, but ur gonna miss the kaishi style of it being like pic related

>> No.46776869

Sinning with the intention of asking for forgiveness later is antithetical to Christian doctrine and theology.
It's only really a concept used in arguments. It's painful to continually sin, even if you know you'll be forgiven later.

>> No.46776871

sorry but theres nothing special about being gay or lesbian anymore. i'll just treat you like a normal person. if you want preferential treatment, you have to be trans.

>> No.46776873

[bible verse needed]

>> No.46776874

p good never gave a single thought about my hairline sorry bout urs

>> No.46776888


>> No.46776890

is that the one from the moeway?

>> No.46776893

た form used in that manner expresses your strong wish for someone else to hurry the fuck up and be done with whatever they're currently doing. you wish the action to be over and that's why you put it in past tense.

>> No.46776896

lmao if u think ive ever read a book let alone the Good book

i have a special bond with the Lord so he just downloaded the Good Word directly into my brain with His heavenly wifi

u dont need any microchips in ur brain that werent factory installed by the Lord

>> No.46776900

Aww man remember Zenon: Girl of the 21st Century? That shit is set in 2049, no way any of it is happening now

>> No.46776903
File: 41 KB, 244x148, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god doesnt exist

>> No.46776907

ppl like him excuse the flaws of the bible by making up headcanon explanations
the cope is kinda sad but u know how it is with relgs ppl
ayo where tf is the furigana

>> No.46776908

youre joking but in 50 years everyone will have a microchip in their brain and they'll call you an incel or a nazi if you dont partake

>> No.46776911

Dian Cécht is the only real god.

>> No.46776912

This is the greatest plot twist of all time, but somehow I knew deep down you were always a good guy. Proud of you lil J.
Feel free to point out the flaws (none).

>> No.46776918

it still amazes me how people can learn just by seeing a picture of a kanji on the front and the reading meaning on the back, with no sentence on the first first, its obviously the superior method i imagine people just cant be bothered to update decks

>> No.46776919


>> No.46776920

u know i didnt watch that disney for tween girl shit

funny enough that was effectively foretold in the holy scriptures
resist and never let satan put his microchips in ur brain

>> No.46776930

so once they forcibly put a microchip in my head i wont even be able to think of the word "nigger"?

>> No.46776939

better write it all over your walls 今の内に

>> No.46776942

the furigana is on the back of the card, you only see word + sentence on the front

helps a lot with seeing it like that

>> No.46776943

not unless u get the ultraracismXL (only available on the black market) modchip to unlock all ur fave slurs

>> No.46776944

thats kinda what religion, masking, and everything else is tbqh

it doesnt what ur opinion is, 99% ppl are led by the opinions that they r sorrounded by
just take free speech for example everyone kept saying "i disagree with what u say but i will defend ur right to say it to my death" and took it for granted but nowadays u get mocked for saying it
the narrative never got "debunked" cuz there was nothing to debunk its just an opinion after all
the only thing that changed is that the narrative lost cultural strength

>> No.46776947
File: 148 KB, 832x731, ほうがいい.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46776951

all these particles man -luis

>> No.46776955
File: 1.14 MB, 2154x662, path.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hanahira: https://mega.nz/file/TUxHwC6S#LZ8p8GizWdPZQbc13W7ELgM-uRRUMYYrIqfbcnnLHEs

wolf girl: https://mega.nz/file/PYBXWB5C#OV80eoc-07v_S0-jDsu3mA7mHq7DajBULu5khDzuodU

steins;gate: https://mega.nz/file/7cYxQK7A#Hqic0iM2eulbJGXdHx1hEW1R51cMwlAdP7GHGmQo94k

>> No.46776956

Your loss man, the tween girl shit played a big role in my pants as an impressionable youth.

>> No.46776962
File: 14 KB, 458x114, 1714385504605040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah it's fun
2d girls are emanations from the higher planes, lurkmoar
at worst japs drop to couple dozen millions for a while...the same they had one century ago.
as long as there's no mass migration they can be fine actually
>has the weakest men on the planet bar none
are Germans (or French, or britoids, or...) any better when they meekly observe their takeover by brown migrants?
picrel is for you

>> No.46776964

agreed but it still plays a role in my pants in my impressionable adult life

>> No.46776965
File: 900 KB, 1920x1080, 転生したら第七王子だったので、気ままに魔術を極めます E06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46776972

name 1 vn better then s;g, i'll wait

>> No.46776977

>draw girl
>call it a boy
How do you watch this crap?

>> No.46776982
File: 739 KB, 1920x1080, 転生したら第七王子だったので、気ままに魔術を極めます E06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46776984

i went months without masturbating but i dont understand the argument to begin with since addiction is usually bad cuz of nasty side effects not just cuz its irresistible
ur kinda stupid maybe u divided ur iq to reply to every1

>> No.46776989

woh -nEo

>> No.46776991
File: 859 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Unnamed Memory - 05 (1080p) [0B33CFF0]-0003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46776992

ha thats a matrix reference. only 80s and 90s kids know that one

>> No.46776997
File: 1.70 MB, 1050x1400, 1695186031730344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46777000

i think if ur regular u just kinda buss every day or other day or a few times a week or when ur my age 2 or 3 times a month

boys should be bussin thats why God put us here

>> No.46777006
File: 9 KB, 640x591, 1713125051659391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46777007


>> No.46777011

fsn became really stale after the first route cuz i got bored by seeing the same exact characters over and over again

>> No.46777012

i dont mean to trigger u when i make the woh -neo posts its just for fun relax

>> No.46777016

it's just banter relax

>> No.46777020

my girlfriend is regular thank god

>> No.46777022

i jerk off 4 times per day as i start cruising for trannies if i dont

>> No.46777024
File: 466 KB, 1254x585, 1684484362224392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine the sexo

>> No.46777027

Your theology's a little shaky.

>> No.46777028

true true https://www.tandfonline.com/action/showOpenAccess?journalCode=rprn20

>> No.46777029

>woh -neo

>> No.46777030
File: 1002 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Unnamed Memory - 05 (1080p) [0B33CFF0]-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46777031

>live in japan
>marry a 30 something fat 5/10 divorced canadian bitch

>> No.46777034

>replying to mami's shitposts in earnest
jj always wins vs. newfags cuz they dont know when to stfu

>> No.46777036

this guy looks like he got the fuck my shit up special

>> No.46777041
File: 678 KB, 1920x1080, 転生したら第七王子だったので、気ままに魔術を極めます E06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46777042

monkey screeching that eventually culminates in that dude grunting "finna buss" and then proceeding to buss

>> No.46777046

These threads need more earnestness.

>> No.46777047

wow this terribly and soullessly drawn and animated cartoon character has huge knockers!

>> No.46777049

when the eng sub spammer dies, i will be at peace.

>> No.46777051
File: 823 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Unnamed Memory - 05 (1080p) [0B33CFF0]-0004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally me

>> No.46777052

the animation's pretty alright for seasonal isekai slop

>> No.46777055


>> No.46777059

in other words ur low tes

>> No.46777060

yeah lotta disingenuous and malicious posters

>> No.46777061

cant go wong with an aiaan wife

>> No.46777066

Are you OCRing that anime?

>> No.46777067

how do i toddlermaxx jp?

>> No.46777069

>draw a child
>give it big tits
how do you watch this crap

>> No.46777070

what should i get for lunch

>> No.46777072

with a boner

>> No.46777075

let's gooooooooooooo

>> No.46777076

they look more like cats than children

>> No.46777077

gammon egg and chips

>> No.46777079
File: 2.14 MB, 1920x1080, 世界ふれあい街歩き 歴史と進化の街 ニューヨーク ダウンタウン〜アメリカ〜_20240507-100104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's 街ブラ with sexy girls!

>> No.46777083

how bout deez nuts

>> No.46777085
File: 94 KB, 872x335, [SubsPlease] Unnamed Memory - 05 (1080p) [0B33CFF0]-0005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46777088

dame they're ugly japan has fallen

>> No.46777092

only right is pretty but insta 0/10 for being a millenial nyer which im pretty sure means that their guarenteed to be fucked in the head

>> No.46777093
File: 12 KB, 329x303, space jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

middle ones a ferengi lookin ahh mofo

>> No.46777107

sorry the establishments here only serve freedom food

>> No.46777111

ciaran whats your take on fsn >>46776997

>> No.46777123

Are you guys being too harsh on New York girls?
おまいらNY娘に辛辣すぎんかー? (´・ω・`)

>> No.46777127

have some goyslop like buritos or the like then

>> No.46777129

anime title checks out

>> No.46777131

jamal absolutely destroyed

>> No.46777137


>> No.46777144

crazy how much of a two faced shit bonglard is

>> No.46777146

bizzare accusation

>> No.46777147

theyre all mystery meat mutts new york is doomed especially with the latest flood of migrants the meat is gonna get even more mystery

careful its a real thing u can say

>> No.46777151

imma be real for a sec, as much as i hate jj i thank g-d every 24 hour interval that he isnt british
british people are the scummiest most law abiding most bootlicking mfs out there
t. germ

>> No.46777154

your posts smell even without the trip

>> No.46777155

>careful its a real thing u can say
I'm well aware. I'm just mocking his usage.

>> No.46777161


>> No.46777163

jamutt talkin about mystery meat

>> No.46777165

only posts i make site wide without my trip are on /brit/ rent free lol

>> No.46777169

As an American, I'm obliged to agree with this post.

