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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9042573 No.9042573 [Reply] [Original]

I just realized I hurt my friends a lot by denying their existence for many years and saying I don't care about them only because they had faces and personas of my former classmates
never going to do this again

what was the worst thing you did to your friends, /jp/?

>> No.9042579

What friends?

>> No.9042584


>> No.9042582

Losing them all I suppose?

>> No.9042587
File: 132 KB, 400x386, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F-friends?.. I dont really..

>> No.9042591


>> No.9042589

I regret never trying to fuck my only friend.

>> No.9042594


>> No.9042597

Good friends who were always with me, commenting my gaming, interested in my books, cheering me up when I felt like shit, etc. Except, for some reason, I thought they are a burden to me and did some pretty retarded things.

But remember /jp/, friends are always a good thing!

>> No.9042604

I stopped talking to most of the people from HS in the fall I went to college. I never made any friends there.

I regret it, but, on the other hand, I didn't have very good friends anyway, so fuck them.

>> No.9042609

No. Good friends are a good thing. An average of a bad friend isn't a good thing.

>> No.9042612

Guys, he's talking about imaginary friends..

>> No.9042620

Both male. Should have offered to be his maid or something.

>> No.9042616
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Turned out my "friends" were all actually normalfag assholes.
At some point i had enough and just ended it, they thought i was going mad.
Surprising how long you can actually hate someone and the other part just stays ignorant about it.

>> No.9042618

I used to feel blame for abandoning my friends, but then I realised they weren't really my friends.

>> No.9042633

I only have 2 friends, real friends that is.

Never really did anything fucked up to them, except for telling them I'd rather stay inside then go hang out with them, quite often throughout all my teenage years, and even now.

I'll go to local shows/concerts with them, drink with them, skate and play video games, whatever, but normally I just want to stay home alone.

How normal-fag can I get lol :D

>> No.9042627
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>what was the worst thing you did to your friends, /jp/?

I was always the one doing things for them. All I asked for was companionship so I didn't have to look like a fucking loser alone.

I gave my google voice number to this one guy that I've been friends with since middle school and he messages me once in a while asking if I'm still alive, but I haven't bothered to respond back.

>> No.9042631

Thats weird, hes a guy

>> No.9042642

Same here actually.
Except that I'm bit of an asshole so maybe I did some things to fuck them up, who knows. They are assholes too, it's not like we get upset over this kind of thing.

>> No.9042644

I'm not exactly sure.

I try my hardest to be the best friend that I can, but they always ended up abandoning me. When I ask why they never really tell me.

I'm pretty sure I'm some sort of autistic and am incapable of keeping a healthy working friendship.

>> No.9042647

I started to realize how much I hate the couple of friends I had, so I've stopped talking to them.

I tried being friends with someone from /jp/, but there's no response...

>> No.9042648


>that's weird

Are you implying /jp/ isn't filled with cross-dressing fags that love penis?

>> No.9042653

Penis is ok, but only on 2d girls

>> No.9042650

You are probably too clingy and needy and this bothers people.

>> No.9042651

I fell in love with his sister, but that was his fault.

>> No.9042652

I am very honest.
That is a bad thing.

>> No.9042657

>Surprising how long you can actually hate someone and the other part just stays ignorant about it.

my entire high-school
reserved and helpful, a little childish on outside
fuckingbitchfuckingdieIwannapuke on the inside

every day was a torment

>> No.9042669

I wasn't the best friend of my best friend in highschool.

That always stung. Being an afterthought, someone that if there was no other choice then could come along.

Then there was the guy who I thought wanted to be a friend up until I realized he was just wanting to turn me into a churchy person so everyone would think he's such a great guy.

>> No.9042670

Dat feel when all your school classmates turned into retarded normalfags

>> No.9042673

I know that one. Being the third wheel is suffering.

>> No.9042686

But I could have been the little girl for him. He liked many of the same things, I bet I could have persuaded him after a while. You don't get that opportunity very often and I blew it.

Oh well, he was ugly as sin anyway.

>> No.9042687

I want a friend like you.

>> No.9042688


Get out.

>> No.9042691
File: 416 KB, 700x1000, 1337134382273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All my friends left me...they dont even call me anymore.

