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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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File: 672 KB, 902x510, jessica being heterosexual as usual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
8428386 No.8428386 [Reply] [Original]

[spoiler]Why is Jessica Ushiromiya so incredibly straight and not gay?</spoiler>

>> No.8428391

[spoiler]Because homosexuality is a sin/unnatural.</spoiler>

>> No.8428394

Christian...? On my /jp/?</spoiler>

>> No.8428402

What, you don't believe in Jesus Christ, our lord and savior? What are you doing on this board?</spoiler>

>> No.8428408

You don't need to be a christian to see these things.
I'm an atheist, yet I can see the justification for many of the rules set by Jude-christian religions. It allows everything to just work. Enjoy your miserable degenerate world.</spoiler>

>> No.8428412

You know, I don't think anyone who posts on /jp/ should be starting any witch hunts any time soon.</spoiler>

>> No.8428414
File: 221 KB, 1024x663, 1325554841261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, I am as secular as they come, just trying to be broad on my contempt for such an aberration.

I try to keep an open mind, but not so open that my brains slip out. I find nothing of worth in homosexuality, and I do not think it should be encouraged.</spoiler>

>> No.8428416

>I find nothing of worth in homosexuality
....said the /jp/ poster.</spoiler>

>> No.8428423
File: 121 KB, 512x512, 12662869_p28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/jp/ is very, very conservative when it comes to morals. If most people here held deeply held religious convictions, I would not be surprised.</spoiler>

>> No.8428424

[spoiler]Battler's many comments on her bust and attempts to grope her were all beyond weird. That shit wouldn't fly in any family.</spoiler>

>> No.8428429

[spoiler]I just noticed that エロエロ and HO HO look the same when written vertically.</spoiler>

>> No.8428435
File: 37 KB, 150x150, back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That may be the case, but a bunch of NEETs who will never amount to anything really should be a bit more tolerant.

Not of shit posting, mind you, but I mean to say yes to floor shitting and no to lesbians is a bit inconsistent.</spoiler>

>> No.8428439
File: 308 KB, 1000x1532, 23950029_big_p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That should tell you something, eh?

I think about homosexuality, and I do not think it provides any benefits. If the source for it is a genetic error, then it is a mistake and should not be taken as normal. If the source is how the person was raised, then it must be erradicated and such practices forbidden. At best it is a popular paraphilia, at worst, a perversion.</spoiler>

>> No.8428443

Love can exist without sex, stop being an animal. I can love my parents or brothers, that doesn't mean I have to fuck their large intestine.</spoiler>

>> No.8428444

Who cares? As long as no one is trying to force a dick down my ass I'm ok with it.</spoiler>

>> No.8428446

Platon pls go</spoiler>

>> No.8428455

do you realize in what board you are right?</spoiler>

>> No.8428457

[spoiler]Mankind is bound to become extinct eventually either way, so why bother?</spoiler>

>> No.8428466

Well, we're on a rock tumbling through space, and the rock itself is dying.</spoiler>

>> No.8428470
File: 61 KB, 514x730, 1325606147871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am very much aware. That does not mean I should hide my opinions, in the same way I should not bash you for the constant crossdressing and prostitution threads I see. Who am I to judge you? I believe that there is something horribly wrong with homosexuality, but I am very much aware that the choice is yours. Not mine.

It's your life, right?</spoiler>

>> No.8428482

[spoiler]A society needs order to survive. Take Nazi Germany and their amazing levels of ordnung. In just a few years they flew from Zimbawe level trash after the great war, into a superpower that took on the rest of Europe.
The western world will go the way of Rome.</spoiler>

>> No.8428494

i'm not homo, i just wanted to know if you where aware you are in the board where everybody whants to be a little girl and crossdress

but you are right anyway</spoiler>

>> No.8428496
File: 159 KB, 850x850, sf5c0630aa53374f816b9e5dfe28d96c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[spoiler]Who cares, I'm only gay for 2D.</spoiler>

>> No.8428502

Yes, this is my proxy as well.
I've rid my life of 3D completely by using 2D instead. These days 3D does nothing for me anymore, it's great.</spoiler>

>> No.8429685

homosexuality appears all over the nature, not just in the human species. it was around long before humans appeared and still exists, and will long after the humans die out.

it's natural, only humans make a big deal out of it.</spoiler>

>> No.8429753
File: 48 KB, 500x500, watch-it-for-the-plot-(n1316314784803).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That still doesn't mean that it is functional, just a deviation from the (working) norm~

There is also bestiality, has happened all the time, but that still doesn't make it good.</spoiler>
