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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8800875 No.8800875 [Reply] [Original]

Old thread: >>8778558
What are you playing? What are you looking forward to? What have you finished? You know the drill.

>> No.8800940
File: 205 KB, 1246x735, 324234234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yandere best dere!

>> No.8800960

Well there goes any motivation I had for playing the game. Thanks a bunch.

>> No.8801037

Thanks for spoiling it.

>> No.8801054

report and ignore, it's better than to answer them

>> No.8801057

Really now? Can't you keep this level of faggotry in the VN-threads on /a/ and /vg/?

>> No.8801099

Come on, the guy is a moron but you can't tell me you didn't see that coming from lightyears away.
That like spoling a story by saying "The bad guy lose at the end".

>> No.8801108

what's the title?

>> No.8801113


>> No.8801128

not helpful at all

>> No.8801133

'&' - 空の向こうで咲きますように

>> No.8801131

The title really is "&".

>> No.8801134

well, then sorry for being a fag

>> No.8801218

Finally picked up Little Busters, installed it and applied the english patch. I'm missing a no DVD/CD.exe though. Can anyone point me to a working download?

>> No.8801223

I believe there was a link in the last thread.

>> No.8801234


Thanks, but sadly it's 404 error.

>> No.8801240

I only have the crack for EX, so i really can't help you with this.

>> No.8801247

I'll try and ask in the /vg/ thread, maybe they can help me.

>> No.8801287
File: 278 KB, 1366x768, Capture36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started Hatsuyuki Sakura five minutes ago.

The art looks modern and the falling snow is a nice touch. The only problem is that it all feels a little bland. They've done nothing wrong with the art style or the palette choice, but it feels too generic and indistinguishable from the hundreds of other mediocre games out there. But I guess there's nothing about it that will seriously put people off.

Also, this girl reminds me of that slut in Ef for some reason (but I can't quite put my finger on it). I hope she has a hymen.

>> No.8801317

It still looks better than Natsuyume's art.
And please don't go insulting Yuuko.

>> No.8801324

Just started playing Clannad. Did Misae's route first, was pretty sad. Now I'm on Tomoyo's route. Do the bitch tears really get going soon?

>> No.8801333

You'll know when they come, they get a special song for Tomoyo's route.

>> No.8801336

I never mentioned any names. What makes you think I was referring to Yuuko?

>> No.8801349 [SPOILER] 
File: 848 KB, 800x600, meca-kyuubi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished Ayakashibito, and my own head for reading that final battle with my horrible and slow japanese to technical jargon, mainly that part that it turns into auto-mode with the OP. This and Suzu's ending was still the best part of the game and awesome, though.
Now I was wondering how is the Hounan's route in the PS2/PSP version.

>> No.8801363

Which route is the saddest? I kind of want to save the 'best for last' so to speak, so should I leave off Tomoyo for now or keep trucking?

>> No.8801370

After story is by far the saddest thing in clannad, and is locked till you do all routes.

>> No.8801372 [DELETED] 

Here the Little Busters patches.


>> No.8801373

She looks like Sakura.

>> No.8801378

The Hounan route is uploaded on Nico if you don't want to bother emulating.

Also a PSP port of Chrono Belt was announced recently, I wonder if it will get new content.


>> No.8801389

anybody tried princess lover with tl agreggator? is it playable enough to know what is going on

>> No.8801415

You have to be a special kind of autist to be able to play anything with a machine translator and actually enjoy yourself.

>> No.8801446

It's pretty good, but it's not really as plot-charged as Suzu's (branches off Touko's path) so it might feel lighter/""more shallow"" if you go back to it after clearing the whole game. Hounan's pretty good though.

>> No.8801511

It's starting to feel awkward playing games where main characters are way, way younger than you. Why are there so few adult/middle-aged protagonists? Something like damekoi would be awesome

>> No.8801623
File: 274 KB, 1286x748, 0MhIE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Needs more Shirokuma.


>> No.8801671

Time to stop playing japanese games, old man.

>> No.8801690

If I'm still playing eroge by the time I pass my 30s I might kill myself

and I probably will be too

>> No.8801691

Don't do it. ;_;

>> No.8801928

Just started ep8 in MLA. This is where it starts to get good right?

>> No.8801992
File: 114 KB, 1290x752, otomekoi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just started reading 乙女が紡ぐ恋のキャンバス

So far it is pretty middle of the pack but I am a sucker for trap protagonist. I am going to give it a few hours before I judge, will decide on whether to finish it or not after I get a good feeling for all the heroines.

>> No.8802014

Any vns with really sexy women in it with huge nice asses and big tits?

>> No.8802021
File: 552 KB, 1140x1646, Hyakka Ryouran_009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like this.

>> No.8802046
File: 460 KB, 1135x1600, 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or dark skinned women like this, it can have a lot of anal/futa also dont mind it but i really want it to be a romance than a sex romp.

>> No.8802131
File: 215 KB, 1024x600, 28040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but i really want it to be a romance than a sex romp.

I am not sure pure-love titles with an art like this exist, anon. I mean, that art style is really way too sex focused.
Anyway, have you tried stuff by Atelier Kaguya?

>> No.8802150

But why must it be sex focused?, i just like my waifus like that..
Any thing with that style thats really good besides it being a eroge or whatever. really something thats has women like this
>>8802046 though.

>> No.8803097

You should really try and change your posting style if you don't want to be recognised, MILF autist

>> No.8803120

I haven't played any in a long time.

Not sure where to start again or if I should even bother.

>> No.8804334
File: 149 KB, 1296x778, buy our games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8805157

So to the people who managed to get Eroge-bu running: how if fuck's name did you manage that? I read the anime-sharing thread but people there are just as clueless about this shit.