So Im alone now. Well, at leat I still have you /jp/...

>> No.9042694

I stopped talking to my Skype friend because she's anorexic and alcoholic. When she's really drunk she talks about wanting to fix her problems and get better but then when I mentioned that to her sober she laughed at me.

>> No.9042699

why so?

>> No.9042697

I never had any friends.

>> No.9042703

If you have to ask you may never know.

>> No.9042705
File: 69 KB, 322x234, 1337204260044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You said "dat feel when", instead of "Sono kimochi itsu".

>> No.9042710
File: 67 KB, 960x720, 1234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish i had befriended that one silent kinda cute gay guy in my class back in the days.
Why was i so busy being with the "cool" dudes back then, i could have had a cute trap maid by now..

So much regrets..

>> No.9042712

dat feel when you get mocked

>> No.9042717

I kinda regret ditching my friends sometimes.
I actually replied to one of their year old emails tonight.
But, it's not like we had anything in common.
I was always the only one that was in to games & anime and most of them don't even use the internet for anything other than facebook.

I need to find some NEET friends to hang out with.
We could play mmo's and jam some touhou songs together.

>> No.9042725
File: 252 KB, 817x700, Why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So do I, but I was to busy trying so hard to be the anti-thesis of "gay".

>> No.9042728

I have a Facebook because people wanted to keep in touch with me but none of my "friends" except for one wants to talk to me and he is a borderline /v/tard....sometimes I just want to delete the damn thing but ill miss them if I do.

>> No.9042729

/jp/ is a really good friend...
I love you guys. All of you.
Never go away, please.

>> No.9042732

They all became drug addicts.

Life of the truNEET is pure.

>> No.9042733


>> No.9042734
File: 465 KB, 3072x2304, DSC08222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have 1 friend who i play mtg with, im not sure what the worst thing ive done to him was. ive done a few stupid things but nothing so bad that he'd stop being my friend

>> No.9042742

I very much doubt any of my "friends" have actually missed me.

>> No.9042751


My only "friends" are nerds, and I've been conditioned by society to view nerds as subhuman so eh

>> No.9042754

The only friend I have is an asshole just like me

>> No.9042759

you are a nerd too, nerd

>> No.9042771

In the last year of high school I was befriended by this guy who in hindsight only did so because I was a straight As student and he thought I could help him cheat in exams. I went along for some time, until I realized he was a backstabbing weasel. Every time I needed his help he always made some excuses not to. In maths class he also annoyingly competed with me on speed and accuracy. On a few occasions where he beat me because of my minor miscalculations, he got all smug and condescending. Nevertheless, after I discovered his true nature I just deliberately forgot to give him answers, or fed him wrong ones. In the end he failed pathetically. If he had been less obvious and more devious, he might have fooled me.

>> No.9042772

I wish one of the "cool" dudes had made me his meido slave.
I would service his penisu all day..

>> No.9042776

What would be a good way to go about making friends with some fellow /jp/ers ?

It really would be cool to get to know some of you.

Whenever someone offers me their email or something though, I always think it's a troll.
It's very hard to tell sometimes if someone is serious or not.

And I don;t just wanna go herp derp here my email add me please, like some kind of attention seeking faggot.

>> No.9042786

Most people offering to be your friends are the kind of people you will want to avoid at all costs.
Don't do it man.

>> No.9042785


>> No.9042794

No, it wouldn't. You can know me but what I say here. Anything else is unimportant.

>> No.9042787

Omegle gives you a random /jp/er when they're on it. Just wait until the time comes.

>> No.9042797

Little to no decent /jp/ers participate in those omegle circlejerks, though.

>> No.9042807

You're not fooling anyone.

>> No.9042814

You can always post your email and find out.

More than likely, it'll fall apart after a few weeks like all our other relationships though. ;_;

>> No.9042815



I-is that possible?

>> No.9042817

/jp/ related channels on rizon

>> No.9042822

It was a metaphor.

>> No.9042825

No, don't.

>> No.9042827

Any good ones you could reccomend? Though I suppose they probably wouldn't be very good if they were casually posted here.

