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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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7992649 No.7992649 [Reply] [Original]

What do you plan on doing when the money dries up?

>> No.7992656

Gat some niggas

>> No.7992653
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I'm not too worried about it.

>> No.7992651
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>> No.7992661

Take it easy.

>> No.7992660

Why are you so fat?

>> No.7992662
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>> No.7992672

I myself just won a legal lawsuit that netted me about $670,000 so i won't ever have to worry about this.

>> No.7992673

Wait for a faerie to help me start a shop.

>> No.7992678

I find myself in the fetal position in various corners when I begin pondering this.

>> No.7992676

Cool kopipe. I don't think it will work the third time.

>> No.7992677

You plan to make that last your entire life?

Are you going to live a modest NEET life off it?

>> No.7992681

Why not rob an armored car instead?

>> No.7992685

Oh man.

>> No.7992683

I have >10,000, I'm trying to get a job flipping burgers so I don't have to dig into that. I call that money my war funds because it makes me feel like I am Kaiji. But it's not a war yet, so the war funds must be saved.

>> No.7992691

I had a feeling the post was familiar.

>> No.7992727
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I go protest the Iraqi law being forced on my country.

Fucking pakkies, m8.

>> No.7992743

Did you know that most armored cars aren't even truly armored?

They just make them look that way to fool would be robbers.

>> No.7992747
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I have $600 left. I'd rather not think about it.

>> No.7992755
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>> No.7992759

Deny reality most like.

>> No.7992783

That would be pretty hard when it's 30 degrees Fahrenheit outside and you're experiencing hunger tantrums whilst having no internet access.

>> No.7992812
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Probably, but I've become pretty good at denying reality in the past couple of years.

>> No.7993434
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>> No.7993439

3k left, no job 7k made total so probably all of that is going to taxes.

Shit, I might have already run out of money.

>> No.7993447

my parents's money did not dry up until all three of them are dead.

>> No.7993456

I might seriously have to kill myself

I refuse to work even a single day

>> No.7993482

Still 20k left. With about 0.7k costs per month, that's about two more years.

>> No.7993548

How can you not have internet access? There are libraries.

>> No.7993557

I plan to invest my money so I'll have a steady stream of passive income, instead of using it all up just to survive.

...only problem is to get said money.

>> No.7993570

I have cancer. I just don't care anymore.

>> No.7993573

gainful employment

>> No.7993576

Employment is never gainful.

...unless you're the one employing.

>> No.7993580
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cosplay for money

>> No.7993581

I'm sorry if that's true

>> No.7993586

I leech off of disability. $2,000 a month.

Feels good.

>> No.7993591

I'm hearing welfare might not be available in the future, with the incoming recession

>> No.7993594

Are you norwegian?

>> No.7993592

can anyone recommend a good disability to try, I want on to this gravy train

>> No.7993621

How long until people wisen up and realize that aspergers and autism ain't actual diseases but made up conditions in order to not work?

>> No.7993632
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As long as they allow me to leech govt. money, I don't give a damn.

>> No.7993646

That's only in the US, and it's obvious he's not from the US, there's no way anyone gets $2000 a month from the government there for disability.

The US is like a third world country.

>> No.7993655

It already did, I re-entered the workforce last week. I want my easygoing life back.

If only I could get in on some SSI...

>> No.7993669

You have never had to interact with a person suffering from real autism.

>> No.7993683

Going to live with my parents, probably.

>> No.7993689

I'll probably live on the streets and become hated by everyone with money.

>> No.7993712

the joke's on you OP, I have no money

>> No.7993714

Blog thread? Cool.

Just finished an initial interview with Microsoft, went better than expected. Could turn out well!

>> No.7993716

what kind of job

>> No.7993717

Software developer in test.

>> No.7993720

that is the kind of job I am going to be getting some day when I stop being lazy

>> No.7993725

Most of the autistic kids in my high school went through an OJT and were employed full-time afterword. The same goes for schools, colleges, and even unemployment agencies which offer the same programs.Your statement is irrelevant; stop basing your opinions on something you saw on South Park son.

>> No.7993738

Do you always make excuses?

It is obvious from seeing the shining examples of autism here that not even one of you have any real mental problem, but are only immature fucks who do not want to lift a finger.

I only hope that governments find out about this so you get what you deserve: Nothing.

>> No.7993753

Indeed. I'm autistic but I have a real job. Of course, I also don't use it as a shield - people think I'm just weird. Until I know them well enough to tell them, and then they're like "Ohhhhhh, I see."

