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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 559 KB, 1200x683, katawa_shoujo_release.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8357936 No.8357936 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I am playing this solely for the purpose to have sex with a girl with missing limbs.
>mfw I have no face.

>> No.8357941

Enjoy you are no virgins and intimate sex scenes.

>> No.8357946
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>enjoy you are no virgins

>> No.8357949

ks a shit

>> No.8357951

>intimate sex scenes.
I have adult content turned off.

>> No.8357970

I just don't get it.

Usually when I come across a VN thread on /a/ and /v/ they are filled with entry-level VN discussion, which isn't bad necessarily. Because of this, however, I figure these people would at least have a little knowledge of what makes a good or VN seeing as how most of the VNs we consider "entry level" are popular for a reason.

But when I see a KS thread on /v/ or /a/ there are literally dozens of people hailing it as a masterpiece.

Is this simply because they feel it's "their" game? Or do they actually believe the writing is good?

>> No.8357971

KS itself.

>> No.8357968

Still no jokes about KS devs?

>> No.8357987

It's just the devs samefagging and lot of bandwagoning;

>> No.8357985

It's their first VN, they don't know the difference about a good VN and a bad one.
I'm sure most of these people don't even know the difference between good and bad writing.

>> No.8357994

the writing sounds like i'm reading something off of fictionpress.net

>> No.8357999

>Is this simply because they feel it's "their" game? Or do they actually believe the writing is good?


Personally I'm reading it as we speak and it isn't a master piece but it is pretty damn enjoyable and easy to read. A lot of things I hated about VNs and harems in general have been avoided.

>> No.8358002

Several years of hype and they don't want to be disappointed.

>> No.8358003

>A lot of things I hated about VNs and harems in general have been avoided.

Such as?

>> No.8358007

So they delude themselves into enjoying it to avoid feeling cheated for waiting 5 years?

>> No.8358012

It isn't my first VN and I know the difference between good writing and bad writing. Stop being a presumptuous and condescending twat.

>> No.8358016

I'm kind of glad for this option but I wish they'd just released an all ages version instead. I have a friend (sorry) who would love this, but she'd probably be put off by the sex. Though from the routes I've played it does seem quite tasteful.

>> No.8358030

Why so defensive?
If you read the posts, people are saying KS is their first VN and if they truely believe the writing is above average for a VN, they need to read more.

>> No.8358035

Just tell him to turn off adult content and it becomes all ages version

>> No.8358037

1) Redundant exposition
2) We have a bro character
3) A decent cast of MALE characters

>> No.8358041

Go to any daily programming thread on /g/. 99% of the threads are people asking how to program or for beginner programming advice (the other 1% are shitposts).
The daily programming threads have been around for over half a year now, and yet this pattern has not changed.

>> No.8358047

Get the fuck out

>> No.8358049

> she'd
I dunno though. I'd rather it just not be there to begin with, if that makes sense. Seems more, "Hey check out this cool VN I think you'll like it." and less, "GO PLAY THIS SEX GAME FOR TWISTED PEOPLE WHO WANT TO FUCK CRIPPLES."
I guess that's the stigma of VNs though. Movies have sex scenes all the time but nobody cares...

>> No.8358056

>You SUCK.

calm down dude

>> No.8358051

>If you read the posts, people are saying KS is their first VN and if they truely believe the writing is above average for a VN, they need to read more.

It isn't my first VN and I know the difference between good writing and bad writing and I think it is a good read. So what are you going to say now? I haven't read enough VNs? I don't know good writing?

You're still being condescending and presumptuous.

>> No.8358057

Don't let a catchphrase upset you. Lurk more and take it easy.

>> No.8358067

>Lurk more
you should heed your own advice.

>> No.8358070

>So what are you going to say now? I haven't read enough VNs? I don't know good writing?

That's the case

>> No.8358072


Please someone tell me. what makes for good VN writing then.

>> No.8358075

You're still being condescending and presumptuous. My defensiveness is justified.

>> No.8358084

I agree it's a good read, but it's not anything I'd recommend to VN players in general. Maybe as an example for beginning indie developers or beginner VN players.

>> No.8358081



>> No.8358091

Not that guy, but please stop trolling dude

>> No.8358096

I partly think that's what they were going for.

Though as a "seasoned" VN player I've really enjoyed it so far. I think people need to look at it more like a book than a game. I can enjoy both "entry-level" or "mature"/"classic" books just as much as each other, and I'm sure you can too.

>> No.8358095

what's misha's disability?

>> No.8358098


I am that guy, you mean like FS/N or Tsukihime?

I was being serious, I want to know what you feel makes a VN great.

>> No.8358101


>> No.8358107

Anything who claims KS is anything above average is fooling themselves.

The writing is generic, the story is generic, the characters are generic, the music is hella generic, and the artwork is sub-par at best. (Hanako looks likes she's covered in mud, have you even seen a severe burn scar, they look like zerg creep)

>> No.8358109

that's it? Getting into their school seems easy.

>> No.8358112

She voted in Bush and Cheney.

>> No.8358115

>and I think it is a good read.

And that's all it is at best.
People should stop claiming it's a masterpiece among VNs.

>> No.8358117

The MC didn't even have anything wrong with him. Just a gimmick that came up like, once in each route.

>> No.8358123

>The writing is generic
I thought it was pretty bad, rather than generic

>> No.8358125

It's above average for one that's not made by a company and a group filled with people who can't get along

>> No.8358129

And massively above average for something originated from 4chan.

>> No.8358131

And that's supposed to improve KS's quality how?

>> No.8358135

The people who wrote it being idiots makes the writing better?

>> No.8358138
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I'd love to know

>> No.8358145

playing katawa shoujo made me scared to think that other people think so introspectively and collected all the time

>> No.8358142

He was just pointing out that "above average" depends on what you're taking the average over.

>> No.8358150

Hey, just cutting it some slack for it's circumstances. Gotta be a little forgiving. Not like any of you can make one as decent as this.

>> No.8358161

Makes me think of Kyon.

>> No.8358165


No one has an inner monologue and it's annoying when people write as if a character is "talking to themselves". I've not seen many people right from the MC's perspective, and thoughts as a person would actually think and act.

>> No.8358168

Reported for not /jp/-related

>> No.8358171

Yes, but I never attempted to make a VN. If they can't make a decent one, they shouldn't have tried either.

>> No.8358175

>cutting it some slack for it's circumstances
that's not how criticism works though
>Not like any of you can make one as decent as this.
oh boy do I love this retort

>> No.8358181

The Shizune/Misha dialogue thing was confusing. I wish they'd put in some sort of gimmick like a different colour for when Misha was translating verbatim Shizune's dialogue. Explain that she said it differently or something, I don't know.

>> No.8358179

How can they possibly write that? The way your thinking works is not something that can be described in words alone, an inner monologue requires you to suspend your disbelief because that's really the best way they can do it.

If they tried to something that presents realistic thinking it would be very repetitive and uninteresting.

>> No.8358188

So what was her disability?

