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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 92 KB, 342x241, MAKE IT RAIN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7862818 No.7862818 [Reply] [Original]

What does /jp/ do for a living to support their hobbies?

>> No.7862821


>> No.7862828

Swag my neighborhood.

>> No.7862837

Sell hats on TF2.

>> No.7862838

Slang rock to the local kids

>> No.7862864

Too much for too little.

Lucrative, but slinging green is safer and incurs lighter legal penalties. No, I'm not taking you seriously. Just sayin'

>> No.7862876

Parents provide the internet connection, food, roof over my head, and clothes(but only after the old ones have fallen apart).
I don't have any money, so I just don't buy anything.

>> No.7862881

Collect disability.

>> No.7862883

Profession autist. My services are in high demand.

>> No.7862896 [DELETED] 
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I also like to buy lottery tickets..
But its not like i ever win anything.

>> No.7862904

/jp/ library crew.

>> No.7862903

I work as a male stripper. I bang bitches, make money and buy figures.

>> No.7862906

actually, I'm exploiting all the sacrifices I made for that dumb bitch of my mother parassiting her monthly divorce money. considering that I spent all my money in advocates for her and to pay the house where we are living now with my teen brothers, it doesn't seem too much to me.
I know its a jerk demeanor, but she rustled my jimmies too many times.

>> No.7862910

im gay

>> No.7862912

How is your schooling going?

>> No.7862913

I get grant money from school. $5200 a year, think I might invest in silver or an ounce of gold.

>> No.7862919

I rent my sister to strangers for sex,all I need is 3 buyers per month to make ends meet.

>> No.7862927

I work for the JIDF.

>> No.7862930

>jerk demeanor
Fuck no.
Treat your parents well if they treat you well, being guilt tripped into loving them and being their bitch forever just because they're family is not just stupid, it's downright pathological.
And all too common.

>> No.7862941

yeah, sadly I learned this fucking tragic lesson on my own skin. that shit is a taint to all my stupid clan, and now I beg to differ.

>> No.7862945
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Nice. You crack WEP/WPAs?

I have about 8 accounts going.

If only I got into swag back when I lived in an apartment complex with 10+ easy APs.

>> No.7862947

Alright I guess. Last year of this intermittent diploma and then off to Masters ville.

>> No.7862964

Leech from my parents.

>> No.7863028

You get money for that?

>> No.7863052

hell yea mother fucker

>> No.7864972


>> No.7864977
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So you're a gate guard?

>> No.7864984

Parents, and work for my grandma.

>> No.7864981

US Navy Nuclear Engineer
Shit sucks

>> No.7864983

autism research for UCLA

>> No.7864989

I own a blog that gets on average 1000 unique visits per week. I make revenue from ads and blogger pays me for the views I get.

>> No.7864996


>> No.7865002

Sounds like the perfect job for /jp/. Just stand in front of a gate all day, hiding your presence from anyone who isn't a huge threat, and when the threats finally come by, you'll be too useless to deal with them anyway and can just show them your moves before letting them through.

Oh, and your boss is adorable as fuck. That's the most important part.

>> No.7865006

I work Tech support at a local amusement park, I don't get paid for shit but I can play Touhou there most of the time as I'm pretty much on-site on-call.

>> No.7865019
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work retail, get grant and loan money from gov. for school, but parents provide most of my money.

I spent the tiny sum I get from retail (I work maybe 10 hours a week at maximum now) I spend on food and alcohol.

>> No.7865018
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Nothing but leech.

I don't think playing computer consoles count as a hobby really.

>> No.7865023


>> No.7865026

Is this vectored?

>> No.7865031

Mom and Dad.

>> No.7865407


I think so

>> No.7865641

Nothing. My dad keeps telling me to get a job but I can't find one.

I'm trying to get financial aid. I'm scared I'm going to get kicked out.

>> No.7865649

Mug people.

>> No.7865673

Christmas Money
Birthday Money

>> No.7865698
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you too?

>> No.7865712
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I sell my body to the highest bidder once a day.
Sometimes old men buy me, other times young men.
And in some cases ladies buy me.

Getting paid to suck dick, living the dream.jpg

>> No.7865720
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Oh, you pitiful anons, you are a disgrace to society and will surely burn in the eternal fires hell.