>> No.46777176

shut up worm you suck

>> No.46777177
File: 717 KB, 1192x348, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok figured out where im goin cya in about an hour nerds

u dont need scooby doo to figure out my meat

>> No.46777187


>> No.46777191
File: 638 KB, 688x698, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


why are メンヘラs always so fucking hot

>> No.46777192

Seeya, J-man! *tosses keys to the Rolls*

>> No.46777193

he 'bout to go goku mode on that toilet bowl

>> No.46777194

true true its even super challenging to manufacture improvised firearms in this cunt without the pigs breathing down ur neck 0 freedoms why places like rural america or scandi look so nice

>> No.46777197

calm it with the self-hate ciaran

>> No.46777200

it's alright. fate zero is a lot better

>> No.46777202

didnt know ciaran hated jj
tripfag civil war when

>> No.46777206

stellar blade gameplay looks so insanely boring i can't imagine how dumb one must feel after paying for that coombait

>> No.46777210

hello germ *sprays disinfectant*

>> No.46777218

i love the pure optimism of this opening almost as much as i love planetes itself

>> No.46777221

its like a rhythm game but the exploration was more fun

>> No.46777227

dno most video games nowadays suck and im just stuck playing tf2 once in a while and jerking off for the rest of the day

>> No.46777237

vns to anime is like apples to oranges

>> No.46777255
File: 9 KB, 885x67, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this should have been translated as senior, right? seems like a confusion between the japanese 3 year system and the american 4 year system.

>> No.46777256

love fate zero

>> No.46777258

no, rhythm games are fun. this is more like you riding your bike outside in the summer when you suddenly hear a thunder clap. surprised you look up at the sky and right then there, by nothing but pure chance, a bird shits directly into in the eye. this happaned to a friend of mine.

>> No.46777259

uro butcher cuz hes a hack lol

>> No.46777270


>> No.46777271

As a world traveler here's my official white country power ranking:
2. Austria
3. Norway
4. Spain (if you still consider them white)
5. Northern Italy (Southern Italy is not white)
6. Canada
Uhh that's all the white countries I've been to so far. The UK, Ireland, and France all seem really boring. I'd also never go to Munich or most of the major German cities, but Bavaria seems like a cool area I guess. I've also never been to the Slavic lands but they wouldn't make this list anyway.

>> No.46777272

These kind of people disgust me irl

I went a couple of times to some anime con and they were all like that. I hate them, to the core, I hate freaks and freak looking people irl

>> No.46777273

There's no agreement on how to map the 3 year system onto our 4 year one, so there's an argument to be made for third years being juniors, though senior technically makes more sense.

>> No.46777278

very sad when you fall in love with an anime girl

>> No.46777280

>,so there's an argument to be made for third years being juniors
there isn't tho
it doesn't matter how you map it calling the final year of high school junior is retarded lol

>> No.46777281

what sort of demographic of women go to anime cons? what about in the west vs in japan? i'm picturing the ugliest most rancid smelly group of landwhales in the US. cosplay whores dont count.

>> No.46777282

even sadder when u fall in love with a 3dpd who fked 100 guys before u

>> No.46777283


>> No.46777286

you are a hikki neet

>> No.46777287

bavaria is pretty much austria

>> No.46777288

right? the entire situation could just be completely avoided by going with grade numbers, and just calling it 10th 11th 12th grade.

>> No.46777293

nothing more pure than anime love
happy for any man that abandons the vile 3d realm and embraces 2d bliss

>> No.46777296

youre picturing correctly

>> No.46777298


>> No.46777300

By calling it junior, then all 3 years are accounted for. Calling it senior means that one of the other years won't be named, which is confusing. Do you go freshman, junior senior? Freshman, sophomore, senior? Sophomore, junior, senior?

>> No.46777301

Sorry your country didn't make the power rankings, but Rhodesia doesn't exist anymore

>> No.46777302

the girls into anime at uni are either the classic lardarse blue hair types if theyre british or if their foreign they tend to be polish eastern european types and look relatively normal

>> No.46777303

what specifically do you do when you travel to those countries? im curious because im wondering why you think bavaria seems like a cool area but not the rest of germany

>> No.46777306


>> No.46777319

you can skip freshman or merge junior and freshman and use them interchangeably for the first year
it doesn't really matter
but there's no question that senior is the final year

>> No.46777320

was in munich a few months ago. probably the most obviously wealthy city ive ever been to. never seen so many porches in my life. every other car seemed like it was a 2024 bmw worth 80k at least. we went to a museum on the river (forget the name) that was centered on technology and it was fucking awesome. also went to some massive estate that i also cant remember the name of that was great too. the only thing that kinda sucked was the food. we went to places locals recommended and i could make everything we ate better at home but whatever, germans arent known for their food.

>> No.46777329

>you can skip freshman or merge junior and freshman and use them interchangeably for the first year
? are you retarded freshman is always first year senior is always last year its sophomore and junior which are relative and would be merged

>> No.46777330

Meant for >>46777286 obviously
I don't like modern urban hellholes or tourist traps. A big plus for Austria was that even in the tourist traps, I didn't have to worry too much about pickpockets like the rest of the big urban centers in Europe. Also, as someone that lived most of my life in the open plains of the midwest, seeing literally any mountains kicks ass. I like hiking and camping and going to small towns where the culture is still intact.

>> No.46777333

Translation-wise it feels wrong to skip freshman. If a character's just starting high school, then I think it's important to leave that one untouched.

>> No.46777334


>> No.46777346

boring ive been to better places with my rtx

>> No.46777352

ok was gonna say the rest of germany is not literally just cities, but i can't refute that the south has the best mountains

>> No.46777353
File: 773 KB, 1920x1080, Souchou.Shihatsu.no.Sappuukei.EP01.1080p.HULU.WEB-DL.AAC2.0.H.264-MagicStar-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46777356

is the latest seishun buta movie worth watching if i kinda liked the previous one

>> No.46777357

>ive been to better places with my rtx
i have a hard time figuring out the minimum required bmi to conjure up a phrase like this

>> No.46777362

he's right tho tourism is retarded why would i wanna sweat my balls off and walk all day to look at random shit i can see on pictures

>> No.46777364

are they out yet

>> No.46777371

i did that in japan it was pretty fun

>> No.46777373
File: 191 KB, 680x1298, 1685883522972796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder, anon: as long as you practice, your Japanese is as bad today as it ever going to be

>> No.46777374

because you must waste your money to uphold our economy

>> No.46777381

im like this about travelling alone but if you're with the bros its fun

>> No.46777382

how did i misclick that

>> No.46777384

just go to Patagonia you stupid fuck

>> No.46777388

traveling isnt about seeing shit, its about people. it's all about people. that's why people want to go to japan and not pakistan or india or afghanistan.

>> No.46777394

nobody asked you to come, lardass
linking that video is not an invitation

>> No.46777401

but people are boring

>> No.46777402

no the 2nd one isn't out yet

>> No.46777403
File: 9 KB, 400x420, 1704540524232286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder, anon: as long as you practice, you have wasted 1 of your remaining 18k days alive

>> No.46777407

it's about both you dumb reductionist cunt

>> No.46777411

It's about experiencing things for yourself. Pictures and videos only convey so much. When you are there breathing in the air, speaking the language, eating the food, and experiencing the culture firsthand, the experience transcends anything I can describe. It is more complete than anything secondhand can give you.

>> No.46777414

really? i find it boring to go and see things, like when i was 18 i visited paris, i saw the mona lisa in the louvre and wasnt really impressed desu

>> No.46777416

oh tom

>> No.46777422

as for me traveling is all about seeing i dont give a shit about people im not going to talk to

>> No.46777426

maybe that's because paris sucks

>> No.46777428

for me its the food

>> No.46777429
File: 235 KB, 297x360, 1709268998204408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mined 鞘.
So was her name some lewd innuendo/pun all along?

>> No.46777435

i need to have sex with japanese women and get shitfaced in izakayas with depressed miserable salarymen

>> No.46777437

>mined 鞘
do ankidrones really?

>> No.46777441

just realized her head looks like a penis

>> No.46777442

her name is 沙耶

>> No.46777447

Have you guys ever been to Japan?

>> No.46777448

soooo I kinda want to do it with this

does someone want to... like, see a pic sor something ha

>> No.46777452

yeah it was fun

>> No.46777455

im going in november before a business trip to china

>> No.46777454

yellow knight

>> No.46777456

Woah, look out, everyone. We gotta whitenoiser in the house.

>> No.46777460

finna go again next year

>> No.46777461

thanks for the basedjak post but those things simply don't happen when you cannot even have a surface level interaction with anyone or anything in whatever country you're visiting cuz you're just a dumb tourist

>> No.46777462

says more about you than her tb h
really what

>> No.46777464

whats wrong with anki?

>> No.46777465

sorry to hear you have a pencil dick

>> No.46777469

i'll go if you go

>> No.46777479

i went to japan got on tinder and went out with a bunch of cuties
we went deep beyond the surface if you catch my drift

>> No.46777482

good to know that u are thinking about my cock but that speculation felt kinda random

>> No.46777484

Then I go, now you must go

>> No.46777487
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>> No.46777490

self own

>> No.46777500
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>> No.46777501

I really want to go to Chile one day, finally cross the Andes off my list .
When I was in Bad Gastein I had a conversation with some friendly elderly man about how much he loves the US and how he's glad he didn't have to live under Soviet control.
Talking to people is fun.

>> No.46777504

>tits purposefully fill up 2/3 of the screen
>don't talk about my tits pls you guys
i hate women. but i also love women.

>> No.46777505


>> No.46777512

yeah i really owned myself by...ehh...failing to see dicks in every vaguely fallic siluette. yeah. you totally got me.

