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/jp/ - Otaku Culture

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9157695 No.9157695[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you guys have friends? I mean, real friends?
And if you do, can you tell me how you found them?

>> No.9157696 [DELETED] 

shut up

>> No.9157705

I forced them to live with me by becoming roommates.

>> No.9157706

Yes 1, I see him once every 2 months or so.
I can't remember how we met, we've been friends for 14 years, I'm 22.

>> No.9157707

school/ met them when i moved house/knew them since i was born
dont really speak anymore though

>> No.9157701

yes, and so do you OP
/jp/ is your friend, /jp/ is my friend, /jp/ is our friend

>> No.9157712

I only have 2 real friends, I've known them since 3rd grade.

If I never met them, I would have no friends right now, and probably never have friends because it's very hard to meet friends after the post-elementary/high school time period.

>> No.9157714

>Do you guys have friends?

This is something you should talk about in /soc/ so stop shitposting and get the fuck out

>> No.9157722

I have a couple, we all play video games so perhaps we find solace in that. And there are are small amount of those friends who are perhaps true friends...

>> No.9157723
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We are all true tomodachis on /jp/ OP... But hey if you're talking about the ones I've met in real life then it goes like this -> College / High-school / Middle school etc...
Basically school

>> No.9157725

No, but I don't need them
I have my touhous and /jp/

>> No.9157730

no no no no
I don't want to socialize
I don't desperately want to have any friends just for the sake of having friends

I was just curious if people who are like me have friends and if so, how did they acquire them

>> No.9157732

Yeah, and they are all normals. Only CB isn't.

>> No.9157737

To tell you the truth, I think alot of you guys with no friends, wouldn't even want friends.

They would probably get pissed off that you never want to hang out with them because you're to busy sitting inside on the computer.

>> No.9157738

Go to blackpeoplemeet.com, how I did it

>> No.9157742

but then they wouldn't be friends?

>> No.9157745

i have one friend in real life (and kinda his parents too) i've known him about 12 years, we hang out about once a week, today we spent about 5 hours at a local coastal town playing the DDR machines, i was on a small dose of speed and he was pissed because i kept beating him.

>> No.9157747

J-List social network sites for Weaboos and otakus

>> No.9157752


My 2 friends get pissed off all the time that I sometimes wont go fishing/skating/drinking with them, and sometimes turn down concerts/shows, because I just want to sit inside alone.

They still love me though.

>> No.9157770

I have one friend I've known since middle school. We type to each other over skype passively throughout the day, and occasionally screenshare one of us playing a video game.

In high school there were a few people I would talk to because I was in the school band, but the most we would do is talk a little.

>> No.9157775

I got a couple of those "friends" things. I met them years ago when we were all still normals.
I'm not a normal anymore but they stayed my friends because we knew each other so long. Usually I think its harder to make close friends as you get older, so if your out of high school and got no close friends then start making imaginary ones (hot loli ones).

>> No.9157777

I met mines mostly in school.
Perhaps 6th grade is where I met most of my current good friends.
I had a couple class with them. Their all pretty good-hearted. Yeah they curse, might do some wicked things every now and then, and I I'm only in contact with a few, but I think if we were in trouble, we would come to each others aid, I hope.

>> No.9157779

not sure what counts as friends... i though i had real friendships but none of them lasted more than a year or two (rarely). prett much all of them involved me getting a crush on said friend. all but one were full of weird drama and ended up messy.

i aquired them by messaging random people from the internets who wrote nice posts. didn't work every time, but some of them did turn into friendships. but like i said, they would always end bad.

>> No.9157781

No, I moved every year/two years so I never had solid friendships

>> No.9157785

Internet friends are closer to real friends than "real" friends nowadays.

>> No.9157786

They found me

>> No.9157783 [SPOILER] 
File: 349 KB, 870x762, looking chinese touhou ripoff(35).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know one person that is nice to me.

>> No.9157787

No, and no e-friends either.
At least I get to watch you guys talk. Thanks.

>> No.9157795

No, never. Most I've had was a few people to talk to at school.

>> No.9157790

I have steamfriends but I wish I could find something to talk about. My best experience with them was the few games I could play with them. Killing floor was really fun and with one of them we beat the meme infested game Magicka together.

>> No.9157797


Your mom?

>> No.9157802

Yes, but not in "real" life.

I live in a fucking Texas hick town. What am I supposed to do? Befriend a bunch of Christian neocon retards?

Yes, I'm rather bitter about my birthplace.

>> No.9157812

Yes, 4. Old friends from 6th/7th grade that are slightly less pathetic than me. I have them on my friends list on Steam but I hardly talk to anyone.

>> No.9157818


Texas is a incredibly mutual-cultural and diverse country.

They have a bit of EVERYONE there, and it really is an amazing place, you're most likely just living in a holed up rural part of Texas.

>> No.9157815

how does it work? all of my school friends would lose any interest in me once we stopped going to school together. i'd talk with some through IM from time to time, but it's always kinda awkward they don't seem very eager to meet up and stuff.

>> No.9157821
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Speaking of socialising, I finally tried the /jp/ IRC channel. Idled all day.

Over about 6 hours the only conversation was normalfag stuff like classes. Also, "implying", "that feel" and other such /v/ shit is all totally accepted.