>> No.8358185

>Not like any of you can make one as decent as this.
It's like I'm really on /v/!

>> No.8358191

Ah the good old "you can't do anything better so your criticisms are invalid".

Hey /a/, you keep claiming we're mad yet you're still here trying to prove something. Insecure much?

>> No.8358192

Didn't you get the memo? You're only allowed to dislike something if you're involved in the creation of similar things.

>> No.8358195

Making something is better than making nothing. I don't like the people who hype it up too much either but it was a good effort given the circumstances and it should be regarded as such.

>> No.8358197

KS devs in this thread.

>> No.8358201

The conspiracy is larger than it seems. Even the flamers are KS devs trying to make the real haters look bad, and so they can swoop in and defend themselves. One of the KS devs has access to a botnet, that's why there are so many "seeds". Played the game? Then you're part of the botnet too.

>> No.8358207

But that's wrong. Something shouldn't be made just for the sake of being made. Effort doesn't matter. Either it's a quality product or it's not. And Katawa Shoujo clearly isn't.

>> No.8358205

I haven't played a lot of VNs (only Saya no Uta, FSN, KrippleSex), but so far the writing has been pretty good. Better than Saya no Uta's at least, I have no idea why that game is so praised by people. Recommendations for amazing VNs?

And /jp/, don't get mad that people are enjoying a fun title. If anything you should be happy that it's drawing attention to VNs as a medium. Personally I'm liking it, and certain criticisms reek of thinly-veiled envy. So what if the writing in places isn't that great? Theres plenty of good stuff in there too. So what if the artwork may be a bit mediocre? That never stopped Higurashi or Umineko. What really shines through is the story, and it's presented in a way that show how much love and hardwork went into the game.

>> No.8358211

I think it's nice. Not exemplary but nice. The premise of being in a disabled school is new and kinda freaky.

Most of the characters are drawn quite well. That science teacher looks herpderp, though.

The backgrounds are god-awful, though. They need to be drawn, not photographed and filtered.

>> No.8358215

You should probably be aware you're comparing an OELVN to (presumably) English translations of Japanese VNs.

Saya no Uta had decent Japanese writing and a really cool setting/story.

>> No.8358216

>but it was a good effort

You can give a good effort but still get poor results. Just like a person who studies their ass off and comes close to failing a test, you can work your ass off writing a glorified cripple nukige and still have it be subpar.

>> No.8358219

By all means, why are you here when your friends are waiting for you at the party over there?

>> No.8358224

>Even the flamers are KS devs trying to make the real haters look bad, and so they can swoop in and defend themselves
I actually do this all the time. It's just not for KS, but a different topic. Instead of presenting a strawman argument, make a strawman. Or give your strawman completely valid points, but make him sound like a total asshole and make him type with a touch of phrase that makes him sound like he might not be from around these parts.

Sometimes I get lost as to which side I was on as I go back and forth and convince myself with my own counter-arguments.

>> No.8358222

Haven't read this yet, but most visual "novels" don't have good writing anyways.

I've read RPGs and adventure games with better dialogue and prose than the vast majority of VNs. The best quality of VNs is their presentation style IMO. Colorful 2D sprites and 2D backgrounds are appealing.

>> No.8358226

> That science teacher looks herpderp, though.
I liked his look. The art teacher looked a lot worse.

Also the science teacher was the best character.

>> No.8358229

I remember back in the day when I thought the visual novels were going to be absolute shit compared to the anime for both Umineko and Higurashi just because the artwork was absolute shit (still think so). Boy, was I wrong.

>> No.8358233

I always knew /jp/ was really only three people arguing with themselves.

>> No.8358234

Glad I'm not alone. I always play devil's advocate just so people can argue with me or I can argue with myself.
Very powerful rhetoric tactic on an anonymous forum.

>> No.8358235


>beat off to Touhou like there's no tomorrow
>criticise KS for bad writing and art

It's like I'm taking cray pills here.

>> No.8358243

You're just full of jelly because I'm having fun playing this game. Stay classy.

>> No.8358244

I used to do that too, until I realized most of the times I ended up flinging mud at what I originally started out to defend.

>> No.8358245

If KS was Japanese we'd love it.

>> No.8358246

Touhou isn't a VN.
You are comparing 2 completely different things here.

>> No.8358247

more like /jp/ - people can't get over the fact we found something not that good

>> No.8358250

Oh god I know that feel.
The worst is on slow boards like 4-ch when someone bumps an old thread, and you feel the need to argue with a post from three years ago. Then after you've typed up your reply and submitted it, you realize that was YOUR post.

>> No.8358253


More like full of pity.

>>>/a/ might be more up your alley.

>> No.8358254

Because we have a longstanding enjoyment of vacuous fetish moege, right? Threads all the time about them? Hmm?

>> No.8358256

Touhou is a shmup with dialogue that's purely extraneous. Katawa Shoujo is a visual novel with writing as one of the core elements. The very fact that you would treat the writing of the two as being in any way similar is actually a pretty big insult to the visual novel. You actually burned it much more than I ever could, congratulations.

Who are you quoting?

>> No.8358263

/jp/ is jelly
everyone else likes it because its from 4chan

its completely average, but compared to the rather poorly translated stuff that passes for normal its better than could have been expected

>> No.8358262


>> No.8358270

Yeah no shit, of course I'm comparing a translation to an OELVN.

Still Sayo no Uta's story was pretty mediocre, despite the really cool premise.

Anyway, give me your favourite VN titles.

>> No.8358273

Threads like this make me wish I wasn't so stubborn and obnoxious to enjoy contemporary internet culture and visit sites like Reddit. I was going through Imgur the other day and seeing people parrot memes and enjoy themselves made me simultaneously upset and jealous. I wish I could just enjoy things without the, "Fuck you faggot." ironic and autistic self-deprecation that 4chan has.
But it's too late now.
I can't escape.

>> No.8358275

No, if KS was Japanese, we'd hate it by now since it would be 4 years old.

>> No.8358286


But you've probably never heard about them.

>> No.8358291

What is your favorite RPGs and adventure game with good dialogue?

>> No.8358294

Subarashiki Hibi
What a Beautiful series.

>> No.8358335

The guy looks herpderp.

I'm not that big a fan of the writing. It's probably the biggest give-away that it's not Japanese. It just doesn't have the profoundness nor depth of the writing of most Japanese VNs.

>> No.8358334

Point still stands that it's double standards.

>Mediocre bullet hell gameplay with cute loli witches doing cute witchy things.


>Cool concept VN with good production values for an amateur team.


Sure, because the characters and stories in Touhou games aren't the most interesting part of the series... get real. You think the fan-made doujins and anime talk about the gameplay? Whatever you say bro.