>> No.46777519

yeah i got you by the balls

>> No.46777520


>> No.46777525


>> No.46777527

why are you so obsessed with my genitals

>> No.46777530

i have a bad anger problem. so many stupid bullshit things genuinely make me seethe. no idea how to solve it.

>> No.46777532

relax lil bro that was my first post at you

>> No.46777533

i'm like the polar opposite

>> No.46777536

failing that, medication

>> No.46777542
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>> No.46777544

raw meat

>> No.46777546

So one day in the Alps I was hiking up to the source of a river, raging white waters of death cuz it rained recently. Eventually, I found a sizeable calm spot where the water was just casually pooling and hopped on in since it was over 80 degrees in freedom units. About 40 minutes go by and a guy with the same idea showed up and hopped in. We drank some Gösser together and he told me about cool fishing spots nearby.

>> No.46777548
File: 271 KB, 372x326, 1703235818340144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm guessing this is supposed to say "wet and wild", but this seems totally wrong. と definitely doesn't work like that. but what about the wet/wild parts?

>> No.46777549

I want to go after getting my degree, I can do a holiday working visa so I could stay up to one year, if I find a job I can maybe get to stay and shit, but I'm kinda old now so idk. wasted many years

>> No.46777556

for example this post pissed me off and i had flashes of chopping this dudes fingers off one by one because nobody gives a fuck about your gay ass stupid fucking story and because fuck you

>> No.46777557

how the fuck do you guys get sponsors for your work visas?

>> No.46777558

unironically read epictetus' discourses
or 嫌われる勇気 which is a pop-sci distillation of adlerian psychology but it contains a lot of stoic ideas about anger management as well

>> No.46777562

the mentally ill tend to get into anime and they tend to get into leftism. so the attractive women at anime cons are usually mentally ill leftists.

>> No.46777566

shylily is a western vtuber dont expect it to be correct

>> No.46777569

we should meet up id restructure your face till you dont feel angry anymore

>> No.46777570

you don't need a sponsor for 1-year working holiday
assuming you're from a civilized country that is

>> No.46777576

if you don't like the rhythm based combat that comes with games like these, why are you even watching it.

>> No.46777582

yeah but how would you translate "wet and wild" in a way a jap could actually understand

>> No.46777584

濡れ is a 名詞 THO

>> No.46777587

i unironically have a few amateur kickboxing fights so idk how well that would go

>> No.46777591

glad to know im not this kind of incel

>> No.46777593


>> No.46777599

Sounds to me like your anger issues are the reason good things don't happen in your life. Remember how to experience joy and laughter again, friend.

>> No.46777600

yeah i expect youd be kicking hard when i shove your face into a meat grinder and turn it to 11

>> No.46777614

my lifes generally pretty good though, have fun with the boys pretty often, have a job etc.

>> No.46777625

>in a way a jap could actually understand


>> No.46777634

armchair psychologist be like noo you can't dislike anyone or anything that means your life is shit

>> No.46777636

>have fun with the boys pretty often
i'd be mad too if i constantly got fucked in the ass

>> No.46777638

hating is good

>> No.46777643

Then why does the happiness of others bother you so much? My heart cries out in pity of disturbed young men such as yourself.

>> No.46777646


>> No.46777648

>the boys
probably a bunch of degenerates who ruin your life just by being around them
>have a job
sorry you're a slave

>> No.46777650

my dick cries out in pity of disturbed young women

>> No.46777651

you still can't use と there to describe something else as wet and wild

>> No.46777655

i have a superiority complex and whenever i see someone doing something i deem dumb or retarded a homicidal rage fills my mind. for example your faux concern that you're presenting here makes me want to put a boot through your teeth

>> No.46777663

how about i stick a knife in your eyes then you wont have this problem

>> No.46777665


>> No.46777670


>> No.46777671

your posts reek of brown and short so good luck trying to reach me juan

>> No.46777676


>> No.46777679

t disgusting mutt slav lol

>> No.46777689

>faux concern
Nothing about it is fake. I really wish I could do something about all that hate you carry.

>> No.46777691

dame we have a homicidal aryan ubermensch god on the loose nothing can stop him

>> No.46777698

im from norway
i dont actually want to hurt anyone in reality

>> No.46777699


>> No.46777714

wonder how tall you will feel after i place you in a hydraulic press

>> No.46777716

never understood why idiots assume they can tell who's typing what on an anonymous image board. i answer for others all the time

>> No.46777720

would wild be more like 野生

>> No.46777725

just peeled a fat scab off my knee and ate that bitch, been a long time since i got to enjoy this delicacy

>> No.46777726

writing with this girl who looks so cute on her pics that i'm not sure i'm being catfished

>> No.46777728

need sv3rgie's take on this

>> No.46777733

ah yes, the daily japanese thread

>> No.46777735

I was og for about a month once. Dunno why she didn't say anything about it

>> No.46777737

lol no

>> No.46777743

animals wouldnt waste anything in nature
you know mammals all eat their afterbirth

>> No.46777752

ah yeah the placenta looks fuckin disgusting tho

>> No.46777765

you only think that cuz ur brainwashed and ate burned grain sludge ur whole life lmfao

>> No.46777766
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>> No.46777770
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>> No.46777775

yeah we should take after dogs and eat our own vomit

>> No.46777776

and you haven't?

>> No.46777778

haha missed it fag

>> No.46777779

did djt have a good lunch

scab guy clearly did

>> No.46777782


>> No.46777789


>> No.46777791

i didnt evne notice the numbers

>> No.46777792


>> No.46777793

this mutt goes round telling people he wants to chop their fingers off if he can dish it why cant he take it
heres some guro posting for you you say that to my face and id tear your every ligament and lynch you leaving your mangled corpse dangling from a tree by your own entrails guts style you cocksucking faggot lol

>> No.46777800

u know they r mad when they tell u theyd do things to u like in a japanese comic they saw

>> No.46777801
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>> No.46777802

chill bro who hurt you

>> No.46777804

what do you mean?
my country has a 1 year holiday work agreement that's it

>> No.46777815

You need help too friend. Do not let his anger consume you, instead love and forgive.

>> No.46777817


>> No.46777822

>why cant he take it
what? say whatever you want to me bitch when did i say otherwise lol

>> No.46777827


>> No.46777832

in the context of what is usually meant by wet & wild try 羽目を外して or 野方図に

>> No.46777839

dr k says that this can be a symptom of a type of depression that often gets ignored and instead gets attributed to men just being unreasonable

>> No.46777844

dr k more like dr cuck

>> No.46777847

alternatively dr gay

>> No.46777848

you gonna get kneecapped

>> No.46777849


>> No.46777851

dr k got metaphorically bodied by a jewish doctor named avi bitterman

>> No.46777852

how was the thing? the food thing i mean

>> No.46777853

ok but who would waste their time catfishing random guys

>> No.46777855


>> No.46777858
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>> No.46777859


>> No.46777860

ooh i like that one https://woman.mynavi.jp/article/161101-342/

>> No.46777864

chrono trigger more like chrono nigger lmao

>> No.46777865


>> No.46777867


>> No.46777870


>> No.46777874

what have i done

>> No.46777876

i gonna say this 100% unironically: chrono trigger is slop

>> No.46777877


>> No.46777879


>> No.46777881

slopper nintendo

>> No.46777889

gonna say this 100% unironically: i have never played a single jrpg in my entire life. one time i tried persona 4. quit after ~1 hour. ridiculous waste of time

>> No.46777891


>> No.46777893

genuine kek!

>> No.46777898

insta dropping atluslop is understandable

>> No.46777899

yoooo any niggers?

>> No.46777904

*turns monitor brightness up to 100%*

>> No.46777909

i dont know why but they always manage to sell me on the games and i drop them a couple hours in

>> No.46777911

comedy tip: saying nigger has diminishing returns if its said in close proximity to previous instances of saying it

its one of those words u have to strike like lightning with at the right moment and then it has to fully leave not only ur mind but the minds of others before it can be used again

>> No.46777912

it's called ADHD

>> No.46777915

could have just said yes

>> No.46777916

yeah bro i be watching lady ninja kaede 2 for the plot

>> No.46777917

same but ff 7. unless pokemons count then ive played 100s of hours of those

>> No.46777918

but im white

>> No.46777920


>> No.46777923

niggerism is a state of mind

>> No.46777928

it never leaves my mind and im always here so gl on that

>> No.46777927

whoa so it is just like the game

>> No.46777930

true and im glad its not my state of mind

>> No.46777932

yeah yours is reflected about the gray line

>> No.46777935

well done and fUck u

>> No.46777941

you tugging the old one-eyed snake while looking at those beasts? be honest now with me son

>> No.46777944
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>> No.46777954

hiragana games are probably very good immersion for upper beginners

>> No.46777957

41 yougota problem widat?

>> No.46777962

no i played them back when i wouldn't even entertain the possibility jerking off to a game. i only became this degenerate once i started learning jp

>> No.46777964
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>> No.46777965

57 nah i think it's mad funny actually

>> No.46777966

jrpgs are unironically the best throwaway slop for jp practice

>> No.46777971

pangaea was a mistake

>> No.46777974

shotabros.. we won

>> No.46777975

so is aids
not rly in was invented in san francisco

>> No.46777976

as for me cryogenian

>> No.46777978

>slop: not even once
>don't treat your own lifetime like slop
>you wouldn't downlaod a slop, would you?
>slop kills

>> No.46777983

cant believe jane goodall fucked a monkey in san fran and created aids

>> No.46777984
File: 1.16 MB, 1078x1166, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn why does modern anime have to be this fucking ugly

>> No.46777985

so they can say homosexuality is african but when i say africa is gay then that's suddenly a problem?