>> No.7865722

I inherited a few millions when my parents died. I'm living on that money. I've made a plan for using them and if I keep using as much as I do now they'll last me for the rest of my life.

>> No.7865725

Up until recently I worked in biotech industry for a genetic eng. lab. It consisted mostly of synth'ing custom oligos, clone libraries etc for other labs.

I'm more of a protein engineer / computational bio guy now though. I work with a malarial research team; it's more gratifying than anything else I've done.

>> No.7865726

What the fuck did your parents do for living?

>> No.7865735


Are you telling the truth?

>> No.7865738
File: 65 KB, 600x584, SuzumiyaDrunk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a welfare bum, money goes to vidya and alcohol. Feels good man.

>> No.7865741


I can assure you at least half the replies here are fake. It's part of /jp/'s dry humor.

>> No.7865739

Aspiring Genetic Engineer here

Got any advice for an undergrad hoping to break into the biotech industry asap?

>> No.7865749

my hobbies don't really require any money because i live with my mother who pays the bills. i have around 12k usd that i've been holding forever because i never buy anything other than the occasional pizza

>> No.7865766

Are you that guy who lives in the white room with nothing but a desk and laptop?

>> No.7865769
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I work at a large storehouse at minus 2 degrees celcius (28F) gathering yoghurt, milk, cheese and the likes from huge aisles and putting them in my trolley.
I have a feeling that I'm not the only social failure there, if you don't count all the Polish people.

>> No.7865804


Really depends on your area/country on how easy it'll be to find work. You may need to move if biotech is not hot in your local vicinity.

If you want to work as soon as you get your bachelor's, you'll most likely be mass-applying for internships at first if you don't have contacts who can vouch for you at a certain place (many people get their jobs from having the right contacts/references). Once you get about 2 years experience down, it'll suddenly be much easier to find work, as that's a common XP cutoff.

At first when looking, it's a harsh and foreboding-looking market (in a bad economy at that). It seems kind of paradoxical that many "entry-level" positions.. require years of experience. It feels like some perverse catch-22, like "why the fuck do I need experience to get a job that's about.. getting me experience?". But, that's what internships are for; however those can be kind of sporadic even in the good biotech areas so you'll probably have to jump at every chance you get.

Also, do undergrad research. If you work for a year in a lab at school as an undergrad, some places will count that as a year's worth experience. Of course it also matters a lot what you were taught in school. If you can run gels, do colony plates, run PCR, ELISA, 454/Illumina/ABiSOLiD, and handle mice, you qualify for the VAST majority of lab tech jobs already. Thing is you might learn only a few of those techniques in school, and it's kind of a random-chance game of what lab is looking for what intern/tech who has which particular set of skills down. Looking/for starting undergrad research is intimidating as fuck at first, but once you get going you'll magically get 100x more confident in yourself and your future.

>> No.7865829
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>collecting welfare and disability

And we wonder why the US is so broken

>> No.7865871

>But, that's what internships are for; however those can be kind of sporadic even in the good biotech areas so you'll probably have to jump at every chance you get.

Good lord I'm all too familiar with that.

Anyways, thanks a ton for that information. I know how to run gels and make colony plates, and I've heard PCR is rather easy to run, so that mostly just leaves me with learning how to handle mice.

>> No.7865887

I receive welfare and my dad receives money to support me. So basically, I'm receiving double welfare. Heheheh.

>> No.7865913


There's several variants of PCR. Some are as simple as putting in the reagents/fragments/taq, pushing a button, coming back a few hours later and purifying the product. Others need more careful analysis/further processing.

Knowing how to run bioreactors, protein purification procedures (for which there's many chromatography methods, lyophilisation, salting in/out etc), and doing nanomolar injections, are also good things to know, but also more specific to certain types of labs.

>> No.7865915

I get nitrogen narcosis.

>> No.7866010
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>> No.7868369

I'm NEET and proud!

>> No.7868415

What's the matter? Didn't get 7th fleet? Didn't get Yokosuka? They don't let you display your figs around/over your bunk? Found out Okuu isn't in the USN?

>> No.7868422
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Lazy around errryday.

>> No.7868481

I'm going to sign up at my city's job center this week. Even if they don't find me a job I still get money, and I even get money by going to courses they send me to.

Really need to buy more games, and once I am done with that, figures. Fucking finally.
