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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8930461 No.8930461 [Reply] [Original]

How has your day been, /jp/?

5:47 - Suddenly awoken by a strange sensation. Realize I passed gas.
5:55 - Try go to back to sleep, but my stomach feels weird and I think I need to use the restroom.
5:54 - 6:02 - Had a good poop. Bowels are empty and I feel cheerful and refreshed.
6:05 - Get on /jp/ and begin making this post.
Now - Posting this post.

>> No.8930470

Do other people really use the bathroom for less than five minutes? For me it's a break from life and I sit on a toilet for like an hour just thinking.

>> No.8930480
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im gonna write that i woke up
on my first post of the day
and going to sleep on the last
so i can see on archive b/caus im so confused with the time

ive been up for maybe 20 hrs?
so its been long

>> No.8930479


When I poop it's more like a rocket launch.

Everything empties out within less than 30 seconds in one gigantic eruption and then I wait for any stragglers.

>> No.8930483

I'm like you, I like to ponder about the meaning of my life when I pinch off a loaf.

>> No.8930482

My whole life is a big break from life.
That being said, I have hemorrhoids and can't do it fast anyway

>> No.8930486

Been at the computer since my 10pm nap. Just looked out the window and saw the sun coming up.

Looks like I'm almost out of time.

>> No.8930488

Anyone ever had a dream that was really cool, but then everything sucks cause you wake up?
I go back to sleep and and try to go back dreaming

>> No.8930489

It takes me 30 seconds to poop.
If it takes more, you're eating wrong. If you lived in the jungle you'de be dead already, eaten by jaguars while you take one of your epic 1 hour shits.

>> No.8930502

>Anyone ever had a dream that was really cool, but then everything sucks cause you wake up?
That I did.
Life is a bitch.

>> No.8930507
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I took too much ADHD medication and I've been awake for over 34 hours.

My eyes are twitching, I keep thinking I'm hearing things, I'm grinding my teeth, and the monitor looks like it's rippling. Like an ocean. But not exactly like an ocean. More like a river when you throw a little rock in it and it ripples. Those kinds of ripples.

>> No.8930506

When I shit, I move my ass around and put a few whatevermeasurmentsweuse away from the sit, cause latley, they keep splashing

>> No.8930514 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.99 MB, 200x168, 1291266107372.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is scared of his own farts

I often wake up feeling anxious and have a hard time getting to sleep but I think these are just nightmares I can't remember.

>> No.8930512

Just put some paper to avoid the splash.

>> No.8930513

>If it takes more, you're eating wrong.
>eating wrong
Well jolly gee, who would have thought, wiz.

>> No.8930522

I ate you're moms pussy, bitch

>> No.8930519

Good thing we don't live in the jungle. But if you insist on measuring your life that way, you go out and live in the jungle.

>> No.8930533

Why does it say 404 every time I make a post?

>> No.8930538


I'd be living in the trees instead of wallowing around in the undergrowth like you, you plebeian.
The jaguars and you can eat my poorly formed stool when it drops on you from above.

>> No.8930559

A fast poop means a healthy body

>> No.8930562

Jaguars climb trees.
both you would be dead unless you're over 200lbs of muscle and are skilled enough to battle a jaguar.

>> No.8930565

5:30PM - Woke up and started reading Bakuman
6:30AM - Replied to this shitty thread.

>> No.8930571
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It's 6am and I haven't gone to sleep yet. I wanted to get some work done today but I'll probably end up sleeping until 4pm.

>> No.8930574
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I woke up at 11AM and browsed until 4PM then left for work. Got there at 5PM and browsed /jp/ and gelbooru some more, though I didn't feel like fapping for some reason. Left work at 5AM, hopped on the train and here I am.

>> No.8930582


>hopped on the train

These still exist outside of Japan? Did any molestation occur?

>> No.8930586

>they exist outside of Japan?
Yes, faggot

>> No.8930597

They do in NYC. It was an uneventful ride as usual, though sometimes you do see some homeless people sleeping.

>> No.8930594

>Did any molestation occur?
Yes, faggot

>> No.8930611


>> No.8930614

How's it like in middile America? Seriously. What do you people do there?

