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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7087868 No.7087868 [Reply] [Original]

You know, I hope people on here don't actually laugh at these guys

considering you say ignorant shit on 4chan on a daily basis.

>> No.7087875

3/11 day is already dedicated to the band, fuck pearl harbor.

>> No.7087879
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>> No.7087880

Too true OP.

Here I sit watching /jp. faggots go on and on about how japan is a superior country, how americans are stupid etc. when they are probably americans themselves.

Cool story /jp/, you are part of the problems with america

>> No.7087883

If you want to feel better about the Holocaust google "Jesus' Crucifixion"

>> No.7087886

>/jp. faggots go on and on about how japan is a superior country

>> No.7087893

>Here I sit watching /jp. faggots go on and on about how japan is a superior country
Only in your delusions kid
Or you were browsing /a/

>> No.7087905

A day when 4chan is not bashing Jews, blacks, and Americans with the maximum amount of spite English is capable of conveying is a day that doesn't end in "y."

It's not like it matters. Japan thinks WW2 was just a series of minor struggles in places they don't care about and then 2 totally unfair bombs that were totally uncalled for igniting a martyr complex that will never end.

>> No.7087907

Could you give me more Facebook jpg?

>> No.7087910

2 threads down there is a OP discussing how asian women are superior to american women
3 threads down in one of the shitfests there are several people vehemently trying to argue how japan is superior in every way to the USA.


>> No.7087921

inb4 some weeaboo goes on about how the atomic bombings were totally unfair and how pearl harbor was nothing significant whatsoever.

>> No.7087922

All this hate mongering during a time of tragedy is pretty disgusting. What does your opinion of Americans have anything to do with this situation?

Also the United States is sending the most aid out of any country including huge carrier ships to house people and provide medical treatment.

Who cares what a bunch of dumbass hicks on facebook have to say?

>> No.7087925

Those are cross board shitposters just like you.

>> No.7087926

Have you read beyond the titles of these threads?
We completely bashed the OP of all of them
But that faggot keep bumping his own thread

>> No.7087927

I don't see anything you're talking about in the first 3 pages of /jp/.

>> No.7087932

Oh, wait, that's because I filtered "Japanese girl."

>> No.7087958

ITT samefag from another board.

Facebook is full of idiots, just look at their pathetic grammar and the underage and Christi-faggotry going on there. Pearl harbor happened 70 years ago, time to move on. Laughing at Japan's troubles because of a natural disaster is pretty pathetic, considering how America bombed them not once but twice, killing well over 10000 civilians. Pearl harbor bombing killed about 50 civilians. What's more hypocritical is that these retarded facebook faggots are laughing at Japan, while American is providing support for them. Way to show your patriotism, you fucking idiots. I doubt any of those dumb shit were alive when Pearl Harbor happened and they talk like they "felt" and "experienced" the "horror" of living on a military base and getting bombed.

Not American here, but living in a country with such senseless retards make lose hope for humanity. Good thing thats only about ~100 faggots on facebook. Just think of the majority, and you realize that those "hardcore lol Perl Harburrdurr" aren't much value.

Inb4 weeaboo, I don't give a fuck.

>> No.7087961

Fuck Americans. Remember what they did to Native Americans?

>> No.7087967


>Pearl harbor happened 70 years ago, time to move on

Tell that to all the black people who think they deserve anything at all because of slavery.

>> No.7087973

Oh look.

It's THIS image again.

>> No.7087980

Any American who vilifies Japan for Pearl Harbor while at the same time not realizing that the Americans were far worse to Japan by NUKING THEIR CITIES AND KILLING HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS CIVILIANS are beyond retarded

>> No.7087981

The best part about these images are 15 year old Mexican kids who for some reason give a shit about pearl harbour.

>> No.7087990


I don't think the tsunami was karma for pearl harbor.

I think they fully deserved the nukes though.