The point stands that if this was a Japanese game you'd be all over it. If you don't like that reality, cry into your hugpillow some more, play FSN for the hundreth time and appreciate some REAL writing. With mollusk analogies in the sex scenes and OH GOD BLOOD EVERYWHERE

>> No.8358349
File: 102 KB, 600x600, hi rin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit sucks

i've been in disability school

there are no cute girls irl

only male autistics

fucking unrealistic worst vn ever

do your fuckin research nexttime ks devs

sage this shit

>> No.8358351

You seem very misinformed about the Touhou series ZUN has created. There is a proper board for people like you.


>> No.8358354

Of course, I haven't heard of one the most famous VN series of all time, or Tsukihime either...

My nigga.

>> No.8358359


>>Cool concept VN with good production values for an amateur team
>>Mediocre bullet hell gameplay with cute loli witches doing cute witchy things.
That's not how arguments work.
And at least the nips disagree with you.

>The point stands that if this was a Japanese game
Cool shoe-horning logic and strawman.

Congrats /jp/, you pwned the b/a/by and now his butt's crying blood.

>> No.8358360

This reminds me. Does it bug anyone else that they try to use Japanese inflections? I know it's a VN and it's set in Japan, but it feels out of place to me. I mean, a character is saying things like, "It can't be helped." in an OELVN.
It makes the dialogue feel very awkward too. I know most literary works aren't supposed to be super true-to-life, but read aloud what each character says. See what it feels like to have conversations using the words they use. If it was a Japanese-translated-to-English moege or something it would be fine, but in a serious drama VN it feels really off.

>> No.8358364

>everyone else likes it because its from 4chan
Why do you fucking imbeciles get this completely absurd sense of accomplishment from this VN?

The only thing 4chan ever did related to this was giving a very nebulous idea of what RAITA's game might be like if it was real, then a bunch of people started their own forum and development independent from 4chan.

4chan is unrelated to 99% of KS development, yet you idiots still delude yourselves with this MADE BY 4CHAN FOR 4CHAN bullcrap.

But hey, I give mad props to KS devs for managing to milk 4chan's publicity for all its worth, by taking advantage of idiots like you.

>> No.8358372

>With mollusk analogies in the sex scenes and OH GOD BLOOD EVERYWHERE

Funny thing is, this shit is better than the KS sex scenes.

>> No.8358385

I've played EoSD and PCB. Unless you can somehow prove that people just play it for the bullet hell, and not the moe prepubescent girls, your point is invalid.

>> No.8358387
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>> No.8358397

I still do not like mollusk analogies.

And the only one with a good scene was Kohaku.

>> No.8358401

That feel when every 4chan-derived project is more successful than local projects once it disassociates itself from 4chan. Even 4chan itself. Sites like the Cheezburger Network have made a fortune whereas 4chan "just breaks even."

>> No.8358402

And look at all the money they've made from the stickies on /a/!

>> No.8358407

Not this guy but...
I play Touhou for the bullet hell.

But then again, originally came here because little girls, so...
Treat It as you want

>> No.8358411

>ignores key points, emphasis on buzzwords
>Still using pwned

It must be tough being born in 1999, nee-chan

>> No.8358412
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Someone please tell me.

>> No.8358413

Since you are probably from /v/ I'll put it in terms even you could understand: Nobody plays Mario Kart for its amazing platforming, but it still wouldn't exist had not been for Super Mario Brothers.

Things just don't magically become popular overnight.

>> No.8358414 [DELETED] 

Team 4chan is being awfully patient waiting for the inevitable reddit and other media coverage. The only reason they are promoting KS and because they know it has enough of a relationship with 4chan to gather more positive attention to the site.

>> No.8358419
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>> No.8358422

Why are you still here shitposters? We're all waiting for you at >>>/ks/

>> No.8358423

>mario kart

nigga what

>> No.8358427

The site is down though. And you guys are overthinking this. It is just a cute project about disabled girls. How is this supposed to make it into the news? It certainly is not the first of its kind.

>> No.8358426

Like that's a bad thing.

I honestly have no problem with new people coming to 4chan. Even if they're from Reddit or whatever. I think the kind of people this attracts will at least have the intelligence to lurk and learn the ropes. It's better than things like "Chanology" that bring in edgy teens and wannabe "haxxors." People who think 4chan should be some sort of seekrit klub gross-out community are the worst. It should be a place to be Wapanese and talk about things like this.

>> No.8358428 [DELETED] 

I love KS. I love KS. I don't know why I love KS but the 4chan staff loves KS so I love KS.

>> No.8358430

obvious samefag, jesus christ

>> No.8358434

>Even if they're from Reddit or whatever.
Most if not all Reddit users are meme spamming faggots and do not bother learning the ropes.

>> No.8358439

I was disappointed. The whole draw was have sex with cripple girls. Yet no arms doesn't give a footjob. I don't rub my cum in scarred girl. I don't get to throat fuck mute girl. I don't even get to rub on nubs. So what's the point if I have vanilla sex with weird looking chicks?

>> No.8358442
File: 51 KB, 406x480, dumbkidcouldn'tevenrecognizethehint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keypoints? What keypoints? Your so-called argument is as good as "it's good because I say so"

>> No.8358444

You don't know the people from reddit, do you?
They willl never bother to lurk and learn the ropes.

>> No.8358446

If you want alternative porn, visit /d/ and download some doujins. You've missed the point of this VN.

>> No.8358448

>the point
Please inform me, oh wizened one.

>> No.8358450

"Buyer's" remorse. They got incredibly hyped for it and expected it to be the best thing ever. Because of that, they're essentially deluding themselves into thinking it's better than it is.

>> No.8358452
File: 64 KB, 580x441, fuckthisshit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Alright faggots, I've asked politely three fucking times now. Polite doesn't seem to work here. DO YOU THINK THIS IS A FUCKING GAME?! Someone's going to tell me, and tell me now or i'm going to fucking cut a bitch!

>> No.8358453 [DELETED] 

Let's help promote a game or VN that we probably haven't even played or read ourselves just because it has some meta relationship with the site. Then let's watch the people on /a/ go apeshit over it thinking it's the greatest thing since sliced bread all because of a few sticky threads.

Team 4chan does viral marketing good.

>> No.8358459

You're supposed to play KS for the story(ahaha) and not the porn everyone was expecting when that /a/ thread was made.

>> No.8358463

Nope, the point was that

Fun Japan doujin game = a ok
Fun Western VN = somehow not ok

>> No.8358465

But if it was for the story then I'm even more disappointed

>> No.8358474

You are such hypsters, /jp/. I could go to /soc/ and /fa/ and i don't think I could find such omnipotent trendy faggots like you.

>> No.8358479

the point is more
Japanese doujin game = "well the art is not great and dialogue almost inexistant but patterns are fun"

>> No.8358480

Oh boy the "you cant do X better so your criticism of X is invalid". I cant tell you that a movie is shitty or good does that make me a good director, probably not. Still doesnt make my opinion invalid. KS wasnt a horrible piece of shit, it was just average. It lacked polish, story seems to either end to soon (Hanako) or take to long to finish(Lily). Knowing the target audience of their VN was 4channers it took itself to seriously and miss on a lot of fetishes for the sake of political correctness. I give the game a 3/5. Its not bad but its not gonna revolutionize VN.

