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8803610 No.8803610 [Reply] [Original]

What are the major health risks for someone living the NEET/hikikomori lifestyle, and how do I prevent them?

>> No.8803622

I'm in terrible shape, my muscles ache, my heart beats really fast, and I constantly feel tired.

I guess you could prevent this by doing some light exercise in your house.

>> No.8803645

Muscular atrophy
Heart failure
Kidney stones

>> No.8803655
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the fuck you talking bout? Ever since I became a shut in I've been in really good shape

>> No.8803687

Can you avoid kidney stones if you only drink water?

>> No.8803690

Get a resistance band, a door hook, and an ankle cuff. You can do the equivalent of about 10 different gym machines with it.

>> No.8803705

Muscular atrophy.

>> No.8803832

gallbladder and other major organ issues
depression, GAD, other mental shit
heart attack and stroke

>> No.8803863

I'm thirsty a lot and pee all the time, my toes often fall asleep too which is annoying.

Not sure if these are ailments or what

>> No.8804016


get screened and stop eating processed shit.

You WILL regret being diagnosed with it then having to eat like a forging grizzly while having to risk your limbs being hacked off.

>> No.8804025

Just get a pedal machine if you are sitting down all day, even if you lay down all day just find a way to prop it up against something. As long as you are doing some kind of physical activity your body will burn fat and your heart will keep at least relatively healthy. The only concern with doing something like pedaling all day non stop is that your food and water intake might increase and if you don't start eating enough to compensate for the increase of calorie burning your body will start to consume itself after it runs through your fat reserves. Now since most of you are inside all day anyway you should probably consider going vegetarian since most plant based food items digest easier with little energy loss in the process, the fresher the better. Also stop eating processed breads and start eating more rice and other grains instead, they're more filling and you get more out of them. Since you aren't going to have much need for meat, you don't even have to quit eating meat entirely just cut it back to every other day or just on the weekend, you can get beans instead to fulfill any need for proteins and eat beets and spinach for your iron. To sum it up, if you want to keep some kind of semblance of heath while doing jack shit all day: do some kind of activity that requires physical movement even if you are sitting down, cut back on foods that have more calories than you need to live on a daily basis (they cost you more anyway), and lastly even if you live most of your life at night try to get at least a little bit of contact with sun light when you have the chance. Also clean your room unless you want MRSA in your life.

>> No.8804039

Dental decay It hurts everyday ;_;

>> No.8804056

Thanks, helpful advice.

As someone who has basically eaten frozen meat products all their life, what sort of plant-based foods don't taste like shit?

>> No.8804061

Well what kinds of tastes do you have? You'd be surprised just how much things they make these days.

>> No.8804059

If I walk for 60 minutes everyday (5km) is this enough to sit for 13~ hours?

>> No.8804065

Are you sure it's diabetus if I just don't drink much? I'm not the same guy, but now I'm panicking because I love sweet stuff.

>> No.8804066

Sure why not, as long as you are doing SOMETHING instead of just getting out of bed just to sit down again.

>> No.8804064

Do it in 30 and you're probably actually better off.

>> No.8804071

It's very probably beetus.

Also like to sit down?
inverted vertebrae.

>> No.8804072

Anyone who knows me will tell you the only two things I eat are chicken and bread. However this is a lie as I sometimes eat pepperoni pizza. Still, my diet is predominantly chicken and bread-based. I am sort of autistic about food and I only like plain things and I don't like change. I can't remember the last time I ate a fruit or vegetable and that's kind of depressing.

Any suggestions?

>> No.8804078
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After reading this I'm going to go out and ride my bike

>> No.8804081

All of a sudden I kind of feel like running...

>> No.8804087

running three days a week? more like running three days a WEAK lmao

>> No.8804085


All of those /a/ faggots have quit by now.

>> No.8804088

don't, your neet body probably won't take kindly to it. Start by either walking intensely or light jogging to ease yourself into it.

>> No.8804094
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>> No.8804097

Running is not a speed, it's an exertion level. Everyone can start running. The program starts with small intervals that even globular hambeasts can cope with.

>> No.8804098

How do you guys run outside? Think of all the people watching and judging you.

>> No.8804108

well the main problem with starting off running is the amount of stress you put on your underdeveloped calf muscles. If you go from neet to running you're going to develop shin splints almost immediately.

>> No.8804116

My tiny apartment is one straight line, open all the doors, and you could really pick up some speed before hitting a wall.

>> No.8804118

Way to steal content from Show Me How and ruin it with your KS bullshite, /a/.

