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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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>> No.7243848
File: 42 KB, 926x457, -jp- - Otaku Culture_1298961232230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7243860


That's OK.

She'll be the Stage 4 boss

>> No.7243867
File: 23 KB, 400x500, s1135043838[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youmu is seriously adorable this game. Everyone else is hamming I'LL FUCKING EXTERMINATE YOU up to the max, and she's practically curtsying to everyone she meets.

>Um, er, well,
>I wasn't trying to kill anyone...


>> No.7243876

The Trance thing reminds me of dodonpachi for some reason.

>> No.7243879

That's not adorable. It's called discipline and it's badass.

>> No.7243885


Badass little girls are adorable.

>> No.7243908

Hyper Mode

>> No.7243909

I think I'm done with the demo for now. It's pretty nice but I'm ready for the finished product. But I can wait.

>> No.7244026

Translation patch where

>> No.7244027

Get out of /jp/

>> No.7244163

Does the heroine kill Kogasa in stage 3? She simply explodes rather than being defeated and saying something afterwards then leaving.

>> No.7244166

kogasa dies

>> No.7244172

Implying characters can get killed off in Gensokyo. She probably got "exterminated" like any other youkai, and will return in due time.

>> No.7244184

Danmaku is not lethal for the most part.

>> No.7244186

it's an easy way of making kogasa shut up and go away

>> No.7244219 [DELETED] 
File: 381 KB, 580x1616, 1295567195720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Judging by the translations on the Touhou wiki characters are threatening to kill one another a little more often than normal in this game, so we can only hope their going all out and Kogasa violently exploded after the fight.

>> No.7244238

What turned Sanae into a crazy miko? She used to be such a good girl....

>> No.7244284

Human and youkai in Gensokyo are pretty much full-time Civil War reenactors. The youkai is all "Rawr, I'll eat you!" and then the human is all "Not if I exterminate you first!" and then they have a slightly embarassing play-fight with cheap plastic weapons.

I picture Youmu as the one sane person in this game.

>> No.7244294


karakasas have a 15min re-spawn timer. don't worry about her

>> No.7244327
File: 381 KB, 580x1616, 1295567195720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Judging by the translations on the Touhou wiki characters are threatening to kill one another a little more often than normal in this game, so we can only hope they are going all out and Kogasa violently exploded after the fight.

reposted to fix a horrible, shameful grammar mistake

>> No.7244340

I like to think Kogasa just got bitchslapped right out of the air as befits her status.

>> No.7244342

not like they were even that high up

>> No.7244356

Kogasa ;_;

>> No.7244369

That's reason why I don't like to play main TH games any more I don't want touhous to die ;_;

>> No.7244372

Obviously there's killing and dying happening in this game because of the description ZUN wrote for the Trance state. "Brink of death" and whatnot.

>> No.7244380

yes, they die
but death isn't much of an inconvenience in gensokyo
as long as you're an important character, anyway

>> No.7244389

You're not allowed to kill people in danmaku fights. Hell, you're not even allowed to kill they after you've beaten them in danmaku. Everything else is just characters screwing around and smack-talking.

>> No.7244400

I love Youmu's focus shot type. Sure, it takes some getting used to, but once you hit 4 power it's basically a screen clearer, and it fucks bosses shit.

>> No.7244407

It's not very good for trying to rack up score is it?

>> No.7244408

*drops a nuke*

>> No.7244421

The scoring system revolves around killing enemies as quickly as possible, so it does have its uses.

>> No.7244568


>> No.7244601

Hey newfriend from /soc/b/
I hear you can't spoil text correctly faggot

>> No.7244605

That's indeed true ameribro, and you're actually advised to bomb whenever you feel in danger, like the americans did to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

>> No.7244612

Fuck you i just misspeled it

>> No.7244850
File: 31 KB, 448x370, Sanaeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/ help please!
Looks like my Custom.exe doesnt work...
It doesnt save changes.. I need to run the game with 1/2 frameskip... how do i fix this?
Vista user. and already reinstalled,ran custom.exe with compatibility win xp/2000/98/95
Anyone? thanks.
(Sorry if my english it's bad)

>> No.7245265

Try running it using the Windows 2000 compatibility mode.

>> No.7245280

He just said he tried that.

>> No.7245301

I'm really sleepy right now. Maybe applocale can help ? Or if there are japanese/garbage characters in the installation directory, rename it to something else.

>> No.7245321 [DELETED] 

>anonymous 4chan user gets doubles newspaper.png.