>> No.46777986

we wuz gayz n sheet

>> No.46777989

blonde bitch is hot

>> No.46777994

for me it's the frog

>> No.46777995

dont like bongta because hes a low iq racist

>> No.46777996

needs english subs

>> No.46777997

i like the red goku

>> No.46778007

oh btw the food was good thx for asking

>> No.46778008

that's what they used to call stalin did you know that? red goku

>> No.46778015

jammie ate my balls real good

>> No.46778021

immersion https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpZLWE5TZoo

>> No.46778025

papi 豚トロ

>> No.46778030

found jamal's channel

>> No.46778033

crazy just looked it up and joey stalins middle name was goku

>> No.46778039

30 beast

>> No.46778051

i mean it's spelled vissarionovich but you read it 'goku'. russians don't have it easy either

>> No.46778050

sounds like doom

>> No.46778062

this is the smallest an electric guitar has ever looked to me

>> No.46778063
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>> No.46778070

lmfao absolute unit

>> No.46778075
File: 1.90 MB, 1828x914, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picking up shitgatsu no slop

>> No.46778076


>> No.46778081

dame it is lewd

>> No.46778086

errmm... where's the subway surfers?

>> No.46778087


>> No.46778090

ah, i forgot. for the wet & wild anon. 濡れ場 came to mind ealier. dunno what to do with that lol

>> No.46778091

friend told me to play this and then i dropped it

>> No.46778099

jamal説 thickens

>> No.46778103

he should be happy you didn't drop him instead right then and there

>> No.46778104


>> No.46778110

it's literally one of the best games ever made

>> No.46778113

dark souls and strategy games are better

>> No.46778117

>have to play dumb minigames at the carnival in the first few minutes of the game

>> No.46778122

i dont play video games and look down on people that do unless theyre friends of mine

>> No.46778126

i never thought chrono triggs was good personally and never understood why ppl espeically redditors love it so much

>> No.46778127

you don't have to

>> No.46778130

>tell me you haven't played it without telling me you haven't played it

>> No.46778131

yea i agree they're wastes of time and regret most of the tens of thousands of hours i've invested in games. but i'd go crazy as a neet if i couldn't pass time with games.

>> No.46778135

name a good jrpg

>> No.46778137

final fagtasy

>> No.46778140
File: 1.69 MB, 1773x918, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf i'm actually learning shogislop

>> No.46778142

tales of symphonia

>> No.46778144

south park

>> No.46778150

it's a 100iq magnet

>> No.46778151

barkley shut up and jam gaiden

>> No.46778157

i guess faxanadu was alright

>> No.46778159

knew you didn't have a good answer

>> No.46778161

kinogears kinosaga and kinoblade are all good

>> No.46778163

pokemon red

>> No.46778164

kinoqueers lol

>> No.46778166

reading in vertical is just a worse experience unless the lines are short like in manga. you can't convince me otherwise. why can't they just modernize if that's already how they read on the internet

>> No.46778167


>> No.46778169
File: 676 KB, 1920x1080, House.of.Ninjas.S01E04.2024.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.x264-NoGroup-0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46778170

good answer

shaddup up

>> No.46778174

more like fags anal do

>> No.46778179
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>> No.46778183
File: 824 KB, 1920x1080, House.of.Ninjas.S01E04.2024.1080p.NF.WEB-DL.DDP5.1.x264-NoGroup-0002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

didnt know 杜氏

>> No.46778189

no way

>> No.46778192


>> No.46778199

og said ff 10 was good

>> No.46778202
File: 13 KB, 480x146, firefox_sydFBXNRaX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn that shit is ultra rare

>> No.46778204


>> No.46778210
File: 1.69 MB, 2074x1350, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46778213

myself says jrpgs aren't good

>> No.46778216

the day she fell for sinji

>> No.46778217

jamal realized he fucked up so he has to deflect with shovelware

>> No.46778223
File: 50 KB, 480x433, toar_012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seen 杜 used as もり in tales of arise though

>> No.46778227
File: 1.39 MB, 1612x806, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uve never played it cuz if u did ud know it requires a minimum 140 iq to truly appreciate

>> No.46778233
File: 17 KB, 529x128, 1699308786744105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46778234

yea ok boomer

>> No.46778235

*nods sagely*

>> No.46778246


>> No.46778248
File: 365 KB, 543x366, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf this is literally a copy of chess

fucking hacks

>> No.46778250
File: 1.64 MB, 2074x1350, Untitled-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

downloaded this one onto my 3ds at one point

>> No.46778258

fine, i'll bait, wtf is that?

>> No.46778265
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>> No.46778271

i didn't ask for another meme screenshot, i asked for the name of the game

now i don't care anymore, here's you pity (You)

>> No.46778279

mlenbitch moment

>> No.46778284

he already mentioned it pay attention bro

>> No.46778288


>> No.46778292

One of the rare non-porn PC98 games.

>> No.46778296

chrono trigger

>> No.46778305

jamal what is your take on trails in the sky

>> No.46778310

skid marks in the sky

>> No.46778314

trail of shit in my toilet bowl after i flush

>> No.46778317

lol n1

>> No.46778318

upgrade your flush

>> No.46778325

n1 too

>> No.46778326

He felt it was mid, but that Sophisticated Fight was 10/10.

>> No.46778343 [SPOILER] 
File: 574 KB, 1080x603, 20240508_042255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

摩訶摩訶 reminds me プリルラ

>> No.46778360

oumagatoki reminds me of dies irae

>> No.46778366


>> No.46778372

how old is this woman supposed to be

>> No.46778374
File: 3 KB, 324x39, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46778376

it's an amazing game, i wish i had the time and patience to play it these days
definitely one of those games you can only play if you're single

>> No.46778380

are you jamal?
stfu bitch

>> No.46778382

discount jamal

>> No.46778384

quiz what's your IQ?

>> No.46778385
File: 125 KB, 960x434, fatmaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look who's entered the chat

>> No.46778400


>> No.46778410


>> No.46778411

i don't know exactly but it's gotta be decently high

>> No.46778418

>i don't know
holy cope, spotted the sub 135 midwit

>> No.46778422

queefs bulking so his weight overtakes his iq

>> No.46778426

knowing your iq is like viewing your stats window after the isekai tensei

>> No.46778429

>176 cm = 5 feet and 9.29 inches.
wtf qm is tall and jacked and has a full beard and has a son and a wife and is fluent in 4 different languages and is a software engineer and a linguist wtffff life is so unfair

>> No.46778436 [SPOILER] 


>> No.46778439
File: 712 KB, 888x745, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know a guy...

>> No.46778440

in queefoids deck

>> No.46778444

he's shorter than me and i sometimes feel like a manlet in germany

>> No.46778447

135 is more than decently high

>> No.46778451

yeah but queef is 120 tops

>> No.46778458


>> No.46778459
File: 214 KB, 850x400, 1688868443263187.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn only 4 short

>> No.46778465

hey its every1s favorite guy quizler whats up buddy other than ur blood pressure

>> No.46778469

when quiz goes to the isekai he's gonna be all like 転生したらIQ最低のクソザコだった lol

>> No.46778476


>> No.46778488

yea i'd guess it's like 125 minimum but dunno

>> No.46778490

something is supposed to change when you are reborn

>> No.46778494

pissler getting absolutely mauled today poor guy

>> No.46778495


>> No.46778501

im sure if queef took an old sat exam rn (gold standard test) he would get 120

>> No.46778504

i stand with qm

>> No.46778507


>> No.46778508

i think u mean 最小

or 愚か at the 最大 lvl

>> No.46778514

iq guy says the old sat gives inflated results for modern test takers

>> No.46778518

thats his gravitational force pulling u

>> No.46778522

damn queef is lower than 120?

>> No.46778526


>> No.46778527
File: 100 KB, 1280x192, 1706565712915702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is done.
as i was finishing the video, i felt a distinct, peculiar sensation in cranium, somewhere around the penial gland.
i have a strong intuition that it means that my iq has been raised by 1 SD (at least) and the speed of my Japanese acquisition has been doubled.
vitubatachis, what is the next step?

>> No.46778531

friedrich just wanted to check in and feed his insatiable ego for a bit but got instantly bullied out of the thread lol

>> No.46778533

how is the sat fair? what if you just spent a few months grinding algebra/precalc/calc textbooks

>> No.46778541

he got twitter flashbacks and quickly clicked x amidst having heart palpitations

>> No.46778548

>vitubatachis, what is the next step?
watch #2

>> No.46778553

watch some anime

>> No.46778558

i dno but the science says its the best especially the verbal part and jamal got 140 iq on it

>> No.46778559

Ah yes, midi piano, the most beautiful of all the instruments.

>> No.46778569

hm yea well i can't argue with that but it makes me think

>> No.46778573

the melody is godlike it doesn't matter what it's played on

>> No.46778576

watch anime but not 20s slop

>> No.46778579

It's buitubas not vitubas.

>> No.46778580

oh yea have you watched any anime you think are great in the past couple years?

>> No.46778585

How is this for grammar check?
I'd like to get faster feedback on sentences I'm trying to write.

>> No.46778593

>I'd like to get faster feedback on sentences I'm trying to write.
here it is *kicks your face in*

>> No.46778599

yeah, there is a ton man, you can find a few good ones for just about every season

>> No.46778605

its so based that america made millions of college bound students take a literal iq test in disguise for decades and sorted them into universities based on the scores

>> No.46778606

the sound they make when they say bui always freaks me out

>> No.46778620

the secret behind our greatness and now the reason for our downfall

>> No.46778621

>sorted them into universities based on the scores
if only that were the case. aa only recently got ruled as illegal

>> No.46778630

what are YOUR favs though. last i saw you liked logh and mob psycho but idk what you've enjoyed since

>> No.46778631


>> No.46778636

do you still run your anki sess every day or did you drop anki?