>> No.7087994


Man, I'd hate to be an American. You guys go all crazy over one attack on your countrys soil, while this stuff happens all the time in world history. Get over yourselves

>> No.7087999


Nobody ever deserves nukes, especially a country that wasn't even the worst Axis power. No excuse for the nukes will ever be acceptable.

The only somewhat good thing to come out of the nukes is that it has scared countries off of using them in the future after seeing what they are capable of

>> No.7088003

Woops, did I say 10000? I meant 200000.

They have their rights, almost more than whites. A white person can't say anything about (criticize, more or less) a black person without the fear of being considered a racist.

>> No.7088004


Oh I'm not disagreeing with the person I quoted. I agree fully.

I'm just saying if he said the same thing but substituted pearl harbor for "slavery" and 70 years for "150 years", a bunch of darkies would have all sorts of problems

>> No.7088005


You are an asshat.

>> No.7088007

God dammit this. What does some fresh new wetback have to do with American history, he's not even a real American. Same goes for all those niggers who think they were worth shit during the war.

Just as bad when I see all these white trailer trash whose ancestors were just cannon fodder in the war. I guess worthlessness must run in their blood. Fucking commoners.

>> No.7088009

Yeah except the nukes were perfectly acceptable. We told them we would use them, and they refused to give up. So BLAM! BOOOOM NUKE FALLOUT WOOO! I love history.

>> No.7088011

Those fuckers never even thanked us for the smallpox we gave them out of goodwill and friendship.

>> No.7088014


>> No.7088015

>does not deserve nukes

When you consider the deaths that would have arisen from a invasion of japan, the nukes are small time.

Nukes=More saved american lives.

Japan was warned. They refused. They suffered the consequences.

>> No.7088017

All of you fucking shitheads posting in this thread, this is not /new/ and it is not /int/. Fuck off.

>> No.7088021

Except, the fact America targeted civilians.

>> No.7088027

Cool putting words in my mouth man.

I was pointing out that OMGZ NUKING JAPANESE CITIES was not that horrible.

>> No.7088028


Are you really saying that any of those events are even a fraction of the evil compared to the killing hundreds of thousands of civilian?

Killing civilians is always wrong, especially at that level. Truman should have been executed for it. He killed more innocent people than almost anyone else in world history.

>> No.7088032

Imagine if your shit was nuked. Say, San Fransisco or New York. You're telling me that it would be justified?

>> No.7088036

Oh wow, I chuckled.
You keep believing that.

>> No.7088040

>No excuse for the nukes will ever be acceptable.
The fact that they saved lives on both sides and left Japan with enough people and infrastructure remaining to rebuild their country and culture post-war probably don't matter to you because it has the word !OMG! NUCLEAR !OMG!, right?

>> No.7088043


>nukes perfectly acceptable
>We told them we would use them, and they refused to give up.

Right. So if you tell a girl you'll kill her if she doesn't give you head, and she refuses, you're totally in the right for killing her

Logic fail more?

>> No.7088044

So did the Japanese in Nankin.

Also when 700000 flyers are dropped over a damn city warning you that it is about to be destroyed, it is a good idea to listen to them.

>> No.7088047

I chuckled you don't.

>> No.7088049

Depends, were we warned about it and still refused to give up?
If so, then hell, it's justified.

>> No.7088050
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/v/ was actually raiding some of the people who were posting shit like that on their social websites

they got one girl to delete her facebook account, seriously

>> No.7088054


What the hell? Are you trying to say the people living in those cities weren't civilians?

>> No.7088057

Uh...this was a war. Not a shitty little relationship issue. You're comparing two situations that don't even being to match up in any way.

>> No.7088059


lol this game.


They're at war with us. We say stop being at war with us or we'll strike back because we're at war. They say no, so we strike back. Yes, it is justified.


And the person who said nukes killed more innocents than nearly anyone else in history? HAHAHA.

>> No.7088063

Wait, so because some guy refused to surrender, all those people in those cities deserve to die?

>> No.7088065

>Except, the fact America targeted civilians.
You have no idea whatsoever how modern warfare between two large nations works.

