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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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8944735 No.8944735 [Reply] [Original]

What games are you currently playing? Any jrpg or mmorpg? Anything standout from the rest as amazing?

I'm currently playing Tribes Ascend, DotA2, and Mount and Blade Warband. Warband especially, its so much fun. I find myself starting up the game and just getting lost in it, and then four hours have passed

>> No.8944738

Half Eraifu 2

>> No.8944742

jagged alliance 2 and hatemoo

>> No.8944747

>Mount and Blade Warband
what is this game

>> No.8944752
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little busters

>> No.8944753

Ar Tonelico Qoga; the more I play it, the more I like it. Finnel and Soma won't let me drop this game.

Demon's Souls; I keep dying every 2 minutes but I can't stop playing for some reason.

>> No.8944758

Absolutely fuckin' nothing. I don't have my god damn
desktops back yet, so I'm stuck with this shitty laptop. I
guess I could work on my doom port or something.

>> No.8944757

Xenoblade. What a letdown. One of the worst battle systems and set of character designs I've ever seen. Doubly a shame, since the storyline is fantastic.

>> No.8944763

Dark souls, A link to the past, metroid prime 2, FInal fantasy 3 (US), and twilight princess.

Dark souls, ALTTP, and FF3, all are pretty damn good, metroid prime 2 is decent, and twilight princess is ok at best.

>> No.8944765

Fiesta Online now that it's been ported to facebook.

>> No.8944771


I honestly don't know how to describe it. It's a strategy, sandbox, medieval, risk-like game. Not a story to it, you play as a guy and can rise up the ranks in one of several kingdoms, fighting for it, become the owner of land and it's people, buildup from a variety of units, fight against other armies (and the battles can be done either automatically or you can personally take place in them, where it's morrowind-esque like combat, if not a bit more realistic.

>> No.8944772

Trying to finish Totori before Meruru comes out, and just recently got into Osu. Also about to try Trickster because of that thread.

>> No.8944777

Embodiment of Scarlet Devil.

One or maybe, if I'm feeling good, two runs a day.

I'll beat it eventually.

>> No.8944784

Wipeout 2048, Persona 3 Portable and Akai Katana Shin

Losing motivation in P3P so I've been working on a 1cc with old lady team in AKS

Wipeout is a lot of fun though, I haven't played much online though, when I did play it was all laggy asians that teleport all over the track and finish in last despite being displayed as first place for the entire race...

>> No.8944797
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WoW, but nobody even logs on for raids anymore because they're playing other games without me.

I'm too scared to go into vent to ask what's going on, so I just stand in Stormwind for an hour to see if others will log in before ultimately logging out and thinking of passive aggressive things to say to them in vent if I had the balls to get on.

>> No.8944803

Tera is eating up all my time. When I'm not leveling I'm cybering as an Elin. The times just flies by.

>> No.8944813

Your posts are always so depressing.

>> No.8944810



>> No.8944823

I play the fuck outta Team Fortress 2.

>> No.8944818
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I know.

>> No.8944824
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Oh /jp/.

>> No.8944836

Oh, and other games that aren't /jp/-related, which is where the free time goes.

>> No.8944885
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I've been playing Warband too.
I conquered the world in native warband and native expanded, now i'm doing it in floris.
I turned up the difficulty to 111% and with how difficult floris is over native anyways it's taking me quite a lot longer to conquest. I'm having a ball fighting tooth and nail for every castle.

Other than that I played GW2 over the beta weekend, I had a blast. Most fun i've had in a long time. I'm really excited for the next beta weekend and eventual release.

>> No.8945042

Somebody should just kill this dude.

>> No.8945064
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Switching around from playing Xenogears and 2nd playthrough of Fate/Extra using Caster.

Once in a while play Tales of Graces F and mustering up motivation to resume Totori before Meruru's out.

>> No.8945071
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Fourteen days...

>> No.8945075

I've become a casual piece of shit, therefor I am currently only playing a casual piece of shit game like League of Legends.