>> No.8805186

Currently Reading: Kira Kira
Favorite VN's:
Cross Channel
Fate/Stay Night
Swan Song
Saya no Uta

>> No.8805195

Replace the mds with the 9kb one, rename the iso to mdf.
Burn the mdf with Starforce and activated RMPS setting on a disk. Success.

>> No.8805203

>Burn the mdf with Starforce and activated RMPS setting on a disk

I have run out of DVD/CDs, and there is no way I'm going out in the middle of the week just to get them, fuck this normalfag shit. So yeah, I appreciate your assistance but I guess I'll be waiting for the NODVD patch.

>> No.8805204

Started on Mainichi ga M! a while ago.

I'm surprised they measured the protag's penis and it was 10cm, it seemed way smaller. Sure its small but not to the level that justify the shit/insults he got for it. Also, how did the protag fail to break the girl's hymen because he was too small, its literally at the entrance of the vagina... are the developers clueless virgins who made the game using their own measurements?

>> No.8805225

Anyone played the new Ensemble?
How is it?

>> No.8805239

Dropped Dracu-Riot, so back to just reading Ore ha Shoujo Mangaka.

>> No.8805291

The Demonion H-trial was great. I laughed heartily at the forced blowjob. Tried to bite the demonlord's dick off but failed because his mighty penis is just too hard so she ended up stimulating him instead.

>> No.8805427

Is there are agth code for it? I tried ith, but found only 2 threads, and they have missing characters. Changing font/char speed are not work..

>> No.8805591

yesterday i finished Steins;gate. it's the best vn i read ever. now im looking for other known and SUPER COOL novels. can u give me some?

>> No.8805595

The Maiden Rape Assault — Violent Semen Inferno
Suck My Dick or Die
Reika Bitch Training

>> No.8805598

Finished &.
It was nice I guess, not really something memorable like like Ruitomo or Comyu but it was an enjoyable read.
I think it could have been a bit longer and overall it felt a bit shallow though

>> No.8805601

Yeah that worked for me.
The whole disk check whenever you try to run the game is annoying though.

>> No.8806190

I repeat my request

>> No.8806279


Ayakashibito, Cross Channel, Daibanchou, Muv Luv
I guess >>>/vg/ will be able to help you better

>> No.8806363


This is a very interesting project I came across on kickstarter. It already has gotten some good amount of funding, but I would love to see it get funded and start. The designs of the characters and story sound really good.

>> No.8806372

How bad is Phantom of Inferno's translation? I really have no clue on guns and shit, so reading infinite engrish katakana which I cannot readily read as fast to begin with, coupled with no voice made me realize my limitations in Japanese as I quite frequently rely on listening, and drawing most from listening and supplement with reading to get complete understanding. So I'm reading Phantom Integration at a rather unenjoyable pace.

Also for scythe master.. Shit doesn't make sense, is the executive in Inferno retarded? McQwire just seem to be pushed around as an unintelligent passive fucktard with no insight into anything that happens beneath the surface. After two defections, oh well, lets allow scythe master to train up Cal as another phantom candidate and see how it goes. Nothing of worth to learn from history nope. After that massive slut Claudia, my innocent lolical is suddenly a vengeful self-destructive unstoppable force. Not through with Cal's route yet though but kind of annoyed at this.

>> No.8806399

Oh shit I'm hearing down the wire that Eushully's TCG is coming out this month? If thats so then this is a very busy week at the end of this month.

>> No.8806752

What exactly is a 信者ゲー again? I heard the term being thrown around a lot. Is it the shit game that's being overhyped?

>> No.8806781

A game that is/can be liked only by fanboys of a particular writer or company, I guess.

>> No.8806785

So Shumon, basically?

>> No.8806783

Phantom of Inferno's translation isn't the horrific part. It's the format that the translated version comes in. If you can't handle the Japanese in it, just put it off for another year until you improve. The DVD format isn't worth putting up with unless you have no other choice.

>> No.8806788

I wouldn't say that, I enjoy Shumon but am no way fanboy of his. Daiteikoku is what I generally think of when I see that word.

>> No.8806794

He may not have mainstream appeal, but far from that. I absolutely loved asairo and that's about the only game I've read by him, and only by recommendation.

>> No.8806796

Daiteikoku can't be explained with the word "fanboys". That's denial of reality on the same scale as organized religion.

>> No.8806803

They wanted to believe so hard it wouldn't be horrible they warped the reality inside their minds.

>> No.8806806

that's why they use 信者

>> No.8806808

I guess that makes sense, if you put it like that. >>8806781 sounds more like a polarizing game than a flat out bad one, hence why I said Shumon.

>> No.8807262

I really can't see what is so polarizing about Asairo personally, it's pretty much perfect at what it tries to be. Art, music and pacing are amazing as well.
Well the fact that it got shit on when it was released prove that the Japanese market is irremediably fucked up.

On another subject I'm really enjoying 乙女が紡ぐ恋のキャンバス surprisingly.
I tried both 花と乙女に祝福を and 黙って私のムコになれ from the same company before and found them pretty bad so I didn't expect much but I'm happily surprised.
Well getting a new writer can do wonder I guess.
Like Kaminoyu last month it's pretty much the surprise of this month

>> No.8807425

Is Asairo as brutally hard as Itsusora? Even the native speakers on EGS go on and on about how incomprehensible Itsusora is.

Honestly, I still can't get over the fact that Itsusora got released by Lump of Sugar.

>> No.8807473

> I still can't get over the fact that Itsusora got released by Lump of Sugar.
Neither can Japan, hence the scores it gets. It has one of the most entertaining genre shifts in the medium though.