>> No.8930631


I browse /jp/ and masturbate. Sometimes I look at cows

>> No.8930653

I sometimes light things on fire. There are things to do here.

>> No.8930658

I woke up, masturbated, drank some tea, browsed /jp/, ate dinner, made some cookies, browsed /jp/, now I am shitting and posting this on my laptop. I'm about to go to sleep.

>> No.8930667

You mean you're shitposting?

>> No.8930670

I woke up, packed my things (I'm going back to my uni flat in a bit), drank a coffee and now I am shitting and posting this on my laptop.

>> No.8930687 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.28 MB, 1800x1200, meshitposting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8930692

Maybe you should get some rest.

>> No.8930698

Them manly hands.
Why the fuck do you have a camera with you?

>> No.8930700

It's the best feeling when you set thing on fire and masturbate.

>> No.8930707
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>> No.8930704

...how did you take that picture if both your hands are on the keyboard?

>> No.8930705

I woke up around 1am. So far I've played Dodonpachi DOJBL for a while, browsed the Internet for a couple hours, watched some videos on youtube, made some shitposts on /jp/, and started downloading House of the Dead 4. Now I shall play Binary Domain.

>> No.8930712

Wow those look almost exactly like my arms and legs except my wrists are a little hairier and I don't have that gross bump

>> No.8930709

How did I not notice that?
Jesus christ.

>> No.8930732

You seem to be taking sleep deprivation pretty badly.
After 34 hours I'm just lightly tired. It takes more than 48 hours to get me seriously tired and somewhat more than that for hypnagogic hallucinations to start (kind of never).

My day? Too much procrastination. I've been wanting to work on something, but I ended up thinking more about doing what I want to do than actually doing it. About 2 hours of the past 24 hours were spent doing what I was planning to do. I blame the Internet for providing so much entertainment to distract me from my goals.

>> No.8930735

I can't help the bump, it's a keloid scar.

>> No.8930738



>> No.8930776

You shouldn't be using your laptop while you take a shit. If you lived in the jungle you'de be dead already, eaten by jaguars while you make one of your epic XD shitposts.

>> No.8930785

You shouldn't be shitposting on /jp/. If you lived in the jungle you'd be dead already, eaten by jaguars while you make one of your epic XD shitposts.

>> No.8930787

You shouldn't be going on /jp/ in the jungle. Jaguars will trick you into posting pictures or other details about your location, and then track you down and eat you.

>> No.8930805

You shouldn't be a jaguar on /jp/. People will say bad things about you and bully you.

>> No.8930810

You shouldn't be using the internet in the jungle. Jaguars can sniff your packets and use the data to to trace your location, and then find and eat you.

>> No.8930823

You shouldn't be taking a shit while posting on the internet in the jungle, they'll call the jaguars and they'll trak you down and consequences will never be the same

>> No.8930859


archive dis shit moot

>> No.8930864

10am: Woke up. Showered, played some UNL with /jp/
1pm: Started watching Singsing's dota 2 stream
4pm: Realized I should probably go be productive
5pm: Bread making, water purifying, and dishes finished, I go back to my computer to install Ougon Cross or whatever the Umineko fightan is called
6pm: My friend kicks my ass in it for a few hours
1am: Goddamnit Rosa is such a badass
3am: Why do you have to be such a faggot Virgillia? I want to love you, I really do, but goddamn your gameplay can be boring
Present: Realize that I now have to stay up and right my schedule if I want to be able to wake up in time for my work shift on Monday

>> No.8930897

12:46PM Gets woken up by my sister asking for money
12:46PM Gets on my PC
12:55PM Plays some dota 2 while look though /jp/
1:33PM Gets some food have tuna on toast
2:10PM Plays some more Dota 2
2:50PM Remembers i have to do a Work booklet thing for "Centrelink"
3:10PM Do about 3 pages gives up go back to dota 2
4:00PM Have some food this time a salad
5:00PM Goes back to Dota 2
6:40PM Dinner have steak and salad
7:30PM Dota 2
8:30PM Person i'm playing dota with gets mad and leaves then comes back we play 1 more game
9:10PM Finish game look thru some /jp/
9:30PM Start and going to finish this work booklet
10:04PM Posting on /jp/

Want to play some TERA but dota and shitty dole books take up time :(