>> No.46778646


>> No.46778649

which doesn't ultimately matter because colleges can skirt it by saying they value certain "life experiences with discrimination" or whatever.

>> No.46778651

its ゴムの日

>> No.46778660

if black ppl cant do basic reading writing or math its cuz those things are inherently racist against black ppl

>> No.46778664

sounds like aoe2

>> No.46778667
File: 1.50 MB, 1833x763, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit

>> No.46778673

dunno, tons of great ones
last season was sousou no frieren, another really amazing and special one relatively recently was ousama ranking
and i also like some other popular stuff like kimetsu no yaiba

>> No.46778680


shogi gameplay be fire yo

>> No.46778683

140+ people are still very common at elite americans universities

>> No.46778688

pretty much dropped it
i had recently picked it up again as i was reading japanese lns but i'm not doing it consistently
like 2 minutes every week, realistically speaking i'm not really using anki anymore

i have noticed getting 'worse' in pure kanji reading though, like i know for a fact there was a ton of kanji i used to be able to read that i struggle more now, so dropping anki definitely isn't without consequences, but it's fine as long as you're reading regularly

>> No.46778696

its almost like ur reading ability was tied to flashcards instead of a language u were supposed to have acquired

>> No.46778697

i really was unable to watch this show
don't get how you can make literally every single character so absolutely boring and despicable

>> No.46778702

>it's fine as long as you're reading regularly

glad we're finally all on the same page.

u can go ahead and delete all the anki shit from ur website now and replace it with "read more"

>> No.46778717


>> No.46778718


>> No.46778720

no, not really
it's just the case for rare kanji you don't see every day, japanese natives can't read those either, that's what anki is really good at making you remember
and i can still read 100x better than you who doesn't know basic stuff

>> No.46778729

>don't get how you can make literally every single character so absolutely boring and despicable
yeah, that's what i'm expecting from it too. i'll watch it because it shaft and so i can shart on it properly in the future

>> No.46778731

you cant
if you took the sat your midwit verbal ability would be revealed

>> No.46778734
File: 89 KB, 966x503, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah my site already covers this

>> No.46778743

i was gonna be compliment u on being candid about how u will only decline as u move farther and farther from ur flashcards but now i dont feel the same cuz u clearly still have some deep resentment for seeing what i said would happen coming true

>> No.46778754


>> No.46778763

sure, stating a fact about your lack of reading ability is more of a sign of 'deep resentment' than every post of yours obsessing over me in some way

>> No.46778769

i wanna man

>> No.46778770

qm won

>> No.46778777

on opposite day!

>> No.46778796

theres 0 posts itt from me about u before u showed up so dunno where ur getting ur facts from but its prolly from the same place u get all the other bullshit u say and its from ur big obese booty hole lol

>> No.46778808

enough with fatphobia and bodyshaming

>> No.46778811


>> No.46778812


>> No.46778813

give me some suggestions on what/how to study, I can't just be content to do a bit of Anki daily I'm not getting anywhere fast with it (t. barely N4 Ankitard)

>> No.46778815

gluttony is a sin

>> No.46778823

ty for answering and nice dubs

btw i can recall you used to have trouble financing the site and maintaning rights to the domain name. are you paying for these yourself now? i'm asking because i wanna how if animecards.site is secured, speaking in terms of finance

>> No.46778824

riddle me this queef
sybarite is to what as what is to seclusion
decently smart 15 year olds could do this in 20 seconds 40 years ago

>> No.46778826

u can fill ur brains buffers with studied knowledge but a very small amount of it will go from those buffers into ur working memory as acquired understanding

just enjoy things in the japanese language at ur own pace

>> No.46778827
File: 2.44 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46778831

study grammar, whitenoise rawslop

>> No.46778837

What's wotp mean?

>> No.46778844


>> No.46778847

>just enjoy things in the japanese language at ur own pace

nah you should enjoy them at my pace

>> No.46778850

just read linnies with a lookup dictionary it's literally this simple

>> No.46778853

all I've ever done with this language is learn words, my vocabulary (~2200-2300 words) is already fine while every other aspect (reading, listening, speaking, grammar) sucks in comparison.

what kind of material should I put on if I want to "whitenoise" audio content in the background all day?

>> No.46778856



>> No.46778858
File: 224 KB, 372x304, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46778859

Pretty sure his conclusion was the opposite. Dropping Anki made his reading worse, not better.

>> No.46778862
File: 225 KB, 1920x1080, 1704651486514341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my vocabulary (~2200-2300 words) is already fine

>> No.46778871


>> No.46778878

>what kind of material should I put on if I want to "whitenoise" audio content in the background all day?
that's a meme. for whitenoising i actually meant watching rawslop while trying to understand it, which in practice becomes 95% whitenoising.

listening stuff in background is snake oil

>> No.46778883

he dropped reading and got worse

>> No.46778887

take this test. 50 cards, quickly, if you don't recognize don't try to hard and just move on after 1 second

>> No.46778890

its crazy how simple analogy questions tell you so much about a persons brain
and jamal got enough questions like >>46778824 right to qualify as college ready at age 10
let that sink in

>> No.46778893

>with a lookup dictionary
you didn't read it

>> No.46778895

thanks anons.
>not sure what you meant so idk how to correct it but this is wrong too
I was trying to say I am going to go eat as in stopping what I am doing now to go eat.

>> No.46778897


>> No.46778898

then he'd be back in the same place

>> No.46778902

Nobody can answer that riddle because you didn't offer a pattern.

>> No.46778905

no not trouble financing per se
i just appreciated if people contributed to the costs, but it's fine

the domain went up in price costing me 30€/year now, which is ok, pretty much no other hosting costs
i pay for a pretty powerful VPS that among other things runs the discord bot, that's quite a bit more expensive, but it's more of a personal investment

never heard that word

>> No.46778906

holy self own

>> No.46778907


>> No.46778910

i dont evne know what half of the words in that post mean relax iqfan

>> No.46778911
File: 55 KB, 480x346, 1695325449002528.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and yet my reading speed keeps increasing, my vocab keeps expanding and I have to look up less and less. Curious

>> No.46778912

holy fuck the food in yakuza 2 is kinda expensive compared to 1

>> No.46778914

He said he still reads LNs.

>> No.46778917

lets lower it 50 points can you answer this
color is to what as what is to daisy

>> No.46778919

inflation dont play

>> No.46778921

luxury and hermit

>> No.46778926

*eats paste*

uhhh flower!!!

>> No.46778928

Not a self-own. You need at least one more word to have that riddle make sense. Mayo is to food as football is to what would be an example of how to phrase it.

>> No.46778931

no, not reading in general
reading of rare kanji, if you want to consistently be able to read kanji in the 3000+ or even 4000+ range, anki is absolutely the best tool you could possibly use
without using anki it's very hard to remember rare kanji readings, like stuff you see a few times a year, but your 'normal' reading of average material isn't that impacted by it

>> No.46778935

he said he picked up anki again because he started reading lns again

>> No.46778936

catch me on the flip side

>> No.46778941

Yes, not being able to read rare kanji would be an example of your reading worsening. I wasn't implying you've forgotten how to read as a result of Anki.

>> No.46778943
File: 51 KB, 735x339, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yooo the secret new openai/microsoft llm recommends yomichan unprompted when simply asked for beginner lns

>> No.46778947

takoboto too? interesting, it must have read shoui's site

>> No.46778948

even the ai isn't immune to crippling

>> No.46778949

That still doesn't make sense.

>> No.46778952

you don't need to keep self owning

>> No.46778953

>and yet my reading speed keeps increasing, my vocab keeps expanding and I have to look up less and less

>> No.46778954

ask it if it know about animecards.site and quizmaster

>> No.46778955

color is to yellow as flower is to daisy

>> No.46778963

I'm not self-owning. I'm showing your riddle doesn't make sense. Are you trying to say what does sybarite and seclusion have in common?

>> No.46778976

color is to white
as flower is to daisy

>> No.46778977

what's the obsession with ai it's just a glorified search engine

>> No.46778978

>Are you trying to say what does sybarite and seclusion have in common?
nta but holy shit you really must be sub90

>> No.46778985

more proof verbal analogies are the best fluid intelligence questions

>> No.46778986

He had been reading even before that.

>> No.46778989

no such thing as a 100+ uppercaser

>> No.46778990

color is to roloc as ysiad is to daisy

>> No.46778995

I'm probably in the 140s.

>> No.46778996

shift key sends ur iq to the yaminosekai

>> No.46778997


>> No.46779003

wtf iq guy just got owned

>> No.46779005
File: 295 KB, 687x1262, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>QuizMaster is a method or addon to Anki that helps streamline the process of card creation and review

>> No.46779011

color is to rainbow as bouquet is to daisy

so ur telling me u can just do whatever u want on these ? how do these prove iq again..

>> No.46779015

lol i wondered if it picked up from various reddit posts about how i'm racist, transphobic and all the other stuff

>> No.46779018

take my word for it, I never lie

>> No.46779021



>> No.46779024

holy shitttt link?

>> No.46779026

correction: quizmaster is an overweight russian half-breed which doesn't know japanese

>> No.46779030

Using the shift key requires amazingly complex coordination.