>> No.8804121

Well as I said earlier you should try to cut back on the bread and go for grain based things like rice or cream of wheat, especially when it is brown rice or oats. You are also in luck since chicken is one of the most easily imitated things when it comes to toufu, you may be interested specifically in tempeh since the consistency is similar enough to chicken and you can add whatever seasonings that you want to it. What you might want to try though is having a dish of beans and rice together so you can get your grains and your proteins, then you can add some fresh spinach and beets to the side plus some other kind fresh vegetable, have a banana on the side, and if you still want you can have some chicken but try to supplement that with a non meat product every other day until you can lower just how much meat you have per week. You may not like it at first, and your body might not be used to a change of diet either but as I said earlier try to work it into what you already eat instead of going at it all at once.

>> No.8804126

Eat fish twice a week (know what fish to limit for mecury)

Don't eat beetus bombs

Don't fast half a day then eat large meals, eat more smaller meals.

Go to the produce isle and get 1 of every vegetable and fruit to try ... you can shit list 1 or 2 but you need to eat a variety. I personally shitlist butternut squash ... I hate everything other than broccoli and corn (not good for you) but eat it all anyway because it beats being diabetic or other food disease.

Don't eat for fun or enjoymonet (you can have some cake once every week or so just not every other day) -- eat to become healthy.

once you cut out processed sugary salty shit this becomes second nature and it isn't bad at all (I still fucking hate fish night)

Your plate isn't 70% carbs and 30% meat.

20% meat, 25~ carbs, rest veggies and other bear-type shit.

you want to eat everything like a fucking bear... nuts, berries, fish, poultry, try to limit red meats to once every other week.

You will probably feel like shit and depressed for a couple weeks then feel like you won the lottery because your body actually has food and not empty calorie shit soaked in corn products and lard.

I used to eat only some these things EVERY NIGHT:

Soda (1 per night)
Rice every second day
Chicken 6 days of the week (boneless skinless)
3 large Potatoes without skin
200g frozen buttered corn
packaged noodles (chowmein, ramen, side kick noodles)
stouffers bistro's
a desert (really about 4 servings of desert)
didn't ever eat breakfast, ate 3 lbs of food at a time.

>> No.8804131


I ate because it was my only friend and one of the only activities I enjoyed. I had my gallbladder taken out, got Gyno and finally changed overnight whne I noticed my left foot had extremely visible veins and ballooned like a bitch. IF you don't change your shit for the better it will end up killing you and you will be ignorant and unwilling to change until you figure out that you in fact DO NOT WANT TO DIE and it is easier to eat some fucking REAL food and not die in your 20s.

buy a food scale and body weight scale and find out proper serving sizes for what you eat, your activity level. If you live in a socialist utopia like Canada there is no reason not to talk to your doctor before you do this as he will make it easier for dumbasses /jpers/ to understand.

Make sure you get your fiber from veggies and fruit and not supplements and shit.

I started walking about 100m (the most I could do without pain) and eventually worked my way up to around 6km a day and actually started to enjoy my walks ( I walk at 2am because of Agoraphobia and it does wonders for your mind ...I can put on the alpha male mask in public now and look fuckers in the eye)

it feels like shit for a couple weeks then you feel reborn, talk to your god damn doctor and don't wait until you are a vegetable in the hospital from a stroke or something.

I have lost 75lbs and still losing 2lbs a week ... I'm stopping when I have a BMI of 24.9 and I already feel great with another 50lbs to lose.

2am and I walk -- don't run on cement or when overweight as it is brutal ... even if you walk you need to be properly fitted for shoes or it will be painful. I never knew proper shoes had a roll in the toes and it felt like walking on stilts once you are properly fitted.

>> No.8804132

Ever veteran runners get shin splints. They're really not that big of an issue.

>> No.8804133


>> No.8804137

speak for yourself, they were crippling for me when I was in the military.

>> No.8804142

Same userbase.

>> No.8804143

Now you're just trying to make me feel bad.

>> No.8804144
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Will you take off?

>> No.8804155
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Although it may be a good idea.
Just fucking pedal all damn day until you get used to it.

>> No.8804161

I also forgot to mention if your family is fucking fat, they will eat shit infront of you and smack their lips. You will have to walk away and do something else as this will drive you nuts.

I couldn't watch family members eat their sugary shit for a while because I was so addicted to shit food. I had to leave because people smacking their lips made me fly into a rage. I got over it but this will fuck with you for a while.

Food is not your friend.

>> No.8804164

That's what I thought too

It's weird though since I eat pretty healthy and pretty much never eat sweets or drink sodas.

>> No.8804167

i own a laptop and i don't ever leave my bed
i think it's better that way

>> No.8804162

if you use a computer like that guy a monitor falling on your face and killing you is probably a pretty decent health risk

>> No.8804163

Can you recommend a good one of these?

Where the fuck do you even buy them.

>> No.8804170

I meant after reading this thread. I feel like I'm developing hemorrhoids from sitting all day every day.
Just got back from bike ride, 5 minutes and already tired.

>> No.8804172

Although if you ask me, the best way I've found to get rid of shin splints is more running.

>> No.8804174

What am I looking at?