>> No.8945076

i'm currently doing pretty bad.
Thinking of just deleting character and starting over.

>> No.8945096


>> No.8945109

tf2 and l4d2. I might start playing tera soon

>> No.8945112

Yakuza: Dead Souls

>> No.8945116

I used to. Nowadays I only play mods

>> No.8945111

I've been playing TF2 since 2007 but I've only ever played 2fort. Do you play on any of the 24/7 2fort servers?

>> No.8945119

Virtua Tennis 4

Since then I've fapped hard to the tennis tag on the boorus.

>> No.8945135
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Only game I've played lately is Banjo Kazooie.

I see most of you have disgustingly bad taste, though.

>> No.8945138

Tribes: Ascend and TERA.

>> No.8945146
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I'm playing this gaym.

>> No.8945147

TERA is pretty fun.

>> No.8945157

Jan Ryu Mon disabled it's region blocking so i've been trying that mahjong client. But it also just crashed mid-game so... eh.

>> No.8945174

armagetron advanced
I'll play it until I'm a rotting corpse

>> No.8945241
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Dota2 and Assassin's Creed Rev

Waiting on Lime Ody

>> No.8945271

I just beat Mischief Makers which was pretty cool. For now I'll grind World of Tanks a bit and maybe get around to playing Clear Sky and Call of Pripyat.

>> No.8945640

Etrian Odyssey 2 without a clue what I'm doing.

>> No.8945647

Yfw /jp/ can have a civil thread about video games, but /v/ can't without completely fucking it up.

>> No.8945653

Crusader Kings 2 and Dream Club Zero.

>> No.8945672

Paper Tenko trial 5, wich is fun but kinda hard.
Super Mario RPG and some Call of Duty 4.

>> No.8945687

I've fallen back into MH. Every day without 3G is slowly killing me inside.

>> No.8945693
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I completed Demon's Souls finally, I've ordered Dark Souls, is it fun?

>> No.8945694


How hard is it to find a game on COD4 servers?

COD4 was great, and everything after that, well, you know.

>> No.8945696


IMO one of the top 10 games in the last decade without a doubt, very fun.

>> No.8945697

Eden Eternal released the Halfkin race a while back so I've been loli-ing it up.

>> No.8945698

I was being ironic.

>> No.8945700

congrats on the marriage

>> No.8945702

OP here, this man isn't me!
Don't be lame.

>> No.8945709



I don't think you know what that word means.

>> No.8945724

He was being rhetorical!

>> No.8945737

I have WoW Cataclysm , I'd play with someone if they'd pay for a month for me.
Although that is a big ask.

>> No.8945747

I was being ironic.

>> No.8948744
File: 548 KB, 1920x1080, binary-domain-let-the-good-times-roll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beat Binary Domain. That game is awesome.

>> No.8948760

It was. I mean Robots that are pretty much Human on the outside and you can reproduce with them.
To make human/semi-robot babies. Imagine that shit.

>> No.8948783
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;_; BO..

>> No.8948789

Minecraft and White Knight Chronicles 2 but considering going back to Demon's Souls before the servers go offline at the end of the month. Also been in the mood for some Monster Hunter again, lately.

>> No.8948790

I as sad when he died. At first when he got hit I thought they were going to pull some.
Everyone is invincible shit but he never got up.

>> No.8948794

Osu! ends up sucking most of my time away.

I don't even really understand it. It's not like I wake up with the intention, "Yeah, I think today would be a good day to click circles for 13 hours straight."

>> No.8948798


You're here forever.

>> No.8948802

I found my copy of GTA: Chiatown Wars
Its fun and I wish they made a series of top-down 2D GTA games for the DS

>> No.8948806

Seiken Densetsu 3, Fire Emblem 3, Sappheiros.

>> No.8948812

Bo died in my playthru as well, but I read that you can save him if your trust level with Cain is Very High. If it is, Cain returns in the end and takes the hit for Faye instead of Bo, and he can get up from it because he's a robut.

I'm gonna do another playthrough on No Mercy next.

