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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9031775 No.9031775 [Reply] [Original]

Do any of you ever consider making a child through a surrogate mother so you have a child?

Like as a pet/something to do/someone to train.

>> No.9031780

I can't breed.

>> No.9031786

The rest of that set is really fucking nasty.

>> No.9031802

What, that's not a CP set, right?

It can't be! ;__;

>> No.9031809


>> No.9031816

I can barely take care of myself. Why should I compromise both mine and the kid's life by having a child?

>> No.9031820

Because it'll be like a raising sim!

>> No.9031826
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>> No.9031844

That must be quite uncomfortable to read. I mean... well, maybe if you don't like loli at all you can keep a straight face while reading it out loud. I know I couldn't.

>> No.9031856

No one should be embarrassed to read Lolita. It's a good book.

>> No.9031857

Why? It's art, or whatever.

I actually read this out loud to a dyslexic person.

>> No.9031887

Yes, it's a good book (I should read it again, this time in English), and yes, it's some kind of art.
But fuck if it doesn't feel like I'm reading something I could write fifteen years from now. I could stand reading it for myself, but discussing it with an outsider... I don't want to go there.

>> No.9031898

i liked in red dwarf when rimmer told lister ot keep a page

>> No.9031903

I don't remember that, then again when I watched it I didn't know what Lolita was.

>> No.9031941

i dunno its in the 1 where theyre cold

>> No.9031965

I don't know what makes you guys uncomfortable about it. Is a 13 year old romantic interest too old or something?

>> No.9031962

I consider giving my superior semen to the bank for the greater good of humanity, but that's where making family ends for me.

>> No.9031973

Also considering this.

Obviously I'm a failure, but I'm also a pretty pure white British male with no genetic defects (with the possible exception of Asperger's).

Should I give a shit about the preservation of my race/species, even after I'm dead, /jp/?

>> No.9031977

It shouldn't be.

>> No.9031979

but she was 12 (at 1st)
which is 4 years below what would have been a completely fine and normal romance novel at the time

>> No.9031990

I read Lolita in a college lit class. It was hard discussing it without letting on that I wasn't nearly as disturbed by it as everyone else.

>> No.9031988

>as part of the rape law, a statute, Westminster 1, made it a misdemeanor to "ravish" a "maiden within age,"

Why is this so funny?

>> No.9031995

Pretty sure she was 10 by the beginning of the book, and 14 by the time she ran away with ""Humbert's brother"", if my memory serves me right.

>> No.9031998

>shocked by "lolita"

that's why I avoid them
all of them
the stupidity of average human being out there is such a turn-off

>> No.9032001

Why were people disturbed by it, exactly?

I mean, one of the main points is that Humbert was the good guy. He wasn't out buggering kids all over the place, he just formed attraction to certain nymphets.

If they were offended or sickened, it should be for the exact opposite reasons that they probably were.

>> No.9032003

Don't try to understand normals.

H.H. liked underage girls, so he was the devil, and I feel deeply offended by this.

>> No.9032012

>H.H. liked underage girls, so he was the devil, and I feel deeply offended by this.

I know people genuinely think like this and made up their find from the start but DID THEY EVEN READ THE BOOK HOW CAN YOU MISS THE POINT SO STUPIDLY SKLDFDLSKJfjskldjf

>> No.9032035

I think you're a bit biased, though. I love H.H., but he actually drugged Dolores so he could have his way with her in the Enchanted Hunter. He wasn't a bad person — he drugged her so she wouldn't be scarred for life, after all —, but not exactly a "good guy".

>> No.9032042


Well yeah, I don't think he was a saint, but he was certainly a likeable and agreeable character. If he really existed though, people would ignore that for the fact that he's so SICK IN THE BRAIN that he LIKES AN UNDERAGE GIRL.

>> No.9032056

I'm not even specifically attracted to little girls or anything, I like women of my age just fine, but once, a 14 year old girl fell for me and I kind of corresponded. Nothing physical happened because it was online, but shit eventually hit the fan and lots of dumb shit happened. Lost close friends, etc.

Obviously she's better off not pointlessly obsessing over a much older guy with no chance of anything happening; she's a teenager and should be outside doing teenager things, not wasting those years living stupid romantic drama on the Internet, but sometimes, I miss just talking to her.

I hate this world.

>> No.9032062

So? She was 14. Who gives a shit, that's not even biologically/ethically wrong.

>> No.9032063

I've been thinking about that on the last few days. It's funny because all people who are like you described wouldn't even be in this world to cry about it, were not for the ancient populations marrying at twelve.