>> No.8807524

Subahibi's genre shifts are pretty crazy too. If Itsusora does anything like that, I would read it in a heartbeat except I'm pretty sure my Japanese skills aren't up to par for something like that ;_;

>> No.8807547

Spoiling what kind of shift it does is not fun, but I can assure you it's a lot crazier than subahibi's, at least in my opinion.
Just give it a go, the NVL scenes may be a bit overbearing, but you get used to it.

>> No.8807560

I'm definitely gonna read it some day, but I'm so hyped about it that I don't want to jump into it until I'm sure I'll be able to read it well enough to enjoy it. I only VERY hesitantly picked up Subahibi because I was afraid of the reading difficulty, and honestly I'm still not sure I understand some of the bullshit Ayana said in that game. I mean, I'm sure I could get through Itsusora but I want to get the most out of it. I'm putting off Muramasa for the same reason.

>> No.8807574

Ayana was cryptic, but I found her to be brutally honest, in her own way, in Tsui no Sora II.
It was vague, but she basically told you the truth of the game.

>> No.8807643

I would have to read it again to be sure, but I don't think she said anything about how the fuck you're supposed to solve the mystery of Rabbit Hole I other than "it was another world" or something like that. There are so many inconsistencies in Rabbit Hole I that I think Scaji just gave up and threw it in a different timeline so he wouldn't have to untangle it.

>> No.8807687

At least she called it canon, given it's where te origen of the expression tsui no sora belongs to.
But I mean more related to the rest of the story and transmigration, the existence of one soul and all that. It made sense, more or less.

>> No.8808136

Oh god, I'm actually enjoying myself with Otomekoi more than I did with &.
I even find it better written, seriously the writing is really good for some reason.
What the fuck happened with Ensemble? DamaMuko was really horrible but Otomekoi is on pass for becoming quite a masterpiece

>> No.8808395

So will the full retranslation of steins gate be leaked?

>> No.8808423

What do you like about it so much? So far it has been dull and the protagonist goes on and on about art nonsense.

>> No.8808839

how long did it take for imopara to be cracked/NODVDed? I recall that had ridiculous DRM, as well.

>> No.8808902

I think I need some help here.
I've been in a eroge slump for the past month, being unable to play any game at all. Every time I start a game I would lose motivation to play it after 15 minute.
I'm playing Sayonara wo Oshiete, Makina's route in Grisaia, and Gunjou no Sora. Those are really interesting but I can't seem to put in the effort to play it. I don't think it has to do with boredom since I did sit through Yumiko's route for 6 hours straight.

>> No.8809313

I see, I just needed a latest build of ith and it worked well.

>> No.8809529

I'm looking for nice nukige that has a lot of kissing. (Whether it be the training type with kissing choices or just a lot of kissing in general during h scenes) Lewder the better.

To name a few which I've read:
美乳kiss姉 理美
戦乙女ヴァルキリー 1 / 2

>> No.8809541

KISS series by Winters.

>> No.8809555

Oh wow, I've got a few of their games but I never thought to take the title literally.

God dammit

>> No.8809821


I would recommend this if you like loli vampires who love to kiss and bite your tongue to suck the blood out at the same time


>> No.8809928
File: 69 KB, 640x452, 20120406103650710.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like Tanukisoft is going back to its roots

>> No.8809951

How so? That doesn't like like their roots to me.

>> No.8809967

better than the last game

>> No.8810069

How can you even tell? It's just an image of what the 3 heroines will be. A high school girl, middle school girl, and elementary school girl. Though middle school is my favourite age range, high school is a little too high. We also have no idea what the game is about. Could be another kid protag like Mebae.

I'm hoping it's better than Mebae, but it still looks like quite a bit away from their first two titles.

>> No.8810118

Decided that it's time for me to venture into the realm of older eroge, and thus decided that I want to try out Desire, EVE burst error and Ashita no Yukinojou 1 & 2. Faced with a bit of a dilemma though since there's about a million versions of Desire and EVE burst error, and there's that DVD special edition of Ashita no Yukinojou 1, and seeing that they've changed VAs and art styles in later version of the former two, I feel like I should ask which versions do you guys think gives the "true" experiences for Desire and EVE burst error?

Goes without saying that I'll be reading in Japanese as well.

>> No.8810167
File: 43 KB, 256x368, 132928665902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey /jp/, is this worth playing? I've really enjoyed the rest of Liar-Soft's Steampunk Series, and since this one's set in the same universe, I was considering giving it a whirl next.

>> No.8810230

I loved the art, but it's easily the weakest of the series.
It had some good ideas and characters though.

>> No.8810277

FYI you have a week to decide whether you really want to continue translating or not.

Anyone else here interested in translating the Milky Homes VN?

>> No.8810286

most people didn't really like it, moogy and ixrec loved it
so depending on how refined your tastes are you might like it or not

>> No.8810298

No wonder, the vocabulary really goes well with the setting, incredibly flowery and well chosen.

>> No.8810323
File: 488 KB, 1280x960, supermoogy9990jy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to post a picture of Moogy every time you mention him.

>> No.8810439


Dies Irae Amantes amentes will have an After Story for Marie's route.
Well anyone who did KKK know what it will be about, it's going to be rage worthy

>> No.8810448

At least it'll link better with KKK.
I kind of feel bad for NTR'ing Mercurius, the guy has loved Marie for a long time and her route basically leaves her with no one at all

>> No.8810456

I guess there will be a branch/choice
One will link to Rea's route, the other to KKK

Considering everything they are adding and how refined Dies Irae is becoming through the years this final version will be quite the masterpiece.

>> No.8810459

It's been almost five years already.
I hope the PC port doesn't have many delays.