>> No.7245324

It leaves you with a bad taste in your mouth because as much as you want to try to learn you just get mad and play some touhou and end up running headfirst into bullets, and then just get mad at that and take a nap.
As of right now, it's possible to upload both mp3 and ogg files, but keep in mind ogg files do not properly display their tags on the site. They are right-wingers. I can't deny that you are really sleepy right now!

>> No.7245379


>> No.7246456


>> No.7246474

why is ten desires reimu so cute?

>> No.7246503


maybe ZUN's art is finally improving

>> No.7246514


>> No.7246520

What is with /jp/ and all the "all caps" in most threads as of late?
People didn't need to do so in the past, what I find weird is mostly why some do now.
Then again, I won't pretend /jp/ is getting better any time soon. If it does, I will be happy, otherwise, well then I will keep visiting this place even though I would be more passive and spend more time on my games.

>> No.7246523

From Reimu main scenario
>Oh well, then.
>I'll just have to press on ahead.

>Ahhh... at last...
>The door to the great mausoleum will finally open...

Stage 4 will be an eerie, torchlit tomb with skeletal fairies à la Orin crawling towards you from every corner of the screen, at the end you'll be at the brink of another dimension and a loli lich will be your opponent. My body is ready.

>> No.7246531

I know that feel.
This game's mechanics more or less force you to stay above POC 90% of the times. That means more death from spawning fairies.

>> No.7246532

Man, crossing dimensions/realms is apparently on Reimu's incident checklist already.

She doesn't sweat the small stuff.

>> No.7246547

I don't know, but it is hardly worse than people typing "reported" in every thread that they see as off-topic.

>> No.7246566

I swear that 80% of my deaths are body slams. So I try to stay low, even if my score is shit. By the way, I obtained a better high score with Reimu without even trying than with Sanae trying. Fuck Sanae

>> No.7246567

I'm hope there's a few nigh impossible sections in the last stages that force you activate the trance or waste your bombs to stay alive.

>> No.7246588

Im never going to trance on a boss because I enjoy capturing spell cards more than scoring high

>> No.7246589


I hate that too, it' very frustrating how you are playing for score and then a fairy spawning kills you and you have to restart the whole game.

>> No.7246730

Fairy spawning is worse as Youmu I think, since sometimes you have to get close to kill those tougher fairies, but then the weak ones fly right below you and block off your escape.

>> No.7246740

That's why you memorize harder.

>sometimes you have to get close to kill those tougher fairies, but then the weak ones fly right below you and block off your escape.

Her reach is fine. And where in the world are you facing a situation like that?

>> No.7246746


It happened a couple times in stage 2. Sometimes I tried to get life and bomb orbs while staying near enemies then some blue fairies came right below me and started shooting at me. I managed to survive but it was a pain.

>> No.7246993

You're going to have to memorise everything that happens around the life and bomb item fairies, especially with Youmu.

And if you were at the part that I think you were, circle streaming is god mode for dealing with those.

>> No.7247022

How the fuck there are players who in normal mode with reimu gets over 150m of score when i barely can get 45m capturing all the spellcards?, this is ridiculous.

>> No.7247024
File: 96 KB, 499x665, 13314799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game's got my bones rattling.

>> No.7247033
File: 85 KB, 333x333, lurking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This time for sure, Anonymous!

>> No.7247038

>capturing all the spellcards
You're doing it wrong.

>> No.7247045

I really do not like this scoring system. Poor scorefags.

>> No.7247109
File: 559 KB, 640x480, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for scoring you have to use all your bombs, lose all your lives and in non spell cards enter in trance mode(if you can), capturing spell cards doesn't actually matter.

>> No.7247110

It's still better than UFO's.

>> No.7247113

Wow, not capturing spellcards gives more score. This is completely retarded, and no, UFO's system was better.

>> No.7247143

I'm cautiously optimistic that it will get tweaked in a future version. That doesn't seem intentional at all.

>> No.7247229

As far as actual gameplay goes ten desires is ok.

I don't like the autotrance on death, or not being able to deathbomb if you have at least one trance bar full, but those are relatively minor complaints.

Collecting spirits is pretty fun as long as you remember enough about the stage to not get yourself wriggle kicked, as is Youmu's charge slash. I like most of the new shot types, and I like having different shot types when focused and unfocused.

Trance as a secondary bomb is an interesting idea although I feel like it's usable too often on lunatic.

Scoring is completely fucked though, it has all of the elements that I didn't like about SA and UFO, and extra ones on top of that.

Getting better scores from cheesing point item value than capturing spellcards does not result in fun gameplay on score runs.

Overall I'm cautiously optimistic.

