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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 151 KB, 567x800, my-year-without-sex-poster-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8143152 No.8143152 [Reply] [Original]

Can you even imagine? A whole year without sex?

>> No.8143156

Did you grow tired of posting this on the other boards?

>> No.8143154


>> No.8143163

Makes me horny. Though i am glad that i know how to... You know...

>> No.8143249

looooooooool 1 YEAR without SEX? what a freakin NERD LOSER hahahahah

>> No.8143267
File: 52 KB, 305x315, Cirno - Blush -S2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn right!

>> No.8143273

23 years without sex. stupid women

>> No.8143293

Not even angry. This is just a bitter reminder of the times we're living in.

>> No.8143308

How come? We are at the climax of our development, industrially and culturally.

>> No.8143312

Can you even imagine 30 years without sex?

>> No.8143315

The higher we get, the bigger the inevitable crash.

>> No.8143317


3 more years and I will be a wizard. I'm almost there.

>> No.8143318

Has no one payed any mind to a movie previous called 40 year old virgin? This movie in name sounds so...small time.

>> No.8143316
File: 275 KB, 676x675, 3453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont think i could last that long without dicks.
It must have been hell for her.

>> No.8143319

How many years have I passed without sex?

Oh yes, 19, just the same as my age. Sorry bitches but I want magical powers.

>> No.8143325

Do you really go out and suck dicks?
Why don't you just settle down with one person. Aren't you scared of disease?

>> No.8143328

yeah, not gonna lie.

a whole year without sex would indeed suck.

>> No.8143353

Not all the time no, and i have only ever gone out twice to do so.
Well three times if the first counts where i got scared and went home.

I have no interests in relationships, and i doubt i would function in one.
As for diseases, i have mostly gotten over my fear after the first time.

>> No.8143367

This woman is clearly married, so she's just not having sex with her partner for a year. That would be difficult, but of course none of you could ever understand that.

>> No.8143369
File: 92 KB, 530x596, Cirno - Blush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-Saten anon...

>> No.8143371
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>> No.8143377
File: 7 KB, 434x271, homuratest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That could end up very badly, who knows if you could even be assaulted.

Everyone functions in a relationship. You already come here to socialize with many people, and that's not far off from being dependent and attached to someone.

What happened that made you think like this?

>> No.8143379
File: 332 KB, 1054x982, 1283331188376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it would be impressive if someone did manage to assault him considering he would be on the other side of a wall.

>> No.8143378

>Can you even imagine? A whole year without sex?
What would differ that year from any other?

>> No.8143383

everyone "thinks like this". if sex were as readily available for males as it is for females, they'd be out doing it as often as they liked too. for the men that it IS readily available to, they're out fucking as much as they want.

Liking sex isn't some abnormality.

>> No.8143385


Going a year without sex seems pretty normal for most couples that have been married for 10+ years.

>> No.8143391
File: 10 KB, 201x251, 234234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No wall can stop a angry Hulk from getting to him though.

>> No.8143394
File: 161 KB, 394x394, kanae.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are not slabs of meat. Everyone has hopes, goals, and can be doing things for different reasons.
I'm sure you consider yourself a pretty complex person, but have you ever stopped to think that everyone else is just like that too?
You don't find it strange that you're just using a person to vent your primal instincts?

I never claimed I was normal either, nor that /jp/ anons are too. Given how we shun normals so often, I guess I just assumed the rest of you also found people interesting on a deeper level than just a mass of flesh, sinew and bone.

>> No.8143424
File: 59 KB, 300x406, rihanna-cosmopolitan-march-2008-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck modern times

>> No.8143438

Just looking at that makes me feel upset and butthurt.

>> No.8143465

Wait, does a year without "sex" include fapping or schlicking? If so that's a pretty good acheivment. If not then how did this get made what has our society come to

>> No.8143466

I don't get these magazines. Every one of them advertises sex tips every issue. How many issues does it take to start recycling information? A year? Two?

>> No.8143484

Considering that I'm sure they steer clear of extreme fetishism or tough biology, not long at all.
Considering the average reader probably can't even remember what happened to them a week ago, I'm sure it is not an issue.

>> No.8143482

Maybe they change, like fashion? Not like any guys would notice.

>> No.8143492

"New sex tips to be used on men"
1.Suck his dick
2.Repeat step one forever

And now i almost want to read them all just to know what bullshit these females come up with.

>> No.8143504

>/jp/'s new translation project
>femshit into moon into english
>discontinued due to lack of femshit translators

>> No.8143497

I read one of them once a few years ago while waiting in a convenience store. (clerk in the bathroom)
They have sex positions with funny names and stuff. The issue I read was around the time LoTR movies were released, because one of them was called "the twin towers" or something. It was just missionary with her knees up and laying on a pillow, while "Thinking of Legolas!"