>> No.8810462
File: 221 KB, 640x362, c20120406_diesirae_amantesamentes_53_cs1w1_640x362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new CGs are pretty awesome

>> No.8810466
File: 188 KB, 640x363, c20120406_diesirae_amantesamentes_52_cs1w1_640x363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8810468

skipping basically the whole game for those after stories is going to be a bitch

>> No.8810481

Rea's route gets some revamps at least. i also hope they've fized another couple of things, namely music direction with new tracks for Marie's route, not fixing it in Acta was lazy enough.

>> No.8810523

Anyone knows how to get my hands on that activation patch for ぶら ぶら 初回版?

>> No.8810531


Should be it

>> No.8810552

Yes! Thank you!

>> No.8810561
File: 100 KB, 463x684, topnew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deardrops is pretty good so far. I swaer, I change my interest every tim a new girl pops up, haha ha.

>> No.8810593

Currently playing through Kamidori Alchemy Meister. Man, I'm probably not even 50% through the game and I've already dumped 80 hours into it. (It's a VN/RPG hybrid.... doesn't feel too VN like, at times, but it is..)

>> No.8810595

Little Busters
Kara no Shoujo
Monmusu Quest part2

My VN folder just keeps growing. When the fuck am I going to read all that!?

>> No.8811029
File: 116 KB, 420x420, bitch who should die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, she's so fucking annoying. Isn't there some way to patch her out?

>> No.8811053

I can't believe there's someone who actally hates Chinami. You'll learn to like her.

>> No.8811058 [DELETED] 

How dare you?

>> No.8811075

How dare you?

>> No.8811441

Apparently they're all sisters.

If they want to go back to their roots then they better all be the daughters of the protagonist mirite

(yeah right)

>> No.8811461

Starting Baldr Sky, hopefully I can finish Dive before SnA comes out.
If I like it maybe I'll actually trust popular opinion and try Muv Luv

>> No.8811462

You should be able to finish it in two-three weeks, even if youu suck at it.

>> No.8811641
File: 79 KB, 800x600, 960899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started reading Oretachi ni Tsubasa wa nai. Do the routes work like they usually do in VNs? Currently in the Falcon chapter and I have no idea where I'm headed to after the common route because the protagonist switching is confusing me.

>> No.8811649

After you go through all the MCs, 5 chapters, the next chapter is the actual route, depending on your choices during the incredibly long common route segment.

>> No.8811688

Better be reading R for delicious Ai route.

>> No.8811692

So if I was setting off flags in Shuusuke's chapter for example, the final chapter returns to his story? Ok.

>> No.8811701

Unless you started tripping Asuka's flags in Takeshi's.
Thank god the skip function is awesome, because chapter 3 is LONG.

>> No.8811741

>Thank god the skip function is awesome
Indeed, should be standard in every VN.

>> No.8811794

Been a while since I played oretsuba, what was chapter 3 again?

>> No.8811805


>> No.8811835

I'm interested in reading Oretsuba, but I heard that the H-scenes contain some plot. Are they worth it or is it ok to just play R instead?

>> No.8811841

You have no taste at all.

>> No.8811846

I heard that this game is really hard to read.. How much would you rate it, jp? On a scale of ten

>> No.8811849

By the way.... Is she blood related to the protag?

>> No.8811879


>> No.8811878

Better to play R. The h scenes that are part of the common route that have plot in them (I guess) are still there, they have just be changed a bit.

Not hard to read at all.

>> No.8811883

They are half brother/sister.

>> No.8812090

Harder than the average slice of life, and with a ridiculous intro segment that you can't slow down, but other than that not too bad.

>> No.8812130
File: 52 KB, 357x500, 51resPq9yyL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So then, there's this obscure doujin vn called ノゾミカナエタマエ ~Daydream Reconstruct~ that i want to read. Problem is, I don't really have the money to pay for it, and i can't seem to find anything other than a torrent without seeds, a megaupload link and the trial. Any tip would be helpful really.

>> No.8812157
File: 148 KB, 308x243, what comes next.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For real? Except for a couple of really beta faceless protagonists, she's the single most annoying 2d character I've had the displeasure to know. I'm this close to dropping this fucking VN just because of her.

Turns 1 day of work into 4, apparently can't take a hint about the cooking thing (are those scenes supposed to be comedy? I'm seething over here.), and those run on sentences with her annoying ass voice are incredibly grating. Fuck.

>> No.8812171

Maybe you should just drop it? Chinami is super cute and a great character. If you don't like her, you probably are evil.

>> No.8812245

Have you tried Share or Perfect Dark?

>> No.8812270

Yeah, Perfect Dark was pretty good don't know if it has aged well though. There are probably much better shooters out. I don't see how that is going to help though

>> No.8812277

Oh you. I am talking about the P2P program Perfect Dark.


>> No.8812307

I guess it's about time i learn how to use them already. Thanks.

>> No.8812319

Are there any good VNs that aren't eroge or about courting a female/male/alien/etc. in general?
A non-romantic story

>> No.8812390

Hey, /jp/

I'm from /vn/, and I finally started learning Japanese so that I can read the untranslated vns.

That being said, where do you guys download the said vns?

>> No.8812411

Resuming irotoridori after dropping the last year after being bored to death by the common route.
Maybe I'll get further this time, I liked the heroines.

>> No.8812515
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x720, ifuckingseethatyuzusoft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started Dracu-Riot now that it arrived.
I wonder how many other background cameos I'll spot.

>> No.8812527


>> No.8812671

Reading Hoshizora, finished Asuho, Isuzu and Komomo and now reading Kosame.
Any recommended order for the last 3 routes?

>> No.8812678


Lurk more.

>> No.8812683

It's sequential by then, when you finish Chinami, **** opens, and when you finish that, Mare opens, which is little more than a side end.

>> No.8812729

sukebei nyaa

>> No.8812741

Remember11 and higurashi are mystery VNs

>> No.8812794

That's... a very good point. Someone said to do Chinami last but then ??? doesn't open up until I do 5 routes, so I have to do Chinami.