>> No.46779032

>color is to rainbow as bouquet is to daisy
mind if i screenshot that one for the ol archive?

>> No.46779039

Yes, exactly. They're riddles without real answers.

>> No.46779038

Do I need to learn the extra for hiragana right away?

>> No.46779042

what is a rainbow if not a bouquet of color

>> No.46779043

so color is the same as bouquet?

>> No.46779049

i'll take that as a yes

>> No.46779053

it's only available in the battle mode though so you have to get the model randomly assigned and it's not revealed what models you're talking to at first

>> No.46779054


>> No.46779059

no they have a practice question in the beginning with a sample answer like >>46778976 so you know you have to search for the best fit analogy

>> No.46779064

if its multiple choice then thats even worse because u have to conform to thinking like the robot they are trying to program u to be despite there being other possibilities

those r the worst kinds of multiple choice questions

>> No.46779066

My fist is to what as what is to your ass?

>> No.46779074

i remember having to write essays on books in school one time the teacher told me that's not what the book was about and not what the author meant and gave me a low grade why call it an essay even lol

>> No.46779076

mouth, foot

>> No.46779082
File: 871 KB, 1830x2052, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A or B

>> No.46779084

Ding, ding, ding! We have a winner!

>> No.46779091

is 数学 the study of smoking?

>> No.46779102

thats a heavy g-loaded question

>> No.46779103

analogy questions of this kind are open ended
besides it doesnt matter if it doesnt make "sense" to you how such questions could work because the fact of the matter is analogies almost always have the highest g loading and perfectly represent fluid reasoning

>> No.46779109

tldr but this pair is probably the new model and gpt4

>> No.46779111
File: 149 KB, 220x165, .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that only works out if the guy who made the test is smarter than me

>> No.46779113

do you love japan

>> No.46779121

They don't represent that at all. The answer is almost invariably subjective.

>> No.46779122

i love my experience of japan.

>> No.46779123


>> No.46779128

youre joking but thats why i have never taken an english language test despite being esl
those tests are beneath me, theyre made by midwits for midwits

>> No.46779130

a sub 90 says what

>> No.46779133

yea but that feeling is waning

>> No.46779136

You can't even uppercase your posts. How am I supposed to trust your IQ?

>> No.46779138

i love some shit from japan but japan is a country that favors keeping their heads down versus standing up for whats right so no i cant love a country of sheeple

>> No.46779142

you do realize you are using the same kind of analogical inference and fluid reasoning whenever you make jokes here right

>> No.46779146

never seen such an efficient self own

>> No.46779154

dont sign your posts

>> No.46779160

i only know how to ride the bike i dont know why i can ride the bike other than having gained a sense of balance and control in riding the bike

>> No.46779165

No, that's not how the joke works, retard.

>> No.46779180

its not quite a signature cuz i wouldve needed to sign as sheep as sheeple is plural unless this was a high level joke about the homogeny of japanese ppl

>> No.46779189

dont sign your posts

>> No.46779192

now ur gettin it *thumbs up*

>> No.46779193

Dot is not a valid name.

>> No.46779195

lmao I can't believe you fell for that. Lowercasers are so easy to bait.

>> No.46779209

dang 165 walked into it and is now caught between a cope and a hard place u love to see it

>> No.46779220

I thought I was being to obvious too, but I guess even a 90 uppercase like me can still get one of the geniuses.

>> No.46779222

according to my dictionary, sheeple isnt even a word

>> No.46779232

according to my dictionary *unzips* *starts flicking u with my limp noodle*

>> No.46779241

Japanese people make up portmanteaus all the time, but when use humble English speakers do it, you're suddenly like, "Noooo, stop! That's not a real wooooord!!!"

>> No.46779278


>> No.46779300

tfw watching yugioh the abridged series at 13 with not a care in the world

it'll never be that good again will it bros? as to confirm it little kuriboh is now a depressed fat fuck libtard that keeps apologizing for making some tranny jokes back in the day

>> No.46779302

turning 25 soon, am stone cold, nothing will distract me from what actually matters

>> No.46779318

i remember watching it in 2010
lk is retarded for squandering it

>> No.46779320

this guys ego is off the chart. even the intonation and way he talks makes it obvious he huffs his own farts on the regular

>> No.46779324

when i was 13 i wasnt even on the internets yet

>> No.46779330
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>> No.46779333

sigma grindset

>> No.46779343

i was already nolifing it at that point even though it was 2007 and there wasnt really much to do other than shitpost on niche interest forums all day. my parents tried limiting me to 2 hours per day but i whined all day like a retard since i was just staring at the ceiling the rest of the day and they gave in to shut my stupid ass up

>> No.46779354

your parents are fucking losers too? woah - neo

>> No.46779355

wait hold on i didn't know you were racist and transphobic. i'm deleting my anime cards

>> No.46779358

i was shocked when i found out that littlekuriboh doesnt actually know the rules to the yugioh card games. for me that was like finding out santa claus isnt real.

>> No.46779362

my parents are great people

>> No.46779366


>> No.46779367
File: 212 KB, 1060x579, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

high iq anons???? eating any of the 3 circled is wrong btw

>> No.46779369

man i'm glad refold got mentioned

>> No.46779382

i cannot fucking stand how llms default to making lists in response to every fucking prompt

>> No.46779387

dont care about chinese checkers

>> No.46779394
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>> No.46779399
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>> No.46779401

What did you guys do to study pitch accent?

>> No.46779408

inspect element

>> No.46779420
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>> No.46779424

stop! this is not a dvd!

>> No.46779437

kek i forgot i started that

>> No.46779441
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>> No.46779444

doubt a 13yo could understand much of the references or jokes in ygotas

>> No.46779458
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>> No.46779461

Here's a look at the archetypes you might encounter in /djt/ on /jp/:

1. The Anki Addict
Description: Lives and breathes spaced repetition. Hasn't spoken a word of Japanese but can recite 2,000 kanji on cue.
Signature Move: "Just one more rep!"
Catchphrase: "If it's not in Anki, it doesn't exist."
2. The AJATT Apostle
Description: Sleeps in a futon, dreams in Japanese, and eats natto for breakfast. Wants everyone to quit their jobs for 18 hours of immersion daily.
Signature Move: Sharing a Matt vs. Japan video five times a day.
Catchphrase: "Just immerse, bro."
3. The Tatsumoto Shill
Description: Spams the thread with Tatsumoto's guide and rails against Reddit-tier advice.
Signature Move: "Have you read Tatsumoto's guide yet?"
Catchphrase: "Don't waste your time with Tae Kim."
4. The Grammar Nazi
Description: Can recite every rule from "A Dictionary of Basic Japanese Grammar" but gets triggered by casual speech.
Signature Move: Correcting someone’s use of は vs. が.
Catchphrase: "Actually, according to JSL…"
5. The Wannabe Weeb
Description: Knows "konnichiwa" and "arigatou" from anime. Thinks Japanese culture is all kimonos and samurai.
Signature Move: Asking for help with "nihongo lessons" to impress their waifu.
Catchphrase: "I learned all my Japanese from Naruto!"
6. The JLPT Junkie
Description: Treats the JLPT like the SATs and won't rest until they've passed N1.
Signature Move: Flexing their JLPT score like a gym selfie.
Catchphrase: "Well, according to my N2 results…"
7. The Kanji Crusader
Description: Obsessed with Heisig's "Remembering the Kanji," viewing radicals like horoscopes.
Signature Move: Writing kanji in the shower steam.
Catchphrase: "If you haven’t RTK’d, don’t talk to me."
8. The Doomer Dropout
Description: Gave up on Japanese after realizing it's not like the anime. Sticks around /djt/ to wallow in mutual despair.
Signature Move: "What's the point? I'll never be fluent."
Catchphrase: "Just give up, bros."
9. The Resource Hoarder
Description: Has a hard drive full of textbooks, Anki decks, and manga but hasn't read a single page.
Signature Move: "DM me for my 10GB immersion pack."
Catchphrase: "I'm just waiting for the perfect moment to start."
10. The Native Speaker
Description: The mythical unicorn who stumbles into the thread occasionally. Confuses everyone by typing perfectly fluent Japanese.
Signature Move: Correcting everyone's Japanese grammar.
Catchphrase: "ええ?みんなさんの日本語はちょっとね…"

>> No.46779462

you dont have to understand all the jokes or references to find it funny. spongebob, a kids show, has a lot of subtle references that are meant for adults

>> No.46779468

wtf that's pretty crazy

>> No.46779474

>3. The Tatsumoto Shill
>Description: Spams the thread with Tatsumoto's guide and rails against Reddit-tier advice.
>Signature Move: "Have you read Tatsumoto's guide yet?"
>Catchphrase: "Don't waste your time with Tae Kim."
uncannily true

>> No.46779477

130 is the new 100

>> No.46779481


>> No.46779489

If you haven't RTK'd, don't talk to me.

>> No.46779491

tatsumoto one was the only accurate character

>> No.46779496

why is incest done in high iq countries like japan?

>> No.46779499

All a white man needs to know about Buddhism is that it's death worshipping cuckery

>> No.46779501


>> No.46779506


>> No.46779508
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>> No.46779512

stupid calculator forgot that he can george floyd anyone, ais still leave much to be desired

>> No.46779514

did you train this llm on djt archives? i wonder how much it knows about jamal

>> No.46779517

provisional slop rankings as of yesterday
1.boku no my hero academy
3. mushoku tensei
4. kaiju 8-gou
5. 2. lv2 kara cheat
6. kantei skiru
7. dungeon meshi
8. salad bowl
9. re-monster
10. new gate
11. tensura
12. konosuba
13. unnamed memory

>> No.46779519

im smarter than ai so it cant see me


>> No.46779521

Chotto what? Huh? CHOTTO WHAT?!