>> No.7247259
File: 392 KB, 650x650, 930d88c0509c29c0abd3f9717b36ce0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If capturing spellcards made the touhous clothes get more and more torn up I wouldn't care so much about the score issues.

>> No.7247287
File: 10 KB, 190x187, 1275526249267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, now there's a complete difference between playing the game well and playing it for score! This means survival players can finally look down on score players. Sweet justice.

>> No.7247310

I want the option to not beat up Kogasa. She's just asking you for help.

>> No.7247497

Every time I listen to Yuyuko's new theme, I want to fight her again. I don't know why, but it seems to fit with her fight very well.

>> No.7247509

So what? She's a youkai, all youkais are genetically born cunts who deserve at least one extermination in their life. No exceptions.

>> No.7247541
File: 451 KB, 800x600, 1a64bb1b9f10046e6acf3913f66e0cbb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want more charge attack types in the future, it's so fun to play as Youmu now.

>> No.7247562

You can only use Trance on purpose once per stage per life. Given how rare life items seem to be, people probably won't be dying multiple times per stage just get Trance as much as possible.

>> No.7247583

Being beaten up on sight is part of Kogasa's appeal.

>> No.7247589

Go Pacifist on her.

>> No.7247597

Ignored as an umbrella
Ignored as a youkai
It's not sad. Not sad at all.

>> No.7248173

hump hump

>> No.7248351

Why can't I change my screen resolution anymore? Why doesn't custom.exe work?

>> No.7248551

If you pacifist Kogasa, she should show up after Yoshika to thank you and give you the spirits/power-ups you'd normally get from beating her up, maybe with a little extra.

>> No.7248587

But Yoshika doesn't go away if you beat her.

Or at least, she wouldn't have if the ''door to the Mausoleum'' hadn't opened coincidentially after you beat her, if she's planning to go there that is.

>> No.7248598

Fine, then she follows you around for the rest of the game.

>> No.7248609

I would be surprised if Kogasa showed up again later in the game.

>> No.7248613

>door to the Mausoleum
...I just realized that the rest of the game is going to take place in a long-sealed tomb. Creepy~

>> No.7248841

I really gotta watch out when I play Youmu. Just got killed because Yoshika ran into me.

>> No.7248864

This game loves cheap deaths like that. Lots of wriggle kicks and enemies/bullets spawning right on top of you.

>> No.7248865

You unchecked the box that was in the startup thingy that allowed you to change resolutions.

You gotta delete the th13.cfg so the "Startup box thingy that allows you to change resolution" shows up again

If you're at Vista or 7 it should be at


If not Idunnolol.

>> No.7248867


Don't worry, after stage 4 there's a passage to the oni city.

>> No.7248892


I haven't had bullets spawning on me yet. I've heard complaints about that when fighting Yoshika though. I mostly stay around the bottom when fighting her though no matter who I use.

>> No.7248901 [DELETED] 

>Vista or 7
Pfft. XP forever.

That did it, though. Thanks.

...while I'm think about this, what resolution do people prefer their Touhou? I've usually got it pretty low so I've got a smaller area to pay attention too.

>> No.7248933

>Vista or 7
Pfft. XP forever.

That did it, though. Thanks.

...while I'm thinking about this, at what resolution do people prefer their Touhou? I've usually got it pretty low so I've got a smaller area to pay attention too.

>> No.7249066

I'm really hoping some NicoNico user or something makes Trance versions of the most notable BGMs of the series. I loved how all of them turned out, and can't wait to see how the ones for the latter stages and bosses are going to be.
I also eagerly await being unable to deal damage to the last boss while in Trance mode.

>> No.7249316

How can you fit 3 stages inside a little tomb? I bet that will only be stage 4, and then something awesome will happen.

>> No.7249337

It's a really, really big tomb. Or mausoleum, rather.

>> No.7249370

I guess Yoshika did call it the "great" mausoleum. Maybe that's where Youki is hiding too. That would be a great place to be a hermit, and he's halfway dead anyway.

>> No.7249396

It would certainly prove how much ZUN likes her.

That's cool, because I like her too. Who doesn't like her.
inb4 "her original owner"

>> No.7249399

Why does a Chinese zombie have a Japanese name?

>> No.7249452

Why was this so easy?

I just downloaded and did my first playthrough on Normal and had no trouble at all.

I know Normal mode isn't anything compared to Lunatic... but I didn't even know patterns.

>> No.7249462


Either it's gonna be made more difficult for the final game or he really wants it to be easier to get into on Normal levels. For all we know though he could be planning to troll newer players by making it somewhat easy until the last spellcard is some unholy Lunatic tier spell.