Was hoping Mare was a proper route though.

>> No.8812801

Mare ahs a proper route mroe or less in the fandisk. Her actual route in hoshimemo is like a H scene and 45 minutes, if even, of content.

>> No.8812807

site is shit

>> No.8812823

Not that anyone is planning on translating the fan disc.

Maybe I'll be waiting another 2-3 years for that to be translated.

>> No.8812826

Someone here actually knew the founder. Apparently he's insane and dropped out of college to start the site.

>> No.8812841
File: 121 KB, 1135x964, asfas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No it isn't. The only problem with it is its sheer amount of seeders.
The number of VNs they have is pretty huge, new ones get uploaded pretty fast.

Still a good alternative.

>> No.8812842

not many people know this but fakku has a huge horde of vns and a userbase that uploads them.

>> No.8813008

Speaking of Otomekoi, the writer posted this long rant against the company on his blog.

I have a feeling he's not telling the whole story, but it is a shame if it's true. I wonder if any other eroge companies have done stuff like this.

>> No.8813060

cant wait to see if buldar skys main route will be fully translated tomorrow.

>> No.8813066

So that game sucked?
Why is this anon >>8808136 enjoying it then?

>> No.8813074

I've only heard good things about the writing for this game, but he's talking about them screwing around, messing up the Japanese, and fucking with his characters after the fact... has anybody finished any routes yet?

>> No.8813081

Bad lymph nodes

>> No.8813156

Why casn't people type it correctly?

>> No.8813453

Chinami's route should be done last *of the first five*. It's generally understood that you need to do all of them to unlock the last two routes anyway.

>> No.8813466

he was done with chapter 11 last week right? he should be done with the last 2 im guessing. how many more chapters does he have too translate after hes done with the main route? is it a lot?

>> No.8813468
File: 32 KB, 256x355, Saya-no-Uta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually don't come to /jp/, but this seems like a fitting place.

I just finished this after putting it off for nearly four years. I have no idea what I'm feeling, but I think I like it.

What is similar to this.

>> No.8813473


>> No.8813479


>/v/ and its ugly twin
>Tolerant towards any VN that doesn't involve cripples

>> No.8813541

Believe it or not, /vg/ is pretty good when it comes to discussing old eroge.

>> No.8813604


>> No.8813618


Lurk more.

>> No.8813622


That's not how you use the quote function.

>> No.8813626

No, no it isn't.

>> No.8813673

Is there any site that let you check which works has a particular writer worked with before?

>> No.8813689


>> No.8813694

This is probably true, I think. Given the disproportionate amount of eroge out there with extremely paper-thin plot and shitty writing, no self-respected writer would produce something like that.
The poor guy was screwed pretty badly by the company if what he said is true.

>> No.8814173

new Blue game announced Wedding Blue, I'll have my cup of RAGE ready

>> No.8814203

Fucking finally. Gonna be a long couple months of waiting.

>> No.8814224

New PV of Lost Christmas is up, now with voices:
I like how Carol is not actually an Inori clone, it would've been very hard for me to suffer through yet another "SHOE..." spree. And Kobayashi makes for a good trap.

Oh, and there is finally a connection to the TV series. Though I'd rather have the VN not having anything to do with it.

>> No.8814264

No it's pretty good, pretty much everyone like it in 2ch too which is pretty surprising considering how much the previous game bombed.

The writer said that he tried his best to rewrite everything the director messed up before release.

>> No.8814697

Just finished Riko and Tsukasa's routes in &.
It's been a while since I saw routes that ended up being so anticlimactic. It's not like the routes are bad, just that by the end it didn't feel like much had happened. Well at least Tsukasa's route had some foreshadowing.

I hope the other routes will deliver a bit more though, I have high hopes for Maki and her meteor tits.

>> No.8814938
File: 580 KB, 962x602, WINE - FH_IfThatTime_BetaDRM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really playing but beta testing, taking note of the lines that need to be fixed.

I have permission from the client to post this publicly.

>> No.8815013

You should repost that in the next VNTS thread. Bet monolingual folks would be glad to see something new translated.
Will it have that "MC voiced by some Vocaloid" feature your previous major release had?

>> No.8815621
File: 74 KB, 798x599, itsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading itsusora.
Damn the school looks pretty when it rains, the music is lovely too, great mood setting.

>> No.8816544


Mahoyo even have CMs, TM sure has quite the budget.
A part of me is excited about it, another want it to bomb, it's quite perplexing.

>> No.8816562

I really understand that.
Seeing it bomb would be incredibly fun. But it won't, at least in sales. Also most of the TM fanbase are probably impressed by pretty visuals to call it bad.

>> No.8816666

Wait, what game was that?

>> No.8816956

they probably used chinese cheap labor to make it and save budget

>> No.8816997


>> No.8817010

Just finished Majikoi (first), nice "true" end. One question though. There's one black and white CG of Koyuki that I don't remember even seeing. Did that just get thrown in after I cleared the true end or what?

>> No.8817106

oh, thank you very much!

>> No.8817421

Are there any " must play " RPG eroges? I've only seen Monmusu Quest so far and it was great.

>> No.8817447

You should ask your questions on the vn thread in >>>/vg/ though

>> No.8817452

oh i see thank you

>> No.8817484

Monster Girl Quest is as much an RPG as Tsukihime is.

>> No.8817529

haha, why do you say that?

>> No.8817747

Because it's true.

>> No.8818427

Why would it be "incredibly fun"? Is the idea of people enjoying something you don't that mentally scarring for you?

>> No.8818446

I think you are being a little over dramatic. What is wrong with someone finding enjoyment in seeing an extremely overrated game from a mediocre company fall flat on its face?

