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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 685 KB, 740x1110, 1249986392284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7581340 No.7581340 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you have a girlfriend, /jp/?

>> No.7581346

Get out.

>> No.7581349

Too expensive

>> No.7581357

Too many problems attached.

>> No.7581362
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I prefer to be "friends whit benefits" with her, if you know what I mean.

>> No.7581364

If I wanted companionship, I would get an animal. Less needy and less expensive than a woman.

If I wanted sex, I would hire a hooker. At least she's being honest about sleeping with everyone else under the Sun.

>> No.7581365
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But, I do...

>> No.7581366

I ain't no bitch nigga.

>> No.7581370

Don't want one.

If you want an epic shitstorm XD go to /a/ and the likes.

>> No.7581380

Good answer.

>> No.7581383

Because I'm married.

>> No.7581388

No reason to have one.

>> No.7581398
File: 102 KB, 425x646, 1309988212319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because such a pure person doesn't exist.

>> No.7581399

Tous before hous, etc.

>> No.7581405

I'm still figuring out how to make eye contact.

>> No.7581413 [DELETED] 

pics and vids related, enjoy /b/rothers

www.wupload com/file/11645759/bulgarian_twins_onionforum.rar
www.wupload com/file/12421689/colombianas_LS_videos.rar
www.wupload com/file/18810777/HUGE_SET_from_DEEPWEB_set.rar

www.filesonic com/file/1373251011/set_of_4_ONION_MOVIES.rar
www.filesonic com/file/1153736611/mother_daughter14_son15.rar
www.filesonic com/file/1160210431/romanian_TOR_short_movies.rar

www.uploaded to/file/640u6eu6/Hanna12_and_Mark18.rar
www.uploaded to/file/cmqcrujz/daughter_and_father_russian.rar
www.uploaded to/file/qtc9gmm6/new_pics_from_EAST_EUROPE.rar

www.uploadstation com/file/SkFJ94U/teen_TWINS_photos.rar
www.uploadstation com/file/M96Z9NV/julia_jamie_FIRST_TIME.rar
www.uploadstation com/file/G5YaEUr/pics_from_FREENET.rar

www.fileserve com/file/nQJpVx9/onion_niece_huge_set.rar
www.fileserve com/file/kvvk2Sb/random_onionforum_pics.rar
www.fileserve com/file/2YRbJ2F/random_tor_pics.rar

>> No.7581418

eww ugly as HELL hairy mole =__=
that stupid character ruined every dark purple haired character ever

>> No.7581430

I'd date Kuroneko

>> No.7581434
File: 251 KB, 448x337, 1309988774051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because she turned out to be a trap.

>> No.7581458

Oblivious as fuck. Just the other day I walked into a McDonald's and a girl screamed out "CUTE!". I looked their way but my autistic mind was solely on food and headed straight for the line up. Only later did I realize they meant me.

>> No.7581466

You mean of the 3D variety? No thanks, I'd never cheat on my love with a disgusting 3D girl.

>> No.7581479

I haven't interacted with real girls since I was an babby.

Now all I interact with are gay Anons who pretend to be girls (/jp/). Sometimes I think that I should have chosen a different place on the internet to hang out, but I've no regrets in the end.

>> No.7581489

Was your whole life Unlimited Virgin Works?

>> No.7581499

I have a boyfriend

>> No.7581503

I don't think my waifu would appreciate that.

>> No.7581516

Because I'm a fat bald 30 years old social retarded and women can smell my virginity.

>> No.7581521

At least you have your wizard powers.

>> No.7581548

because I got ordered not to by the CO

>> No.7581549
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I love you too

>> No.7581555
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>> No.7581556

I'm currently in love witg a lolifur named Chocolat Gelato from the DS game SolatoRobo.

>> No.7581558

in b4

"bitches and whores"

>> No.7581559

dishes and chores

>> No.7581560
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>> No.7581564

I tittered.

>> No.7581571


>> No.7581573
File: 255 KB, 382x520, 1309991299339.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thanks OP.
I am faithfull to my waifu, not going to cheat on her with some random 3d female.

>> No.7581578

Because I'm lazzzzy.

>> No.7581586
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>> No.7581593
File: 99 KB, 441x408, 1309991674405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had girlfriends before. None of them could compare to glorious 2D.

>> No.7581595

Can I still stay here if I have absolutely no interest in women whatsoever?

P.S. That includes waifus.
P.P.S. I'm not homosexual.

>> No.7581604

You're good to go with me, but I'm a bit of an outlier here.

>> No.7581605

why don't you?

>> No.7581614

Are you just non sexual or do other things get you off?

Like say hair caught in your shower drain.

>> No.7581620
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>> No.7581623
File: 15 KB, 679x427, 1298241302021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't been to japan yet of course!