>> No.9032069 [DELETED] 



>> No.9032076

H.H. always hit a soft spot with me.
He was a much kinder man than I.

>> No.9032075

That's the age of consent in my country, and the age of most decent countries. Spain even has it at 13.

It must suck to live in Jesusland.

>> No.9032079

So you'd think, but I had a former friend that was rather close to me at the time pulling stupid blackmail stunts on me over it (called me all kinds of names and insisted I should get committed at a hospital) and threatened to call the cops. I don't think that friend was serious, but rather wanted to "scare me" by "teaching me a lesson", but it sure sucked ass.

>> No.9032083

Age of consent is defined by state legislature.

>> No.9032087

Why is age of (sexual) consent lower than age of marriage?
Isn't that backwards?

>> No.9032086

It saddens and baffles me when everyone always scrapes the surface with Lolita, taking it at face value and all.
Lolita is actually about Russia's developing love affair with Capitalism

>> No.9032089

Hahaha, are people really like that in the US?

I know of a 22 year old who dates a 14 year old girl and no one has anything against it here.

>> No.9032090

that's the independent age of marriage.
with consent of parents it is considerably lower.

>> No.9032088

I really want to have a daughter. Preferably I could have several daughters and be rich enough to spoil them rotten.

I already have some lovely names picked out like Samantha, Alice, Marisa, and Bernadette. I have no hope for my own future, but if I can at least have children I will have a link forever to this world, and my seed will move on through time to eventually impact things in some way. In a thousand years a distant descendant may free the galaxy from an evil empire.

>> No.9032095

Sure thing.

>> No.9032098

>I liked the names in Touhou and some cartoons, and I also liked Star Wars, therefore I want children.

>> No.9032101

You've just had a baby girl. You know nothing of her, but you have dedicated your whole heart to her.

By age 9 though, she will want to dress like a slut; like the cool girls. Then she will throw a fit if you refuse.
By age 11, she'll be a ghost. She will never leave her damn iPhone or other form of communication. You will feel her start to drift.

By the time she is 15, she will have gone to her first party and partaken in some form of alcohol. She might even give a blowjob at the party if she is an early bloomer.
You won't know about the party. She'll look at you with those beautiful eyes and tell you she is going to the movies with Jessica and then back to her house.
Then she will kiss you on your balding head with the same lips that will be wrapped around Tyrone or Jeremy's cock later that night and say sweetly, "I love you, daddy."

>> No.9032107

Yeah, but it's all 17/18 over there.

>> No.9032113

You don't know me dude, you're not God! I want to be immortalized through my genes, I want to know that even if I contribute nothing to the world with my own hands my dick will have at least created the potential for others to do greatness.

>> No.9032125

how do you know he's not a god, you're not a god!

>> No.9032130

In before Morrowind jokes.

>> No.9032176

Jokes on you. My daughter will actually go to the movies with Jessica and then back to her house. and then they will fuck each other with dildos.

>> No.9032180

Unforgivalbe, you're all grown ass men this is not the 16,17,18 hundreds people have moved on and so has society back then that was considered a decent age because life expantentcy was shorter, even then it was still kinda taboo to do anything lewd with your young wife.

4chan has desensitized you all to the point you feel that this thing is justifiable but it's not

>> No.9032185


Why not.... your tiny Asian balls are damaged?

>> No.9032189

If I had a duaghter whom I found out was doing shit like that, id not hesitate to beat her. If she dates casually and kisses some guys and stuff and acts loose, ill be pissed, fine, ill thought id taught her better, but if she goes to a party and sucks a dick at fifteen im breaking out the fucking belt.

>> No.9032195


Good luck with that bro.

>> No.9032210

>15 years
>Early bloomer

>> No.9032215


Two for the effort.

>> No.9032223

It's funny because the more rebellious she gets the closer she gets to fulfilling my true wishes. All I want from my children is to propagate my genes further, I don't care what kind of people they choose to be. So let the little whore get pregnant with whatever males knock her up.

>> No.9032234


Your point is severely diminished by your absolutely horrible writing skills.


If shit hit the fan and you lost friends just because you were corresponding with a 14 year old, they weren't your friends to begin with. If you're not fucking her brains out, it's not a big deal.

>> No.9032228
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>beat her with belt

>> No.9032230


>> No.9032236

My point is conveyed regardless.

>> No.9032243

Go into GRUESOME detail~

>> No.9032263


too bad she's gonna grow up into a super liberal strong womyn and get half a dozen abortions throughout her adolescent years until one bad operation leaves her completely infertile.

