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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8627437 No.8627437 [Reply] [Original]

I come to you seeking your help and advice /jp/

I was out walking through my local shopping district and noticed a new shop has opened selling Japanese food, candy and beverages. Why the fuck someone would do that in my shithole town I have no idea since it's not exactly a thriving community of Japanese immigrants or weeaboo misfits (other than yours truly of course).

As expected a quick peer inside revealed a loan cute Asian girl manning the counter. I could see the usual assortment of instant ramen, Pocky and choco/strawberry bears (the name evades me at present) etc. Now I doubt this place will last one month here so I was thinking of taking a trip there (I did not go in as I looked like shit), sprucing up my appearance somewhat so I don't look like a dirty gaijin and buying up a haul of food items etc all the while hitting on the girl with some of my basic weeaboo vocabulary I've picked up from anime and places like this, hopefully avoiding any instances with her overprotective, katana weilding onii/SO. Heck ya never know we may even become friends, who knows.

I need a list of good food, drink, candy items to take with me so I don't buy any old shit. What are good instant ramen, candy and drinks to look out for?

>> No.8627442

This post made me cringe.

>> No.8627450

>Why the fuck someone would do that in my shithole town I have no idea
She wants to fuck.

>> No.8627459

Yeah I know. I don't post on /jp/ often because I don't fit in with you lot and your VN waifus. I hardly fit in with /a/ and that's saying something.

So I am at your mercy.

>> No.8627468


>> No.8627469

she might be a bear and maul you, better watch out bro.

>> No.8627471


>> No.8627477

When was that added?
It seems unnecessary.

>> No.8627481
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>> No.8627484

Brotaku, you are totally hitting the dead end flag here.

You go into the store then ask that girl to help you pick the right stuff out. That's the right flag if you want to establish a connection.

>> No.8627486

I doubt they will know much about Japanese instant ramen. /hm/? lol WTF is that board doing on this site?

>> No.8627489

Here's a tip to you, then. Reduce your shitty post to this:
>I need a list of good japanese food, drink and candy items. What are good instant ramen, candy and drinks I should be looking for?
And submit it to /ck/ instead.
Also, fuck you.

>> No.8627491

Ah cool! I am socially inept. Should have thought of that right off the bat. Shit I need to get cleaned up, shave and put some non-neet attire.

>> No.8627506

>hitting on the girl with some of my basic weeaboo vocabulary

Faggots like you are the reason that I must hide my Japanese studies.

It doesn't matter what you buy, you're still white.

>> No.8627507
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>mfw I clicked on /hm/
>moot photo should be stickied

>> No.8627520

Why does Japan have so many awesome promotional food and snacks?

Vid related:

>> No.8627523
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>hitting on the girl with some of my basic weeaboo vocabulary I've picked up from anime and places like this

Don't do this. This will just push her away from you.
Feign ignorance and ask her for recommendations because you don't know too much about Japanese food but are interested in it. Don't bring a list, look at what interests you, buy what looks cool or tasty, and ask her what other people like/what she likes. Don't come on too strong either or even be too social. Just act interested and leave with your food. Come regularly like once a week to establish familiarity. Only after she recognizes you after several trips should you exchange names. Don't be retarded. And don't bring up anything anime or weeaboo related.

Also, get out of /jp/.

>> No.8627525

I know that but it will be fun anyhow. There are like '0' Japanese girls around my area so if she is a Japanese girl I want to see how she reacts to some white trash geek like me throwing a few shitty phrases at her. If it does not go well it will be a quick exit. No doubt she will be polite and smile perhaps laugh. All the while in the back of her mind thinking 'Oh hear we go again. Another idiot who watches too much anime and thinks he's clever because he knows a few poorly pronounced phrases' or somesuch.

I have nothing better to do with my time.

>> No.8627530

>I have nothing better to do with my time.
you could be shitposting instead. What are you doing with your life there?

>> No.8627532

Hmmm. Maybe you are right. I could become a regular and then start introducing some phrases gradually, saying that I got interested 'because' of the shop so tried to pick up some Japanese. Yeah, sounds like a plan. Don't oversell it I guess.

Same as you. Having none.

>> No.8627533
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Out, OUT! For the love of god, GET OUT!

>> No.8627535

Not every Japanese person likes anime. It's niche even over there and hate for anime watchers/otaku is more prevalent there than in other places in the world, simply due to how publicly known otaku hobbies are and how disgusting they can be. She might not even know that much about shitty anime stuff.
I swear, this is just some sort of troll.

She could also not even be Japanese, but Chinese, Korean, or an Asian American. Most Japanese places in America aren't even Japanese run. So spouting poorly articulated Japanese phrases will just confuse her.

>> No.8627539

Why is this eye-sore here? Just stop talking.

>> No.8627541

Not a troll. Just an idiot. It's true I should not be posting here for advice. I came here for the wrong reasons. I did get some useful tips though regardless. I could come back and update you but nobody wants me here so I won't bother. Peace and enjoy your 2D waifus.

>> No.8627557

Nobody will react to it well. Only faggots do shit like that in social situations. Unless the topic is about stupid shit like that.

Also I am shocked at the quality of advice. I expected at least one pleasure of coming inside post

>> No.8627560


Oh god. /a/ here. Sorry /jp/ I will lurk moar, but I have to respond to this. Then back to learning about this board

Seriously just STOP with the phrases bullshit. Go in, be friendly, act like a member of your own god damned country, ask her for help, and just be a nice guy. Don't mention anime or anything even remotely close to otaku culture. Being an otaku is looked down upon there even more so than here, so chances are she doesn't like anime and manga. Get a firm fucking grip on reality and get the fuck out of /jp/

>> No.8627561

When you leave say 'pai pai' they love it when you do that.