>> No.8358487 [DELETED] 

KS is the heartwarming fruit of labor that came from a small team that spent years working on a VN and in the end it turned out to be a celebrated work of shit full of gimmicks and other shallow crap that even makes even the worst VN's ever made blush with embarrassment not just for the VN and the team but for western VN development as a whole.

>> No.8358490

I take is as a compliment

>> No.8358498

>It can't be helped
But that's saying has become part of the english language to represent the attitude of japs. Is not as awkward as Ojisan, Onichan, Keikau, Kawaii and other untraslated shit that its awkward to read.

>> No.8358501

>Buyers remorse?
Oh wow. Look this is free entertainment. Tbh I'd have spent a few dollars (like $2-5) on it.
Sure it has flaws (writing-wise Emi and Rin's routes took a nosedive in Act 4 especially) but there's a lot of heart and I had a lot of fun playing it. It's by no means a masterpiece but I don't think anyone here or on /a/ is saying otherwise. But to say buyer's remorse? Noone's disappointed by this.

>> No.8358507

>4chan should be a place to be Wapanese
I have this urge to meet you IRL and beat the shit out of you.

>> No.8358515

Not the guy you're responding to, buy why?

>> No.8358516

You must be new here.

Here, allow me to refresh your memory: strawberryheaven.

If that doesn't ring a bell, you are a newcomer.

>> No.8358520

>play KS for the story
Oh man I think this was the problem with this game. The devs thought that we cared for a story about crips. All that we wanted was a game about fucking crips not about crips. Big difference bro. Too bad that the writters are probably high on PC and diversity bullshit. Lets hope some sick jap can do a doujin of this and make our dreams come true,.

>> No.8358524

Terrible art overall, I don't know how many artists worked on this but apparently none of them had any basic grasp of shading.
Terrible story, girl is worried about being defined by their disability then Hisao appears and helps her get over it. This applies to every single route in the game except Rin's (not that it matters, since she easily has the worst one, with sloppy melodrama that goes nowhere, faux philosophy and the mc throwing hissy fits about their petty teen problems).
Ridiculous choices, all of them are obvious binary right/wrong options, they might as well no have even bothered with it.
5 years in development. For what? Applying filters to a bunch of photos? Making the poorly constructed and effortless structure? It seems the soundtrack is the only department where they didn't do a lazy half assed job.

Oh but don't feel bad 4LS.
Maybe you can try again in another 5 years.

>> No.8358526

>Lets hope some sick jap can do a doujin of this and make our dreams come true

It would be funny if RAITA himself did it.

>> No.8358531

>It's by no means a masterpiece but I don't think anyone here or on /a/ is saying otherwise

Are you kidding me?

/a/ and /v/ are hailing this as the best thing since sliced bread.

>> No.8358534

Nobody can be bothered to type up a serious reply to your wise-ass rhetorical question in a KS thread of all places.

but if you so insist, why not settle for an answer from the great sage zunbar >>8358222, and stop making a clown of yourself.

>> No.8358536

Apparently he is aware that KS was finished.

Hopefully, if he does make a doujin, he will not resort to ultratall basketball sized breasts girls.

>> No.8358538

As if anyone in Japan except for some white guy would even give a fuck enough to play this.

>> No.8358540

Too early 2000s for you?

>> No.8358545

Im a /v/igil/a/nte and there has been a lot of people angry about how underwhelmed the game was. Speciallly /v/. They are angry that they got no footjobs and other fetishes.

>> No.8358548

As if he has any other breast sizes than that and ribcage flat.

>> No.8358553

To be fair, i'm hoping he gives Shizune large breasts, after all, she was supposed to have largest bust out of the five girls, but somehow the KS devs decided to make Lily the biggest.

>> No.8358556

I'm going to make Every Fetish Ever: The Game just so people can hate it and then we can argue about 4chan's double standards.

In before people think 4chan isn't a single hivemind entity with one collective opinion.

>> No.8358558
File: 523 KB, 800x600, screenshot0023.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was a footjob scene if you made the right choices.

>> No.8358559

I hate people that think Japan is the greatest shit ever and that is the best place in the word. They are sad individuals that havent seen how shitty japan really is.

>> No.8358564

>but I don't think anyone here or on /a/ is saying otherwise.
Yeah, no.
There are retards claiming to cry with the "dramatic" scenes and unable to bring themselves to play other routes because the first one they finished WAS SO AMAZING they would feel bad about their girl of choice.

I expect this level of shittiness from the lowest depth of a modern Final Fantasy game fanbase.

>> No.8358571
File: 528 KB, 800x600, screenshot0024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will not post the actual H CG, because this is a worksafe board, but you get the idea.

>> No.8358572

/jp/'s opinions don't count.

>> No.8358565

What does RAITA think of this whole thing anyway?

>> No.8358566

fo real?

>> No.8358573

I'm kinda disappointed... you'd think that a site full of of shut ins who spend all their time playing plot heavy games would be able to come up with something better than lol transfer student slice of life. there is no mystery, murder, no crazy yandere going on a rampage and burning the school down. it's really boring.

>> No.8358574

I don't want to play this because I'm afraid that I'd get depressed from seeing cute girls with crippling disabilities.

>> No.8358577

So since this is Ren'Py and Python is easy and all the assets are free to fuck with, who wants to make a parody version with me?

>> No.8358578

Yeah, it doesn't even have explosions or super powers either! What a piece of shit.

>> No.8358586

>They are angry that they got no footjobs and other fetishes.
You mean "why they didn't satisfy my sick otakuish fetishes lol arrg i'm so mad xD highfive bros" angry?

>> No.8358580

It's not shitty, It's boring.
Country side is nice to see once in your life, but that's all. Nothing special at all.

>> No.8358581

It ends in nowhere, dont belive him.

>> No.8358582

Except early 4chan was all about anime; the only thing that comes from Japan that we care about.
If you think we think Japan is the best country in the world, you are either stupid or just being trolled.

>> No.8358588

There's a sort of inherent irony in how "Wapanese" is (was?) used on 4chan. Keep in mind that "weeaboo" was originally a word filter for "Wapanese" (based on some completely unrelated PBF comic).

>> No.8358592

i know. it's like they didn't even try.

>> No.8358594

He said 4chan should be for wapanese. Wapanese is a white guy that thinks the japanese culture is vastly superior to their own and wishes to be a jap. I Like anime but I dont think japan is a good country to live.

>> No.8358596

Cool samefagging man.

>> No.8358598

Look at his posts again. Now back to yours. Yeah...
back to you bro.

>> No.8358601

It's the most emotional VN I've read since Symphonic Rain. Stop being so tsundere.

>> No.8358604

That if such a game was made, he would be all over it.

He has been quiet, but then again the guy has been inactive for a couple months now.

>> No.8358602
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>> No.8358603

> emotional
TRU4CHANNERS don't feel emotions. We're completely jaded against fear, sadness, happiness or guilt.

