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9029951 No.9029951 [Reply] [Original]

I am going to tokyo in 3 weeks (2nd time Japan/1st time Tokyo) and want to buy some prisonrape level lolicon. Like Rustle, Higashiyama Show or Machida Hiraku type stuff.

However, as this will be my first time in Tokyo I have no idea where to go. I am sure it won't be as simple as walking into K-Books for some regular hentai.

So where the fuck do I go?

Also yes, its legal in my country. LOL NOT SWEDEN.

>> No.9029956

Just jack around in Akihabara, I'm sure there'll be some shop that carries it

>> No.9029962
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go to:

Toranoana, Mandarake, Melon Books, Lashin Bang.
K-Books for boys also has a wide range of loli stuff.

but you gotta look for 2nd hand comics since most of these authors didnt publish anyhting new yet.

Toranoana and the likes mainly sell new stuff.

so Mandarake and Lashin Bang should be got places to go to.

also check out local comic/anime stores - they tend to have some stuff too.
pic related: my stash from last winter in Japan.

>> No.9029968

Ask at any doujin shop-- toranoana, Animate, Mandarake, melonbooks, etc. doujin are inherently limited release, so you may find what you want, or you may not.

>> No.9029973

is it really that easy? Also what kind of looks will I get as a 2 meter whiter than snow gaijin buying some delicious loli? Should I wear one of those white face masks against sneezing.

Shits going to be so cash.

>> No.9029980

They do not care. You won't get any looks there you wouldn't at any other shop.

>> No.9029984


no one will look at you. there are far more creepy and disturbing people at those places.

but the cashier might ask for your ID card to check your age. they love to do that at Melon Books.

they'll show you a sign wich reads "please show us your ID".

>> No.9029989

That looks like a boss stash. What do you have in there?

>> No.9030000


mostly stuff for friends. Astarotte no omocha and some other stuff.

>> No.9030002

curiosity question: did you have any problems at the airport?

>> No.9030007


>> No.9030016


my wife is japanese. so we always travel as a couple. which most likely keeps customs from checking us.

but I always wrap 10-20 doujinshis together and put a harmless comic or magazine on the front and the end of the stash.

so customs wont see anything else than a stash of harmless comics or magazines.

it has worked over 10 times so far.

>> No.9030021

Kill yourself.
Also does she know you're a lolicon?

>> No.9030035

I myself have never had an issue, but times have changed. Considering there's no legal issues in your native land, I wouldn't trip.

>> No.9030029

>Also does she know you're a lolicon?
Well she's 12, so I don't know if she does.

>> No.9030036

all japanese woman are okay with their husbands being lolicons. they are submisive as fuck.

>> No.9030042

You better scan that shit for us Swedes afterwards, faget.

>> No.9030046

>Kill yourself.
Being married is the same as being dead.

>> No.9030055

Its not the legal aspect I fear. Its more that I dont want to have to explain my sexual orientation to a gestapo wannabe who might overreacted, detain me for further information, thereby informing my relatives who would pick me up at the airport of certain aspects of my personality western society isn't ready for.

>> No.9030064

>my wife is japanese so we always travel as a couple
get a load of this faggot

>> No.9030075

Just comically shrug at them when they find out.

The only acceptable response to that shrug will be playfully wagging their finger at you with an "oh you~"

>> No.9030082


>> No.9030126

Ironic you need to be over 18 to fap to little girls.

>> No.9030146

These kids are getting annoying. Ignore the fact he has a wife and make on-topic posts.

>> No.9030172

It makes sense. My wife is American, so we don't travel as a couple. If only my wife was Japanese, then we could travel as a couple.

>> No.9030290

kind of related question maybe: how ahrd is it to get u15 idol stuff?

>> No.9030316

Your grave is calling grandpa.

>> No.9030412
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>> No.9030994

>>9030016 here.

sorry for disturbing your fantasy world guys. I know 3DPD hurr durr

to OP: wrap that stuff like I told you. that is 10-20 doujinshis in the middle and harmless stuff for cover. then wrap it with duct tape. that should do the trick. tell them your a anime/manga fan and want to practice Japanese.

I have carried up to 100 doujinshis at a time with me and nothing has happened so far.

I am from Germany though, so I dont know how Sweden reacts to it. Wasnt there a story about a sweidhs translator getting busted for having nekid anime kid pic though?

>> No.9031045

How to get it through the airport without any problems has always been on my mind, and somehow I doubt getting it back into America would be just as easy as other countries.

>> No.9031054

Why would you buy it when you can pirate it and as far as I gather it's expensive as all fuck?

>> No.9031057


its a bit of luck when you're traveling alone. here in Germany Japan is not really a "risk" country like Thailand, South America or the Middle east.

They are searching mostly for drugs, stuffed animals and counterfeit products. but noone expects anything "evil" from Japan. maybe a shiny, new camera but thats it.

I dont know about America, but I imagine you would get "hadley"d over there. or at least harrased by customs.

>> No.9031061


why do people buy videogames when they can pirate them? why go to the cinema when you can pirate movies?

some people want to give somehting back to the artists.