>> No.8804176

This seems like a lot of work.

>> No.8804186

It really isn't, just don't eat shitty food and pedal your legs all day when you're sitting down. It's actually a lot less work than having to regulate your blood sugar all day or sit at dialysis for an entire day.

>> No.8804181

Kind of worth it though since it can be a "meta" nuisance to your computer use later.

Like how my mouse wheel just developed a click. Every three or four scrolls, it makes a click sound (but doesn't actually click). Shit has ruined my scrolling experience FOREVER.

>> No.8804184

people can eat completely fine and get beetus. there are major risk factors that increase incidence in jpers.

>> No.8804187

I'm fat and i can run 3 miles without having to walk, wtf

>> No.8804189

I'm fat but ur mom still begged to suck my cock wtf

>> No.8804199

whats your BMI?

I bet you aren't jpfat.

>> No.8804200

u talk big but you are pussy, i doubt you'd kill yourselve

>> No.8804192

If I ever get diabetes, I think I'm just going to kill myself. No sweets anymore and having to take an injection every day? No. Please, no.

>> No.8804194

i'm seriously fat and i can't do shit like this

>> No.8804203

I'm skinny and can't even walk 3 miles.

>> No.8804208

That feel when 23 and energy drink addiction.

It occurred to me today that I must have drank hundreds of these things in 2012 alone. If I had saved all the money I spent on energy drinks last year, I could have built a really good computer, and I would be healthier to boot. There's probably nothing worse in terms of risk-benefit ratio.

Oh well.

>> No.8804215

No, I probably just masturbate too much.

>> No.8804212

I got some crazy abdominal pain for about three years due to over-masturbation. The onset felt like my gut was being torn apart in all directions by fucking sharp hooks, it was so damn painful. After that, every time I masturbated, my gut swelled up and I experienced pain that could last for hours or sometimes days. Later I was diagnosed with both IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) and CPPS (Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome). However once I started taking the right medication for it, it went away mostly.

>> No.8804213

You're probably underestimating how much 3 miles is.
Even when I was physically fat, if I ran at a good speed for a few hundred meters I would get tired.

>> No.8804224

Injections are for type 1 which is somethign you are usually born with

Type 2 diabetes is the fatfuck beetus, no injections but you can't eat you like anymore and have to eat like a bear and still risk having your dick and limbs chopped off or randomly dying / going blind. You can't fap without a dick and blind so smarten the fuck up.

/fit/ fags thinks squats and milk are a panacea or run a marathon for beginners ... do what you can do and every couple of days add some steps to your walk ... if you plateau wait a week or two and and add some more.

I tried to follow shitty guides like this when I started and ripped my muscles doing body weight exercises and lost toe nails even taking it realtively slow... do what you can do and do it safetly ... talk to your doctor if can afford it.

You also want to get a set of adjustable dumbells that can go to 20lbs... I was a 300lb man literally dragging these weights from the Canadian tire parking lot to my car while sweating and every watched me -- it was worth it because if you lose more than a lb a week you are going to lose muscle mass. make sure you know proper form and techique because you can hurt yourself changing diet / weights but it beats dying a slow death.

>> No.8804229

How the fuck do you lose toenails exercising and blame it on your program?

>> No.8804230


whittle yourself down and quit its not that fucking hard -- they are shit tier stimulants anyway.

you could have bought a desk full of dragon dildos for a month or two of that shit.

>> No.8804239

Well Mr Drugs Expert, what stimulants are good?

Actually curious about this, figure they're worth trying once.

>> No.8804244

like 20, 5'9" 155lb, and I run outside and google mapped where I turn around, so it is definitely 3 miles, just run for like 4 weeks and you'll be able to do anything

>> No.8804245

Caffeine pills are probably about 100x cheaper for the same amount of caffeine.

>> No.8804249

Good job, I'm actually not sure if you're serious.

>> No.8804253

That's not fat. What the hell.

>> No.8804252

I just did 60 pushups thanks to this thread. My arms are dead now ;_;

>> No.8804263

Well fuck that guy for making me feel bad.

>> No.8804261

BMI of 22.9 -- this is not JP ham beast tier...that's completely healthy body weight.

I am willing to bet alot of the people here are over 30+ BMI easily.

>> No.8804268

trying to get under 20 is hard as fuck

>> No.8804280

I have a treadmill and DDR at home so that tends to keep me exercising. Though I'm still overweight. My BMI is probably 25. But since I don't like leaving the house and have no interest in 3dpd I don't really mind. I just never wanna be over a 29 bmi.

>> No.8804282

if you are going to lose weight do some research first.

you will lose initial weight fast but try to keep your losses to 2 lbs/week max, its not a race -- talking to your doctor before you do anything is a must as he will probably want to do some blood tests for liver, thyroid / etc and this can save you some grief if you follow his recommendations.

sometimes your weight will stay the same / gain for odd reasons over 1 - 2 weeks ... don't dwell on day to day weights and make swing adjustments, you also don't want fad diets, you just want to lower your calories while eating a large variety of healthy foods at proper serving sizes (food scale helps for this)

weigh yourself every morning before breakfast after taking a piss at the same time -- log it in a Calender.