>> No.8358605

I actually liked this mural and want it as my wallpaper.

>> No.8358607

I only did 2 routes (Hanako, Rin) and they were both shit.
I'm not even bashing for the sake of bashing, I actually tried it with an open mind and got shit writing, no sense of pacing and nothing interesting happening ever.
So I don't think it's just people being tsundere, it's just bad

>> No.8358609
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>> No.8358613

Play Shizune's route if you want to see the worst.

>> No.8358618

Freaky sex would have been awesome and rewarding.

>> No.8358624
File: 49 KB, 300x518, tumblr_lwd9bnAHT51r2m047o1_400.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, were you expecting a battle over the Holy Grail?

>> No.8358625

I've done Lilly and Rin, and yeah it really drags on.

It needs to be slice of life, not chunk of life.

>> No.8358630
File: 26 KB, 401x225, sei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It seems the soundtrack is the only department where they didn't do a lazy half assed job.

Just started playing after having finished Zero no Tsukaima Season 1, and I have to say the music sounded pretty shit and generic for a while..

but then I encountered Lilly for the first time and Concord came on and then I just stopped caring.

Other than that, I don't doubt you will be right. But the sight of the bit right below Lilly's chest when she's wearing her school outfit make me not give a damn at all.

Makes me go crazy.

>> No.8358636

The characters are realistic with accurately portrayed psychological issues that get resolved with convincing character development. KS has very touching romance and tasteful sex scenes. Looks like /jp/ can't handle anything that's not one-dimensional archetypes.

>> No.8358637

Pretty much same situation here.
And before people say shit like "you don't like it because it's not japanese", I dropped japanese games for way less and way earlier, if anything the fact that it was western-made is the only thing that made me continue reading it otherwise.

>> No.8358641

I don't understand why you guys have to come here to "prove" that KS is great. if you really like it, keep it to your board.
There's even a sticky in /a/, and it's probably the same shit in /v/. Stick to your board or whatever, but don't force your opinion here.

>> No.8358649

I don't mind slice of life or slow pace, since it has already been cited I loved Symphonic Rain.
But in KS it's just boring.
It's a question of execution

>> No.8358673

>I've played EoSD and PCB

Come back when you've played the other ones. Please go back to your board your filth.

>> No.8358675
File: 17 KB, 354x277, shrug..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could have been a lot worse.
Finished all girls

The music is the only thing that they did pretty well, being generic but average at worst and pretty atmpospheric at best.
I'm not saying everything else is bad, but with the rest it's just that there is always something off.
Take the art for example. It's just way too shaky in quality. I watched all the little animations for the girls and at times it's looks pretty good and then at other time you have to wonder if anyone ever looked at these before.
Same with the still images. You can't denie skill but again, some are just plain bad. The final photo of Shizune comes to mind. It's the end supposed to be rewarding? Instead we get this really awful photo and I actually sat there and wondered how anyone could look at this and say 'Yup, awesome, let's go with it.'

As for writing, I don't want to about it complain too much. The characters are solid and believable most of the time but yet again you have moments that just seem out of place. The story kind of dabbles past and I'll give them the benefit of the doubt that aimed for this lighthearted feeling. But again you can't ignore the ham-handed attempts at 'hurr disabilites are not so bad no prejudice plz'. And I can't help but feel how they let this huge opportunity go by to actually delve into what it means to be disabled. With most girls, the disabilty quickly becamse just like some perk with little importance to their actions or their character. This is less the case for Shizune and Lilly for obvious reasons.

All in all it was okay I guess, a fun little timewaster.

Oh and before I forget to mention it, it's totally unfappable. What the hell man, you have cripples at your disposal we get vaginal in boring positions most of the time? Jesus fucking christ.

>> No.8358685

btw, devs, how does this make sense:

>Emi Ibarazaki
>Height: 151 cm

>> No.8358725

What's wrong?

>> No.8358752


>With most girls, the disabilty quickly becamse just like some perk with little importance to their actions or their character. This is less the case for Shizune and Lilly for obvious reasons.

I think you should add Hanako to that list. Her disability was way more mental than physical and her entire route was focused on it.

>> No.8358760

>Looks like /jp/ can't handle anything that's not one-dimensional archetypes.
Regardless of whether you are from /a/ or /v/:
Pot, meet kettle.

>> No.8358776

I left her out on purpose. To be honest I still don't know why she is even in it.
I'm not sure how to put this correctly, but her disabilty isn't really a disabilty. Her physical disabilty apparently does not impact her capabilities in any way and all that it has caused are her psychological problems.
Now that isn't wrong or anything, but it kind of defeats the whole 'crippled girls' part of the VN. It is downgraded to the cause of her problems and those problems are what her route is about. And well, if I wanted to play a VN with a generic moe shy girl, there are countless out there that do it better.

>> No.8358788

Probably because as VN's go, Katawa Shoujo really is pretty unique.

The Japanese are a race of perfectionists, and it's reflected in their media, especially media of an "otaku" nature. Anime characters are usually mary sues with no flaws, and if they DO have flaws, it's the kind of psychological flaw that comes from having a "lol dark and tragic past"

Katawa Shoujo has characters who are legitimately flawed and disabled. Lilly isn't some kind of blind karate master who can kick the shit out of anyone, she's just fucking blind.

>> No.8358793

0/10, get out of /jp/

>> No.8358803

People play Touhou because it's the free alternative to games like Dodonpachi.

>> No.8358811

> Touhou
> free
touhou is neither free as in freedom or free as in beer (which I'm drinking right nwo because i drink beer)

>> No.8358813

lol you mad that I'm candid about your Yamato master race?

The Japanese are a shitty people and otaku culture represents everything bad about it, just like sports culture represents everything great about ours. D.W.I

>> No.8358815

Took you that long to find an excuse, a pathetic one at that, to defend KS?

Man talk about insecurity.

>> No.8358817

Yes it is, ZUN has gone in interviews saying he doesn't care if people pirate his games.

>> No.8358830
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>> No.8358831
File: 43 KB, 300x300, 1303719113389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>KS has very touching romance and tasteful sex scenes.
Yeah, that gay lemon flavored lube anal scene was so tasteful!

And the protagonist readily available for rabbit sex at any time despite his ED, such realistic and accurate portrayal of real life issues!

>> No.8358838

erectile disfunction

>> No.8358840

Whos this awesome mod. He has gained all of my respect.

>> No.8358845

> other OELVNs
What about Uncle Mugen and Christine Love?

> Yeah, that gay lemon flavored lube anal scene was so tasteful!
What a fucking pointless and uncomfortable scene. Why did they put that in? It wasn't arousing or anything. Was it some sort of ``deconstruction'' of the modern views of anal sex in VNs or something?

>> No.8358847

Saved, wallpaper'd, printed out and framed.

>> No.8358856
File: 772 KB, 481x5000, 1323989687927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>liking KS

Sadly, this comic turned out to be mostly true. I dunno, I really can't get the hate for KS on /jp/, and really, it's not rational. Just what kind of expectation were you guys looking forward to from this?