>> No.7249475

>The Half-Spirit with Desires of Death

Youmu wants to die!?

>> No.7249479


>> No.7249481

Why would she want to die

>> No.7249482


I really hope this won't catch on and create some emo Youmu fad, but I have a feeling it will anyways...

>> No.7249485

Every life takes more spirits to get than the last, same with bombs.

It's going to be a lot harder to make it through 6 stages than 3.

>> No.7249489

Same reason as chinks who have Western names.
They're filthy illegal immigrants infiltrating other countries because theirs' is shitty and overpopulated.

>> No.7249502

Well I hope that desire for death translates into wanting death for others and being yandere rather than emo.
I've always pictured Youmu could be like those crazy-ass samurai that went mad by having a well made katana, and had the irrational compulsion to cut down things. (and we all know the things myon can't cut etc....)

>> No.7249506


The strangest thing is most people are saying she's the only sane one in the game and everyone else is just being silly so far.

>> No.7249526

if youmu dies will she be ghost-ghost or just ghost??

>> No.7249665

I see ZUN liked the GFW health bars. I can see quite a few possibilities for just the health bar system alone.

Best thing for that set up is if there are multiple bosses at a time (just like in GFW). Makes me wonder if the last boss will actually be multiple bosses or something. Or what if the bosses cast different spells at the same time...

>> No.7249690

I would like multiple bosses to happen again. That was a lot of fun in FW and added a little more freedom in how you tackled it.

>> No.7249691


You know what I see? Fairy tackles. Terrible, destructive fairy tackles, but now with youkai instead of fairies. I now know what the spellcard that kills me will be. And I expect curvy lasers to be shot from the top while curved bullets fly from below. It will be hell.

>> No.7250918 [DELETED] 


>> No.7250946


gameplay: very good
music: good
characters: good
plot: okay(for a touhou game)
scoring system: wtfareyoudoingnigga.jpg
artwork: very good
fanon: incredible fast

>> No.7250955
File: 300 KB, 650x1850, hinaspinning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gameplay: too easy
music: good - average
characters: good
plot: okay(for a touhou game)
scoring system: wtfareyoudoingnigga.jpg
artwork: very good
fanon: incredible fast


>> No.7250958

>gameplay:too easy

Aw comeone everybody knows that the real gameplay starts AFTER stage 3

>> No.7251446
File: 287 KB, 500x600, 1291601619767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont mind me, just being the hardest stage 3 in all the games.

>> No.7251450

I had more problems against fucking China or the Arabslut.

>> No.7251453

At least Ichirin makes me lose a life or two.

>> No.7251483
File: 93 KB, 635x577, 1293512825755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Had problems with Hong.

>> No.7251490

The rainbow colored chime bell.
the only card Yuugi has that gives me the least trouble is her mid boss one.

>> No.7251493

Ehhhh maybe, if so not by much. The stage itself is easy as piss too.

>> No.7251498

>I had more problems against fucking China
I need a HILARIOUS reaction image for thisd.

>> No.7251512

>real difficult
>starts after stage 3

the real difficult starts when the extra mode is unlocked, i hope that in extra mode capturing spellcards gives more score than bombing and entering in trance mode. i want to watch another super skilled japanese player beating the extra stage supergrazing and timing the spellcards like ASL's did on his IN extra replay or Oosaka's on his EoSD extra replay.

>> No.7251529


Youmu never belonged to the living world so probably no.

She is free from the taint of the living anyway and thus will never change nor die of old age. Just like a lunarian.

>> No.7251530
File: 275 KB, 1240x1753, f016fb2af255e64abc28254dc5e41d20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easiest stage 3 boss would be Ichirin. Too bad Unzan keeps punching at you while fighting her.

>> No.7251545

Okay, I laughed.

>> No.7251651

>Thinks SA Stage 3 is harder than EoSD Stage 3.

>> No.7251666
File: 249 KB, 436x600, 12094055_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it just me or does Shooty from Dodonpachi remind you of Yukari?

>> No.7251952

I'm at least happy he fixed the continue system. Much easier now to just play around without being dead serious at spell cards.

>> No.7252052

It's kinda funny because the game is also planned to have Spell Practice. He's really making this easy. Hopefully he does end up making the game hard enough where you'll really need those features.

>> No.7253345 [DELETED] 


>> No.7253363

So can everyone kill the zombie consistently yet? And I mean DEFEAT, not time out.

>> No.7253391


Stop killing her spirits. Close in on her last spell card to keep her from eating.