So this is what I've been missing out on all this time.

>> No.9157824

I live in Oklahoma which is just as, if not more, conservative than Texas. I've only ever lived in small towns filled with churches. And yet I've still found plenty of atheists, liberals, and all sorts of other faggots in my life. Did you actually look?

>> No.9157826

Nope, not even on the internet

>> No.9157831
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It's too hard to make friends and keep up conversations, so I stopped trying.

>> No.9157827
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Do you mean friends IRL? I think mine were a fluke, I was ready to go through uni alone, playing video games on my old laptop when some /a/-level guys approached me while I played StepMania and it went from there.

I'm of the silent-type so I never actively make them, and of the curious type so I always have knowledge about most topics, so they got into the habit of calling me senpai since I was a person to go to when wondering about something.

While they're okay to hang around and play vidya like Monster Hunter together with, I can't say I can openly talk about VNs and doujin games which I like more. Also they're mainstreaming that meme fad which I abhor. I did make some "e-friend"s though which I feel more at ease and probably closer to than my IRL friends.

I live in Panama, what the hell. Just it being the USA should have more than enough diversity.

>> No.9157829

When people talk about Texas I just imagine it being 70:30 ratio of Mexicans : Whites

>> No.9157834

Yep, and one is even a Touhou fan too. It's kinda annoying though, since I have my friends I made in high school down where I live, who I miss while I'm at school, and then my friends I've made at college, who I miss when I'm on break. They all live too far away from each other, and it makes me sadface. Ah well, we keep in touch regardless (thank Madoka for Google+).

I also have all y'all I've met online. Not 4chan specifically, but around the internet. Decent folk, mostly.

>> No.9157838

Don't forget the blacks


>> No.9157840

Yeah but I rarely go out and actually see them since they are busy with their own thing. At this point they are really just internet and text message friends.

One of my oldest friends really is an internet friend though. I've been talking to them since I was in middle school and we still regularly text each other.

>> No.9157841

I have 1 friend. I don't know what you mean by real friend. I only talk to him at work.

>> No.9157843
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I don't have a single friend in this world.

>> No.9157844

If he's a real friend he'll take a bullet for you.

>> No.9157848

That seems extreme. That's more like love, where you would be willing to sacrifice yourself to save them.

>> No.9157851

Am I a douchebag if I would only take a bullet for someone (anyone, even a random stranger) just because it would feed my ego to be seen as someone's savior?

>> No.9157856

Friends in real life? My two real friends (true friends, no shit classmates or those things)... are dead, so...
I don't have any friend now

>> No.9157861

I do. One of them I made during highschool. I had lost my way to one of the classrooms and noticed a familiar face I saw at the opening ceremony who was in my class. I asked him if he was from my class and if he, too, was lost. Itold him to follow me, to find our back to the classroom. While we were at it, we exchanged names. We still talk today.

Most of my other friends, I made them in primary school. In a time where you can say and do anything without consequence. So I really don't remember how exactly I bonded with them.

>> No.9157863

Wow, how did they die? Unless you're 75 or something they couldn't have died of natural causes.

>> No.9157864


Thank you for the daily dose of silly niggers being silly.

I really do enjoy it.

>> No.9157871

But your feelings for them will never die and they live on in your memories...

Until you die, then they're fucked.

>> No.9157867

Oh, I forgot to add, I have fans, I always wondered if they count as friends?

>> No.9157875


Just because your mom liked your drawings doesn't mean you have fans.

>> No.9157874


Cancer, HIV, aneurysms, and a long, long list of potentially fatal pathogens, all happen to young people, and are natural causes of death.

>> No.9157880

Fans are just yes-men. Those don't count as friends.

>> No.9157884


From /v/
A good-hearted tale!

>> No.9157885

Oh yeah forgot about those...but that sucks, especially if it happens to multiple people you know.

>> No.9157890

they killed each other over me

>> No.9157899


>> No.9157900

Not since middle school. I don't even have friends online. I just idle on a few IRC channels without saying a word and post on a few imageboards

>> No.9157909



Sorry, A mistake

>> No.9157921

>hick town
Learn to read.

I found a few in high school. They were also World of Warcraft addicts. And then some of them converted to Mormonism. Not even joking.

Yeah, not really a step up.

>> No.9157932

Nope. I used to have a few friends that I met through playing D&D years back, but I haven't seen any of them in multiple years, so.

After getting told 'I'm busy' repeatedly whenever the subject of meeting up came up, I just stopped bothering (and by now, I really don't care, I'd rather just stay inside, play a VN and take it easy.) I wonder if they did it intentionally to get rid of me. Entirely possible.

>> No.9158000

My problem was that I almost stayed in my home town, surrounded by uneducated, uncommunicative and selfish people. Sure, everybody was talkative as hell but nobody cared about how things work and why. Ignoring all advice, I enrolled into a university and it changed my life. Just keep looking. The ones who don't play glitter games are hard to find.

>> No.9158005

University had the opposite effect on me. I was hoping people who get this far up the educational ladder would have some sense in their heads, but it quickly became obvious the vast majority of people manage to get this far because their parents paid for their grades in private schools.