>> No.8804298

if you dont care about being healthy, you can just eat less than 1,000 calories a day, run 30 miles a week, and you'll lose about 10 pounds a week every week until you die

>> No.8804300
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>> No.8804309

That's far too much effort. Why dedicate your life to something so pointless?
I think it's kind of inspiring up to a point though. I wonder what I would look like if I wasn't a chubby fucker.

>> No.8804324

That diet isn't very NEET friendly.

>> No.8804325

There really is not point to looking or living like that except to show off and to have your heart explode before you are 30, it really isn't even physically useful to look like that.

>> No.8804333

Change your eating habits to match your lifestyle, if you are going to live like a hermit then start eating like one as well.

>> No.8804337
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I never cared about Zyzz until I read this, alpha as fuck.

>> No.8804344

That kind of physique is only achievable with steroids, and the guy there died of a heart attack in his early 20s.

i developed some really bad chronic pain from being a neet, nearly ruined my life and I have to take narcotics. I'm kind of a rare case, but it can happen. Be careful guys. Don't sit for more than 1-2 hours at a time, do stretching and light exercise like walks, and make sure to have good posture. Keep dem shoulders back. I pretty much had to give up my lifestyle but the pain caused from it will remain with me forever. My life feels totally fucked.

>> No.8804346

That isn't even the right one
for people who even care.

I just do AxBx full body strength training.

>> No.8804349

That's the whole appeal of Zyzz, I think. He was a `````beta''''' (not enough faggot quotes in the world) who manned up and became cool.

>> No.8804368


I actually only eat one meal a day plus a snack and fruit. I'm actually not sure why I'm overweight honestly. I rarely eat over 1200 calories a day. According to the internet that should actually make me lose weight. But it doesnt. Oh well.

>> No.8804373

It's doable without juicing. Pretty sure he roided to fuck bitches faster like nearly everyone who bothers lifting things up and putting it down.

>> No.8804389

Then increase your calorie burning, the only real things you can do to change your weight is to adjust how much you put in and how much you work out.

>> No.8804434

no exucse.

buy a food scale and measure everything you put in your face for a couple weeks and log them in Cronometer (google it) ... use the nutriton information labels over the preset foods whenever you can apart from fruits or w/e that vary.

start eating 5 times a day 3 meeals, 2 snacks. Drink water, walk however far you want but try to increase the duration slowly.

if you truly are eating 1 meal a day it must be loaded full of calories or something because unless you have some metabolic disease its pretty much Calories out + BMR + calories in = weight gain/loss.

3500 calories = 1 lb fat on average.

>> No.8804457

True NEETs don't give a shit about their failing health

>> No.8804487

I'm really scared of having a heart attack though. I'm bad with pain.

>> No.8804538
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But it's already a lifetime of pain. What are a few moments?

>> No.8804551

this is someone who has obviously never had gangrenous gallbladder / pancretasis or been hospitalized for something painful that was avoidable.

>> No.8804560
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Does anyone else struggle with drug addiction?

I'm hopelessly addicted to sedatives to relieve anxiety and I abuse stimulants to get rid of the depression. I don't know how other NEETs can get by without abusing drugs. It's the only happiness I have anymore.

>> No.8804562

What's my BMI? I'm 175cm, 57kg.

>> No.8804574


Underweight = <18.5
Normal weight = 18.5–24.9
Overweight = 25–29.9
Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater

>> No.8804589

I should probably add BMI has limitations and isn't accurate for lots of people so take that with a grain of salt.

>> No.8804596
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How can you even avoid something so chronic?

Phosphoric acid is one hell of a preservative/sweetener.

>> No.8804593

My BMI is 17.1.

>> No.8804597

I am only addicted to Benadryl for masturbation.

>> No.8804604
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I use stims to get through my day, and zopiclone to sleep and/or induce amnesia so I don't have to deal with anything.

>> No.8804609

Are the stories true? Does it really make orgasms feel ten times better and all that?

>> No.8804613

I'm exactly 20 (173cm 60kg)

I'm not even thin, I'm just skinnyfat.

>> No.8804629


Stims when I'm alone and want to enjoy the day.
Benzos when I'm coming down in evening.
Stims with benzos when I'm forced to go outside and be in scary situations.

I would be addicted to a lot more if it was easier for a shut-in to have access to non-prescription drugs. Whenever I scrounge up some money to exchange for bitcoins I'll sometimes buy some edibles off silkroad. I wish I could do it daily, but it's a nice treat and weed is a good relief from the constant ups and downs of daily stim usage.