>> No.9031077


Nah they just want to feel morally superior to other people.
Or have stuff for bragging rights.
It's still entirely self motivated.

>> No.9031089

I support the industry enough by buying a fuckton of figurines and other shit every month.

Buying Anime DVDs and Manga just feels like a waste when you can buy a 2TB exHDD and just load shit on it.

>> No.9031091

I got one of the secret twin tales onaholes shipped to me in tUSA, a quick Google search will show you the box cover. I never got harassed by customs.

>> No.9031131

You were pretty lucky. That shit is hella dangerous nowadays.
I'm being 100% serious here. You could be in jail right now. And for what? Some stupid plastic sex toy with fancy illustrations.
Please don't throw your life aways like that. You should be more careful from now on.

>> No.9031141


why exactly?? all the lolicon-caes in the US so far had also real cp AFAIK.

>> No.9031179

Sometimes, customs officers open packages or have you come to open them. What do you think would they do if they saw one of those things? Sure, it's ``only'' lolicon, but I can assure it wouldn't end well for you.

>> No.9031188

If you're worried about customs why not just ship them from japan to your home while you're there?

>> No.9031241

So you're saying to get someone in trouble all I have to do is order them some loli doujins? I highly doubt they will charge the person having it shipped to them.

>> No.9031290
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Ignore OP guys he is just a shitposter baiting for reactions.
Don't listen to his advice either if you don't want to end up as cumdumpster in prison.

>> No.9031294

>I highly doubt they will charge the person having it shipped to them.
They might. Are you really willing to take the risk?
What if they decide to pay you a visit, just to make sure? Could you handle the cops asking you about why you order cartoon child porn from Japan?
What if they decide to check your computer? Have you encrypted all your doujinshi? When's the last time you cleared your browser cache?

>> No.9031301

I never will understood why you guys are prepared to go to all these lengths to sneak around customs just to have a physical copy of something that's readily available online. The authors will be fine without a few foreigners going out of their way to buy them.

To be honest I don't really like the consumerism of this board sometimes.

>> No.9031319

You make good points, I honestly don't think I would do it again. As for encryption, I have my main operating system hidden with a dummy exposed on the prepared password.

>> No.9031351


I have been importin doujinshis now for like 6 years. nothing has ever happened. I had them shipped to my address and brought them in my luggage too.

I guess it depends on the country you live in.

I pity you guys.

>> No.9031364

On the other hand in Japan they arrest you for not pixelating genitals.

>> No.9031366

I should probably do that too. TrueCrypt can do that, right? Is it hard to set up?
I really don't want to fuck up my Windows 7 install.

>> No.9031370


Japan has become more and more a strange place to be.

censorship creeps more and more into every aspect of media life in Japan. its really sad to watch.

>> No.9031371

Some items are tied in with promotional events, so you can get tickets to a photo-shoot, or whatever, event with whatever idol they're promoting. Or so I heard someone here say, once. I'd like to try it if I ever get to Japan.

>> No.9031391

>I'm being 100% serious here. You could be in jail right now. And for what? Some stupid plastic sex toy with fancy illustrations.

>> No.9031395

Trucrypt is what I use, not terribly hard buy takes a bit of time.

>> No.9031404

fuck you faggot.

your just sad you dont have the balls to go get your own loli porn

>> No.9031500
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Dont worry.
Going out from Japan will be no problem. I brought tons of c81 stuff through the custom last winter with no problem.
They will just smile at you and ask you if you went to Akiba.

Gonna leave japan soon myself. I wonder if they will think I am bringing a blow up doll this time.

>> No.9033843


sounds like cool customs. at my place the people working there are lazy pigs who arent even checking anything most of the time.

>> No.9033871

how old are you?

>> No.9033881

All these cowards and quitters ITT.

Thad McMichael is rolling in his grave.

>> No.9033885

if question is directed at OP, then 22

>> No.9033904

Thad ;_;

>> No.9033954

Jesus you'd think he was smuggling black tar heroin. Am I gonna see OP on the next locked up abroad?

>> No.9033958

>I am from Germany though
My German friend has brought home over like 70 doujins in a total of two trips. He simply didn't bring it with him in luggage, he mailed all his doujin from Japan to himself. Didn't have an issue.

>> No.9033965

And yet, the only case ever recorded is Handley, though you state it happens all the time.

Using statistical odds, you'd be more likely to be attacked by the reanimated corpse of George Carlin.

>> No.9033968

Also they can't put him in jail pre-conviction in the US. You can't jail a person for loli, only obscenity, and not many courts want to do an obscenity charge over doujin, waste of tax payer money and voters begin asking why 2 million dollars went into prosecuting some fat loser.

>> No.9033973

But Thad had CP. Real kind.

The number of people in US history in jail for loli (and nothing else) is 1. 1...

>> No.9033978

>some fat loser

>> No.9033985

>some skinny pencil neck

Exchange as you will. Either way I doubt you look like an upstanding normal member of society with a 401k and a high paying job.