>> No.9042833

You know what? I'd love to post my e-mail and say "please be my friend", but then I'd have no proof that I'd be a good person so that would be pointless. Besides, I don't have any proof you're a good person, either. Let's just leave it at this board, shall we?

>> No.9042836

I think you should search a bit on the archive, because most of the people won't be really friendly if they see that you came from this thread.

>> No.9042844

That's why you post your email so we can talk to each other and find out. It's like a lottery!

>> No.9042846

False. Lotteries occasionally have winners.

>> No.9042849

Fair enough. I can see why someone from this thread wouldn't be thought of very highly.

>> No.9042851
File: 148 KB, 1280x720, 1332775634760 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP I was like you for awhile, I stopped responding to my friends after I dropped out of school and I just wanted to stay in my room and take it easy(aka die alone).

Most of them moved on, but my best friend since 1st grade made me go with him to the gym a couple times a week and now I'm getting more and more social. It's nice knowing that I have at least one friend who really cared about me and valued my friendship. We're probably going to move in together eventually, since my house is hell after my dad got arrested.

>> No.9042856

The channels are probably all massive circlejerks you'll never work your way into though. You've been warned.

>> No.9042868

Wouldn't you dad getting arrested make your house nicer?
Assuming they didn't set him free again.

>> No.9042871

I only really had one genuine friend at high school and he stopped hanging out with me because he thought I was gay. He was right but it still hurt. I denied being gay in the remotest sense until recently but I guess it's always been more obvious for other people than it has been for me.

>> No.9042873

Yeah, the fear of that is what's stopped from me venturing into any channels in the past. I wonder how people get involved in these circlejerks to begin with.

>> No.9042877

Friends are too much emotional investment for such a high risk of failure. I have no need for them. I like you better anyways.

>> No.9042882

Did you fuck yet?

>> No.9042887

It's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all, anon.

>> No.9042898

I'm quite a judgemental person. In school I didn't get along with the "cool" kids naturally, but the people on the bottom rungs seemed repellant, so I figured it'd just be best to keep to myself. Other than weeaboo stuff, I'd have pretty dorky hobbies like MtG and Warhammer but avoid other people who played them like the plague.

I haven't really grown out of that. I'll only be open to becoming friends with someone who has somewhat overlapping interests with me, aren't too neckbearded/socially awkward and keep their distance from the world. I don't think I'd want to be friends with the kind of person that has 100+ people added on Facebook.

>> No.9042890 [DELETED] 

I'm quite a judgemental person. In school I didn't get along with the "cool" kids naturally, but the people on the bottom rungs seemed repellant, so I figured it'd just be best to keep to myself. Other than weeaboo stuff, I'd have pretty dorky hobbies like MtG and Warhammer but avoid other people who played them like the plague.

I haven't really grown out of that. I'll only be open to becoming friends with someone who has somewhat overlapping interests with me, aren't too neckbearded/socially awkward and keep their distance from the world. I don't think I'd want to be friends with the kind of person that has 100+ people added on Facebook.

tl;dr; I don't make friends much.

>> No.9042892

He did some bad things, but he was the one who made me and my sister help out around the house and make sure we got to school. Now the house has trash all over the place and I haven't eaten a cooked meal in over a year(my dad liked to cook).

H-How lewd! Of course not.

>> No.9042907
File: 245 KB, 365x765, 1318606849805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/jp/ dying alone culture

>> No.9042919

The term love is rediculous as you are implying that is friendship. Love means you are more concerned for the well being of another than yourself.
I have however had a friend, lost it, so that proved itself worthless from experience.

>> No.9042920

I didn't like how the people in the low tier cliques all seemed to depend on each other for a sense of belonging in the same way that the "cool" kids did either. That was another thing that made me realise they're best avoided.

So I abandoned them all.

>> No.9042931

I always felt the nerds and other outcasts tried to befriend me out of pity, like some kind of "nerd fraternity" or shit like that.

>> No.9042935 [DELETED] 

>n-nobody will ever understand me! im such an individual. im alone alone because I chose to be, honest!!!


>> No.9042942

>n-nobody will ever understand me! im such an individual!!


>> No.9042947

Posters here are just socially awkward, mostly unattractive guys in real life right?