>> No.7088066

>because a war between two counties and a rape of a girl is comparable.
Arm the girl with a suicide bomb and a fanatical disposition to die for a emperor and then you have something more acurate.
If the US was willing to sacrifice its entire population for the president, yes it would be

>> No.7088067


Civilians should ALWAYS be left out of a war if it can be helped. Killing civilians in war is the worst war crime you can do... and killing them at the level of the nukes was the worst war crime in the history of man.

>> No.7088071

Because you can totally choose who gets killed by a nuke and who doesn't

we dropped flyers, we gave coutless warning, and there is no civilian/soldier targeting switch.

>> No.7088074


They're both a bully taking advantage of a situation and refusing to back down.

>> No.7088079


You would be an idiot to not know dropping nukes on a CITY would kill many civilians. Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.7088084


Someone doesn't understand war.

>> No.7088085

Someone doesn't understand intelligence.

>> No.7088086

Well fortunately we'll never see an atrocity like the nukes again with the United Nations around.

>> No.7088088
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>mfw /jp/ can't into War History

Seriously, you're on a computer on the internet. You have a vast wealth of knowledge at your fingertips. Go research the disadvantages and advantages of what happened. You'll find plenty of info for and against it. I didn't realize there were so many uneducated people on here.

>> No.7088089

Your entire situation was incorrect.

Japan was not a girl about to get raped by the US.

It was more like a girl with a bomb strapped to her chest and a fanatics disposition.
No, human experimentation is the worst war crime you can do in scale of sheer perversity.

Also, Japan did not leave civilians out of the war.

>> No.7088090

you, apparently

civilian casualties are bad

these aren't the days of Attila the Hun

>> No.7088091

Everyone in this thread is reported.

>> No.7088093

>They did it first so it's okay to kill irrelevant people.

>> No.7088096

>killing at level of nukes is bad
>more chinese killed by japs then nukes combined.

Who committed the bigger genocide of innocents?


>> No.7088099


>Japan was not a girl about to get raped by the US.

How wasn't it? Japan had no chance and they have too much honor just to give into a bullys request. Could you ever see Samurai backing down just because of a bigger army? Thats how Japan is

They were never going to back down, so the whole thing is stupid. Its American just nuking a country which had no chance against them to go the easy route

>> No.7088100

You're forgetting a very important fact.

[spoilers]You're a dumbass.[/spoilers]

Also, since when is it okay to kill innocent people because some guys from the same country did it too?

>> No.7088102

Right, because a nuking of a isolated military base would have been effective.

The point was to make a point. Something big flashy and desperate. It was that or everyone dies in the invasion.

So you pick, several hundred thousand from nukes or the near entire population of japan, fighting to death for some retarded emperor?

>> No.7088105


Did Japan ever kill that many people in one day, on the order of one person?

>> No.7088108

Uh, believe it or not, we were pretty much losing the fight before we dropped the bombs.

>> No.7088110


Latter, because it would have only been soldiers, people who have decided to put their life on the line, and not all the people who want no part in the war being killed.

>> No.7088111

Sucks to be japan then. They ATTACKED US. We were not going to nuke them if they simply backed the fuck off. They refused to. We proceeded with WAR.



>> No.7088113

>I can't think of a logical counterarguement so I revert to throwing childish insults.

As for the killing matter, see >>7088102
A genocide is a genocide.

>> No.7088114
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>these aren't the days of Attila the Hun
You're completely right. Nowadays we no longer have the luxury of being able to simply target an enemy army and leave its civilian-based manufacturing support and supply chains completely untouched.

>> No.7088115
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The US acted way too soon in nuking Japan.

They were anxious because the Soviets had just declared war on the Japanese, and they were storming in Japanese held Manchuria, so the US wanted to wrap things up quickly.

We-don't-want-dirty-commies-to-have-a-bigger-piece-of-the-pie is pretty much the reasoning for the US nuking Japan when it did, to force the inevitable surrender as quickly as was absolutely possible

>> No.7088117
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Nope. All the other major axis powers were defeated and the rest of the Allies were all surrounding Japan. Japan had absolutely no chance, but too much honor to surrender.