>> No.46779522

this bit is getting old

>> No.46779531

whats this ai?

>> No.46779535
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>> No.46779538
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>> No.46779540

screamers arent what they used to be since audio equalization has gotten better

>> No.46779541
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>> No.46779544
File: 2.07 MB, 1280x762, 1707709663720469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how tf do you pull off two 12 hour streams in a row, jesus christ

>> No.46779545

this is amazing

>> No.46779547

A decade ago I started my anki mining deck. I decided to make the definitions in my native language, but back then all the Japanese-Hungarian dictionaries on the internet barely had 10-20k words and were completely garbage, and I absolutely wasn't going to use a physical Japanese dictionary. So I had to translate everything from Japanese-English dictionaries. Of course the double translation introduced mistakes, I got subtleties wrong especially as a beginner, and some synonyms turned out to be not synonyms. Today I finally found a great web dictionary with 100k+ entries in my native languages, example sentences for almost every entry, etc. I'm ecstatic. It's finally time to fix all the things I got wrong.

I'm now going through my deck 12000, one by one, looking up every single entry. It's going to take about two weeks at my current pace. Most of them were right, but I found some translations that were so much better fitting than what I came up with. Of course a few things were outright wrong. I'm also adding example sentences for all the cards that I had a hard time with.
Doing this satisfies my autism in very pleasant ways.

>> No.46779549

you're right it's been almost 8 weeks since the season started

>> No.46779550
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im-also-a-good-gpt2-chatbot on lmsys arena. you need to do battles until you encounter one

>> No.46779553


>> No.46779554

>immersion-based learning philosophy
Dang, Jamal, I thought you hated AJATT.

>> No.46779555

idk maybe because its her job?

>> No.46779557

matt is legitimately confirmed 5'3"

>> No.46779558
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>technical wizard

>> No.46779559

i dont believe ajatt condones eng subs

>> No.46779560

i would never describe analcream as a technical wizard lmao

>> No.46779564 [SPOILER] 
File: 104 KB, 726x581, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i kneel

>> No.46779568

chaos dunked my way to victoly with the papi paradox

>> No.46779569

scarily accurate

>> No.46779578

All hail Jamal, King of the lolcows

>> No.46779580

can't spell jamal without L

>> No.46779582

thats a capital i

>> No.46779585

get dopamine nexus flashbacks

>> No.46779591

simpering optics

>> No.46779603
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>> No.46779606

chaos is a ladder

>> No.46779610

being ranked lower than nukemarine is a little insulting but i know papa chulo will take it in stride

>> No.46779614

crazy that it rated george trombo the highest and correctly did so

>> No.46779615


>> No.46779625

where does Anonymous rank?

>> No.46779640

it's possible they're releasing it on may 9 at search.chatgpt.com

>> No.46779643

coming back to the thread and seeing a bunch of you ape out over some ai shit is like happening upon a special ed class outing at the local park as they all freak out because one of them found a dead frog

>> No.46779649
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>> No.46779654

ai is like what happens if you captured in an uppercaser in a cage

>> No.46779655


>> No.46779658

not bad, it's nearly as good at this as a redditor or a tripfag

>> No.46779659


if youd watch the videosi post every day all of you would be fluent now

>> No.46779669

during summer i can sometimes actually hear frogs from my place at night. spooky. how did it know?

>> No.46779676

nobody cares about this fat fuck

>> No.46779689

near-fluent (in english)

>> No.46779690

it doesnt, it said that because you mentioned a dead frog

>> No.46779696
File: 14 KB, 674x648, IMG_9143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do I go to get some online Japanese pussy?

>> No.46779698


>> No.46779703


>> No.46779707
File: 376 KB, 2048x1536, 1697775832872984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post ur immersion stations

>> No.46779713

i'm sorry, latest djt consensus is that "pussy" is a physical object of some kind that can't be found online, attached to "women", i don't thing you will succeed in this task

>> No.46779715

woah almost thought that was chinese because of the long kanji words

>> No.46779717

there were at least 2 cockroaches in that tower when that picture was taken. depend on it

>> No.46779728

ok i know shogi now

>> No.46779730

woah almost thought you were a fag because you keep waking up in back alleys with cum leaking from your ass

>> No.46779733

>depend on it
what is this esl語 for

>> No.46779737

absolutely bizarre projection

>> No.46779740

self own

>> No.46779741

do you spend a lot of time looking through back alleys looking for men with cum leaking from their asses

>> No.46779750

they're not leaking when i'm looking for 'em. not yet

>> No.46779751
File: 135 KB, 429x253, 1685406914606876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

concession? accepted.
monitor? off.
self? owned.
post? signed.
cope? allowed.
crippled? permanently.
guide? unread.
trip? filtered.
foot? ass.

>> No.46779756
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it takes its assignments pretty seriously

>> No.46779757

projector? on

>> No.46779760

that's good

>> No.46779766

damn jamal really rizzed this thing up

>> No.46779769

>isekais and defeat maos only to sell refold's snake oil in another universe

>> No.46779776

voca? roo

>> No.46779788

yeah this is going straight to the top of the slop rankings

>> No.46779801

paste the lyrics in udio/suno

>> No.46779840
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"feel it out"

>> No.46779847

i hope you guys know that it is not good etiquette to 踏む on 敷居 or 畳縁

>> No.46779857

dame first vid in the series proves cure dolly was right
tatsumoto has nothing to say now

>> No.46779861
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>> No.46779865

that guy is a retard

>> No.46779866

i walk all over that shit with my shrimping boots

>> No.46779871

>caring about what other people do

>> No.46779878

the anti black dog whistles are crazy in this vid

>> No.46779881

Sometimes? Bro the only thing I can hear at night is the chorus of hundreds of fucking trees frogs. And I mean fucking.

>> No.46779908

oh, they're rapey all right. big gang bang energy

>> No.46779979

that answers color is to what as daisy is to what but that's easy
putting color and daisy on opposite ends makes it hard

>> No.46779993

im the anon responsible for the upper bound of 140

>> No.46780010

what was the answer to the seclusion one

>> No.46780023
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good game but the final battles were dogshit

>> No.46780026

you too are giving full, ya know?
because today you're a hero?

>> No.46780078

yeah jamal bombed that one

>> No.46780101

yo chrono have a lot of sex tonight you're the hero after all haha

>> No.46780102

bros i answered white for this because i associate daisies with white

>> No.46780120


>> No.46780129

why are there so many videos of these two 2hu milfs

>> No.46780210


>> No.46780286

trash losers

>> No.46780295

You're never gonna comprehend the spoken language

>> No.46780298

yoooo bro where the fuck is moe? hes the one and only king of djt

>> No.46780321

listening is unbelievably fucking hard. idk how people do it.

reading? hover over words enough and you start to remember them without needing the hover. but listening? impossible. it'll always be gobbly gook.

>> No.46780337

>reading? hover
lol so ur not actually reading or listening

>> No.46780340


>> No.46780344

reading yes because you have to hover less as you remember words. listening no because it's just impossible and always sounds like white noise.

>> No.46780351


>> No.46780353

oh no i have time to self reflect can't let this happen

>> No.46780357


>> No.46780372

try reading kana-only books/games.
then while listening just imagine the sounds becoming kana on a paper and read it

>> No.46780391

if you understand improving at reading and you improve enough to parse sentences quickly, then listening is just a matter of recognizing some thousands of words instantly from hearing. it's easy to just grind them in anki until you get enough coverage for easy compelling immersion material to be largely comprehensible

>> No.46780403

there's a case to be made for early beginners to seek out kana-only vocabulary lists. it's a good way to boost listening comprehension as you primarily associated the sound with the meaning and also an easy way to up your vocabualry quicker when speaking. it is not necessary to be able to read or write every single word you hear or say in a conversation. if you associate the kanji with a word you already know at a later time that is fine. that is not to say you should stop studying kanji. it's just a interim an 一時の方便

>> No.46780404
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>> No.46780411

nuke's dafug face is great
wish he still streamed

>> No.46780415

the priority for every early beginner ought to be reaching comfortable reading pace in erotic games which means that they ought to put all points in kanji

>> No.46780424

your priority ought to be to stfu

>> No.46780434
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>> No.46780439


>> No.46780441

furby is cool and all but we need something more visceral
like a dab

>> No.46780447

furby posting is pretty lame

>> No.46780450

you're a pretty mean guy and i wish you'd keep your negative opinions to yourself

>> No.46780457

hes right tho

>> No.46780462

that goes for you too negative nick

>> No.46780466
File: 36 KB, 640x488, 1715129548017.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

instant native fluency in Japanese
but your English fluency goes down to match your current Japanese ability
Do you do it?

>> No.46780473

im the king of mean guys when i want to be 47 and 57 cant compete

>> No.46780474

acquiring english again would take no time at all

>> No.46780478

hell to the absolute fuck no. english is awesome and i'm glad i'm a native speaker of it.