>> No.8948823

Oh, it's that game. I knew I was waiting for a release. Thanks for reminding me.

>> No.8948838

Tony Hawk 2 in my spare time.

>> No.8948848

LoL, but it's really awkward for me to use instant messaging and teammates get mad when I don't speak.

>> No.8948854

I started playing Chulip because my room mate suggested it but I kind of bored of dying too much to finding random poop and getting shot because I prowled the streets at night.

Plus that and the main love interest is kind of a bitch.

>> No.8948858

Darius Gaiden.

>> No.8948863

My trust with cain was max. Bo still died.

>> No.8948869

I'm just a newfag thats trying to figure out how to torrent correctly and plan on playing EoSD and maby Yume Nikki

>> No.8948884

I just started playing Banjo Kazooie, it really feels very similar (at least in sound effects) to Donkey Kong 64. I really hope the game is just as good as some people tell.

>> No.8948967

DARK SOULS(!), Metal Gear Solid 2, 3, 4, Peace walker on the PS3.

Wii: Xenoblade, DK: Returns, that new Kirby Wii game, Sin and Punishment 2, 15 other Wii games waiting to be played.
Most of my truNEET time goes for Dark Souls though. Man, i haven't even really done much PVP yet, but i love the shit out of that game. Buy/pirate it, /jp/. Although this is one of those games i'd gladly pay for. It's good. It's worth it.

And I bought a cheap wii and put USB Loader GX on it.

Any good Wii games i might have missed besides all the first party nintendo stuff?

>> No.8949002

Did you ever play that "captain rainbow" or something? Also, I think Fragile is pretty good. There's also Sakura wars, I don't really know what it is about, though.

>> No.8949015

I uninstalled Tribes:Ascend by accident, but I've been playing mostly that.

Recently also Neverwinter Nights 2. While making my character I was annoyed yet again by the apparent inability of western RPG developers to design any female hairstyle that approaches anything stylish or cute. Seriously, what's up with that? I had to make my character look like hardened dyke again just to avoid making her look like a village idiot instead.

>> No.8949035

Monster Hunter Tri

>> No.8949065

No More Heroes and its sequel are pretty amazing.

Muramasa: The Demon Blade is great, but all too short.

Phantom Brave is quite a nice time sink, if you didn't catch it on PS2.

Monster Hunter Tri, if you haven't played it.

The Last Story.

Fragile Dreams.

Fatal Frame 4.

Okami played nicely on the wii. I thought the motion control was going to be a gimmick, but it ended up working well.

Tatsunoko vs. Capcom is one of the best fighting games to come out of capcom in a very long time, maybe even since SFIII.

Castle of Shikigami III.

Arc Rise Fantasia.

Shiren the Wanderer.

Tales of Graces.

I'm sure there are more, but these are the best ones I've played that aren't first-party and aren't ones you mentioned already.

>> No.8949093

I bought Atelier Rorona but I can't work up the motivation to start it

>> No.8949104

Had that feeling before. Took me half a year until I got to resume my playthrough midway.

What's with people buying the Rorona series and not instantly wanting to play it anyways?

>> No.8949124

I own Rorona and Totori and have yet to play either of them at all.

>> No.8949130

Didn't you say on IRC you buy games only to buy them?

>> No.8949128
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I put off Rorona until Totori was about to come out, and now I'm doing the same with Totori. I guess I work better with a deadline.

>> No.8949141


I'll check these out, thanks.

Didn't even know of most of these, except MH, Okami and the last story.

Wish i had more time on my hands.

>> No.8949155

I've been playing some Skullgirls and am learning dota2. I still waste an unhealthy amount of time playing League of Legends.