>> No.7581625

In what way(s)?

Unrealistically high standards, schizoid, narcissistic, greatly fond of being able to live freely, and simply no interest in dealing with others' bullshit. Rather narrows my choices down.

>> No.7581649
File: 227 KB, 896x596, Photo 006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because no one who would want a fat ugly virgin socially-retarded NEET.

>> No.7581655

Basically, I can't seem to hold any romantic feelings for women (at least not for the ones I've met/seen so far). I do have an enormous sex drive, but that's all. Any love I feel is platonic.

Sorry for the late reply. This pizza bread is rather good at keeping my attention...

>> No.7581664

Hmm... are you obese?

>> No.7581673

Hey, now... Don't make such hasty inferences.

Nah. I'm a heavy eater, but I'm pretty fit.

>> No.7581885

I want to lick Kuroneko's feet.

>> No.7581904

Too apathetic. It might stem from my self deprecation. I quit and convince myself it's impossible before I begin.

>> No.7581935

>>7581340 nigger >>7581340 nigger >>7581340 nigger >>7581340 nigger 
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>>7581340 nigger >>7581340 nigger >>7581340 nigger >>7581340 nigger 
>>7581340 nigger >>7581340 nigger >>7581340 nigger 

>> No.7581947

Dont have time for a girlfriend while working on my PhD

>> No.7581983

>>Was your whole life Unlimited Virgin Works?

Yeah, that's my reality marble.

>> No.7581992

Sounds like the kind of reality marble a dead muslim would have.

>> No.7582007

ZUNbar killed Osama and assimilated his power.

>> No.7582017

Because I'm tsundere.

I recently had a conversation with a girl I have a crush on:
Me: "I hate you."
Her: "Okay."
Me: "... what you don't care?"

She likes me too. Or used to at least. I get all jealous and tsun easily. ;_; This only happens with her, for some reason. I'm never tsundere with other girls I crush on.

>> No.7582038
File: 38 KB, 329x379, 1309999665958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck finding a job with your PhD in Nigger Studies.

>> No.7582041

I do have a girlfriend.

>> No.7582048

I don't want one.

I know I'm socially competent enough. I just prefer being alone.

>> No.7582054

I don't have a girlfriend but I'm getting one when I go to Tokyo and become an anime ninja.

>> No.7582066

Because i studie electric engineering and my class is 22 boys 1 girl.... and my friends are to boring/living to faraway to actually get out and do something on our spare time.... and thats sucks....

>> No.7582064

Same here, friend.

>> No.7582088

>58 posts and 14 image replies omitted.
This saddens me so much.
Every board it happens.
It always works.

>> No.7582095

Because people are stupid.

>> No.7582101

Four possible reasons, I guess.
1. Real world has no save/load features
2. Real girls don't seem interesting enough
3. I'm not interested enough
4. I'm not interesting enough
Still, I don't think I mind it too much. I enjoy living like I live right now; having a girl besides me would only be pleasing if she liked doing the same things as I do.

>> No.7582107

Only failures do PhDs outside the natural sciences. We won't be making wireless charging batteries due to work by liberal arts PhD studies.

>> No.7582112

Yeah there are no females my engineering classes.

I would usually counter this by taking an art class for fun on the side, but then again I never talked to anyone anyways. But oftentimes I was the only guy in those classes.

>> No.7582113

Every thread must be replied to.

I don't know who all these new /jp/ users are but it feels like they are a few years younger than the usuals.

>> No.7582111

Join a club. Not some male crap like anime or robotics, take something like theater.

>> No.7582123

Because people like answering questions about themselves. Make a thread about anything where someone can talk about themselves and they'll just pour all over it.

>> No.7582127

I thought so too. I posted a classic, easy to google copypasta in >>7582078, but the other posters just didn't get it.

>> No.7582121

Take Kinesiology, always hot bitches there.

>> No.7582153

Anon actually loves talking about himself the most far more than anyone else here.

I'm OK with this.

>> No.7582161

My girlfriend wants me to have a waifu. How do I get one?

>> No.7582167

Because I don't believe I'm attractive regardless of what people say.

>> No.7582196

This except no one has ever said I'm attractive. Not counting my grandma saying I'm handsome.

>> No.7582206 [DELETED] 

I have a girlfriend. She's intelligent, logical, faithful, honest, forgiving, devoted without being submissive, was a virgin, now has mild fetishes, has excellent taste in anime, doesn't do drugs, and sees the positive aspects of 4chan.

You, too, can find a girl like this. She'll probably be like mine and be so socially uncomfortable as to be irritating.

>> No.7582216

Fucking betas

>> No.7582228
File: 264 KB, 537x679, 1273763625285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, what's your problem?!