>> No.8804635

It definitely feels better, but of course there is no increase in ejaculation volume.

>> No.8804634

Where the fuck do shut-ins get drugs? I go out more than most people in this thread and I've never found where to get a hookup.

>> No.8804646



Any big side effects or tolerance issues with this?

I became tolerant to my benzos a long time ago. They still work great for calming me down and fixing anxiety, but the insomnia from the stims is awful and I became tolerant to the sedation months ago so the benzos are no help.

>> No.8804642

Why do you guys take drugs?

I like to occupy myself with interesting things and self improvement that I can do in my room. Most recently, I went from 0 to 900 kanji in one month by doing 30 kanji a day with my infinite NEET time. I'll be done in another month and my quality of /jp/ life will go up significantly (900 is enough to read a whole lot even now, actually).

>> No.8804653


Its not cool to have to deal with avoidable sickness and pain all the time.

And fuck you for implying it somehow is.

>> No.8804656

Same here. 171cm and 59kg.

But I'm skinny enough that guy jeans don't fit me.

>> No.8804655

I wouldn't call myself addicted, but I'm close enough with weed habitually. Additionally, I take NRIs to focus, Piracetam to get through school, and have experimented widely with everything (over 30 substances so far, I would list but this isn't 420chan) from nutmeg and robotussin to TMA-2, MXE and 25-i-NBOME.

I want to be on phenylphenidate or something similar. >>8804629 and I should share our stashes.

>> No.8804659

Oh boy. I hate looking for jeans. Why are people so huge?

>> No.8804662

I just switched to wearing girl jeans. Works significantly better.

>> No.8804664


buy slacks; they come in 29 inch waistline commonly and don't shafe as much as denim.

>> No.8804665

No serious side-effects but try sleeping without and you'll find yourself in fucking hell, I'd say its equivalent to underdosing DPH and ending up with restless leg syndrome. I kinda got the same with benzos and anxiety, the minute i stopped taking after a week or two constant use, just lead to anxiety hell.

>> No.8804666

Girl jeans also feel really good on your butt.

>> No.8804671

I feel like I actually have a butt, when I wear girl jeans.

>> No.8804678


>Where the fuck do shut-ins get drugs?

Legitimate prescriptions from doctors for most of it and the internet for anything else. You can buy pretty much anything if you snoop around with Tor for an hour. They're openly selling LSD, weed, heroin, pretty much anything you could think of and they ship it right to you. It's secure and they know how to discreetly ship the stuff, but it still makes me paranoid and that's why I've never ordered anything more than weed.


>Why do you guys take drugs?

Because it makes me very happy and it improves every aspect of my life. Stim addiction is tricky since you don't really get high unless you take a large enough dose, so it's not like I'm chasing a high every day. Even at therapeutic dosages I just feel very energetic, motivated, everything feels exciting and interesting, and I get really involved in projects. I basically become an enhanced version of myself and after you get used to that you will pretty much feel so slow once you stop taking it that you actually feel somewhat retarded. There's just no comparison to how you feel when you're stimmed and how you feel sober, your mind is just on a whole different level as far as your energy and the speed at which you can process information.

>> No.8804685

/jp/ - Just Heroin Addicts.

>> No.8804722
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You're scaring me, /jp/. I've never seen this side of you before.

Are you all drug users?

>> No.8804730

>your mind is just on a whole different level as far as your energy and the speed at which you can process information.
What do you do with that enhanced state? Browse /jp/?
I suppose you can use that enhanced state to do 100 kanji a day and be done with 2k jouyou kanji in under a month. That would be pretty productive.

>> No.8804738

No, it's just the summer break kids home from school doing that shit.

>> No.8804746

Personally I get sidetracked within 5 minutes of my stims kicking in and end up on /jp/ for 12 hour in a row sessions, sometimes longer actually. At the end of all of it I feel like I accomplished a lot too, and I can go to sleep (with zopiclone) feeling quite satisifed.

>> No.8804753

if you want linguistic grinding power you'd dose yourself psilocybin. Terrance McKenna translated Mayan for a reason, bro.

>> No.8804772


Keep up on your vitamin C, multivitamins, L-dopa, and 5-HTP. Also, try coordinating your stims with piracetam and choline bitartrate for max potentiation.

>> No.8804775

I hope you don't mean taking vitamin C with stims, that would be a complete waste of time.

>> No.8804785


naw nigg, I mean after the fact to counteract neurotoxicity and oxidation damage.

>> No.8804794

>naw nigg
Please go back to /b/.

>> No.8804798


>What do you do with that enhanced state? Browse /jp/?

That's the problem with stims, I guess.

You seem to lock onto the first thing that you do and it becomes almost impossible to unlock because it feels so interesting.