>> No.8949215

Games I haven't played (Less than an hour of playtime):

PSP ~ Trails in the Sky, Ys I & II Collection, Ys Oath of Felghana, Ys Seven, Yggdra Union, Riviera, Knight in the Nightmare, Mana Khemia, Disgaea 2, Final Fantasy Tactics, Birth by Sleep, Phantom Brave

PS3 ~ Ar Tonelico Qoga, Meta Gear Solid HD Collection, Totori, Rorona, Eternal Sonata, Red Dead Redemption, Valkyria Cronicles, Neptunia, Neptunia 2, No More Heroes, Uncharted 3, Disgaea 4, Shadow of Colossus & Ico

Computer ~ Daggerdale, New Vegas, Battlefield 3
Several Steam titles I can't be assed to check because I don't have steam installed.

Games I owned that I still own and have played (but not completed):
Dark Souls, Demon's Souls, Portal 2, Catherine, Fate/Zero, Phantom Brave (Wii), Corpse Party, Mana Khemia (PS2), Diablo II, Skyrim, Morrowind, Ar Tonelico 2, Gods Eater Burst, Disgaea, Zettai Hero Project, Infamous, Monster Hunter Tri (Wii), Nocturne, Patapon 3

>> No.8949224

Vita -- Ciel nosurge
PS3 -- SkullGirls and the occasional fightan, SO4
MMOs -- TERA, SWTOR, Sword Girls, Koihime Musou

>> No.8949227

I can't believe you were autistic enough to type that up.

>> No.8949232

So GUST games tend to get very mediocre reviews. What, in your opinion, makes them worth playing?

>> No.8949237 [DELETED] 

I just sit here sitting at the computer anyway. It's not like I have anything to do.

>> No.8949239

Characters, Humor (mostly otaku-centric), Devilishly addicting gameplay.

Oh, and pay no mind of game reviews. They're under the agenda that they rate high profile Western games over Japanese niche games and how much they get paid by game companies.

>> No.8949241 [DELETED] 

I just sit here staring at the computer anyway. It's not like I have anything to do.

>> No.8949252

Was it really necessary to repost that with a sage?

>> No.8949264 [DELETED] 

Had a typo, which normally wouldn't have bothered me if I didn't have a typo in the last post too. Was it necessary to respond to it in that manner?

>> No.8949268

In what manner? I just asked a question, dude.

>> No.8949270 [DELETED] 

If you're using an auto-thread updater, you probably don't see that I deleted the post with a typo.

>> No.8949286

I figured you did, I was just wondering why you worried about reposting it, considering it wasn't a glaringly obvious typo. I didn't notice the typo before I posted, and figured you just wanted your sage to be visible, so that's my bad.

>> No.8949327

Deleted off-topic posts as to not shit up the thread~

I did play some of the GW2 Beta over the weekend. I might be playing that when it comes out, but who knows.

>> No.8951582
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Binary Domain Update Released
Product Update - Valve

Patch notes:

* FOV options have been added in the Configuration Tool for Aiming and Normal views.
* Fixed Configuration Tool crash when modifying options for DirectInput control pads.
* Restored missing Controller Sensitivity options to Configuration Tool.
* Added basic keyboard and mouse navigation to the menus.
* Updated mouse sensitivity; mouse aiming should generally feel more comfortable now.
* Added Volume option in the Configuration Tool.
* Changed the Screen Size setting to be 100% by default.
* Changed the default button prompts to the keyboard icons.
* Fixed a crash on game exit.

That patch is sweeeeet

>> No.8951755

>* Added basic keyboard and mouse navigation to the menus.

Fuck the video game industry.

>> No.8951921

A $50 Amazon gift card fell into my lap and now I'm conflicted over whether to get Diablo or Dragon's Dogma.

>> No.8952141

The menus were pretty poorly done on the PC, but overall the game runs really well and looks great. The mouse aiming felt a little odd as well, but the patch should fix that.

Besides, it's a PC port of a Japanese console game that bombed REALLY hard. I'm amazed that it even exists.

Diablo if you have Internet friends to play it with, DD if you're solo.

>> No.8952223

Cosmic Break and PSO BB

>> No.8952247

I like to play Diablo by my self more than with others.

>> No.8952498

TF2, recettear, and EoSD mostly.

Also impatiently waiting for Binding of Isaac DLC