>> No.7088119

People need to stop comparing tragic events. They're all terrible and you're a subhuman scum for comparing which is worst than the other.

>> No.7088120

>It was more like a girl with a bomb strapped to her chest and a fanatics disposition.

That gave me a boner.

>> No.7088122


This. Japan said they were ready to FIGHT TO THE LITERAL END. They were ready to be WIPED OUT AS A NATION. Instead we killed 200,000 people and set them fucking straight.

>> No.7088125

All you weeaboos are arguing that it would have been better for the US to invade the Japs mainland, suffer massive casualties and have to KILL FUCKING EVERYTHING because the population wanted to die for their emperor.

That or a few nukes?

>> No.7088130


That would have just been the soldiers, the people willing to fight to the end. Why bring the civilians into it, which have nothing to do with it? Thats a very barbaric way to fight a war.

>> No.7088131

>Believes the liberal bullshit media.

>> No.7088133

let's say your right and Japan would have resisted a land invasion

well why would the second nuke be necessary?

>> No.7088134
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>mfw utter arguement defeat of weeaboos and japs

gj guys

>> No.7088136

Pretty much. Still, people will argue against it because WAR IS BAD WHY CAN'T WE ALL BE FRIENDS U GUIZZE

>> No.7088139


More like go in and kill all the soldiers they have to fight. They weren't going to go rape and massacre all the cities.

>> No.7088142


...wait... what? What the fuck are you talking about? Liberals are the dumbfucks who DON'T agree with what we did to Japan.

>> No.7088143
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Yes, exactly.

>> No.7088144

The civilians were willing to fight as well.
Obvious troll is obvious
Because when you have a entire city destroyed and do not respond at once, you need some motivation

>> No.7088145

meh, we nuked the cities instead. Big deal!

>> No.7088148

Because they still didn't refuse. We once again told them we would nuke them again. They said "You're bluffing, and we don't care, we will still kill you" so we said "Fuck you" and boom.

>> No.7088155

>mfw you guys ignore the fact that most of the population were fanatics.

>> No.7088157

I agree with the nuking, because it caused Americans to occupy the country and bring over their disney style animation, which is what the original anime is derived from

No Nukes = No Anime

>> No.7088158

Riddle me this: would Japan have been better off without the nukes but instead suffered a massive land invasion followed by it being partially occupied by the USSR in an east/west Germany style split for the next 50 years?

>> No.7088160


>No Nukes = No Anime


>> No.7088162

My opinion? Not really, because we came in and occupied them for a while, we gave them an advanced infrastructure to rebuild. Just look at where they are...well, were 2 days ago.
It's like that with all the countries we have occupied after a war (we lost Vietnam, Iraq is not over).

>> No.7088168


so that would suck

>> No.7088169

>No Nukes = No Anime
The world would be better without this shit, weeaboo.
Go back to /b/ or /a/ or whatever.

>> No.7088170
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Why don't you stupid Americunts learn that Japan was already making plans to surrender and that nuclear bombs were completely unnecessary?

McArthur was against the use of nuclear bombs becuae he knew that Japan was going to surrender soon.

The bombs were a message for the soviet union bu the soviets already knew about the nuclear bomb, so the use of nuclear bombs was just retarded.

Stop believing in all the shit your retarded education system and retarded Jewish media tells you.

>> No.7088173

Couldn't have said it better myself.

>> No.7088175

Japan was ready to surrender as long as they kept their Emperor.
Hoover, Eisenhower, Leahy, and MacArthur agreed, don't bother them about it.

>> No.7088180

You are inferior.

>> No.7088185

No, he was convinced by his Secretary of War, Henry Stimson, that they needed to demonstrate their power as they were already anticipating a confrontation with the Soviet Union.