>> No.8818513

I can't believe I waited this long to start using clubbox.

So many 2000~ eroge I could never find

>> No.8819158 [DELETED] 
File: 193 KB, 1290x772, theseniggas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real nice parenting there, you fuckwits. How adults act like nitwits in run of the mill eroge?

>> No.8819165
File: 193 KB, 1290x772, theseniggas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real nice parenting there, you fuckwits. How come adults act like chuclefucks in run of the mill eroge?

>> No.8819174

> extremely overrated
everyone I've seen commenting it here said it looks good but the writing is the usual shit
looking forward to a game's release doesn't really equal overrating it

>> No.8819175

More character designs and voice samples for R;N:
That's some awesome old men designs there.

>> No.8819193 [SPOILER] 
File: 104 KB, 800x600, 1333853961340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dark Blue
>Forgot to mention: The twins weren't even murdered—they bisected each other and did the stitching because you had a hard time choosing between them. Creators had something against harem ends, I guess.
Seriously, what?

>> No.8819192

Because producers think why would readers want to read about real parenting and real social common sense in their escapism media which is probably used to escape just that sort of thing?

>> No.8819194

The boxfile search doesn't recognize some kanji and the "ー" character, like if you search for 魔都拳侠傳, it doesn't recognize the "侠" and it comes up as 魔都拳 &20384 &傳. If you delete the wrong kanji it might give you more results. Or just search by release date. Too bad their client is slow and ridden with ads, but at least they keep files forever. Hope they don't delete those due to recent filesharing bullshit.

>> No.8819199

>Ooh, ooh! Those must be the "Rape Eyes" I've heard about!
Am I close, /jp/?

>> No.8819209

I guess I'll have something to look forward to on the next Valentine's Day.

And for those who can't google, http://s-digi.jp/lilim/lilim.html

>> No.8819211

and by "slut" you mean rape victim?

Fucking die.

>> No.8819219

Dead on the money, keep it up.

>> No.8819552

Thinking of it. Probably not, due to technical issues. But there will probably be some other value added feature.

>> No.8819592
File: 18 KB, 319x494, MonaLisa-ORIGINAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about changing character sprites with classical portraits?

>> No.8820244

It's a moege. What are you expecting?
Why would you be looking forward to a visual novel where most people are saying the writing is shit? It's not like there are routes for you to romance the girls. All it is is story.
>The twins weren't even murdered
I'm pretty sure they were.

>> No.8820612
File: 82 KB, 798x591, itsuneko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking hate japan's boner with Schrodinger's cat.

>> No.8820623

Torrent for Dramatical Murder is out, for all of you gays who care.

>> No.8820629

Finally. I actually care.
If I could find a togainu for w7 one... I never finished it.

>> No.8820630

I used "shit" in the broad sense of the word. Even if I don't think Nasu is the bestest writer ever I'll probably enjoy the game

>> No.8820734
File: 12 KB, 133x132, hmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear Euschully actually employs people who can write a decent plot. Is this true? After Kamidori and Himegari I very much doubt it.

Would playing Megami Zero convince me otherwise? Also how should I spend EXP since there doesn't seem to be stats that are completely useless.

>> No.8820735

For Serika, just keep adding strength and defense, the last stat, was it charm? is pretty nice too.

>> No.8820746

both Himegari and Kamidori were gameplay over plot games, Ikusa Megamis are the main plot heavy games they have, so yes they should convince you

>> No.8820813

Because you're an opinionated cunt that thinks his taste falls in line with everyone else's?

>> No.8820834

Just wanted to bump this question one last time before I just dive into what versions I think would be best.

>> No.8820874

Just finished Hoshimemo, and I have a doubt about ***'s route.

When Mare reaps You's nightmare, and he forgets about Yume, after the scene with Kasumi You travels back in time or what?

>> No.8820898

I gave my Serika priority on stuff that increases attack power and the stat that has the biggest influence on # of attacks to make him an offensive powerhouse. Whenever I hit the max in those areas I put the rest in stuff that increases HP/Def/# of Def hits. I generally ignored magic power, though I put some occasionally into stuff that increases magic defense so he didn't fall too behind..

But yeah IM0 has been my favorite game from them so far since it's the closest to being the full package. Going to play Verita soon too. Just keep in mind that the first chapter is pretty slow so you kind of have to stick with it until chapter 2(if you don't like chapter 2 either you may be in trouble)

>> No.8820912

Finished Dracu-riot and nearly done with otomega: dracu-riot girls ticked all my boxes that it just felt wrong to fap to its service scenes; otomega definitely reads the better of the two though - probably about 2 grades above the other, less stuffy. YMMV.

>> No.8820914

He asked his mom for help(finally relying on her for the first time) and then his mom used like... special star powers to reverse time and shit, I guess.

>> No.8820933


So it's just as I thought about it... then it was quite... idiot, if you ask me. But the game itself wasn't so great, Yume's route, albeit not being anything special, was the only good one. The others were okay I guess, but mostly because I liked the heroines ( Chinami's romance was horrible thought ). Kosame's was horrible.

>> No.8821055

Minori released a demo video for their new game. The video is by Makoto Shinkai again, so watch it for the horizon and cloud porn.


>> No.8821088

I dislike his movies but damn they look pretty. Will give it a go.

>> No.8821103

Nice movie with a bunch of shitty high school scenes and bad music in the middle

>> No.8821114


>> No.8821346

That was fucking insane.

>> No.8821352

What do you have against high school scenes?

>> No.8821381

Pretty underwhelming for Shinkai.

>> No.8821405

Nothing underwhelming about that high-speed broom flight.

>> No.8822143

I've been doing the trial of この大空に、翼をひろげて, the new Pulltop.
Production values are amazing, writing and characters are decent. Seem quite promising so far

>> No.8822257

i have found only programs to translate the japanese visual novels to arabic but it makes hardly any sense through translation from the japanese to the arabic

what can i do?