>> No.7253490

Best menu theme so far.

>> No.7253499

I always think Reimu is going to start rapping or something.

>> No.7253500


I actually have to agree there. I don't know why, I like just staying around the menu just to hear that music.

>> No.7253505

Hoping for some sort of Last World feature.

>> No.7253515

So, what is everyone's favorite shot type so far?

Youmu > Marisa > Reimu > Sanae

My opinion that is.

Youmu shot type is so easy if you've played Gradius a lot.

>> No.7253537


After training with it some, I really love Youmu's shot type. However, I have to admit I'm loving all the shot types in this game actually. Usually I just use one or two, this one I might actually use them all.

>> No.7253574

I defeated zombie girl and the game crashed.

>> No.7253581

I like how the menu itself appears in-time with that one beat.

>> No.7253584

Reimu > Marisa > Sanae > Youmu for me

>> No.7253601

Most characters attack stronger when focused....

Is Youmu's charged focus stronger or weaker against bosses?

>> No.7253612


You need to use it intelligently to get more use out of it. Usually you'll be firing unfocused, when you need to move, focus and slash. If you need to keep moving after the slash, charge another slash unless they're about to die anyways. She takes down most spellcards faster than any other character like this.

>> No.7253617

Kill her between desire waves...

>> No.7253623

Don't kill her with anything other than normal shots.

Are any bosses synched with the music? I couldn't tell/never payed attention.

Best Tier:
Marisa focused
Reimu unfocused
Sanae focused

Good Tier:
Reimu focused
Sanae unfocused

OK Tier:
Youmu focused
Youmu unfocused

Crap Tier:
Marisa unfocused

>> No.7253630


Oh, I forgot to clarify I guess...Focused does more damage over time, but probably not by too much unless the enemy has something to protect them from normal shots like the first mid-boss. It's better for huge damage over short periods of time. So as soon as you beat a non-card, you can get your charge ready to do huge damage at the start of their first spellcard which helps a lot. Also, don't use slashes on Yoshika's first card unless you want to time her out.

>> No.7253631

Sanae's shot is so shitty this time. I don't care how strong or useful it is.

Her shots in UFO were so much better.

>> No.7253635


Yuyuko's music is, at least I think it is anyways. I keep listening to it, then have the urge to fight her again because it fits with the battle.

>> No.7253650

>Are any bosses synched with the music? I couldn't tell/never payed attention.
I wouldn't be surprised, the stages, bosses and even some bullet patterns have been synched to the music in every game.

>> No.7253656

Agreed. Her wind shockwaves are functionally good, but...they're so damn boring, especially compared to what she had in UFO and what the other heroines have.

>> No.7253672

I'm just glad you can't make "slut firing sperm" jokes anymore.

>> No.7253677

I predict that Youmu will be really hard to use if things get tougher. I can imagine a low-power Youmu unable to get past bosses because the charged attack doesn't reach far enough, and you can't penetrate because of bullet density.

>> No.7253689

Is it me or Sanae can replenish her spirit gauge faster than anyone?

This is especially notorious on lunatic, where I can gather enough spirits to activate two manual trance modes whereas I just activate only one with the other characters under the same conditions.

I usually end stage 1 at 5/5 lifefrag/bombfrag but Sanae can end stage 1 at 6/6 and still gather enough spirits on the first part of stage 2 before the big fairies that drop bomb fragments.

>> No.7253699


She's definitely tougher to use on Lunatic. No room to mess up at all, but it's not as bad as I thought it would be, and I'm terrible at Lunatic.

>> No.7253713

She can. That's her special ability.
Reimu's got a small hitbox, Marisa collects stuff better, Sanae charges her trance faster, Youmu's got the charge slash.
Youmu kinda gets gypped, really.

>> No.7253767

Whats with your bombs? It's like if I have 3 or more, they stay if I die, but if I have none, they get replenished.

Am I seeing things?

>> No.7253777


That happens in UFO as well, it's no glitch, that's just how the game works.

>> No.7253782

It seems like you keep any extra bombs you haven't used if you die.

>> No.7253942 [DELETED] 


>> No.7253957

I can't stop listening to the stage 1 music. I don't know what it is. Just listening to that piano all day.

>> No.7254021

It's been like that in every game with bomb stocks (UFO, and every game before MoF). As in if you die with bombs, you've effectively wasted chances to prolong your life (though it is kind of hard to use said bombs if death bombing is disabled 3/4 of the time).

>> No.7254268 [DELETED] 
File: 246 KB, 799x1099, 1280591624681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to refresh myself on PCB to see if this was true. I kept dying because I rushed to the top of the screen. This image is the face I made when I found there was no Point of Collection anyway.