>> No.9032270

and what other course of action would have stopped that?

>> No.9032277

Keeping her locked up.

It may be a bit evil, but it's for the greater good.

Society can't be trusted.

>> No.9032280

you guys are way out of your mind

And I'm not talking about the pedos

>> No.9032281

Dont be stupid anon. Just homeschool her and live somewhere backwater, away from other people. LOCKING HER UP, literally, would be awful

>> No.9032287

Better yet, start a small christian cult where any "sinful" action or demonstrated thought gets an extreme beating. She'll be so brainwashed she won't ever go near a male until i set her up with some rich spineless ninny and bully him into forcing himself on her on their wedding night.

>> No.9032289

I started drinking at 15 and don't see anything wrong with my children doing the same. Sucking a random dude's dick would be pretty bad though.

She'd actually be less likely statistically to get teen pregnant if she's liberal.

>> No.9032294

Are you being ironic anon? I cant tell. You dont want her not to be a slut so you can do that, you want her not to be a slut because its awful!

>> No.9032306

Condoms, right?

>> No.9032307
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>less likely statistically to get teen pregnant if she's liberal

>> No.9032312

Even if you're trolling, I want an excuse to post this:

>> No.9032321

I hope y'all aren't gonna be doing what you're typin. I'm all for delighting in the beauty of children but you gotta realise that isolating them from society's gonna screw them for life.

>> No.9032327


>> No.9032333

/jp/ would adopt a child and then raise it in the woods to be exactly like their favorite touhou

no fucking, just pure training, like that movie hanna

>> No.9032336

that's right, they have to isolate themselves, or else they will be weak and they will get pregnant given half the chance

>> No.9032344

You sound like you have a very low self esteem and don't know what friends are.

>> No.9032349

Well that's what most of /jp/ did, though not for fear of getting pregnant, I guess.

>> No.9032350


>> No.9032362

I wouldn't want to be a single parent. I might not mind getting some older woman looking to have a kid pregnant and then raising the child together with her. Preferably a girl.

>> No.9032365

You cant be forceful or agressive about it. Just homeschooling and some backwater locationing, along with a preachy attitude and some decent understanding of your own beliefs. Not to say if she doesnt have any understanding of them herself, or is too weak, she wont just buckle to a thirst for cocks as soon as she meets someone hot. Besides, purity is only attainable by discipline of the mind, in regards to lust, which doesnt work if there are no opportunities to do so....Damnit.

>> No.9032366

C-can I get pregnant?

>> No.9032369

Why did her parents take so many pictures/videos, anyway?

>> No.9032373

They were pedophiles.

>> No.9032381

Do what my parents did
destroy her privacy early in childhood and ruin her every attempt at making friends so that she'll retreat to the PC

sure she'll hate you but rebellion builds character

>> No.9032396

What are the chances of two pedophiles getting married and having kids?

>> No.9032399


>> No.9032413

It would be nice to have a daughter who's into computers just as much as I am. Her environment has to be immersed with computer things and books from the very beginning because I bet it would be hard to get any kid to just read a book.

>> No.9032421
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>> No.9032428


>> No.9032436

Can't. Altered my face...

>> No.9032440

Rebellion causes her to take everything you might try to teach her as arbitrary and stupid because you said it, without thinking about it, and makes her think its alright to be a slutty whore.

>> No.9032461

Did every girl you ever knew become a total slut by sixteen?

You live in a shitty community, seriously.

>> No.9032454

>I bet it would be hard to get any kid to just read a book
Just make it like Twilight but with cyberpunk.

>> No.9032469

I'm still a child myself, I wouldn't know what to do with a daughter.
It would be a gamble, in a sense. The day would come when a choice has to be made.
>Papa, I want that book. Could you buy it for me?
Of course, of course, everything for my little sweety genius girl.
>what. books? no I want [whatever shit average kids want nowadays]
Return to Sender.

>> No.9032470

Anyone willing to have casual sex is a slut, as I see it, so nearly the whole population of my country are sluts. I use the term on males as well.

>> No.9032472

They all become sluts anon.

All of them.

All. Of.Them.

>> No.9032478

Treat her like shit and tell her every day that you want her to suck as many dicks as she can.
Result: independence AND celibacy

>> No.9032479

Or you could teach her to be interested in better things instead of just giving up like a fucking cop out faggot

>> No.9032485

Dont teach her too much about sexual values and stuff till she starts approaching the rebellious phase. Tell her its the duty of a girl in pubrety to learn to have sex so they can reproduce when theyre older and propegate the genes of the race. Love isnt important, its just some dumbass abstract some high philosophers thought of while sitting on their asses, now get out there and fuck. Something like that. An interesting idea. It would turn out either fantastic or AWFUL.