>> No.8822440


What kind of trial version is 1.4GB? Holy crap.

>> No.8822749


Thanks for heads-up, though 1.5 gig for a trial, that's enough for 1 full character route.

>> No.8822778

Incoming 10gbs game.

>> No.8822836

Could anybody with a Japanese IP upload the OP of "すぴぱら - Alice the magical conductor."?
I hate how foreigners are still blocked out of the minori Japanese site.
Downloading a 300+ MB file would probably take days using a proxy...

>> No.8823011
File: 15 KB, 200x200, pikatile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished Hakuoki PSP about a month ago.

I am playing Devil Survivor which has some visual novel elements.

I am installing Togainu no Chi right now.

What are the best VNs for a silent protagonist? I really like where I'm in charge of the character's entire personality and make all the choices.

>> No.8823049

Download the OP? Like the movie? I don't see an Op song there if that's what you mean.

>> No.8823467

If you look at the names, it's not made by Shinkai.

>> No.8823534

You mean this one?

>> No.8823674

Oh yep, you're right. They're just trying to emulate his style like they did with the eden OP.

>> No.8823689 [DELETED] 

Any good, recently translated VNs?

>> No.8823710


>> No.8823754


/vg/ is so foul and casual and sickening cancer memes with normals that you shouldn't even link it here. Just send him to /a/ next time.

>> No.8823765


Sometimes trial versions include all the files for the full game.

>> No.8823800

Yes, I already saw that.
I would've liked to watch it in HD, though. ;_;

>> No.8823829

How recent are we talking? Hoshizora no Memoria came out about a week ago.

>> No.8823901

Fuck I had a hard time parsing that text. I need to motto benkyou.

>> No.8823998

Seems to be the file.
It has the same size with the one on holyseal

>> No.8824085

damn finally.

>> No.8825173
File: 95 KB, 700x394, ab2426d51e3a9c4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Torrent for the White Album remake is out. Going to give this a try, I think.

>> No.8825208

just finished Kira Kira, don't know what to read next

>> No.8825499
File: 81 KB, 800x600, 70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After going through the Cthulhu fandisc I'm somehow not so surprised about the things I heard about Princess X by the same guy.
It's like he keeps getting weirder with every game and he already wrote Mugen Kairou.

Did anyone play R.U.R.U.R by him?

>> No.8826161

I'm going to wait till the full version. OP movie looks good though.

Have spent my whole week playing Shogun but managed to finish Jabberwocky yesterday. It was okay I guess, but still the least interesting chapter so far. It was more about slice of life and solving some mysteries, but you obviously knew already what was going to happen in the end of it.

>> No.8826328
File: 106 KB, 1288x747, oozorawheelchair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one does use in some basic 3d functions, pretty menus.

Wheel chair moe?

>> No.8826807

>≦( ̄^ ̄)≧ !!x+mnmrU0sW+
The fuck look at the autistic faggot sperg out his hate.
And the faggots that follow. You are very imbecilic haters, you think saying "HUR DUR BAD GAME" is edgy stuff or something?

>> No.8826808

Long time no see, daiteikoku autist.

>> No.8826861

Calling me names like always? Well you know what, you keep talking trash about Daiteikoku so you are going to get hit. You know what they say "Talk trash, get hit". You are getting hit motherfucker. You are fucking welcome.

>> No.8827531

Still reading itsusora, in Futami's route and this game is one big fuck you after another.  エド actually stood 餌 and many similar ones in this line, like Tatsumi's actual kanji or Kumoinui, fucking Shumon.

>> No.8827545

That's not a wheelchair, she's sitting on a bass drum you dolt.

>> No.8827594

Are you sure its not just Eiyuu*Senki version of X-men, and that heroine is a female professor Xavier?

>> No.8827685
File: 154 KB, 1288x747, oozorawheelchair2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You sure? Consider he even repaired the busted tyre for her in the following...

>> No.8827739

I didn't even know they'd posted a release date. Nice.

>> No.8827798

Well I just finished & finally.
Yae and Urara's routes were definitely better than Riko/Tsukasa/Maki.
Though Yae suffered from having the most half-assed romance ever and a pretty weak climax.
The route of Urara though was definitely the strongest but I think it suffered from the overall scenario of the game that kind of lack in ambition and vision, also I laughed at the use of Amazing Grace at the end.

I can't say I liked it as much as RuiTomo and Comyu, though in contrast to them that focus on life changing events and big climaxes, & rather focuses on a small adventure during summer break by some pretty normal teenagers, so it's a lot lighter.

>> No.8827806

What about Seira? I thought she had a route.

>> No.8827816

She just has a small omake route.
I didn't do it yet, probably tomorrow.

>> No.8827817

Shame, it looked like she had some potential.

>> No.8827909
File: 193 KB, 800x600, capture_09042012_214627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished all endings of SubaHibi.

Someone please explain Tsui no Sora II and Otonashi Ayana to me. I mean what the fucking hell?

>> No.8827922

Looks like all the philosophy bullshit it threw at you wasn't so useless after all. But the whole soul thing is pretty literal.
As I understood it, Ayana was the god that does nothing but observe that the game described somewhere, my opinion.

>> No.8827925

Is there any route order you'd recommend?

>> No.8827937

It's pretty enforced from what I understand.

>> No.8827957

Too bad, I wish I could skip right to Urara.

>> No.8827965

Why do games do this? I don't want to deal with bad heroines and routes until I get to the good parts. Unless the good route is the true route.

>> No.8827975

Yeah it's enforced, only Maki and Tsukasa can be reversed.