But those articles are usually no longer than one paragraph. 99% of these type of magazines are just ad's. Full page ads, two ads a page, pictures of dresses and a gigantic price tag, and other really stupid stuff.
It's completely backwards. Imagine if /jp/ was all advertisement, and the actual content was in the space of the ads/banners.

>> No.8143511

Hahaha, oh wow that is pathetic. How can that still be bought in this day and age? We have internets for that shit now.

>> No.8143524

Sex is just a framing device, the film is about a woman coping with a severe brain injury.

>> No.8143519

Some of the ads had nudity. Don't know if that still happens.

>> No.8143529


My stepsister is subscribed to this magazine and it pissed me off whenever I'd see one.

>> No.8143538

Normalfags say that going your whole life without sex is easier than knowing sex and going without it.

"Everything's changes."

"It's different."

That's all they say, there's no arguing or reasoning.

>> No.8143542

It is aimed at women.
That should answer the question.

>> No.8143550
File: 68 KB, 180x310, M.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. You make me think of playboy though. Oh man was I disappointed the first time I opened one. Grabbed one out under my uncles bed and ran to the bathroom with it.
Around three scatted pictures of random girls, then one centerfold and three more pictures of the girl of the month.
Rest of it is articles about things I didn't bother to read, so I don't know what the magazines talk about for real, but it's not porn.

Mysterious normalfag magazines.

>> No.8143564

>see anime mag in newsagents
>oh wow this might be pretty interesting
>downloading is a crime!
>this kind of fanservice is disgusting!
>only talking about licensed shows with little discussion just stating the plot
>strike witches poster
And I never bought it again the end

>> No.8143566

Please refrain from posting that way. It would be better for everyone if you typed it up in a coherent form.

>> No.8143567

Those are just faggots playing it cool.
I had twice and am ashamed of it. Nothing changed, I live like a any virgin would, and spoiled my only path to becoming a wizard.
My life sucks. I'll experience pretty much the same as my fellow /jp/'s experiece, except with no reward midway through life.

>> No.8143568

I used to enjoy penthouse articles. Some of the political commentary was pretty good.

>> No.8143570

I always wondered if it was worth it to get Nyantype and Megami magazine just for the eye candy. Does anyone know?

>> No.8143572

I've only gone through one penthouse magazine in the same situation, and it had black and white pictures of vikings fucking a women in the ass. It was so high detail I instantly lost my boner, and I just continued to fap over my dragonball VHS tapes with goku molesting Bulma.

>> No.8143573

Are you me?

I had a girlfriend and we had sex. It felt good and whatever, but it was more awkward and depressing than anything. I'd rather have just stayed a virgin.

>> No.8143590

We are the same, indeed!
I had some kind of normalfaggotry disease for some time, had to keep dating a girl for over a month before achieving any intercourse as we were underage. After such, I realized it just wasn't worth it, and came after some excuse to dump her.
Being alone actually feels better.

>> No.8143598

>black and white Vikings
Pass me the Dragon ball VHS any day bro

>> No.8143611

Ten more years until - oh wait.

>> No.8143615
File: 8 KB, 186x271, 43223ffqaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Black and white viking porn

>> No.8143620

It was really gross. There was one page size picture where you could see the pores and ass hairs on the girl, along with sweat and for some reason, dirt. Maybe that was shit though. Imagine is sort of burned into my mind.

>> No.8143646


>this kind of fanservice is disgusting!
>strike witches poster

Was the poster just of guns or something?

>> No.8143647

I thought we had this thread already.

>> No.8143659

Nope, the issue was dedicated to the recent release of strike witches on DVD, it wad their main review. They said the pantsless Loki service made them feel constantly uneasy and they removed points on their score for it. They also had choice words to say about High school of the dead, no surprise.
In the back pages was a big poster of the main character of strike witches showing the service. I think it was the same image used on the DVD cover.
Yeah, not buying that again.

>> No.8143659,1 [INTERNAL] 

Don't worry Saten, I'll save you from your problems!

>> No.8143664

I went into a sex shop once and found a hentai VHS of Cardcaptor Sakura. It had no nudity on the box buy it was kind of ecchi. I was too scared to buy it though.

>> No.8143694

>cardcaptor Sakura hentai
What kind of shop did you walk into?

>> No.8143696

Ive had 14 years without sex. still a virgin

>> No.8143700


a sex shop

>> No.8143702

So you're underage, then.

>> No.8143709

Yeah I know, but assuming it was in a western nation, I wouldn't have thought they stocked that kind of thing.
Cardcaptor Sakura man. Cardcaptor Sakura.