I've masturbated until my hand felt like it was going to break, spent entire days writing up long-winded posts on /jp/ about subjects that would normally bore me to death, getting into crazy projects like dismantling my entire computer to clean out every little bit of dust, etc. I could write hundreds of examples of stupid shit that suddenly seemed so important and interesting because of the stims.

If you have the willpower to pull yourself away from all of the distractions like masturbation marathons and /jp/ then you could blast through actually productive activities with ease though. I've had days like that and they were pretty great.

>> No.8804809

so I'm a regular of imgur
decided to check out /r/spacedicks
made it 15 posts in before I clicked off to a lurkmore wiki sort of webbie
got two pages in there when I saw an article on 4chan's /jp/

tl;dr what the fuck is going on here

>> No.8804823

Get out of /jp/.

>> No.8804819


I haven't been on /b/ since 2008 and the great faggotry.

>> No.8804821



Isn't 5-HTP just for serotonin though? Thought stims only depleted dopamine.

>> No.8804827


go back to /r/awww you soft-headed normal. This place isn't for you.

>> No.8804832

I thought normals had lives.
Why is it that every time school lets out they all come flooding here?

>> No.8804834

what the fuck is /r/awww?

ya'll mean shit like adderall and ritalin? I took those once

>> No.8804846

How am I supposed to effectively use benzos? My doctor prescribes them to me as much as I want and he said he'll do it for the rest of my life, but I don't know how to use them properly.

I'm apathetic enough as it is. The anxiety relief is great, but I feel like it turns me into a very lazy sociopath. I don't care about anything or anyone when they start to work. It's like there's no difference between skydiving and sitting in my chair, both ideas become equally boring.

>> No.8804863


depends on the stim, most effect dopamine and norepinephrine, but if you're on actual speed (ampethamine in the name) or phenylamines, you may need to supplement for serotonin depletion.

5-HT is seratonin, btw; 5-HTP is the chemical precursor.

>> No.8804866


>I thought normals had lives.

Why is drug use always associated with normals? I'm assuming that's what you're referring to at least.

I have barely left my home in five years, I have no friends whatsoever and I'm hopelessly addicted to drugs. I thought the same applied to most people on /jp/. At a certain point in this lifestyle you either become a pill popper or an alcoholic, it's the furthest thing from a normal though.

>> No.8804877


Benzos are best like an 'psychoemotional bandaid', and are for when you're tripping/anxious/psychotic/tweaking and you just want off the ride. People who aren't anxious or otherwise perturbed generally just get amnesia from benzos.

>> No.8804892


How to effectively use benzos: sell them to me so I can go out and be a productive member of society.

>> No.8804897
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Anyone have any experience with psychedelics?

I'm looking for a drug that let me escape into my mind for a little bit, but I want to feel like I'm actually transported to another world. I don't know much about psychedelics, but from what I've seen it kind of seems like they either make everything around you look a little weird and distorted or they just make you see fractals for an hour. I want to feel like I'm in a whole different world, but that stuff sounds kind of underwhelming from what I'm imagining.

>> No.8804898

is a ampethamine any different from a methampethadate?.
you guys got some hard recaptchas around here

>> No.8804907

DPH, or benadryl, will do just that but make sure you actually do your homework on it before you take it. Just because its benadryl don't take it lightly.

>> No.8804946


>I'm looking for a drug that let me escape into my mind for a little bit, but I want to feel like I'm actually transported to another world.

you want MXE or Ketamine (same diff, but MXE is easier to get).


Methylphenidate (sic, I hope that's what you meant) is related to, but is not an ampethamine salt (it is way closer to cocaine, chemically). It has affinity for seratonin, dopamine, and nor epinephrine receptors.

>> No.8804955


Don't do this. DPH is for people who can't buy research chemicals. If you're going to go for DPH out-of-this-world experience, then combine 400mg of both DPH and DXM.

>> No.8804961


You're better off with lucid dreaming. Part of why I'm an invalid hikki is the lasting effects of heavy psychedelic usage on my psyche. The chemicals themselves may or may not damage your brain physically, but if you have a negative experience it can very well scar you for life.

That said, if you're looking to try a psychedelic (presumably without too much social contact involved), I'd try DXM. Just make sure you buy the pure stuff (no acetaminophen or guaifenesin or any of that shit) or you could very well die.

>> No.8804979


This man has it figured out, and their journey probably parallels mine. As I said, if you want to go full-body dissociative MXE or K is your friend.

>> No.8804992

ah...I was on it for 5 years or so, 80mg daily

anything I should be worried about or is it pretty safe?

>> No.8805003


>research chemicals

Are there any you know of that mimic the effects of benzo's?

>> No.8805011


80mg. orally. of lab-clean ADD meds. 5 years ago. and you don't notice any problems.

so you're fine.

I used to vaporize street trimethoxyamphetamine in dosages up to 200mg; with marathon sessions of that and other entactogens and psychedelics. That's when you really need to supplement your way through the bender.