>> No.7254272
File: 246 KB, 799x1099, 1280591624681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to refresh myself on PCB to see if this was true. I kept dying because I rushed to the top of the screen. This image is the face I made when I remembered there was no Point of Collection anyway.

These new games have given me bad habits.

>> No.7254299

The older games still have the PoC, you just have to have full power for it to work.

>> No.7254308

I know. I just keep thinking I can fly up to the top and can't shake the habit.

>> No.7254323
File: 28 KB, 262x470, reimu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reimu has 4 fingers
>Leaning forward like Michael Jackson
>Marisa, Sanae, and Youmu all have hands hidden behind their backs

>> No.7254346
File: 696 KB, 640x480, glove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like Michael Jackson
Ever notice she's wearing a single white glove here?

>> No.7254365

And just like MJ she has the flesh of a ravenous ghoul.

>> No.7254377

She gets out-zombied by Yoshiko anyway.

>> No.7254795 [DELETED] 
File: 12 KB, 412x145, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7254810

d3dx9_43.dll on google.
You're a little slow, aren't you?

>> No.7254815

>relying on google translate.

>> No.7255057

Shot/bomb analysis has appeared.

Shot damage differences between characters is close enough to be irrelevant, except for Youmu, who does significantly more damage and of course can explode every fairy on the screen at high power.

Damage difference between 1.00 and 4.00 power is surprisingly small.

>> No.7255288


Seems as if the shot types actually seem relatively balanced. That sounds pretty good.

>> No.7255296

If you think Reimu has 4 fingers in that pic you should go back to the kindergarten.

>> No.7255324

I tried out every shot myself when I first played it, and I liked every single one of them.
Which is a first. Usually there are shot types I just can't stand.
Youmu's extra damage probably comes from the fact that she's harder to use than the other shot types, so it's pretty balanced.

>> No.7255517

I approve this touhou, maybe a bit easier but pretty funny

>> No.7255562

Play Lunatic, that's not so easy.

I don't like how dying not only reduces your life and power, but also depletes your whole spirit gauge so you can't gather lifes anymore from the larger fairies.

Dying is also inevitable since you can't deathbomb in this game, so you have to either play perfectly and never die or bomb preemptively and make sure you get rid of all your bombs before you die.

>> No.7255573

>Dying is also inevitable since you can't deathbomb in this game, so you have to either play perfectly and never die or bomb preemptively and make sure you get rid of all your bombs before you die.

But I never actually try to deathbomb, I only bomb when I know I'm going to die which 80% of the time gets registered as a deathbomb..


>> No.7255582

>Dying is also inevitable since you can't deathbomb in this game
Isn't that only when you can enter trance?

>> No.7255585

You need a FULL trance gauge to trance on your own, and having just one of the three ghosts full removes your deathbomb. Anywhere in between, you've got nothing.

>> No.7255602

Could someone explain how the third boss seems to not take any damage on her first or second spell?

>> No.7255610


Second spellcard? I don't remember her being hard to kill on the second one. On the first one though, if you kill the spirits those blue orbs will fly out, and she uses them to heal herself.

>> No.7255616

In the first spellcard just dont shoot the spirits, you must to stay focused aiming to the boss, if you kill the spirit, they will heal the boss.

However if you are doing a score run killing the spirits gives you much score.

>> No.7255640 [DELETED] 
File: 129 KB, 1024x768, wat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's this one, if that helps
After watching my replay again, I played once as Marisa, only ever shooting the boss and her 'health' didn't drop at all. I played a second time as Sanae and mainly shot at the spirits and her 'health' did go down slightly
I was at full Power both times.

>> No.7255643

wrong game, bro.

>> No.7255644

What is Alice doing in stage 2?

>> No.7255645


Wrong image I'm guessing...Her second spellcard is the zigzag knives from what I remember though. Those are pretty easy to beat.

>> No.7255659

The purple ones? That one's cool.

>> No.7255682

Yeah, wrong image, sorry. It is the first spellcard on Normal that gives me problems, and there are 3 or 4 spirits floating on either side
As I said, playing as Marisa and aiming purely at the boss did nothing. Sanae aiming mainly at spirits made minor dents in her health.
That image was when PCB started playing up and placed different characters in the wrong stages

>> No.7255696

You need to stay under the boss as long as possible, quickly dash to the sides and return to the middle again.