Japan could have been defeated without the nuclear bombing, and without an invasion...however, a large amount of killing is generally necessary to win a war. Previous firebombing attacks had killed more people than the nuclear attacks did.

Was it right? Well, if you assume that it was necessary for the USA to extract an unconditional surrender from Japan, then yes, one way or another that amount of damage would have been done.

>> No.7088186

You are public tripfag troll.

>> No.7088187

And people wonder why Japan is xenophobic towards America

I doubt Americans would grow up to like a country which nuked their cities.

>> No.7088190

Wrong on all counts. I am the genuine article!

>> No.7088192

And yet still we arrive to help, among other countries:

>> No.7088193

>a large amount of killing is generally necessary to win a war.
The fuck are you saying?

>> No.7088196


Its the Viking mindset. You go in and rape all their women and kill their children, and people won't want to fuck with you.

>> No.7088202

Anyone against the nukes:

Read about Operation Downfall. Compare those estimated casualties to what japan suffered from the nukes.

We were more than ready to wipe Japan off the fucking map.

>> No.7088203

Hispanics served in the war you know, and you do realize California and Texas didn't just magically have white people when they broke off from Mexico right?

>> No.7088204

Well, you have to consider that the US and USSR's land invasion would have destroyed far more of the existing infrastructure as well as left much less of the population alive afterwards.
Since a huge portion of the populace was either ready to repel the invaders with bare hands and sticks if need be or simply kill themselves to avoid capture they'd have required a ton of support rebuilding since they would almost literally have ceased to exist as a nation/people.
That's not even considering the detrimental effects of Japan being split and the northern half suffering under soviet occupation for the next four or so decades.

>> No.7088205

Sorry, that was a cp from something I've posted before, I should have added "usually"

>> No.7088206

>estimated biased guesswork.

>> No.7088209
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>> No.7088213


It's not even the estimates. It is the FACT that we were ready to, like I said, literally WIPE THEM OFF THE MAP.

>> No.7088216

>estimated bullcrap again

>> No.7088218

I bet you weren't even alive then.

>> No.7088223


If they really DID have the mindset of going down as an entire nation to fight the foreign invaders, they wouldn't have ever surrendered after a few nukes, you know.

>> No.7088228
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Just out of curiosity, how the fuck do you know those posters are even American?

Dipshit kids who speak English and think shock humor is funny live in other countries, too.

>> No.7088234
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But why bring up pearl harbor? Japan committed far greater atrocities (relative to the cost of human lives, which seems to be what is being primarily valued by the idiots) during the war - the actual human cost of PH was well below 100 as the campaign focused on destruction of America's carriers and aircraft. If you're going to assert value and subjective judgments as absolutes, at least use historically appropriate examples to base your tiny beliefs on. These people in their already irrational way of thinking prove their even further reaching stupidity and ignorance. This really goes to show is that the vast majority of people still think in terms of nationality and believe mere regional separation makes them distinct from the rest of the human race. Truly sad.

But again, this is facebook. The voice of the normal! Which sadly is the voice of a nation's culture... Finding something to buttrange yourself over on the site is as easy as visiting.

>> No.7088235


Because only Americans care enough about one attack on their soil from 70 years ago to bother posting about it. Other countries like England, France, etc have had so many attacks on their soil that they don't even think of it as anything really that major

>> No.7088240

>The Day American Remembering Pearl Harbor
Why hasn't anyone else pointed this out?

>> No.7088241


I think it's more like: I sure don't give a shit that they attacked us now. What is being argued is did Japan deserve what they got when they got it?

I'll say it one more time:

I don't agree with any of the idiots in OP's pic, but I believe during WW2 after Pearl Harbor was attacked, Japan had something coming.

>> No.7088245


Because it is so painfully obvious

>> No.7088246

It's too stupid to bother.

>> No.7088250

That doesn't stop their shitty little kids from jumping on the internet bandwagon.

You're a fucking retard if you think a single one of those posters genuinely gives a shit about Pearl Harbor.

