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7233102 No.7233102 [Reply] [Original]

Hikki thread.

What's the longest you've gone without going outside?

Recovering hikki here. I've shut-in a total of 3 times, most recent relapse was a year ago for a month, longest was about 2-3 months I think. Easy to lose track of time when you're inside for weeks at a stretch. Any others out there?

>> No.7233108

How did you get basic necessities and how did you afford to not do anything?

>> No.7233113 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7233115

what counts as outside

>> No.7233116

probably living with parents

>> No.7233126


OP here.

First time was living with parents.

Second and third time I had savings and still had a source of income.

Basic necessities were gotten by going to 24 hours pharmacies and grocery stores at off hours, usually wearing a very concealing hoodie. Several people I knew forced me out at various points too. Wasn't pleasant.

>> No.7233132

>Basic necessities were gotten by going to 24 hours pharmacies and grocery stores at off hours, usually wearing a very concealing hoodie. Several people I knew forced me out at various points too.
that's no hikki, son

>> No.7233133

The way Japanese hikkis use the term it is.

>> No.7233146

>The Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare defines hikikomori as people who refuse to leave their house, and isolate themselves from society in their homes for a period exceeding six months.

>> No.7233148


Realistically, it's impossible to be a true shut-in unless you somehow have several years' worth of supplies, and room to store it all.

I was living in an apartment, not a bomb shelter.

>> No.7233152

Roughly a full year when I was in my mid-teens, it ended when I got placed in an institution. Various times where it was just small chunks of a month or two.

I have a job and go to school now, still pretty much shun social contact.

>> No.7233155


Implying the Japanese government knows something worthwhile about mental health.

>> No.7233158

So you're not going to use the actual definition as it is used by everyone and how it happens in reality but something made up by the government to use in reports so they can claim the problem isn't as big as it actually is?

>> No.7233169

14-16 I didn't leave my parent's house. Unhappy times.

>> No.7233179

well i'm not going to argue with you, feel free to believe what you want

>> No.7233183

thats why its `hikki` not `hikikomori`
i always thing that hikkis have a chance of saving themselves, where hikikomori is the extreme version where they have no desire to go outside and will return to their hovel at any given chance when nobodys looking no matter who drages them outside the first few times

>> No.7233186

I go out on Christmas Eve each year. That's about it unless I have to pick up a missed delivery.

>> No.7233190

2-3 months. Basically summer break. Now I'm although a NEET for half a year I'm forcing myself to go out, mainly to the meetings of the local anime club. Even if I have to endure a few retards I don't want to be like last time, when I had problems even with speaking properly.

>> No.7233191

as long as you are loved by anon theres no reason to want to go outside

>> No.7233194

You could get stuff delivered or have other people buy it.
The Safeway delivery guy was the only person I had direct human contact with for a very long time until my sister wanted to be my roommate.

>> No.7233197

>sister wanted to be my roommate
Flag triggered?

>> No.7233253
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>my sister wanted to be my roommate.
Oh shit, son.

>> No.7233371

But in reality, the ones living alone do leave their home for buying food and such. It'd be pretty ridiculous to pretend those people aren't in the same situation.

>> No.7233430

Shit, if you count time spent going nowhere other than convenience stores, I've gone at least a few months. If you only count true time inside, I've only gone 2 weeks or so.

I think the more defining attribute of hikkis is the lack of contact with other humans though, not simply staying inside. So I don't think it really counts if you live with your parents and interact with them each day.

Then again I always had a good relationship with my parents, so I guess it might be different for someone living at home who didn't get along with their parents.

I didn't really become super anti-social until I started living alone.

>> No.7233463

I think the main point was supposed to be that if it doesn't last over 6 months it isn't a real problem.

>> No.7233600

>What's the longest you've gone without going outside?
if you mean outside my room, 6 months (except going to the toilet and walking the home at night).
about 1,5 year if you mean outside the house.

>> No.7233620

and over 2 years if you don't consider walkng my dog at 3am with a hoodie on my head and makeup so thick it looked like plaster going outside.

>> No.7233635



>> No.7233650


I personally think that 6 months is way too long to consider it a problem. But then again, it's Japan. They like to pretend that mental illness doesn't exist.

>> No.7233656

Makes for great looking papers when your massive social problem suddenly shrinks in significance. Solutions, the bureaucratic way.

>> No.7233660

/jp/ - Blog Culture

>> No.7233667

When I stopped leaving my room (unless nobody was in the house or everyone was asleep) was when my family realized that maybe this wasn't going to just go away.

>> No.7233678
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I was a shut-in for nearly two years after I dropped out of the university (I could go weeks without showering and months without leaving the house). I tried the "normal" thing last year and went back to school but that didn't last long. Now I'm just an unemployed loser with no motivation. I still don't leave the house more than once a week but that's only because I'm too lazy to do anything.

PAVELTECHNO completely unrelated but the score is 3-0 and it's only the first period.

>> No.7233684

lol you faggot, we get it, you want to sound intelligent and important and so you go to a forum like this and find some other jizzbag like you who just writes the same shit over and over again to have a debate so that someone can finally listen and hear your point of view because everybody who comes across you isn't interested. You're not smart, you're not interesting, you're an unemployed dullard who uses 4chan to get the attention he doesnt get at home

>> No.7234293

bump for hikkis.

>> No.7234300

i was a hikki right after i graduated hi school >_____________________<

>> No.7234334
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>> No.7234352

I'm currently working but I hate it.

I wish I went back to my hiki ways. God, I hate working. At least I'll be able to replace my old Athlon 2600+.

>> No.7234379

About three days. I get depressed if I stay in too long. (I don't pretend to call myself hikki, I actually enjoy life more often than not)

>> No.7234391

I stay inside for long stretches of time but I don't consider my self a faggot "hikki."

>> No.7234393

You can use the term shut-in if it makes you feel better.

>> No.7234399
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>> No.7234529

30 minutes

>> No.7234536

I smoke weed so don't have to deal with shit feelings... I feel sorry for you

>> No.7234545

>I smoke weed so don't have to deal with shit feelings... I feel sorry for you
seems like it's not working

>> No.7234587

Longest? Not leaving the house AT ALL? 6 months. Going out every now and then to do some quick shit outside like get money from a machine at night or quickly pick up some food? About 2 years consecutively. If you take away the fact that I've worked for a couple months in between shutting in? 6 years.

To a normal I'd be extreme I suppose, but I'm pretty lightweight compared to people who don't exit their house at all for long periods of time. I find the definition for "shut-in" is loosely used to mean a varying degrees of shutting away so it's hard to really compare and contrast.

>> No.7234604

It doesn't matter what you consider yourself, you're still a faggot hikki shutin loser who is a massive disappointment to everyone.

>> No.7234712

I love how these threads end up having a ton of people who think living the life of a hikikomori is something that will gain you respect on /jp/ when in reality it's most likely wretched existence that I wouldn't force even on my worst enemies.