On Lunatic, I haven't been able to beat it with less than 3 options. (Reimu)

>> No.7255767
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What if Zun made the game easier because he's trying to wean everybody off bad habits from the earlier games like deathbombing? What if next game is harder and doesn't have deathbomb at all?

>> No.7257089

I wonder if any other bosses will have strange gimmicks like Yoshika's healing.

>> No.7257109


How the fuck is deathbombing a bad habit?

In fact I find it very odd that this bug is in the game, I mean assuming he is a Lunatic player he'd feel this problem very early in testing.

>> No.7257123

Well there's always the possibility that it isn't a bug.

If it isn't then I just won't play the full game because it would make me terrible at all the others.

>> No.7257143


I'd be very disappointed, the game is practically unplayable for me at this point, I average 5-8 deathbombs in a single run. Clearing anything above hard would be impossible for me too, and I've cleared all the games on it. Hell, fucking UFO hard would be easier, especially considering TD is too scarce in terms of resources.

I imagine at least that will be changed a bit, the bosses in UFO also didn't drop life parts in the demo.

>> No.7257152

Deathbombing isn't a bad habit.
Relying on deathbombs is a bad habit. They should be accidental at best.

>> No.7257175

They all have gimmicks related to what they are, for once.

>> No.7257210


Makes me wonder what the next bosses are like. We have two annoying ones, the others could be even worse for all we know.

>> No.7257223

Before that, Kogasa needs a spellcard.
A 2nd stage midboss should get one.

>> No.7257236


she does on hard and lunatic, though it is the same pattern as her normal easy part 2

>> No.7257246


Yeah I'd like to see that changed if possible.

>> No.7257254
File: 10 KB, 408x286, 1302195950961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably a retarded question, but can I play it in windowed mode somehow?

>> No.7257268

press F10, dood.

>> No.7257278
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>> No.7257429
File: 126 KB, 512x384, This time for sure!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to see who the rest of the bosses are. My bones are bugging the hell out of me.

>> No.7257441


Someone said something about the Fairy War health bars allowing for some interesting ideas. Perhaps a girl that can either clone herself and use them for multiple purposes? I can't think of anything else sadly.

>> No.7257708
File: 9 KB, 119x121, youmusurprised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder how many Youmu fans were scared off by Youmu's shot type and decided not to play as her.

>> No.7257764

So, for Hard mode and above, would it be recommended to go into those shaded boxes where the bullets bounce on Yoshika's non-cards? I usually stay in the middle then get bombared to death.

>> No.7257790

Oh god why would you even go in there?

>> No.7257808


The other times I get trapped when I'm in the middle, looking for an escape only to be blown to bits.

>> No.7257811

Oh God no she's melting!

>> No.7257847


Well, at least one.

>> No.7257854

Well, the most realistic thing would be that characters themselves or ones related to them would sometimes say it, when their affection gets high enough.

>> No.7258831
File: 75 KB, 512x384, 25a16b0ce5ac25a647a6823b535d9458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So far, it seems harder than PCB.

>> No.7258836
File: 51 KB, 800x600, obey_haruhi_by_kitty_666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why isn't this shit stickied?

>> No.7258905

No point now, it has already been talked about.

>> No.7259202 [DELETED] 

And bumped.

>> No.7259208

Discounting IN Easy, everything is harder than PCB.

>> No.7259324

Never made it to Youmu on lunatic, I see.

>> No.7259348
File: 5 KB, 339x358, Untitled-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dat hype.

>> No.7259362

Not really.

>> No.7259369


Couldn't resist opinions. Anyway, grand total of three noncards, two of them with loopholes. The other is a joke. Slow ass attacks so you can see your death from miles away and bomb in time. That is all.

>> No.7259449

My guess is that TD will become the new starter Touhou instead of PCB/IN

I guess it's also more attractive for new players thanks to the better graphics.

>> No.7259482

As a relatively new Touhou player, I can say you are probably correct.

I've played a few before TD, mostly EoSD (on /jp/'s recommendation) and Fairy Wars but I could never really get into it somehow, I kept dieing constantly and never got very far. I probably just didn't play enough.

When I started TD, even easymodo game me trouble and found it really hard. After 3-4 days of playing I can play on hard without rage, it's like I don't even see the bullets anymore and play naturally. I guess that is true for anything though, the more you play/work at it, the easier it becomes.

>> No.7259508

>I've played a few before TD, mostly EoSD (on /jp/'s recommendation) and Fairy Wars but I could never really get into it somehow
Play SA (Reimu A)

>> No.7259539

I'd say IN is a safer bet, more lives, useful deathbombing and shit.