This was done in 5 years off of the free time of other people that have work and other things to do in their lives. They didn't do this for profit or anything and yet, you guys expected something along the lines of Key works like Clannad or Little Busters for it to even come up on the radar for you guys.

But seriously /jp/, you should just lay off the hate and appreciate it for what it is. Even out of all the VN related material that non-Japanese people have produced, I would say this would probably be the best. As for free VNs go, probably could be considered one of the best.

So why is /jp/ still hating on this?

>> No.8358858

I have played lots of eroge and VNs with worse plot and writing

haven't really played any with worse sex scenes though

>> No.8358871

Why did you post that picture? Are you aware that it conflicts with what you just said?

>> No.8358867

>Uncle Mugen
Jokes on you, Mugen doesn't speak or write in English.

>> No.8358875

I hope it's true. I want to believe.

>> No.8358883

All we wanted were fetish sex scenes.
The moment the devs blogged that there wasn't going to be any killed it for most of us.
It also doesn't help that the vanilla sex CGs look bad and the writing for the sex scenes is below average.

>> No.8358886
File: 31 KB, 213x214, 1325128882153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sadly, this comic turned out to be mostly true
>So why is /jp/ still hating on this?

are you stupid or something?

>> No.8358891

Why would you hope it's true? /jp/ already is hardly anything but 'talk with /jp/ users' and 2hou.

>> No.8358895

That's deep, man.

>> No.8358903

>Sadly, this comic turned out to be mostly true.
>I really can't get the hate for KS on /jp/
You really don't understand what that comic's trying to say, do you?

>> No.8358900

it's hilarious that people still can't get over other people not forcing themselves to play something they don't like, and call this somehow "hate"

>> No.8358909

I dropped it because all the girls are whores, exactly as I would if it were a Japanese VN.

>> No.8358912

>But seriously /jp/, you should just lay off the hate and appreciate it for what it is.
How about no? Why should you decide what we should or shouldn't like?
>This was done in 5 years off of the free time of other people that have work and other things to do in their lives. They didn't do this for profit or anything and yet, you guys expected something along the lines of Key works like Clannad or Little Busters for it to even come up on the radar for you guys.
I'm tired of this stupid argument. It's the same crappy argument every indie game developer and their stupid legions of fanatics use to defend their shitty half assed games. Who cares if you didn't have a big budget or are not making profit or whatever, you whiny fucktards? Your product sucks deal with it. I'm not going to enjoy a subpar product simply because of the conditions in which it was developed.

>> No.8358920

Well then there isn't any reason for you to stay. Good bye, don't come back.

>> No.8358924


Question, does it suck because it was free or "indie" or does it actually suck, and have you found free games that you feel were worth paying for.

>> No.8358930


No, as far as a generalization goes for this board in terms of a reaction on KS, I think it is pretty accurate for /jp/ mostly, although definitely, I should empathize not 100% of what is in the comic is true.

What I am saying is that the hate for KS on /jp/ seems irrational and probably you guys won't explain anyways. But I'm suggesting for you guys to lay off the hate for this.


Why would you desensitize something as touchy as this. I know that fetishes are important to you people but why does it have to be so? Even Raita didn't want something like that to happen.


No one is forcing anyone to play this. But if viral marketing is the reason you think this is absolute shit, then it's pretty irrational to spew out negative comments on it.


You explain it then in your own terms because apparently, I'm misinterpreting something. I understand it as because everyone hates /jp/, /jp/ hate KS in return.

>> No.8358933
File: 411 KB, 200x115, 1296189910130.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Probably because as VN's go, Katawa Shoujo really is pretty unique.

>> No.8358942

What other VN lets you date a girl without arms?

>> No.8358949

>But if viral marketing is the reason you think this is absolute shit
nice job making sweeping generalization, I guess? Read the thread, you'll find posts with valid criticism that don't read "hurr it's popular we hate itt", despite what your perceived image of the board is.

>> No.8358953

That's beside the point, idiot.

>> No.8358957

If tehy actually used the disabilities.
Otherwise it's like saying a VN from aliens from god knows where it's unique because it features aliens from god knows where.
Most of them didn't have anything related to their disability.

>> No.8358966

>You explain it then in your own terms because apparently, I'm misinterpreting something. I understand it as because everyone hates /jp/, /jp/ hate KS in return.

The comic clearly depicts that nobody in /jp/ cares despite what some individuals might think,
in the end /jp/ is just /jp/ and /a/ is shitting up their board as usual.

>> No.8358972

Not him, but I've bought a lot of indie games. There are a number of good doujin VNs, even; Higurashi and Narcissu come to mind.

KS just plain falls short, on a number of levels.

>> No.8358978

KS is shit.

>> No.8358982

and your posts seem to emphasize on "/jp/ hates it". Again, why did you post that picture? I want to understand your thought process.

>> No.8358987

Read the final, non-thought bubble.
/jp/ doesn't actually give a shit about the KS shitstorm on /jp/, and is just enjoying the ride.

/a/ thinks /jp/ is butthurt and is just pretending to not be butthurt.

>> No.8358989


>I'm tired of this stupid argument etc. etc.

Exactly. Instead of releasing a half-assed product spend more time and make it better. It really isn't that complicated, there is no time limit.

>> No.8358990

ITT: autism
Any normal person would recognize that the drama is pretty much perfectly done.

>> No.8359001

These guys keep reminding me of the narutards that complain about /a/ not wanting to discuss Naruto with them.

>> No.8359005

People thinking KS is good is like people thinking Naruto is good.

>> No.8359016

I'll try to make it clear.
KS is not SHITTY BAD, but it has nothing special.
The only "special" thing is disability, but it's not even used correctly. (sex scenes and plot)
If it were a Japanese VN brought by C81 it would be just another average/shit-tier doujin game almost nobody care about.
There are way more entertaining VN out there, even your average nukige or moege is better. I'd rather read another 100times Shuffle! than reading KS again.
KS isn't that BAD, but why would you bother coming here spamming /jp/? It's annoying having threads made by outsiders trying to force their opinion upon us as if KS were godly and they were VN experts.

>> No.8359032

k guy.
So, not this anon, but I've played pretty much every touhou, official and fangames, and would say that he is right. Problem?

Damn, a lot of you a freaking ridiculous here. Not all of you but a good number. Especially guys like >>8358520.

>> No.8359067


This is a valid argument as far as how you would judge something. I dunno, but if you want to judge everything like that, then most of /jp/ would be seen as "disgusting" and "irresponsible" accordingly to the standards set by society. But since you guys don't live in society, standards like that shouldn't even apply for you, correct? But what you are arguing about in terms of standards is like me saying that yes, society's standards apply to /jp/.


Where's another VN made that would go into exploring the disabilities and problems of other people? Farland Symphony is the closest in terms of a VN as far as exploring problems like these.


I'm not trying to make a generalization for you guys, or trying to make too many assumptions about the hate of the game. But I'm getting some good thought-out criticisms of the game but I don't understand why it has to be judged in terms of professional Japanese VN standards.