>> No.46780480

you inherit Japanese english autism

>> No.46780481

and im https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNr3L8H8gV0

>> No.46780488
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>> No.46780499

matto looks like a lil chimp

>> No.46780504

looks like a really smart and charismatic guy to me

>> No.46780515

and he's got a beautiful smile

>> No.46780523

sweat is disgusting

>> No.46780532

loli sweat thoughever

>> No.46780535
File: 191 KB, 735x664, 1712399309110631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

j and me

>> No.46780537

holy fucking moly

>> No.46780541

my daily zoomer dopamine

>> No.46780543

you might be shitposting but it's better than drugs

>> No.46780556

>jk weat is disgusting
neck yourself

>> No.46780561

true purified loli extract is among the rarest, even rarer than safron. It takes 1000 budding flowers just to get a miligram of the stuff

>> No.46780584

do you do any Japanese studying on your phone?
I barely know how to use mine

>> No.46780591

never had a smartphone before

>> No.46780600

it's perfect for doing Anki in bed

>> No.46780651


>> No.46780656

it's called スマホ nowadays, grandpa

>> No.46780722

>wide range due to varying contributors
japanese attracts learners from a...wide spectrum

>> No.46780744

is there any beginner-level japanese literature that's as easy as yotsuba/similar manga?

>> No.46780772

Does it matter what I immerse myself with as long as I enjoy it, do it a lot, and do different mediums for different language styles

>> No.46780786


>> No.46780795


>> No.46780814

having my 2k done feels like a decent amount when compared to my inability to read children's books or speak in full sentences.

>> No.46780833

You could stick to only one medium and get just as fluent. Japanese is Japanese.

>> No.46780843

finna immerse in your mom's ass

>> No.46780854

Which guide do I fellow?

>> No.46780861

animecards.site or themoeway

>> No.46780864
File: 1.76 MB, 500x281, 1498708273813.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wanna produce a jrpg myself so bad
>no matter how much i improve my script would always end up being cringe ungrammatical gaijin shit
fuck my life bros this isn't the right timeline
i wish i could just make japanese games

>> No.46780866

what are you 12

>> No.46780874

> themoeway

>> No.46780875

i'm doing the 有酸素運動 thing with your mom rn

>> No.46780881

I found this japanese children's story and I'm trying to read it but I don't understand shit.
god this is painful. even hovering for translations I don't understand what the sentences mean without copying and pasting into google translate. my grammar is just that fucking bad I guess.

>> No.46780887

Then read a grammar guide or watch some videos and basically sentence structure
You should at least know that the verb comes at the end

>> No.46780896

Embrace it. Japanese people find it hilarious when people screw up their language in entertainment.
The entire genre by definition is comprised entirely of native speech. Be the one JSL to show them how it’s done.

>> No.46780930

Why don't you make a jrpg in English?

>> No.46780954

It’s pretty simple, just read to the particle/clause and ask yourself what that fragment is saying. For example:
At Shinagawa station...
towards the seat right in front...
when the impolite customer boarded (the train) and came...
Kurumi lost all her energy.

>> No.46781030

Why learn Japanese when you can learn mandarin?

>> No.46781039

japan's cultural output is better

>> No.46781049

see >>46779082

>> No.46781061
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dame the table isn't seat

>> No.46781113
File: 49 KB, 1172x747, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

test is bullshit. i dont know 1200 kanji

>> No.46781137
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>> No.46781223

>ranked by fluency levels
>near-fluent is above fluent
some crazy mf made this list

>> No.46781237

nice fupa

>> No.46781244

ayo papi paradox goes hard af

>> No.46781302

are you dtf?

>> No.46781406

made a small vtuber and her chat laugh at my joke.
get fucked DJT i bet you couldn't do that

>> No.46781416
File: 65 KB, 907x985, aniki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


congrats you finished the japanese, you made it anon!

>> No.46781417

been there done that
most streamers are ego-tripping tards who cant take any bants
shit like "no backseating" really ruins the fun with indie streamers

>> No.46781423

you'll return to your baseline happiness momentarily

>> No.46781424

fuck just realized 耳が should probably be 耳は. damn i fucked up big time

>> No.46781433


>> No.46781493

do people actually write this in kanji

>> No.46781534

ok, this is getting ridiculous
so far I spent 20 minutes trying to update my JMDict dictionary (I'm a full time programmer, btw)
>visit the JMDict website
>the only download option is by FTP
>yeah no problem
>click link, nothing happens
>apparently Firefox deprecated its FTP support
>okay I'll try Brave
>apparently Brave deprecated its FTP support
>okay I'll try Edge
>apparently Edge never had FTP support
>okay I'll try my ancient Internet Explorer install
>sorry I cannot let you do that, I'll start Edge for you instead :)
>okay, quick connect with Total Commander
>server instantly breaks off connection
>okay, I'll get my FTP client FileZilla
>connect, enters directory, tries to list directory, ftp instantly disconnects on directory listing each time
>okay I'll do fucking command line FTP jesus christ
>manually type in ftp commands, avoid listing the directory, just go directly to the file and download it
>it works
>it's a .gz file
>okay i'll open it with total commander
>okay i'll open it with 7zip
>error: file is corrupt
I'm fucking done

>> No.46781550

it is because of anti-virus built into your browser probably

>> No.46781568

now I got winzip to open it but it's full of mojibake
my windows is set to japanese and had literally zero problem with anything in the last 10 years
how can this be so ridiculously complicated

>> No.46781600

nvm I'm a gigantic faggot and forgot to set binary mode for FTP
I got it working now

>> No.46781603

>Kurumi lost all her energy.

>> No.46781606

huh? just use the j-j dictationaries on moeway

>> No.46781613

well I successfully updated my dictionary
which complete broke Chiitrans Lite which uses a 11 years old JMdict with a slightly different XML format and has everything hardcoded and impossible to update

thanks for reading my blogposts

>> No.46781638
File: 232 KB, 650x369, 1709078274113878.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> go to the hospital for your post-holiday funk
>not wanting to go to work is a disease symptom
japan is a fucked up place fr

>> No.46781648

no natural human on earth likes to work because working is slavery
every person should be hunting food for themselves and possibly their family and working on creating a shelter for themselves

>> No.46781702





>> No.46781744

DJT will tell you whitenoising is not the secret to flawless japanese

>> No.46781746

whitenoising bad
looking up every second word you encounter in a dictionary good

>> No.46781787





>> No.46781817
File: 867 KB, 2741x3500, GHGgk9tbMAAgQjA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.46781823

Is reading newspapers and watching news every day the road to N1? Btw just mined 候補 from an N1 listening exercise

>> No.46781828

don't take n1 as some kind of final goal

>> No.46781829

did you actually press left only when you can recall at least one meaning

>> No.46781854
File: 210 KB, 989x1277, 1703437575254931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not bad

>> No.46781866






>> No.46781877

It’s not, but N1 is my current specific goal and I’m aiming to do it this winter. Passed N2 a decade ago

>> No.46781880

What is the most appropriate particle here to say go home without saying anything?
I was thinking で but the story uses に

>> No.46781889

i can't explain it but i always see 言わず with に so i would go with it

>> No.46781905
File: 195 KB, 755x188, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This weighs on my heart.

>> No.46781946

do your grammar reps

>> No.46781967
File: 591 KB, 696x907, 1696858183186102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading a vinny during work hours

>> No.46781971

reading a vinny during neet hours

>> No.46781976

so you tried 4 UI clients before even considering the commandline when the whole command for this nobody protocol could have just been generated in 10 seconds with a chatbot

>> No.46781977

reading a vinny during sleep hours and moving sleep hours to work hours.

>> No.46781984
File: 134 KB, 447x800, 1715156917448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no secret to learning Japanese

>> No.46782001

there is a secret but it's random for each person and you need to find it

>> No.46782004
File: 823 KB, 1217x705, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't think it was this kind of story. I came to visit her at the hospital after she went unconscious for three days due to her medical condition. She was depressed and didn't want to see me but I wouldn't leave.

>> No.46782006

>caring that people care about what other people do

>> No.46782008

>relapsed to tiktok jc nipple slips again

>> No.46782010

are they done on purpose?

>> No.46782012

getting her preggo will kill her bro

>> No.46782014

this is why i just use jisho.org when i need to look up a word
fuck technology
(also a full-time programmer)

>> No.46782015

if you know anything about these videos, yeah

>> No.46782020

>admitting to a crime punishable by decades in jail
zoomers really are dumb

>> No.46782021

we are both girls and I think she feels guilty about being a closet lesbian.

>> No.46782028

your honor, my client was referring to jc of the 2d variety in minecraft

>> No.46782031

what is jc

>> No.46782032

im not a 3dpd fag but its gonna be a sad day when they outlaw 2d cunny

>> No.46782050

>thinking abbreviations mean anything
>thinking im using my real ip
>thinking i live somewhere with retarded laws that punish nudes
thats gotta be a triple self-own

>> No.46782052

already the case in most countries which is why we need to flee to japan

>> No.46782085

almost missed watching aots

>> No.46782086

dame do americans rly serve decades in jail for catching a glimpse of an unclothed minor

>> No.46782089

true true dont wanna go to the deeb webz where i find actual rape videos on the same website as the most recent LO but guess might give it a click if it comes to that since i have nothing to lose at that point

>> No.46782121






>> No.46782131


>> No.46782133

another piece of insight by captain obvious

>> No.46782173
File: 29 KB, 1049x648, 0508172722430-ilTOJ1QuQGg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you love it when a word have 2 opposite meaning?

>> No.46782181

stfu には

>> No.46782188

'in addition to' is a horrible translation there for the purposes of learning

>> No.46782190

kinda related but the jisho example sentences are always the worst examples to showcase a vocab

>> No.46782294


>> No.46782309

Mamma Mia what a picture... That's not sfw though

>> No.46782313








>> No.46782355


>> No.46782374

wow i had already forgotten how good that scene was

>> No.46782748


>> No.46782873

nukemarine-lands-in-japan theme

>> No.46786919


>> No.46786954


>> No.46787146

thank you

>> No.46788774

what happened? Was he exposed as a scammer?