>> No.7088253

>I don't agree with any of the idiots in OP's pic, but I believe during WW2 after Pearl Harbor was attacked, Japan had something coming.

My final conclusion as well

>> No.7088254

this earthquake had nothing to do with Pearl Harbor. The payoff for Pearl Harbor was Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Ok?

>> No.7088255


I agree with your last sentence. The Nuke was payback (and more)

Why they need more payback is beyond me.

>> No.7088257


Because your typical American knows more about the attack on Pearl Harbor which killed like 90 people, than America nuking Japan which killed almost 500k people

Honestly, my school textbook had way more on Pearl Harbor then the nuke.

>> No.7088258

rah-rah AMERICURRR FUCK YEAH textbooks

lol patriotism

>> No.7088259

The Japanese who attacked America are all dead from nuclear radiation by now, they got "what was coming" 70 years ago.

>> No.7088270


Um, yeah. That's what I said?

>> No.7088271


Only America has the ego to think that blowing up cities is equal payback to an attack on an obscure military base.

>> No.7088273

Actually, FDR knew about the attack beforehand but took it as a bluff iirc

>> No.7088275

This is probably true to a large degree. It's just kids on facebook being funny xD without really considering the implication of what they have said. Ask any teenager's opinion on anything and you're likely going to receive a vapid, generic comment. Anything spoken by the average person cannot be held in any regard.

>> No.7088276

Anyone else think at least 100 of these posts are the dipshit OP from /b/ replying to himself?

I know /jp/ isn't dumb enough to fall for such an obvious /b/ troll and the severe lack of sages gives it away.

I'm using nokosage

>> No.7088281


I don't think people worry about "equal payback" in a time of war.

>> No.7088285

Everything is a troll. Even this this post.

>> No.7088289

I remember being surprised when I read about the russians taking berlin. From what I'd learned in school it seemed the usa had single-handedly destroyed the third reich using nothing but their massively muscular erections and american flags.

>> No.7088293
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>>/jp/ discussing World War II history

>> No.7088294


Also if you my textbooks were to believed, America was like Goku coming to save everyone during the fight against Vegeta when they arrived during D Day

>> No.7088295


Saged, reported, hidden, called the cops and e-mailed moot. Fuck off, OP.

>> No.7088296

This thread and the 20 others like it are the most insufferable collections of nonsense, willful ignorance (Americans and Europeans), and mindless hate yet to cross this board. It is my sincere hope that everyone involved in elongating this "discussion" past the point of "oh, that's stupid" will stumble upon an exposed wire, lick it, and hopefully emerge from the ensuing electrical stimulation with a greater appreciation for perspective and proportionality.

>> No.7088312

These idiots, it's like Pearl Harbor happened last week or something.

>> No.7088316

Didn't Hirohito want to surrender but most of his general wouldn't let him. Because the US wanted Hirohito out as Emperor if negotiations for a cease fire were to occur but this would be in-direct violations of the Shinto practices which the general were not about to let happen. After which we nuked Hiroshima and Nagasaki and then decided to let Hirohito stay as Emperor. Can somebody clarify.

Also from what I understand. The citizens in Japan at the time were completely against going to war with United States of America. Clarify as well.

>> No.7088322


From what I know, most people in Japan wanted to surrender.. They know a losing fight when they see one. But it was the military who refused to give in

>> No.7088324

Your post is full of stupidity. Did you lift it off Facebook?

>> No.7088331
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Thread is bollocks.

>> No.7088346

In WW2 the people of Japan had absolutely no say in anything. The Japanese were also not informed because the government controlled the media.

The only people of concern at that time was the government of Japan, not the Japanese people. It's very complicated so you should google it and try to research it. Your question cannot be answered in one sentence. It's not that simple.

>> No.7088378


So essentially, the Japanese Government would make out the foreign invaders of being totally evil and demons and stuff, and that they needed to defend it with their life? I can see that happening when ti comes to pre WW2 Japan, which was so isolated.

>> No.7088398

The CP dude should flood all of those threads with CP.