Also for 2 other complains I have with this game, one is the partial voice acting of the protagonist, basically he only gets voiced during a few random scenes and it's honestly pretty creppy when suddenly after hours of silence he finally get a voice for 5 minutes, also his VA can't act so I ended up turning him off.

Another complain is that I never really recognized Hino's text, the text is overall pretty decent but I guess I expected some Hino quality time.

>> No.8828003
File: 137 KB, 900x612, 20120410032847d71.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look who's back.

>> No.8828019

I hope she will be a yandere or something

>> No.8828038

Interesting you say that.

Here is what I can recall. Take it with a grain of salt as I have a very hard time remembering the details.

I don't think TnS II tells you a lot. It just covers some elements that weren't covered in the first two endings. All three endings deal with tying Wittgenstein's Tractatus thematically into the story. The first ending mostly (but not entirely) deals with the mystical and moral aspect of the Tractatus and also serves as a closure for the plot. If I remember correctly (I played this a while ago), the second ending is probably the most important from a philosophical perspective, and it finishes the sequence that (explicitly) began in Episode 4's 'cloudy skies' scene with Yuki, dealing with Wittgenstein's conception of the boundary of language and tying it into the story. I can't exactly remember Tsui no Sora II, but I remember it offers a 'solution' to some paradoxes posed by Wittgenstein and is very much related to Philosophical Investigations moreso than the Tractatus.


I did have a pretty good theory for that when I first finished the game (that was actually almost entirely supported by evidence). I wish I could remember the details.

>> No.8828039

I stopped caring about fire emblem when they took out support conversations, but now they put it back AND marriage plus son/daughter ?
I guess it's time for me to get a 3DS, I would've got one either way for rune factory 4.

>> No.8828082

So when is gun rose days coming out, anybody hyped up about it? I hope it gets a fast translation..

>> No.8828090

Anyone have a link to a list of the big May releases?

>> No.8828110

Wait, what is the second scoop?

>> No.8828117

Clearly the 'biggest' May release is Kyonyuu Fantasy 2

>> No.8828143

Well, piss. Almost everything else in the game was somehow "realistically" explained (the deaths, DID, delusions etc.) but Tsui no Sora 2 really comes out of nowhere. Can't say I liked it or the other last chapters very much.

But on the whole the game managed to stay good and I especially liked both "Down the Rabbit-Hole" and "It's my own invention" chapters. Though I guess I was expecting more twists/closure and felt a bit let down by the so much hyped "Looking Glass Insects", which seems to be liked by everyone but me.

Oh, and the BGM was fantastic all the way.

>> No.8828228

The most "realistic" explanation you can give is that Ayana's simply the author/person who imagined the story. Or maybe she's a fourth personality. Maybe Zakuro is also a personality, etc. As far as I remember the entire point is that it ultimately /doesn't matter/, that is, you can look at the story from many different perspectives but you will never arrive at an objective criterion for the correctness of a given perspective (unless you accept Ayana's One Spirit hypothesis - which IIRC sort of means treating her as the author of the story).

If you can pastebin the text of the ending or something it'll help me remember how I interpreted it in more detail, and I can write a more concrete analysis later tonight.

>> No.8828244

Wait... what was the first scoop?

>> No.8828273

Playing a Profile.

I hate enforced playing orders. What's the point of even giving the player choices if you're going to shove route X down their throat?

>> No.8828308

Well, ideally they'll have some effect, determining good/bad ends or whatnot.
Enforced route order can be a necessary / worthwhile thing in games where the plot is complex and your knowledge builds up over the routes.

>> No.8828577
File: 288 KB, 600x1500, kud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managed to start Little Busters! and finish Kud Route (good and bad end get). Pic related, my reactions during the route.

it was fucking awesome

>> No.8828606

>Pic related, my reactions during the route.
Please go to >>>/vg/ or /a/ or whatever.

>> No.8828628

I am going to end up starting drama here, but
> Pic related, my reactions during the route.
Please don't tell me /a/ or /vg/ actually do this.

>> No.8828648

I think you and your reactions belong in /vg/ or /a/ please.

>> No.8828669
File: 225 KB, 804x947, epicwinvisualnovel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, you don't like Visual Novel reaction images? What's wrong with you?

>> No.8828688

>"Just as Kasumi loved Chinami's Dad's cock"
Seriously? Is that what it said? Or is this more shitty translation from Staircase?

>> No.8828700

Finished Rizu's first ending. It was quite quick (I had played for maybe 30 minutes when I made the previous post).

Can't wait for Miou's route.

>> No.8828713

I don't remember that in the Japanese, so probably translation exclusive.

>> No.8828782

Why is it dead?
Goddammit, minori.

>> No.8828884

I lol'd pretty hard when I read it, enjoy your quality translation of Hoshimemo ( the game sucks either way though ).

>> No.8828937

I downloaded it off minori's site and uploaded it on mediafire if you still want it. I didn't see any HD version there though.


>> No.8829093

Thank you so much. You have my gratitude.

>> No.8829179

Ok guys, I just finished reading ef - a fairy tale of the two, but...
What was the matter with Yuuko?
It was magic?
Please don't tell me it was magic.
Trick ending where?

>> No.8829188

I think we need a new thread

>> No.8829864


I also just finished Subahibi. I found the first two endings hard to swallow - Tomosane surviving that fall after being stabbed felt too contrived to me. Which I think was the point of Tsui no Sora II - that the only way to neatly explain what happened is to accept that the characters are actually "characters" contrived by one soul. Thus no matter what happens there can be no logical contradiction. Whether that soul is God or Ayana or whatever I have no idea, but it doesn't really matter in that interpretation.

I could just be blowing smoke out of my ass. I think the other point was that you can come up with any explanation you damn please and it will be equally valid.

>> No.8831107

New thread >>8831063