>> No.8805030

ah naw I notice shit tons of problems
I just take them as human flaws
I stopped a year ago, but I took them for ~5 years
what kind of problems would I see?
I've been prescibed over 15 different types of meds easily, so if all else fails I just blame those

>> No.8805025

MXE mimics the sedation, but is a dissociative (cat tranquilizer) so it's nothing like a benzo in mind. I don't personally research benzos, but I hear Etizolam is good.

>> No.8805026


What country do you live in? I know doctors in the UK apparently hate benzos and never give them out, but if you live in the US then it's really not hard to get a prescription.

Just don't go to a psychiatrist. Go to a general practitioner/family doctor and complain about horrible social anxiety. He'll probably put you on a beta blocker, then an SSRI, and then maybe some other useless shit, but just keep coming back a month later and saying that none of it works and then you get a lifetime prescription of benzos. This is especially true for the older doctors who handed out valium like candy back in the day.

>> No.8805049


serotonin related issues include anything you saw in UK's GenX after the old hardcore scene was done with them (because they had speedy rolls): lethargy when sober, decreased mood or appetite, depression, feeling of being 'shocked' or other neurotropic pain. obcessive-compulsive behaviours, irritable bowels, poor judgement, low empathy, and other problems can be caused by low seratonin. It's a very central neurotransmitter for your limic system's functions.

>> No.8805048

Does anyone know the truth about benzo tolerance? It seems to be a pretty debated thing.

I know the sedation is definitely something you become tolerant to, but do you ever become tolerant to the anxiety relief? I hear some doctors say "Benzos are short term use only and that's it." and others are just "Take it as long as you want."

>> No.8805052

huh, could I sell a 3 month's supply for anything?
I had a full bottle when I stopped

err...anything I can do about it?

>> No.8805057


you can sell it using Greencard/Moneypak/Paypal and ship it via FedEx.

>> No.8805069

how much would 90, 80mg pills of concerta be worth? not much because of the capsule I assume

>> No.8805078


sell them by the pill and you can make ~15-20USD/pill (in a major city or university town). Selling them as one bulk would go for ~200USD and if I could swing it I'd be your buyer, as I'm out of real stims and only have Flouroampethamines right now.

>> No.8805077

Yeah concerta is basically shit, could probably sell it to uni students though.

>> No.8805079
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How do I avoid the beetus if I can't exercise because of medical problems ?

>> No.8805081

it's actually really handy for studying or needing to be productive imho
I guess that's what it was meant for

>> No.8805092

Cut down on shit food, seriously just go buy a ton of breakfast oats and live off that stuff - its cheap and isn't packed with sugar.

>> No.8805097


this guy is on his game; make those steel-cut irish oats and you can actually get protein into your diet, as well.

>> No.8805101

walk, doesn't matter how far. just walk.
if you can stand, you can 'exercise'
any sort of general movement
if you can't even stand, read the thread and cut out grains, starches, and red meats

>> No.8805105

don't complex carbs just turn into simple sugars during digestion anywho? that's pretty much all a grain is

>> No.8805118


everything turns into a simple sugar during aerobic metabolism, but having sugars in the blood stream and not in your mitochrondria where they should be is what causes insulin to spike.

>> No.8805162

If you're a poorfag, and wanna do this you should look into mediation.

It'll take awhile, but you can get some separation from the world with it.

>> No.8805198

You guys are scaring me.
I don't want to die.

>> No.8805206


death is something we all must face alone

>> No.8805209

But there's so much things I haven't done ;_;

>> No.8805213

Never stand when you can safely sit, never sit when you can safely lie down, never stay awake when you can safely sleep.

Goodnight, /jp/.

>> No.8805217


Well, you're the only one responsible for the authorship of your life, you temporally-bound slow-rotting sack of meat, so you maybe you should figure out what specifically that missing part of the story is right now.

>> No.8805227

An excellent credo.
Good night all you drug dealers and body builders, hopefully you're not here tomorrow.

>> No.8805232

I can skip for roughly two miles straight on a flat surface without having to stop and rest (sometimes walking but I'm including it for measurement), one with the hills around where I live.

My teeth are decaying badly but I'm starting to pay more attention to them.

I never shower (a month or two apart), but I wash my hands daily, rinse my hands all the time, and change my clothing as it gets too dirty to wear. Oh, I rinse my feet once a week or so, too.

I go through phases of liking eating certain things. I can safely say that I eat a LOT. Ideally, I'd sit around eating deli sandwiches, and drinking apple cider, every day.

>> No.8805297

Die, /fit/fag, rice is good for you.

I'd love to see your childish retorts and insults though.

>> No.8805301

Way to jump on a post from hours ago whose author says he eats rice every other day.

>> No.8805378

>Terrance McKenna translated Mayan for a reason, bro.

I don't see what you're getting at.