I don't think interacting offline would be a great success. It would just lead to disillusionment.

>> No.9042945

They're always the same type of people. Entitled arrogant attention whores. Every single circlejerk I've ever seen has the exact same type of people. It's kind of like the "cool kids clique"

>> No.9042946

In highschool I simply did not interact with anyone beyond absolutely necessary. Did not get bullied or anything because I was untouchable.

>> No.9042948

That is bullshit. If you go from the forever-alone type person and being fine with never having a significant other, to having somebody you value above all else but then lose that person is painful. And nothing important is gained, only lost. Don't spout cliches without thinking them through fully.

>> No.9042956

It never crossed my mind that people wouldn't understand, I mean, I explained quite clearly.

>> No.9042958

>implying suffering doesn't make you grow as a person

I would expect someone from /jp/ to understand this.

>> No.9042974

To this day I'm still intimidated by "jock" guys because I have mental scars from middle school. I can carry a conversation pretty well with anyone else though.

>> No.9042975

This is same "learn from your mistakes" bullshit. One can learn not to commit the same mistakes as others.

>> No.9042985

You've seriously never learned from one of your mistakes? You must be pretty dumb. I wouldn't expect you to understand.

>> No.9042982

Did they restrain you and do lewd things against your will?

>> No.9042984

on the contrary, you would know the what but not the why.

being told not to do something is pretty much meaningless.

>> No.9043002

Grow is not the right word to use there as it is subjective. Change would make more sense. As sometimes suffering changes people for the worse.

Then why not find out the why from the other person? It is easy to understand most behavior and tailor it.

>> No.9042998

They just intimidate me because they're double my size. It's like they're a different species.

>> No.9042999

The stupid man who is shot in battle says he should not get in the way of the bullet.
The smart man knows not to enter the battle at all.

>> No.9043015
File: 35 KB, 400x276, friends-tv-show.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The worst I've ever done to Friends?

I stopped watching them.

>> No.9043034

Shitty show a shit.

>> No.9043042

I doubt the benefits of having "friends". They all seem to be emotionally driven, but emotions can be easily manipulated, you do not need these "friends" to accomplish them, there are much lower risk alternatives. There are no physical benefits, so I don't see why I should attempt to have them.

>> No.9043063

I hate how people leave me behind or abandon me, so at the height of my love for my friends I choose to leave them behind. I'd rather leave things when they're at their best rather than letting it sizzle down and die. It may be heartless of me and I know I hurt my friends but it's just in my nature to be the first to leave.

>> No.9043128

The day I saw one of my friends post he was "In a relationship" with the girl I also liked (on THAT web of all places), I just cut all contact on the spot. After around 3 years of bro'ing it every day.
I suppose he didn't really feel bad, for obvious reasons. It was an upgrade, if anything. But for some reason I feel I did something bad. Especially to my other friend; he had nothing to do with the girl, but keeping in touch only with him would have been retarded.
The only two friends I ever had, and I stopped talking to them. It was good while it lasted, but I can't really say my life took a turn for the worse after that.

>> No.9043150

> Implying I've ever had friends

>> No.9043410

I started the thread with a Touhou image so it's /jp/-related!

>> No.9044487

You are a disgrace to mankind and make all the legitimately heterossexual males who are mocked for looking girly and/or gay look worse. Never speak another word to me.

>> No.9044532

> Implying I've ever had friends
> Implying I've ever
> Implying
Who were you quoting?

>> No.9044542
File: 32 KB, 480x422, cunt destroyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgive my arrogance, but that's not the case for me. I've quit on 3D way too early. I've never really been interested in girls, but some of my acquaintances tell me on occasion such and such girls would like to meet me, have lunch with me or something like that. I've had a couple of girls come to me to transmit messages that some other girl likes me. In college. This is pretty pathetic, in my opinion. I ended up making my own personal rule of giving a chance to the girls who actually have the guts of coming to me in person and state their feelings. It hasn't happened so far. Maybe it's just a load of people trying to prank me but, and again sorry for the arrogance, I don't really see anything wrong when I look in the mirror. And I'm sure I'm not the only /jp/er in this kind of situation.
