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6843778 No.6843778 [Reply] [Original]

Irisu doujins! Where?

>> No.6844118

I sense a good thread in this one

>> No.6844122

No, leave poor Irisu alone.

>> No.6844140

Oh my god. Sauce?

>> No.6844150

Sauce is shut up.

>> No.6844181

Dem thighs

>> No.6844221


>> No.6844236

Do not want healthy Irisu.

>> No.6844345
File: 3 KB, 184x172, 1293409754861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6844369


The name's right there, you guys. Are you even trying?

>> No.6844382

No one here can type Japanese.

>> No.6844389



>> No.6844401

Take that back. ALMOST no one. Thanks.

>> No.6844431
File: 76 KB, 639x477, irisu cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scanned Irisu doujins only exist in fantasy

>> No.6844444 [DELETED] 

This. It was never, ever scanned. It exists on in idea.

In fact, I'm risking to say this doesn't even exists. It's a mock-up cover, just like Kai was an april's fool joke.

>> No.6844448

Your tears only make my penis harder.

>> No.6844450

This. It was never, ever scanned. It exists only in idea.

In fact, I'm risking to say this doesn't even exists. It's a mock-up cover, just like Kai was an april's fool joke.

>> No.6844468


When you put it like that, I'd be lying if I said I think you're wrong.

Fuck, that's so sad. ;_;

>> No.6844510

Don't... don't say that... ;_;

Pixiv artist's page http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=2946

>> No.6844517

Inexistent Irisu doujins are a blessing. Go fuck yourselves.

>> No.6844689
File: 178 KB, 400x600, 15322951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I wonder why I never thought to look up Irisu on Pixiv before. There's some great stuff on here.

>> No.6846110

anyone else open up irisu and just leave it there so you can listen to the never ending piano of sadness?

>> No.6846121

You can simply run the tracks instead of opening the game.

But yes, those songs are simply so good.

>> No.6848468

I've tried tracking this thing down, but it's a complete enigma. Google turns up nothing but the pixiv page. The artist said it could be expected at Sunshine Creation 49, which has already happened, but there's no evidence it ever showed up there. Then again, his other one is just as obscure. I've even looked into buying it myself, but nowhere stocks it. I'm going to say this one's a lost cause.

>> No.6848487 [DELETED] 

Well... if it doesn't exist why not "WE" make it exist!...

A badly drawn Irisu Smut Futa Comic!... how about it?...

>> No.6848499

How bout you go back to eating doritos.