>> No.8805666
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I'd post that one picture from Cromartie High School where it says you've got some nerve stirring up some trouble with a post like that, but I don't have it saved.

>> No.8805826
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>Hurr durr i dont i have to do cardio
>Died from heart failure in a sauna because he never did cardio
Goddamn what a moron

>> No.8806109


Relatively pointless shit is done when you're on drugs.

For example, I learned Japanese because of adderall.

>> No.8806172


There's your problem, rolls are extremely dirty. The only types of pills you should ingest are lab-clean pharmaceuticals, or gelcaps with recreational chemicals that you make yourself. You can't trust other people.

It makes me laugh to hear about normals who take 4 dirty ecstasy pills in an evening though, for weeks at at time, then complain about memory loss.

>> No.8806188


Actually, he died because he had heart problems and was on life-threatening drugs at the time.

>> No.8806214

incidentally using a computer while lying on your back like OP's pic is actually better for your posture and if you have back pain

my desk is made of glass, so I just clean it really well, flip the screen orientation, lay the monitor face down, then lie on the floor underneath it. it looks lazy and silly but its actually better than sitting and slouching for hours and feels good too.

>> No.8806237
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Join the /jp/ fitocracy group. You can track basic stuff like walking, running and bodyweight exercise, you don't need to pump hardcore iron.

>> No.8806302
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>> No.8806311

shit guys you know I want to maybe walk around but my area is full of blacks and mexicans since I live in southern California.. I'm like the only white person in miles around here. I'm scared ill get beat or robbed if I just go walking around. Do you think walking around at night is safer?

>> No.8806316


I'm surprised this wasn't said much earlier.

>> No.8806337

But that's reward not health risk!

>> No.8806341

Just note when most of this happens.


>> No.8806355

How do you safely buy off silkroad?

>> No.8806357


It's not reward. It's cutting your losses.


>> No.8806361



>> No.8806393


This... has to be acted up, it is right?

>> No.8806395

Strangely, I've never had them and I ran constantly for six years (summer off-seasons notwithstanding). Even now, when I don't run often but when I do it's for 30-60 minutes, I don't get them.

I'd wager most people here are far more towards the underweight side than overweight.

>> No.8806424

I would like to take walks but I live in an urban area. I'm too nervous and shy to go walk out in front of people. I wish I could do it but there's always people around even in the morning.

>> No.8806515

It's reward because if you will do it correctly then you will be rewarded with portal to Gensokyo.

>> No.8807147


This just makes me sad for the fate of humanity... and happy I own a gun.

>> No.8807159


No, thugs really are that dumb and obnoxious. It's why they live by the rule of the gun.

>> No.8808526

Another tip to prevent body maladies, don't balance a CRT upon table like in OP's picture.

>> No.8808561
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What's the problem? If there was any risk of movement, he wouldn't have set himself up like that in the first place.

>> No.8808585

I hope your glass doesn't shatter.

My parents bought a thick glass table years ago and I shattered it by simply putting my elbows on it.

Sure it might have been a problem with the glass itself but at least I didn't have to worry about a monitor falling on my face after

>> No.8808589

I walk six miles (about 9 kilometers) every day and have been doing situps and pushups in the morning for about half an hour as well. My diet is almost entirely rice and beans, with banana and peanut butter for lunch and cream of wheat for breakfast (because 3 dollars a box jesus christ).

How soon am I going to die?eldwder

>> No.8808600

Yeah, my parents grew up in Miami, it's fucked. Society is fucked.

I remember walking around downtown LA at like 2am, by myself. I guess I was in the hotel district cause there was nobody around, just me and the smell of bum piss, but man it wasn't a relaxing walk.

Gang members and thugs live by spotty morals to say the least and they just seem to flip out for no apparent reason and lack any sort of rationale. It's best to avoid this sort of situation.

>> No.8808597

You have 3 days to live

>> No.8808620

>. Since you aren't going to have much need for meat, you don't even have to quit eating meat entirely just cut it back to every other day or just on the weekend, you can get beans instead to fulfill any need for proteins and eat beets and spinach for your iron.

As a NEET, you should be extra cautious to get plenty of protein to avoid muscle atrophy. This means getting real sources of protein, not pretend vegetarian ones with zero bioavailability and attached to carbs at a 1:10 ratio.

Make sure you to eat tuna and chicken breast every day, /jp/.

>> No.8808647

>Make sure you to eat tuna and chicken breast every day, /jp/.

I prefer canned sardines, but you bet your ass I do. Also, eggs.

>> No.8809107


>> No.8809114

I can't eat fish because I find them cute.

>> No.8809136

Oh boo hoo what a faggot. Do you not eat dogs because you find them cute? Who gives a shit they're already dead.

>> No.8813102

That is incredibly dangerous.

What if there is an earthquake?

>> No.8813111

I'm more concerned for his wrist. Look at that terrible fucking angle