>> No.7259570

Could easily change once the full game is released. You only have to survive 3 stages at the moment and that drastically changes how many lives you can carelessly lose. I'm not saying it's any hard at the moment, SAs first three stages shit all over these, just that it could get harder fast.

>> No.7259601

What about SA's first 3 stages? All I know is that they give you'll reach 6 1/2 lifes at the end of the demo.
With all the streaming involved, dodging isn't hard either.

>> No.7259625


I'd say the best part of it is the fact that all the shot types are relatively usable by beginners as well. I remember playing IN because everyone said it was the easiest but I hated every single shot type in the game until I finally got used to the SDM team. I don't feel as if TD suffers from bad shot type selection syndrome that some of the other games do.

>> No.7259763
File: 1.92 MB, 2427x3075, 15278487.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Supposedly in his latest drunken bar video ZUN said there will be a new book this summer. But I'm a useless idiot and can't confirm.

>> No.7259768

I want touhou to be more like psikyo games.

>> No.7259771
File: 286 KB, 630x748, 2011965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's hoping for another round of bunbunmaru.

>> No.7259800

I called a Hatate book when DS came out. Maybe we'll finally get to see the OTHER side with some fair & balanced reporting.

>> No.7259805

>Play SA (Reimu A)

Okay, got the game, patched, etc. Problem is when I go to run it the menu screen keeps cycling through the options too fast and won't stop. I'm not sure what is wrong. Asking this here because maybe it's a common problem that can be fixed easily before I try downloading a different copy of the game.

>> No.7259813
File: 69 KB, 675x475, ace reporter.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fair & balanced reporting
You're funny.

>> No.7259823

I doubt it will be anything like the old books.

How could this happen? Is the framerate too high? Does it cycle through the options without you doing anything?

>> No.7259829

>Does it cycle through the options without you doing anything?

Yes. As soon as I load up the game. I've messed around in the config changing some things but it sill happens.

Pretty sure all the other TH games work fine except for this one. No idea what could be doing it.

>> No.7259838


Do you have a joystick/gamepad/etc connected to the system?

>> No.7259841



>> No.7259853

Which direction is it?
Try to press directional buttons on your keyboard and see if it stops or changes in the other direction. Also try the buttons on your numpad (deactivate NUM first).

Start a game and see what happens.

Unplug your keyboard.

Do something else.

>> No.7259861

That happens to me sometimes; the game thinks I'm holding down one of the arrow keys. Annoying when it happens on a menu, infuriating when it happens during gameplay.

>> No.7259869

Do the new games still have the option to disable DirectInput in the config app? If so, do it.

>> No.7259888

Yeah, I tried that with no luck. I'm currently googling to find a solution as other people seem to have this same problem. I've had this happen to me in other games like >>7259861 said but not like this as soon as I open the game every time.

>> No.7259913

Solution found.


>It looks like it was caused by my keyboard, but I only got problems whith this one game, not the others. It works fine if I unplug the keyboard (I have a laptop). It's a 'Saitek PC Gamers' Keyboard" btw.

Which is the same keyboard I'm using.

Was right. Thanks for the help guys. Finally get to try out this game.

>> No.7259951
File: 262 KB, 440x2293, cheating jerks_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Youmu kinda gets gypped, really.

Cheating jerks, all of them

>> No.7260578


Even ZUN thinks Reimu is cheating.

>> No.7260621

He says the Hakurei Shrine Maidens are a different brand so to speak.

In other news all youkai genetically deserve at least one extermination in their lives, otherwise they are husks of themselves.

>> No.7260658


>> No.7260678
File: 5 KB, 142x164, donald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh shnap. She's surpassed god level.

That's why I have the most fun playing her, in this game that is.

>> No.7263364 [DELETED] 


>> No.7264706

I don't know why ZUN made Yuyuko's last spellcard on Hard/Lunatic really easy. Kind of anti-climactic.

>> No.7264725


I thought it looked really hard, but I guess since I've never not captured it it must be easy

it's fun though, those bullets are moving quite fast, but I guess there just isn't enough of them to make it difficult, though the pattern is quite boring.

>> No.7264731

You're supposed to shotgun it for spirits.

>> No.7264741


I'd rather not. Reminds me of Kyouko's first spellcard in that sense I guess, really easy if you play it normally but stupid if you shotgun it.

>> No.7267753


>> No.7267766

You don't even have to move more than a spritelength during the whole spellcard if you shotgun it. It's the easiest card to shotgun in the whole demo. (it's also always the same)

>> No.7267770


I didn't know that. I was worried I'd get raped to death up close. Then again, I'd still call myself a novice at these games.