Because I thought it represented accurately the thoughts of /jp/ but whatever, I'm wrong. Bash me on it or whatever not.


As far as this certain product goes, I'm just saying that this does seem pretty complete as far as a VN goes.

>> No.8359068

Sure, and every guy in /r9k/ is 6'4, ripped, blonde, blue-eyed, and has 8 inch cock.

>> No.8359074

No-arms girl is the best one, imagine you could put a collar on her and she wouldn't be able to take it off. World's easiest bondage :3

>> No.8359089

Yes and no. I was okay with you until your comparison with Shuffle. Shuffle was entertaining, but despite what you could say about the level of writing in KS, it failed to do a good job a touching the reader, which KS does. (then again, it IS the whole point of KS. Shuffle, no. There's way less heartwarming moments and tear jerkers.)

Otherwise, nobody is saying that its AWESOME, but the character design, etc is correct enough (if sometimes generic) for it to be liked.

/a/ certainly is way too hyped about it, there's no doubt, but /jp/ is also objectively way too asspained. I'm almost ashamed.

>> No.8359094

>I thought it represented accurately the thoughts of /jp/

It does. It also represents /a/'s thoughts on /jp/'s thoughts.

You mistook the two.

>> No.8359102

>professional Japanese VN standards.

Do you understand what a "professional VN company" is? They're not forty person development teams. They're tiny little groups.
Furthermore, some of the most well-known VNs like Tsukihime, Saya, and Umineko are NOT professional either. KS doesn't even hold a candle to them and they were made in a fraction of the time with far fewer people.

>> No.8359105

>but I don't understand why it has to be judged in terms of professional Japanese VN standards.
Because you are spamming the board made for TH and Japanese VN?

>> No.8359123

> TH

>> No.8359135

Yes, shitty abbreviation I guess. Sorry.

>> No.8359133


>> No.8359139

Honestly, I would have approved you about this some months ago, but now I'm not sur at all anymore.

>> No.8359149

>I don't understand why it has to be judged in terms of professional Japanese VN standards.
it's not really "professional Japanese VN standards" as much as "standards of readers who are very acquainted with the genre", I can say I judge japanese doujin and free games with the same criteria, regardless of how many hours that japanese salaryman slaved away at night in his one tatatami room because he wanted to produce the first reverse reverse trap game ever
all we ever said is that the game is bad and people keep saying we have to lower our standards because we HAVE TO like it

>> No.8359150

At least the first five episodes were entertaining.

>> No.8359161

Umineko is at least 20 times longer than KS is. It was also good for at least the first 2/3rds or so. I don't feel like doing the math from here.

>> No.8359155


I liked it better when it was called Kizuato. Repetitive, simple music. CG is even worse than early Leaf's style.

"It doesn't hold a candle to tsukihime!", good lord, you typemoon fanboys don't know shit.

>> No.8359157

>I'm almost ashamed.
Don't say it like you're from here, no matter how you pretend to be.
and what you're saying has been said in numerous KS spam thread yesterday, as well as in this thread. Repeating it won't change anything. You're not convincing us of anything, you're looking for our acceptance, as one would put it. So please, stop it, put an end to this abominable thread, and go celebrate with your bros at /a/. And don't come back.

>> No.8359165

Primula route alone was more entertaining than KS, and I consider Shuffle! to be bad and boring. (Should have made it clear probably)

>> No.8359175

You only liked it because you are a lolipedo.

>> No.8359178

When was Nitro+ doujin?

>> No.8359191

Is it really possible for a loli to be a pedophile?

>> No.8359197


Fine, I guess I'm mistaken for misunderstanding this board. my bad but thank you for clarifying.


That was the closest I could think of at that time to classify the way you guys are trying to point out in terms of this game. What should I use then? Just "Japanese VN" standards?


I dunno. Umineko did it in chunks that took around the same time. Tsukihime, Nasu basically did this for several years with no job and other obligation Saya, I thought it was professional VN company that made this, unless I was mistaken.


I'm not saying you have to lower your standards because you have to judge them like that. I'm just saying that it does seem unreasonable to judge it on that level.

But what you said about your standards, I can agree with it being fair.

>> No.8359198

Whoa dude, take. easy.

>> No.8359199

Too bad the story shits on anything the devs wrote.

>> No.8359205

Obviously. The Law says so.

Grab a loli h manga, and show it to an average person. Ask them: Do you think that the person who reads this is a pedophile? The answer will be "yes".

>> No.8359214

Did /jp/ just admit that Tsukihime and Umineko are good?

>> No.8359222

That doesn't make Nasu any less of a hack though. I rank him on the same level as that sperglord guy with his Sonichu character.

TsukiHime is popular because it sucks. You know, like how it is happening to KS. I am amused by this turn of events. Soon, KS will be permanent 4chan subculture.

>> No.8359220

Which is the problem. Being longer doesn't help if it is too long and start to sucks after 4 (let's say 5) episodes. Also, one of umineko's biggest inerest is it music, and I'm seriously wondering about calling the artists amateurs. Technically yes, but they have so much experience that it is something to relativize.

Which was pretty much the only ""sad"" part in Shuffle. And failed miserably, at least with me. But generally, as I said, it's to be expected, KS is more or less supposed to be constant " POOR GIRL AWW I WANT TO HUG HER" during the whole story, which shuffle isn't. I just found the comparison awkward.

>> No.8359231


Yeah, but it will probably be only when KS shows up.

>> No.8359234

Not good, just better than KS.

>> No.8359255 [DELETED] 

>>Don't say it like you're from here, no matter how you pretend to be.
Probably from longer than you, dear. Being from jp doesn't mean being asspained by pretty much everything.
And what I say is valid points that a bunch or retards thinking they are rebels and cool by cricticizing a work because it's popular, nothing else.
/a/? I probably browse it less than you. And that's saying something.
You are the ones putting /jp/ to shame. What happened to this stupid take it easy thing? I'm not sure being so asspained is a good way to show it.

>> No.8359272

Stopped reading there. Stop doing this. It makes you sound like a dumb southern hick slut from /cgl/.

>> No.8359274


A copypaste and people acting like idiots. I am no KS fan, but I really have to wonder why they are "better".

>> No.8359277

>>Don't say it like you're from here, no matter how you pretend to be.
Probably from longer than you, dear. Being from jp doesn't mean being asspained by pretty much everything.
And what I say are valid points (hough someone else developed it way more in this thread) that a bunch or idiots thinking they are rebels and cool by cricticizing a work because it's popular don't approve, nothing else.
Cricticizing is one thing. cricticizing without objectivity is another one.
/a/? I probably browse it even less than you. And that's saying something.
You are the ones putting /jp/ to shame. What happened to this stupid take it easy thing? I'm not sure being so asspained is a good way to show it.

>> No.8359291

You shoud delete you post again because you still said "dear."

>> No.8359296

KS is so bad, even shit like Tsukihime is better.