>> No.9032490

Some of them are pushing into their twenties and still have yet to slut it up.

I don't think everyone in your country is a fan of casual sex. Well, depends on what your definition of casual sex is, I guess.

>> No.9032498

If I donate sperm in my country the child it produces can ask for my identity later, I don't want that.

>> No.9032500

I'd say teach her what you think is right and wrong then when she comes of age say that she can do what she wants but it will have to be her choice and her responsibility.

>> No.9032503

>teach her to be interested in better things
You'd have to be a fucking Titan to keep away all the shit that comes from outside. And there are things you just can't change.
If my hypothetical daughter didn't like proper things, I would feel like I got a broken one.

>> No.9032508
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This all sounds vaguely familiar.

>> No.9032512

If I ever create a work of fiction the female lead will have a father like that, so much dramatic potential.

>> No.9032516
File: 162 KB, 500x500, Mado is it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh wow I bet my dad is some awesome millionaire or some really cool dad to just hang out and pla-


Yeah fuck that I dont want to that to happen to me. Seeing my biological daughter giving me this expression would probably be worse than death.

>> No.9032527

Exactly. And besides that I would have no incentive to interact with him/her, I just want to pass on my genes.

>> No.9032528

It isn't just simply black and white. They can grow to like things they had previously did not like before.

>> No.9032531

Casual sex is sex had simply because you were horny, outside of a loving relationship. Normalfag cunts who make relationships based on sex count for it as well.
Fun fun!

>> No.9032541

From a good discussion of Lolita to how aspies wouldn't give their daughters control over their own life. Pretty sad.

>> No.9032549
File: 255 KB, 854x1200, Yotsuba&!_Manga_Volume_06_jp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I were to ever become a father of a daughter I wish it to be like this


>> No.9032553

Dont lump every things in this thread buddy. I am not one of them as I have posted such

>> No.9032559
File: 105 KB, 354x500, 07-2008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it isn't. >>9031786 is trolling. That girl is Mara and she is from Flickr. 12chan and /b/ found it and that's why it's posted here.

What kind of evil piece of shit would insinuate such lewd things about Mara? Fuck you. I hope that hell is real just so you can burn in it.

>> No.9032562

I contributed some posts about Lolita. And I'm also an aspie who wouldn't give my daughter control over her life.
What now, huh?

>> No.9032565

I've been thinking of that. I couldn't stand raising a child otherwise, it has to be some sort of experiment on controlling their life and training them.

>> No.9032566

The book was barely being discussed and the original post was asking about raising children.

>> No.9032595

The rest of that set is full of pictures of Mara topless and it lewd poses. You must a be a pedophile.

>> No.9032601

Is 15 really a young age to start having sex? In my middle school, in a small town in Texas, about 50% of the kids were sexually active (I was not (and continue to not be) sexually active, or course). There was one girl who gave out 3 blowjobs on Valentine's day and no one seemed to think that this was abnormal.

>> No.9032610

I think 15-17 is the average age they start to become sexually active.

>> No.9032611

Just think in a few more generations there will be scat orgies and many other kind of once taboo act and it would be perfectly normal for that current generation of kids.

How I will envy them.

>> No.9032612

Refer to:

>> No.9032628 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.9032629

Those have absolutely nothing to do with my question. I don't care about marriable age in history or the age of consent. I was asking whether it was odd for the kids in my home town to be sexually active so young, as it seems from this thread that most of /jp/ hadn't witnessed such lewdness in their school environment.

>> No.9032647

Since you're so slow: It isn't. Specially in the sexualized environment and media kids grow around these days.

If it is something commonplace when there are no specific morals or taboos involved, it's not odd at all for teenagers in contemporary society to do that. I thought this was common knowledge or easily inferred from the links.

>> No.9032663

You continue to misunderstand the question. Stop responding and let someone else try.

>> No.9032679

You mean, YOU weren't into games and books since early childhood?

>> No.9032685

teach her things you don't want her to do

>> No.9032681

But he answered your question. It isn't odd.

>> No.9032921

Kids don't like the belt. Gets behavior fixed up right generally. What else would you do? Anything worse is considered actual abuse, and anything less won't do shit about anything.
In many places even that is considered abuse though. Thankfully not here, as long as you don't leave bruises.

>> No.9033001

I'd read it.

>> No.9033899

just because its normal doesnt mean they arent scum.