Most Internet Autists are just maladjusted losers who would prefer to hide their personal failings behind a label rather than own up to their flaws.

>> No.7993772

Are you sure being an immature fuck who doesn't lift a figure doesn't suit some more legitimate sounding behavioral disorder? As long as the problem is with personality, you probably do not acknowledge it as a "mental problem" and believe it's down to manning the fuck up. Fortunately though for /jp/'s government freeloaders, anyone can be classified with some kind of mental illness considering the joke psychology is.

>> No.7993788

I actually think the fake diseases of today (autism, asperger's, same thing really) are more tolerable when they used to be.

"Depression" for instance, I remember when that was all the rage. There was even an ad campaign for awareness of it in my country. ADHD, too. Basically getting payments for being sad or kids with too much sugar in the system. Compared to that, autism is almost legitimate.

>> No.7993803
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I do not think being a manchild qualifies as a mental disorder.

>> No.7993811

it should

>> No.7993819
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I pirate everything I could ever want to begin with.

>> No.7993827

Do you attack trade ships for food?

>> No.7993833

I feel stupid even getting baited by this, but if you'd ever had to deal with or live with a person who's actually been diagnosed with manic-depressive or major depressive disorders you'd probably rethink your assumptions

>> No.7993835

I have foodstamps, so I'm set there.
I do have a normal day job, I'm still under the poverty line though.

>> No.7993845
File: 11 KB, 251x251, I dont think so.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Depression" for instance, I remember when that was all the rage. There was even an ad campaign for awareness of it in my country. ADHD, too. Basically getting payments for being sad or kids with too much sugar in the system. Compared to that, autism is almost legitimate.

>Thinks depression is just being sad

No, bro.
Depression is not normal sadness. It's utter and complete hopelessness. I have Major Depressive Disorder. Thankfully, I am feeling a lot better as of late, but there would be entire stretches of days I just wanted to not eat, not get up, not do anything.
Because of the fucking 'emo' culture trying to be all HURR DURR I CUT MYSELF SO EDGY, depression is looked upon with scorn as just wanting attention.
I fucking hate emos and I fucking hate people like you that think all people with depression are like that.
You're the scum of this earth.

>> No.7993860
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, LIVING THE DREAM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was hoping that I could marry a rich, hardworking career woman and be a house husband.

I like to cook, I'm good with kids, faithful, would give her footrubs after she came home from work, would never complain, and would stay at home all day.

I like to think that I am somewhat attractive and moderately fit. I'd work out everyday if she wanted me to.

I just wish I could meet the right woman.

>> No.7993866

The coming collapse of the western economies will make my savings worthless.

>> No.7993871

Career women generally want even richer career men, proving once again that feminists can never be trusted to tell the truth.

>> No.7993881

It must be nice being a woman and getting your financial issues solved by some rich, slutloving normal.

>> No.7993882

Probably going to be homeless.

>> No.7993911
File: 353 KB, 970x1400, Ore x Yome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, in general I have noticed this.
It saddens me greatly. I feel that even if I do find a woman that takes me in, she will eventually get sick of me because she is the dominant bread winner and think of me as less of a man. And then just cheat or divorce me.

It's truly horrible how both parents work these days. I think one parent should stay at home, regardless of gender, to take care of the household and kids. Someone needs to raise the kids and be there for them emotionally, but most people these days just have caretakers raise kids for them and have the media and school teach them about life and morals.
Cooking delicious home cooked meals takes time too and most people just eat instant food these days. And have old immigrants clean their houses.

I just want to be a cute househusband like Madoka's Dad ;_;

>> No.7996065

I'll ask for more.

If that doesn't work, I shall be forced to spend my days seeking employment.

>> No.7996098

See you shouldn't want a career woman, you should want a uselessly rich girl who will NEET it up with you and her wads of dough.

>> No.7996175

> What do you plan on doing when the money dries up?
Became sysadmin.

Now using AUTISM POWER for securing our infrastructure instead of beating PCM for the 462nd time.

Don't have to deal with anyone besides the boss. Can hide in the server room all day (or work from home). Buy figs 'n shit with the money. Co-workers have stopped wondering about the loli fetish.


>> No.7996185

Most autists here are low-level autists who can't get money, but some of us really are totally fucked.

>> No.7996221

There is no money. I've never left my parents' house.

>> No.7996248

It never will, I'm just living off the interest generated by my savings

>> No.7996253

How much do you have saved? Because My 5k$ only made 10$ last year.

>> No.7996295

work full time as an engineer

Still live at home

Lots of money But nothing to spend it on

>> No.7996298

Give some to me?