>> No.8359309

... you really don't like this word, don't you?
Well, I guess that at least it makes the whole thing funny, somehow

>> No.8359314

You guys are trying too hard. Take it easy, go back to your board etc.
KS isn't that terri-bad, and Tsukihime is really enjoyable if you take it easy.

>> No.8359316

It implies that the poster is a girl and we all know how girl posters are on 4chan.

>> No.8359326



This whole thread and the other 2 before it would prove you're wrong.

>> No.8359339

Don't try to hype the Jap too much, they'll end up very disappointed. The disability thing isn't used properly at all, let's not forget about the SLUT thing.

>> No.8359348

It reminds me of big dumb sluts gossiping about how fat some other slut is. "Oh honey, you's a hot mess! Go 'n get yoself right cleaned up, girlfran! An stop squeezin yoself into dresses too small fo yo fat ass dear, you's only making a nasty-ass boobloaf."

>> No.8359364

Speaking about the Japanese KS fanbase, why do they use ミーシャ for Misha? Is she Russian or something?

>> No.8359377

I think all the arguments could be summed up as: People who play VNs only care about quality and nothing else. If it doesn't stack up to everything else they played, then it's not worth touching. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.8359381

TsukiHime is only good for a laugh if you played the *better* game Kizuato. Same premise, same archetypes, and even some of the endings are similar.

>> No.8359395


What's a "proper" use for it?

Oh wait, you would want Rin footjob, rub my cum in Hanako, throat fuck Shizune, and rub on Emi's leg nubs.

Have some sensibility on this topic and stop being a insensible fool just because you want your fetishes fulfilled.

>> No.8359404

Tsukihime's one of nasu's earliest works right?

>> No.8359420

>Unavoidable Heroine Rape
Please tell me it's just the Kohaku one.
It's funny how one tag can kill my hopes.
How are Nanaya and Arcueid in this one though?

>> No.8359414

Jesus christ, you're acting as if drawn girls are the same as a real person.
Reminds me of the retards that think loli should be punished because you're raping imaginary little girls.

>> No.8359425

He also made a couple shitty short novels. The only one you might have heard of is Kara no Kyokai.

>> No.8359428


At no point in Tsukihime is there unavoidable rape.

There is one unavoidable molestation section, but you get an option to stop halfway through, and going through with the rape actually leads to a bad end.

>> No.8359432


Great, so all you expected from those characters was them being a fuckhole for the MC and nothing else besides that, right? I'm sorry that your heart is made of stone.

>> No.8359436

I'm not talking about TH, I'm talking about Kizuato

>> No.8359437

So the novels were shit? Heard the movies were pretty decent.

>> No.8359461

No, I was expecting a heartwarming story, a touch of comedy, and fetish scenes that felt natural.
I'm sure if the devs made a blog post saying "Hey guys, want us to make fetish scenes for the next ver of KS?"
Most people would be happy and not react as "That's fucking gross, I am ashamed of the devs".
You seem to forget that KS's main audience is 4chan.

>> No.8359462


What do they think of it?

>> No.8359463

One lesbian side character is raped. Some bad endings have unavoidable rape.

Nanaya is the demon blood in this case.

>> No.8359480

So it's not a girl I'm supposed to love, right? Having one of the main heroine raped is really a turn off for me.

>> No.8359475

> /l50
I hate when people do this.

>> No.8359490


Your own expectations, so fine. I won't judge anymore than I did in my other post but I'll say that I am against any fetish scenes, and I do support 4LS's stance on it.

>> No.8359502

Well, if you screw up the heroines get raped and killed.

Say hello to gaping chest wounds with semen smeared all over.

>> No.8359520

>The protagonist has a heart condition, right?
>He takes a crazy amount of drugs each day, right?
>Can he really have sex?
>Won't he ahegao and die upon ejaculation?
>Or is the school nurse always on hand when he's having sex?
>Please tell me, people who can into English

>> No.8359523

Should I understand that as, as long as I make the right choices the heroines will never be raped?
If yes, downloading.

>> No.8359526
File: 590 KB, 600x800, 1324045051533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buttfrustsrated people from /a/ complaining about /jp/ regulating itself

Are you against capitalism too, you damn communist mongrels

So a small board doesn't like your overhyped piece of crap, boohoo big fucking deal faggots, gb2 dirnking ur dad's sperm and cry yourself to slep at night fucking losers

The irony hear is that the buttdevasted idiots that spam this board with KS shit are the same that copypasta to death "big three" threads on /a/ withouth realizing there both babby entry level shit

>> No.8359531

>Judging by the current schedule, the Japanese language version should come out in about two years, right?


>> No.8359532

>The irony hear is that the buttdevasted idiots that spam this board with KS shit are the same that copypasta to death "big three" threads on /a/ withouth realizing there both babby entry level shit

It's funny because it's true.

>> No.8359541

Correct, but the paths are tricky. Have fun!

>> No.8359554

Fine with me, I'll make anything to protect my girls.
Thanks for answering my stupid questions, downloading.
Too bad the TLwiki project looks dead though, I'll have to read it slowly in Japanese. Hopefully the writer isn't like Nasu.

>> No.8359561

>Please tell me, people who can into English
The amount of nips that cannot into English (which should be universal language by now) never ceases to astound me.

>> No.8359620

Why is this average VN getting so much attention? You'd think something better than Remember 11 or Clannad came out or something.

>> No.8359643

The entire thread is just /jp/ being shitty as it is on any given day.

Why would anyone be here from /a/? Are you fucking retarded? They have a sticky for it. Beyond that, how many people who watch the "big three" actually read VNs? Precisely none. The only way I'm wrong is if you're projecting and are the only Naruto fan who reads VNs.

>> No.8359778

And, about this but more related to KS, I find it pretty ridiculous that some japanese people actually WANT a japanese translation in order to to play it.
As you are saying, it is supposed to be a fucking universal language, and nowadays is different from 10 years ago, you have the internet and PLENTY of tools you can use in order to learn. Are the japaneses just that lazy? It's ridiculous. Am I asking for a goddamn french translation for it? English isn't a particularly difficult language.

>> No.8359986

> What happened to this stupid take it easy thing?

Confirmed for not being from /jp/.

>> No.8360226

> English isn't a particularly difficult language.

As for your other points, those apply to the Japanese language as well- Doesn't stop people from being lazy fucks and whining for an English translation.

>> No.8360680

Sorry for bumping this topic since it's a particularly touchy subject for /jp/, but from the sch thread, what does this mean?

648 : マジで完成したんか

>> No.8361249


>> No.8361514

>Threads like this make me wish I wasn't so stubborn and obnoxious to enjoy contemporary internet culture and visit sites like Reddit. I was going through Imgur the other day and seeing people parrot memes and enjoy themselves made me simultaneously upset and jealous. I wish I could just enjoy things without the, "Fuck you faggot." ironic and autistic self-deprecation that 4chan has.

I know that feeling too well on some days.

>> No.8361638

Needs a sequel with the Guilty Crown wheelchair girl in it.
